bluesoverhues · 8 months
Does the Moon really understand the things we discuss with him, or is he just another pretty face?
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bluesoverhues · 11 months
"The head forgets, but the heart remembers."
But why does the heart have to remember EVERYTHING? Even the things that I deeply want to forget. Why does it remember the birthdays of the people we've parted ways with? Wait, did we really parted ways? Or did they move away, but we are still standing where they left us, waiting for things to resume? Why is moving away easier than moving on?
It's a pity how the heart doesn't forget anything despite being hurt innumerable times. It just keeps outgrowing the people it once loved, until it feels like a bloody lump in the chest every now and then.
Why does the heart remember? ~ess
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bluesoverhues · 1 year
Do you have a name for the feeling when it hurts? It hurts for no reason. It hurts to wake up every day, to speak, to eat, to sleep, to exist. It hurts to not be able to express what you feel. Maybe because there is no word for it? Maybe because nobody really talks about it? How does it go away? This inexplicable feeling of stagnation, of constant feltering, of perpetual wailing—how does it really go away?
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bluesoverhues · 1 year
I loved you. I loved you with all I had. And more. I loved you the way I wished I embraced my insecurities. I loved you to the extent that I shared my vulnerabilities with you. There is something about excessive love that they don't usually tell us. Perhaps they leave it up to us to discover. They don't tell us about love because maybe, just may be, they don't want to break our hearts before our loved ones break our hearts. But just so you know, they did tell me about love and warn me about heartbreaks and the heartache that it entails, but I still loved you. I wish I hadn't.
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