caninefelines · 3 years
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caninefelines · 3 years
🌿Healing salts🌿
Salt is very purifying, cleansing, and healing, combine it with some various healing plants and you’ve got amazing healing salts for baths, cooking, aromatherapy, and spells. It’s also a great way to preserve your herbs!
🌿 Here’s what you need:
-Salt (regular sea salt is fine but Himalayan or Celtic salt correspond more with healing in my opinion)
-fresh healing herbs/plants of your choice (can be dried but I’ve had better results with fresh)
-mortor and pestle
-somewhere to store it
🌿Here’s some recommended healing herbs/plants:
Basil- protection, prosperity, happiness // anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, appetite stimulator
thyme- healing, sleep, soothing // soothes respitory system, antiseptic, decongestant
peppermint- energy, health, vitality // nausea &vomiting, IBS, bloating
garlic- protection, banishment, healing // anti-bacterial, anti-viral, reduces infection
lemon peel- cleansing, purifying, joy // antioxidants, immune boost, kills germs
sage- protection, cleansing, wisdom // cough, antibacterial, soothes inflammation
oregano- luck, health, family // anti-virus, allergy relief, anti-inflammatory
orange peel- optimism, happiness, strength // immune boost, vitamins, antioxidants
lemon balm- healing, psychic abilities, uplifting // anti-anxiety, sleep, indigestion
parsley- calming, protection, passion // energy, circulation, digestion
rosemary- cleansing, divination, love// soothes sore muscles, soothes cough, improves memory
cinnamon- comfort, love, protection // anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, kills germs
🌿How to make it:
-Add a small handful of salt and the herb or herbs of your choice in your mortor and pestle (how much you use depends on the size of your mortor and pestle and how strong you want the salts to be)
-Grind them up until they’re mixed well and infused, the salt will most likely change color.(it’s easier to tell with fresh plants, with dried plants it’ll be more of a powder when it’s done). I like to use this time to focus on the intent!
-Pour it into an airtight container and you’re done, enjoy in a bath, in food, in spells, scrubs etc.
** please do research before consuming any herbs or plants you aren’t familiar with, especially if you’re pregnant or on medication.
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caninefelines · 3 years
tarot spread for a soul who feels lost:
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feel free to save, share (please tag me), and to use this for your own purposes 🖤 i used this spread with a client today and it was a beautiful and insightful message.
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caninefelines · 3 years
Spell Timing - Weather
⚡️ Lightning Storms - power, manifesting, cursing, protection
🌧 Rainstorms - balance, stillness, purification, transformation, letting go
🌫 Dense Fog - invisibility, mysticism, shielding
🌀 Heavy Wind - travel, study, intellect, breaking bad habits
🌞 Searing Hot Days - courage, protection, energy, strength
☄️ Meteor Showers - power, magical boost, wishes
🌙 Solar/Lunar Eclipse - banishment and destruction
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caninefelines · 3 years
preparing for Ostara  ☼
Ostara is in a month, however this winter has been a tough one so I want to propose a few ideas on how to prepare for it a bit earlier. We’ve all probably been drained of energy and now it’s time to wake up from our winter sleep. As for me, I fell out of track with all the cycles, meaning moon, nature etc. and I feel a strong need to get back. These ideas don’t require anything demanding so it will allow you to awaken and get ready for new beginnings calmly and with almost no effort. 
☼ wake up with the sun. It’s tough for the first 2-3 days. But after that you honestly feel incredibly good. That’s the moment when you yourself are closer to the cycle, greet the sun in the morning and say goodbye in the evening. It’s also not that challenging as the sun wakes up around 6:50 am at this point. When you get into such habit it gets easier during summer when the sun wakes earlier because you’ll be following it for some time. Waking up early = more sun during the day + makes it longer. 
☼ open your windows in the morning. When the sunshine is finally comming back to us and you can smell the amazing air scent specific for this time of the year it can give you a big energy boost since you wake up. If you’re lucky like me, sometimes you can smell your neighbours cooking delicious dinner.
☼ stretch. I do a 5-7 minutes sun awakening and I couldn’t be grateful more for the energy flow that I have during the rest of the day (and actually helping with dealing with stress & day-to-day relations and fastidious humors of other people) and the strenght I built up thanks to practicing it each day in the morning. You can do just one which will take you something about 30 seconds to a minute (so it’s honestly something we can all do regardless of having little time in the morning), I like to do it 12 time, you’ll just feel it.
