awesome-monica · 2 months
love bites & apologies
gn!reader x jasper hale
words: 1960
summary: when Jasper accidentally leaves marks on y/n’s neck after kissing them, he has to figure out how to make it up to them and their parents.
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“Sugar, you are so sweet,” Jasper’s words came out like a husky southern growl, just centimeters away from your face. Slowly, his hands push through your hair as his icy lips move down your neck. He sends a chill down your spine with the feeling of his cold touch, and yet your whole body feels hot with pleasure. Just as Jasper begins to pin you down, his lips still grazing your warm neck, the sound of someone clearing their throat startles both of you. The two of you turn to face the person quickly, and embarrassment adorns your face when you realize who caught you. Jasper releases the firm grip he had on you and raises his eyebrows at the towering lean figure standing in the doorway.
“Y’know, I can hear all your thoughts, and usually that would be helpful, but I don’t want to hear,” Edward pauses to glance between the two of you, “those thoughts.” Your face flushes with embarrassment, and Jasper’s would too, if he was still capable of it.
“I’ll have you know, from the moment you met Bella, I could feel every emotion you felt about her, and that was ten times worse. Do you know how awkward it is to feel lust emitting from the house, just to find out it’s coming from your brother?” A smirk is still etched onto Jasper’s face as he finishes drawing out the words with his charming Southern accent. Edward tenses with embarrassment, and he doesn’t say anything for a long time, considering what Jasper knows. Then, as he begins to look back between the couple sprawled out on Jasper's bed, he begins to laugh.
“Why is he doing that?” you ask in a low mumble. Jasper gives Edward a look of confusion, before turning to you. The second he sees you, his face drops, no longer smirking, and he is in utter shock.
“Oh, Emmett is gonna love this,” Edward says between laughs. Before Edward even finished his sentence Emmett was standing at his side with just the mention of his name. When he looked into the room, he burst into laughter too.
“Nice one, Jasper!” Emmett exclaims as he pats Jasper’s shoulder with intense force, almost knocking Jasper, who is in a trance-like state, over. “It’s like you’re all grown up. Quite the cowboy,” He says, sarcastically. Your confusion is palpable to the brothers, but before you can even ask, Edward is pointing a small handheld mirror at you, giving you a great view of your neck. It’s almost entirely purplish-red from all the places Jasper had been kissing you. You let out a gasp that causes all laughter to cease.
“I’d love to help you,” Edward said with a smile, almost as if he was enjoying this moment, “but since Vampires don’t have blood, we don’t have this problem.” As his brothers spoke, Jasper stood to the side, continuing to look down at you with a slight horror at the mistake he made.
“We could try makeup? I know Rosalie has a ton somewhere around here,” Emmett suggests, at least trying to be helpful.
“Going home with pasty white makeup all over your neck is almost more suspicious than just letting people see the hickeys,” Edward said to Emmett playfully. “And also, curfew is in fifteen minutes, so I’d hurry home,” Edward says to you, knowing this will only be worse if you also break your curfew.
Before you’d even had time to think of a plan, Jasper was already ushering you to the car. He raced down the slick asphalt to your house in the silver Jeep. The car was completely silent the whole drive, but Jasper kept a firm grip on your thigh with his right hand. Emmett and Edward were in the back, and as you pull into the driveway, you can only hope your parents won’t kill you.
“Hold on,” Jasper says, his cool hand touches your jaw, and he leans in to give you a soft, cold, longing kiss, “just in case it’s the last time,” he mumbles into your ear as he reluctantly pulls away from the kiss.
“They can’t ground me for as long as you're alive,” you remark playfully.
“Yes, but they can ground you for as long as you’re alive,” he says, with a sweet syrupy quality to his voice. His hand slowly and delicately traces down your jaw until it's back in his atmosphere again. You crave to grab his hand or to press his skin against yours for just one last second, but you know you can’t look like this and be late. You climb out of the Jeep, step inside your house, and close the door behind you, but Jasper doesn’t take the Jeep out of park.
