cookienha · 1 month
☆ guy from the dreams
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¦ ricky x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: -
¦ a/n: -
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The flower garden was vast and beautiful, the contrasting colours a riot that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze.
Walking hand in hand with him through the garden felt like a scene from a fairy tale, our laughter blending with the sweet melody of chirping birds.
As he recounted the story of his friend locking him out of his apartment, I found myself getting lost in the way his eyes sparkled with amusement. His words were like music to my ears, even though my mind occasionally drifted to admiring his side profile.
Caught in a moment of distraction, I realized he had noticed my gaze.
"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" He chuckled, his voice bringing me back to the present.
I couldn't help but giggle at his playful inquiry, shaking my head before leaning in to plant a soft, chaste kiss on his cheek before skipping ahead, my heart feeling lighter than ever.
"Hey!" He called out, a hint of shyness in his tone, quickly catching up to match my pace.
The weather was perfect that day, the sun casted a warm glow on everything it touchrf, the breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers, the sound of the birds singing along, and the shrill sound of my shrieking alarm clock— wait, alarm clock?
I gasped in surprise as the alarm persisted, my eyes fluttering open to the reality of my bedroom.
With a disappointed sigh, I reached out to silence the alarm, letting the remnants of the dream linger in my mind for a moment longer. The morning sun peeked through the blinds, creating stripes of light and shadow in the room, filling it with a soft, golden glow.
"It was just a dream," I mumbled, rolling my eyes and wanting to stay cocooned in my bed forever, snuggling deeper into the warmth of my blanket.
But fate had other plans.
The doorbell rang loudly, disrupting my sleepy reverie. "Who could be here so early?" I groaned, practically dragging myself out of bed and stumbling towards the door, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Who is it?" I called out groggily as I swung the door open, my heart skipping a beat when I saw the person standing there.
"Good morning, ma'am." He smed in a way that was surprisingly familiar, momentarily catching me off-guard. "A package arrived for you. I just need you to sign here, and we're good to go," He said politely.
I blinked, my gaze fixed on his face before slowly trailing down to his nametag — Ricky Shen.
The realization slowly dawned on me, a mix of disbelief and curiosity flooding my senses. 'Isn't he the guy from my dreams?'
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cookienha · 1 month
i have a few wips but i am physically and mentally drained from school that i can't bring myself to finish it 😭😭
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cookienha · 2 months
☆ have i told you?
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¦ taerae x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationship, mentions of alcohol, taerae is drunk (drink responsibly !!), use of the word 'pretty' but reader is still implied gender neutral
¦ a/n: -
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The bustling bar hummed with lively chatter, laughters and clinking glasses as I arrived, searching amidst the crowd for Taerae and his colleagues. Eventually, one of his companions caught sight of me and waved, guiding me to their table where Taerae sat, a warm smile gracing my lips as I made my way over.
"Oh, Y/N! I think Taerae's had ones too many drinks, sorry for inconveniencing you at this time," A colleague of his stood up upon seeing me, a sigh of relief leaving his lips before gesturing to the drunken boy next to him.
It became evident that Taerae had indulged in one too many drinks. His words, mainly gibberish, were slurred, and he leaned heavily against the bar counter, a lopsided grin on his face.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed suddenly with exaggerated enthusiasm, throwing his arms in the air, causing a few heads to turn in our direction due to the volume of his voice.
"Ah, thank you for calling me. I should take him home now before he indulges further..." I bowed apologetically to the people around us as Taerae continued to babble in his drunken state, hands reaching for the untouched cup of soju on the table. I swiftly removed the cup from his grasp before attempting to coax him to stand up.
"Hi, Taerae," I greeted him with a soft laugh, trying to assess just how drunk he was. "Ready to head home?"
Taerae shook his head enthusiastically. "No!" He exclaimed once more, now standing up with one leg bent, his balance seemed precarious at best.
With a sigh, I offered him my arm for support, bidding farewell to his colleagues before guiding him towards the exit. But Taerae was not one to go quietly into the night, especially in his inebriated state.
As we stumbled towards the car, Taerae's drunken compliments flowed freely.
"You know, Y/N," He began, his words slightly slurred, "You're really something else. Like, reeeaaallllyyy something."
I chuckled, grateful for the darkness that hid the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Thanks, but we really should get going," I replied, trying to keep him moving forward.
"Seriously," He continued, his tone earnest despite the alcohol clouding his judgment, "I don't think I've ever met anyone as amazing as you. You're like... candy in a... rice pot."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his nonsensical yet heartfelt words, even as I grappled to keep him upright, his weight pressing against me. "That's very sweet of you to say, Taerae. But next time, let's not overdo it with the drinks," I replied, feeling a warmth spreading through me despite the chilly night air.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of stumbling and enduring his drunken ramblings, we reached the car. With some effort, I guided Taerae into the passenger seat, his drunken protests gradually giving way to contented murmurs as he settled in.
I leaned over to fasten his seatbelt, he suddenly raised a hand and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I looked at him, his eyes twinkling with a hint of both warmth and mischief.
"I!" He suddenly yelled, causing me to jump slightly. "I really like you, hehe," He continued, grinning sheepishly after.
"I know, Taerae. We're dating," I replied with a chuckle, shaking my head at his drunken antics. With a gentle pat on his head, I moved back to the driver's seat and started the car.
As we pulled out of the parking lot, Taerae continued his nonsensical ramblings, occasionally bursting into random bouts of singing or even yelling gibberish at passing streetlights.
Taerae's declarations of affection continued throughout the journey home, each repetition accompanied by a warmth that filled the car despite the chilly night air. The drive progressed and his ramblings gradually grew calmer, his energy waning as exhaustion began to overtake him.
"Have I told you, Y/N?"
"I really like you," He slurred once more, his words a familiar refrain that brought a smile to my lips.
"Yes, Taerae, I know very much." I replied softly, my heart swelling with affection for my intoxicated companion.
By the time we arrived home, Taerae was barely conscious, his eyelids drooping as I helped him out of the car and into the house. The intoxication was now mixed with drowsiness, yet he still muttered the same words.
"Ahh, but have I told you? I really like you.."
His voice trailed off into a mumble as I guided him to bed, a fond smile tugging at my lips despite the exhaustion of the evening.
"I know, Taerae."
"Hehe... have I told—"
"Yes, you have,"
With a mixture of effort and tenderness, I (barely) managed to guide him to our shared bedroom, his protests growing fainter with each step. Despite his drunken state, there was a sense of peace in his demeanor as I helped him settle into bed, his words of affection still echoing softly in the quiet room.
As I settled Taerae into bed, his eyes fluttered open briefly, a drowsy smile gracing his lips. "Have I told you?" he murmured once more, his words slurred with exhaustion. Even in his inebriation, the sincerity lacing his tone was unmistakable.
I couldn't help but chuckle, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Yes, Taerae," I whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "You've told me. And I like you too."
"Oh... Have I already told you I think you're pretty? Hehe, I guess I have.."
His voice drifted softly from the bed, now a sleepy murmur tinged with affection. With that, I watched as a peaceful expression settled over his features, his breathing gradually evening out as he drifted into a deep slumber.
"I don't think you've told me that one before." I chuckled, fixing his blanket.
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cookienha · 2 months
no srsly guys should i start writing for other groups 😪
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cookienha · 2 months
☆ crush 101: how to ask your crush out
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¦ gunwook x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: -
¦ a/n: a lil cb before school starts hehe
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I couldn't help but fidget nervously as I sat in my seat, my eyes darting across the classroom to steal glances at Gunwook, the object of my affection. He was engrossed in his textbook, his brow furrowed in concentration, and I couldn't help but admire the way his eyes sparkled with intelligence.
Today was the day I decided to put my plan into action, the plan I — or rather, my friend Gyuvin — had meticulously crafted after hours of scouring the internet for tips on how to get your crush to like you. It was foolproof, or so I hoped.
