codlark · 1 month
Happy Trans Visibility Easter!
Credit to my sib-in-law for telling me that one, I don't know where they got it from.
It's been a couple years since I posted any selfies for TDoV so here's a few that I'm pretty proud of!
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That first shot was a selfie I took on the bus to school that I never ended up posting, which is a shape because I really like it!
The second shot is me wearing my first set of scrubs. I'm a phlebotomy student and where I live I have to do 120 hours of unpaid work with a total of 100 draws to be certified. It's organized by the school because I can't get the insurance until I'm certified so I'm on theirs, and they make us wear hunter green scrubs. I don't mind the color, but if I had a choice I'd wear black or yellow.
The last pick is today! I decided to wear something cute for TDoV and post it. The necklace I made myself from an empty estradiol bottle. I have matching earrings, but I recently sized up my ears and it was a bit of a bad stretch, so I have to wait for a while before I can take out my current plugs.
I love Tdov, it's easily one of my favorite holidays, and I always look forward to all the selfies from all the happy trans folks today!
I'm gonna go like a few selfies now, happy TDoV!
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codlark · 2 months
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neocities guide - why you should build your own html website
do you miss the charm of the 90s/00s web where sites had actual personality instead of the same minimalistic theme? are you feeling drained by social media and the constant corporate monopoly of your data and time? do you want to be excited about the internet again? try neocities!!
what is neocities?
neocities is a free hosting website that lets you build your own html website from scratch, with total creative control. in their own words: "we are tired of living in an online world where people are isolated from each other on boring, generic social networks that don't let us truly express ourselves. it's time we took back our personalities from these sterilized, lifeless, monetized, data mined, monitored addiction machines and let our creativity flourish again."
why should I make my own website?
web3 has been overtaken by capitalism & conformity. websites that once were meant to be fun online social spaces now exist solely to steal your data and sell you things. it sucks!! building a personal site is a great way to express yourself and take control of your online experience.
what would I even put on a website?
the best part about making your own site is that you can do literally whatever the hell you want! focus on a specific subject or make it a wild collection of all your interests. share your art! make a shrine for one of your interests! post a picture of every bird you see when you step outside! make a collection of your favorite blinkies! the world is your oyster !! here are some cool example sites to inspire you: recently updated neocities sites | it can be fun to just look through these and browse people's content! space bar | local interstellar dive bar creature feature | halloween & monsters big gulp supreme peanutbuttaz | personal site dragodiluna linwood | personal site patho grove | personal site
getting started: neocities/html guide
sound interesting? here are some guides to help you get started, especially if you aren't familiar with html/css sadgrl.online webmastery | a fantastic resource for getting started with html & web revival. also has a layout builder that you can use to start with in case starting from scratch is too intimidating web design in 4 minutes | good for learning coding basics w3schools | html tutorials templaterr | demo & html for basic web elements eggramen test pages | css page templates to get started with sadgrl background tiles | bg tiles rivendell background tiles | more free bg tiles
fun stuff to add to your site
want your site to be cool? here's some fun stuff that i've found blinkies-cafe | fantastic blinkie maker! (run by @transbro & @graphics-cafe) gificities | internet archive of 90s/00s web gifs internet bumper stickers | web bumper stickers momg | gif gallery 99 gif shop | 3d gifs 123 guestbook | add a guestbook for people to leave messages cbox | add a live chat box moon phases | track the phases of the moon gifypet | a little clickable page pet adopt a shroom | mushroom page pet tamaNOTchi | virtual pet crossword puzzle | daily crossword imood | track your mood neko | cute cat that chases your mouse pollcode | custom poll maker website hit counter | track how many visitors you have
web revival manifestos & communities
also, there's actually a pretty cool community of people out there who want to bring joy back to the web! melonland project | web project/community celebrating individual & joyful online experiences. Also has an online forum melonland intro to web revival | what is web revival? melonking manifesto | status cafe | share your current status nightfall city | online community onio.cafe | leave a message and enjoy the ambiance sadgrl internet manifesto | yesterweb internet manifesto | sadly defunct, still a great resource reclaiming online social spaces | great manifesto on cultivating your online experience
in conclusion
i want everyone to make a neocities site because it's fun af and i love seeing everyone's weird personal sites that they made outside of the control of capitalism :) say hi to me on neocities
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codlark · 2 months
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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codlark · 3 months
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codlark · 4 months
i go to a gay bar and notice the furry convention's in town. i see a fine lookin bear remove his fursuit, revealing that underneath, he's also a fine lookin bear. I raise my eyebrows and say "woof" and all the cat furries immediately hiss and scatter
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codlark · 4 months
It’s that time of the year again
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codlark · 5 months
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Somebody ate a hole in the flour.
