bi-animated · 2 months
Hi everyone!
Please check out my friend’s links! They are a multi-craft artist and need commissions!
Not being on hrt for the last two weeks is killing me it’s so painful. I didn’t realize how normal I felt until I didn’t have it anymore. I hope I get back in T soon because I don’t know how I’m supposed to live without it
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bi-animated · 2 months
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I’ve just completed this super hero poster with @thesuperherokid project!
It was truly so rewarding, I feel like I got so lucky with the kid that was chosen for me. She has such a beautifully positive spirit and just seems like she loves life (and Barbie!!!). Her literal super power is to make people smile and I said that I was the first person that her powers worked on because I smiled the entire time that I worked in this piece.
I had so much fun with this, I love bringing kid’s ideas to life, and I hope that she enjoys this as much as I do!
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bi-animated · 2 months
Hi friends!
This week’s challenge on Karaoke Knockout is: what’s your go-to karaoke song?
Well, since I have a million, I’m going to try to sing as many as I can this week! Here’s a couple videos of me singing some of my favorites.
Top - Clint Eastwood by The Gorillaz
Bottom - Rehab by Amy Winehouse
I’m going to be posting singing content regularly for as long as I can stay in the competition but I’ll also be talking about my Animation journey still too! I plan to use the prize money to help fund a short film that I’m developing with a friend, more to come on that! 🦟
Please vote for me today and daily to help me go up the ranks of the competition! I’m currently in second place and there’s only three days left of voting. Can we get me to the top spot?
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bi-animated · 2 months
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Life’s been kinda all over the place but in an attempt to get some attention and maybe breaking into the animation industry in an alternative way - I’m going to try to get on reality TV!
I’m currently in third place in my group in a competition to get onto the Karaoke Knockout contest! I plan to use the platform to talk about a short film that I’ve been planning with my friend. (More info on that coming soon!)
Please vote for me at the link and help me get to the top spot!
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bi-animated · 3 months
It’s the Superbowl and while I usually don’t care much for Football, some friends did notice that our favorite football head is at the forefront of the weekend!
I hadn’t posted this Speed Paint so here it is!
You already know that I love a quick #shortaki moment 💕
If you love HA, you can support a new spin off: The Patakis, all you have to do is follow @opthepatakis and sign the petition to get it funded just like Jungle Movie!
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bi-animated · 3 months
I discovered Blvck Bunnie and her Pound Cake Granny meme a few months ago and I feel like there is no better fitting vibe for me so I was compelled to make a piece of fan art.
I love what they are doing with having fun with elders, both of them seem to genuinely enjoy making reels, and they honestly just make me laugh in such a wholesome way. It reminds me of my (almost) 80 year old dad with is cane and his wife who still go to rock shows and party harder than I do.
This is the first time I’ve animated for fun in a long time, it was really hard for me to let go of my perfectionism and professionalism, but overall I’m really excited that I was able to participate in the trend and make my first meme reel 🔥 My 2024 resolution is to animate more, so keep an eye out for more stuff like this!
Thank you again to Blvck Bunnie and Granny for being HARD AF and letting me make this!
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bi-animated · 4 months
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I haven’t been super active on socials other than Linkedin because the hustle don’t quit, BUT! I have been continuing to be creative, here are some WIPs that have been occupying my time.
The first is an animation for a song called “Pound Cake” bad quality because I’m dropping the full-color animation soon 💜
The second is a character design commission that I am having a blast with!
More to come, thanks for hanging out!
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bi-animated · 5 months
This piece of fan art ended up meaning a lot more to me than I expected it to. Like a lot of people, I see myself in Helga, so when thinking of ideas, I often draw from personal experience.
I remember being 15 and wanting to be grown so badly, then also tried to apply modern fashion trends to that, thinking about the things I see on Instagram. One thing that worried me through the drawing process was wanting her outfit to look a little “racy” but not sexy. It’s important to me that a 15 year old Helga is not sexualized through my drawing, especially with her mixed expression of nervousness and excitement. You can see through my drawing process that I changed aspects of her outfit throughout to give her more and more modesty.
Regardless, this one ended up being my favorite in this series of Hey Arnold fan arts, I hope you all enjoyed it. Also, thank you to all of the new followers and friends I’ve made from this week, you all are so cool!!
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bi-animated · 5 months
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The Patakis week has finally come to a close, and this is my final piece for it!
The context for this one is a continuation of the last one, so if you haven’t seen it or read the caption, I invite you to!