"Just do it, Y/N. It won't kill you," Gyuvin remarked, his eyes rolling in distaste as he watched me fidget nervously. "I'm a pro at making these types of plans."
I sighed, knowing that Gyuvin was right. After all, he had a knack for concocting elaborate schemes and had a long history of successful matchmaking among our friends.
"Fine, fine," I relented, summoning what little courage I had left. "But promise me it won't end in disaster."
He flashed me a confident grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Trust me, Y/N. With my master plan, you'll have Gunwook eating out of the palm of your hand in no time," he declared, his voice brimming with unwavering confidence.
And with Gyuvin's assurance ringing in my ears, I took a deep breath and prepared to dive headfirst into the carefully curated plan.
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Step one: Be confident
Taking a deep breath, I straightened my posture and tried to channel all the confidence I could muster as I made my way over to Gunwook's desk.
As I approached Gunwook's desk, my heart raced with uncertainty.
We weren't the closest; in fact, we were never close. We were merely classmates who had barely interacted with one another. Our paths had rarely crossed, and our conversations were limited to brief exchanges in passing.
Would he welcome my sudden presence, or would he find it intrusive? Before I could overthink it any further, I cleared my throat nervously and mustered the courage to speak.
"Hey," I greeted him, offering a tentative smile.
Gunwook looked up from his textbook, surprise flickering in his eyes. "Oh, hi, Y/N," he replied, returning my smile with a warm one of his own. "Is everything okay? Do you need something?"
His genuine concern took me aback, momentarily catching me off guard. But I quickly recovered, grateful for his openness and kindness.
"Oh, um, no, I was just... passing by," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
But his smile remained unchanged, eyes eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Well, feel free to stop by anytime," he said, his tone inviting.
With a nod of acknowledgment, Gunwook returned his attention to his textbook, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth flood my cheeks.
Step two: Find common interests
"What are you studying?" I asked, gesturing to the textbook in front of him.
"Chemistry," He replied, his enthusiasm evident. "I've always been fascinated by the way chemicals interact with each other."
As Gunwook shared his enthusiasm for chemistry, I felt a pang of guilt knotting in my stomach. It was clear that this subject held a special place in his heart, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for his intellect and curiosity.
While I admired his passion, the truth was, chemistry had never been my forte. It wasn't that I disliked chemistry per se, but it certainly wasn't a subject I was particularly passionate about.
But in that moment, I couldn't bear to admit it — not when it seemed like our shared interest could bring us closer together.
"I like chemistry too," I blurted out before I could stop myself, the words tumbling from my lips in a rush. It tasted like a bitter lie on my tongue.
Instantly, a flush of embarrassment crept up my cheeks, but I forced myself to maintain a composed facade, hoping to keep up the charade just a little while longer.
To my relief, Gunwook's eyes lit up with genuine interest. "Really? That's nice," he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "It's always nice to meet someone who shares my passion for chemistry."
As we delved into a discussion about our favorite chemical compounds and reactions, I found myself struggling to keep up with Gunwook's enthusiasm.
But despite my lack of genuine interest, I couldn't deny the thrill of being able to connect with him on a deeper level, even if it meant bending the truth just a little.
Step two: Find common interests (maybe lie a little)
Step three: Break the ice with humour
As Gunwook and I continued our conversation on chemistry, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering at the back of my mind.
While our shared interest had provided a starting point for connection, I knew that genuine chemistry couldn't be built on a foundation of falsehoods.
Determined to steer the conversation in a more authentic direction, I racked my brain for a way to inject some levity into our interaction. And then, inspiration struck.
"You know," I began, mustering up a playful grin, "They say that chemistry is the study of matter, but I think it's more like magic."
Gunwook's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but to my relief, a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. "Magic, huh? I like that analogy," he replied, his lips quirking into a smile.
Encouraged by his response, I pressed on, eager to keep the momentum going.
"Yeah, think about it — mixing two elements together and watching them react in unexpected ways. It's like witnessing a mini fireworks show right in the palm of your hand," I continued, my enthusiasm growing with each word.
To my delight, Gunwook chuckled, his laughter echoing softly in the air. "You have a way with words," he remarked, his gaze softening with genuine warmth.
Step four: Spit the truth
Emboldened by his positive response, I decided to throw caution to the wind and lay my cards on the table.
"So, um, I was thinking... Would you be interested in grabbing coffee with me sometime?" I blurted out, my cheeks flushing with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.
For a brief moment, it seemed as if Gunwook was lost in thought, causing my heart to race with uncertainty. I began to fidget nervously, worrying that I may have overstepped or misread his signals.
But then, to my relief, a warm smile spread across Gunwook's face. "Sure, I'd love to," he replied, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth.
As relief flooded over me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for what the future held. "Great, it's a date then." I said, unable to contain the joy in my voice.
With plans in place, I bid farewell to Gunwook, feeling a sense of exhilaration coursing through my veins. "I'll see you after school," I confirmed, earning a nod from him before turning to head back to Gyuvin sitting at the back of the class.
I happily skipped over to the boy who sat with his arms folded, expression unreadable. "It worked!" I exclaimed, bursting with joy.
His eyes lit up with curiosity as he glanced up at me. A smug grin spread on his face, "I told you my plan would work," He remarked, chuckling.
Each passing minute felt like an eternity and my stomach fluttered with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, stealing glances at the boy sitting near the front of the class, the anticipation of our impending coffee date heightening my senses.
Maybe I'll admit the white lie on chemistry later, I'd thought, chuckling to myself.
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cookienha · 2 months
☆ be my valentine? ¦ valentine dates with zb1 (hyung line)
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¦ hyung line!zb1 x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationships, pet names, kisses, mentions of food and drinks, butchered french, not proofread!!
¦ a/n: happy valentine's day, lovebirds!!
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kim jiwoong !!
☆ classic romantic dinner - without a doubt, jiwoong is a romantic man, so a classic romantic dinner is his go-to plan on a valentine's evening. just imagine; soft candlelights, fresh flowers and classical music playing in the background. whether it be in a fancy restaurant or a simple dinner he orchestrated at the comfort of your home, he makes sure to pay attention to every detail, ensuring that every moment of the dinner is filled with love and thoughtfulness, making it a memorable and cherished experience for both himself and his partner.
I sighed, closing the door behind me as arrived home after a long day at work, stumbling over my own feet whilst taking off my shoes. "Babe!" I called out before looking up, noticing a trail of rose petals leading from the entrance to the dining area.
Curious, I followed their path, the anticipation building with each step. Upon entering the dining area, I was greeted by the soft glow of candlelight and the sweet scent of fresh flowers, Jiwoong standing behind the table with his pink apron still on.
"Woah, what is all this?" I giggled, looking around. The soft glow of candlelight danced around the room, the table was adorned with fresh flowers, their delicate fragrance filling the air, while gentle piano music played in the background. My cheeks flushed as I felt a rush of warmth at his thoughtful gesture. "Bonjour, mademoiselle. I prepared dinner for us tonight. Please have a seat, my lady." Jiwoong replied with a smile that made my heart flutter, pulling out a chair for me with a flourish.
I couldn't help but chuckle at the gesture, placing my handbag at a table nearby before walking to where he was standing, sitting down on the chair. As I took my seat, he leaned in close, whispering, "I wanted tonight to be as special as you are to me."
zhang hao !!
☆ making diy's - i see him as the type to customize things, either it be his or yours. adores you wearing or using the diy gift he made for you, whether it be clothes, bracelets, hats, anything basically! you will also (always) find him wearing and using whatever you made for him, even if it's not the prettiest. making diy gifts on valentine's day as a date may not be much compared to other type of dates, but it's a great way to show show your love and effort in creating something meaningful for him to cherish.
