Kou is so cute, Hans and Kou are the cutest boys ever
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H: whats a simp? I’ve heard the word a few times, but no ones ever told me what it is?
K: it means they really really like us, or they're a fan or something-- at least that's what the internet says...
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H: a fan! My big bro has fans... he doesnt like his fans, but our fans all seem nice so i think we’ll have a much better time!
K: *smiles* from what I've seen so far, they all seem very sweet so i think you may be right about that
H: YEAH! Well im glad to know you are our fans, i don’t know what *I* did to become liked, but its pretty obvious with kou, he’s pretty adorable! Ha!
K: *nudges Hans gently* hey, you know you have your own quirks that others like, you had fans before I joined
H: i did, didnt i. Yeah! I guess i did, still dont know what i did, but yeah!
K: you were yourself, and people happen to like that *adjusts his glasses with a soft smile*
H: hehehe, y-yeah, i guess that would do it... yeah.
// @vintage-babe132
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“Hi! This is my bestest bester best friend, Kou! He’s gonna be joining me on this bloggy blog thing so now we have double the fun! Haha! Kou do you want to say somehting?”
"oh! uhm... hello, my name is Kou, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope to have fun and interact with you all" *que gentle smile*
// Kou is now available for questions! //
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See what ones you get
🔥  - you’re hot!
☀️  - you’re a ray of sunshine!
⚡️  - you scare me!
🌈 - you’re so cool!
🍑 - you’re a peach!
👍 - you’re a-okay!
😍 - you make my heart race!
❌ - i hate you!
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!truth or dare event over!
I know i didnt do that much, but dear me, with these nails i doubt i could really do anything anymore, but i also dont want to ruin my friends work so i’ll keep them on until they, fall off,
Thank you for participating, darlings
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This dare comes from Rin! (He’s too nervous to ask himself) he would like to receive a hug for reassurance uwuwu
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Why would someone so beautiful and wonderful need to go behind a dare to get a hug? I’d do it anyways haha, especcially for someone so cute. You’re wonderful, dont ever feel down, i want you to be happy. If you ever need something, just, say the word and i’ll be at your service.
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I dare you to use those long colorful nails that girls use. PD: Ask me to fight god and I WILL uwu anyway you look handsome
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Alright then, that was diffucult, unrortunatly it seems i am unable to really hold or do things with these on, but, that’s fine, i can probably ask for some help, if anyones willing that is, putting these on was quite, diffuclt, as well. Of course, two of my lovely friends, sarah and jojo, helped me, it was, an experiance to say the least, but i got through it, after this i should give them hugs for being so helpful and nice during the ordeal. Also, please dont’t fight god, you’ll get hurt, and i can’t stand the thought of someone being cuased bodily harm due to me,
Special thanks to sarah ( @simping-for-tendou ) and jojo ( @jojo-the-simp ) for helping me put on these colourful creations, it was a very, ‘calming’ experience
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*Pats his head* you're really really cute hehe :D
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T-thank you, please d-don’t stop, and y-you’re cu-cuter... *totally not purring noises*
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I’m sorry to be so negative, but... that costume was quite uncomfortable, i’m glad to be back in my actual clothes, they are ifinitly more comfortable than that costume. But now things are back to normal, the truth or dare thingy is still going on, dears, so feel free to keep sending me things
Huh? I cant seem to find my mask... oh dear... i apoligize if i scare you, it’s not my intention... i’m sorry
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I just found Out about Hans and I already stan hhhhh ❤
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O-oh! I assume this is positive, what with the h-heart, i don’t really know what stan means either, but again, assuming its p-positive of course. T-thank you, i like to make people happy, so i hope i make you as happy as physically possible...
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Your outfit? FABULOUS, the taste mmmh the flavor, immaculate, finally a good fucking meak
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I dont know if you mean my normal outfit, into which thank you, but if you mean this one, then, no. Its cold, and the arm and leg things are kinda itchy, but either way, thanl you, you are very kind, but i’m sure if you actually wore clothes, grey one, that you would also be ‘on point’
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Hans I can and WILL fight god if you ask me to 😎👊
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D: You have to dress up as Len Kagamine for the next 3 asks!!!
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This feels so odd, i havnt worn shorts in years, but here you go, i had to cut my hair since my hair was too long for the boys hairstyle, i dont know who this, ‘len kagamine’ person is, but they seem to have a good fashion sense? My knees and elbows are cold...
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Dare: Hi could you uh, oh idk maybe just y’know... hold my hand? O///O oh geez is that too nsfw?
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“Okay! Haha, it is a bit of an odd request, but with the nature of the game, i cant possibly refuse you, darling” hans chuckled
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Hmmmm for a truth, what is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? 👀👀
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Well, lets see, i dont really get embarressed easily, but i think it was the time i waterd a fake plant for three years, and no one decided to tell me, i had three other roommates at the time, and none of the, told me, i enarly cried when i found out, but it did feel pretty embarresing, only thing more embarresing than that i guess? Would be the cowcident
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I dare Hans to stop being so precious 🥺🥺 making me fail no simp September like that smh
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Thank you, no ones ever said that about me before, but, i think if anyones precious and wonderful all around, its you.
I’m sorry, but i’m not sure i can do this dare, as i wasnt really precious or anything special to begin with, i’m quite the sight for sore eyes, so i’m not sure what you see in me, but
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Maybe you can help me, i just need you to elaborate what makes me so... ‘precious’ and i can work on stopping the behaviour, dear.
Also, whats, a ‘simp’? And why is there a month for it?
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Truth or dare event
H: hi! I know its super early and i dont have many people here following me, i still wanted to do this, since it seemed like fun, and who knows! Maybe when i get bigger i can do this again!
Anyways, the way that this works will be you put truth: (or just ‘T:’) in front of your question and i’ll have to answer the truth, and only the truth
Put dare: or D: in front to make me do something you want me to do! I dont want to limit you too much, but just dont me do snything illegal, or too weird i guess, but everything else is free real estate
I hope you all have as much fun as i will playing this! So, go crazy go stupid!
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Hey Hans, what snacks do you like?
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“Snacks? Well, i dont really eat many snacks, but i do quite like pretzels, and butter, butter tastes pretty good, maybe with some salt on top, haha! “ hans laughed smiling, but deep down, you knew it was no joke, this man, ate butter, b u t t e r.
“And i cant resist a good pie! My favorite pie is turtle pie, although i dont much like sugar and turtle pie is very sugary, turtle pie tastes immaculate and its hard to control myself around it, aha!” Hans chuckled, shaking his head, his ponytail flicked and wiggled behind him as he did
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