“What are we doing, Jasper?” Emmett questions uneasily.
“Jasper wants to know what y/n’s parents are going to feel when they see what happened,” Edward explained, already knowing what Jasper was thinking, which was helpful because Jasper would give anything not to speak right now. No one said anything for a moment, but then Jasper tensed, sitting up a little straighter. Edward slumped back, seeming almost uncomfortable by what was happening. Emmett could tell this meant that your parents had noticed, and things didn’t seem good.
“I can feel their emotions. It’s so strong that I can hardly distort them, at least not from this far.” Jasper paused after the words left his mouth, but he didn’t move. “What are they thinking, Edward?”
“I don’t want to say,” Edward said monotonously. Emmett stiffened, and for someone so hard to miss, he seemed to wash away with the tension of the moment.
“Tell me,” Jasper demanded. The brothers sat very still for a very long time before anyone spoke again. The sound of chirping crickets filled their ears, and the stars shined down on them. However, they didn't notice any of their surroundings, as they focused their attention on what was happening in your house.
“They think you’re a freak,” he paused, for what felt like centuries, before saying, “They want you two to break up.” Before Edward can continue, Jasper put the car in reverse and sped home so fast that even Edward wanted to suggest slowing down.
“What am I going to do?” Jasper asked as he opened the front door to the Cullen's house. Emmett and Edward shuffled in behind him without a word.
“You’re going to have to make it up to y/n’s parents,” Emmet advised.
“You’re going to have to make it up to y/n too,” as soon as the words escaped Edward's mouth Emmett and Jasper were staring at him, waiting for an explanation. “When I was listening to their thoughts, y/n was mad that you weren’t more careful.”
“I’ll figure something out,” Jasper said, his voice full of exasperation.
A week passes, and somehow Jasper finds himself standing next to Carlisle at your doorstep.
“Jasper, I’m surprised you asked me to do this for you,” Carlisle says quietly as he taps his stone-cold hand against your front door. “This relationship must mean a lot to you.” The door opens before their conversation continues, and they’re greeted with your father's presence. Days had passed since Jasper had gotten to see you. After what happened last week, Jasper called your house, but when your father answered, he told Jasper to never call back again. Jasper had hoped he’d be able to talk with you at school, but you anxiously avoided him, and he wasn’t looking to upset you anymore. It was the slowest week of his 160-year-old life.
“It’s great to see you. I’m Dr. Cullen, Jasper’s father. I was wondering if we could have a word?” Your father is hesitant at the question, but allows the two of them to come inside. The three of them sit at the dining table that your mother is already occupying. As they sit, Jasper nervously fumbles with his hands, worried that his plan to involve Carlisle as his ‘father’ wouldn’t work the way he hoped.
“Jasper,” you say as you walk into the kitchen, surprised to see them, “and Carlisle, what’s going on?” You make your way to the table and sit down on the far end, with Jasper on one side of you, and your father on the other. Jasper could feel the nervousness emitting from you, and it almost matched his own. He wanted to grab on to you and never let go as he took in your intoxicating scent and warm skin, but instead, he settled for inconspicuously placing a hand on your knee and hoping your family didn’t notice.
“I wanted to discuss with you all what happened last week,” Carlisle said, looking more serious than you’d ever seen him. When he said the words, almost everyone in the room had their eyes on your (no longer purple) neck. Except for Jasper, who was looking deep into your eyes as if they could heal him or ease his pain. “What Jasper did was irresponsible, and I do not condone that kind of behavior. We have both raised two very responsible, mature, and sensible kids. As disapproving as I am, what they did was not dangerous. Our children had the self-control to stop themselves before things got too out of hand. I know these kids make each other happy, and I believe we should continue to let them see each other.” Carlisle hardly gave anyone time to speak as he felt the disapproval radiate off your parents. “And if it would make you more comfortable, they don’t have to be together at my house anymore. At least not alone.” There was a long pause after Carlisle finished speaking, as if what he said compelled everyone to silence. Jasper gently squeezed your knee and glanced at you hopefully.
