authorpanda-blog · 6 years
nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Dont call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… Its yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for awhile now. ” 49: “ Lets have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of loosing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “ Lets run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Lets do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “ Lets blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “ Lets run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
Below is NSFW prompts. Please if you’re rebloggling tell your followers if you’re interested or not in taking these sorts of requests.
Sexual: 161: “ Bite me. ” 162: “ Make me. ” 163: “ Fuck me. ” 164: “ Stop teasing me so much… ” 165: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” 168: “ You’re in trouble now. ” 169: “ What a pretty sight. ” 170: “ Bend over. ” 171: “ On your knees. ” 172: “ The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” 173: “ Lay back. ” 174: “ Take off your clothes. ” 175: “ Well, fine; just this once. ” 176: “ I’m waiting. ” 177: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 178:“ As you wish. ” 179: “ First one to make a noise looses.” 180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ” 181: “ If you’re bored; Wanna have sex? ” 182: “ Ive wanted this for so long. ” 183: “ Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ” 184: “ Can I touch you? ” 185: “ Open up. ” 186: “ No strings attached. ” 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ” 188: “ Mine. ” 189: “ The nights still young. ” 190: “ We cant do that here! ” 191: “ Behave. ” 192:“ What did you just say? ” 193: “ Good girl. ” 194: “ Good boy. ” 195: “ Come here. ”
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
Taking A Chance-Lance (Voltron)
“Leave me alone, Lance.” You say as you go into your room. The flirtatious male stands in the doorway and leans against the wall, watching you. “Go away!” You yell as you throw a book at him, quickly turning to hide the fact that your eyes were filling with tears. The boy ducked as the book went soaring over his head. “Come on, just give me a chance!” He begged, staring at your back and noting how your shoulders were shaking slightly. “Why should I? You flirt with everyone, how am I any different?” You throw a stuffed animal at him, watching as he caught it. You didn’t turn around this time, allowing him to see your tear stained face. “Because I care about you.” Lance pleaded and took a few steps into the room, letting the door slide shut. He set the stuffed animal, a (Favorite animal), on the bed and sat down. “Bullshit.” You snorted and stood across the room from him. He simply sighed and placed his head on his hands, his elbows on his knees. “How can I prove to you that I’m serious about how I feel for you?” He asked as he watched you take a seat in your desk chair.
 “Simple. You can’t because you aren’t serious about it. You’re a flirt, Lance. You always will be.” You shook your head. Lance had been flirting with you non-stop and had even asked you out, to which you said no and stormed off into your room. He had followed you and was trying to convince you to change your mind. Did you like him? Hell yes. You had a major crush on him. Did you trust him? Not one bit. He has always been a flirt and has asked out anything that moves. “What if I stop flirting, then? Would you give me a chance?” He asked and lifted his head from his hands. “I’ll tell you what, if you last two weeks without flirting with anyone, I will reconsider.” You said and stood, walking towards the door. Lance stood and nodded. “I’ll prove to you that I’m serious about wanting to date you.” He said and walked out the door, pausing for a mere second to pick up the book you had previously thrown at him and handed it to you.
 “Will I see you tomorrow?” He asked as he stared into your (E/C) eyes. “I suppose so. We do live on the same ship, after all.” You sighed softly and held the book in your arms. “Ah… Right... I forgot about that.” Lance blushed and scratched the back of his head. “Well, good night (Y/N), I hope you have sweet dreams.” He said as he walked off down the hallway, waving slightly. “Good night, Lance” You let the door slide shut and changed into your (F/C) pajamas before climbing into bed and falling asleep.
 ~Time Skip~
 You couldn’t believe it. He actually made it the two weeks. He was serious about being with you. You made your way through the corridor in silence before coming to a stop outside Lance’s door. You hesitate before raising your fist and knocking lightly. You hear a thump and a groan and laugh softly, assuming Lance fell out of his bed. The door slides open to reveal a tired looking Lance. You raise your hand in a slight wave, a nervous feeling settling in your stomach.
 Lance’s eyes light up at seeing you, since you had been in your room all day. “(Y/N)! I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” He grinned. “You made it through the two weeks, Lance. You would not believe how happy that makes me.” You blush slightly and rub your arm, a nervous habit you had developed back on Earth. “I told you already, I’m serious about how I feel for you. Can… Is it alright if I hug you?” He asked with a slight blush. You give a simple nod and find yourself pressed flush against him within a split second, your breath hitching in your throat for a second before you wrap your arms around Lance’s abdomen. You lay your head against his shoulder and smile softly. “You’re warm.” Lance sighs peacefully and tightened his arms around you, not tight enough to hurt but just enough to where you felt safe. “I’ve reconsidered my answer to your question from before.” You say softly, closing your eyes. “Does that mean…?” Lance trailed off and looked at your face, tracing the features with his eyes. “The answer is different now. Yes, I will go out with you but please, don’t flirt with anyone else.” You peeked an eye open and caught him staring, making him blush. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He stated in a serious tone and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
Starlight- Shiro (Voltron)
Scenario: You are childhood friends with Pidge and Matt. You have a secret that only they know, one that you don’t want others to find out about in fear they will treat you differently. You first met Shiro when you said goodbye to Matt with Pidge. From that moment on you had a small crush on him and were with pidge on not believing they were dead.  Once you found Shiro you knew that Matt and his father must be alive, so you went with Pidge and the other paladins.
About reader: The reader is quiet and reserved but outgoing when comfortable with those he is around. He can be childish at times but is serious when needed. He loves listening to music. He shaves his hair periodically but when it grows out it is dark brown. His eyes are a light brown, golden when the light hits them right. He stands at about five foot five with a slightly skinny build, a bit of pudge around his stomach. THE READER IS TRANSGENDER IN THIS!
“Pidge, you get it working yet? I don’t want to stay like this any longer.” You took off your ear-muff style headphones and rubbed your stubble-like hair. By “this” you meant feeling exposed. Your binder had stopped working, so you had asked Pidge to fix it. Pidge had an affinity for machines and had built the device for you in the first place. All she did in reply was hold up a finger, telling you to wait a minute. It was definitely one of the calmer days on the ship, no one to save or beat or rescue. It was peaceful. It took you back to before you and the paladins found the blue lion, back when you and Pidge would sit on the garrison roof and listen to garbled up signals Pidge’s machine would receive. You smile at the fond memories.
 Your thoughts drifted to Shiro as you put your headphones back on, blushing slightly as you hummed along. You must have drifted off because the next thing you knew, you were alone in your room and your music was off. Picking up the binding device and putting it on under your shirt, you walked out of your room and wandered through the corridors of the ship. Finding a nice large window, you sat with your back against the wall and stared out it. The music blared in your ears as you stared, preventing you from hearing the footsteps that approached you. You jumped with a small squeak as a hand landed on your shoulder.
 Looking over to your left, you recognized the shadowy shape to be Shiro’s and took off your headphones. “Can’t sleep?” He asked as he lowered himself to sit beside you. “Just woke up, actually. What about you?” You say as you power down your headphones, looking at the taller male as he rested against the wall. “Too many questions for me to sleep. I want to know what happened when I was taken…” He trailed off as he looked out at the stars.
 “I remember meeting you.” You say quietly as you turned your gaze away from him to look back out the window. “It was right before you left for your mission. I thought you were the bravest person in the world, going out there to find signs of life… I still think you’re brave. You’re also strong in my eyes. You had dealt with so much crap during the year you were abducted. In my eyes, you’re a hero.” You smile softly, a blush barely visible on your cheeks. Shiro was silent for a couple minutes before slowly wrapping an arm around you, letting you move away if you wanted to. The blush upon your cheeks grew darker as the two of you sat in silence for a good twenty minutes.
 “I remember meeting you as well.” Shiro said, so quiet that you almost didn’t hear him. You turned to look at him with wide eyes. “There was something about you… I think it was your eyes. The sunlight was hitting them just right and had turned them into molted gold.” Shiro continued a bit louder. “For some reason, the image of them stuck in my mind” He smiled and looked down at you, blushing slightly. You gave him a cheesy smile and scratched the back of your head. “I’m glad you remember me, actually. I thought I was going crazy, if I’m being honest. I…. I can’t seem to get you out of my head.” Your blush darkened as you turned back to look out the window. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt warm fingers grip your chin and turn your head to face Shiro. He was slowly leaning in and looking between your lips and your eyes. “Can I try something?” He asked, mere inches away from your face. You gulped and gave a slight nod.
 Within a split second, his lips were on yours. They were slightly chapped but warm and gentle against yours. Your hand lightly gripped his forearm as his hand moved from your chin to your cheek. Making a small, hum-like noise, you turned your body towards Shiro’s and pressed your lips to his firmly before pulling away for air. You leaned your forehead against Shiro’s, panting softly with your eyes closed. “Wow…” You laughed softly before opening your eyes, only to find Shiro looking back at you. “So…. Do you want to be my boyfriend?” Shiro smiled slightly, tracing your jawline with his hand gently. “Of course but… There’s something you need to know… I wasn’t born male…” You look down, only to have your head tilted again. Shiro’s lips pressed against your forehead, your eyes fluttering shut. “I don’t care that you were born female. You’re male and that’s that.” Shiro whispered softly and leaned his forehead against yours once again. “Thank you, Shiro… Only you and Pidge know about it.” You smile softly and wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell.” Shiro said as he hugged you back. You smiled, feeling happier than you have in a long time.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
Sweets- Tamaki Suoh/M!Reader
You hum as you mix the cake batter until there were no lumps. Club activities were almost over but you were nowhere near being done. You had arrived an hour late to the club due to the fact you had to study for a big test tomorrow. Your boss, Kyoya, was understanding but is making you stay until all the sweets needed for tomorrow were made. At the rate you were going, you would have it done within an hour and a half. You were so focused on baking that you didn’t notice Tamaki had entered the room until you saw his shadow looming over you, making you jump. “Damn it, Tamaki. Don’t scare me like that! Make some noise when you enter a room, knock or something.” You say as you place a hand over your racing heart. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’ll be sure to knock next time.” Tamaki smiled sweetly at you, making your face heat up slightly. “Can I help you with anything in here?” He asks and tilts his head, giving you puppy dog eyes.
 “Could you hand me the big circular pan from the top shelf? I can’t quite reach it….” You trail off with a blush and turn your face away from the taller male, whisking the batter once more as Tamaki set the pan on the counter in front of you. “Thank you, Tamaki.” You smiled and started to pour the batter after oiling the pan, so it wouldn’t get stuck when you went to remove it. Using an oven mitt to open the oven and pull out the rack, you slid the pan in and then turned to the cabinets, thinking of what else to make. “Hmm…. Chocolate or lollipops….. I think I’ll go with chocolates first.” You thought out loud and reached up, grabbing for the bag of chocolate melts. You had narrowly missed them when a hand reached up from behind you and handed them to you. You turn to find Tamaki’s chest less than three inches away from your face. “Thank you again, Tamaki… Could you please step back?” You say as you flush a bright red. “Alright but… You’re cute, especially when you blush.” Tamaki smiled as he took a step back, walking over to a chair that you kept in here for when you took your break. He sat down and watched as you melted the chocolate, being careful not to burn it. Your face was still bright red as you went about making Oreo Truffles, one of your personal favorites. You could feel his eyes on your back as you made the truffles. Putting them in the fridge to cool, you turned to face him and smiled slightly. “So, what made you want to stay after club hours in the kitchen?” You ask and unhook the top of your apron, revealing your favorite band shirt. You wiped your hands on the apron and leaned against the counter as you waited for his answer. Instead of answering, Tamaki stood up and walked over to you. He slowly reached his hand towards your face and caressed your cheek. “Because this was the only time I’d get to spend alone with you…” He trailed off and stared at your lips before slowly leaning in, giving you time to pull away if you wanted to. However, instead of pulling away you leaned up and closed the gap, pressing your lips against his surprisingly soft ones. The kiss lasted for a good three or four minutes until you had to pull away for air. You grinned up at Tamaki and leaned into his hand before pausing. “I thought you liked Haruhi?” You asked with a frown. “I see Haruhi as a sibling. I see you much differently. I want you to be my boyfriend.” He said simply and smiled before wrapping his arms around you. “Will you?” He asked, sounding nervous. “Of course I will, baka.” You grinned and kissed him again, standing on the tips of your toes.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
Master List
The Artist’s Muse:
Prologue / Chapter one / Chapter two / Chapter three / Chapter four / Chapter five / Chapter six / Chapter seven / Chapter eight / Chapter nine / Chapter ten / Chapter eleven / Chapter twelve / Chapter thirteen / Chapter fourteen / Chapter fifteen / Chapter sixteen / Chapter seventeen
Sweets_Tamaki Souh / Starlight-Shiro / Taking a chance-Lance
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Seventeen
Aiko awoke the next morning to InuYasha pulling him closer in his sleep and smiled softly. He turned and snuggled into his mate’s chest, gripping InuYasha’s underrobes in his hands. InuYasha stirred slightly and peeked an eye open. Aiko grinned up at him and nuzzled his head into the half breed’s neck. InuYasha let out a growl and smiled, holding Aiko closer to him.
