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the doctor emotionally monologuing at the daleks and then it cutting to shots like this is one of my favorite parts of dw
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something something they鈥檙e the same picture pam meme
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anybody else get sick of the taste of their own mouth or is that just a weird me thing
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sometimes you just need a good cry in the school bathroom to reset your brain
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it's very silly goofy
There's only one real way to categorise disorders and it's when you google it and the first results fit into one or more of the following categories:
1. "Is your child-" "Does your child-" "How to cope with the burden of being a parent for-"
2. "How to get better: Step One: have a lot of money!" "How to get better: Step One: simply stop having it!"
3. "10 Ways To Spot Sickopaths With This Disorder So You Can Protect Yourself" "The Bad People Disease -by Dr. Eugene X."
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if you're neurodivergent, if you have anxiety, if you stim or fidget-
i urge you to buy a tangle jr. you won't regret it- it's my favorite fidget because it's completely mindless, i can just let my fingers do their thing
they're so calming and really help my fingers catch up with my brain when it's moving to fast for me to keep track of
just- highly recommend
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the first day of having clean hair is like woag maybe all the mental illness was imaginary
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you ever find a piece of clothing and feel like you just stumbled upon an essential bit of your character design
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And at that moment Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail realized they should not have gone to prank the Slytherin dorms today
And why they could not find Prongs
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this sounds amazing
hey. don鈥檛 cry. crush three cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in pasta of your choice ok?
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yes but give you fallen up the stairs?
i have fallen down the stairs thrice, reblog for bigger sample size <333
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i like that we're all in agreement here
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this is the most random answer but my sister and i would put it on the netflix queue constantly- the second we got the dvd in the mail it was back on the queue
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ugh this
*unbuttons the top 2 buttons of my shirt so I can be slutty in a masc way*
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