“I’ll agree that they continue to see each other, on the condition that they can only be alone together in public, or at our house, with the doors open, while we are home.” It might sound like a big ask, but Jasper knew how secretive and creative Edward was with Bella, and for someone so special to him, he was willing to try and be just as sneaky for you. The idea of sneaking into your bedroom late at night filled him with excitement, and he quickly thought of all the ways he could climb into your bed without your family noticing.
“I think we can agree to that,” Carlisle said with a wide smile and stood up to shake your father’s hand. Jasper smiled eagerly as he stood up, beckoning you to stand too, and wrapped you into a hug. Even if his skin was glacial, he still warmed your heart. You attempted to suppress your excited laugh as Jasper kissed your cheek.
“Hey,” your father called out disapprovingly, causing Jasper to loosen his grip around you.
“What?” you mused, “the doors are open?” Jasper tried to hide his smile in your hair as your parents let out a collective sigh.
“Don’t push it you two,” Carlisle said just loud enough for only you two to hear. He threw the two of you a knowing wink as he made his way back to the front door. Jasper smiled in a way you’d never seen before and slightly adjusted so his back was facing your parents. Gently, he leaned down to kiss you one more time. This time, he let his cold lips meet yours, and even if it was just for a second, you could feel every ounce of his love.
“See you soon, darlin’,” he said with a hushed sultry southern accent. Next time you two were together, he planned on continuing what you never got to finish.
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awesome-monica · 2 months
Jasper Hale being your boyfriend
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Boy let me tell you... This dude is a SIMP. He always wait for you after class and he always carry your things. He's basically your personal bodyguard and boyfriend.
He's not a fan of PDA that much but when you're both alone he will straight up hug you, but not too tight... He's afraid that he will hurt you.
He rarely gets jealous because he knows that your his soulmate but sometimes when boys gets touchy with you he will go to you and straight up say: "Darling, are they bothering you?" While glaring at them.
He knows that he will need to turn you into a vampire soon but he can't help but feel sad because he likes your eyes. But he doesn't have a choice so he's just enjoying the memories with you as a human.
Sometimes he sneaks in your room just because he misses you or when he's bored. He enjoys seeing your surprised face.
He decided that it's time for you to meet his family but he's kinda nervous lmao but in the end it worked out.
Esme LOVES you even when she just met you. She loves seeing your smile so she always finds a way to see you smile.
Carlisle just smiles at you and welcomes you in the family cuz he knows you're gonna get turned soon and He's glad that jasper finally have someone to love.
Alice, being the sweet girl she is hugs you and say "it's nice to finally meet you" and she keeps talking about fashions and how she loves your outfits.
Rosalie hated you at first but then warmed up to you and always hangs out with you. She always makes you sit in their table when it's lunch time. You're her favorite human and soon to be vampire.
Emmett was super excited to meet you, he wants to create chaos with you lmaooo. He always gives you stupid ideas to do with him, which leads to jasper saying: "No, not happening on my watch."
Edward and bella.. ehh their nice and welcomes you but their always lovely dovely with each other so you rarely interact with them, but you think their nice and they think you're nice too.
You always go to their house to hang out with them cuz who wouldn't want to be with them? Playing chess with edward, creating chaos with emmett, having fashion show with alice, cooking with esme, learning history with carlisle, having girl talks with rosalie, and cuddling with jasper.
You know who and what they are and you know you're gonna get turned into a vampire soon so you cherish all of your last moments with your human life.
And as soon as you turned into a vampire, jasper won't stay away from your side. He always admire you, staring at you like you're the only woman in his eyes.
When you're awake he calls Carlisle to help you control your thirst, and their actually shocked that you learned how to control it in a short time, but their proud of you especially emmett cuz.. chaos yk.
