classicalchan · 2 months
hi, this fic exists
Try again
pairing: bangchan x dancer! reader
rating: sfw
tags: sad reader, comfort, a LOT of angst
prompt: "may i request a prompt where you are a dancer practicing with them in their studio and you cant get one move just right and you hate it and as they leave the room for a sec (potentially??) you lay down and start crying and then chan comes back in and comforts youuuu 🥺"
you got it <3
the dance floor had never felt colder beneath your feet in your life. you had been practicing with the boys and the other crew member for most of the day but little did you know that you could be so bad at the choreography.
you had never had trouble of this sort with the dances before. but this time you had managed to shock yourself in the worst way possible. you were holding the whole team back just because you couldn't get that one move right.
guilt, like a thousand celestial rocks tore through your chest. you could sink to the bottom of the ocean with how much it weighed you down.
you stared at yourself in the wall mirror in front of you- red-faced, hair a mess, your clothes crumpled with how you gripped at them in frustration. you watched everyone leave for the night but you couldn't get yourself to move from your spot.
you sank to your knees, a low thud reverberating through the now empty room. you curled into a ball on the floor and fought hard to keep your tears at bay.
but pain- it's treacherous. you tried so hard to conceal it but if it wants itself seen, it leaks, slips, screams.
you jerked up.
you had thought that everyone had gone, that in the silence and emptiness of the room you had spent countless hours in- you could finally break down.
you wanted to wipe the tears that made their way slowly down your cheeks. you wanted to get up and pretend that you didn't break. that you tripped and fell, and that you cried because your knees hurt. not something deep within your chest.
you tried to sit up but your limbs failed you. you curled in on yourself further, shaking, sobbing, your humanity laid bare in the presence of another. chan.
before you knew it, nimble feet echoed through the room. he knelt down beside you and a soothing hand was circled around your bicep.
“are you okay?” he asked.
you turned your face into your shoulder. he did not have to see you like this. you waited for him to say something else. to get tired. to leave.
but the hand on your arm did not leave. the gentle pats on your head did not stop. the man next to you didn’t turn his back and give you what you were used to.
“i… i can’t do anything right,” you finally whispered.
you didn’t expect him to catch it but he did. he leaned down closer to you, his nails gently scratching your scalp.
“is this about the practice sessions today?”
you could only nod.
“come on, sit up.” he commanded. “i’ll get you some water.”
it felt like the coldest room in the world when he left your side to grab his bottle. you watched him fumble with the zip of his bag, then out came the black metal vessel you had gotten so accustomed to.
he twisted the cap open and offered it to you. when you had taken a sip, your tears momentarily halted, he repositioned himself to sit cross-legged in front of you.
he laid his bare palms before you, inviting you to hold them like you had always wanted to. you could never tell him that though. you moved, and soon enough, your fingers were closed around sturdy, warm ones.
“so you’re upset about not performing the choreography well, is that correct?” he asked.
“and i wasted everyone’s time. and i held everyone back. and-" you stopped.
“and i don’t think i deserve to be here.” you admitted quietly.
there was silence, loud as a thunderstorm, floating through the room for a second. and then, before you could take another breath in, you were pulled into an embrace.
“is this okay?” he asked.
surprised gripped you with an iron fist but you managed to nod. he rubbed your back with such tenderness you could cry all over again.
“if you didn’t deserve to be here, then you wouldn’t be here. it is that simple. you’re here because we know that you have what it takes to give us the best,” he spoke.
you could feel tears stinging at the backs of your eyes but this time you bit your lip. this time you let his voice take charge. you let yourself be consumed by whatever this man was telling you.
“you’re a person. and people take time getting the hang of things sometimes. they make mistakes and they topple down. but that doesn’t mean that they’re not worthy of having what they have. or that they’re incompetent. do you hear me?”
all you could do again was nod as all your attempts to keep your tears at bay failed miserably. he held you close as you shook again. before tonight, you had never thought that the rhythmic beating of a heart against yours or the subtle breathing of another person could bring about peace.