The boy blushed lightly and squirmed slightly, the sound turning him on. InuYasha growled again and lowered his mouth to Aiko’s ear. “You need to knock that off… Unless you want me to take you here and now.” InuYasha’s voice was husky as he whispered in the boy’s ear, making him go still and turn a brighter red. “Kagome is in the room though…” Aiko mumbled quietly, InuYasha’s ear twitched as he caught what he said. “I do not care.” InuYasha smirked and nibbled on Aiko’s ear.
 He squeaked and moved out of InuYasha’s arms, rolling off the matts. “I am sorry but… I am not ready quite yet…” Aiko sat with his legs crossed, staring at his lap. InuYasha stood and walked over to him before kneeling down. “May I ask why?” He inquired as he reached a hand out, gently stroking Aiko’s cheek. Aiko looked up after a couple minutes and gave his mate a small, sad smile. “It is a simple answer. I am insecure with my body. I spent a long time training with my father’s sword and as a result my body is littered in scars.” A tear slipped from his eye and fell onto InuYasha’s hand. “Take your time. I can wait for a while but… Once my mating season hits it will be hard for me to resist you, scars and all. I think you are beautiful.” InuYasha smiled sweetly before standing up. “Come on, we need to go soon.” He held out his hand to Aiko, who gladly accepted it and let InuYasha pull him to his feet and into his arms.
 They stood like that for a few minutes before Kagome began to stir. The two split apart and looked over at her as she sat up, stretching. “Good morning, Kagome.” Aiko greeted with a smile. “Good morning. When do we leave?” She asked as she smiled back. “Soon, so get ready. You need to get ready as well, Aiko.” InuYasha turned and kissed the shorter boy on the forehead before leaving the room. Aiko walked over to where the sack Kagome brought him had rested and began to pack up his stuff, aware of Kagome watching him. She soon looked away and began to pack her own stuff up.
 Aiko stood and picked up his sack, walking out of the room and joining InuYasha in the hallway. “I think Kagome wants to go home once we get back to the village.” Aiko said to InuYasha as he adjusted the strap of the sack. “Like hell she is. We need her to stay here so we can find the jewel shards.” InuYasha growled out, making Aiko place a hand on his mate’s arm. “We may not have a choice. She is a teenage girl who more than likely misses her family.” Aiko said in a soft voice, causing InuYasha to make a ‘hmp’ sound. As he went to reply, Kagome came out of the room. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy. Knowing InuYasha was bound to say something rude, Aiko covered his mate’s mouth. “Shall we leave, then?” He smiled sweetly at the girl, who only nodded in return.
 The three left the inn and walked through the village, the decorations from the previous night were being taken down. Aiko smiled and waved at the kindly old woman as the passed by her booth, which was almost completely taken down. The woman smiled and waved as they passed. “Be sure to come back to visit.” She hollered as the group walked away. “We will! What is your name?” Aiko stopped walking and turned towards her. “Just call me Grandmama.” The old woman smiled and gave one final wave before turning back to taking down her booth. “goodbye, Grandmama!” Aiko yelled and ran to catch up to Kagome and InuYasha.
 InuYasha grabbed Aiko’s hand as he started walking again, lacing their fingers together as they walked out of the village. Aiko hummed softly as they walked, recalling the song that the demon was singing the previous night. The song was stuck in his head. After a few hours, it was starting to drive him nuts, so he began to hum a lullaby instead.
 The group soon approached the country side of Musashi, the village that Lady Kaede lived in, Kagome automatically taking off towards the well with InuYasha hot on her heels. Aiko simply sighed and began to make his way towards the village, keeping an eye out for Lady Kaede as he did so. He found her in the fields, talking to one of the village men with a couple children with her. “Hello, Lady Kaede. How have you been?” Aiko smiled as he approached her. ‘Ah, Aiko. It is so lovely to see you, child.” She turned to him with a smile. “Did you find your way alright?” She asked, worry showing in her eye.
 “The others left me near one of the fields. I figured if I kept walking I would run into a villager soon enough.” Aiko said with a shrug and smiled at the older woman. “You must be hungry and weary. Come, you can tell me of the journey while we eat.” Lady Kaede smiled and held out her arm, which Aiko gladly took and held his hand out to the little girl. The little grinned a gap toothed smile and gripped his larger hand.
 Once they reached the village, the children ran off to their parents, leaving Aiko alone with Lady Kaede. The two made their way to Lady Kaede’s hut, smiling at villagers as they passed. “Hey, Lady Kaede?” Aiko asked as they got closer to the hut. “What is it, child?” She asked, turning to look at him. “Would it be possible for InuYasha and I to build a hut and live in the village?” Aiko asked, looking up at the clouds. “Of course, you can.” Lady Kaede smiled as she pulled back the curtain to her hut.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Sixteen
InuYasha growled lowly at those who stared at the couple, causing the onlookers to turn away. Aiko released the breath he had been holding and tightened his grip on his mate’s hand, smiling sweetly at the half breed. InuYasha slowly stopped growling and smiled back at the boy. “Shall we play some games?” InuYasha asked Aiko, who nodded with excitement in return. He let the boy take the lead as he rushed over to a ball throwing game. The goal of the game was to knock down the target within three shots. The stand was run by a kind looking elderly woman who smiled sweetly at the pair. “Well, are you two not just the sweetest couple I have seen so far. Do you like the prizes? I stitched them myself.” Her gentle voice stated as she motioned towards the row of cotton stuffed animals beside her.
Aiko’s eyes were drawn to a small brown and white dog stuffed animal. He grabbed InuYasha’s sleeve and gave a slight tug. “I would like to play this game.” He stated in a quiet voice. InuYasha nodded and took a pouch out of his sleeve, handing the appropriate amount of coins to his mate. Aiko handed the coins to the old woman who placed three balls in front of him. “Do you want me to win in for you?” InuYasha asked as his left ear twitched. Aiko shook his head and smiled sweetly. “No, thank you. I wish to win it myself.” He said softly as he picked up one of the balls.
 He threw the ball, barely missing the target. Not letting it get to him, he picked up the second ball and threw it as hard as he could, giving a happy shout as it knocked the target over. The woman smiled sweetly and motioned to the stuffed animals. “Which would you like, dear?” She asked sweetly and smiled when Aiko pointed to the dog, handing it to him. He hugged the stuffed animal to his chest and beamed, feeling proud of himself.
 The two continued down the road, ignoring the stares from the humans and glares from demons. Just because a demon and human mated pair was not unheard of did not mean it was accepted. Many demons preferred to keep their bloodline ‘pure’ so many would kill or avoid their human mate and find a demon to mate with. As they walked, they passed a stage. A young male demon stood upon it as music began to play. Aiko stopped walking so he could listen, making InuYasha stop as well.
 “Will the faithful be rewarded when we come to the end? Will I miss the final warning from the lie that I have lived? Is there anybody calling? I can see the soul within and I am not worthy, I am not worthy of this.” The demon began singing, his voice thick with sorrow. “Are you with me after all? Why can’t I hear you? Are you with me through it all? Then why can’t I feel you? Stay with me, don’t let me go. Because there’s nothing left at all. Stay with me, don’t let me go. Until the ashes of Eden fall.” The demon looked different from those Aiko had seen in the past. He must have been from a different country, judging from his way of speaking.
 The demon took a deep breath, projecting his voice to where it could be heard at the other end of the village. More people gathered around, crowding together. InuYasha pulled Aiko closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Will the darkness fall upon me, when the air is growing thin? Will the light begin to pull me to its everlasting will? I can hear the voices haunting. There is nothing left to fear. And I am still calling, I am still calling to you.” A lone tear slipped down the demon’s cheek, falling onto the stage below. “Are you with me after all? Why can’t I hear you? Are you with me through it all? Then why can’t I feel you? Stay with me, don’t let me go. Because there’s nothing left at all. Stay with me, don’t let me go. Until the ashes of Eden fall.” The demon’s breath shuddered as he wiped another tear away.
 “Why can't I hear you? Stay with me, don't let me go. Because there's nothing left at all. Stay with me, don't let me go. Until the Ashes of Eden fall. Heaven above me, take my hand. Shine until there's nothing left but you. Heaven above me, take my hand. Shine until there's nothing left but you.” The demon concluded his song, the crowd clapping. Women of the crowd were sniffling softly at the raw emotions that had been present in the demon’s voice. Aiko turned and hugged InuYasha, laying his head on the half breeds shoulder.
 “InuYasha?” Aiko’s voice was quiet and a bit hesitant. “Hm?” InuYasha looked at his mate, who hid his face in the crook of his neck. “I want us to have a home someday… A place where we can always return to.” Aiko managed to get out before he was roughly bumped into, knocking him to the ground. InuYasha snarled at the lowly human man who was glaring to them in disgust. InuYasha felt his claws grow longer as he crouched over Aiko in a protective stance.
 The human snorted before walking away, stepping on Aiko’s stuffed animal as he left. InuYasha quickly helped Aiko up, minding his claws, and picked up the stuffed animal. Upon inspection, he decided both were physically fine, minus a scrape on Aiko’s cheek. InuYasha gently licked the scrape, his saliva healing the minor wound. Aiko released a small, almost silent, sniffle and buried his face in InuYasha’s chest. “It is alright, love. They just…. They do not understand.” InuYasha lifted Aiko bridal style and carried him back to the inn, nodding slightly at the kind woman from earlier.
 When InuYasha looked back down at Aiko, he smiled softly at finding his mate sound asleep. He looked back up and walked into the inn, heading for their room. He slid the door open and shut with his foot as he walked through it. He walked over to their joined matts and laid Aiko down, removing the boys Haori and kissing his forehead before covering him with a blanket. Laying beside the sleeping boy, InuYasha wrapped an arm around his waist and nuzzles his face into his neck. “Of course we can have a home. You are my home.” He mumbled before he fell asleep.
 Tomorrow they would make it to Lady Kaede’s village.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Fifteen
“Come on, Princess Tsuyu!” Kagome yelled as the two ran down the hallway. “I need something hot…” She trailed off, thinking of what she could possibly use. “That’s it! Fire! Is there a torch or anything…? She turned slightly towards the princess as Nobunaga’s monkey, Hiyoshimaru, ran past them.