Surrounded by shelves stocked with beads, threads, and charms, we sat at the table in silence, glancing up at each other from time to time. My eyebrows furrowed in concentration as I carefully selected colorful beads, envisioning the perfect combination for Hao's bracelet. With each bead threaded onto the string, I poured my effort into the creation, imagining his smile when he saw the finished piece. Meanwhile, Zhang Hao meticulously crafted a delicate phone charm, his fingers dancing across the tiny pieces with precision, choosing colours he thought suited me best. As he worked, I couldn't help but admire his focus and dedication, chuckling at the way he pouts his lips when he's focused. "This is fun," he remarked, glancing over at my progress. "We should do this again." I chuckled before nodding in agreement, a sense of contentment washing over me. "It's special because we're making it for each other." Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the art of creation, laughter and whispered conversations filling the air. With each passing moment, our bond grew stronger, woven into the intricate patterns of our handmade gifts. Finally, as the workshop began to close for the day, we exchanged our creations, hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love," Zhang Hao said, slipping the bracelet onto my wrist before landing a small kiss on my forehead. I smiled, holding his handcrafted phone charm in my palm, the other hand intertwined with his as we walked home. "Happy Valentine's Day, Hao."
sung hanbin !!
☆ café hopping - caffeine + sung hanbin = free therapy. he definitely loves trying out new café's you two come across, every cup of coffee with him becomes a soothing experience; a safe haven. sipping on your coffee, sharing stories from the past week and sharing laughters here and there, nothing could get better than that. on valentine's though, he'd definitely prefer a more intimate setting, so if he decides to bring you on a simple café date, he'll take you to visit his mother's café. think of it as spending time with your future mother-in-law.
"Seriously, where are we heading?" I asked, impatience lacing my tone as I glanced at the tall figure guiding our way. Hanbin simply chuckled, taking hold of my hand. "Just follow me, angel." he replied, a playful glint in his eyes.
With a mixture of curiosity and excitement bubbling inside me, I followed his lead, eager to discover his surprise.
After a few more minutes of walking (and occasional complaints) we finally arrived at a quaint café nestled on a charming street corner. My heart skipped a beat when I read the sign placed outside the place, realizing his plan for our little date was to visit his mother's café.
It was like stepping into a piece of his heart, and I couldn't help but feel touched by his gesture. As we entered the café, Hanbin's mother seemed surprised when she looked up, standing behind the counter. "Oh, welcome!" She smiled warmly, walking over to give us both a tight hug. "We thought we'd spend our day here," Hanbin said, chuckling. She beamed at us, her eyes twinkling with affection. "I'm so glad you're here. Sit, sit! Let me get you something special." We settled into a corner booth, the familiar sights and smells instantly comforting. Hanbin's mother returned shortly after with two steaming cups of coffee, each adorned with a heart-shaped foam. "Here you go, my dears. A little Valentine's treat from me," she said, placing the cups in front of us with a wink. "Thank you, Mom," Hanbin said, leaning over to give her a quick hug. As we sipped our coffee, Hanbin's mother bustled about the café, greeting customers and tending to their needs. The atmosphere was bustling yet cozy, filled with the hum of conversation and the clink of coffee cups. "So, what do you think?" Hanbin asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Do you like it here?" I smiled, feeling the warmth of his gaze. "I love it. I've been wanting to go here for a while now," Hanbin grinned, his dimples deepening. "I'm glad you feel that way. I wanted to make today special for you." "Being with you already makes my everyday special, Hanbin."
seok matthew !!
☆ movie night - the perfect end for a valentine's night. he would select a movie that either you love or a movie that holds a special meaning in your relationship. dim lights, snacks neatly arranged on the coffee table, pillows and blankets surrounding you, your favourite movie playing, and the best part; cuddling with him.
As I walked out of our shared bedroom after freshening up, I was greeted by the soft glow of dim lights illuminating our cozy living room. On the TV screen, a movie was paused, pillows and blankets arranged invitingly on the couch and a bowl of popcorn sitting on the coffee table. Just then, Matthew emerged from the kitchen with DVD's in hand, a playful smile on his face.
"I couldn't decide which one to choose, so I picked both," he said with a grin. I laughed, feeling my heart swell with love for this thoughtful man. "You always know how to make me happy," I replied, reaching out to take one of the DVDs from him. Together, we settled onto the couch, our bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. Matthew wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as he pressed play on the remote. The movie began, and instantly I felt a surge of nostalgia wash over me. It was our favorite film, one that we had watched together on our very first date. As the familiar scenes played out on screen, I couldn't help but smile, remembering the nervous excitement of that night.
It was the simple act of being here with Matthew, surrounded by love and warmth.
As the credits rolled and the room filled with silence, I turned to him, my heart overflowing with gratitude. "Thank you for the perfect end for today," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Matthew smiled, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anything for you, my dear," He murmured, pulling me even closer until there was no space left between us.
kim taerae !!
☆ relaxing at the spa - taerae is attentive to your needs and senses, especially if you've been stressed with work or school. so, bringing you to the spa is his own way of showing he cares and wants you to be relaxed and happy. he loves the idea of pampering you and helping you unwind from the troubles of the week. besides, he gets to spend quality time with you in a tranquil setting, indulging in the luxurious treatments himself.
I could feel the tension knotting my shoulders and the weight of exhaustion settling in each and every piece of my bone. Work was stressful, and I practically dragged myself as I entered the apartment.
"You're home," Taerae, ever perceptive to my moods, greeted me with a warm smile and a gentle hug. "You seem like you could use some relaxation," he remarked with a joking tone, his eyes soft with concern. I nodded, sinking into his embrace as he practically had to drag my exhausted body the couch. "I feel like I haven't stopped running all day." Taerae's expression brightened with an idea. "What do you say we escape for a day at the spa? A little pampering might do wonders for both of us." The thought of indulging in a spa day with Taerae sounded like a dream. He knew how much I loved being pampered and cherished any opportunity to unwind together. "Really?" I asked, a glimmer of hope creeping into my weary voice. "Absolutely," he replied, his smile widening. "You deserve it." The next morning, we found ourselves enveloped in the serene atmosphere of the spa. Soft music played in the background as we slipped into plush robes and slippers, leaving the stresses of the outside world behind. "Doesn't this feel amazing?" Taerae whispered as we settled into a couple's massage room. I sighed contentedly, closing my eyes. "It's perfect. Thank you for suggesting this." As skilled hands worked away the tension in my muscles, I could feel myself melting into the table, the cares of the past stressful days fading into oblivion. After our massages, we indulged in facials, steam rooms, and even a luxurious soak in a hot tub. With each passing moment, I felt the weight of stress lifting from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love," Taerae whispered, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead as we relaxed in the hot tub. I smiled up at him, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Thank you for making it so special." As we left the spa later that evening, I felt lighter than I had in weeks, my mind clear and my body relaxed. Taerae, standing next to me with our hands intertwined, wore a contented smile, knowing that he had succeeded in bringing a little slice of paradise into my life when I needed it most.
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cookienha · 3 months
tbh i'm actually considering writing for other groups now, just to add some variety to my blog lol 😭🤷‍♀🤷‍♀🤷‍♀ lmk what u think thoo 🤔
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cookienha · 3 months
☆ simple things ¦ zb1 and the small things in life (pt. 2)
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¦ ot9!zb1 x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationships, pet names, mentions of food
¦ a/n: -
pt. 1 (hyung line)
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shen ricky !!
☆ The satisfaction of completing a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece, creating a satisfying picture
The soft hum of a cozy afternoon filled the room as we sat huddled around a jigsaw puzzle spread across the coffee table. The scattered pieces portrayed a daunting landscape of colors and shapes, challenging us to piece together the fragmented image. Ricky leaned in, his eyes focused on the scattered pieces infront of him.
"This is.. hard," he remarked with a grin, picking up a piece and examining it closely. I chuckled at his reaction, realizing the complexity of our chosen puzzle. "Well, they did say it was expert level. We're up for the challenge, right?" The afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on our shared endeavor.
