depressedpotato124 · 8 months
If Camila had a nickel for every time she adopted a kid created in a lab by an evil emperor from another dimension she’d have two nickel, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
If Luz had a nickel for every time she got a sibling who is actually the last member of an extinct species she’d have three nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s even weirder it happened thrice
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
Noceda siblings
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
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I love her enby swag so much
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
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I still haven’t watched the last two episodes lol
Have a Noceda siblings sketch that I never finished
Luz really cartwheeled into the boiling isle and swiped the brother Belos has spent the last 400 years fine tuning and I have nothing but respect for her. 😌
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
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they got hit with that Familial Love +2 Modifier
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depressedpotato124 · 9 months
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I mean-
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depressedpotato124 · 11 months
Here’s some outfits Talia could wear to go see The Barbie Movie 💞🎟️👠:
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depressedpotato124 · 11 months
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Okay now Noir and Barbie match
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depressedpotato124 · 1 year
ok i just wanna check something.... reblog if you've never watched/opened tumblr live
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
My first introduction to the accidental child acquisition trope
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pov you are 14 playing ib for the first time
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
I miss having pink hair. It was so much work to maintain though and I’m so lazy.
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
If you take a break from a relationship and the pure relief you feel at not having to be the emotional support dog that never takes a break overwhelms the joy at having this person in your life it’s time to leave. Especially if you set boundaries and they refuse to listen to them. Staying only festers resentment and pain for both of you.
Stay safe and know your feelings are valid.
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
The devastation they would feel lol
the falcs make a tik tok account for the team and give the players turns to make videos, and everyone usually does some trend or funny dance. but jack goes around and films the player's reactions to the phrase "bitty didn't make sandwich stuff this week"
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down, because I want it all
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It was only a fish
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depressedpotato124 · 2 years
Ughhhh I don’t wanna work tomorrow. I spent all last week getting bitched at because we’re understaffed and then expected to be able to do warehouses job on top of our job because they’re understaffed.
Then I made a mistake because when what is literally a hundred of patient samples come in a day all with different protocols and there is one fucking protocol that we have to act entirely different with then with all the other ones sometimes humans fucking miss things. Also the “training” we received made it sound like we should do what I did for this protocol then maybe the problem was the stupid ass training. Like I’m sorry when I see something that’s labeled as a bone marrow is clearly not a bone marrow I’m going to assume that means it was mislabeled. I wasn’t the only fucking one to make this decision either I just noticed it pointed it out a lab technician who fucking agreed with me and then did the proper procedure for again what we would do with the literal 300ish other protocols we could get.
Also found out that I’m one of the most underpaid people in the lab despite the fact I work overtime every week and almost never take breaks or lunches because I’m always running around helping the lab function. Like I work so goddamn hard to make this work but when a company purposely understaff’s its employees and doesn’t provide the basic equipment that literally any fucking other lab would have I’m sorry shits gonna be messed up sometimes assholes.
I think my job is important and I think we can genuinely help people and I love it because even though it’s stressful it’s rewarding and the people I work with are fantastic (mostly). It’s so exhausting though to work in a billion dollar company that I know is only doing the bare minimum to support its employees because the short-term cost of buying proper equipment is too much for the long-term gain of less human error causing costly mistakes. First off blood is fucking expensive and it should be. The experimental medication we are studying for these patients could be the only things saving their lives and to have to throw a sample away because it was mislabeled which you know happens when we use a program that was made in the 90’s and hasn’t been updated since is so frustrating. Then on top of that we get bone marrow samples that are incredibly painful and invasive to have done to patients. To make someone either re-give a sample or be taken out of a study because of this is devastating to me.
Also I had a fucking breakdown at work Saturday and spent an hour in the bathroom crying because I could tell my boss was pissed at me even though she wasn’t mean about it I’m just a pussy. Like I should be able to handle criticism I’m a grown-up and criticism is part of improvement but damn am I bad at it. Also I’m driving almost 4 hours a day to work a ten hour shift 5 days a week while looking for an apartment for the first time and it’s exhausting. I will say though it was really funny to see my coworkers be like ooop she’s crying time to go gossip somewhere else today. usually they gossip by my desk because it’s kinda tucked away and people assume I don’t listen. I’m a nosy slut so I eat up that drama lol.
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