Meanwhile, back in the hidden room, Tsukumo no Gama has just attacked Nobunaga. “You are in the way.” The toad growled as his tongue pierced through the flesh of Nobunaga’s shoulder once again. InuYasha simply watched the scene, keeping true to his word that he would not raise a finger to help. Aiko remained beside InuYasha, gripping his wounded side in slight pain as he shifted. Nobunaga fell to the ground in front of the two with a pained groan. “Been brought back down to earth yet?” InuYasha scoffed and leaned close to his mate. “You must not…. Kill him….” Nobunaga groaned out, his eyes shut tight.
 Back with the two girls, Tsukumo was lumbering after them at a steady pace. “Gru heh. You will not get away” He all but cooed, his distended eyes glinting in the darkness. “He’s coming!” Kagome squeaked out as she looked back. Hiyoshimaru came back with a small plate that held a tiny flame. “Fire!? Nice work, Hiyoshimaru! Except…. It’s so… small...” Kagome trailed off as the monkey landed in her hands.
 Tsukumo launched his tongue out in an attack, managing to tear Kagome’s back pack and knocking her over in the process. A container of hairspray rolled over her shoulder and stopped in front of her face as InuYasha appeared in front of the two girls. Aiko had decided to remain in the hidden room to free the girls and tend to Nobunaga’s wounds. Kagome quickly used the ‘sit’ command and used the hairspray to turn the small flame into a flamethrower. A frog spirit left the Lord’s body.
 “InuYasha, the sacred jewel shard!” Kagome yelled as she watched the spirit demon. “You do not have to tell me twice. Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” InuYasha attacked, tearing the spirit demon to shreds. InuYasha caught the jewel shard as it fell, noticing Nobunaga making his way through the hall with bandaged wounds. “InuYasha, I appreciate what you did. The Lord is safe now.” Nobunaga knelt in front of InuYasha and grabbed his hand. “Thank you for being so patient as to wait for the toad to be driven out.” He bowed his head in gratitude, a bead of sweat rolled down InuYasha’s face.
 “Nobunaga…” The princess mumbled before running past him and into the arms of her Lord. “Thank you for protecting my Lord!” She said as she hugged him rather tightly. “My Lord, you have returned to your original appearance.” She looked into his eyes lovingly. “I am sorry about everything.” The Lord said as he held the Princess’ hands. “He looks like a gentle feudal Lord…” Kagome mumbled as Aiko walked down the hallway, leading the young women towards the group.
 ~~~Time Skip~~~
 “We stopped the toad’s sorcery and saved all those girls… It’s pretty great, isn’t it?” Kagome grinned as she sipped from her can of tea. The group was sitting beneath some cherry trees on a blanket. Nobunaga sat a little way away from the group, staring off in the distance. “Jeez, you really are an idiot. Pleading for the life of your love rival while almost getting fucking killed.” InuYasha scoffed as he played with Aiko’s hair. The boy had let his hair out of the ribbon and it framed his face as he leaned against InuYasha’s chest. “You are right. I am an idiot.” Nobunaga replied as he lifted his face to the sky. His arm was in a sling and would be until his shoulder healed.
 “But then, your stupidity saved a man’s life, at least. That is good enough, right?” InuYasha grumbled after getting a light tap on the chest from Aiko. “Alright! I feel better! I am off!” Nobunaga grinned as he stood and promptly walked off the cliff. The group left him there and made their way back to Lady Kaede’s village. InuYasha carried Aiko on his back, much to the boy’s protests. Eventually, Aiko fell asleep. When he next awoke, the group had stopped at an inn for the night.
 Aiko gasped in delight as he looked out the window; the village was all lit up with lanterns. The boy absolutely adored festival season. He turned towards InuYasha with a slight pout. “Darling? Can we go to the festival?” He asked in a sweet tone, making the half breed look at him. “Well…. This is a demon friendly village so… I suppose we can go. I’ll leave Tetsusaiga here to protect Kagome.” InuYasha thought before nodding, moving to stand in front of Aiko and placing a soft kiss on the shorter boy’s forehead.
 Aiko put on a black kimono with a blood red haori before tying his hair up with the usual white strip of cloth, leaving his mark to be shown. He walked out of the room to find his mate waiting patiently, leaning against the wall. InuYasha’s ears twitched as Aiko walked out, making him look up. “You look nice.” InuYasha told the boy, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he did so. Aiko grinned in response, his own cheeks turning pink at the compliment. “Thank you, InuYasha. You look nice as well.” And he did. InuYasha wore his usual outfit but without the top, showing his white under robe. His hair seemed to glow in the moonlight, complimenting his eyes.
 “Shall we?” InuYasha asked and held out his hand. Aiko gladly took it, lacing their fingers together. InuYasha led the two of them out of the inn, ignoring the looks the two were getting from the humans. For demons, a pair of mates that were the same sex was uncommon but not unheard of. To humans though, it was considered taboo. Due to this, Aiko ducked his head slightly as to avoid the stares. Needless to say, this would be an interesting date.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Fourteen
The princess gasped as she looked around. Inside each spherical pod was a young maiden, their bodies slowly disappearing. In one pod, only a head remained. Tsukumo attacked while the Princess was distracted, wrapping his tongue around her and pinning her arms to her chest. Princess Tsuyu gave an ear shattering scream as she was lifted into the air and dangled upside down above Tsukumo’s mouth. At that moment, InuYasha burst through the wall with the others close behind him. Tsukumo trapped the princess in a pod before turning towards the group, chuckling as he did so. Nobunaga wobbled slightly, gripping his now bandaged wound.
‘Are you alright, Nobunaga?” Kagome asked, concern for the man etched into her voice. “A wound like this is nothing.” The man grunted in reply. The three made their way through the hole InuYasha created. Kagome let out a startled gasp at the sight in front of them. “Geh heh heh. You are too late.” Tsukumo chuckled as he rubbed the pod that held the Princess. “Hmph. So, this is what happened to the young women gathered from the area.” InuYasha thought aloud as he looked at all the pods. “They look like frog eggs...” Aiko trailed off as he made his way over to InuYasha. “The Tsukumo no Gama keeps the girls’ souls like this until they ripen and are ready to be eaten. With the spiritual power gained through the sacred jewel shard, this demon was able to obtain the powers of a feudal Lord and usurp a country.” Myouga jumped onto InuYasha’s shoulder and climbed onto the rosary bead. “Damn you!” Nobunaga growled and ran at Tsukumo no Gama, who released another batch of miasma.
 “Out of my way!” InuYasha ran past Nobunaga as he drew his sword. “I will just rip through him along with his miasma! Take this, Lord Frog!” He growled as he swung at the frog demon, landing a hit. The frog demon let out a pained laugh and held a webbed hand to the wound. “Heh. Now I will cut you open and take the jewel shard. Then you will not be able to cause any more trouble, will you?” InuYasha held Tetsusaiga in front of him in one hand as he smirked. Tsukumo took his webbed hand away from his wound and chuckled. “Gru heh. I am dying, damn it.” He stumbled off into the field of pods.
 The souls came out of the pods and floated towards Tsukumo, who greedily slurped them up. The wound disappeared as he let out a satisfied belch. “Gru heh. My life is restored.” Tsukumo chuckled and patted his distended stomach. “Cut me more! The more you cut me, the more I will eat!” He said before a ripping sound filled the room. He looked over to see Nobunaga using the sword to release Princess Tsuyu from her pod. The princess coughed before hurtling herself into Nobunaga’s arms with a frightened cry. “Princess Tsuyu…” Nobunaga blushed as the Princess cried into his shoulder, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. “Now I can die without regret!” He held her tightly to his chest as she sobbed. “How dare you touch my Princess!” Tsukumo yelled and attacked, only to be wacked upon the head by Tetsusaiga.
 Tsukumo stumbled back and gripped his head. “Princess Tsuyu… I am… I am the one who did all of this…?” Tsukumo’s entire attitude had changed, making InuYasha scoff. “It is a little late to play dumb, bastard.” He rested Tetsusaiga against his shoulder. “How wretched…… what a dreadful thing I have…” Tsukumo mumbled. “Excuse me… Would you happen to be the Lord of the castle?” Aiko stepped around InuYasha and kneeled in front of the Lord, Kagome close behind him. “When the demon first possessed my body, my human heart survived. But now, even that…” The Lord trailed off before looking right at InuYasha. “Kill me. If this goes on, I will even devour Princess Tsuyu. Kill me and the demon before that happens.” The Lord had begun to cry as he kneeled down, lowering his head in shame.
 “Well, that is just so sweet of you. Now then, without further ado.” InuYasha grinned and went to remove Tetsusaiga from his shoulder, only to stop as Aiko stood in front of the Lord with his arms out. “His human heart still lives on. We must save him before it, too, is consumed.” He stated calmly as he stared into InuYasha’s eyes. InuYasha growled softly before looking away. “It would be too easy if I just execute him.” He grumbled and turned to the side. “So, what are we going to do? You stopped me, so you figure out how to deal with Lord Frog.” InuYasha grumbled and looked at Aiko from the corner of his eye. What he saw made him freeze. The Lord’s eyes had changed once again, revealing that it was Tsukumo in control again. Tsukumo attacked, his tongue piercing through Aiko’s side which caused the boy to grunt in pain. “Gru heh heh heh! You are going to ‘deal with’ me…?” Tsukumo chuckled as he ripped his tongue out of Aiko’s side, making him fall over.
 “I have come up with a way to drive Tsukumo no Gama from the Lord’s body! It is sink or swim. Will you give it a go?” Myouga stated as he hopped onto Kagome’s shoulder. “I will do it. I have to try!” Kagome said, determination dripping from her voice. “If we drive the demon from the Lord’s body, both he and all those girls will be saved right !?” She asked the small flea demon, who simply nodded before opening his mouth. “Yes. This demon is still a toad, after all. Toads are susceptible to heat. So, we should pour boiling water on this guy!” He stated, making Kagome pause and look at him with a blank stare. “Now, look you… Should I start boiling water then!? In a place like this!?” She glared at him, making the flea gulp. “Even boiling oil would do…” He trailed off as Kagome’s glare intensified. “Same difference!” She practically snarled before letting out a scream as she was hoisted into the air, a tongue wrapped around her ankle and part of her calf.
 “Stop it! Do not do this, my Lord!” Nobunaga ran and grabbed the possessed Lord’s arms and held him back. “Kagome…. While I hold him, find some water and boil it!” He then yelled at Kagome, who blinked in surprise. InuYasha scoffed from his place beside Aiko, having wrapped the boys wound tightly with the bandages from Kagome’s first aid kit. “What a stupid idea… That damn frog… I was a fool for having mercy on such a thing.” InuYasha growled as he stood. “Qui shielding him, Nobunaga.” InuYasha raised Tetsusaiga above his head with one hand. “Sheathe your sword, InuYasha. The Lord’s heart still remains inside this monster.” Nobunaga defended, only to be glared at by InuYasha. “Shut it! Get out of the way or I will kill you along with that frog! Aiko is injured because he defended him.” The half breed was seeing red at the thought of Aiko injured.
 “You must not do that!” Nobunaga turned pale and tightened his grip on the Lord’s haori. “Well then… Move aside.” InuYasha glared at him. Nobunaga glared back in defiance. “I will not! If there is a chance we can save the Lord’s life, I can not just sit back and let him die… No, even if he was not a Lord… I can not stand people dying!” Nobunaga yelled as he glared up at InuYasha. “In this age of violence… I may be laughed at for being naïve, but… Even then, I…” Nobunaga attempted to continue, only to be cut off by the half breed. “Fine then. No matter what, I will not raise a finger. Let us see how you carry out your ideals.” Right after InuYasha said this, the frog possessed Lord attacked Nobunaga, knocking him away from him.
