The view between villages
I'm not sure if this song is about grief but it is completely perfect in describing how sad, angry, and confused, how much I hate everything, down to the melody without lyrics. But what really sinks in when I listen to it are two parts. One part is when he gets quiet when he says between villages. My dad's grave is in between two towns. The second part, " I'm seventeen again ", was seventeen when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and since that day I haven't been the same.
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18 in the Book of Life (figuratively) it's the start of a person's new life. No longer dependent and the world is at your command. You are graduating high school and applying to college, starting the rest of your life. You don't even have to ask your parent's permission to go out. But for some, including myself, chapter 18 is by far the worst one. Instead of being anxious about meeting FASFA deadlines, I was anxious about my father's death. Instead of tears due to getting accepted to my dream school, it was tears of intense grief as I watched my father die right in front of me. Chapter 18 wasn't the best one and I hope the book ends here. But it won't and I'll have to live the rest of my life always thinking about how Chapter 18 was the worst year of my life and how my dad died a horrible painful death during it. Fuck chapter 18 and fuck the entire book.
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