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Start - 7:48 1/12/23 Finished - 11:26 1/12/23
I discovered this book as I was laying in bed enjoying my ongoing battle with what I can only assume is the flu. I easily managed to read Ivy Smoak’s Temptation in less than four hours. While there are a few quirks which I will discuss later, the potent attraction between Penny and Professor Hunter drives the story forward relentlessly. 
The main reason that I would suggest Temptation as an addition to anyone’s TBR list is based entirely on the chemistry between the two main characters. This story is a prime example of one that would be classified as an easy read. 
I am going to be incredibly blunt right now,.. The only part of this book that stands out in my memory is the chemistry that I mentioned between Penny and Professor Hunter. The other aspects of the story blended together and left a lackluster taste in this reader’s mouth. 
Now, there was obviously something about this story that kept my attention. Obviously, since I read the entire book in one sitting. Basically, if you are looking for a quick read filled with scenes that will have you reaching for the toys you keep hidden then give this one a try. 
Did anyone else have mixed feelings??
Onward to the next adventure fellow bookworms,
-Reading By Flashlight Bookery  
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Some of the notes that I took as I was reading Start a War by Ellie Thorpe:
Ok… so holy shit. That first chapter completely captured my attention and dragged me into this book. I was essentially tied to the words as if they held the answers to every dark thought I never should have had within them. 
So I didn’t read the information given about this book closely apparently… I did not realize that this book is quite near a reverse harem novel… or is it a rev-harem??? ARG!
Alright… so not exactly a reverse harem, but something that? 
The information on amazon regarding this book left me thinking that Start a War was going to follow the path to the ultimate f*ck fest between a woman and her brother’s best friend. Well prepare thyself, because that is not.. Erg.. is.. isn’t... Sigh, let me start again.
Do not fear, if you are looking for raunchy then this is definitely the book for you. The encounters between Bliss and War dangerously stirs up the fantasies of those enjoying (wink,wink) this book. Then we have the interactions between Bliss and Nash which leaves the reader with toe curling ideas for their next assignation with.. well, whomever it is that interrupts them reading this book! 
Finally my dearest lovelies, we come to Vincent.. sweet, protective,and in the need to have a dommy mommy Vincent. He is the last man (so far) that appears to round out the love/lust interests for the protagonist, Bliss. 
The relationships and the plot battle each other constantly throughout Start a War. It is difficult to tell which one was the author’s primary concern when this book was written. 
I would have enjoyed this story much more if each of these characters were introduced in different stories. The protagonist could have been the same person with different names, but I feel as if the male counterparts were not given enough attention as they should have.. with the exception being War. While I am always a sucker for romance between a female character and her old brother’s best friend, I loved the chemistry between War and Bliss. This may have been due to the amount of detail that was presented regarding their emotions towards each other. There was obviously a hierarchy when it came to the love interests and it shows in how the author represented them throughout the story. 
Now... I am going to be completely and utterly blunt... I can basically guarantee that I would not have borrowed this book via Kindle Unlimited if the information posted on Amazon was more transparent regarding its content. I am very lax when it comes to what I like to read but I have not quite made the foray into Harem style novels.           
I feel like I have said this way too many times, but I still enjoyed reading Start a War by Ellie Thorpe. 
We would love to know which member of this triad you either identified with or on *wink*wink*,
-Reading By Flashlight Bookery 
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Mortal Remains by Mary Ann Fraser is a prime example of literature for young adults. The writing style is incredibly simple, which is the primary reason that I believe this book is strictly a young adult read. The story is intriguing and kept me interested. The unfortunate downfall of this narrative is the adolescent writing style employed by the author. This stylistic choice did not detract from the story, but often left this reader bored. 