With determined expressions, we delved into the task, our fingertips navigating through the sea of pieces, working side by side. After what felt like both moments and hours, the last piece found it's place, completing the intricate puzzle.
A shared sense of accomplishment washed over us as we sat back, marveling at the vibrant picture now whole before us. Ricky grinned, a sparkle in his eyes, a smug expression on his face. He crossed his arms, "Look at that. Teamwork at its finest." I couldn't help but smile, feeling a subtle connection that extended beyond the puzzle.
"When you find the right pieces, it all just comes beautifully — just like us,"
kim gyuvin !!
☆ The crackling sound of a bonfire and the warmth it brings on a cool evening
The crackling sound of the bonfire echoed through the still night as Gyuvin and I cozied up on a blanket under a canopy of stars. The warmth from the flames danced around us, creating a cocoon of comfort against the cool evening breeze. Gyuvin's laughter mingled with the flickering firelight, and I couldn't help but feel a profound connection in the simplicity of the moment. We shared stories, our voices blending with the symphony of crackling wood, as the fragrant smoke spiraled upward into the night. His gaze met mine, and there was an unspoken understanding beneath the warmth of the fire. "You know," Gyuvin said, his tone soft, "this moment feels like the crackling bonfire — inviting and comforting." I nodded, captivated by the flames mirroring the sparks between us. "It's like... the warmth of the fire is a reflection of what we have, something steady and reassuring." He continues.
"I like it." I say, and we both let out a chuckle. Gyuvin reached for a stick, poking at the embers. "It's like these flames, you know? Each one unique, but together they create something beautiful." As the night unfolded, our conversation deepened, fueled by the bonfire's glow and the shared warmth that wrapped around us. The crackling embers mirrored the laughter, whispers, and shared dreams exchanged between us.
"I wouldn't trade this for anything." He says, intertwining his hands with mine as I scooted closer to him.
"Not even Eumppappa?"
We both giggled, "I'll reconsider."
park gunwook !!
☆ Freshly baked cookies straight from the oven
The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen, enticing both my senses and Gunwook's. As the sweet scent wafted through the air, we found ourselves drawn to the source of the delightful fragrance. Gunwook peered into the oven with anticipation, his eyes lighting up as he caught a glimpse of golden-brown cookies.
He jokingly took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of freshly baked cookies. "Ah, I think I just found my new favorite cologne — Eau de Chocolate Chip," Gunwook teased, a playful glint in his eyes as I giggled at his antics. With oven mitts in hand, I carefully retrieved the warm cookies, placing them onto the kitchen counter.
I playfully slapped Gunwook's hand away when he reached for a cookie, the warmth still radiating from the freshly baked batch. "Hold on there, hotshot. These cookies are literally hot." He feigned an injured look, cradling his hand as if wounded. "I was just testing their warmth level, you know? Quality control." I chuckled, shaking my head. "Let them cool for a moment, we don't want any casualties in the name of impatience." Despite the theatrics, Gunwook grinned and leaned back, patiently awaiting the cookies' cooldown.
After a few minutes of eager anticipation, the cookies had cooled enough for a safe taste test. I picked up a cookie, its surface still slightly warm, and took a bite.
The chocolate chips were gooey, and the edges had the perfect hint of crispiness. The perfect blend of sweetness enveloped my senses, and I glanced at Gunwook who was awaiting my reaction, holding his cookie with a mischievous smile. "Moment of truth," he declared, taking a dramatic bite. The sheer delight on his face mirrored my own, and we exchanged satisfied looks. "Hot cookies and good company — can't beat that," He said as we both took another bite, silently savouring the combination of flavors and the comforting warmth.
"These cookies are like a little taste of happiness."
"You're my little happiness," He replied without missing a beat, and I couldn't help but to chuckle, playfully hitting his shoulders.
han yujin !!
☆ Discovering an old playlist, filled with forgotten favourite songs, and relieving its magic
Yujin offered to help me tackle the seemingly insurmountable task of cleaning my room, armed with determination and a playful grin. As we sifted through old papers, clothes, and memories, the room transformed from chaos to order, thanks to his infectious energy. We were in the middle of organizing the boxes under the bed when Yujin's hands brushed against a mysterious box, catching his attention. Curiosity sparked, he pulled it out, and a small smile played on his lips. "What do we have here?" Yujin wondered aloud, his eyes lighting up. As he opened the box, it revealed a collection of relics from our past. Among faded concert tickets and polaroids, a cassette tape emerged, its label bearing our names and a date from ages ago. "Hey, look at what I found," he exclaimed, smiling gleefully while holding it up. "Didn't we make this together?" Memories flooded back as we dusted off an old cassette player. The familiar hum of the machine and the first notes of a song transported us to a different time, Yujin's eyes instantly lit up with recognition.
With a big smile displayed on his face, he stood up and skipped over to where I was standing, taking my hand and pulled me to the middle of the room.
"Cleaning can wait." He declared, twirling me around.
The room suddenly transformed into a dance floor as we swayed to the familiar tunes, not caring about the half-organized chaos around us. Just us in our own world.
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92 notes · View notes
cookienha · 3 months
☆ simple things ¦ zb1 and the small things in life (pt. 1)
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¦ ot9!zb1 x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationships, pet names, mentions of food
¦ a/n: -
pt. 2 (maknae line)
kim jiwoong !!
☆ The comforting aroma of freshly made bread wafting through a bakery
Jiwoong and I were taking a leisurely stroll down the street when the inviting smell of fresh bread caught our attention, pulling us into a nearby bakery.
"Can you smell that?" He grinned, eyes lighting up. "Of course, it's like a warm hug for the nose," I replied, inhaling deeply, giggling right after. We entered the bakery, greeted by the comforting aroma and the sight of various bread loaves neatly displayed. Jiwoong's eyes darted around, and he pointed to a crusty-looking loaf. "That one looks nice. What do you think?" he asked. I nodded, "Sure, let's give it a shot." As we waited in line, the atmosphere of the bakery was cozy and filled with the soft murmur of conversation. Jiwoong, ever the joker, remarked, "If this bread is half as good as it smells, we might become regulars here." I chuckled, lightly hitting his shoulders. When the baker handed us the warm loaf, Jiwoong flashed a satisfied grin, payed for the bread and mumbled a quick 'thank you' before we made our way to the door. Leaving the bakery with our freshly acquired bread, he couldn't wait to give it a taste. "Should we try it now?" His eyes filled with excitement. I chuckled, "Why not? It's still warm." We broke off a piece, and the crust made a satisfying crunch. The soft interior revealed itself, and the warmth of the bread filled our hands. Jiwoong took a bite, and a grin spread across his face. "This is amazing! We need to come back here." He chuckled, replicating the laughter of a child, and I couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming moment. I joined in, savoring the simple pleasure of warm bread. "Definitely a good find," I agreed, our laughter blending with the sounds of the street.
zhang hao !!
☆ The sound of rain tapping gently against the window, creating a soothing lullaby.
The gentle patter of raindrops against the window creating a comforting soundtrack to our evening as we found ourselves cozied up at home, the room bathed in a soft glow from the muted TV screen. "Rainy nights are made for movies, don't you think?" Hao said, his voice soft as he wrapped an arm around me. I nodded with a small smile, "Absolutely." We settled into the embrace of a plush blanket, choosing a movie that promised to be a perfect companion for the rainy atmosphere outside. As the movie unfolded, we fell silent, eyes glued to the screen. His fingers found its way to tracing comforting patterns on my arm. The rhythmic sound of raindrops, coupled with the warmth of his embrace, lulled me into a peaceful state. Feeling the softness of the blanket and the steady rhythm of Hao's heartbeat, I found myself gradually succumbing to the tranquil atmosphere, eyelids growing heavy. The movie's dialogues faded into the background. His comforting embrace which was paired with the sound of raindrops became my perfect lullaby. He looked down momentarily later and noticed my droopy eyes. With a tender smile, he gently pulled me closer, allowing me to rest against him.