“go home,” he spoke after minutes. “go home and rest. and come back tomorrow, alright? i want to see you try again.”
taglist: @tinysoftie, @jijithewifiqueen, @armystay89, @channiesgirlie, @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy, @darlingz99, @diorrxluvskz, @fawnpeaks, @dinossaurz, @anyway_i_love_you, @hongying52
join the taglist here.
check out my other works here.
please reblog this work if you liked it <3
feel free to send me more prompts through my askbox :)
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classicalchan · 2 months
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saw this picture of channie and the first word that came to my head was -
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classicalchan · 3 months
Channie is finally home T_T
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classicalchan · 3 months
things chan would do if you were upset:
show you patience. he would be the type to not run away at the first sight of disruptive emotions from you. he will be there as long as you need him for until he is sure that you’re feeling better.
acts of service. he would probably try to do things to make life a bit easier for you in the moment without you even asking him to. he’d probably make your bed/tuck you into bed, bring you food/drinks, help out with chores, massage you if you want that.
offer protection. if he knows you’re not in a good position at the moment, he would make sure nobody can upset you further. he’d go against the world if he has to. if he could, he’d put you inside a bubble to keep you safe from further harm.
physical touch. i think he’d be very open to providing physical comfort as well. the warmest hug you can imagine. his hand would probably caress your hair as he hugs you and scratch your scalp. he might even press a few kisses to your temple or your forehead. he’d cuddle with you if you wanted and hold your hand.
the way he speaks. he’s already so kind and careful with what he says but expect it to amplify when he sees you’re not doing so well. he’d be super gentle and will listen to you attentively. he’d fill you up with encouragement and praises about things you already do so well. he’d constantly reaffirm that he’s there for you and that as long as he’s around, you don’t need to be scared about anything or anyone.
oh lord, i’m weak for this man. the way this is not even me thinking about something imaginary. he WOULD do all of this because he’s just such a naturally empathetic person <3
i’m so glad people like him exist.
taglist: @tinysoftie, @jijithewifiqueen, @armystay89, @channiesgirlie, @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy, @darlingz99, @diorrxluvskz, @fawnpeaks, @dinossaurz, @anyway_i_love_you, @hongying52
join the taglist here.
check out my other works here.
please reblog this work if you liked it <3
feel free to send me more prompts through my askbox :)
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classicalchan · 4 months
gosh i wanna write something so so so so so soft about chan
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classicalchan · 4 months
Try again
pairing: bangchan x dancer! reader
rating: sfw
tags: sad reader, comfort, a LOT of angst
prompt: "may i request a prompt where you are a dancer practicing with them in their studio and you cant get one move just right and you hate it and as they leave the room for a sec (potentially??) you lay down and start crying and then chan comes back in and comforts youuuu 🥺"
you got it <3
the dance floor had never felt colder beneath your feet in your life. you had been practicing with the boys and the other crew member for most of the day but little did you know that you could be so bad at the choreography.
you had never had trouble of this sort with the dances before. but this time you had managed to shock yourself in the worst way possible. you were holding the whole team back just because you couldn't get that one move right.
guilt, like a thousand celestial rocks tore through your chest. you could sink to the bottom of the ocean with how much it weighed you down.
you stared at yourself in the wall mirror in front of you- red-faced, hair a mess, your clothes crumpled with how you gripped at them in frustration. you watched everyone leave for the night but you couldn't get yourself to move from your spot.
you sank to your knees, a low thud reverberating through the now empty room. you curled into a ball on the floor and fought hard to keep your tears at bay.
but pain- it's treacherous. you tried so hard to conceal it but if it wants itself seen, it leaks, slips, screams.
you jerked up.
you had thought that everyone had gone, that in the silence and emptiness of the room you had spent countless hours in- you could finally break down.
you wanted to wipe the tears that made their way slowly down your cheeks. you wanted to get up and pretend that you didn't break. that you tripped and fell, and that you cried because your knees hurt. not something deep within your chest.
you tried to sit up but your limbs failed you. you curled in on yourself further, shaking, sobbing, your humanity laid bare in the presence of another. chan.
before you knew it, nimble feet echoed through the room. he knelt down beside you and a soothing hand was circled around your bicep.
“are you okay?” he asked.
you turned your face into your shoulder. he did not have to see you like this. you waited for him to say something else. to get tired. to leave.
but the hand on your arm did not leave. the gentle pats on your head did not stop. the man next to you didn’t turn his back and give you what you were used to.
“i… i can’t do anything right,” you finally whispered.
you didn’t expect him to catch it but he did. he leaned down closer to you, his nails gently scratching your scalp.
“is this about the practice sessions today?”
you could only nod.