The protagonist, an eighteen-year-old girl named Lily McCrae, is quite easy for young adults to identify with. She struggles to determine what her future holds while juggling her father's desires regarding her future in the family business. One particular aspect that the author included that fought against the realistic genre they had set the story in was that the last few chapters included aspects of “magic”. It is never fully explained which leaves the reader with unanswered questions. It feels as if the author utilized the magic within their story as a way to tie up loose ends and get the story to where they envisioned it ending. The magical aspects were not necessarily needed and felt forced. It would have been beneficial to the author to weave details regarding the upcoming mystical elements throughout the story, or at the very least include hints that the story was more than a realistic fictional piece.
What initially caught my attention with this book was the front cover art. I found it to be simplistically beautiful as the book called to me from the shelf at Barnes and Noble. Before reading Mortal Remains, I was not familiar with Mary Ann Fraser or the books she writes. I was drawn in purely through the golden rose that adorns the cover of Fraser’s novel. 
I would highly recommend this book for readers that are fans of young adult literature who also have a love of science. 
Regardless of the simplistic writing style, Mortal Remains by Mary Ann Fraser is an enjoyable read to delve into at the end of a stressful day.
Let us know if y'all identified with Lily McCrae as much as we did,
-Reading By Flashlight Bookery
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THRONE OF THE FALLEN hits shelves on October 3 and my team has planned SO many incredible things to celebrate over the next few months! (The first of which is a double cover reveal + something extra fun that same day!) 🗝👑💚🗡🎨
TOTF is a standalone *adult* fantasy romance set in the KINGDOM OF THE WICKED universe and is told from both Envy’s perspective and a brand new character—Miss Camilla Antonius. Artist, art dealer and secret keeper—Camilla has been SO much fun to write and I cannot wait for you to meet her as she gives Envy a little bit of hell! 🔥
US Preorder links go up January 11th, UK preorder links should be up soon! đź’š
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I’ve been sitting on this secret all year and I’m so, so thrilled to confirm that the Prince of Envy has his own book! 👑💚
It’s not something I classify as a spin-off—it’s partly set in the world of KOTW, BUT…it also takes place in a brand new location. (The easiest comparison is regency romances—I.e. Bridgerton—where each book tells the romance of a different sibling but can be read on its own.) 💚
My next three books are all *adult* titles and I cannot wait to share more! 💚
TITLE + PUB DATE REVEAL IS NEXT WEEK (+ more about the book and preorders)!!!  The last slide has blank spaces if you’d like to guess the title before the reveal. 💚
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When finals overwhelm, it’s time to pick up a quick read and some hot chocolate!
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
"I released my fire magic and let the vines do the hard work of maiming and slaughtering. I used to love wearing flowers in my hair, now I loved watching them turn into pretty weapons and destroy my enemies." - Kingdom of the Feared, Kerri Maniscalco
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
“Because I have felt pain here too. I have lived over a hundred years, and when I was shown just how alone I was by seeing the happiness of others, I found it difficult.” Then he placed his warm hand against the side of her face to hold it. “Your presence in my home has already eased this for me, and I wish to ease your hurt in return.” - A Soul to Heal, Opal Reyne
Rating-> 4 out of 5 stars!
A Soul to Heal - Opal Reyne
Duskwalker Brides Series, Book 2
Published - October 11, 2022
Genre - Fantasy/Romance
4.6/5 stars out of 1,714 reviews on Amazon
640 pgs.
I have gained a love/ick relationship with this installment. First, let's explore the love side. I found the details sprinkled throughout interesting as the author was able to continue building on the world, she introduced in A Soul to Keep. Reyne successfully continued on with the information that was introduced in the previous novel and added to it in a seamless way. I, as the reader, did not feel as if there was a “stumble” between the first and second installments. The transition was very smooth between the two. This addition was enjoyable to read as Reyne put the same effort into this book as she did the last. 