 “Kagome... Princess Tsuyu… You must run away.” Aiko managed to get out as he sat up, InuYasha moving towards his side and helping him up. The two quickly ran through the hole and into the hallway.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Thirteen
The group entered the castle, Nobunaga slamming open doors as he searched for the Princess. “Princess Tsuyu, where are you?! Nobunaga has come to rescue you!!” He yelled as he searched, his monkey perched on his shoulder. Each door he opened revealed sleeping bodies, none of which were the lovely Princess Tsuyu. “Is it really okay for him to be yelling like that? Is this not enemy territory?” Kagome asked, one hand gripping the strap of her back pack. “Well, everyone has been put to sleep by that spell… And all this noise is perfect for luring out that demon, right?” InuYasha uttered from his spot a mere few steps behind her, cracking and stretching his claws with a smirk.
“Princess!” Nobunaga yelled as he found the right room, rushing towards an older woman whom he has mistaken for his princess. “P-Princess, what have they done to you!?” He gasped as he rolled her over. “Hey, Nobunaga. Is this who you are searching for?” Aiko inquired as he walked over to a young woman, crouching down beside her. Nobunaga made a noise of realization as he looked at the lovely woman. “What a lovely Princess…. It is my duty to wake her!” Myouga hopped over, his voice filled with excitement. He landed on the princess’ cheek and started to greedily slurp.
 The princess slapped him away as she began to regain consciousness. “Nobunaga… Why are you here?” Princess Tsuyu questioned, a confused look upon her lovely face. “Princess Tsuyu… You know who I am!?” Nobunaga questioned in excitement as the princess sat upright. “How could I possibly ever forget you?” The princess smiled sweetly at him. “Ah… I am ever so grateful, I was sure you would have forgotten me… I am just the youngest son of a retainer, and, uh….” Nobunaga trailed off nervously, a blush dusting his cheeks. “To me you are a dear and kindhearted childhood friend.” The princess smiled, oblivious to Nobunaga’s obvious crush.
 “Ah… That is why he was so determined to get here and rescue her. He is in love with her.” Aiko mumbled as he watched the two of them. “You fell in the pond and slipped on horse manure and were always making me laugh!” The princess stated as Nobunaga’s face fell. “How I wish to return to that time…” She trailed off and brought a hand to her face as her eyes filled with tears. “It began soon after I arrived here to be married that things began to get strange. The Lord had collapsed over by the garden pond. He ran such a high fever… It was not just his personality that had changed, it was as if he had become a completely different creature. Nobunaga… What should I do…?” She looked up at him, her teary eyes glistening.
 “That is easy! Let us return to Takeda, along with my friends! Rumors of the Lord’s madness have spread all the way to our lands. If those rumors are the truth then I must take you back safely, as I was ordered to do!” Nobunaga stated, a determined look in his eyes. “You are here on orders?” Princess Tsuyu tilted her head. “No! Even if I had not been ordered to, I would have come for you!” He brought his fist in front of his chest in determination. “Nobunaga…. On top of your head…” The princess pointed at the monkey, no longer listening to him. “Hiyoshimaru…” Nobunaga sighed at his companion’s antics.
 “Oi. Take your princess and get out of here. You are just in the way.” InuYasha said as he looked at Nobunaga and Princess Tsuyu. “What are you going to do?” Nobunaga looked at him as he took Hiyoshimaru off his head. “We have business to take care of.” InuYasha smirked and cracked his knuckles. The two stood and headed towards the door, only to see the Lord sauntering towards them. “Trespassers… Gru heh heh. You will not escape!” The possessed Lord growled out before launching his tongue out in an attack.
 InuYasha leapt up, dodging the attack with a grunt. “Hey bastard! Fucking show yourself!” InuYasha snarled and lashed out with his claws, catching the bandages that covered the Lord’s face. The bandages fell to the ground, revealing a toad’s head with large, bulging eyes. “He’s a… frog?” Aiko tilted his head in confusion. “My…. My Lord…?” Princess Tsuyu mumbled as she swayed. Nobunaga caught her as she fainted. “Princess! Wake up!” He yelled as he held her in his arms. “She is in shock, Nobunaga.” Aiko stated, not looking away from the toad possessed Lord. “Gru heh heh!” The Lord chuckled, his eyes watching their every movement.
 “Ah…! I see it! The sacred jewel shard!” Kagome gasped as she spotted a glowing spot only she could see. “Heh. Looks like a weakling, even with the jewel shard.” InuYasha scoffed and cracked his knuckles. “Do not get arrogant, darling. We still need to find out where he has been keeping all those young women.” Aiko walked up behind his mate and placed a hand on his arm. “Yes, do not be careless. This is a three-hundred-year-old demon called Tsukumo no Gama. Normal methods will not work against it!” Myouga said from his spot, clinging to one of the rosary beads around InuYasha’s neck.
 “Keh! I will tear him apart with one strike!” InuYasha leapt towards Tsukumo no Gama, who puffed up his cheeks. Tsukumo opened his mouth, releasing a purple gas that filled the room. “It is Miasma! Do not breathe it in!” Myouga yelled from his new spot upon Kagome’s shoulder. “When did you get here…” Kagome questioned as she covered her mouth. Aiko’s attention was snatched away when he heard InuYasha gag as he fell the floor with a thud. As he rushed over to InuYasha, the Lord made his way to Princess Tsuyu and Nobunaga. “Gru heh. Princess Tsuyu…” Tsukumo chuckled in a flirtatious voice. “Stay back, demon!” Nobunaga yelled and held the Princess close to his chest in a protective manner as he brandished his sword at the demon. “Fool! How dare a human get in my way!” Tsukumo growled and struck out his tongue in another attack, piercing Nobunaga’s left shoulder and going straight through. Nobunaga fell over, giving Tsukumo the chance to grab the Princess and run off.
 “Princess!” Nobunaga grunted out as he attempted to sit up, blood pooling around his arm. “Do not move, Nobunaga! You are badly injured!” Kagome rushed over to the injured man. “I…. I must go… Even if it costs me my life, I must save the Princess!” Nobunaga struggled to stand, using his sword as a crutch. “Nobunaga… You really are in love with the princess…” Kagome mumbled, causing the man to gulp and go as pale as a sheet. “How… How did you know…?” Nobunaga looked at her as she sweat dropped. “You were trying to hide it?” She asked as Nobunaga gripped his injured arm. InuYasha interrupted the two of them as he and Aiko walked over. “That damn frog will die!!” He growled and clenched his fist.
 Meanwhile, in the hidden room under the castle, Princess Tsuyu slowly regained consciousness. “Gru heh heh. Princess Tsuyu… I love you… Let me gobble you up!” Tsukumo drooled and licked his lips.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Twelve
The three of them chased after the monkey, tracking it to a man who was snooping through Kagome’s clothes. “This is not food!” The man shouted, a shocked look was cast upon his face. “Hey, you! Give me back my clothes!” Kagome yelled as the trio popped out of the bushes, Scared, the man drew his sword and brandished it at them. “Who…. Who are you! You are a suspicious lot!” The man exclaimed as he held up his sword.
“That is my line.” InuYasha stated blandly as he squished the mans face with his foot. “InuYasha, perhaps we should let him explain himself.” Aiko soothed and placed a hand on InuYasha’s forearm. InuYasha looked at his mate and nodded, his gaze softening. “Only because it was you who asked.” InuYasha told the boy as he grabbed his hand, placing a kiss on the tips of his fingers. Aiko blushed lightly and smiled at him, gripping his hand and pulling him to the tree.
 InuYasha and Aiko sat in the tree as Kagome sat with the stranger, offering him the food from her era. “InuYasha, Aiko, did you want something to eat as well?” She asked as she looked at the two in the tree. “I do not need it.” InuYasha stated as Aiko hook his head. “If you eat something I will have less to carry.” Kagome tried to convince him. Aiko remained in the tree as InuYasha began to climb down to stand in front of the girl. “Well then, why do you bring so much stuff every time you come back through the well!?” He yelled in her face.
 “Well, there is a change of clothes, my homework…” Kagome trails off. “These dried potatoes were delicious. You have my thanks, young lady.” The man says as he crumples the bag Kagome had given him. “Umm…. I… I am Kagome. This is InuYasha, in the tree is his mate, Aiko.” Kagome introduced them. Upon hearing his name, Aiko began to climb down the tree, causing InuYasha to go and help him down. Aiko squeaked as InuYasha lifted him up by his waist and set him on the ground. Myouga bit into the man’s cheek, slurping greedily. “And that is Myouga, the flea” Kagome gave the man a closed eye smile.
 “So, you have been in trouble since you were separated from your attendants? Are you from a rich family or something?” Kagome asked after the man explained why he was searching for food. “Though I cannot reveal my full identity, I am the one called Nobunaga.” The man, Nobunaga, said as he looked at Kagome. The girl gasped as she brought her hands to her cheeks. Aiko looked at her as if she were the strangest person he knew, which she was. “Please shake my hand! It is a pleasure to meet you!” She all but yelled as she grabbed Nobunaga’s hand, shaking it wildly.
 “Hey, you, what is with the change of attitude?” InuYasha asked Kagome as he stared at her, getting in her face. “He is Nobunaga Oda... Do you not know!? He is a super famous person!” Kagome explained as she brought something out of her bag. The title read ‘Fun Japanese History for Examinees’ and it looked to be made of parchment paper and leather. “When he was young, Nobunaga Oda was known as the fool of Owari but then in the year 1560, he defeated Yoshimoto Imagawa in the battle of Okehazama and…” Kagome read from the strange object as Aiko looked at it curiously. “What is that you are reading from?” InuYasha asked as he stared at the object in Kagome’s hands.
 InuYasha’s question was ignored as Nobunaga stood. “I am sorry, but I am not that Oda person. I come from Takeda, I am not to be mistaken with that fool of Owari.” Nobunaga stated as he turned, his monkey companion on his shoulder. “Farewell then. I have an important mission, you see” he said as he began walking. Before anyone could warn him, he had walked right off the small cliff they were sitting on. Aiko burst out in joyful laughter at the sight of Nobunaga on his back with his legs sticking up. He had laughed until tears were streaming down his now rosy cheeks
 ~~~~ Small Time Skip~~~~
 The five of them watched as four young women were led out of their village; their hands were tied, and the rope was being held by a man on a horse. “What on earth is he doing with all those girls from all over the world…?” One of the villages elderly men wondered aloud. “It is said that none of the girls who enter that castle ever return…” One of the younger men said in response to the elder’s question. “Hey, Kagome. Why do we have to hang around this guy still?” InuYasha asked the girl. Aiko nodded in agreement, worry clouding his mind as he watched the poor girls be led away from their home.
 “Do you really think it is okay to leave him on his own?” Kagome answered InuYasha’s question with a question of her own. As he went to give her a snarky retort, the whispering of one of the village men reached the groups ears. “Just between us, I have heard that the Lord of the castle has been possessed by some kind of monster…” The village man whispered in the ear of his companion. Upon hearing this, InuYasha stepped on Nobunaga’s back in order to hear better. “The rumor is that at the castle where the girls are gathered the monster, who has possessed our lord, is eating them.” The villager continued.
 Meanwhile in a large mansion, the lovely Princess Tsuyu tended to her husband. Once a handsome man, the Lord had grown ugly. He had grown fat since falling ill and his voice had changed. The Princess was now frightened of her husband. “Princess Tsuyu, have you become accustomed to living here?” The bandaged Lord asked his wife in a flirtatious tone. “Y-Yes. There is nothing I lack here.” The princess stuttered after she had poured his drink, trembling slightly. The princess brought her hand to her mouth as she thought of how her dear Lord had changed and how he had been gathering young women.
 “Umm… My Lord?” The Princess started hesitantly, removing her hand from her mouth. “Yes…?” Her Lord questioned in the same flirtatious tone. “I have heard that you have been gathering young maidens from all over the country, but I have yet to see where they…” The princess was interrupted by her lord slamming his hands onto the wooden floor. “Forget about it, okay!?” He yelled as the Princess leaned back with a gasp, her hand covering her mouth once more. She quickly bowed down towards the ground. “P-Please forgive me… Forgive my impertinence.” She stated as she was bowed down. After she had returned to her room, she dreamed of returning home, of being rescued.