“come on, sit up.” he commanded. “i’ll get you some water.”
it felt like the coldest room in the world when he left your side to grab his bottle. you watched him fumble with the zip of his bag, then out came the black metal vessel you had gotten so accustomed to.
he twisted the cap open and offered it to you. when you had taken a sip, your tears momentarily halted, he repositioned himself to sit cross-legged in front of you.
he laid his bare palms before you, inviting you to hold them like you had always wanted to. you could never tell him that though. you moved, and soon enough, your fingers were closed around sturdy, warm ones.
“so you’re upset about not performing the choreography well, is that correct?” he asked.
“and i wasted everyone’s time. and i held everyone back. and-" you stopped.
“and i don’t think i deserve to be here.” you admitted quietly.
there was silence, loud as a thunderstorm, floating through the room for a second. and then, before you could take another breath in, you were pulled into an embrace.
“is this okay?” he asked.
surprised gripped you with an iron fist but you managed to nod. he rubbed your back with such tenderness you could cry all over again.
“if you didn’t deserve to be here, then you wouldn’t be here. it is that simple. you’re here because we know that you have what it takes to give us the best,” he spoke.
you could feel tears stinging at the backs of your eyes but this time you bit your lip. this time you let his voice take charge. you let yourself be consumed by whatever this man was telling you.
“you’re a person. and people take time getting the hang of things sometimes. they make mistakes and they topple down. but that doesn’t mean that they’re not worthy of having what they have. or that they’re incompetent. do you hear me?”
all you could do again was nod as all your attempts to keep your tears at bay failed miserably. he held you close as you shook again. before tonight, you had never thought that the rhythmic beating of a heart against yours or the subtle breathing of another person could bring about peace.
“go home,” he spoke after minutes. “go home and rest. and come back tomorrow, alright? i want to see you try again.”
taglist: @tinysoftie, @jijithewifiqueen, @armystay89, @channiesgirlie, @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy, @darlingz99, @diorrxluvskz, @fawnpeaks, @dinossaurz, @anyway_i_love_you, @hongying52
join the taglist here.
check out my other works here.
please reblog this work if you liked it <3
feel free to send me more prompts through my askbox :)
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classicalchan · 5 months
it's dec 3, it's time to give me your sweater chan
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classicalchan · 5 months
big reminder that i have a TAGLIST that you might like to join if you wanna be tagged everytime i post a new work <3
note- i will not tag minors for nsfw fics
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classicalchan · 5 months
Omg hiii, i just read your two fics on Bangchan and omalord my little heart melts
may i request a prompt where you are a dancer practicing with them in their studio and you cant get one move just right and you hate it and as they leave the room for a sec (potentially??) you lay down and start crying and then chan comes back in and comforts youuuu 🥺
Thank you, and if you dont resonate with that idea its totally okay, i’d be so happy to read literally anything else you can of :333
aaa thank you for reading!! i'm genuinely amazed at the fact that people have such cute reactions to my work <3
making a draft out of it right away!
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classicalchan · 5 months
Hii, I want to ask a really fluffy thing where the f!reader is ace/assexual and Channie is a real understanding boyfie that don't pressure you to nothing
i'll def write something like this! thank you for the idea anon!
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classicalchan · 5 months
I absolutely ADORE your bsfs to lovers fics.
Would you like to write something where reader is distancing herself from bsf chan because she realised that she is catching feelings and it's not right ( do i make sense???) which is later followed by an angsty confession from her when chan faces her about the issue.
It's absolutely fine if you don't answer the ask, don't let these stress you okay? We love your work and we love you <3
Take care of yourself :)
~ ☁️
girl i love this idea sm i might just turn into a multichapter fic, how about that?
(this will probably go on ao3 tho)
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classicalchan · 5 months
thank you for all the lovely asks you’re all sending <3
i’ll get back to them soon :D
0 notes
classicalchan · 5 months
girl i never thought so many people would read this...
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pairing: bangchan x f! reader
rating: sfw
tags: sharing a bed, just pure softness, cuddling, best friends to lovers, pining, confessions, tired chan
wc: i'm too lazy to count but idk it's probably 2k 😭(I'm definitely wrong)
your doorbell rings when it's close to midnight, its sound reverberating through every corner of your little apartment. your socked feet carry you from bed to the door on autopilot. you weren't sleeping, but you were nearly there.
you open up your front door and off-white light from the hallway spills shamelessly into your dark living space. Chan stands there, bag slung lazily across his shoulder, eyes droopy with sleep.
