dieamoric · 11 months
keeping an all ages pride event safe for all ages isn't an op nor is it puritanism but i do think it's rather interesting that you want to expose your genitals and act sexually explicit to/around kids.
there are 18+ pride events you can do this at, and, failing that, you can always organize and host your own.
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dieamoric · 11 months
happy pride to bisexuals specifically this year i am so sorry we're going through it all the time. we're all beautiful, strong, and wonderful and we deserve the world.
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dieamoric · 11 months
Friendly reminder that tomorrow is the first day of pride month and if I see any biphobia, I will throw hands
This includes, but is not limited to:
saying that bisexuality excludes trans/nonbinary people (it doesn’t)
saying that bisexuality is too binary (it isn’t)
saying that bisexuality is outdated (again, it isn’t)
saying/implying that bisexuals only care about gender rather than personality (which is gross and untrue)
derailing conversations on biphobia and its effects
excluding bisexuals from mlm and wlw spaces/discussions
speaking over bisexuals in conversations on the issues we face
refusing to listen to bisexuals if we say something is biphobic
ignoring bisexual history and activism
ignoring the present contributions of bisexuals to LGBTQ culture
making demeaning jokes about bisexuals or jokes that rely on negative stereotypes
stereotyping bisexuals in general
viewing bisexuals as ‘half-straight’/‘lesser’ members of the LGBTQ community
and finally, speaking over bisexuals about the very definition of bisexuality
yes this includes saying things like ‘that sounds more like [other sexuality]’ or ‘if you define your attraction that way you’re [other sexuality] instead’ in response to a bisexual person describing how they define their orientation for themself
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dieamoric · 1 year
i looked into the hustlerose aphobia accusations to see if they're still true so you don't have to
apparently since october 2018 hustlerose has claimed to stop being aphobic and has 'redacted' a still up but only striked through post about their previous opinions towards asexuals.
hustlerose has also said that they no longer have an opinion about it, have stopped engaging in ace discourse, and now identities as ace themselves
in case anybody needs a tl;dr, hustlerose has a rich, expansive history of harassing and making fun of asexuals on this site, which is where the accusations that hustlerose is aphobic comes from. because they are true. were true?
however since late 2018 and onwards there have still been posts (not as many but still some) that carry on the same humor as their previous mockery. you may argue that it's okay and is just an ace joking about their own sexuality. but being x thing does not and has not ever absolved anybody of being xphobic. this applies to hustlerose.
it is called internalized xphobia. aphobia, in this situation.
to find any of this out i keyword searched hustlerose's blog for things like "ace", "asexual", "aphobic", "aphobia", "exclusionist", and "aphobe". and i even searched for "apology", "apologize", "i'm sorry", and "sorry" to see if hustlerose has said anything regarding apologizing for the harm they caused. i have seen a total of one post that goes into any sort of detail about not being that kind of person anymore and apologizing for previous posts. it fails to mention what kind of posts they are apologizing for and makes 0 mention of being an aphobe, or an exclusionist.
i find it weird and a bit disingenuous to not make a proper apology for the aphobia if hustlerose actually has changed. because it wasn't just posting on their own page, they reblogged aces, screenshotted them, and the like, to actively mock and harass them. they likened them to cishets appropriating the word queer and denied that they have shared history with the rest of lgbt's, and regularly accused them of homophobia, regardless if said ace was actually being homophobic or not. There Was Actual Harm Caused and hustlerose is part of the reason why this site was so hostile towards aces in the first place.
i feel like a proper apology is needed and not just a blanket "i am asexual" or "i don't get into online arguments anymore" statement. given the handful of similar posts after the fact, including one from about a year ago asking "am i still an ace exclusionist" or them telling people to dm them if they really want to know their actual opinions on things. i do not feel that there is actual changed behavior here, just not talking about it on main.
making light of their exclusionist past or just brushing it off as if it was just a phase, when, again, it caused actual harm, and making a vague apology for only past posts is not an apology, nor one i could accept at all as an aspec.
is hustlerose still actually aphobic? i don't know. apparently their ACTUAL opinions is only for people to dm them to find out. (the hustlerose tag is also apparently censored for me, so i can't actually find out if anybody has dm'd them and then posted what they were told.) i honestly think it's suspect that they rather keep it private.
does them being ace suddenly make them not aphobic anymore. no, lol. i used to be an aspec identifying exclus myself. not anymore, thank god. but i still sucked.
why should hustlerose apologize? they were and still are a popular well-known blogger. they had an audience.
is it okay to forgive them regardless? if you are not ace, then no. that's not an apology you can accept. if there ever was one.
i have hustlerose blocked and it will remain that way because regardless of good apology or not they are not somebody i feel safe or comfortable with. i am not interested in hearing from them for that reason.
why does my post not have links or screenshots? too much effort. you can find everything i found by searching the same keywords. none of it is at risk of deletion, considering the strike through post.
sorry this didn't have a concrete conclusion! what i personally think is that hustlerose has some internalized aphobia is actually unlearn and should still apologize properly for the harm they caused. anyway thanks for reading!
