🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I say this to my Violet when shes being a jerk
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Saw this at my local boutique shop ✨
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Very pretty❤️
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OK This is something I would like to bring to the table. I have read a lot of reviews from different grow companies in Denver.
When I say reviews, I mean former and current employee reviews. I'm disheartened to see a lot of grievances. I am. Breaks my heart.
I thought this industry can do MUCH better than this. Cannabis Temp agencies and grow houses have their operational duties on top of administrative duties. One common denominator Ive seen...lack of communication, no effective coaching (apparently constructive criticism is a free pass for verbal beration) and no mentorship. In fact I have seen a lot of turnover too on those reviews
3 basic job qualifications: State license for cannabis regulation, teamplayer and experience.
These requirements are basic. 25 years as a CSR for contact centers and retail.
Your questions in interviews actually give you insight to what you will be dealing with.
My fav question is this, "What are the challenges in this role that you see I would be able to resolve in my first week?
"What is the process like for me when it comes to coaching and development?"
"Aside from the skills and experience needed to produce quality buds, job posting mentioned 'must be a team player', what does that look like to this work culture?"
At the same time, I know I dont want a revolving door of current and former employees. As a person who manages her own grow, Im protecting my own interests. A leader inspires confidence, empowerment, has the ability to be impeccable with how they interact with others. To be taken seriously, a happy employee helps keep you operational.
To put it bluntly, Im taking those reviews to heart because those grievances will affect my product and its quality. I know Im stressing about my grow right now.
Questions to think about when you talk with a grow manager or recruiter. Who is the lead? What do they do to mitigate conflicts? How do they inspire? What is their role and do they have the necessary skills to keep on task and help their leaders meet those goals.
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Ikea $9.99 I do not remember the name but its an artist box. Sorry no spoilers about battling this monster.
*all the pipes on the left were made by me.
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My baby and thats how cannabis do lol
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March 31, 2023. Shine some light! Let me grow!!!
Out of 6 seeds, one was not viable.
Next up, transplant and sexing. 🫠
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Did I mention I'm a different kind of artist?
Mr. Nasty-indica dominant characteristics. Unable to adjust my camera or lighting for these pics but the trichomes are have this pearlescent shine.
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Decarboxylating Cannabis is recommended before adding to your favorite food.
In botany some plants have to be heated to activate their version of terpenes and trichomes. Cannabis is one of those plants! Decarboxylating is the process. Its a word I cannot verbally pronounce, it just means bake or heat up.
Cannabis trichomes has capitate sessile, capitate stalk, bulbous, simple unicellular trichomes and Cystolithic trichomes.
Capitate Stalked resin glands produce the cannabinoids and THC. These resin glands are the reason we 'oooh' and 'ahhh' at fresh nugs*. They produce THCA (THC acid) when heated converts to THC.
THC is activated thru this process and that is why you feel its effects. Cooking cannabis without decarboxylating first, will just give your edibles a garden salad taste without the effects.
Uri, my husband, came up with the idea using cannabis after a visit to his family.
The first batch. 🤣🤣 We received our 1st Covid vax so we were already down for the count due to the flu like side effects. We decided to give it a shot and had a brownie edible. Comatose. Uri weaponized an edible. At day 2 with these side effects, we were comatose and couldnt tell if we were alive. 3 day recovery.
Uri has perfected his home made edibles and now is working diligently to perfect his gummies. He really is trying his hand in the kitchen, I look forward to his eureka moment ❤️
*nugs or nuggets are gorgeous beasties. When manicuring be mindful, I'm not the only consumer who loves nugs ❤️❤️
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Beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Happy Wednesday 💨
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Songs to grow by or love your partner by❤️
Uri and I send love to dad! (Let you guess who it is).
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Plans for 2nd Grow
Hydroponics and Roots
I hope to have a hydroponics set up for my second grow. Fascinating how that works but even more so, hydroponics produces full on green growth. Nutrients supplied through water, just to be able to see the roots is ultimately another goal of mine.
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Germination started on 3/24/23
Wide Leaf Cultivar-indica dominant characteristics. Two seeds need a bit more time to soak.
Wilma, Fred, Data and Geordie needed names. The other two will get names when they feel the need to grow up. Ha ha ha
Roots are asserting their might and soon we will have cotyledons. (I love watching cotyledons develop.)
Auto flowers WILL react to exposure to light, 1 hour exposure and I got roots like crazy. So I have to limit the light during germination or stretching will cause the plant to shoot up fast without foliage. And at that point, I mean I can use the plants but not fit for quality in terms of consumption. At this point until the cotyledons have formed, these are still germinating and when I get cotyledons, I will be using Best VA BP LED lighting in their seedling phase. Ultimately, I just want a clone from these kids.