 As night fell, InuYasha’s group approached the castle. “No doubt about it. This place fucking reeks of demon. There is no way the jewel shard would not be here. We are going in. Aiko, get on my back. Same with you, Kagome.” InuYasha stated and crouched down. Aiko and Kagome nodded and moved forward, however Nobunaga stole Aiko’s spot before he could climb on. “Who the hell invited you!?” InuYasha yelled at Nobunaga, who was gripping his right shoulder. “I, too, have business in this castle.” He answered blandly as he looked at the half breed. InuYasha rolled his eyes and picked Aiko up bridal style, causing the boy to blush brightly and wrap his arms around his mate’s neck.
 InuYasha leaped over the castle walls and gently set Aiko down as the others got off his back. “Lord InuYasha, I sense something odd. Please watch your step!” Myouga hopped onto InuYasha’s shoulder and off the rosary bead. “A castle this size… There is not a single watchman on duty…” The flea demon trailed off as InuYasha looked over at him. “They are certainly too careless…” Nobunaga stated as he looked around. As the five walked, Aiko and Kagome noticed a sleeping guard. “This is… A spell to put them to sleep? Perhaps everyone in this castle has been…” Myouga trailed off as he took his usual perch on the rosary bead.
 Below the castle lay a hidden room containing the maidens the Lord had requested come to the castle. Each lay in a pod-like sphere. The Lord turned towards the entrance of the room with a curious hum. “Outsiders have gotten in…?” He questioned aloud.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Eleven
Aiko was unsure on how long they had stayed in that position; him straddling InuYasha’s lap as the half breed tenderly licked the fresh bite mark that claimed Aiko as his. Said boy shivered each time that InuYasha’s tongue ran over the mark, making him blush and whine softly. “We should probably get back… Lady Kaede will be worried.” Aiko whispered as he lifted his head from InuYasha’s shoulder. InuYasha tilted his head, thinking, before nodding. “Fine, but you sleep next to me tonight.” InuYasha stated with a smirk, causing Aiko to flush a crimson red before nodding submissively.
“Will Lady Kaede and Kagome not question it though?” The boy asked out of curiosity. “After the fight with Sesshoumaru, Kagome knows. And I have no doubt she has told the old hag already. That girl does not know when to keep her mouth shut.” InuYasha growled softly and nuzzled Aiko’s neck. “However, now that you are marked all demons will know that you are taken. I am proud to have you as my mate.” InuYasha stated and kissed Aiko’s cheek, making the boy beam out of joy. “I would not have it any other way. I am proud to have such a handsome, strong, sweet man as my mate.” Aiko kissed InuYasha sweetly before moving off of his lap and standing.
 InuYasha watched as the boy stretched before standing himself, grabbing the boy by the waist and pulling him close. If he were honest with himself, Aiko loved how possessive InuYasha was and reveled in the attention the half breed gave him. Being in the Inu’s arms made him feel safe and loved, something he had not felt in a long time. Aiko smiled and snuggled into InuYasha’s chest.
 “We need to leave.” Aiko laughed softly and attempted to walk away only to have InuYasha move with him. This caused Aiko to burst into giggles and lean against InuYasha, snuggling into his warm arms. “I do not want to go yet.” InuYasha smiled down at the boy, wrapping his arms tighter around his waist. Aiko returned his smile and slowly removed his arms before bolting, laughing as he ran off towards the village with InuYasha hot on his heels.
 InuYasha ran half heartedly as he chased his mate, feeling like a playful pup again. He chuckled softly as he kept at least two feet behind Aiko. Once the two reached the village, Aiko was gasping for breath. The boy leaned over with his hands on his knees, laughing as he struggled to breathe. “In and out, honey. Deep breaths.” InuYasha said softly as he rubbed the boys back. Once the boy had calmed down, InuYasha lifted him into his arms.
 “I-InuYasha, I can walk you know!” Aiko blushed brightly as he stuttered before hiding his face in InuYasha’s chest. “I am well aware of that fact, I simply like to carry you like this.” InuYasha smiled at the boy as he said this, making the human blush brighter. “InuYasha…” Aiko murmured softly and lifted his head to InuYasha’s shoulder. InuYasha smiled, feeling calm as he started towards Lady Kaede’s hut.
 The two walked in to see Lady Kaede by the fire as Kagome laid out her futon. “Welcome back, you two.” Lady Kaede greeted them. “Kagome has told me that the two of you are mates, is this true?” Lady Kaede inquired as she poked at the fire. InuYasha nodded and set Aiko down, keeping an arm around the boy’s waist. “Well, we cannot change fate. Are you both happy with being the others mate?” Lady Kaede asked as she looked at them, studying Aiko’s expression. The boy nodded and blushed as a grin spread across his face. “I have not been this happy in a long time.” He said and leaned into InuYasha’s side. “Very well, then.” Lady Kaede smiled and motioned to the pot of food.
 “You must be hungry. Please, eat.” She stated and set two bowls out for us to get our own servings. InuYasha and Aiko sat side by side and grabbed the bowls, Aiko served both himself and InuYasha. The two were quiet as they ate, sitting so close together that they were touching. “It was delicious. Thank you, Lady Kaede.” Aiko smiled warmly and bowed his head.
 “You are welcome, child. I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope both of you rest well.” She smiled at the boy, a soft look in her eye. Aiko nodded and set his bowl down before standing, going over to set up his futon. InuYasha followed suit, placing his besides Aiko’s. The boy smiled shyly at him, a light blush on his cheeks. InuYasha scooted his futon closer to where the two were touching.
 InuYasha leaned Tetsusaiga against the wall before laying down, opening his arms. Aiko took the cloth strip from his hair, letting it down before he lay on the futon. InuYasha grabbed him once he laid down, pulling him closer to his chest and allowing the boy to snuggle into his chest. InuYasha only allowed himself to fall asleep once he knew his mate was safe from any harm.
                                                 Time skip
 Three days later, InuYasha had led Aiko to a pond. He crouched by the edge to talk to some turtle demons. “So, I am asking about the fragments of the sacred jewel. Know of any?” He asked the turtles, who glanced up at him. “About the Sacred jewel…” The first trailed off. “It is rumored that obtaining it will increase one’s spiritual power.” Turtle two finished for its companion as the two stood. “Then you know of it?” InuYasha asked and leaned closer to the two.
 “He is asking if you know of it...” Turtle one looked at turtle two. “Know of what?” Turtle two asked, making Aiko snicker softly. InuYasha looked at the boy with a playful glare as the turtle demons continued to talk, repeating the same thing as before. “Lord InuYasha, we should go. These demons are morons.” Myouga stated from his spot on InuYasha’s rosary. The three of them walked away from the pond, slightly irritated.
 “Lord InuYasha, it has been three days since we have left the village and we have yet to find any clues.” Myouga stated as they walked, still sitting on InuYasha’s rosary. “There might not be any in this area.” Aiko said, his hands folded behind his back as he walked beside his mate. As the three approached the stream they noticed Kagome in another strange, revealing outfit. Suddenly, Kagome let out a scream.
 A monkey had stolen her clothes.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Ten
Kagome ran up to InuYasha as he knelt down, holding Tetsusaiga. Aiko followed at a much slower pace, still upset that InuYasha had snapped at him. “That was really great, Lord InuYasha. This Myouga believed in you completely.” The flea nodded to himself after jumping onto his lord’s shoulder. “Except for when you ran away.” InuYasha brushed off the flea’s compliment, flicking him away.
The four of them made their way out of the tomb and walked back to the village. Aiko was silent the whole way, causing Kagome to look at him in concern. Aiko simply smiled at her, brushing away her concern. InuYasha was too caught up in his victory to notice the exchange. Once the four reached the village Aiko went off on his own while Kagome, Myouga, headed towards Lady Kaede’s hut. InuYasha walked off on his own to play with his shiny, new toy.
 Aiko’s feet brought him through the forest and to the sacred tree. He sat down with a sigh and took out his paint, getting to work on painting the tomb. As he paint, he started to hum under his breath. The song was a lullaby his mother used to sing to him when he had trouble sleeping.
 As he sang tears came to his eyes, sliding slowly down his cheeks and drifting into his lap. Pausing in his painting, Aiko wiped at the tears in a futile effort to stop crying. More and more tears came rushing from his eyes as he started to sob, covering his face with his hands. He missed her more than words could describe.
 He had no clue how long he sat there until arms wrapped around him from behind, making him jump. “I am sorry about earlier…” A familiar deep voice mumbled into his ear. Aiko said nothing and covered his face once more as sobs racked through his body. InuYasha simply pulled the crying boy into his lap, rubbing his back in circular motions in an attempt to soothe the boy.
 “I miss her, InuYasha…” Aiko whispered after the sobs died down into small hiccups. “Miss who?” InuYasha inquired and turned Aiko so he was facing him. “My mother…” Aiko trailed off, looking down as he brushed a loose strand of hair from his face. “It has been two years now since she passed…” Aiko looked up at InuYasha, slightly embarrassed that he saw him cry. Aiko blushed lightly as InuYasha brushed a stubborn strand of hair behind the boy’s hair, his fingertips grazing his cheek.
 InuYasha smiled softly at him, letting his hand rest against the boy’s cheek. “I am sure she is watching over you” InuYasha told the boy in a soft tone. Aiko leaned up, staring into InuYasha’s eyes. The boy’s gaze travelled lower, resting on the halflings lips as he bit his own. Noticing his gaze, InuYasha wrapped his other arm around the boy, pulling him closer.
 Aiko blushed as he straddled InuYasha, shyly moving his gaze back and forth from his eyes and to his lips again. InuYasha leaned his head down, lightly kissing the corner of Aiko’s lips before covering them with his own. A light blush dusted InuYasha’s cheeks as their lips moved in sync. Butterflies erupted in Aiko’s stomach as he wrapped his arms around InuYasha’s neck, pulling himself closer and pressing against the half breed.
 Panting, Aiko pulled back for air and slowly opened his eyes. “Wow…” He whispered as he looked up at InuYasha, who nodded in agreement. “Do it again.” Aiko bit down on his lip, making InuYasha smirk. InuYasha grabbed the boy’s face and kissed him again, a little more forceful this time. Aiko released a small hum of approval, his fingers tangling into InuYasha’s long, silky silver hair. InuYasha’s tongue brushed against the boy’s bottom lip, asking for entrance.
 Aiko playfully denied, keeping his lips sealed with a smile. InuYasha growled softly into the kiss and reached up, tugging gently on the boy’s hair. The action was rewarded by a moan from the boy, his lips parting slightly in submission. InuYasha’s tongue slipped into his mouth and automatically took dominance, exploring the boys mouth as one arm wrapped around his waist, the other tangling into his hair and tugging gently.
 InuYasha growled in approval as another moan slipped from Aiko’s lips, the shorter boy blushing in embarrassment. The arm around Aiko’s waist pulled him closer, making the boy press against him roughly. Aiko pulled back slightly, panting for air. InuYasha kissed down the boy’s jaw and nuzzled the base of his neck with a tenderness that was not shown around anyone but Aiko.
 “Can I mark you?” InuYasha asked, his voice huskier than usual. Aiko simply tilted his head, confusion evident in his sunny eyes. “What does that mean?” He asked as he moved some hair away from his flushed face. “It means that all others would know that you are mine. It would brandish you as my mate.” InuYasha explained and helped the boy rearrange his hair. It had come loose during their session and now hung free, reaching the middle of Aiko’s back.
 Aiko blushed brightly and hesitated slightly. “W-Will it hurt?” He asked. InuYasha shook his head with a small smile. “From what I heard it feels good.” He calmed the boy by running his hand through the boy’s hair. Aiko leaned into his hand with a soft sigh before he nodded slightly. “I want to hear you say it.” InuYasha growled softly in the boy’s ear, his breath making shivers shoot down Aiko’s spine.