We found solace in the simple joy of being wrapped up in each other's embrace as the rain continued its gentle serenade.
sung hanbin !!
☆ The first sip of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee
As we strolled into a nearby coffee shop, we were instantly met with the comforting sounds of hushed conversations and the rhythmic clinking of mugs. The air was scented with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating an atmosphere that wrapped around us like a warm embrace. "Smells like heaven in here," Hanbin remarked, his eyes darting around the menu as if it held the secrets to the universe. I grinned, "Let's go for the perfect brew. What do you feel like?" Hanbin flashed a mischievous smile, "Leave it to me. I've got a sixth sense for good coffee." He approached the counter, exchanged a few words with the barista, and moments later, returned with two steaming mugs. "I took the liberty of ordering for us," he said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. With our mugs in hand, we claimed a cozy corner booth. The warmth of the coffee embraced us, promising a brief respite from the outside world. Hanbin took the first sip, a contented smile spreading across his face. "This is the stuff," he declared, gesturing dramatically with his mug. As we sipped our coffee, our conversation flowed seamlessly, blending with the gentle hum of the café. Laughter echoed between sips, creating a soundtrack to our shared moments. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the café windows, and Hanbin leaned back, his expression content. "Good coffee, good company," he mused, his gaze meeting mine. The corner of his lips lifted into a small smile, his eyes glistened with warmth as he looked at me endearingly.
"This is all I need,"
seok matthew !!
☆ Waking up to the smell of pancakes on a Sunday morning
The delicious scent of pancakes wafting through the air on a lazy Sunday morning had become a comforting routine in our little home. As I shuffled into the kitchen, still wrapped in the warmth of sleep, I was greeted by the sight of Matthew wearing a slightly messy apron, flipping pancakes with a practiced ease.
"Surprise breakfast?" I asked, making him slightly jump.
He flashed a grin as he saw my sleepy figure walking in. "Good morning, sunshine," Matthew greeted, the warmth of his smile adding an extra layer of coziness to the already inviting kitchen.
Pancake batter sizzling on the griddle filled the kitchen with a sweet smell that promised a great morning.
"Add syrup and berries, and we're good to go," he said, proudly presenting the plate with flair. Sitting at the table, sunlight streaming in, we enjoyed our little breakfast. "Pancakes and you, what a perfect match," Matthew said, savoring each bite. I chuckled, "I think you're like.. the Pancake Picasso of our kitchen." I joked, bubbles of giggles erupted from our mouth as we took another bite of the perfectly cooked pancakes.
The kitchen, now tinged with the afterglow of our laughter, became a haven of warmth and contentment.
kim taerae !!
☆ The crisp sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet on a brisk autumn day
Amidst the cool embrace of an autumn day, Taerae and I decided to take a leisurely stroll through the park, surrounded by the vibrant tapestry of fallen leaves. The crisp sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet created a symphony of autumn as we meandered along the winding paths.
"Isn't this just perfect?" Taerae remarked, kicking a pile of leaves with childlike glee. I laughed, looking at him with warmth glistening in my eyes, enjoying the sight of his childish yet heartwarming antics. Taerae's carefree spirit added an extra layer of joy to our autumn stroll, turning simple moments into cherished memories. As we wandered deeper into the park, hand in hand, the colors around us intensified, and the rustling leaves added a soothing melody to our conversation.
Taerae reached down, scooping up a handful of leaves and letting them fall through his fingers like nature's confetti. "Nature's own celebration," he said softly, a grin lighting up his sun-kissed face. We found a bench beneath a canopy of golden leaves and settled in. The rustling trees and distant chatter of birds created a tranquil atmosphere. Taerae, with an impish twinkle in his eyes, reached for a fallen leaf and tucked it behind my ear. "There, now you're part of the autumn magic too," he teased. I couldn't help but smile, blushing at the simplicity of the gesture. As we continued our stroll, the crunch of leaves beneath our feet and the subtle chill in the air became the soundtrack to our shared moments.
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cookienha · 3 months
if you guys have any ideas or requests, feel free to send them in!!
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cookienha · 3 months
☆ bodyguard
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¦ hanbin x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationship, pet names, sickness
¦ a/n: i'm running out of ideas 🤣
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I groaned, every inch of my body aching from the fever as I cautiously tiptoed out of bed. Having been through this routine before, I couldn't help but brace myself for what I knew would come next, but as soon as he sensed weak movement from me, Hanbin, immediately looked up from his book with a furrowed brow.
"What are you doing out of bed, angel?" He questioned, protective instincts already kicking in.
With a small, cautious smile, I replied, "For the love of God, I need to pee."
My voice cracked, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.
He chuckled too, setting aside his book and rising to his feet, ready to be my self-appointed guardian. "You really should be resting, you know."
"I know, but nature calls, and it doesn't wait for anyone," I joked, already leaning on him for the support I knew he'd willingly offer.
As I dealt with bathroom challenges, Hanbin waited patiently outside. The quietness on my end seemed to prompt his concern, and his voice, tinged with worry, broke through, "Everything okay in there, angel?"
"Yeah yeah, I'll be out in a second," I replied almost nonchalantly, an attempt to soothe his growing concern.
After what felt like an eternity (for Hanbin, at least), I emerged, and he wrapped me in a warm embrace. "You should've asked me to carry you here," he teased.
I snorted, "Carry me to the bathroom? That's a new level of romance."
He grinned, "Well, I'd do anything for you, even if it involves bathroom trips." His tone softened, "But seriously, you mean the world to me."
With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Hanbin added, "Consider me your personal bodyguard against flu bugs and bathroom woes."
I chuckled, "Don't be too close to me, dear. You'll get sick,"
His playful smile persisted. "Oh, but I'm willing to take that risk," he replied, offering a light-hearted camaraderie that eased any lingering tension.
He kissed my forehead, "Let's get you back to bed, and I'll make you a cup of tea. Maybe I'll even sing you a lullaby."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Save the serenade for when I'm not battling a fever, okay?"
Hanbin chuckled, "Deal. Now, back to bed, angel."
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87 notes · View notes
cookienha · 4 months
☆ silly arguments with zb1
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¦ ot9!zb1 x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationships, pet names, petty fights, kisses
¦ a/n: my inbox is always open soooo feel free to send in asks!!!!!
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kim jiwoong !!
"The plates should go on the bottom rack, babe, and the glasses on the top. It's a science," He declared, arranging the plates and cutlery with almost comical precision. I scoffed, "Come on, babe, they all get cleaned anyways." Playfully rolling my eyes, I continued loading the dish rack with freshly washed plates. "Besides, I'm a firm believer of a carefree philosophy in the kitchen," The tension rose as we debated the importance of arranging plates and utensils with almost comical intensity. In the end, we compromised by taking turns loading, each secretly rearranging the other's efforts when the other wasn't looking. As we stood amidst the clinking of dishes, Jiwoong nudged my shoulder, eyeing the dishwasher infront of us, "You know, our dishwasher deserves better." Unable to resist the humor in the situation, I replied, "Maybe it secretly enjoys the chaos." We couldn't help but burst into laughter, finally realizing the absurdity of our argument.
zhang hao !!
"Classical music has a timeless elegance, Y/N. It's rich, sophisticated," Zhang Hao argued, defending his favorite genre. I, however, leaned towards electronic beats, stating with a smirk, "But the energy in EDM is electrifying! It brings life to the moment." Our banter on musical tastes continued, passionately advocating for our preferred genres. In the end, we finally compromised, agreeing to add both of our favourite genres into playlists that seamlessly blended the grace of classical with the pulsating rhythms of EDM. As the diverse melodies filled the room, Zhang Hao teased, "I don't think adding music into playlists should be a diplomatic mission,"
I chuckled, replying, "Hey, you started it," Our shared laughter resonated, the delightful (and upbeat EDM) harmony being the background to our silly little debate.
sung hanbin !!