I'm obsessed with roots because transplant shock from my previous house plant grow is nothing to joke about. I spent countless hours pouring over those roots, perfecting my transplant methods so I don't damage the roots. I'm completely OCD about this. Slight damage may produce a less than quality product. Always keep in mind though, when you transplant, immediately give the plants water, not near the branch or trunk but water the plants closer to the rim of the container. It encourages roots to grow so they can reach that water source. As they grow, they will collect nutrients along the way with a healthy dose of water.
Roots-tap root is the root that comes out of the seed during germination. It supplies the plant with macro and micro nutrients so it can show off its foliage. (Tap Root-tap dat ass!)
Tap roots develop secondary roots and it continues in the medium you use. For apartment grow, I'm using peat moss and Fox Farm Happy Frog.

My concern right now is making sure the roots for my seeds are growing healthy and strong.
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So do I!!
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Deliciously colored! Looking good!!
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Hydroponic Strawberries, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang - Strawberi Hidroponik, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang - 水培草莓,丹那拉打,金马伦高原,彭亨, 2000.
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I want to try something, I'm pretty sure has already been done or written about. Truth be told, I'm too lazy to look it up. I'll just do it meself and if I at least accomplish something, I can say I did it because I wanted too >:D I have my soon to be seedlings in a tray-stupid on my part, yes! Its not convenient if I have an ailing plant I need to separate it from the others. Back to my point. I have a small set up. I have a large propagation tray underneath for drainage, for my small set up, I'm wondering if I can reuse the water for anything else aside from my plants.
Cons: too much nutrients, not enough H2O Pros: conservationism baby! nutrients to other plants, uptake of nutrients to used soil
Its a question I have burning in the back of my head not something I want to try on my first grow yet. :D
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March 25, 2023-Two days after I germinated the seeds, photo taken on March 26, 2023
Germinating my seeds. Camera needs help though...
I live in an apartment and growing outside in the state I live in for personal growth is not allowed. Plants have to be grown where they are not visible. Personal grow can have up to 6 plants.
Marijuana plants must be kept in an enclosed, locked area that can’t be viewed openly. This means the plants can’t be outside..
I started germinating my seeds on 3/25/2023. I know from cultivation experience the paper towel method is a great way, as I live in a small apartment, getting a propagation hood or box limits the space I have.
Propagation hoods, trays, boxes are easy, it helps the germination process greatly! And after two days since, I can see I have viable seeds but that's too soon to tell. I'm going to wait til they develop the cotyledon.
When germinating, seeds needs moisture and dark. I won't go into to many details about what the acceptable range is, I do know that seeds can germinate in colder temps, like the refrigerator.
And that is peat moss they are nesting in. I will take better pictures later today.
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My First Grow
I have spent 25 years as a "professional" customer service representative for corporations. This has led me to learn and obtain several skill sets that I think are important to cannabis cultivation. Such as discipline, no need for micromanaging-feedback in any form is always welcome, I love trying new ideas because I enjoy seeing HOW the process works. The other skill set is work ethic. Recently I had to educate an employer that when they don't provide a way to obtain I9, W2, proof of citizenship and Social Security number from a new hire for payroll and the employer requires that the new hire show up on site, is a violation of wage theft. Team player gets thrown around a lot. Yes I love to socialize, no I don't care for social media because social media interferes with my hobbies, painting, drawing, pyrography and cultivation. (That's not all either, I love to golf with my husband, movie fanatic and critic, not so much into TV shows but if you want to know, I love Star Trek. I'll talk more on that later).
I walked away from my career not because of the pandemic or anything like that. I walked away because I was tired of being disillusioned and grew to suffer from compassion burnout. Not the compassion burnout against customers, just burnt out trying to be the best. I left work more often than not feeling like I never accomplished anything and that is why I avoid that question in interviews. Don't speak bad about previous employers and my lack of feeling any accomplishments were ever done, well can lead to some bad feelers here and I am not here for that.
Needless to say, I tapped into my ancestorial roots. I come from a family of farmers from Russia. I'm a descendant of Volga Germans. Fun fact, Volga Germans are all over the mid west and I am a descendent of a family member who was questioned in the investigation of the Holcomb, Kansas murders, Truman Capote wrote In Cold Blood about it.
I am also a conservationist-there is a science in being a conservationist and a cultivator. Its also an art form.
This picture for this entry is my drawing. Not one of my best but I have an eye for detail. I haven't gone to school to learn to draw, a few basic concepts in 8th grade and a semester of dropping out of Art 1, I learned on my own. One of many pieces. I actually have an oil painting I'm heavily detailing...coming soon <3
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