Now...sigh...for the ick of my thoughts…
In A Soul to Keep, it could have been inferred from the text that the unnamed Duskwalker, who is one of the main characters in this novel, had the mentality of a child. Due to a limited diet, he was more animal than human which limited his mental abilities. With how he was described through the first book, I came to view this Duskwalker as an adolescent. With this thought, it became incredibly difficult for me to think of the underdeveloped character and the sexual acts/thoughts that were happening throughout A Soul to Heal. 
When it came to the other protagonist, she was a character that was easy to relate to, but you wanted to scream at to wake up! This character, Delora, reminds me of the last season of The Office. She reminds me of when Pam Halpert was talking about watching the footage from her time with her future husband, Jim, and saying how she wanted to scream at herself to wake up! The reason I drew this comparison is because Delora is a woman who has been hurt and believed that everything is her fault. All of the marital struggles between her and her human husband is her fault. Her weight is to blame for his lack of interest. Her decisions make her a bad person. Her soul is tinged with the black soot of her actions; thus, she does not deserve happiness...or love. For me, it was easy to relate to her. I felt like Pam, screaming at her to wake up. Just talk and open up to this sweet being trying to save you! Then I think back to my own life and how I have felt the exact same way. I have hidden just as she did, and it made me wonder how she would react to reading my story...would she yell at me?
She probably wasn’t meant to evoke that style of thought, but the novel is in the eye of the reader, right?
I will say that Opal Reyne did an excellent job at building a character that represents bigger women! Every woman, regardless of her size, has had negative thoughts about herself. Reyne does not shy away from portraying these thoughts throughout the text. Over the course of the story, the reader gets to experience Delora’s personal growth and acceptance of her size. It’s eye-opening to someone who has struggled with the same issues throughout their life...it’s almost soothing to realize that the reader may not be alone. 
Writing this review has pushed me to realize that my complaints about this book are based on personal opinions. This story is very well written and has the capacity to reach a wide audience. Like with the first installment, this story is incredibly unique. The world that Reyne is able to create is all-encompassing in a way that keeps the reader coming back for another journey. 
Ick factor or not, why don’t you travel to the veil with us,
-Reading by Flashlight Book Reviews
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
“Pretend there's no curse. No magical betrothal. Or romantic urges created by our bond. Would you choose me? To reign beside you. To be your queen. Your friend. Your confidant. Your lover... If I am still yours, I would tell you that you are mine. That I am choosing you as my husband. There is no one I'd rather confront my demons with, no soul I'd travel through Hell with. And no one else I want standing beside me.” ― Kerri Maniscalco, Kingdom of the Cursed
Kingdom of the Cursed - Kerri Maniscalco
-Kingdom of the Wicked Series, Book 2
Publisher - Jimmy Patterson
October 5, 2021
Genre - Dark Fantasy/Historical Romance
4.6/5 stars out of 8,912 reviews on Amazon
449 pgs.
I started reading this book when it was first published in 2021, but I decided to stop when I had one-fourth of the book left. I am not a patient person since I knew that this book was a trilogy, I figured it was best if I stopped and waited to finish when the last installment was released. 
I am so glad that I did!
This book is left on a massive cliffhanger! I hate giving away details in my reviews so I am going to just say… Oh goddesses, I hope someone wants to squeal about this book with me because it was beyond my wildest expectations! Kingdom of the Cursed was the perfect extension of the first installment, Kingdom of the Wicked. It was a very smooth transition and I did not feel as if I lost any details between one book and the next. 
Maniscalco sprinkles the perfect amount of information throughout the book to keep the story from getting stale. These details keep the tale from being purely about the romance. The Kingdom of the Wicked Series is also ensconced with the mystery of what happened to her twin sister, Vittoria. Emilia’s rage that she feels towards her sister’s murderer and the all encompassing desire directed towards Wrath continues to battle within Emilia throughout this addition. We learn a great deal more about Wrath, including some interesting information about the name that he keeps locked up tight and away from any prying demon eyes. Maniscalco is incredibly talented at pulling the reader into the stories of the lesser characters within the story, such as Anir and Fauna. Both of these characters have details about them spread throughout the chapters that lead the reader to soaking up details about them in haste. 
