delta-quadrant-ensign · 5 months
"I was once transformed into a salamander" THRESHOLD MENTION!!! RAHHHHHHH
out of any direct callback they could've had to voyager in prodigy, this is the best one by far assajkdhskjdhksjdhsa
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Cursed Voyager headcanons cause it's a crime for me to just make ones on TOS and TNG (I haven't watched DS9 that much so that will have to wait)
Chakotay has a shrine dedicated to Janeway in his quarters. He hides them in shame
Tom slaps The Doctor's bald head almost on a daily basis whenever he's in Sick Bay for his Medical training. The Doctor hides in fear
Harry absolutely despise K-Pop for no reason. Surprisingly, his favourite types of music involves a lot of loud noises
Harry secretly plays Genshin Impact. It's an embarassing secret he keeps well-hidden. One day he discovered someone else on the ship was playing Genshin Impact and decided to play with them on their world. He tried to trace the person but never found them. Meanwhile, The Doctor is having a blast with whoever this Kazuha main is.
Despite being human again, Janeway still inherited some lizard/animal qualities. She still hisses, growls, and sometimes make those lizard click sounds. She grows scales sometimes and has to go to The Doctor to get them removed everytime. Also she secretly eats bugs. Weird thing is that she's the only one who still has these attributes. Tom? Completely fine
Whenever she's in the Jeffries Tube alone, B'Elanna would sneak food items in and store some in the hatch. Apparently, being married to Tom Paris meant you have to share it and klingons don't share
Tuvok and Janeway share a sibling kind of bond and Tuvok has, more than once, called Janeway a sister and vice versa. One time someone assumed Janeway to be his wife, Tuvok immediately said she was his sister. Janeway still has that recording in her personal files. Tuvok doesn't mind cause he would admit it again without hesitation
Neelix wanted to cheer everyone up with Earth-style cookies (vegetarian and no chocolate!) but since supplies are scarce, he had to improvise. Tuvok threw up on the floor and Tom almost fucking died
Tom and Harry play Pokemon in the holodeck almost on a weekly basis
Tuvok thought it would be a good idea to have the Security crew train for new security protocols in Among Us. It devolved to chaos almost instantly
Because The Doctor can alter his appearance to be who and whatever he wanted, sometimes he does prophunt with the senior crew where they have until the end of the day to find out what he was and where he was. His biggest mistake was turning into a wine bottle and Tom fucking shattered him on the counter
The Doctor tries to grow hair once but everyone bullied him for it so he just ditched it
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She's a ten but she celebrates the anniversary of star trek voyager: threshold every year
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Star Trek Voyager + text posts
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thinking about harry kim’s ability to make friends with literally anyone… like tom and b’elanna are the most obvious examples of course but also the way he invites janeway to eat with him after they first arrive in the delta quadrant cuz he knows that she’s feeling just as scared and isolated as everyone else on voyager. the way he makes a genuine effort and eventually succeeds in becoming friends with tuvok even after tuvok dismisses him as the goofy ensign. the way seven comes onboard and he immediately sees her for the traumatized, lonely person that she is and responds by reaching out instead of treating her with fear and suspicion like pretty much everyone else does.
and with each of these people he’s approaching them on their level, speaking to them in a language they understand. he plays kal-toh with tuvok, banters about engineering with b’elanna, discusses what it means to be a starfleet officer with janeway. like he gets it, you know, he gets that deep down everyone just needs a little bit of connection, that the real key to survival is found within each other
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B'Elanna warriors rise up
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Threshold Day is the funniest thing the Star Trek fandom has ever come up with. It’s like, “here’s an episode that’s widely regarded as being ridiculous and terrible, to the point of some people considering it non-canon. We’re going to create an unofficial holiday where we do nothing but talk about it nonstop for a whole day.”
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Did someone order some Threshold memes?
(I did this instead of doing homework. No regrets)
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"Operations Gold"
Aka, me giving Data and Harry the mentor-student relationship they should've had cause these two are my fave Golden Boys(tm)
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If Harry Kim has million number of fans i am one of them. if Harry Kim has ten fans i am one of them. if Harry Kim have only one fan that is me. if Harry Kim has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against Harry Kim, i am against the world. i love #HarryKim till my last breath .. Die Hard fan of Harry Kim. Hit Like If you Think Harry Kim Best ensign & Smart In the world
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💫B’Elanna 💫
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tmw you watch a show, and there’s a two parter, and you’re like “damn 7 million people are dead, but I can’t wait to see them destroy the baddies and get back to exploration and good vibes,” but then it’s not actually a two parter and it’s an entire arc, and you’re stuck between being worried about the characters and being excited for the potential to explore moral ambiguity and moral dilemma. 
So, I just started the third season of Enterprise, and I am simultaneously vibin and not vibin. Might re-watch an episode of Voyager for the good feelings of found family, or I might just continue to internally scream about the character arcs that could come out of this season of Enterprise. 
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Shoutout to all the Star Trek actors. These people do sci fi techchnobabble. They do straight up comedy. They do 30s film noir. They do intense personal drama. They do ‘possesed by an alien so now i have to act like someone else pretending to be the person i usually pretend to be’. They do westerns. They do romance. They do full-on fighting and action scenes. They do badass monologues. They do ‘throw your body across the room like your ship’s just been hit by a plasma beam’. They do ‘sit in a chair for 5 hours to do makeup’.
They have the range, darling.
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StarTrek Voyager Harry Kim fan animation  hope you like! 
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