dreaminglonger2nite · 6 months
Sometimes a family is a mad scientist, a science experiment who can travel between universes and move things with her mind, an MIT dropout con man who isn't supposed to exist, a junior FBI agent just trying to do her job, a cow, their boss, the alternate universe versions of most of the above, a biomechanical time traveling entity from the future, and Lincoln.
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Dad Mode Activated
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
If you honestly still believe that Will having a crush on Mike was for anything other than his own character development and coming to terms with himself, then I don’t know what to tell you. Even leaving Mileven out of this, Will’s crush on Mike being completely 1 sided with zero indication of secret feelings from Mike, says a lot. By the end of season 4, Will has grown so much, which is what I believe the Duffers wanted to come across. (Looking at you - van scene 👀)
Now including Mileven, it has been said enough that Mike and El have been setup since the pilot, now both canonically in love (both said out loud) and with the final season, the Duffers aren’t going to throw that all away (let’s be 100% real). You don’t have to like them or ship them, but it is what it is. The Duffers are subtle in a lot of ways, but not with the relationships on the show. They have always been upfront with what’s going on (Jopper, Lumax, Stancy & Jancy, Dustin & Suzie). I do wish Will could have a boyfriend and that be represented on screen, but coming into the last season I don’t think Will is there yet…he hasn’t even come out. Maybe if they do a flash forward? Assuming they all survive 😭
Just my thoughts ✌🏻I sometimes get the urge to speak my mind!
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
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Rest in peace, Robbie Coltrane 30 March 1950 – 14 October 2022
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
I don’t agree at all with your analysis. The show isn’t as deep as you are thinking it should be. Yeah sure maybe El didn’t understand everything fully in the first season, but she understood a lot more than people give her credit for. And both El and Mike have come a long way since season 1. In fact, they weren’t even in a relationship until after the events of season 2, a whole year of growing separately. They’ve gone through the wringer trying to get through their own traumas and hang ups, communication issues and their insecurities. IN FACT, if you ever want to see things from El’s side, watch season 3 and her scenes with Max where they address her identity issues and relationship issues, breaking up with Mike and then getting back together, stronger and in love. But considering this is also set in a world with monsters, everything is heightened. Considering also we are going into season 5, we are LONG past arguing whether El is “ready” or not. It’s been proven by the writers, Duffers, and actors that this ship is here to stay whether you like it or not. Both characters have grown together and on their own over the last 4 seasons and are STILL TOGETHER. What does that tell you? El doesn’t need to be socially at the same level as a normal teenager to be able to handle a serious relationship. But she’s come pretty far and so has Mike. They push each other, support one another, and love each other through everything. I honestly don’t know how you think they aren’t endgame - what show have you been watching?
i find mileven fans so utterly strange, eleven most certainly felt obligated to date mike because he was the first person (that stuck around) to be nice to her and protect her, you cannot possibly tell me and believe that el had any way of understanding the romantic implications when mike asked her to the snow ball and planted one on her. ship what you want ig but el is so socially stunted compared to mike it cannot be healthy for either of them and we can already see their relationship falling apart at the seams, even if byler isn’t endgame i am CONFIDENT that mike and eleven will break up before the end of the show because neither of them actually grow as people when they’re together & only seem to hold eachother back
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
Interesting post. But from a writing perspective, which you pointed out as needing, it doesn’t make sense to bring up Will’s feelings and to get rid of them that quickly. Especially because it was confirmed that Will has felt this way the entire time. There’s no emotional payoff which is very important for writing. Also I notice you didn’t mention how El isn’t talking to Mike since the confession. How does that play into your idea of what will happen? I also am wondering how from a writing perspective, it makes sense for Will to have unrequited love? Will’s desire to play dnd wasn’t about needing to grow up, which you said it was, it was Will struggling with his trauma, since he lost a part of his childhood while also juggling his sexuality. He didn’t want to talk about girls because he doesn’t like him, he can’t grow up like people wanted him to because growing up that season meant getting a girlfriend… which he can’t do. No hate I’m just curious as to what you might think.
Also for courtesy sake please keep anti byler posts off of the tag, it’s what’s polite on tumblr as many people don’t want to see it. You can use the anti tag instead, or byler critical. Thanks!
Hi, thanks for the ask.
I think the emotional payoff, at least for season 4 was the van scene. Will was able to finally get some things off his chest, we finally see the painting, and Mike is given some confidence, while Will breaks down. I don’t think Will would’ve sobbed like that if he knew he wasn’t losing something - his love for Mike. Now, I think going into season 5, Will having gone through this with Mike will give him strength in wherever his character goes and I think it will lead to him coming out (another emotional payoff to come), but I don’t think they will focus on his “crush” or being “in love” with Mike again for another season, especially when it won’t go anywhere in that respect. It might still linger between them, but they aren’t going to highlight it all season like this one.
