doryuniversum · 5 years
Tumblr is like an Island. Beautiful, intriguing and fun to explore. However, over time, you become Tom Hanks and eventually find a sphere-like object. You name it Wilson, and he’s your best friend.
Greetings to all!
First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for coming and taking the time to look over my own personal tumblr blog (that is, if you’re coming from The Seven Wands Chronicles page). If you happen to stumble upon this blog, then I welcome you as equally as everyone else with open arms!
I have started many blogs in the past, and it would be a lie if I said that I haven’t been a member long -- because I have been. Needless to say, I was never the committed type, so I would create blogs, post once and then disappear for about several months to a few years on end. I do like blogging, it gives me this sense of relief. Relief of stress, worry, anxiety, sadness, bursts of excitement, happiness -- mostly just stress, though.
Oh, crap!
I nearly forgot, excuse me and apologies [insert praying hands emoji here]. I go by the name Dory. My real name is confidential as I like to keep my personal life and my online life separate in terms of Hobbies and such. A lot of people ask me where I got the nickname “Dory” from. Well, the character, Dory in the popular movies, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory has what she calls, “Remembory Loss.” Yes, you read correctly, that isn’t a typo. Dory called it, “Remembory Loss.” With that being said, I am a very forgetful person. You could tell me your most deepest, darkest secret and then 5 seconds later, I would have forgotten what you told me. I’m not very good with remembering birthday’s, appointments, due dates for college assignments and such, but I’m working on it. Hence, my nickname, Dory. It isn’t essentially to be proud of, considering it might be a bad thing towards my health, but, it’s always been that way.
What I do on tumblr is merely for fun, not for profit, not to sell, nada. I just simply want to have fun. I make intense, over-the-top fanfics, sometimes I’ll edit things here and there or just simply post things like this. I still don’t know how to use Tumblr - even though I’ve been here for quite a while - so I probably look/sound/type like a noob. 
To get some things out of the way, cleared up and disclaimed, I AM NOT a PERFECT or TOP NOTCH writer. English is my native language and my grammar may not be the best (if you read my posts or anything from The Seven Wands Chronicles, then you’d probably notice it if you’re the grammar police). I wasn’t very good at writing when I was in high school and always felt like it was a chore to do. Which is kind of weird, considering I love, love, love reading books and fanfics. I was exceptional in reading classes, but never in writing classes, so that’s just -- strange to know and think about. Nothing wrong with it, many people can be good in one area but not the other. 
Another thing about me that -- probably doesn’t come off as a suprise these days -- is that I’m an absolute fan of KOREAN POP. And before you all bombard me with who I stan or who is my bias or who my favorite groups are, let me just through this out there. My favorite group is BTS. Yes, I know, I probably got an eyeroll, a groan, a “really?”, or something that is in the concept of annoyance. I know, I’M SORRY. I love them a lot and it’s hard to fall out of love with them. They are all equally talented, funny, super smart, super intelligent and just brighten up my day. I love other groups as well, like, EXO, Got7, B.A.P, Super Junior, Jo Kwon, NCT (I’m new to them, I’m still learning!), 4Minute, 2NE1, G-idle, BewhY, Jay Park, Okasian, Dean, Big Bang, Jessi Ho, TVXQ, Ikon, Winner, and there are a lot more, I swear. Also, before I get sacked, I know some of the groups have disbanded (SADLY), but I still love their music very much.
I don’t know if I mentioned this, but I am a college student, currently majoring in Psychology. I plan to be a school psychologist for younger children who need guidance if they are in a situation that calls for it. I was inspired to choose this career by my first niece who was raised in a household that was not very healthy for her physically, mentally and emotionally. She’s alright, very safe and sound, a bright ball of sunshine, INTELLIGENT and super hilarious. Before she was born, I had no idea what I wanted to be career wise and was stuck in this 2 year procrastination until she was born so I thank her every day for coming into existence (cough-cough, I thank her parents too). 
I feel like I’ve gone over everything mainly that I wanted to tell you all. I hope you enjoyed(?) this as much as I wrote it. If you want to learn more about me, feel free to click the “About Dory” tab!
I’ll post again soon!
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