*Hint*Hint* to Kerri Maniscalco, the ethereal weaver of magnetizing tales, to write a follow up about these two characters specifically! <3
Elements that made this book magnetic were the small details that the author added about Emilia’s homelife. The moments where Emilia spends time in the kitchen of Wrath’s home and the specific ingredients that she uses brings the reader back to Emilia’s hometown of Sicily. 
I have loved experiencing the journey thus far for Emilia and Wrath. I already have the final installment, Kingdom of the Feared, on  my bookshelf just waiting for me to devour. I have never been as invested in two characters as I have been for this series. 
I want them to end up together! I can’t help it! 
I do have this sliver of fear that is telling me that they won’t and it will be meaningful for both of them but... PHEW! I am not going to be happy about it... I mean...I know I will still love the book...but I will definitely pout about them parting ways! 
Prepare thyself!
So are we Team Wrath or Team Revenge???
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
I really like the cover page...
The Fear - Natasha Preston
Published - Delacorte Press
March 1, 2022
Genre - Young Adult Mystery/Thriller
4.5/5 stars out of 593 reviews on Amazon
368 pgs.
I read this book months ago, but I have been struggling with writing the review for it. While the book is not a bad read, it is slightly underwhelming through most of the pages. The primary reason to read this book comes through in the last few chapters when Natasha Preston ratchets up the suspense. 
I will admit that I did not see the ending coming. I thought that I had figured out who the antagonist was pretty well by the middle of the book, but apparently I was very much mistaken. 
The story was a little slow to start, but I really enjoyed the sections of the story that were from the antagonist's point of view. The person is only known as “The Fear” in these chapters, but these pages are important since it gives the reader a little insight into their depraved reasoning behind their actions. 
The writing was very well done and I really enjoyed the last half of the book. This reader just found the beginning to be a slow burn instead of a steady heat from the author. I did not feel as if I was drawn to complete this book. It became more stubborn on my part since I had bought the book, then I decided I was going to finish it. 
I am really not trying to leave a bad review. I am happy that I finished it, but I will probably not pick it up again.
Maybe the next one will be more enthralling?
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
Here's a hypothetical situation:
So let's say you are wanting to go purchase a new book that is a continuation in a series. You know that you have already read the first book so you go back into your old reviews to refresh yourself on the series before diving into the next installment... I mean.. its been a while since you read it so its not fresh in your mind.
So off into the review you go.. you're getting very excited as you remember how much you loved the first book. Then at the end of the review you read where past you wrote "Yes, I have already pre-ordered it and I can not wait to dig in!"...
So you have to go in search of where you ordered it and why you hadn't noticed it being delivered. Just to realize that you ordered it through Kindle instead of a physical copy so now you have to order a physical copy to add to your bookshelves since that is how you have the first installment.
This may or may not be a hypothetical situation... it may be something that happened to me today..
Erm... anyways, be on the lookout for a review on A Curse of Blood and Stone by K.A. Tucker!
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
"No artistry to the swoop of his arm but a knife is a knife is a knife is a sharp edge meant to split the seams of the skin, open up the torso and let in the light." - pg. 111, Nothing but Blackened Teeth, Cassandra Khaw
Nothing But Blackened Teeth - Cassandra Khaw
Published - Tor Nightfire
October 19, 2021
Genre - Horror/Paranormal
3.4/5 stars out of 1,388 reviews on Amazon
130 pgs.
I first saw Nothing But Blackened Teeth while I was getting a drink at my local Barnes and Noble Starbucks. There was an offer that if someone bought a drink, they could also purchase the book for an additional five dollars. 
Erm,... did anyone actually believe that I was going to pass up a deal like that?? Yeah... that’s a big nope!