Look, I would’ve loved a convo between Mike and El post monologue, but the fact that we didn’t get one says a lot. Honestly, it wasn’t needed and too much was you going on. We’ve known all season, Mike needed to get past his mental block to finally tell El how he feels. That was a big, emotional moment and we also got El’s perspective as it was happening. There was nothing in the writing, directing, editing, etc. that indicates anything is wrong between Mike and El as the season ends. El is going through a lot of grief and guilt, keeping to herself and not explaining what went down in Max’s memories. Mike explains to Will that they did chat, but about Elevens guilt mainly and Dr. Brenner. If there was ANYTHING wrong with the relationship at this point, something would’ve been pointed out directly. Will they have some more drama next season? Probably. But it’s now confirmed they are in love and together, and as the season ended, it focused on El.
I do agree with your take on Will and DnD season 3. There’s a lot to unpack with that and what Will has been going through. I know it’s been said before but Will is different. He is separated from the other boys multiple times, going through trauma, and coming to terms with his sexuality. From a writing perspective, it does make sense to have Will have an unrequited crush, especially for his best friend. When we go through hard things in life, we cling to those we love. Mike has always been there for Will and I think it makes sense he would have feeling for Mike. But I think this was the Duffers giving Will a safe way to explore his inner feelings. You know from the start of the season that nothing will happen between the boys - Mike is focusing on his love for El and that journey, Mike isn’t gay (canonically, think what you want as your HC) and Will is not ready to tell anyone his feelings. But we know Mike will be kind to Will, be in his corner, and show us through their conversations (because Will feels safe with him) how Will is ultimately feeling. Mike is a medium to getting Wills perspective. Since Will isn’t anywhere near coming out, it wouldn’t make sense for him to crush on someone else who’s gay due to the time period, and the fact that Will wouldn’t open up like that to anyone else. Also, if this has been going on since season 1, it had to come to a head eventually and since they were out of Hawkins, he finally had an opportunity to focus on himself and at 14 or 15, begin to want a relationship like everyone else. I truly hope Will comes out, is accepted and happy and gets a relationship eventually, but guys I’m sorry, it’s not going to be with Mike…
Hope this makes sense. I wanted to tag Byler because it was directly related to that relationship, even if I meant platonically. But no hate, everyone has their own opinions ✌🏻
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
The “Will” of it all - Analysis of Season 4-5
I recently rewatched a good amount of season 4 and I wanted to talk about the Will of it all. Will has never been my favorite character, though I do care for him, and therefore I guess upon original viewing, I don’t always pay attention to his storyline. Especially since I feel like I’ve let fandom annoy me and so I’ve been skipping anything related to “Byler”. But I wanted to pay attention this time around to see if I could decipher what the Duffer bros wanted with Will this season, his crush on Mike, and his journey with his sexuality. (Also I have a masters degree in television producing if that helps at all).
So, we’ve known Will has always been different, pretty much confirming he’s gay since season 3. Honestly I never picked up on anything about him crushing on Mike until this season but the consensus is that he has been. Cool, I have no problems with that. It did seem a little out of left field for me, I thought maybe it was due to fan service at first, but I warmed up to it because it seemed so genuine. And it makes sense. Mike has always been there for Will. Spearheading the search in season 1, helping him more than any of his friends in season 2, the monologue about meeting him, etc. But unfortunately, because Will is different and fell behind socially, season 3 is rough for him. He especially feels left out with Mike, who had always been in his corner first, but now El was in the picture and taking up all his time and attention. This doesn’t bode well for season 4, especially with moving away I believe Will began to distance himself and also spend too much time thinking and analyzing and truly developing this crush, knowing pretty well it would never be reciprocated. Almost like self sabotage so you don’t get hurt (Mike goes through this similarly with El). But then Mike shows up and it seems more real, but so is the hurt from feeling left out, seeing Mike in real time with El, and it all coming to a head. Will is forced to figure out his feelings while actively being a shoulder for Mike, turning the tables on their friendship. I believe the Duffers wanted Will to finally confront himself on the emotions he’d been bottling up - through Mike as a mirror to his relationship with El. Its very obvious as Will stares at Mike, watching him freak out over El, and recognizing that Mike needs him to knock some sense into him that Will truly cares about Mike and El, and wants to be there for Mike like Mike has been there for him. As Will supports Milevens relationship, he gains more confidence in himself. I think this is Will FINALLY catching up emotionally and socially with his friends. And I think it felt good for Will to be the one to offer support and advice for once, especially to Mike who is the “heart” and usually does that for others. Also, with El out of the picture, if anything was going to happen with Mike and Will, this would’ve been the time, but nothing happens because they aren’t meant to be a couple for a multitude of reasons. I think this proves the Duffers were not interested in going that route.