"You seriously think leaving socks around is a form of art?" I raised an eyebrow, eyeing the scattered socks around our shared bedroom. He chuckled, defending his carefree approach, "It's giving me 'cozy aesthetic',"
"Well, Hanbin, if 'cozy aesthetic' involves turning our bedroom into a sock exhibition, I might need some convincing."
Our playful banter on cleanliness unfolded, each defending our interpretation of a tidy living space.
Eventually, we compromised, designating certain areas for Hanbin's 'cozy aesthetic' and others for my organized order. Amidst the sock battleground, he quipped, "Clearly, socks are the secret to a harmonious coexistence." Smirking, I shot back, "Absolutely, who needs roses when you can have an array of socks strategically strewn across the floor? Romance at its finest."
"It's my love language," Hanbin defended, eyes twinkling as he chuckled.
"Oh, of course," I quipped with a playful smile, "Poetry is nothing compared to the intricate art of sock-scattering. A true romantic, you are."
seok matthew !!
"Babe, leaving the toilet seat up is not a statement. It's just inconvenient," I sighed, noticing the recurring situation. He grinned, defending his case, "It's more efficient, you know. Saves time," Our banter over toilet seat etiquette continued, each of us sticking to our preferences and I couldn't help but shake my head, chuckling slightly at his different idea of time efficiency.
"Efficiency might be your mantra, but a surprise cold splash isn't exactly my idea of a time-saver." Matthew chuckled, undeterred, "Think of it as an invigorating wake-up call. Keeps you on your toes, quite literally."
As he continued debating on his time-saving toilet seat tactics, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Maybe we should install a scoreboard for our daily battles of convenience." He winked, "Great idea! Winner gets the TV remote tonight."
Smirking, I playfully accepted the challenge, "Unless you agree to keep the toilet seat down, prepare to witness the unmatched skills of the reigning TV remote champion."
kim taerae !!
"How many times have I asked you to close the kitchen cabinets? It's not a hard concept, Taerae," I sighed, finding them wide open again. He grinned, defending his forgetfulness, "It's an open invitation to snacks. I call it convenience, babe."
We both persisted, unyielding in our perception on kitchen organization. Ultimately, a compromise emerged, resulting in him earning the privilege of leaving one cabinet open for snacks, while the rest were deemed off-limits to reduce culinary chaos.
"Fine, just one cabinet. Save the rest for my kitchen use," I proposed, a smile lingering on my face as he pretended to ponder for a moment.
"Okay, babe. Just don't be surprised if you find me conducting midnight snack raids." He grinned mischievously. "Just make sure the cabinets stay closed, and we'll avoid a midnight snack catastrophe,"
shen ricky !!
Arriving home to our shared apartment, I was instantly met with my boyfriend's scattered footwear. With a sigh, I began to carefully arrange them one by one. "Babe, didn't we agree to arrange the shoes on the shoe rack? Tripping over them is no fun,"
He chuckled as he eyed me maneuvering my way around his shoes before defending his shoe placement, "It adds character to the room, princess."
I shot him a playful look, raising an eyebrow. "Well, if shoes are the new aesthetic, then I demand a matching theme for the kitchen. Maybe utensils in artistic disarray?" He stood up, walking over and pickrd up a pair of his sneakers. Grinning, he replied, "How about a culinary chaos motif? It's avant-garde." I shook my head, laughing. "Avant-garde or not, I prefer a clutter-free zone. Shoes on the rack, and we can unleash creativity elsewhere."
He smiled, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my cheek. "Fair enough, princess."
kim gyuvin !!
"It's been thirty minutes, Gyuvin. Can we please decide on the movie? It's just two hours of our lives," I groaned as I eyed him scrolling through the endless sea of movie options on Netflix. "Tsk, darling," He clicked his tongue, playfully rolling his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. "Choosing a good movie needs determination, you can't rush it."
"Okay, but at least, don't open an action movie. Like, we've been watching The Avengers for three days in a row now,"
"Hey, it's a good movie for when you don't know what to watch!" He defended his movie choice with fervor, voice high. As I decided to present my point of view, our playful debate started, using more time to bicker rather than choosing a movie.
"Okay, fine. I hear you," Gyuvin chuckled, finally settling on a romantic comedy.
"How about we switch gears and give our superheroes a break tonight?"
I sighed in relief, "Finally, tonight will be the night we break the Avengers streak," I chuckled. Gyuvin hit play as we settled in each other's embrace, watching the movie playing on the TV screen and leaving the superheroes to save the world without us for once.
park gunwook !!
"Gunwook, can we not leave the kitchen sponge in the sink?" I sighed, noticing the damp sponge laying in the middle of the sink as I stepped in the kitchen.
"It's marinating, babe."
"...What?" I stop in my tracks, tilting my head to the side. "For a more efficient dish washing experience."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as we burst into laughter. Our banter started over basic kitchen hygiene, each of us sticking to our habits.
"It's a breeding ground for germs, babe." I chuckled, shaking my head. "That sponge holder next to the sink is there for a reason,"
Gunwook clicked his tongue, shaking his head with eyes closed and shaking his index finger, disagreeing with my point of view on kitchen hygiene. Standing up from the seat, he walked over and towered over me.
A smirk played on his lips, eyebrows raised. "Your obsession with cleanliness is adorable, but I'll stick to my rebel ways."
With that, he stole a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me chuckling amidst the remnants of our lighthearted kitchen banter.
han yujin !!
"Yujin, you left the cap off the toothpaste again," I scolded, walking out of the bathroom as I raised the offending tube.
He chuckled, "Does it really bother you that much?" "Yes! It's the little things that matter," I retorted, my annoyance genuine. "It's good to keep a spare, you know. For emergencies."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his idea, tilting my head. "Emergency toothpaste caps, really?" Yujin grinned, mischief in his eyes, "Alright, I'll make sure to keep the caps on next time," He teased, and just as I was about to reply with a grateful thank you, he slyly added, "But only if you beat me in a thumb war."
I burst into laughter, but I agreed nonetheless. A thumb war over toothpaste caps seemed absurd, yet we engaged in the playful duel. Amidst laughter, our petty fight turned into a thumb-wrestling championship, the toothpaste momentarily forgotten. In the end, Yujin surrendered, admitting defeat with a smirk. "Cap stays on from now on," he declared, sealing our resolution with a small peck on the cheek, turning a trivial argument into a cherished memory.
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208 notes · View notes
cookienha · 4 months
☆ pickup lines
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¦ gyuvin x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationship, terrible pickup lines i found on the internet ‼️‼️‼️
¦ a/n: my maths n science paper 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i started laughing when i wrote down my goofy answers lolzies lowkey tweakin rn i'm ngl
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I sat at my desk, engrossed in my work, trying to meet a looming deadline. Gyuvin, however, seemed to be bored out of his mind as he lay on the sofa upside down.
"Y/N," He calls out, eyebrow frowning when I didn't answer, focused on the laptop infront of me. "Y/NNN," He calls out once more, sighing defeatedly when I spared no attention towards him, resulting in him trying to think of an ingenious idea to get my attention.
He grinned behind my back, a light bulb appearing above his head as he thought of an idea. Clearing his throat, he began, "Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you."
I glanced over at him, shaking my head before resuming my work.
Undeterred, he continued, "If you were words on a page, you'd be fine print."
I shook my head, a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Seriously?"
He grinned, determined to break through my work bubble. "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te, and I need some cuddles."
I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the cringy attempt. "I'm busy, Gyuvin."
As Gyuvin's life motto was 'to never give up', he wore a determined look on his face, completely unbothered.
"Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? Because you're burning up my thoughts, and I need your attention."
I sighed, giggling, realizing resistance was futile. "Gyuvin, I appreciate the effort, but I have to finish this."