☼ observe. While eating breakfast I adore sitting on my table or bed and looking through the window. When the weather is still chilly I grab a blanket and just sit if front of an open window with some tea and food. And observe. Children screaming and laughing, birds singing etc.
☼ notice. This is the moment when the world begins to wake and give birth. Noticing how hedges sprout tiny leaves, how small flowers are beginning to look upon the ground, how grass gets slightly greener is one of the most beautiful things to witness. Don’t miss that miracle. 
So these are my super simple ideas for your mornings. I believe that when you do this with intention it really helps to calm down, take a break even when it seems you don’t have enough time. You can also incorporate some meditation etc. nevertheless I think that doing those simple things is already a form of meditation. That’s why you’ll be able to naturally restore your energy with having almost none to put into at the beginning. 
I wish you all effective healing and getting into place again. May this Ostara bring some beautiful beginnings. With love, Julia ♥
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caninefelines · 3 years
Simple Self Love Spell
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We all struggle with confidence and positivity sometimes, but here’s a little trick to help.
1. Take a nice warm shower
2. Dry yourself off and put on some nice calm music
3. Spray yourself with a mist rose water from head to toe.
4. Use lavender or jasmine oil and write write a heart shape over your heart, paying close attention to your heartbeat while doing so.
5. Lay down, close your eyes, and say “I love you” to yourself as many times as feel needed.
6. Focus on relaxing your body and feeling warm in that sensation of comfort.
7. Get up and wash your face, picturing that you’re washing away every dirty look you gave yourself
And that’s all. I hope this will help you as much as it helps me. Simplicity is sometimes key <3
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caninefelines · 3 years
🌙 Full Moon in Virgo
✧ 27th February 2021✧
If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that I’ve already talked about how the current astrological transits point to many big changes. This Full Moon is no different.
The Virgo Full Moon is greatly affected by Saturn squaring Uranus. There is strong need for independence and massive change. For some, this can definitely be uncomfortable and unexpected, but please do not fight it. The transformation is for the better, no matter how difficult it may seem at the moment.
Look back at the last 12 months. So much has changed on the global level, but also in our personal lives. Think about how you have grown as a person and acknowledge our strength. Reward yourself, you deserve it.
But at the same time, think about everything that is no longer working for you in your life. Habits, things, routines or people that you have outgrown but haven’t let go of just yet. Now is the time to do so. 
Make sure you are not only focusing on your shadow aspects and all the heavy-duty stuff, but also letting yourself relax and feel free. We are in Pisces season - creativity runs high, so do that creative project you’ve been wanting to do for ages. Know that healthy balance is the key to success.
And as always, listen and follow your own intuition✨
✧ What you can do:
Shadow Work
Acknowledge everything you’ve outgrown and let go
Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury - I recommend writing everything down, journaling and taking notes of all your dreams, goals and wishes
Embrace any changes coming into your life 
Focus on freeing yourself from the past
Let go of the old, so the new can come in
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caninefelines · 3 years
Water Masterpost - uses for magic
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Hello my little sprigs! I just made a short “masterpost” of water types. I know there are a lot of these floating around, but I had to do this because I remember things better when I write them down tbh so why shouldn´t I post it.This is out of my grimoire, I added some personal references.
waters you have to “make”: moon water ritual cleansing, spell work, dream work, astral travel - but moon water can be used for almost everything
sun water ritual cleansing, self esteem, social anxiety, truth and the revealing of lies, enlightment
shadow water strengthening of lies, hiding ones location, tarnishing relationships
gutter water curses.
waters you can gather: sea/ocean water healing, psychich work, the ability to adapt changes, manifestation of goals, strenght, glamours
river water changes, moving forward, warding, releasing emotions and feelings
lake water (inner) peace, relaxation, reflection of thoughts and/or emotions
rain water light rain: (gentle) energy, protection, growth, finding truth heavy rain: energy, destruction, curses as well as cleansing
storm water force, motivation, relaxation, spells regarding anger and releasing (unwanted) feelings
swamp water banishing and binding, cursing, protection (to attract negativity and redirecting it from you)
waterfall water power, energy, success, moving forward, bravery
ice water transformation, balance, creativity
snow water purity, resolutions, balance
dew fertility, love, glamours, growth
fog creativity, hiding truth, protection (via hiding your location), curses
flower vase water growth, glamours, depending on the flower that was in there different uses
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caninefelines · 3 years
Tarot: Suit of Swords
The suit of swords is one (1) of the four (4) suits in every Tarot deck. The suit of swords is a part of the Minor Arcana deck of cards.
