blazing-bitch · 1 year
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Kyojouro x Reader
A/n: This is one of the first stories I've written and I know it isn't the best writing but I am working on it. If you have any requests or suggestions I would love to here them!
Warning: This chapter will include suicide. This chapter will also include spoilers so read at your own risk. For those of you that are like me I am very sorry in advance because I don't even have the guts to rewatch the scene that you are about to read about. Anyways enjoy!
Y/n Pov
It was early in the morning when I heard the familiar sound of a kasugai crow. Specifically Kyojurou's. "This early in the morning?" I muttered still half asleep. I felt Kyojurou lift his hand which was placed on my side. I felt the mat we slept on move as he shifted his weight to lean over and kiss my forehead.
"Unfortunately yes. I won't be long, I promise." He said quietly as we were both still very tired. I pulled the blanket off me as he was getting ready and stood up.
"Aren't you still tired my flame." He always called me that. It was his way of saying 'my dear' or 'my love' and that made it all the more special.
"You know I worry myself to much to get any rest when your gone on a mission." I said as I felt his hands wrap around my side and meet around my torso. I chuckled and turned around placing my lips gently onto his hoping that this wouldn't be our last.
"Don't worry. Like I said, it shouldn't take me long. I'll be back by sunset tomorrow."
"If you say so." I walked with him to the door and watched him follow his bird until he was out of sight. I could already feel all the anxiety and panic filling me. Unfortunately the only medicine for it was him. I walked back inside and tried to preoccupy myself my cooking or cleaning or something to just keep my worry's off my mind.
Hours passed and he still hadn't returned and I was truly starting to become scared. He should have been back by now. It doesn't usually take him this long. By the looks of it the sun should be setting soon. That's when I heard the call of my own crow. No no no no no no no! This couldn't be happening. If he is dead I don't even know if I'll make it. We complete each other and without him there would be no me. The other half of me would just rot.
"CAW CAW. Go to the train wreck south east from here as backup. CAW CAW." The crow began to repeat itself as I fell to the ground in relief. Oh thank God he isn't gone. If he ever scares me like that again I swear to God I'm going to kill him. I rushed inside to get ready then set on my journey. As I got farther from the train station I let the tracks guide me so I wouldn't get lost but stayed in the trees so I wasn't so easily seen. That is until I heard screaming. The sun was just now rising and if there were any extra demons nearby they would be running away by now. I ran toward the screaming until I came into a clearing. I froze when I saw the sight before me.
There were three young men one with a boar head, one with bright yellow hair, and one with a rather large scar on his forehead. The last person was none other than Kyojurou himself but instead of the bright, happy, handsome man I knew I saw him sitting on the ground with only his sword keeping him up. Blood covered him head to toe caused by many wounds but most importantly the large whole that went right through his chest. I ran to him and collapsed in front of him. He was still alive and seemed to be talking to me but I was to overwhelmed by the sight of him to hear what he was saying.
"Please speak with my brother and father. And Y/n  I know this will be hard but find someone that will make you happy. There is no saving me and I know you see that. Don't waste the rest of your life blaming yourself from what happened." I felt his hand brush across his face but I was to focused on what he said to notice.
Before I could mutter anything out he slowly closed his eyes and I could hear the quiet exhale that left him. "NOOO. KYOJUROU. You can't leave me! You were all I had!" I fell to the ground completely and banged my fists to the the ground. What did he ever do to deserve this? He was the best fighter I've seen. How was I supposed to move on? How was I supposed to be happy again? These questions flooded my mind until I got one single, simple answer. I pulled my own sword out and held it to my chest. Tears flowed down my face and I could here the faint screaming from the three young boys telling me to stop but all were to weak to stop me and there words did nothing. "T'ill death do us apart" I whispered before letting the sword slide through my heart being sure that it would finish me off. I fell into Kyojurou's lap as blood flowed from the wound.
I could see all the colors around me drain from the world and for some reason it seemed as though I saw my whole family and what looked like to me Kyojurou himself. I wanted to stay with them but somehow I still knew that what I was seeing wasn't real.
It didn't take long until my vision blacked out and my breath slowed to a complete stopped. Not only was I with my family now but I was also with my one and only lover. Kyojurou Rengoku.
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blazing-bitch · 1 year
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Probably one of the saddest deaths in the show.
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