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dieamoric · 1 year
the way some of y’all talk about people who choose to shave or are pressured to shave is so fucking gross lmao
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dieamoric · 1 year
Y’know, the fact that lesbians literally can’t have anything is something that pisses me off to no end. Most of this is rooted in misogyny. Almost every “discourse” within SPECIFICALLY lesbian spaces is based on the fact that men being completely excluded from a community is hard to grasp, even for non-men. Honestly, I believe everyone that’s not a lesbian holds this internalized misogyny that men must be included in all things.  This is why the concept of mspec lesbianism is so dangerous–it is bringing men into a specifically non-men space, and in lesbian spaces the absence of attraction to men is literally the only thing that defines them.
This same misogyny is the also the reason the concept of he/him lesbians is so egregious to some people; the assumption that he/him pronouns strictly belong to men, and anybody that is not a man using masculine pronouns isn’t a real lesbian despite the fact she/her gays, especially drag queens, are rarely questioned for having extremely similar identities in most facets; also ignoring the history of dykes using he/him pronouns, changing their names, and going on T since well before social media and current lgbtq pride movements. Butches and GNC dykes in general have always gotten the brunt of discrimination, hate crimes, and criticism even within their own community, despite being the ones who built it and have had to fight the hardest due to their gender-nonconformity.
The lesbian flag(s) is a prime example of lesbian culture being completely disrespected by a large majority of the rest of the lgbtq community. The first lesbian flag was created because lesbians were feeling under-represented by the rainbow pride flag, feeling as though they were being overshadowed by gay men. However, it is extremely important to emphasize that the original rainbow flag was created with the intention of being for EVERYONE within the lgbtq community. It was never meant to be a symbol of gay men, and the fact I see even non-men arguing that it was, frankly, frightens me. 
What hasn’t been taken from lesbians by men has been taken by TERFs (of course, TERFs have been effectively blinded by misogyny in their own twisted way). The first lesbian flag, made in 1999, is now a well known TERF symbol, despite the fact it depicts the laybys, a symbol that was used among GNC dykes and butch lesbians. There have been efforts made by the butch community to reclaim their flag, but not only are TERFS insistent, but other members within the lesbian community that aren’t aware of the history of this flag tend to go straight to attacking their own community members that try to reclaim it. The fact that TERF ideals are often associated with lesbianism in general is a yet another layer of lesbophobia, again typically coming from other members within the lgbtq community. 
The story of the lesbian flag doesn’t end there. I personally would say that dawning the 2019 Gay Men flag isn’t inherently lesbophobic. The intention behind it’s creation was not malicious, and many individuals don’t know the history behind this flag due to the consistent problem of poor historical documentation. Whether you like it or not, however, it is a simple fact that the 2019 Gay Men flag is a color-swapped version of the lesbian flag, particularly the outdated 2010 lipstick flag. If lesbians creating their own flag specifically because they felt overshadowed by men only to have that flag’s color swapped and used as a symbol for gay men who don’t even know/are in denial about the 2019 Gay Men flag’s origin as a color-swapped version of the lesbian flag (right down to having a simplified version more popular in merchandising with the same amount of stripes as the current sunset lesbian flag) isn’t ironic, I don’t know what is. Another small anecdote worth noting is that the 2010 lipstick lesbian flag was considered THE lesbian flag for a long time within the community, most likely a result of the anti-butch/pro-heteronormative representation culture of the 2010s. 
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dieamoric · 1 year
like who cares that antis/normal people hate your pedo/incest/abuse/feralnsfw/zoo/etc content. it has no bearing on the importance of what's going on irl. no, we're not trying to make fandom hostile. yes, we're trying to curate fandom to be a safe place for everybody besides white able bodied cis women. that INCLUDES the queer creators you care about. fandom isn't a refuge from the horrible world we live in as long as there is easily accessible "dark content" that is glorification/romanticization, exploitative of minorities and children, or JOI.
can we go back to about how the trans genocide thing is like.. yknow. genocide? without having to bring fandom shit into it? can you just genuinely shut up, all of you? we can hash shit out after we're not at threat for being exterminated, or maybe you can just accept that proshippers make fandom a dangerous place for those that want to seek refuge in it and that conversations about how harmful they are will always exist, regardless of timing.