 “P-Please mark me, InuYasha. I want them to know that I belong to you.” Aiko blushed a deep red as he stuttered. InuYasha’s growl sounded almost like a purr as he gripped Aiko’s hair and made him tilt his head back with a gentle tug. He tenderly kissed a few areas on the boy’s neck before settling at a spot near the base of his neck. Opening his mouth, InuYasha bit down and broke the skin.
 Aiko winced slightly before pleasure coursed through his body, causing him to shudder and moan InuYasha’s name. InuYasha growled softly at the sound and licked the blood away from the wound, sealing it and leaving permanent teeth shaped scars. Aiko leaned against InuYasha, shaking slightly at the feeling.
 InuYasha cradled Aiko in his lap and kissed his forehead before leaning his own against it. “My mate.” InuYasha growled protectively, Aiko smiling up at him. “My mate…” Aiko echoed with happiness making his sunny eyes glitter. Aiko nuzzled into InuYasha’s chest with a content sigh.
 The two were happy and at peace, at least for now…
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Nine
“Bastard…  Just for that… You went so far as to make that fake copy of my mother…” InuYasha growled as he held his hand over his injured eye, blood streaming from between his fingers. “I will not forgive you!!” He yelled as he leapt forward, slashing at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru jumped back, dodging the attack. “I am in a hurry. If you get in my way, you will have to die.” Sesshoumaru cracked his knuckles before striking.
However, the attack did not reach its intended target. The Mu-onna had jumped in front of InuYasha at the last second, receiving the attack head on. The demoness fell to the side as she started to disperse. “The Mu-onna… She protected InuYasha…” Aiko mumbled in a thankful tone. “The Mu-onna is a demon created of a mother’s tender feelings toward her children, so protecting a child would also be in the Mu-onna’s nature.” Myouga stated as he looked at the fading demoness. “My…. Boy…” The demoness trailed off weakly before her head was crushed under Sesshoumaru’s foot.
“Worthless thing.” Sesshoumaru scoffed as he watched her vanish. “Why you…” Aiko glared as he drew his katana, only to be stopped by Myouga. “Do not oppose him or I will be killed as well!” He said frantically, making Aiko roll his eyes and sheathe his katana. “He hurt InuYasha and you fear for your own life instead of his. Get off my shoulder.” Aiko flicked the flea away before crossing his arms, glaring at Sesshoumaru as he stepped closer to InuYasha.
Jaken crawled towards where Kagome had dropped the human head staff, chuckling in triumph when he grabbed hold of it. “Lord Sesshoumaru, I have retrieved the human head staff!’ The imp stated with a triumphant grin. “Lose it again, and I will kill you.” Sesshoumaru stated coldly before placing the pearl on the ground and taking the staff from Jaken. “I had grown tired of waiting for this” He continued as he brought the end of the staff down onto the pearl. The head of the old man began to laugh as black light began to swirl, creating the entrance to the tomb. Jaken and Sesshoumaru disappeared into the black light.
“Lord InuYasha, quickly. You must go in after them before the portal closes.” Myouga jumped onto InuYasha’s shoulder. “Sesshoumaru is going to monopolize your father’s treasure…” The flea trailed off as InuYasha furrowed his brows. “I have no interest in that.” InuYasha stated in a monotone voice. “Such a waste…” Myouga sighed in disappointment. “Shut up, will you!? I did not say I was not going. Sesshoumaru, you bastard...” InuYasha growled as he gripped part of the Mu-onna’s tattered kimono. “I will kill you!” Kagome, Aiko! It is dangerous, you two stay here and…” He trailed off as he looked behind them to see the two gone. Aiko had already gone through the portal. Aiko reached through and grabbed the confused boy by the kimono top and tugged him through.
The three of them fell through the sky and landed on a skeletal bird. In front of them was the giant skeleton of InuYasha’s father in his beast form. One of the fangs was cut, half of it missing. “So, this is your father.” Aiko stated in amazement, reminding himself to paint this scene later. InuYasha simply nodded, staring straight ahead of them with a determined look in his eyes. “InuYasha’s father was a great demon who lived for many years. What you see is his true form, free of all spells. There is a treasured sword kept within your father’s remains. Lord Sesshoumaru is after that and intends to snatch it away.” Myouga informed them from his spot where he was clinging to InuYasha’s rosary. Inside the tomb, Sesshoumaru approached a sword that was held within a pedestal.
“I have finally arrived here, to the treasured sword kept within father’s corpse. A sword that can destroy a hundred demons in one swing… The fang sword, Tetsusaiga.” Sesshoumaru stated as he gripped the hilt of Tetsusaiga. “I heard the sword is forged from your father’s fang… That is to say, the one who holds it in his hand will inherit your father’s spiritual power.” Jaken informed his lord as he started to pull out the sword. As he pulled, the sword started to emit lightning-like sparks and burned his hand. “Why will it not come out?” Jaken asked his lord, looking up at him. “There is a Kekkai on it.” Sesshoumaru stated as he hooked at his singed hand.
“Sesshoumaru! We are not finished yet!” InuYasha yelled as he landed in front of the demon, using his Iron Reaver Soul Stealer attack. Sesshoumaru dodged, landing on the pedestal by the sword. ‘What is up, InuYasha? Did you come just to dig your own grave? Or could it be that you came for a chance at father’s fang sword, Tetsusaiga?” Sesshoumaru asked coolly, glaring at his little brother. “Draw it out, Lord InuYasha.” Myouga said as he leapt onto his shoulder before turning to Sesshoumaru. “It must be that you could not draw Tetsusaiga, could you!?” He yelled at the pure-blooded demon. “Are you suggesting InuYasha can?” Sesshoumaru glared at the flea.
“Of course. The fact that the tomb was entrusted to lord InuYasha is proof enough. Now, quickly Lord InuYasha.” Myouga urged his master. “I am not interested in some worn-out old sword... Sesshoumaru! You damn bastard… How dare you keep screwing with me like that!” InuYasha snarled as he slashed at Sesshoumaru with his claws. “Where are you aiming?” Sesshoumaru teased the half-breed as he dodged the attack, causing InuYasha to crash into the ground. “Heh. Your fighting style is as childish as ever. Sesshoumaru chuckled.
“You can not win unarmed, Lord InuYasha. The sword…” Myouga was cut off by InuYasha telling him to shut up. Aiko and Kagome slowly climbed down the ribcage of the once great demon, being careful not to slip. “Just grab the damn sword!” Aiko yelled at InuYasha, glaring slightly. “Sesshoumaru could not pull it out, right? If you are able to pull it out, he would be disgraced!” He finished as he landed safely on the ground, Kagome staying on the second rib to remain safe.
“I get it… It would be really annoying for him, huh.” InuYasha stated as he stared at the sword. “I bet you can not do it.” Sesshoumaru crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Heh. This is your payback. I want to see you weep, bastard!” InuYasha growled as he gripped the hilt of the sword. The sword did not shock him as it did Sesshoumaru. “As I thought. The Tetsusaiga is destined to be in the hands of Lord InuYasha!!” Myouga says as he clings to one of the beads on the rosary. InuYasha gave a growl as he pulled on the sword, causing Aiko to shiver slightly with a pale shade of pink dusting his cheeks.
When the sword did not budge, InuYasha grabbed Myouga and held him between two fingers. “I can not pull it out, can I!?” InuYasha emphasized each word by squeezing the flea. “I-I do not get it!” The flea demon squeaked out. “The farce is over. It seems Tetsusaiga was not meant for you after all, bastard. Now be evaporated by my poison claws.” Sesshoumaru commented on InuYasha’s failure, lashing out with his Toxic flower Claw attack. The attack hit the bone behind InuYasha, melting a hole into the rib.
Sesshoumaru followed InuYasha as he leaped away, easily keeping up with the half breed. As Jaken went to assist his Lord, Kagome leaped down and landed on him. As those two tousled, Aiko acted on a whim and made his way over to the sword. Once he gripped the sword, he noticed that Sesshoumaru had InuYasha pinned and moved forward. “InuYasha!” Aiko moved to stop them, accidentally pulling the sword free.
The two froze, staring at the human boy in shock. “Sorry…. It sort of just slipped out…” Aiko laughed nervously as he held up the katana-like sword. “I-Impossible! InuYasha’s case is irrelevant as even Lord Sesshoumaru could not pull the Tetsusaiga out… How could that stupid human boy…” Jaken stuttered from under Kagome’s foot. While Sesshoumaru was looking at Aiko, InuYasha attempted to attack. Sesshoumaru dodged and appeared in front of the human boy, who stood his ground while glaring at the demon. “Lord InuYasha, it seems he has stopped paying attention to you. How lucky you are…” Myouga froze mid-sentence at seeing the glare he was receiving from his lord.
“You… Who are you? Why were you able to draw Tetsusaiga?” Sesshoumaru interrogated the boy whose head was held high. “Simple. I figured that since the sword burned your hand, it would not let a demon wield it. And due to InuYasha being half he would be able to wield it but not pull it from the stone due to the fact he had demon blood coursing through his veins. Only a human would have been able to pull the sword, but they would not be able to wield it. Such must have been done by your father before his death.” Aiko calmly stated as he studied the sword.
“You better not lay a single finger on him, Sesshoumaru! He has nothing to do with this!” InuYasha yelled as he approached the two. “I disagree. Especially since he is your companion.” Sesshoumaru stated as he stretched his claws before attacking. “Be annihilated by my Toxic Flower Claws...” He finished as the area around Aiko melted and fell atop of him, burying him under toxic sludge.
InuYasha knelt next to the sludge and stuck his hand in, only to pull it back out as the sludge burned him. InuYasha clenched his fist as anger coursed through him. “I will melt you as well.” Sesshoumaru stated as he prepared to strike again, however InuYasha was faster this time. InuYasha hit Sesshoumaru’s armor, causing it to break off. “What is wrong, InuYasha? It was just a human boy.” Sesshoumaru taunted before staring in shock as the toxic sludge started to move.
Aiko sat up with a gasp, relief flooding his veins. He stood and ignored InuYasha and Sesshoumaru’s shocked stares. Approaching the half demon, he smirked and held out the sword. “Make him pay.” Aiko said simply as he walked over to Kagome, who hugged him tightly with teary eyes.
“No need to hesitate, Lord InuYasha. You should test Tetsusaiga’s blade on Lord Sesshoumaru’s body!” Myouga stated in a giddy tone. “How daring of you to say that.” Sesshoumaru growled as the whites of his eyes started to turn red. “We shall see if a half breed bastard like you can master the Tetsusaiga. This Sesshoumaru would see that with his own eyes…” He finished as his face began to change. His nose and mouth grew, forming a muzzle as his arms and legs changed to giant paws. Sesshoumaru and revealed his true form; a giant dog demon.
InuYasha stepped in front of Aiko and Kagome, protecting them. He leapt at the demon, sword raised above his head. “I will cover this sword with your blood!” InuYasha yelled and brought the sword down atop Sesshoumaru’s forehead. The sword simply bounced off. “Myouga, what is the meaning of this? It can not even bruise him, let alone behead him!” InuYasha asked as he dodged Sesshoumaru’s jaws. Sesshoumaru’s toxic claws burned right through two of the ribs. “This sword is a memento of your father. You must believe in the sword’s spiritual power, you must never abandon it!” Myouga responded before leaping away from the battle. “Kick his ass, InuYasha!! It looks like that last hit did some damage!” Aiko yelled to the halfling who turned and approached him.