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Any idea who it could be?
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codlark · 6 months
hey, don’t cry. one half flour one half yogurt knead into dough and fry for easy flatbread and dip in balsamic vinegar, okay?
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codlark · 6 months
Apple cider cookies - 1973
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codlark · 7 months
here's a shout out to all gender fuck lesbian femmes. the nonbinary femmes, the transmasc femmes, the femmes who are guys, the femmes who are boys, the femmes who are pretty like boys are pretty. the femmes who can't explain their gender to their dates, the femmes who feel like they have no one to turn to. the femmes that feel contradictory for being a lesbian and themselves. here's to all of us: I see you, I hear you, I love you like a brother, like a sibling, and I hope you keep on rocking those heels
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codlark · 7 months
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codlark · 7 months
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"Sisterhood: Make it Real!" speech given by Leslie Feinberg at Camp Trans 1994 TransSisters : the journal of transsexual feminism 1995
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codlark · 7 months
I don't often think about my dysgraphia, it's more or less something I've learned to cope with o the point I forget I'm coping. But I'm starting in person college and it's one my mind so I though I'd write a few things about it, such as what it is, and how it affects me personally, as there is seeming little about it that doesn't also mention dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dyspraxia.
The first major symptom of dysgraphia is poor fine motor control, typically this shows up as bad hand writing. For me, it also shows up as difficulty playing video games since my fingers can't always find the buttons, I was 18 when I could confidently find all four face buttons on a controller, even though I'd been gaming since I was 5, to say nothing of the gamecube controller. I can't draw well because my hand simply won't do what I tell it to do. When I was younger I wanted to play guitar but decided rather quickly that I would never be able to because of the hand shapes that are needed to play the chords, I have since embraced the electric bass but I still have issues with finger placement. Typing is a mixed bag, sometimes I have no issue, but other times my fingers will "get stuck" and keep trying to put the same letter in, or skip a letter. In the kitchen I found the best way to cut veggies evenly was quickly, because the quicker I go the further up my arm it moves, and shoulder movements aren't fine motor movements.
My hand writing is bad bad. I have about a half dozen different ways of drawing any given letter and can't always pick the one I want, this includes between upper and lower case. I couldn't make a lower case "j" on purpose to save my life until I was in my 20s. I don't always put letters in the right order and sometimes leave out letters. Sometimes letters will be different sizes. I over exaggerate my punctuation so that people can tell what it's supposed to be. Sometimes I use the wrong letter, or I make it wrong.
I can't think when I write by hand. It takes so much effort to write more than a few simple words that I can't think about what I'm writing and write at the same time. But I can type and think at the same time, which I don't get. Paradoxically, I can write and listen but not type and listen.
When I write, and to a lesser extant when I type, I want to go a word at a time, which is fine for smaller words. When I write or type a new word, it's a laborious process because I have to think about each letter as I make them.
And this has impacted me, a lot. In fourth grade my inability to write and think at the same time caused me to miss recess because I was stuck finishing tasks, although I'm sure the ADHD had a role in this. My mom still makes fun of my handwriting, which sucks. Her constant comments about whether or not my hand writing is legible has led me to be very insecure about it, so I try as hard as I can when I write something for other people.
While I was never formally diagnosed, I have more than a few evaluations that say that while my writing quality is at or above grade level, my hand writing is terrible. A notable one from age 10 says I write at a 6th grade level with 2nd grade hand writing. Below is an example of what it looks like now at age 31. It's a bit repetitive but that's what shows it best. Also, this is my first time writing dysgraphia by hand
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As for how I cope with dysgraphia? I avoid writing by hand. I've written a fair amount of fiction, that you can find links to on my blog, and I haven't hand written any of it, it was all typed.
Anyway, I hope this post helps someone understand dysgraphia, or figure out that they have it. If there's any interest I can do one on speech cluttering and how I got over it.
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codlark · 8 months
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Text from the Abbey Road Tribute Facebook group (x)
The story about Nancy and her gummy is a nice little window into the Paul and Nancy dynamic. :)
And RIP to Jimmy Buffett.
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codlark · 9 months
It's kinda funny seeing all the people complaining about the new tumblr design. Like, yeah. It looks the same as everyone else. But I'm so ADHD that when I saw it I barely recognized it as a new design and forgot the old one almost immediately. There's still some muscle memory, but I'll get over it
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codlark · 9 months
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codlark · 9 months
trans women cute reblog if you agree
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