He pouted, "If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple, and I'd be totally pine for you."
I couldn't help but smile at his persistence. sighed, giggling as I realized resistance was futile. I found it cute how determined he was to pull me away from my work. Gyuvin's affectionate persistence had a way of melting away stress, and in that moment, I embraced the idea of letting go.
"You're impossible, you know that?"
"Yeah, but I'm your impossible." He grinned, his eyes reflecting a mixture of playfulness and genuine affection.
"My charm never fails," he confidently asserted, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he added a wink in the end. I laughed at his self-assured statement, rolling my eyes playfully. "Your persistence is both annoying and endearing."
"Alright," I finally conceded, closing my laptop with a sigh. "This work can wait." Gyuvin's face lit up with joy, running towards me before he wrapped his arms around my figure.
"Annoyingly endearing," he teased, pulling me into a warm embrace.
"Fine, fine," I chuckled, giving in completely. "Screw this work. I'd rather cuddle with you."
I grinned as he pulled me to cozy up on the sofa, "You and your cheesy tactics,"
Gyuvin chuckled, "Hey, they work, don't they?"
"Maybe a little too well," I teased, snuggling closer. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."
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77 notes · View notes
cookienha · 4 months
☆ happy birthday
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¦ gunwook x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationship, pet names, kisses
¦ a/n: happy birthday to our gunwookieee!! even though i'm dying from my exams, still won't miss a chance to celebrate my bby's bday 😙
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Gunwook was out, enjoying a lively birthday celebration with his friends, filled with laughter and camaraderie. Back home, as I await for him to return home, I prepared a small surprise, a private celebration just for the two of us.
The festivities soon wrapped up and a gentle homesickness tugged at him, hurrying home. Gunwook returned just a few hours before midnight, opening the door to our shared apartment, instantly meeting dim lights.
"Love?" His soft voice called out, taking off his shoes in a swift motion and walking into the living room. He smiled upon seeing me with a small hat placed on my head, another one on the table reserved for him, and a little homemade cake placed neatly on the coffee table infront of me, adorned with tiny little candles.
"Happy Escape-from-the-Womb Day, Gunwook!" I giggled, standing up and walking over to him to place the hat on his head.
He chuckled, genuinely surprised. "Did you just call my birthday my 'womb escape'?"
I grinned, playing along, "Well, it's the day you escaped into the world and made it infinitely better."
He laughed and eyed the cake. "Is this a special cake or just a delicious trap?"
"Only one way to find out," I teased, handing him a knife.
We settled into the cozy celebration, my voice filling the quiet apartment as I sang the song, the glow of the candles casting a warm ambiance. As I admiringly eyed my boyfriend blowing out the candles, I couldn't resist a playful remark.
"Make a wish, but remember, it better be as sweet as you are."
He closed his eyes, and the room fell silent for a moment. His eyelashes fluttered as he made a silent wish, the soft glow of the candles dancing on his closed lids.
When he finally opened them, his gaze met mine, filled with an affectionate sincerity that melted my heart.
"I wished for more moments like these with you," he confessed, pulling me into a tender hug, kissing the top of my head.
The sweetness of the moment lingered as we enjoyed the cake together, savoring not just the taste but the shared joy. We reminisced about the day, and Gunwook couldn't help but express his gratitude.
"Today was amazing, but coming home to this? You make my every day special," he whispered as he cupped my face, placing a light kiss on my nose.
With a heart full of love, we continued the celebration, we savoured the quiet intimacy surrounding his birthday.
"Happy birthday, my love. Stay with me forvever, okay?" I whispered as we ended the day together.
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104 notes · View notes
cookienha · 4 months
☆ shakespeare
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¦ gunwook x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationship, cheesy pickup lines (idk if it's an actual pickup line but oh wells)
¦ a/n: i have my final year exams coming up so i will be inactive for around a week or two, soooo here's a small drabble!! (i'm so tired rn i hate exams sm 😭)
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The scent of aged books lingered in the air of the library. Quickly, I found myself lost in the pages of my favorite novel. My boyfriend, Gunwook, sat across me, a book open on his lap.
As I completely immersed myself in the world of fiction, his gaze lingered on every detail — not of the words on the pages, but the details of me, whether it be the gentle curve of my lips as I got lost in the plot or the way my eyes sparkled with every turn of the page. It was a silent admiration, a love story written in stolen glances.
Finally gathering the courage, Gunwook closed his book suddenly, leaning forward across the small table, smile betraying the adoration he'd been harboring. His sudden motion disturbed me from my focus, lifting my head to look at him with a confused expression.
"What?" I asked, curious.
"Nothing," He wore a sheepish grin, his cheeks a tint of pink.
I raised an eyebrow as I closed my book, feigning annoyance, "Seriously, what's up?"
With a sigh, he confessed, eyebrows furrowed. "I was just admiring the most captivating story in this library." His grin grew bigger, crossing his arms together.
I smiled, chuckling, "And what's that supposed to be?"
Without missing a beat, he replied with a smug expression on his face, "The story of you. Your smile is so blinding it could outshine the sun. It's like reading a romance novel every time you look my way."
"Hm, where did you read that?" I teased, chuckling at his unexpected sweetness. "Did you rehearse all that?"
Gunwook, in a moment of unabashed sweetness, looked into my eyes with full sincerity and uttered a line that could even rival Shakespeare's.
"Your laughter is a melody that dances upon the strings of my heart, turning each day into a sonnet written in the ink of your smile."
My cheeks flushed, and I shook my head in shyness, unable to contain the warmth that spread through me at his unabashed sweetness.
"Damn, did I turn you into Shakespeare or something?" I quipped.
He grinned, "Blame it on your enchanting influence. You're my poetic inspiration."
I couldn't suppress a laugh, "Well, I guess Shakespeare might need to watch his back, then."
Gunwook leaned back, successfully delivering his poetic words, his eyes sparkling with an unspoken promise. "Maybe I'm not Shakespeare, but every word I say comes straight from my heart," he declared with a playful wink.
I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the unexpected sweetness in the library's hushed whispers. Our story continued in stolen glances, whispered confessions, and Shakespeare-level lines – our own cherished verses in the anthology of our love.
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73 notes · View notes
cookienha · 4 months
☆ new years with zb1
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¦ ot9!zb1 x gn!reader, fluff
¦ warnings: established relationships, pet names, kisses
¦ a/n: i rlly never thought zb1 n bnd would bring me so much happiness in such a short time but here we are 🥹 wishing you all a blessed 2024 filled with happiness and great health!!! happy new years everyone!!! <3
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kim jiwoong !!
The countdown neared midnight, Jiwoong and I stood on the rooftop, the chilly air wrapped around us as we exchanged a glance, smiles mirroring the promise of a new year.
When the clock struck twelve, his hand intertwined with mine. Fireworks erupted, painting the sky with bursts of color and in that fleeting moment, amidst the cheers and laughter, Jiwoong whispered, "Here's to new beginnings, Y/N."
The fireworks mirrored the explosion of emotions between us. In that stolen moment, our lips met, sealing a pact for the year ahead.
zhang hao !!
In Zhang Hao's hometown, the New Year was a tapestry woven with family traditions. His ancestral home echoed with laughter and the aroma of festive feasts. I decided to spend the start into a new year with my boyfriend's family, as he'd invited me to.
In the evenings, I joined the bustling kitchen, sharing laughs and stories while mastering the art of dumpling-making, the Zhang's family recipe. "Try the dumplings, Y/N, they're a family recipe," his mother insisted, her eyes twinkling with pride.
During the night, while awaiting the countdown, his father recounted tales of the town's history, eyes lighting up with nostalgia. "This town has seen generations of joy and resilience," he said, a deep sense of belonging in his voice. Me and Hao sat on the floor, hands intertwined, absorbed in the tales of old time. When the clock struck midnight, we gathered in the courtyard, enveloped in the warmth of family. Hao's relatives teased, "So, when are we getting wedding bells, you two?" He simply blushed, chuckling as his ears turned red but his eyes held a promise.