Sid, Rhonda, and Big Patty (not pictured, she would be the drummer but I didn’t want to draw a whole kit 😓) are all in a band together with Helga as the singer/writer/manager. The end of the summer is coming, meaning Arnold will have to leave back to his parents, and Helga isn’t handling it well. They get into a fight because it’s easier for her to push him away and reject him than to hold onto hope that a long distance relationship won’t slowly destroy them both over time. The band has their first big gig a week before school starts and Sid(guitar) is twisting the knife at Helga so she’ll get over Arnold, not just so she’ll perform better, but because he plans to ask her out. He thinks Helga goes hard, she’s cool and doesn’t take sh*t from anyone. However, he’ll have to break the news to Rhonda(bassist) who makes out with him after shows as an ego boost when she doesn’t have a raving fan boy.
Long story short, Arnold shows up to the gig on the night that his parents were supposed to pick him up, they decided to stay and rest for the drive the next day.
After the show, Helga apologizes to Arnold and they decide to figure it out together.
Easter egg - Helga is wearing Arnold’s shirt, shout out to Debbie Thornberry for fit inspo
I don’t think this is the end of me making Hey Arnold fan art, this week has given me a lot of cool ideas that I’d like to bring to fruition soon! However, I am open for commissions if anyone is interested, I would love to dedicate more time to stuff like this but I also have bills ☠️
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bi-animated · 6 months
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#thepatakisweek Day 4, posted on Day 5 after I said I didn’t want to fall behind ☠️
I knew I needed to be on point for this one because it’s ARNOLD’S ROOM!!
My idea for this one is bouncing off of the last prompt, where Arnold and Helga have been spending a lot of time together at their summer job, he finally invites her out on what feels like a date. Nervous, she consults Phoebe on how she should dress and they do some internet shopping. When the clothes come in, they don’t look the same on her as they do on the model but it’s too late to get another outfit so she commits. Once again, she’s attempting to dress like someone else to impress Arnold, who is stunned when he first sees her. People are paying a lot of attention to Helga, which she isn’t used to and is making her more uncomfortable in the outfit. Arnold takes notice and asks her if she’d rather leave, so they head to his house, little do they know that their voyeurs are also in hot pursuit and with a plan - Sid is going to bluetooth connect to Arnold’s devices and scare them with loud music when they’re about to kiss… and it will be live on the internet for the whole neighborhood to see.
Yes, that’s Abner! I imagine he’ll grow into a hefty fella after a few years living at the boarding house. Really enjoyed using the lighting filters on Procreate, I’d like to think that Arnold is cool enough to have the college dorm special LED colored lights and set them to pink because it’s Helga’s favorite color 🥰 I also heard that Helga still wears her pink bow under her beanie, which is another aspect of this picture - Helga trying to grow up too fast but secretly not being ready, she wears a lot of disguises and I feel like it’s a relatable situation for both teen girls and even adult women.
Anyway, it’s an open ending because Arnold’s wires don’t necessarily connect to his computer, so what do you all think?
Should Sid be successful and sabotage their romance?
Or should the whole pan be foiled because Arnold isn’t even using that device?
Write me in the comments ;)
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bi-animated · 6 months
#thepatakisweek continues!
Today is day 3, and while I’m going to skip the prompt for today to put in the effort and time that I’d like for my piece for the day 4 prompt, I’d still like to submit something.
I recently learned that time-lapse videos are a feature on Procreate so I thought I’d try my first one. I’m learning something new about the program every time I use it, it seems.
This challenge has been beneficial to me in so many ways as well, mainly giving me the excuse to draw fan art. I don’t remember the last time that I dedicated myself to an illustration that wasn’t for work/original. It’s fun, I feel less pressure to be perfect and free to experiment. Hey Arnold is a big nostalgia button for me, and I’ve been wishing on The Patakis for what seems like years now. Please sign the petition to get it made, and who knows, maybe I’ll be lucky enough to work on it 😉
Btw, it says Helga - “I’m surrounded” because I was watching the show for ambiance and she said it as short-hand for her iconic “I’m surrounded by idiots” and I thought it was SO Millennial/GenZ of her, I could see it being slang today. I wrote it down so I won’t forget to put it in some future fan art or something.
… or use it myself 😏
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bi-animated · 6 months
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The Patakis Week Day 2!
I’m honestly so proud of this one, I just finished it today so I can post it in time. (I really don’t wanna fall behind like Inktober ☠️)
Following the prompts, here is the scenario:
Arnold and Helga are volunteering at PS 118 for their summer program that is essentially just a glorified baby sitting gig, which is why they’re letting high schoolers do it in the first place. We all know why Helga took the job, and it has nothing to do with kids. So when a young student in her cluster, Daisy May*, becomes overly attached, Helga exploits Daisy’s love of pudding. Arnold has been watching Helga too, and notices that she’s up to her old tricks. “You can’t just sit the kid in a corner with a pudding cup, how is she going to learn?”
