busy-b31ng-gay · 1 month
So today I hung out with a friend and my bf (yippee🥳) we went to the movies and another friend shows up so she jus tags along the rest of the day lol. But bdndjdh the movie part of the day was amazing, all the friends i was with vape, so when my bf was reaching over to grab his nic, he jus kept kissing me, and another time in the movie, he like wraps his whole armspan around me. When we were done with the movie, we (me, my bf and 2 friends) head over to one of my friends house. We smoked a bit of the za and get a bit high lmao. That was probably the funniest part of the day. I just started smoking the za like 5 days ago, therefore i have hella low tolerance, and my bf has a thing where thc hits WAY harder than for a normal person, so we were just laughing our asses off at every little thing lol. We migrated to the friends gmas house for bout an hr, then head back to mine. About hr and a half one friend has to leave, and an hr more other friend has to leave sadly. After that me and my bf decided to walk down to the park about 10 block from my house and hung out there for a bit, and at this point we're still a bit high so we're just rambling on about random shit together while walking. Half hr later we headed back to my house and he had another half hr left. My dad and me drive him home and that was it lol. Now im watching Saw in my room alone xD
Anywaysss in conclusion, today was like amazing and im so glad my bf could make it :)
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busy-b31ng-gay · 2 months
Haii :3 small intro ig
Im 15, I am named Bryce and i use he/him/them pronouns
I spell wrong 99% of the time so dont pay much attention to that lol
I am also a raging homosexual, as you may be avle to tell by my URL :)
I'll be posting abt gay stuff, my bfs and just my gay thoughts in general
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