if you point out how the trans genocide thing is the more important thing to focus on, but then also bring up "fandom gatekeeping" then i'm gonna assume you're doing it in bad faith lol
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dieamoric · 1 year
if you point out how the trans genocide thing is the more important thing to focus on, but then also bring up "fandom gatekeeping" then i'm gonna assume you're doing it in bad faith lol
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dieamoric · 1 year
i actually keyword searched your blog before replying to double check if you were talking about what i thought you were talking about, and found an rb about dldl, sals, and etc. so yeah i don't believe you but okay. whateeeever you say.
one of my points was a discussion about "fandom gatekeeping" does not belong in the same discussion about trans genocide. the two aren't even remotely comparable.
like genuinely what does fandom have to do with that. /rh
Wild how the queer community has been fighting tooth and nail for generations to have some semblance of inclusion and just the desire to not be beaten, arrested, or killed for existing.
Then there is less than 10 years of policies put in place to help us start being treated more humanely and the Conservative party is like “Actually we rather you die again” openly and proudly.
Wild how allowing ppl to live has made them so angry and more open about their fascism.
Meanwhile half of the younger queers online are too preoccupied with terminology and gatekeeping fandom engagement while our country actively works to eradicate the community honing social media to propagate propaganda.
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dieamoric · 1 year
good sentiment except why are you mentioning "fandom" in any capacity? newsflash, incest, pedophilia, and abuse are not queer and will never be queer, even if it happens between queer characters.
i feel like trans genocide and caring about queerphobia is infinitely more important than letting weirdos get their rocks off and harass people who mind their own fucking business but have "proship dni" somewhere on their page or talk about how they feel retraumatized and triggered by seeing it, on their own page as well.
being against incest, pedophilia, and abuse is not queerphobia, either.
Wild how the queer community has been fighting tooth and nail for generations to have some semblance of inclusion and just the desire to not be beaten, arrested, or killed for existing.
Then there is less than 10 years of policies put in place to help us start being treated more humanely and the Conservative party is like “Actually we rather you die again” openly and proudly.
Wild how allowing ppl to live has made them so angry and more open about their fascism.
Meanwhile half of the younger queers online are too preoccupied with terminology and gatekeeping fandom engagement while our country actively works to eradicate the community honing social media to propagate propaganda.
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dieamoric · 1 year
aaaaaand shopwitchvamp is owned by a pan lesbian. goths/alternatives cant have anything can they
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dieamoric · 1 year
im not saying you cant fuck with power dynamics during sex im just saying if youre gonna get off to incest or cnc can you at least do it in the privacy of your own home, offline, instead of insisting the rest of us are horrible evil people for saying "hey thats fucked up"? and if youre getting off to even simulated pedophilia get help. or die.
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dieamoric · 1 year
hi what the fuck is wrong with you keep your dumb pronouns joke out of this topic
I think perhaps endless pissing contests over which kind of trans person has it worse are very, very useless when we're all getting shoved in the meat grinder right now.
Ron DeSantis isn't exactly asking my pronouns before he passes Illegal To Be Trans bills, takes away everyone's HRT, and imprisons trans parents as child abusers.
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dieamoric · 1 year
like in the kindest way possible you don’t have to like the word queer that is 100% up to you but people are going to continue using it
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dieamoric · 1 year
like in the kindest way possible you don’t have to like the word queer that is 100% up to you but people are going to continue using it
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dieamoric · 1 year
anticipating the #sensitives to come after me again for that reblog. please go outside and stop conflating being against adult x minor ships as being harmful to trans peoples lives.
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dieamoric · 1 year
you could have left the second paragraph completely off of it and its an extremely bad look to leave up replies (not reblogs, replies.) that are arguing in defense of pedophilia. which sort of tells me all i need to know about your actual point. which isn't defense of trans youth or against ageism its you being mad that normal people think shipping adults and children together is disgusting and harmful.
as we see skyrocketing amounts of legislation targeting trans youth in particular I’m begging people to stop parroting “your brain matures at 25”. this article by the director of harvard’s neuroscience lab is a good read. like I’m no neuroscientist myself but Brain Complicated. at best “your brain matures at 25” is an incomplete and inadequate summary of a single idea in a relatively new field wherein broad generalizations are almost impossible. *some* aspects of brain development *tend* to *plateau* *somewhere* in your 20s, *we think*; but “brain maturity” is poorly defined, and the data is still highly incomplete. plenty of aspects of the brain demonstrably continue developing well past 30, or for your entire life; on the other hand, plenty of studies have simply failed to include participants over 30, or 25, or even younger. attempting to define maturity, let alone make RULES about it, based on particular neuroscientific metrics, is extremely dicey
and this popsci notion is now actively being used to justify taking away people’s rights so pls stop perpetuating it for the sake of your age gap ship wars or whatever
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