bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
Brucie Wayne being interviewed about his children in the future.
Interviewer: How many are there?!
Bruce: 36! ive counted them myself!
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
nothing will ever amaze me the way fanfiction authors do. like, you wrote silly little stories about my favorite little guys? and i can read them?? for free??? that’s fucking wild.
you poured your heart and soul and very being into your writing and then put it out there for anyone to read? insane.
you spend a truly incredible amount of time writing novel-length, high quality stories, again, FOR FREE, that anyone can read, again, FOR FREE??
shoutout to every single fic author in existence, you guys are fucking incredible and i love all of you so much
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
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I can hear this photo
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
“why don’t they ever suspect Luke why don’t they realize it’s Luke why are they so quick to suspect Clarisse and not a Hermes kid”
guys, Luke is the perfect child. Thats the whole point! He gave his offerings he said his prayers he went on his quest he proved his loyalty to Chiron, to the gods, to his dad. And he did it all with a smile. They have no reason to suspect luke! Luke is the best of them!
Ares could’ve come to that meeting waving a big sign that said “LUKES THE LIGHTNING THIEF” and they still wouldn’t have believed him.
Because they also don’t want it to be Luke.
They love Luke. Luke takes care of them Luke protects them Luke is everything they want in an older brother. It doesn’t matter how blaringly obvious the writers get about who the real thief is. They will ignore every sign, every red flag, every warning, until Percy is dying of poison deep in the forest and Luke is gone.
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
oh protect taylor swift is trending on twitter im diving in i need to know
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
Growing up is actually all about realizing people don’t inherently dislike you and it’s a bit odd to assume they do
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
do y’all remember usernames??? from back when every fuckin website didn’t need your email phone number home address social security number just to join/sign up for something?? when you could make website-specific accounts that weren’t linked to literally anything else??? they tried to boil us like a frog slowly switching to “username/email” and then just asking for your email. but I remember. I remember usernames.
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
My headcanon is that Bruce takes Damian with him on Justice League meetings, trainings and missions more than any other Robin, maybe except for Dick.
JL members think it is to socialize Damian and give him good role models, show him how heroes work... or maybe because Bruce fears that if he leaves Damian alone in Gotham for too long there will be no Gotham to come back to.
But the truth is that Damian has no filter and is absolutely savage with his quips, and so if Bruce is frustrated or angry at JL, or just wants them on their toes, he unleashes Damian on them, sits back and enjoys. Bruce is a professional and an adult, so he cannot say too uncharitable or too sarcastic things to his coworkers, but DAMIAN, in all his preteen/teen glory, can do it just fine.
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
there is so much about modern queer discourse that could be fixed simply by understanding "straightness" to be a socio-political classification & reward for conformity rather than just a personal identity.
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
I found an extremely dope disability survival guide for those who are homebound, bedbound, in need of disability accommodations, or would otherwise like resources for how to manage your life as a disabled person. (Link is safe)
It has some great articles and resources and while written by people with ME/CFS, it keeps all disabilities in mind. A lot of it is specific to the USA but even if you're from somewhere else, there are many guides that can still help you. Some really good ones are:
How to live a great disabled life- A guide full of resources to make your life easier and probably the best place to start (including links to some of the below resources). Everything from applying for good quality affordable housing to getting free transportation, affordable medication, how to get enough food stamps, how to get a free phone that doesn't suck, how to find housemates and caregivers, how to be homebound, support groups and Facebook pages (including for specific illnesses), how to help with social change from home, and so many more.
Turning a "no" into a "yes"- A guide on what to say when denied for disability aid/accommodations of many types, particularly over the phone. "Never take no for an answer over the phone. If you have not been turned down in writing, you have not been turned down. Period."
How to be poor in America- A very expansive and helpful guide including things from a directory to find your nearest food bank to resources for getting free home modifications, how to get cheap or free eye and dental care, extremely cheap internet, and financial assistance with vet bills
How to be homebound- This is pretty helpful even if you're not homebound. It includes guides on how to save spoons, getting free and low cost transportation, disability resources in your area, home meals, how to have fun/keep busy while in bed, and a severe bedbound activity master list which includes a link to an audio version of the list on Soundcloud
Master List of Disability Accommodation Letters For Housing- Guides on how to request accommodations and housing as well as your rights, laws, and prewritten sample letters to help you get whatever you need. Includes information on how to request additional bedrooms, stop evictions, request meetings via phone, mail, and email if you can't in person, what you can do if a request is denied, and many other helpful guides
Special Laws to Help Domestic Violence Survivors (Vouchers & Low Income Housing)- Protections, laws, and housing rights for survivors of DV (any gender), and how to get support and protection under the VAWA laws to help you and/or loved ones receive housing and assistance
Dealing With Debt & Disability- Information to assist with debt including student loans, medical debt, how to deal with debt collectors as well as an article with a step by step guide that helped the author cut her overwhelming medical bills by 80%!
There are so many more articles, guides, and tools here that have helped a lot of people. And there are a lot of rights, resources, and protections that people don't know they have and guides that can help you manage your life as a disabled person regardless of income, energy levels, and other factors.
Please boost!
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
A new reason for why Young Justice is all 17 and not aging. They started a Dionysus-style cult centered around Cassie to see if they could make her into a Goddess, and it worked. In return, she made them all her immortal companions'.
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
honestly fucking fascinating that people will pretty universally understand that thin people can be naturally predisposed to thinness regardless of what they eat or their activity level, but that so many of the same people cannot possibly fathom that fat people could have similar dispositions or that there could be any factors more complex than a "lack of self control."
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
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Parody police recruitment posters spotted in Seattle
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bookloveranddesigner · 4 months
Hogwarts houses are out. Unseen University disciplines are in. Choose your side
Indefinite studies
Recent Runes
Inadvisably Applied Magic
Cruel and Unusual Geography
Post Morthem Communications
Applied Astrology
Approximate Accuracy
Applied Anthropics
Extreme Horticulture
Liberal studies
Illiberal Studies
Morbid Bibliomamcy
Recondite Architecture and Origami Map Folding‎
Recondite Phenomena
Slood Dynamics
Esoteric Studies
Wooly Thinking
Op you forgot-
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