In his cherished hometown, amidst familial banter and shared laughter, we welcomed the New Year with love, stories, and the anticipation of future chapters.
sung hanbin !!
Soft music played in the background as we prepared a makeshift feast of comfort foods. The scent of homemade dishes filled the air of my apartment, creating a haven of shared moments. As the clock approached midnight, we stood by the window, awaiting the distant fireworks that'll soon paint the night sky. We shared stories, laughed, and embraced each other in the cozy air of the apartment.
"Here's to a year of laughter, love, and endless possibilities," Hanbin said, smiling, his eyes sparkling with warmth as we raised our glasses of champagne. The clink echoed in our quiet celebration.
"I love you," He says. "Thank you for being mine, angel." When the clock finally struck twelve, his lips met mine.
"I love you too." I smiled against the kiss, a promise sealed in the intimacy of our own space.
seok matthew !!
The New Year's Eve atmosphere was intimate and warm in his apartment. Matthew, with his charming demeanor, took charge of the playlist, curating a blend of nostalgic tunes and upbeat melodies.
As we lounged on the couch, he flashed a mischievous smile and said, "Care for a dance before the countdown, my love?" He extended his hand, and I couldn't resist the invitation. We swayed to the music, creating our own private celebration in the living room. Our laughter mixed with the melodies, turning our small space into a dance floor filled with shared moments. When the countdown neared, we stood close, his arms wrapped around me. As the clock struck midnight, our lips met in a gentle kiss, a silent promise of countless more dances and shared memories in each other's embrace.
kim taerae !!
As the final moments of the year ticked away, Taerae's fingers gracefully danced across the strings of his guitar.
In the soft glow of fairy lights, his cozy bedroom transformed into an intimate concert space, occasionally laughing when we heard his nembers' creating a scene outside the door.
The melody he crafted filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere just for the two of us to enjoy.
"Here's to new beginnings," Taerae whispered, his voice blending with the gentle strumming. I sat mesmerized, captivated by the emotion in each note. The music wrapped around us, a tender embrace that transcended words. As the clock approached midnight, he set aside the guitar, and we sat together, facing the unknown. With a subtle smile, he pressed a sweet kiss against my forehead, his way of saying, "Here's to another year of melodies and moments, just you and me."
shen ricky !!
In the setting of Ricky's lavish penthouse, New Year's Eve unfolded like a scene from a glamorous movie.
The panoramic view of the city sparkled beneath us as we stood on the private terrace, sharing stories and laughters in the comfort of each other.
The clock quickly approached midnight and his eyes met mine in a silent acknowledgment of the year's end. With a flourish, he raised his glass and declared, "To a year filled with even grander adventures, princess."
The countdown echoed through the luxurious space. As the clock struck twelve, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, a silent promise of another year in his luxurious world of warmth.
kim gyuvin !!
The New Year's Eve countdown approached and we found ourselves in the midst of joyful chaos with his fellow members, laughter echoing through the cozy dorm as we shared stories and prepared a feast. In the living room adorned with fairy lights, Gyuvin's eyes sparkled with warmth. Amidst the lively banters and shared laughters, he subtly intertwined our fingers, a quiet reassurance in the midst of the celebration. The room buzzed louder with excitement as the clock approached midnight.
At midnight, surrounded by the people who meant the most to him, Gyuvin initiated a series of heartfelt hugs with his members, each embrace speaking volumes of the trust they shared.
As the last hug concluded, he turned to me with a smile, his arms welcoming me into the final hug, marking the beginning of a new year in the embrace of the comfort we found in each other.
park gunwook !!
New Year's Eve was a tapestry of tradition and warmth in Gunwook's familial haven. The fragrance of home-cooked delicacies wafted through the air as we gathered in the cozy living room, surrounded by the comforting laughter of his family. His parents welcomed me with open arms, sharing stories that intertwined with the crackling fireplace.
Gunwook's older brother, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, nudged him as if to say, "Finally, you brought someone home." The house echoed with the harmonious blend of familial banter. As the clock approached midnight, Gunwook's father led us in a traditional New Year's toast.
Gunwook caught my eye, his smile conveying a promise of shared moments in the year ahead.
When the clock struck twelve, we stood together as we marvelled at the fireworks display outside the window. His hand was intertwined with mine, welcoming the new year in the warm embrace of his home and the love that permeated each corner.
han yujin !!
As the New Year's Eve countdown commenced, Yujin and I found ourselves physically miles apart but emotionally connected through a video call.
Cupcakes, adorned with colorful frosting and sprinkles, were our shared virtual treat for the occasion. Our laughter echoed through the screen as we exchanged stories and reminisced about the year, smiling ear to ear.
In the backdrop of our respective spaces, we lit candles for a makeshift celebration. The digital connection bridged the gap, turning mere pixels into shared smiles. When the countdown reached it's final moments, Yujin held up his cupcake to the camera and I mirrored the gesture on my end. With a synchronized "Happy New Year!", We both blew out the candles simultaneously, the soft glow of our screens capturing the warmth of our shared moment. In the simplicity of a video call and the sweetness of virtual cupcakes, we welcomed the new year with hopes and aspirations, our shared dreams interweaving through the pixels on the screen. It was a celebration not only of the passing time but also of the growth and admiration that marked our journey together into the promising chapters of the coming year.
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cookienha · 4 months
☆ wildflowers
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¦ unrequited love!hanbin x gn!reader, angst
¦ warnings: -
¦ a/n: not rlly sure what to feel abt this but i hope you can understand 😭
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In the wild meadow where flowers painted the air with colors, Y/N and I uncovered the secrets of wildflowers. Each bloom, like a quiet poet, held tales too complex for words.
Our shared love for these blossoms became a language unspoken in the tapestry of our friendship.
It started with shared laughter and unspoken connection beneath the oak tree. Y/N's presence was like a delicate bloom in the garden, each smile unfolding like a petal, harmonizing a floral serenade within my heart.
On a sunny day, surrounded by nature's canvas, I revealed the meanings. "See these flowers, Y/N? They're like our feelings, telling stories without words." I pointed to the vast canvas infront of us.
The daisy, delicate and innocent, once mirrored the purity of our friendship. The bluebell whispered gratitude, a feeling nestled between us. But as we ventured deeper, the wildflowers began to mirror the tangled emotions we avoided.
Forget-me-nots, with their tiny blue petals, pleaded not to be forgotten. Unspoken, they echoed my own plea in the garden of our unspoken emotions.
To express my feelings, I chose the subtle language of flowers, hoping the blossoms would reveal the emotions I couldn't voice. Each floral gesture was a dance of love, a choreography performed in hopes that Y/N would decipher the silent poetry.
Beneath the towering sunflowers, I confessed my feelings. "Sunflowers mean adoration, Y/N. That's what I feel for you," I admitted, hoping my eyes spoke the words hidden beneath.
Yet, thorns lurked. Y/N, lost in the beauty of the blooms, became unaware of the pain I cradled within.
The metaphors and symbols embedded in each flower went unnoticed, the subtle confessions lost in the vibrant dance of wildflowers.
One day, as the wildflowers began to fade, a reflection of our dwindling connection, I handed Y/N a bouquet — Red roses, vibrant with unspoken ache, intertwined with baby's breath, a metaphor for the fragility of our bond.
In silence, I hoped the flowers would speak my heart.
Y/N, entranced by their beauty, missed the plea woven into each petal. As autumn whispered goodbye to our meadow, I saw the roses wilt, and my love, once vivid, withered along.
Our friendship which was once tapestry of vibrant emotions, became a melancholic memory.
Y/N, the enchanting dancer in the wildflowers, remained oblivious to the silent sonnet I wrote with wilting blooms. The meadows whispered of what was lost amidst the fading wildflowers.
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