dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
Time for some damn Bawson meta.
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Ginny telling Mike that he has an early flight and he replied to her, “yeah.”. Look at their faces. Ginny’s is showing she feels an attraction towards him. Not the “It’s a school crush” or sexual attraction (not in this scene, but I am sure she does), but this is more an emotional attraction. The VERY BEST attraction we can have towards someone we are falling in love with. Mike is trying to show it to her by releasing all his energy of his true feelings to her. He already know his feelings towards her and his energy is comparing to hers of he wants to be with her.
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This one is my favorite. Lawson is looking at Ginny, but her eyes closed as they spread their foreheads apart just a bit, but his? Hell no. He wants to make sure does she feel the same way about how he feels about her. That man was about to leave for Chicago to play for another team and his expression is “let me look at her ONE LAST TIME, before I go”. He thinks since we’re not going to be teammates anymore, let’s give “US” a try. Mike Lawson is so damn smooth, let me tell you.
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His phone rings (I know I was disappointed too, but it’s too early for the kiss to happen, y’all.) that immediately stops both of them of getting their lips in tact with each other and he told Ginny it’s Oscar and she tells him to answer his call. Ginny looks so disappointed, because she finally know how her idol feels about her and she wants to kiss. Mike, on the other hand, looks to her as reassurance. He’s like “Are you sure you want me to answer this call?” and he seems he’s a bit scared too. Why do you think Oscar would call him for something? Unless something happened at involved Mike in a situation (The Trade with Chicago).
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Mike is told by Oscar that he is staying with Padres and the deal with Chicago has been cut off. He’s a bit relieved that he is staying in San Diego, but that means he knows they can’t be together as a couple. That moment made him realize, “I can’t be with her, because she’s still my teammate”. He really wants to be with her. That’s why he wanted to leave for Chicago. TO BE WITH HER! Now, what? It’s not happening.
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After Mike told Ginny he’s not leaving for Chicago, Ginny expressed a bit of distress here. Yes, she is happy Mike isn’t leaving for Chicago, but oh no, their romantic feelings have to be put at bay, because teammates do not date each on the same team. It cause chaos and disruption of the chances to go the World Series.
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Last scene. Notice how both of them backed away after the known that they’re still teammates after Oscar called off the trade deal? Mike just looks at Ginny with so much hurt, it’s ridiculous. Ginny just found out about his romantic feelings for her and she responded to them with the same feelings for Mike. They’re thinking that they almost kissed and the situation turned awkward in a matter of seconds, meaning the course of their relationship has changed forever.
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
The body language of Mike and Ginny rubbing their foreheads and noses together before Oscar called to tell Mike he is staying with them is just sweet. They were just admiring each other without the use of words and breathing in with their bodies of their connection together in sync. After Mike answers the call, noticed how he slowly back a bit far away from Ginny, while she moved back a little, because she just found out his feelings for her. but shut down when they both know they are still teammates and cannot be together. 
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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Best part of the day.
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
Almost every report says the shootings in Dallas were NOT the fault of protesters, and that the Dallas cops worked to PROTECT protesters from gunfire.
Dallas PD had been there to protect a peaceful protest, and that’s what they did even when snipers opened fire, shooting 11 and killing 5 police officers and injuring 1 civilian. 
As a human being, a Texan, and as someone with more than one family member in law enforcement, I am incredibly sad and all my love goes out to those affected.
But we should ALL be affected. For every life lost. For every Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. We should all support the Black Lives Matter movement. And also for every police officer who was doing their job correctly and honorably. These officers were there to help and gave their lives shielding civilians when snipers opened fire. I would hate to see people saying that this doesn’t matter or making jokes about it, because I’ve seen it happen before.
I am NOT trying to start an All Lives Matter thing because that is overwhelmingly NOT the issue here. We should know that all lives matter, and BLM still remains the important issue.
But please take a minute to send some love, however it is you do it in your own way, to the officers and their loved ones and all those who were there at the protest and had to bear witness to this attack and were in danger themselves.
Violence begets violence. But hopefully we can work so that love and understanding can beget the same as well. 
I love all of you. <3
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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I’m sorry, did you think I would?
See, I’m having this issue when people say things like “All Lives Matter”, but then start to do things like share images of dead bodies that are still in the morgue like it’s the latest selfie, while at the same time, want us to feel sorry for the cops that lost their lives during their duty.
People posting Black bodies, flashing back to images of leechings, making us look like we’re not even people, desensitizing us so that we can’t feel.
So, how am I supposed to feel sorry for cops when you can’t even feel sorry for us?
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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all lives won’t matter until BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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say it again for the white people in the back
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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the hypocrites are surfacing
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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dionndavenports · 8 years
It is very clear, and is even being reported by mainstream media, that it was snipers who were responsible for the deaths of five police officers last night in Dallas, NOT protesters. 
Many headlines are still being written in a misleading (racist) way, saying things like “Dallas police officers killed at Black Lives Matter protest.” What the hell is someone reading at headline supposed to think? We all know what the assumption is.It is highly irresponsible to report this story in that way, but this example shows us the racism that is built into our mainstream, establishment media.
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dionndavenports · 8 years
If you refuse to speak on black issues because it’s going to mess up your ig feed or ruin your blog aesthetic then fuck you.
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dionndavenports · 8 years
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We need more people like him tho he acknowledged that there could a problem. #Love it! 
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