I finished this book rather quickly as it only has 130 pages total, front to back. It could be said that this is the amuse-bouche of supernatural horror novels. 
Important side note: This book references Japanese lore multiple times, which unless the reader is already familiar with the terms will require them to stop and search out what the terms mean. If they do not, they will not understand what is going on well enough to enjoy the story.
In complete honesty, this book was difficult to read for me. I found it confusing at times and had to repeatedly research what some of the words meant. Obviously, I am not someone who has spent time learning about Japanese Folklore other than terms gleaned from reading other works. When reading, I felt as if the tale could have been something I was hearing friends say around the bonfire trying to scare people.
With that being said, this book would make for an interesting movie adaptation! I really feel as if the book was too compact and the chapters needed more fleshing out (pun intended, you’ll understand when you read the book… don’t worry!).
Either way, I did still enjoy the story that the author was conveying. I have actually already passed the book onto a fellow lit gremlin for them to explore and see what their opinion is!
We hope y'all want to join our gremlin horde,
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews   
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
"I'm not queen. I'm just a hunter who wants to take care of my family." -Arwen, pg. 203
The Last Dragon King: Kings of Avalier - Leia Stone
Book 1 of 4 - Kings of Avalier
Published - Leia Stone, LLC
September 29, 2022
Genre - Fantasy/Romance
4.4/5 stars out of 1,114 reviews on Amazon
358 pgs.
When I first started this book, I figured it was going to be similar to other shifter literature. Plot would follow similar to...
Boy meets Girl
Girl Swoons
Boy makes mistake
Girl Runs
Boy saves girl from immediate danger
Incomes inevitable HEA
Basically, boys saves the girl which leads to a HEA with the tribe fully accepting and loving said girl. The thing is…
The Last Dragon King has a major badass as the female lead! The opening scene follows Arwen as she carries her courgarin kill over her shoulder after tracking the animal over the previous week. Arwen is the character that drew me into the thick of the story and made me unable to put the phone down. 
Woohoo for kindle unlimited! 
This story does incorporate a very sensitive topic for many people. This is the trigger warning given prior to the first page of the story,... 
“Trigger Warning: Infant loss/stillbirth is spoken of but not shown or described in detail. The dragon king has lost children in the past and it affects his character deeply.”
This is the first book I have seen that is open to possible trigger warnings within its pages. The author/publisher was very considerate of the audience and the issues that such a topic could cause them. 
I did really enjoy this book and was wanting to jump right into the next installment. Unfortunately, it has not been released yet! *Insert sad face*
Regardless, we loved walking this path with yall…
Until next time,
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews 
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
"Kate thought of how he looked that night, clutching his ruined face while feathers swirled in the air. Powerless, once she had robbed him of his only weapon, her fear."
Weyward - Emilia Hart (NetGalley)
Set to publish - March 7, 2023
-St. Martin’s Press
Genre- Women's Fiction/Fantasy
What first drew my attention to this book was the title and cover artwork. Separately, they are both capable of catching someone’s eye. Although, when they are put together, they resolutely demand attention.
From the start of Weyward, the pace of the book is incredibly fast. This is actually beneficial since the story is split between three different women. With the quick pace set by the author, the reader does not become overwhelmed by the information that would be included if the book only followed one of the storylines. There are just enough details included that the story flows without impediment and draws the reader deeper into the narrative being spun. Each character is absolutely fascinating and it is fun for the reader to search out how these women possibly intersect.   
This book was absolutely entrancing.. It was impossible for me to set it down until I had finished it to the very last page. The author did an amazing job at balancing the three characters within the story and slowly building to each climax of their stories. It became apparent that each woman was different and yet, the same. The growth sprinkled throughout this book was instrumental to each character’s progression in their lives. 
This was a breathtaking piece from Emilia Hart. I am incredibly excited to experience what else she has to offer to the literary world.
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
"Nose in my hair, he whispers, "It's too late to run. You never stood a chance."
