cemmy · 1 year
I hope your day gets better and that you feel better soon!
Hows your day going?
Somewhat crazy. Life is somewhat crazy. I’m slowly starting to use tumblr again, and I don’t know how you predicted I’d be on here, but you did.
How’s yours? :D
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cemmy · 1 year
Hows your day going?
Somewhat crazy. Life is somewhat crazy. I’m slowly starting to use tumblr again, and I don’t know how you predicted I’d be on here, but you did.
How’s yours? :D
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cemmy · 4 years
The birds work for the bourgeoisie.
The squirrels want to overthrow the government.
The fish want to overthrow the human race.
What else am I missing?
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cemmy · 4 years
Which mutual do you think I would be?
The soft mutual
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cemmy · 4 years
I feel like I should be like posting more often or something...what should I do? 😂
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cemmy · 4 years
Be safe guys!
God fucking damnit 
This fucking virus is spreading like a wildfire right now
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cemmy · 4 years
The loyal mutual
:0 thank you. :3 💗
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cemmy · 4 years
@misconceivedcapricorn :0 thank you! 💗💗💗
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posting this bc i havent seen it anywhere here
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cemmy · 4 years
@misconceivedcapricorn I think of you as the loyal mutual. :3
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posting this bc i havent seen it anywhere here
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cemmy · 4 years
Okay, I see everyone pointing out the line “If it is, I will add it to the list” line, but has anyone pointed out the “Join me! No thinking!” line?
Roman said that with so much cheerfulness, and I am only thinking about this line of Roman referring to himless as stupid. Like, if Roman has perfected the self deprecating jokes with so much cheer, then I am terrified. We need to rally together and get Roman some real self confidence.
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cemmy · 4 years
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Inktober day 2 done! I keep forgetting to post these on here!
Not sure how I feel about this one.
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cemmy · 4 years
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Cross posted on my Instagram! I am not even sure if people do inktober on here, but I guess I will try! :3
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cemmy · 4 years
Guys, my account is one year old today. Lol.
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cemmy · 4 years
Yo, guys, this is a masterpiece. Go check it out.
You know the loving Virgil hcs? Well I’m awake at 4 am you know what that means??
Roman stans it’s YOUR TURN let’s get some LOVE UP IN THIS PRINCE
Once again can be interpreted as romantic platonic queerplatonic whatever but we all know Roman’s a gay disaster so LET’S GO
Once he finally realizes how fucking INSECURE roman is he’s like
Alright. Time to get this man some self care
So. Many. Improv sessions.
They’ll have the other sides as an audience and sometimes they’ll give prompts
Every time by the end of it Thomas and Roman are just laughing their asses off
They’ll have brainstorming sessions together and get each other super hyped up the energy is RIDICULOUS
Then Thomas will be like “Roman you’re a GENIUS!”
And god Roman just. Beams. Just that one compliment got him as happy as he was when Thomas was in a Disney show
Whenever Thomas suddenly feels insecure he immediately checks in on Roman
Sometimes this leads to face masks and relaxation and other times they just collapse on the couch together and try to get through it with a nap
But no matter what, they have each other to get through it with
Patton ends up the one praising him the most he just wants his boy to be HAPPY okay
But it doesn’t really take cause Roman doesn’t quite believe it
He thinks that’s just Patton being a Dad™ and pitying him and Patton’s gotta be like. No. I mean all of it.
They have to have a talk and Roman does not enjoy addressing all of his insecurities so directly, but by the end of it he’s openly weeping in Patton’s arms
Roman has always loved Patton’s room
He goes there when he needs a reminder of everything they’ve accomplished
Patton didn’t realize why Roman was doing it before, but now every time he finds Roman in there he reminds him that the future is just as bright
They reminisce together AND talk about everything to come
They both love to cuddle but they’re also both big spoons so they fight about who gets to hold the other
Patton usually wins because Roman secretly loves to be held as well
Patton likes to make flower crowns and he makes them for Roman the most
“A flower crown for a flowering prince!”
From then on Roman makes Patton so many damn flowers it’s ridiculous
There’s blue and pink flowers all over the house because there’s no more space for them in Patton’s room
Their arguments turn into Logan aggressively praising Roman
Despite this Roman still tries so hard to impress him
At some point Logan slips and says Roman already impresses him plenty and Roman’s like
“I said you already impress me, Roman. Your creative ideas and dedication to your work is impeccable.”
