blueomi · 2 years
hbd to me(: here’s to another year of satosugu angst!
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blueomi · 2 years
the fact that gojo knew instantaneously that it wasn't geto in shibuya,,, "my six eyes tell me you're suguru geto, but my soul knows otherwise" -- the six eyes are one of gojo's most powerful abilities, and he is the first in 100 years of his clan to be born with both the six eyes and limitless. the six eyes bring him so much power-- enough for him to be called the strongest sorcerer in the world. and yet, it was not the thing that gives him such immense strength that determined if it was geto or not. no. it was his soul!!!!! the only part of him that is solely human, the only part of himself capable of feeling love-- the only part of himself that he trusted blindly in knowing suguru was his soul. 
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blueomi · 2 years
just here to remind you that even when suguru was in what was probably one of the darkest times of his life—so deeply confused about the part he played as a shaman in the jujutsu world,,,, he still thought of satoru first
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blueomi · 2 years
gojo & geto have the world’s fucking saddest “you push forward, i pull away” dynamic and i want to scream!!! gojo’s existence forces curses to grow stronger, which in turn leaves more for geto to consume, ‘the taste of a cursed spirit that no one else knows.’ as gojo forges ahead, geto falls behind. geto can never truly laugh from his heart as long as gojo lives, because his existence is the very reason geto feels so alone
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blueomi · 2 years
thinking ab how geto’s technique mirrors his downfall,,,, how he ate cursed spirits and kept them bottled up inside until he rotted from his core, whilst he kept everything from satoru and let it all fester until it was too late.
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blueomi · 2 years
to add on to my previous musings of satoru,,,, he never had a childhood bc of the techniques he was born with so when he finally got to high school and met suguru, he was happy for the first time. he cherished suguru, and they were kids together, because suguru was the first person who saw satoru for who he was, instead of what he could do. suguru was his first, and his only best friend.
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blueomi · 2 years
have u ever thought that gojo talking about how “no one is allowed to take youth away from young people,” is because he never had a childhood or any sort of real love given to him, but when he met suguru that all changed, and he loved him like he’d never loved anyone in his life. and then suguru was torn away from him and his childhood ended so prematurely, and thats why he fights so hard to protect his precious students, because he knows how it feels.
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blueomi · 2 years
to think satoru and suguru still know everything about each other.. although they have parted ways and they’ll never be the same again, when they see each other, they still remember everything. suguru warns his allies of satoru’s limitless technique, knowing that he was there in high school when satoru developed it. i wonder if when he talks about how strong satoru is, if he realizes it could have been him too. 
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blueomi · 2 years
just saw the volume 0 movie its so much worse than we thought guys
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blueomi · 2 years
im a ghost of you
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you’re a ghost of me
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blueomi · 2 years
“i don’t think i love you anymore”
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“that gold mine changed you”
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blueomi · 2 years
saw smthn on tiktok today where someone said that satoru took megumi in bc he was still beating himself up over being unable to save suguru, and wanted to feel like there was someone he could do something for, and i just .
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blueomi · 2 years
“every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear. your mind is my treasure and if it were broken, it would be my treasure still.”
i feel like this quote is the epitome of satoru and suguru bc literally. even after suguru becomes a wanted criminal and satoru knows all of the horrible things he has done, he is still so entirely affected by suguru’s presence bc there is no way he could ever really let him go. suguru is his treasure, still . :(
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blueomi · 2 years
imagine how deeply you must love someone to still fall apart at the mere sound of their voice, even after they had turned their back on all the memories you two shared . 
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blueomi · 2 years
a study of satoru again since i am obviously obsessed with him
from the very beginning of his life, it seems as if luck is already against gojo satoru. he was born with a reputation already preceding him, sworn to the entire jujutsu society that he would be the strongest alive, practically tilting the earth on its orbit. in his teenage years, he meets suguru. suguru opens up his world like nothing else in the world ever could have. suguru shows satoru that he chooses to be his friend not for his abilities, but simply for his character. suguru shows satoru what it is like to be simply wanted. together, they are the strongest. but after the tragedy of the star plasma vessel mission, satoru begins to fall back on his past, and what he always thought of himself. that he is not worthy because he is incapable of being strong enough. he closes himself off from even the very person who loves him the most, simply to become strong once again. because, who is he if he isn’t? suguru was his greatest gift, but nothing could overcome the teachings thrust onto him from his birth, so he carries on alone, and he closes himself off from the world because he cannot bear to face it. satoru feels things so deeply, but he does not possess the ability to process them because of the way he was so emotionally stunted, growing up with a target on his back and being treated like an adult since the moment he could speak. so instead, he pushes them aside and smothers them with things easier for himself to digest. for example: when satoru kills suguru, he is physically unable to throw away his body. it appears to us that he never thinks anything of this again, until he sees the body in shibuya. after satoru kills his best friend, he has nothing else to do besides to try to be who he was 10 years ago with suguru, a child. he cares for nobara and yuuji and megumi and all of his students because i think deep down, he knows that all of his tragedies are due to the jujutsu society that will never change. so maybe for just a little while, he tries to show all of his students the love that jujutsu society never gave him, all while acting as a child when he is around them, because the only time he ever received such a luxury was when suguru was alive.
maybe he sees pieces of suguru and himself in the children he so dutifully takes care of, and he is not bitter or angry, but instead continues to give to them what he knows the cruel world will only try to take away. 
i think satoru is selfless. and he has no reason to be this way, because of everything the jujutsu society has stolen from him. and yet he is. :(
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blueomi · 2 years
did you get enough love, my little dove?
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why do you cry?
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blueomi · 2 years
just saw a snippet of the alley scene in the volume zero movie … i thought i was ready for this movie!!! now realizing i am sorely mistaken!!!!
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