Element: air
Zodiacs: Gemini ♊️ , Libra ♎️ , Aquarius ♒️
Symbolism: describes your state of mind, making plans, letting go of anxiety
✨ Ace of Swords
upright: reason, illumination, sharp mind
reversed: separation, confusion, dark times
✨Two of Swords
upright: indecision, solution, difficulty
reversed: feeling torn, skepticism, negative state of mind
✨Three of Swords
upright: find a way out, liberation, heartbreak
reversed: insult, fraud, painful experience
✨Four of Swords
upright: rest, relaxation, patience
reversed: standstill, difficulty, exclusion
✨Five of Swords
upright: an unwinnable situation, sneakiness, defeat
reversed: hatred, power struggle, ambush
✨Six of Swords
upright: new beginning, change, new love
reversed: fears, worries, ending
✨Seven of Swords
upright: a keen mind, intelligence, insecurity
reversed: hatred, maliciousness, rethink
✨Eight of Swords
upright: overthinking, self-criticism, feeling trapped
reversed: inhibition, hidden personality, lack of space
✨Nine of Swords
upright: stress, anxiety, hopelessness
reversed: hope, despair, fear of loss
✨Ten of Swords
upright: sudden ending, failure, betrayal
reversed: inevitable end, intellectual tyrrany, abrupt conclusion
✨Page of Swords
upright: clear mind, new expirences, adventures
reversed: discord, conflicts, tactlessness
✨Knight of Swords
upright: honesty, opposition, conflict
reversed: malice, cynicism, ridicule
✨Queen of Swords
upright: confidence, willingness to learn, equality
reversed: cynicism, distance, sharp-tounged
✨King of Swords
upright: intelligence, cleverness, problem solving
reversed: sneakiness, irony, cynicism
Thanks for reading! Check out my blog?
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caninefelines · 3 years
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I went ahead and made a cleaner image for the new spread, I like how it turned out. I had to switch two of the positions with each other because it made more sense this way. Anyhow, on with the explanation:
- Place the Sun card in the center
- Position 1: Your self in the light or parts of yourself that you see often
- Position 2: Your self in the shadows or parts of yourself you don’t use much
- Position 3: What you seek at the moment
- Position 4: What you have left behind
- Position 5: What you need at the moment
- Position 6: What to let go of now
- Position 7: The path you will soon take
- Position 8: Your deepest heart brought to light
So there it is! An image, a description…everything you need in order to Read The Sun and learn more about yourself! Let me know if you use this spread, I’d be very curious to see if it worked well for anyone else. I tried it out and it worked out pretty nicely, things seemed accurate and helpful.
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caninefelines · 3 years
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Simple Glamour Tea Spell
** Writing in the moment, scheduled to post waaay after casting**
Here’s the first of my tea spell bags that I brought with me this week! If I was at home I would have used a pink teacup, but seeing as I’m staying at my boyfriend’s workplace I thought I’d take advantage of the clear glass mugs so you can see how stunning this colour is <3
Lavender: beauty, happiness, love, peace, purification
Rose: beauty, feminine energy, love, luck
Hibiscus: love, lust, sexuality, freedom, passion
Being in a workplace rather than at home, it was a bit tricky this morning to find a moment of privacy to conduct a tea spell the way I did with my prosperity, harmony & protection spell.
I had an inkling this would be the case, so I tried to charge each ingredient with my intention while I was making the tea bags at home. 
Today, I filled the mug with boiling water from the coffee machine (no fancy kettle to heat water to the best temperature for the ingredients, boo), and waited for it to fully infuse.
I then brought the mug to my face, closed my eyes and whispered my simple intentions for this spell:
I am beautiful. I am happy. I am loved.
Repeated three times and took my first sip, letting the tea infuse me with my intentions. Once people started wandering around again, I held the mug between my hands and looked at my notes where I’d written the correspondences for each ingredient. In between sips I focused on different correspondences, envisioning them in my mind. 