Roman.exe has stopped responding
No but seriously Roman starts crying and Logan has no idea what to do
They have an awkward but nice hug
After that Logan does his best to throw in casual compliments on any of Ro’s work
Neither of them realized how much Roman needed specifically Logan to praise him
Look I’m not TRYING to make this gay this is just CANON
Roman starts actively coming to Logan to show off his work, always beaming with pride and a little nervous energy
Logan learns to only critique him if he asks for it, and they work together to make wonderful things
He was the first to pick up on how insecure Roman was back before he was accepted
He never did anything about it because he assumed Ro wouldn’t care about his opinion
Lol yeah no he was very wrong and he didn’t realize that until the 12 Days of Christmas fiasco
The first time Virgil compliments him it’s just like “hey that’s a cool drawing” and Ro just freezes
“…You think so?”
Virgil realizes he has a lot of work to do but Roman deSERVES IT
Hey remember in the loving Virgil hcs I said Virge is just as protective over Roman?
Yeah when he hears about what happened in POF he’s ready to kill a snake
Of course that doesn’t happen and things turn out fine but the point is Virgil. will. kill. for. Roman.
Even Remus learns to fear Virgil’s wraith when it comes to Ro
When Roman realizes this he’s like okay but why?
“I don’t know. You just… deserve it?”
Truth is Virgil knows all the dark sides (including himself) have unfairly targeted him over the years and he wants to make sure that never happens again
All Roman can do is smile, thank him, and promise Virgil that he will always protect him, too
I’m sorry y’all I’m too soft for these two
Out of everyone, Janus has the most work to do
He screwed up the moment he used Roman’s insecurities against him
When he’s accepted fully, Roman admits that he may never fully trust him, but he can at least value his input
While that would be enough for Janus, he doesn’t give up that easily
He first asks Virgil for advice and he’s like “Have you considered HAVING AN HONEST CONVERSATION WITH HIM?”
“Yeah but he won’t trust my word”
Virgil, the master of seeing through Janus’s bullshit, comes with a genius idea
So they go to Roman and teach him how to tell when Janus lies
It goes surprisingly well
Janus: “I’ve always admired you, Roman.”
Roman: “I don’t get it. He didn’t show any tells that time.”
Virgil: “That’s because he’s tELLING THE TRUTH YOU IDIOT”
Roman.exe has stopped responding pt.2
Now every time Janus lies Roman goes “That’s a lie~” in a sing-song voice
Janus would be annoyed but he can’t help finding it endearing
“You’re absolutely hideous. I find your work just appalling. I don’t love you-”
Okay this is getting too long Janus and Roman are just too powerful rijvnrfv
Remus (do not tag as ship)
This is where I start crying
It’s Roman who reaches out to Remus. It’s the hardest thing he has ever had to do.
He apologizes for abandoning him, for not understanding him, for being a bad brother
Remus doesn’t take it seriously. He doesn’t know how to take anything seriously, but Roman is insistent
“But that’s just our dynamic! The good and evil twins!”
“It doesn’t have to be, Reem”
The nickname brings him back to their childhood, and Remus gets angry
Roman listens and takes the yelling, and by the end of it Remus is crying and collapsing into Roman’s arms
It takes work on both sides. Remus has forgotten how to treat Roman like a brother, and Roman has forgotten how to interact with Remus in general
But this is about loving Roman so let’s get back to that
Remus loves to tackle hug Roman
He calls it “glomping” just to annoy him and Ro nearly murders him every time
Half of their dynamic is trying to kill each other but in a loving way
The pranks. Oh gods poor Janus cause you know they target him
Who else are they gonna prank? Virgil is flight or fight, Logan doesn’t have fun reactions, and Patton is too sweet. Sorry Janus get PRANK’D
Remus used to be so good at comforting him and the day Roman comes to him again for that same comfort it’s so hard for Remus not to just break down crying
Roman has a nightmare and he’s like “The only nightmare in your life should be me!”
Just… brothers, man. Let them be brothers.
He’s always been prideful, but they all see the difference.
Thomas sees it in the laughter of their practice performances
Patton sees it in the way he bounces about, always ready to take on something new
Logan sees it in their work sessions, taking criticism like a champ and striving to improve
Virgil sees it in the statements of confidence he always spoke, now with something much more true in his expression
Janus and Remus see it in his smile, the one they haven’t seen since they were children
And with his new - but not new - energy, he brings everyone up
Roman’s their hero once again, but not in the same way as before: Roman saves them every time he creates,
Every time he smiles,
And every time he gets to be unapologetically himself.
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cemmy · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! 💛🌺💛🌺
Thank you. 💗🥺
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cemmy · 4 years
I thank you for thy love, but I’m afraid I’m only one of these things, a Roman stan. You are these amazing traits though, and it was very kind of you to think of me.
I have never met a Roman stan that isn’t
a) smart
b) talented
c) drop dead gorgeous
d) all of the above
and I’m never going to, Roman stans are A+ human beings
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cemmy · 4 years
You too! 💗
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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