Terror - Milana Jacks
The Hordesman series, Book 2
Published - Milana Jacks, LLC
September 13, 2019
Genre - Science Fiction/Romance
4.5/5 stars out of 469 reviews on Amazon
170 pgs.
As the second book in the series, the lack of introductory details is not as big of a detriment as it was in the first book. As long as the books are read in order, the second book follows the timeline that the first concluded near seamlessly. 
Terror by Milana Jacks follows a young woman, Tabby, as she “attempts” to avoid the alien alphas that have taken over her planet. In the moment, this story is enjoyable to read as long as there is not a lot of thought put into the protagonist. Initially, she is written as a strong, feminine force that demands acknowledgment from those around her. The first time she comes into contact with her love interest, she enters a home encompassed by the Horde’s men and demands that they vacate so that she may throw a party on the premises. As the story progresses, it becomes obvious that this was not actually a smart choice on her behalf considering who would be attending the party. I do not want to give too many spoilers, so I will halt there and allow you to determine if I am being too harsh in that thought. 
Why would a woman who has been through the loss that Tabby has been through put herself in such danger when she has taken such pains to avoid such a fate? She walked WILLINGLY and WITH VIGOR into the viper’s nest to DEMAND a place to throw her nineteenth birthday party?!? That action is not copacetic in the background information that the author gave for this character.
I may be delving too far into this thought… but that is kind of the point of a review, huh?   
Despite all of these thoughts, I LOVED the chemistry between Terror and Tabby. They were incredibly easy to feel a kinship with and there were several moments in the book that drew an unwitting chuckle from this reader. 
The author does a great job at introducing future book characters into her novels without detracting from the current story. This book introduced several characters that caught my attention, but the one that really excited me was a woman named Sidone. The next installment follows her story with another character that was introduced approximately halfway through Terror. Both characters were incredibly interesting, and the reader was given JUST ENOUGH details to get them hooked without drawing too much attention from Terror and Tabby’s story. I find this reminiscent of Sherilyn Kenyon or Kresley Cole’s work, as they are the queens of introducing characters flawlessly. These are two of my all-time FAVORITE authors and I cannot wait to delve into their respective series, but I digress from the story at hand. 
I did enjoy this installment despite the little gripes that I had along the way. I do recommend this book, just don’t take the book too seriously.
Thanks for going through this lit vent sesh with us,
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews
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bewarethewellreadwoman · 2 years
“My nature is to conquer. Prepare your body and mind, for I will invade every inch of you.”
Hunger - Milana Jacks
The Hordesman series, Book 1
Published - Milana Jacks, LLC
June 29, 2019
Genre - Science Fiction/Romance
4.4/5 stars out of 656 reviews on Amazon
220 pgs.
Have you ever walked up to a hot tub and cannon balled right into it without testing the temperature first?
Mmmhmm, that's what it’s like to read this book.
The first chapters of Hunger are unbelievably fast-paced, which leaves the reader feeling as though they are missing key information. It also leaves them incredibly confused about some of the actions that the characters decide to pursue. When I reached the last page of this book, I immediately delved into Terror, Milana Jacks’s next installment in the series. I did this in a hope to better understand what Jacks was thinking in the first one. I feel as if this book needed an additional three chapters in the beginning in an effort to ease the reader into Anna and Hunger’s world. 
It makes me very sad to leave this type of review, primarily because I actually enjoyed what the book was saying. This tale was written like it was meant to be a quick read, but it had the power to be infinitely more! The author introduced a new society to what could be construed as a post-apocalyptic world. That alone requires a massive amount of detail building, unfortunately this is the area that the reader is let down in. Although… this book had some seriously steamy spots in it…
Oh! And did I mention the knot?!? 
Ah, well… I’ll just leave that for you to discover. *wink*wink*
We can KNOT wait for y'all to start this journey with us,
-Reading By Flashlight Book Reviews
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