ask--rouxls-kaard · 4 years
hello someone on instagram made a document with a ton of resources on the movement surrounding george floyds murder and how to help and educate yourself. its updated very frequently and is super comprehensive and well organized, i thought i could share it here
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 4 years
ways to support the blm movement
this google doc includes a list of petitions to sign, resources to help educate yourself and others, organizations to donate to, and contacts of law officials to get in touch with to express your support for the george floyd and black lives matter movements. this includes ways to help even if you don’t live in america. please read it and support the movement. 
use your voice. use every platform you have, no matter how big or how small. nothing will change if you just sit there and watch. if you think you’re the exception, you’re not. remaining indifferent will only support the oppressor. do something.
write to your legal representatives. express your support for legislation that would bring justice to the unarmed civilians who’ve been murdered by law enforcement officers. demand for justice. 
call 612-324-4499 ㅡ this is a hotline that will coach you on how to get connected with the people who can arrest the officers that murdered george floyd. 
create serious conversation. stop demeaning people who disagree with your philosophies on how to overcome. it is useless and no better than the practices of the oppressor to silence. we need to listen to each other with respect and really consider how we can combine our perspectives to create practical change. 
please feel free to add any links or resources or information that you think will be helpful and also reblog to spread awareness. the systems we are fighting against were literally created to oppress marginalized communities and therefore will not go down without a fight. we need to collectively stand up and do something about it. 
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 4 years
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Commissions Time !!
im gonna keep prices simple - $10 for any detailed complete drawing ! +$2 for every extra character included and for $15 ill create a character for you based on any amount of specification!
there are some sample drawings ! (the second one is something i drew with @zsdfcg 's characters)
i will refuse something if im uncomfortable drawing it, but im okay with drawing p much anything that isn't disrespectful somehow idk, and ill finish the art before payment to make sure i have something im proud of and that's worth it :> DM me if you're interested !
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 4 years
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
I FEel so bad i still have asks from like 4573984 years ago unanswered and i really wanna do them all !! im in my first semester of college rn and its ending and im not doing great !! but this always made me happy its just hard for me to get myself to do stuff even if its things i enjoy,,, i will hopefully continue this blog tho, everyone has been rlly sweet and i love u all ;o; <3 tysm for literally everyone whos ever asked or submitted something to this blog it means the world to me, i am a simple worm man trying my best
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
wonderful blog we need more bonding moments with rouxls and lancer i mean we all know rouxkls kaard is a much better father the the king to lancer even if he dosen't like to admit it i bet lancer would go to him any time he was sad
thank you so much!! i am sorry this is so inactive i drew this on my phone here is Content
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
do you use worms as an insult or a term of endearment?
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If I werest to call one a darling worm, t'is safeth to say it is positive, thoughst a vile or lowly worme ist derogatory.
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
it is 2:53 am so i May regret this but u know what? i graduated high school a few weeks ago and now my only responsibility is p much just work, four days a week which,,, leaves a lot of Time. i think im going to pick this back up and start answering asks again ! i have 42 waiting for me,, and im going to try to get through them all !! please don't hate me if I don't follow through again, i am going to make a valiant attempt and i regret leaving my poorly grammar-ed Shakespearean ripoff worm son for so long ...
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have this crappy apology doodle
he is sipping worms from a martini glass because he is a refined adult
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
hey guys im really sorry i haven't answered anymore i,, don't use tumblr anymore really rip so big hiatus but i may start again soonish? exams are done so mayb after Christmas i still have to make people stuff gjutfjjh
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
I swear I’m about to lose my shit, Wench is not an insult!
“Wench” has never meant “bitch”. Please don’t use it like that. “Wench” Is literally just a young, single, woman, of marrying age. It’s basically slang for “eligible bachelorette.”
Some common, fairly PG insults that don’t make your insult weaker by ending it with the equivalent of “m’lady”:
- Wretch: A useless, pitiful, and/or often unlucky person
- Worm: A creature slightly better than dirt
- Shrew: A woman who shrieks and nags all the time. A proud, unmarriable woman.
- Wanton: gender-neutral word for slut.
If you want to get TRULY Shakespearian, throw three adjectives and a phallic symbol in front of an animal no one really likes.
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 5 years
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(I have a drawing device!!! digital art, here we go!)
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
(for the fashion meme u posted) ROUXLS IN B1 ROUXLS IN B1 ROUXLS IN B
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i don’t have any digital medium as of right now, so i hope this is sufficient!
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
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so i know i haven't posted in a while but three people with cursed icons followed me in a row, so shout out to these funky little deltaruners! ily guys thank you for following my trash blog
@two-mosquito @monsterfroggy @snubbud
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
To hit, or not to hit. Dost thou ever miss? I suppose it not. You have a male love interest, yet I would wager he does not kiss thee (Ye olde mwah). Furthermore; he will find another lass like he won’t miss thee. And at the end of it all. He is going to skrrt, and he will hit that dab, as if he were the man known by the name of Wiz Khalifa
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
how similar are you and your muse?
it's safe to say i stick by my morals better than him, though i am a Coward, most of the time (ive been getting better recently) i am Kicking Anxiety's Ass and sticking up for my core values when people need support or when someone's being a Dick, but sometimes i still find myself staying quiet and letting shit happen bc im terrified. (rouxls kaard has been shown to switch sides flipiantly and go with whoever has the most power/where he's safest, oof, my favorite bastard man, expand ur dick energy and b brave!)
other than that, i love bugs and worms, am partially gay (bi af), and would die for any of my adoptive children (im gonna consider my friends my kids whether they're older than me or not for this, bc i am a mom friend oof)
thank you for the ask!!
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
💡 🔮 📝
what inspires you to write about your muse?
my love for him tbhh... he's a Good Dad, Loves Worms and Bugs, Is A Cutie, fun to draw, and i love how... unique is bad-grammar old english speak is lmao
what do you see in your muse's future?
in any subsequent deltarune games, im really hoping to see more good good dadkaard content w lancer and hopefully he replaces the bitch ass king as the Ultimate Dad
favorite headcanon about your muse?
he's gay 1000% and while he's canonically a bit of a pussy with morally grey values who would sell out to a shitty king to keep out of jail and get a cushy job, always wants to be on the winning side, no loyalty just stays wherever he's safest, he'd absoluetly do anything for lancer whether he'd admit it or not
thank you for sending this ask!
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ask--rouxls-kaard · 6 years
Mun talks about the Muse
Send one of the following to ask the mun…
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse? 👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance? 🧥Favorite outfit for the muse? 🌌Favorite alternate version of the muse? 💕Favorite ship for the muse?  💔Least favorite ship for the muse? 💢Something about the muse that annoys you? 😈Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse?  😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?  💡 What inspires you to write the muse?  📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse? 📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory?  📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse?  😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore?  🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future?  🔥 Unpopular opinion about your muse?  💭 Favorite memory of the muse?  😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse?  ⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?  🎭 How similar are you and the muse? 
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