“That’s how Bob did it and I turned out fine”
“Okay Helga, just be big enough to clean the mess”
*Fun fact: Daisy May is the name of the love interest in Lil Abner, where Arnold’s pet pig gets his namesake. Daisy May pursues the main character even though he shows no interest. It’s a Helga-ception.(credit to my bf for that)
One thing that I LOVE about Helga is her tenacity to break the rules (law😝) for the sake of her personal mission. Since it’s just a blurb for a picture, I didn’t get too detailed with the plot but I’d like to think that Helga was getting up to something Football related 😏
I wanted her face to look frustrated for being caught out, but also totally elated that Arnold was paying attention to her 😍
Since I’m using my Tumblr as more of an “art diary”, I’d like to include some more info behind what went into this piece:
Much like Inktober, I’m using this challenge to learn more about Procreate, experiment with brushes and figure out what’s “right” for me.
To be frank, it has been a mildly frustrating experience internally because I already know that my weakness is color. Digital painting and traditional are just not the same, they don’t work the same (to me anyway). The interface of Procreate is so different from Photoshop too, finding and remembering to use tools isn’t a simple transition, either. It makes me self conscious of my art, even though I’ve gone to art school, and it throws me off to have to stop and Google stuff. But! I think with this piece, I’m FINALLY in a good groove of how I want my art to look and how to get there.
TLDR; I cry bc the lesson I refuse to learn is that you never stop learning 🙃
PS - skipping Patakis Week Day 3 to put the amount of effort and time that I want to put into Day 4’s prompt, however, I’ll still post something fun! 💜
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bi-animated · 6 months
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Yay The Patakis Week is here!!
The Patakis is a concept focused on Helga’s home life as a teen while Arnold is away living with his parents after Jungle Movie. A motif of the series is Helga writing him letters, envelope, stamped, and all, and shoving them in a binder in her closet, never sending them out.
Following the prompts, my idea was that they both attended a party for a mutual friend and Arnold popped up as a secret/surprise. Since I’m an adult, I usually think party = alcohol, but midway through drawing I thought “ah crap! They’re under aged!!” So now the story is that Arnold picked up a “soda” 🥴 (which is really easy to do now-a-days, with hard seltzers looking like energy drinks a lot of the time).
Anyway, Helga is not fitting in so well, and all of the attention is on Arnold, causing her negative conscience to confirm that she was better off having not sent him her letters. Time did not stop for him the way that it did for her, and he isn’t enthralled in conversation with her like he is with everyone else.
Deciding to skip early to spare herself some emotional damage, Arnold catches her at the door, and is feeling very honest 😉
If you read this far, please leave a 💜 and lmk if my fanfic writing skills are rusty 😝
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bi-animated · 6 months
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On Halloween, it was my anniversary with my partner, and we always talk about how our wild and crazy pup acts like a Pokemon, so I drew us as trainers. We even came up with his type (Fairy/Dark) and his move set (Bite, Sucker Punch, Charm, Tail Whip, etc). The background was taken from actual Pokemon game art, I did not make it.
My commissions are currently open and the holidays are around the corner, if you’re interested in a commission of you and your loved one, hit me up!
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bi-animated · 6 months
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These are some character turn arounds and concepts that I did recently for Dream Arc Studios for their upcoming film Aurora which should have a trailer released early next year.
The main design and set of concepts that I did is a monk named Miron. The story is set in an arctic climate, so fur and outerwear are key design elements to all of the characters. The couple and baby are just background characters, and the three women are concepts for a young girl’s “momzilla”
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bi-animated · 6 months
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I’ve been participating in Inktober this year and the one thing that I find the hardest is actually the social media. Posting is honestly a chore for me, I don’t really know when that happened, but I always feel like I have to primp and plan every caption, and don’t get me started on needing to make reels for any sort of attention.
That’s why I created this Tumblr page, I want to just post somewhere in more of a diary format and talk about my experiences behind the art work or finding jobs in the Animation Industry.
Here are a few of my favorite drawings so far, we’re about half way through the month now, I’ll be sure to post more. If you’d like to see the complete collection of my Inktober sketches, please head to my Instagram - @bi_animated
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bi-animated · 7 months
Hi first post!
I always thought tumblr might be a cool place to share my art so here I am!
I’m a 2D Animator and Character Designer and this is my demo reel, I’ll make more posts with my individual work, but I think this is the best intro for what my capabilities are (so far).
Trying to find an art community and meet likeminded creatives :)
I’m looking for commission work, so please DM if interested!
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