“Now look here, that strike did absolutely nothing.” InuYasha growled at him, making the boys smile slowly begin to fade. “But… That is your sword, right? I believe in it and in you…” Aiko trailed off, putting on another smile to hide the fact that he was upset. “Are you not just a little too optimistic? I am tough, so I will be okay. But you two will probably get killed at this rate.” InuYasha growled again in frustration. “So then… It really is no good, after all…?” Aiko trailed off once more, letting his smile fall and tears fill his eyes.
“Shit. Do not cry.” InuYasha cupped the side of Aiko’s face and brushed away some of the tears that had begun to fall. “What should I do then, laugh!?” Aiko snapped as tears continued to fall. “Would you stop crying, I am saying I will protect you!” InuYasha yelled, shocking Aiko with his words. As InuYasha turned, Aiko hugged him tightly from behind. “Please be careful… I can not lose you now…” Aiko whispered softly.
InuYasha nodded and calmly walked forward once Aiko released him. As he faced Sesshoumaru and raised Tetsusaiga, the sword began to pulse. A light surrounded the sword as InuYasha attacked, transform the sword to reveal its true form. InuYasha sliced up Sesshoumaru’s arm before cutting it off. Sesshoumaru hunched down before charging, only to be sliced across the chest by Tetsusaiga. InuYasha stared out of the large hole in his father’s corpse.
Sesshoumaru had fled.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Eight
InuYasha fell face first out of the tree, hitting the ground with a loud thud. “There. That was not so hard now, was it?” Kagome smiled and put the kickstand of her bike up. “Now then, let me see your wounds.” She said as she stepped closer to him. “I told you, there is no need to tend to them. Aiko is the one who needs help.” InuYasha growled, rolling onto his back. Suddenly, she pinned him down by sitting on his leg. “Just take off your clothes!” She yelled at him, unaware of the fact that Lady Kaede and some of the village children were approaching.
“Q-Quit it!” InuYasha stuttered as he tried to push her off him. “You must not look!” Lady Kaede informed the children as she shielded them from the sight of the two. Kagome looked up with a small, questioning sound. “It appears you have become a lot less inhibited since I last saw you.” Lady Kaede stated as she looked at the two. InuYasha stood, shoving Kagome off him onto the ground. “My body is special, or did you not know that?” He scoffed and opened the top of his kimono, showing off clear and unmarred skin.
 “Ow!” He suddenly exclaimed and looked at his chest, seeing a flea demon there. “At last, Lord InuYasha…” the flea started but was cut off by InuYasha squashing him. “What the… Are you not the old flea, Myouga?” InuYasha inquired, the flea in his hand. Walking back to Lady Kaede’s hut, InuYasha and Kagome listened as Myouga explained why he was there.
 “You know some guy’s who are trying to violate my old mans tomb?” InuYasha asked, running his fingers through Aiko’s hair. Said boy had fallen asleep while sitting on InuYasha’s lap after Kagome treated his wounds. He snuggled into InuYasha’s chest with a content sigh. “This Myouga was far too anxious to stay there as a mere grave keeper.” Myouga stated calmly. “You deserted the tomb, did you not?” InuYasha raised an eyebrow, wrapping his free arm around Aiko.
 “InuYasha, I remember hearing of your father… That he was a monstrous dog that prowled the lands to the west.” Lady Kaede stated what she had heard. InuYasha rested his head on top of Aiko’s, looking bored. “I do not really remember, okay.” He grumbled in an overly bored tone. “he was a strong and imposing demon lord, and his blood was tastier than anything.” Myouga recalled with a sigh.
 “Oh… Then what about his mother?” Kagome asked while looking at the flea. “Shut up, will you. She died a long time ago.” InuYasha snapped, causing Aiko to wake slightly and lean up, nuzzling his face into InuYasha’s neck. “His mother was awfully beautiful...” Myouga told Kagome, only to be squashed by InuYasha.
 Placing Aiko gently on the ground, InuYasha stormed out. Aiko stumbled to his feet and followed him, quickly catching up to him and gripping the halflings hand in his own as they walked. “Does my being human bug you…?” Aiko asked quietly, looking up at the stars. “I have no issue with you being human, I just can not stand other humans.” InuYasha stopped and turned, cupping Aiko’s face. Kagome approached as he was leaning in, causing him to pull back with a growl only Aiko could hear. The boy blushed brightly at the thought that InuYasha was going to kiss him.
 InuYasha rolled his eyes and froze, staring at the sky. “Get down!” He dragged Kagome and Aiko to the ground. “There is a large amount of demonic energy.” He stated before the two could question him. Looking up, Aiko noticed a carriage in the sky. The cover on the back of the carriage parted, revealing a beautiful woman in chains. InuYasha stood, staring at the woman in shock. “Mother?” He murmured as he stared at her.
 “InuYasha…” His mother trailed off. A large demonic hand came out from above the carriage and crushed it, grabbing ahold of InuYasha’s mother. InuYasha leapt up prepared to save his mom, only to be cut off by a fire ball. Standing on the arm of the demon was Sesshoumaru and his henchman, Jaken. Smoke was coming from Jaken’s staff.
 “Jaken. We will talk first, kill later.” Sesshoumaru stated with his arms crossed, his red and white kimono flowing in the night breeze. “Yes, my Lord.” Jaken nodded, smoke still streaming from his staff. “You bastard, Sesshoumaru!” InuYasha yelled, pissed off. “Oh…? Well done, it seems you have remembered the face of your elder brother.” Sesshoumaru mocked, raising an eyebrow as he noticed Aiko clinging to InuYasha with Kagome not too far behind him.
 “Well, if it is not a pair of humans…” Sesshoumaru trailed off with a smirk. “S-So what!?” Kagome stuttered as she hid behind Aiko, who had his free hand on his katana. “InuYasha… How fitting that one such as you would hang around humans.” Sesshoumaru stated as his smirk grew. “And it seems you and that boy are quite attached to each other. Mates, perhaps? How pathetic.” He laughed before his face grew serious once more. “A half breed whose mother is a vile creature like a human. You have brought shame upon our family.” He said as he used chains to lift InuYasha’s mother’s head, making her look at him.
 “Sesshoumaru, you bastard… Did you come all this fucking way just to say that?” InuYasha growled as he cracked his fingers, stretching his claws out. “Moron. I do not have that much spare time. I have come to ask you the location of father’s tomb.” Sesshoumaru scoffed as he stared at his younger half-brother. “I have no clue.” InuYasha yelled up at him, glaring daggers. Aiko’s mind was focused on what Sesshoumaru had said, wondering what a mate was and why InuYasha would not tell him.
 “Is that so? Well then, it can not be helped. Your mother will just have to suffer.” Sesshoumaru stated as the demons hand tightened around InuYasha’s mom, making her moan in pain. “Think I am stupid, you bastard!? My mother has been dead for years! You phony…” InuYasha shouted, his honey gaze piercing as it met his brother’s golden eyes.
 “What a moron you are. When, especially for your sake, your mother’s soul was brought back from the land of the dead. I even gave her a body.” Sesshoumaru chucked as InuYasha froze once again. “InuYasha…. Do not concern yourself with me as my body has died once already...” InuYasha’s mother trailed off as the hand tightened more making a cracking sound fill the air. “Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” InuYasha slashed at the arm that held his mom, cutting right through it.
 Aiko rushed forward as InuYasha’s mother fell from the hand, helping her up as Kagome joined them. “Are you alright, ma’am?” He asked her in concern. “Aiko! Take them and get out of here!” InuYasha yelled to the boy as the other arm came after him. A glowing orb came from InuYasha’s hand and surrounded the four, transporting them to another place.
 When Aiko came to, he was unable to move or speak. InuYasha was sitting up, looking around. “This is…” He trailed off, unsure of the answer. “It is the border between this world and the next. I shall return to the other world from here.” His mother answered his unasked question, walking towards him. “It seems you really have grown up…” She trailed off, looking at him with loving eyes.
 “Well… Yeah. I was just a brat when you died.” InuYasha shrugged, an ear twitching. As Aiko watched the two, he glanced at the water of the pond and began to struggle to move. His mother’s reflection had no face, “I am sorry… It must have been painful for you.” His ‘mother’ bowed her head in shame. “Not really. You should not blame yourself anyway.” InuYasha stated as he walked over to her.
 “InuYasha… I must return to the other world soon.” She said as she looked at him. “Y-Yeah… You are going then...?” InuYasha trailed off, not wanting his mother to leave. A glowing flower appeared in his mother’s hand. She parted her hands, letting the petals fall into the pond. “InuYasha, look at the water’s surface.” She all but ordered the boy.
 Kneeling, InuYasha peered into the water only to find the image of him as a child looking back at him. “Do you remember, InuYasha? When you were very young… Mother would hold you just like this...” She said as she hugged him from behind. It was then that InuYasha noticed her reflection, turning on her.
 However, the woman was unfazed. “There is a good child. Let us hold each other close, to our hearts, okay?” She smiled sweetly at him. “What the hell are you…” InuYasha trailed off as she grabbed him into a hug, her hands sinking into his back. “I will not let you go… Become one with me.” She cooed as her hands sunk deeper, her wrists disappearing.
 The image around Aiko changes as he can see the chains that hold him down. The beautiful pond faded into a swamp-like area, the bones of animals littered here and there. “Aiko, Kagome! Hang on! It is I, Myouga the flea! You poor things… You have been bound and are unable to move...” He landed on Aiko’s cheek, gulping slightly. Unable to resist, Myouga bit into Aiko’s tender flesh, gulping down some of his blood. Now able to move, Aiko smacked the pesky flea.
 “Thank you. I am now able to move. Now, go wake Kagome please.” Aiko sent the flea away, noticing Jaken approaching the woman on a row boat. “Hey, Mu-onna! What are you doing, sucking him in and killing him already!? You have found it, have you not? The location of InuYasha and Lord Sesshoumaru’s father’s tomb?” Jaken interrogated Mu-onna after hitting her on the head with his staff. She quickly relayed the information she has gathered.
 “The right black pearl? What does that mean?” The imp questioned the demoness. “To probe any further would break this child’s soul…” She trailed off only to be hit again. “Break it then! If you do not, I will have to take punishment from Lord Sesshoumaru…” The imp was cut off by Kagome taking his staff and kicking him into the water.
 “You must awaken Lord InuYasha’s soul.” Myouga stated in Aiko’s ear as he raced towards InuYasha. “The demon known as Mu-onna is formed when the souls of grieving mothers who lost their children to war or famine are gathered together. If a soul that has fallen under the Mu-onna’s spell is woken up, the body should be able to break free.” The flea finished.
 Going on instinct, Aiko ran into the water and destroyed the reflection of Mu-onna and the young InuYasha. InuYasha’s body was freed and fell into Aiko’s arms, who hugged him close. “Are you alright, InuYasha?” He asked softly as the boy cursed under his breath. “InuYasha… I have figured out the location of the tomb.” Sesshoumaru appeared out of nowhere, ripping InuYasha from Aiko’s clutch and holding him in the air by his neck.
 “To think that it would be in such a fantastic place that even this Sesshoumaru failed to perceive it.” The demon smirked as he lifted the half breed higher. “Father certainly hid the tomb in a strange place. The right black pearl, huh? Perhaps, to prevent his corpse from being violated father packed and sealed his tomb in there. His smirk grew as he finished speaking.
 “What the hell are you babbling about!?” InuYasha growled out as he gripped his brother’s wrist. “Was it entrusted to you without your knowledge, then? Well, in that case… How about we pay a visit to father’s grave together!?” Sesshoumaru thrust his pointer and middle finger into InuYasha’s right eye, pulling out a black pearl. “Stop it!” Aiko yelled as he ran over to InuYasha, who was now free of his brother’s grip.