There were a lot of distractions around today, so I’m not sure how this spell went. Time will tell! I will probably try this again in a quieter environment and with more structure to see how that changes things.
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caninefelines · 3 years
Zodiac Signs as Oscar Wilde Quotes🌙
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caninefelines · 3 years
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I am 🧘🏼‍♀️
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caninefelines · 3 years
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Restful sleep & sweet dreams ⠀spell bottle or sachet
☽ Dreams be sweet⋆Dreams be kind ☼ ☼ Bring me rest ⋆ And peace of mind ☾
⠀☾ Herbs ☼ ↟ Lavender ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, relaxation, protection, happiness, healing, anti-stress & anxiety ↟ Rosemary ↟ sleep, peace, dreams, protection, healing, anti- stress, wards off bad dreams & negativity ↟ Sea salt ↟ protection, banishing, cleansing, purifying ↟ Hops flowers ↟ sleep, healing, anti-anxiety, stops restlessness ↟ Sugar ↟ for extra sweetness ↟ Jasmine ↟ calming, relaxation, prophetic dreams, love ↟ Chamomile ↟ sleep, peace, protection, healing, relaxation, anti-stress & anxiety, wards off bad dreams & nightmares ↟ Mugwort ↟ dreams, protection, healing, astral projection ↟ Willow leaves ↟ protection, peace, love, healing ↟ Thyme ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, wards off bad dreams ↟ Peppermint ↟ sleep, dreams, healing, protection, happiness, anti-stress & anxiety, purification ↟ Valerian ↟ calming, protection, deep restful sleep ↟ Vervain ↟ peace, protection, wards off bad dreams & nightmares
⠀☼ Crystals☽ ↟ Amethyst ↟ peace, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams & nightmares, prevents oversleeping, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being ↟ Blue lace agate ↟ peace, calming, healing, calms the mind, reduces stress & anxiety ↟ Smoky Quartz ↟ protection, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams, nightmares & negativity ↟ Fluorite ↟ peace, protection, protects against stress & negativity, stabilizes emotions, calms the mind ↟ Rose Quartz ↟ calming, peace, healing, calms emotions & rids of negativity, deep & restful sleep, relieves insomnia, relaxation, brings sweet dreams
♡ Mix any of these herbs and crystals in a bottle, sachet or pillow to make it right for you. Seal with candle wax (or a ribbon for those who can’t have candles) in whatever color feels best for you (I like blue or lavender!) Feel free to use my incantation as well! ♡
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caninefelines · 3 years
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“I Am Free”
Draw this on a picture of yourself and kiss it every morning to charge it
If you’re currently trapped in an abusive situation here is a list of resources that may be able to help you. I made the link generically witchy to not arouse suspicion if your abuser checks your internet history, but otherwise I recommend checking these resources on incognito mode. (The link only works on desktop mode)
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caninefelines · 3 years
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“I Feel Safe In My Home”
Keep this sigil around entrances into your home and try charging them at least once a month or as often as you feel you need to.
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caninefelines · 3 years
Gems for Depression
Smoky Quartz: for grounding, removes negative and excess energy. 
Kunzite: Beautiful light pink stone that is known for its powerful abilities to help one heal emotional disorders. Releases tension, restores peace, calming. 
Lepidolite: Helps one remove negative thoughts, especially obsessive ones. Is also known to help stabilize mood swings, and balances excessive energies. 
Tiger’s Eye: Grounds energy and brings a more positive outlook. Works with energy from both the sun and the earth. Highly protective, can help defend against unwanted, negative energies. 
Sunstone: Dispels fears, phobias, and can create a more positive outlook. It is a stone of independence and strength.  
Citrine: known for its positive attributes. Radiates positive energy.
Rose Quartz: A gentle healing stone that aids in self-love, compassion, and emotional issues. 
Chrysoprase: promotes joy and happiness. Is known to ease anxiety issues. 
Lapis Lazuli: Can help overcome abuse issues, trauma, depression, and grief. Aids in independence, inner power, and hope. 
Lithium Quartz: Releases stress, helps restore emotional balance, can ease mood swings. 
Jet: Purifies & protects, calms anxiety & fearful thinking. Promotes self-reliance, eases stress due to transitions/changes. 
*Not meant to replace treatment or medications* 
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