"they borrowed my place for a party i don't wanna be at," he declares. "I'm sleeping here."
he walks in without waiting for an answer, wrapping you in a quick, one-armed hug for a greeting on his way. his bag finds its place on your couch. he switches a couple of lamps on here and there and fixes a photo frame on his way to your bathroom with a towel and some clothes in hand.
you kind of like how it's so natural for him to be at your place. like he belongs here. like he could live here.
you wished he would.
you lay back in bed, shifting to a side, leaving the rest of the space for Chan. ever since you first cuddled up with him a few months ago, it became an unspoken rule between you to always sleep cuddled up when alone.
it was one of the best parts of your friendship with him. you could abandon every care in the world when he was around and just be. He was always there- gentle, warm, protective, kind. everything you wished for in a man.
everything you can't have.
it had been weeks since you had gone to bed without thinking of him. even in the face of extreme exhaustion and no contact, Chan never failed to slip into your thoughts. he needed to compensate you for all the nights you couldn't sleep just because he did something adorable during the day and you wouldn't stop thinking about it.
he needed to apologize for every time you accidentally called one of your friends by his name, just because he wouldn't leave your head.
and he needed to desperately make up for nights like these. nights when he would touch you and let you touch him, but never enough. there was always a weighted, invisible boundary you hated with all your guts. a burning line you couldn't cross.
so, over the days, you had learned to make peace with what you got, no matter how little. you had learned to make the most of his arms around you, the firmness of his torso pressed to your back, the warmth of his breathing behind your ear, his occasional sleepy rambling.
sometimes he said your name.
before you knew it, the mattress dips beside you, the familiar scent of Chan's shampoo filling up your senses. you came alive a little.
his arm slips across your middle, pulling you as close as humanly possible into the abyss that was his warmth. you could spend an eternity here without a syllable of protest falling from your lips.
“i don’t have a shirt on, is that okay?” he mumbles into your hair.
more than okay, you wanted to say but for the sake of the friendship you had spent years building, you resorted to a small hum. he usually slept barely clothed, but when with you, he always asked. he made sure never to cross any lines. he was cautious, reserved. too far.
“is everything okay?” you ask. “you usually do not turn down a chance to party.”
you feel him move behind you, long fingers fiddling with the thin fabric of your t-shirt. he yawns like a puppy.
“i’d had a busy day,” he begins. “i needed some sleep and you know how bad i am at getting to sleep alone...”
his knuckle accidentally brushes your navel. you shiver.
“…besides you weren’t there. i’ve missed having you around y/n, now that i see it.”
your skin flushes hot, lips involuntarily swelling into a smile. you turn your face into your pillow, determined to bury your happiness into the fluff.
“i’ve missed you too,” you confess.
his blunt nails graze against your flesh again, and you wonder how much of it was accidental anymore. could Chan tell? did he know how down bad you were for him?
“liar,” he whispers, squeezing your body lightly into his own.
he liked to do that, you had noticed. almost as if finding a way to inch closer, as if making up for the fact that there would always be some molecular distance between you no matter what.
or maybe you were just reading too much into it.
you place a hand over his own, fingertips drawing subtle lines into his pale skin, tracing the veins you stared at shamelessly in broad daylight.
“you really think i’d lie to you?”
“you wouldn’t?” he asks.
you turned around, facing him. your hand settles on his bare chest. you could feel his heart beat beneath your touch.
“no,” you confirm. “never.”
he smiles, his hair getting into his eyes as he puts his forehead against yours.
“okayyy,” he giggles. “tell me something then, since you claim to not lie.”
your heart picks up pace, hammering beneath your chest, and you were half afraid Chan might hear it. you swallow thickly, a small lump forming in your throat.
his gaze wraps over you like a veil, clouding everything else just enough that he is all you can see.
"do you like me?" he whispers.
the question drops in your heart and sinks into your gut. you've been caught, red-handed. but you were so careful, so vigilant, looking but never for too long, complimenting him but being careful not to flirt, telling him you love him when he needed to hear it but taking care to conceal the love you felt.
you want to play it cool. you're scared of how it's going to go.