The infamous car scene was interesting to say the least. All throughout the season Will has been helping Mike get through his own block about loving El. This takes so much courage to help your best friend and crush strengthen their own relationship. But the painting says it the best, Mike is the heart of the group, and that means love in different ways for different reasons. I believe by showing us the picture, this was Wills way of showing his feelings, admitting that while he will always need Mike - he knows he has to move on and will prob never actually tell Mike about his feelings for him (hence the sobbing). This was never going to be the start of an actual relationship and Will knew this from the start, that’s why he kept his distance from Mike during the year. This is proven when Mike has his monologue to El and says “I thought if I said how I felt that it would somehow make that day hurt more” and the camera pans to Will. This was all meant as a way for Will to grow within himself and through Mike, gain the courage to do so. Because Mike loves Will as his best friend, and that’s finally enough for him.
Then Will has his conversation with Jonathan and I believe this heals Will in a way. He can finally let out some emotion and even though he wasn’t ready to come out, this is cathartic because he can tell that Jonathan loves him and has him in his corner as #1. He thought he needed Mike more than anyone, but that’s not the case. His brother will always be there supporting him.
Leading into season 5, unfortunately for Byler fans, I don’t see this crush moving forward. This played out, all parties grew from the drama, and people are moving in separate directions. Will is going to be a major player and I think he will be tied up in a lot of that stuff with Vecna and El, coming out, and taking control of his life back. The Duffers saying they will be returning to original pairings mean Mike, El, Dustin, and Lucas - leaving out Will because he’s gonna be busy. Mike got past his mental block with El, so they don’t have any unresolved drama at this point, and will be pretty solid going into season 5, arguably stronger and more in love than ever. It’s the last season so it’s going to be big and full, and I don’t think Will is still going to be dealing with an unrequited crush, nor are they going to suddenly break up Mike and El. Not that Mike and El won’t play a big part in whatever happens with Will, this is probably going to be part of it, but not romantically. ESPECIALLY since El and Will are basically siblings and Will would never try to sabotage or steal Mike away, especially after the events of season 4. By the time we get there, I believe Will is going to be over his crush on Mike, ready and focused to deal with the events ahead.
(Also sidebar - if you look at the editing of season 4, it’s very Will POV heavy, 1 sided. Will always in the middle of El and Mike, actively putting himself there but by the end, after everything they went through to save El and then fight Vecna, Will is more aligned with them as a unit.)
Just my thoughts, agree to disagree if you want. Ship whoever you want, but you gotta be realistic from a writing perspective - and keep fandom separate.
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
Hmmm I can recall EVERY fight with El, he’s also apologized. Lies to her about Nana, owns up to it. Gets mad and a little possessive, apologizes. Has trouble admitting his feelings out of insecurities and fear - apologizes. There is also a difference between a fight between friends and between your significant other. Mike and Will can clear things up pretty quick because they are best friends. Nothing with Will has lasted more than an episode. His fights with El mean more and usually have a common theme throughout the season - ya know learning how to communicate, growing up, and strengthening their relationship every single season.
notice how mike blames other people for causing his fights with el and doesn't own up to his mistakes
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but he blames himself for causing his fights with will and actually apologizes and realizes he was wrong.
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
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In memory of the purest and kindest boy Hawkins ever had, take your minute of silence and then a deep sigh. He's a hero!
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
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darrencriss: M & D made some sweet music. ⁣
🎶 Bluesy Belle Criss⁣ 🎶⁣
💙 Out now. 💙
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dreaminglonger2nite · 2 years
Please reblog if you still enjoy Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. I would like to know how many people still enjoy them as much as I do. 😊
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dreaminglonger2nite · 3 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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dreaminglonger2nite · 3 years
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HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! | May 4th, 2021
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dreaminglonger2nite · 3 years
My internet wont work 90s/2000s starter pack
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dreaminglonger2nite · 3 years
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On a border between two States Someone has written, “Fuck your nationalism. We are all Earthlings.”
And on the Mexican border, Someone has ripped through a fence Of reinforced chicken wire With bolt cutters, And erected a hammock By suspending it Between two of the fence’s Concrete pillars.
After swinging gently back and forth, From Texas to Mexico and then From Mexico back to Texas, They doze off; contemptuous Of the security guards Patrolling this artificial demarcation  – For, once upon a time, Texas was Mexico And Texas didn’t exist.
When Eugene Debs was imprisoned For conscientious objection in World War One He said, on September 11th 1915, “I have no country to fight for My country is the earth I’m a citizen of the world.”
– Heathcote Williams, “No Borders”
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dreaminglonger2nite · 3 years
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“The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that.” - Darren Criss Happy Birthday 34th Darren⌒♡ (February 5th, 1987)
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