And having you as a vampire means he doesn't need to hold back. Kind of. But he can finally do things with you without holding himself back.
He always hunts with you to see how strong and fast you are. And he's not surprised you're stronger and faster now, it only made him fall inlove with you more.
Even if you're a vampire now, he still protects you and stay by your side. And again, he still carries your bag. But you won't complain, princess treatment is the best.
Edward is kind of annoyed cuz his mind is filled with you. Like literally every minute he thinks about you.
And when you both finally graduate, he plans on marrying you in like 3-4 months because yes he's been wanting to marry you.
And when you're both finally getting married he have the biggest smile on his handsome face. Makes you fall inlove with him more.
He literally can't wait so he straight up kissed you when it's just announcing lmaoooo.
But he's glad to finally have you in his life. He will protect you always and he will forever love you. Well, let's just say this is a "he fell first but she fell harder but he fell hardest." If hardest is even a word- but then again, it's cute.
movie masterlist. - navigation.
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awesome-monica · 5 months
Rhysand purring, "Good morning, my darling," when you wake up beside him, his glorious and very naked body on full display for you.
Rhysand drawling, "You look beautiful tonight, darling," while his fingers tenderly brush over your skin.
Rhysand chuckling, "You like when they watch us, don’t you?" while you sit on his lap and he spreads your legs a little wider, only a flimsy piece of fabric covering you.
Rhysand saying, his voice stern and strong, "She is my High Lady, the High Lady of the Night Court."
Rhysand assuring you, "It’s your choice, your choice always."
Rhysand, brushing his damp lips over your skin, commanding, "That’s a good girl, let everyone hear how well your mate is fucking you."
Rhysand growling, "You’re mine!" while he slams into you in a relentless speed.
Rhysand smirking, "Whatever my High Lady says, or does anyone have a problem with it?"
Rhysand smacking your backside, wings spread wide behind his broad shoulders, growling, "That’s a fucking good girl. That’s my High Lady."
Rhysand licking over your cleavage, tasting you, his fingers gliding through your wet heat, cooing. "Always so wet for me, my lovely mate."
Rhysand smirking, leaning against the doorframe, watching how you lie on the bed, legs spread, ready for him, "Such a needy little thing, my darling."
Rhysand helping you curl your legs around his waist, slowly thrusting into you, making you feel every glorious inch of him, asking, "Harder?"
Rhysand growling so loudly it makes the mountains shake when he comes.
Rhysand groaning and shuddering when you kiss his wings.
Rhysand growling lowly when you go down on him. 
Rhysand whimpering when you let your tongue glide over the crown of his length.
Rhysand kissing the top of your head, saying, "I love you to the moon and back."
Rhysand saying, "I would wait 500 more years for you, if only to hold you in my arms."
Rhysand clinking hiss glass with yours, saying, "To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered."
Rhysand whispering, "Your eyes remind me of the stars, darling."
Rhysand grinning, "Breathtaking, cruel beauty," while he lets his gaze roam over you.
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awesome-monica · 1 year
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His teeth were gritted together and he was looking at me with an expression that was almost… frightening. Not like he was scared of me, but like he was scared because of me.
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awesome-monica · 2 years
Jackson Rathbone is a national treasure
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awesome-monica · 2 years
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awesome-monica · 2 years
reblog this and tag your ranking of the four main twilight books in the tags i wanna see what the concensus is
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awesome-monica · 2 years
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There’s literally so many things I could say, I just don’t want them recorded.
Robert Pattinson on the commentary track for Twilight (2008)
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Story of my life.
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awesome-monica · 3 years
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Imagine being Carlisle in New Moon, though. You have to uproot your entire family and move across the country because your son broke up with his girlfriend. You get settled, though you’re constantly worried about your heartbroken son who’s off moping in South America. You decide to visit relatives in Alaska. Then after returning from a hunt with your wife you discover that your son is on his way to kill himself because your almost-daughter did kill herself, one of your daughters is inconsolable with grief over being the one to cause it and your other daughter has stolen your car.    