"duh," you say. "of course i like you, why else would we be friends?"
he clicks his tongue, a soft laugh escaping his lips. he drops a light kiss on your forehead and you sigh.
"you're not that naive," he states. "come on, I'll wait for you."
you feel your cheeks heat up. it gets harder by the second to stay still, not with chan's fingers rubbing warmth into your back, his face so close you could steal a kiss. he was no fool. he never had been. who did you think you were hiding from?
"i..." you begin, your mouth drying up. "yeah."
you feel his marble fingers slip under your chin. pressure, soft but commanding, forced you to look at him.
"you what, sweetheart?"
the endearment sent you spiraling. you squeeze his muscled shoulder, fingers digging into flesh.
"don't be an ass," you say. "i'm not gonna say it."
he chuckles. you watch his gaze move across your face, settle on your lips, and then back to your eyes again. you didn't want to think ahead of yourself.
you didn't want to break your heart.
he leaned in, his arm circling around your waist, his mouth leaving a soft kiss to your temple. you could die like this and it wouldn't be so bad.
"please," he whispers. "you said you'd be honest."
and who were you to turn down chan with his gentle voice and sturdy hands and body warmth and huge heart and ---? you could go on forever.
you grind your teeth together unconsciously, draw in a deep breath, and sigh. he knows you're giving in.
"i do like you," you admit finally. "so much more than a friend."
his palm slides up your back and finds your hair, long fingers gripping them and pulling you in. he smiles when he kisses you- mouth tasting of cinnamon and longing and want.
"fucking finally," he breathes. "you've got no idea how long i've waited for this."
you melt into a caramel puddle in his hands. you lean in again, pressing your lips onto his like he'd disappear, like this is all you've got.
taglist: @tinysoftie
join the taglist <3
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classicalchan · 5 months
yeah yeah chan’s gonna make an amazing dad but yk what? he’s gonna make a STELLAR girl dad in particular
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classicalchan · 5 months
friendly request to reblog any fics you like from a writer <3
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classicalchan · 6 months
hello, i'm creating a taglist for my writings so that if you're interested and like what i write, you're not gonna miss out on anything.
fill out this form for joining the taglist!
for the record:
i write about channie
i write both sfw and nsfw stuff
my requests are open so feel free to send in any asks
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classicalchan · 6 months
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pairing: bangchan x f! reader
rating: sfw
tags: sharing a bed, just pure softness, cuddling, best friends to lovers, pining, confessions, tired chan
wc: i'm too lazy to count but idk it's probably 2k 😭(I'm definitely wrong)
your doorbell rings when it's close to midnight, its sound reverberating through every corner of your little apartment. your socked feet carry you from bed to the door on autopilot. you weren't sleeping, but you were nearly there.
you open up your front door and off-white light from the hallway spills shamelessly into your dark living space. Chan stands there, bag slung lazily across his shoulder, eyes droopy with sleep.
"they borrowed my place for a party i don't wanna be at," he declares. "I'm sleeping here."
he walks in without waiting for an answer, wrapping you in a quick, one-armed hug for a greeting on his way. his bag finds its place on your couch. he switches a couple of lamps on here and there and fixes a photo frame on his way to your bathroom with a towel and some clothes in hand.
you kind of like how it's so natural for him to be at your place. like he belongs here. like he could live here.
you wished he would.
you lay back in bed, shifting to a side, leaving the rest of the space for Chan. ever since you first cuddled up with him a few months ago, it became an unspoken rule between you to always sleep cuddled up when alone.
it was one of the best parts of your friendship with him. you could abandon every care in the world when he was around and just be. He was always there- gentle, warm, protective, kind. everything you wished for in a man.
everything you can't have.
it had been weeks since you had gone to bed without thinking of him. even in the face of extreme exhaustion and no contact, Chan never failed to slip into your thoughts. he needed to compensate you for all the nights you couldn't sleep just because he did something adorable during the day and you wouldn't stop thinking about it.
he needed to apologize for every time you accidentally called one of your friends by his name, just because he wouldn't leave your head.
and he needed to desperately make up for nights like these. nights when he would touch you and let you touch him, but never enough. there was always a weighted, invisible boundary you hated with all your guts. a burning line you couldn't cross.
so, over the days, you had learned to make peace with what you got, no matter how little. you had learned to make the most of his arms around you, the firmness of his torso pressed to your back, the warmth of his breathing behind your ear, his occasional sleepy rambling.
sometimes he said your name.
before you knew it, the mattress dips beside you, the familiar scent of Chan's shampoo filling up your senses. you came alive a little.
his arm slips across your middle, pulling you as close as humanly possible into the abyss that was his warmth. you could spend an eternity here without a syllable of protest falling from your lips.