 “No wonder I could not locate it, no matter how much I scoured the earth. There is only one clue to the tomb’s location. ‘A place one can see but never be seen, a place that the grave keeper can never look upon.’ It was hidden in this bastard’s right eye.” He finished his mini rant as he held up the pearl between his two fingers.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Seven
“That girl!” Yura shouted as she waved her hand, causing the wall to shift and move. Kagome gave a startled screech, almost falling off the wall. While Yura was distracted, InuYasha yanked the katana from his hand. “What the fuck are you looking away for!?” He yelled as he attacked her, causing a large gash to appear on her back.
“You shut up!” Yura yelled as she attacked him with her strands. “Heh. You were calm enough when I cut through you… But now you are upset, are you not? Around there somewhere… There is something you do not want us to find.” InuYasha stated, making Yura glare at him. “InuYasha! That skull over there, it is doing something!” Kagome stopped climbing and pointed at one of the skulls that had hair coming out of the mouth and eye sockets.
 “Shit.” Yura growled and used her strands to lift herself away. “Cage of hair!” She yelled and trapped Kagome, who had managed to grab onto the skull. Aiko managed to crawl his way over to InuYasha, tears in his eyes. “I just got you, please do not leave me.” He whimpered as he grabbed InuYasha’s face with his hands, trying not to look at his wounds. “I will never. But I have to help her.” The halfling replied to the boy, who nodded in return. “I will be right here.” Aiko responded with a nod as InuYasha got up.
 “Blades of blood!” InuYasha yelled as he cut trough a wall of the cage, managing to cut off Yura’s arm in the process. “InuYasha…” Kagome mumbled weakly, being restrained in mid air by hair. “Do not faint, the trouble is not over yet!” InuYasha yelled at the girl as the cage of hair started to fall apart. “Heh. Figures that with both her arms gone she can not support all that hair anymore.” He laughed before Yura’s severed hand moves and grabs the katana, stabbing him through the chest.
 “Fools, it is no use.” Yura stated from her perch atop the pile of skulls. “Crap… Even in that condition she can still control the hair!?” InuYasha glared at Yura, who simply grinned. “I am immortal!” She yelled as she sent her katana after him yet again. However, the sound of tapping made her freeze. Kagome had found the skull from before and was hitting it with one of her arrows. There were strands of hair coming from it that were connected to Yura’s hands.
 The arrow broke the skull in half and hit a comb, shattering it into pieces. Yura started to dissolve into dust, staring at Kagome. “That Yura bitch…… She had transferred her soul into a fucking comb. So, that is why I could not hurt her no matter how many times she was cut.” InuYasha stated as he stood, heading over to where Aiko was waiting for him. “InuYasha… Those terrible wounds… It is because you lent me your kimono top…” Kagome tailed off as she took his fire rat kimono of her back and handed it to him. “It is no big deal… Just find the shard, I will take Aiko to the old hag.” InuYasha shrugged and wrapped the kimono top around the human boy before picking him up bridal style. InuYasha grunted in pain as he lifted Aiko but refused to put him down.
 “InuYasha... I can walk, you know…” Aiko blushed brightly and looked up at the injured halfling. “Hush. I want to carry you, alright?” InuYasha muttered, a light pink blush dusting his cheeks. Aiko smiled softly and leaned closer to his chest, being careful not to disturb his wounds.
 “Tomorrow we will join with the army’s main forces. Everyone, raise your spirits over this wild boar tonight.” The leader said as he ripped the head off the boar. The warriors in front of him made noises of amazement. “O-Yakata is known for such great feats of unmatched strength.” One said to the others. As they ate, the leader kept boasting on how he would rip the head off the army general.
 A loud ripping sound filled the tent, drawing attention to a young man who stood next to the leader. “Move.” The man said as he ripped the leaders head off as if it was nothing. “You bastards are in the way. Get lost.” He told the warriors before turning slightly. “Jaken, the human head staff.” As he said this a small water imp ran forward, holding a staff. At the end of the staff were two heads, an old man and a young woman. As the imp, Jaken, placed the base of the staff in the ground, the woman’s face awoke and let out a screech.
 “The woman’s face is screeching, it appears that the tomb we seek is elsewhere, my lord.” Jaken stated with a bowed head. “Is that so…” The man sighed as realization struck the warriors. “These bastards are not human!” One yelled, his comrades grabbing their weapons. The man turned and faced the one who had spoken. “What is it, human? Do you not get it yet?” He asked as the warriors surrounded the imp and himself.
 “I will exterminate them!” A warrior yelled as they all charged. “Hn. How barbaric. Jaken, I will leave these idiots to you.” The man said and turned away. The imp scuttled forward with a chuckle. “Behold the power of the human head staff!” He cackled as he waved it around. The mouth of the old man opened, breathing fire and burning the warriors until nothing remained.
 ~~ A little later~~
“Lord Sesshoumaru….” Jaken hesitated slightly as he rows the boat. “What is it?” The man, Sesshoumaru, questioned the imp. “About the tomb… Would InuYasha know where it is?” Jaken finished his question, only for is Lord to swipe his toxic claws at the small imp. Startled, Jaken fell back into the water. Sesshoumaru held him under the water with the end of the staff. “You made me think of that half breed thing.” His lord stated as he held him down.
 “I beg forgiveness!” Jaken gurgled out water. “First of all, he is no longer alive. I heard he was sealed up.” Sesshoumaru stated calmly. “That is the thing… That seal has been broken.” Jaken bubbled out, struggling to breathe. “What?” Sesshoumaru glared at him.
 “Treatment for my wounds? I do not need any. Go tend to Aiko instead.” InuYasha waved Kagome away from his perch on a sturdy tree branch. “I will, after I see to your wounds. You were badly hurt. Come down.” Kagome looked up at him, a first aid kit in the basket of her bike. InuYasha scoffed and rolled his eyes.
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authorpanda-blog · 6 years
The Artist’s Muse: Chapter Six
“Oh my! What splendid prey I have caught! Yura giggled as she did a flip off the ball and landed on a strand. “You are InuYasha, are you not?” She stood there with a smile. “And you are that Yura bitch... How do you know of me?” InuYasha asked as he strained against the hairy restraints. “You have gained quite a reputation among the Oni (Troll/Ogre), you know. InuYasha… The half demon who acts as a lapdog for a reincarnated priestess… And we know you intend to collect the shards of the sacred jewel.
“Wha...? I’m that monkey-girl’s lapdog!? Screw you!” InuYasha tried to attack her, only for the restraints to tighten. “Are you three going to interfere?” Yura asked as an unconscious Aiko was dragged into the clearing. Small gashes littered where the hair had him bound. The very sight of him had InuYasha seeing red. “I will kill all three of you, just in case. Then I can collect these at my leisure.” Yura said as she held up the jewel shard she stole from Kagome. “You are going to kill me, huh?” InuYasha growled out between clenched teeth. “I will make you regret ever coming near me or harming my Aiko!” He snarled as he freed one of his arms and used the restraint on the other like a vine, swinging towards Yura.
 Yura dodged his attacks and used a red comb to brush out more hair in front of her, causing it to get longer. More hair wrapped itself around InuYasha, circling his stomach and confining him in place. “So, this Aiko boy. He is special to you. Well, since my hair isn’t enough to harm you, maybe I will just attack your dear sweet Aiko instead.” Yura sneered, as she added more hair to Aiko’s bindings and summoned a katana with a pull of her hair. Aiko whimpered in pain as the bindings tightened, cutting deeper into his skin.
 With the katana in her hand, Yura attacked the half breed. Blood gushed from the wound on his chest. “Heh, nice sword you got there.” He smirked, not feeling the pain. His mind was focused on killing her and freeing Aiko before he was hurt beyond repair. “Thank goodness! I was wondering what I would do if the blade did not cut you...” Yura said as she licked some of his blood off her katana.
 “My beloved sword, Crimson Mist. An oni’s treasure…. It can slice through flesh and bone without damaging the hair. In other words, I can chop you up while keeping you tied!” She said, as she raised her katana once more, only to freeze as some strands of hair broke. She looked back to find Kagome with an arrow notched in her bow, aiming at the demoness. “This time…. Take this!” Kagome yelled as she shot the arrow, almost hitting InuYasha as it sailed to its mark. “Stupid bitch! What are you aiming at!?” InuYasha yelled at her as the arrow struck the ball of hair, causing it to break open.
 Hundreds, maybe thousands, of skulls started to spill from the tear. “Oh no, my trophies!” Yura gasped, bringing her palms to her cheeks. At the very bottom of the pile were three heads that still had skin on them. “The heads of those slain warriors, huh?” InuYasha said as he looked at the mass of skulls. “your head will have the honor of joining theirs soon enough.” Yura stated as she got into InuYasha’s face. “Oh?” InuYasha stated with a blank stare.
 “All this wonderful hair… It will be such a pleasure to control. But before that…” Yura trailed off as she took out her comb, looking at Kagome, who froze in place.  “You girl, over there! You will die for scaring me like that!” She yelled as she flicked her comb. Flame covered hair shot towards Kagome, who screamed in fear as the flames engulfed her. “Well…? How do you like my Ogre-Fire Hair? It will burn you down to the marrow of your bones! Serves you right. This is your punishment for breaking my nest. Not even her bones will remain.” Yura smirked, as she watched the flames.
 “You bitch….” InuYasha growled at her, barring his teeth. “Are you sad? Poor thing…” Yura trailed off as she raised her katana. “I will kindly have you join her soon enough!” She raised the katana over her head, ready to strike. InuYasha stuck his claws into his wound, coating them in the thick liquid. “Take this... Blades of blood!” He lashed out at her, managing to cut off the hand that gripped the katana. The hair restraining InuYasha loosened, giving him more room to move.
 “My hand…” Yura trailed off, looking at the stump in surprise. “Heh. You can not control the hair without your hand, can you?” InuYasha mocked, holding onto some of the hair that had previously restrained him “You… Should be more compassionate with a lady.” Yura replied, as she brought the comb to her mouth. As she whisked it away from her, the skulls from her nest started to rattle. She placed the comb between her teeth and ran some threads through it, causing the skulls to fly towards InuYasha.
 “Do not waste my time!” InuYasha yelled as he slashed through the incoming skulls with his claws. Out of nowhere, Yura’s severed hand came flying at him with the katana, slashing at him and causing another wound. “Too bad… Just a bit more and I would have had your head!” Yura yelled, controlling the hand with strands of hair. “Try this out!” She shouted as she sent the katana wielding hand after him yet again. InuYasha dug his claws into the fresh wound and sent out his own attack. However, his blades of blood were met with a barrier of skulls.
 Yura’s hand came from behind him, the blade going straight through his shoulder. Aiko, now conscious, let out a gasp at seeing all the blood on InuYasha’s undershirt. “InuYasha! Please be careful!” He called out to the half breed, causing him to turn and look at the boy. “Where are you looking!?” Yura said as she used the blade to throw him onto a pile of skulls. The hair on the skulls tied around his limbs, holding him down. Blood gushed from the wound in InuYasha’s shoulder and dripped down the skulls. “D-Damnit.” He grunted as Yura landed beside him, the katana now in her other hand.
 “So, being half demon is not good enough after all. Poor thing, you wanted to use this to become a full demon, did you not?” Yura asked as she pulled the pouch containing the sacred jewel out from between her breasts. Using her severed hand to lift InuYasha’s head by the ends of his hair, she prepared to chop off his head. “Hold still, now. If I do not get a clean cut, blood will dirty that wonderful hair of yours.” She grinned, but her victory was short lived as InuYasha thrust himself forward and shoved his hand through the center of her chest. She stared at his arm in shock. “How rude, plunging your arm into a woman’s breasts like that.” She pinned his hand down with her katana. “A rather sneaky way of taking the jewel shard though. Such a poor loser, even on the brink of death.” She stated as she took the pouch from under his hand.
 Sensing something climbing her wall of skulls, Yura turned and was shocked by the sight before. The girl she had thought to be dead was very much alive and was climbing up the wall.
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