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Rosalie thinking: I am going to get my revenge on all of those men who left me in the street to die. I’ll leave my husband last so he’ll know I’m coming to rip him apart. He’ll be so afraid and screaming in agony as he watches me rip his insides, this is going to be so great. Edward reading Rosalie’s mind:
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Jasper Whitlock Hale appreciation post
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Midnight Sun gave us such a insight, such a omniscience, it's crazy. In Jasper's case, we were given so many revelations, it's shocking.
Don't get me wrong: Jasper has always been a intriguing and charming character, but so many aspects of his being were kept in the dark.
Like, who could even imagine how his gift works? That not only can he affect the mood of others, but also gets affected by their own in return?
Imagine new born Jasper, not knowing how to regulate this ability, a pawn into Maria's hands. Feeling her desire as his, her enthusiasm, her greed, her vengeance, her pleasure for chaos and killing. Feeling all this and being unable to control, block or even identify them as not his feelings and desires.
Remember how absent was in Breaking Dawn during Bella's pregnancy, imagine how exhausting it should have been for him, being into this desperate household. (So Alice wasn't against Resume only because of her visions, she was also anxious about Jasper as well).
Jasper during James's hunt is PHENOMENAL. Absolutely amazing. Twisting and manipulating how the Cullens were perceived, protecting the weaker members, making Emmett even MORE frightening, Edward even MORE in edge, making him dull (remember, his scars always give away his fighting abilities- Bella's first impression after seeing him as a new born is that his appearance screams DANGEROUS).
Not to mention that during the chase, he was controlling Edward not to lose control, to focus on the driving, otherwise they'd lose precious time.
Guys, this man is The Man.
What can I say.
I stand in awe.
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Who is the best singer in the family?
Jasper. He is quite the talented crooner, and an accomplished guitarist, to boot. 
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awesome-monica · 3 years
Twilight AU where Edward is the one with bad control
Edward has always hated what he’s become. He hates that he needs to kill to survive. He hates that he wants human blood so desperately. He hates that he’s a parasite.
No matter how much he hates what he is he still can’t control himself. Too often his body reacts to what it craves before his mind can even process that he doesn’t want to kill. He doesn’t want to hurt people.
Even though he was the first that Carlisle changed, even though he’s been around and a vegetarian longer than Esme and Rosalie and Emmett, he still slips the most.
Maybe he hadn’t slipped that long before they moved to Forks. The Family waited just long enough for his eyes to return to gold before sending him back to school. Edward was the first child and the golden child so of course he could handle being around so many people, right?
Carlisle and Esme are always in denial. They love Edward too much not to trust that next time will be different.
When Bella arrives Edward almost slips again. He blood smells sweeter than most and Edward can still remember how his last victim tasted. He can still remember the relief from the burn in his throat that animals can only sooth, not eliminate.
When Edward slips he can hear every thought of his victims as they die. He hates it. He hates himself because of what he’s stolen. He can’t do anything to stop it.
Bella’s mind is silent. It’s the first time he’s ever met someone who’s mind is silent.
At first he thinks it would be so much easier to kill her and drain her. She could get rid of the burn and he wouldn’t need to hear her desperation as he kills her. Then he remembers how much he doesn’t want that. How it would disappoint Carlisle and Esme–his whole family. It would be so soon after his last slip.
He decides to talk to Bella. Alice says it’s easier to think of the high schoolers as people. What better way to do this than to get to know them on a more personal level?
It doesn’t take long for him to fall in love, but even when he wants nothing more than to cherish Bella, he’s still a constant risk to her.
When Bella’s 18th birthday comes around he’s the one who attacks. It breaks him.
When Edward leaves it’s to protect Bella from himself. How could he face her again? How could he face his family when not even the one he loves more than life itself is safe from his poor control?
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awesome-monica · 3 years
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Our love has blood in its mouth
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awesome-monica · 3 years
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