“i don’t have a shirt on, is that okay?” he mumbles into your hair.
more than okay, you wanted to say but for the sake of the friendship you had spent years building, you resorted to a small hum. he usually slept barely clothed, but when with you, he always asked. he made sure never to cross any lines. he was cautious, reserved. too far.
“is everything okay?” you ask. “you usually do not turn down a chance to party.”
you feel him move behind you, long fingers fiddling with the thin fabric of your t-shirt. he yawns like a puppy.
“i’d had a busy day,” he begins. “i needed some sleep and you know how bad i am at getting to sleep alone...”
his knuckle accidentally brushes your navel. you shiver.
“…besides you weren’t there. i’ve missed having you around y/n, now that i see it.”
your skin flushes hot, lips involuntarily swelling into a smile. you turn your face into your pillow, determined to bury your happiness into the fluff.
“i’ve missed you too,” you confess.
his blunt nails graze against your flesh again, and you wonder how much of it was accidental anymore. could Chan tell? did he know how down bad you were for him?
“liar,” he whispers, squeezing your body lightly into his own.
he liked to do that, you had noticed. almost as if finding a way to inch closer, as if making up for the fact that there would always be some molecular distance between you no matter what.
or maybe you were just reading too much into it.
you place a hand over his own, fingertips drawing subtle lines into his pale skin, tracing the veins you stared at shamelessly in broad daylight.
“you really think i’d lie to you?”
“you wouldn’t?” he asks.
you turned around, facing him. your hand settles on his bare chest. you could feel his heart beat beneath your touch.
“no,” you confirm. “never.”
he smiles, his hair getting into his eyes as he puts his forehead against yours.
“okayyy,” he giggles. “tell me something then, since you claim to not lie.”
your heart picks up pace, hammering beneath your chest, and you were half afraid Chan might hear it. you swallow thickly, a small lump forming in your throat.
his gaze wraps over you like a veil, clouding everything else just enough that he is all you can see.
"do you like me?" he whispers.
the question drops in your heart and sinks into your gut. you've been caught, red-handed. but you were so careful, so vigilant, looking but never for too long, complimenting him but being careful not to flirt, telling him you love him when he needed to hear it but taking care to conceal the love you felt.
you want to play it cool. you're scared of how it's going to go.
"duh," you say. "of course i like you, why else would we be friends?"
he clicks his tongue, a soft laugh escaping his lips. he drops a light kiss on your forehead and you sigh.
"you're not that naive," he states. "come on, I'll wait for you."
you feel your cheeks heat up. it gets harder by the second to stay still, not with chan's fingers rubbing warmth into your back, his face so close you could steal a kiss. he was no fool. he never had been. who did you think you were hiding from?
"i..." you begin, your mouth drying up. "yeah."
you feel his marble fingers slip under your chin. pressure, soft but commanding, forced you to look at him.
"you what, sweetheart?"
the endearment sent you spiraling. you squeeze his muscled shoulder, fingers digging into flesh.
"don't be an ass," you say. "i'm not gonna say it."
he chuckles. you watch his gaze move across your face, settle on your lips, and then back to your eyes again. you didn't want to think ahead of yourself.
you didn't want to break your heart.
he leaned in, his arm circling around your waist, his mouth leaving a soft kiss to your temple. you could die like this and it wouldn't be so bad.
"please," he whispers. "you said you'd be honest."
and who were you to turn down chan with his gentle voice and sturdy hands and body warmth and huge heart and ---? you could go on forever.
you grind your teeth together unconsciously, draw in a deep breath, and sigh. he knows you're giving in.
"i do like you," you admit finally. "so much more than a friend."
his palm slides up your back and finds your hair, long fingers gripping them and pulling you in. he smiles when he kisses you- mouth tasting of cinnamon and longing and want.
"fucking finally," he breathes. "you've got no idea how long i've waited for this."
you melt into a caramel puddle in his hands. you lean in again, pressing your lips onto his like he'd disappear, like this is all you've got.
taglist: @tinysoftie
join the taglist <3
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