anxiousblanket · 7 months
Greetings Camp Here and There fandom! I come with headcanons and an update.
Sydney dyed his hair to have moss green streaks in college. He and Yvonne shared hair dying tips and even dyed each other's hair once or twice. He refuses to dye his hair now because he doesn't want to kill the moss in his hair.
Joshua desperately wants to get Sydney a cat for Christmas to make peace with him. He doesn't know how to befriend a cat long enough to keep one around to give to Sydney.
Jedidiah makes sure he celebrates holidays with Sydney, but one year, he didn't show up for Thanksgiving and Sydney spiraled for at least a week.
Elijah is a bit of a pyromaniac. When he was younger, he didn't really know how to process that and ritualistically burned down old, abandoned barns in the village he lived in. He never got caught. He has since mellowed out in terms of the intensity of his fire-related fascination, but he still views it as a cleansing, purifying force.
I did well the day I had surgery and the day after. My gallbladder was enlarged and infected when it was removed, but I should've been fine. I wasn't. On day 2 after the surgery I got really sick. Couldn't keep anything down sick (not even crackers and room temperature water), as well as a few more personal symptoms. So I was hospitalized the next day. I stayed in the hospital for three days if you include the day I was admitted. I'm keeping solid food down now and have more energy than I've had in years. We don't know what happened to me, but everyone assumes I probably just caught something after the surgery and my gallbladder being infected, and the fact that I'm immunocompromised, didn't help. Either way, I will be visiting my family doctor soon to make sure everything is fine. Don't worry too much! Just wanted to explain why I've been quiet.
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anxiousblanket · 7 months
Camp Here and There is the only fandom where it's not out of place to ask if a character has organs and I love it for that. Also, I have surgery on November 17th to remove my gallbladder. So don't be alarmed if I make some odd posts--- it'll probably just be me, but very, very high and/or sore.
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anxiousblanket · 9 months
So we know Elijah is Russian. Therefore Russia must exist in some capacity in Camp Here and There. I've been running off of the assumption it's similar to our real world Russia, but... it's probably not? What if Russia is warm? What if there's a rainforest? Does it have a paradoxical existence like Britain? I want to know so much about the world. I have so many questions.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
What do we know about when Camp Here and There season 2 releases? I've checked Mayfield's Twitter and company website, but they haven't been updated in a while. And I don't have Discord or a Patreon account, so I wouldn't know if there were updates there. I haven't heard anything in a while and the radio silence is making me nervous.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
Not sure if this is a hot take, but the Flesh should really have something to do with botched surgeries. Especially those that leave the patient feeling helpless. To be honest, this is likely because I consider the Flesh for anything having to do purely with a body (not counting the ways the Spiral distorts form). So, you end up with stuff like chronic pain and dizziness, which I imagine is common in Flesh avatars because their body can't handle the change all that well. After all, bodies were not meant to be molded for nonexistant muscle and extra bones. Think of all the work a body would have to do to be forces to function, and how the Fears likely don't consider the comfort of their avatars. Just keeping them alive.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I'm convinced it's more than Michael Distortion's hands that are fucked up. I think his teeth look sharp but are actually soft like gummies (and they absolutely grow back when removed, like a weird gummy shark). And he walks with a slight limp because his legs are two slightly different lengths. He walked like that too as Michael Shelley, but because of a leg injury rather than length differences. His hands can rotate without his arms moving. Weird body horror like that feels right for Michael Distortion to me. It's the little things that no one would question all too much unless they had forbidden knowledge. Aka. I think about Michael Distortion's anatomy too much because I like to think about things that have very little meaning.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I'm 99% convinced that Adam is left-handed. The other 1% thinks he's the kind of person who would learn to write with his feet as a party trick.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
Thinking about my weird thing about meat. My mouth waters at the sight of raw meat and you can guess how much I'll like lunch meat based on how raw it looks. I love hot capicola and prosciutto. Both look really raw but I can assure you if they were put in front of me I would become food aggressive. Like a dog. I'm both asexual and aromantic so this is my best guess for how people feel about their romantic partners cranked up to 11. My other weird meat thing is that in middle school I insisted I wanted to be made into a stew when I died. The only reason I gave up on that dream is because no one agreed to eat me. My best friend insists I would be a Flesh avatar and I can no longer argue given the facts of my life.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I like rocks. I'm autistic. Therefore I like to project that onto Sydney and firmly believe he collects rocks of interesting shapes and textures as well as minerals and crystals. He has a small velvet bag of polished jasper, agate, and iolite that he carries around. He definitely fights Jedidiah on whether or not the diamond is the best rock. Sydney insists garnet is better because it's his birthstone, but Jed is firmly stuck believing diamonds are the best. Sydney doesn't know that Jed only says that because diamonds are the one rock he's most familiar with. Likely due to some weird magical property diamonds have in the chnt universe.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I have an odd theory that divinity is a legal status in Camp Here and There. Especially because of my heavily American point of view that angels and demons are biblical, and I don't think Christianity is canonically the truth in Camp Here and There. As such, angel refers to someone born with magical attributes or an affinity for magic who worships an acceptable god--- one that hasn't been labeled demonic. Demons, on the other hand, are the same as angels accept they follow unacceptable gods which are labeled demonic. God is also a legal status afforded to those born without magical attributes or affinities, but it requires paperwork and testing. If this theory is true, I still don't think that'd make Sydney a God because Elijah probably didn't fill out the paperwork for him to have that status. Which I find endlessly entertaining, and think might fit the podcast as a horror comedy.
It might also be interesting if the church in this case, being pluraltheistic, supported a number of different people who are marginalized in our real world simply because they likely have LGBTQ+ Gods who stood up to the government to varying degrees of success, creating a historical animosity between the religious and the government that would add tension between, say, Elijah and the Agents and make it feel like the conflict is really three sided. Maybe four if Adam is on his own side.
Aka. I'm bored and really want to know how the church and the government works in Camp Here and There. The Agents make me curious about the government and Elijah makes me question so many things about how religion works in Camp Here and There that I just had to make a theory based off of literally nothing.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I think Soren, Adam, and Mathew would bond over bones.
Adam because he can eat the bone marrow. Mathew because cooking with bones often adds flavor to soups if I'm not mistaken. And Soren because he just likes bones. They could be friends.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I like to think Adam's appearance changes depending on who he's talking to. He looks like whoever they love the most. I like this because of the false sense of security that could come with it, and the manipulation that could follow. Not only would that make him someone people would want to trust because of who he looks like, but it makes him seem more trustworthy when you consider that he is a therapist. A person with a considerable amount of power over others who has a direct impact over their mental health.
Think of how he could torment Jedidiah if he looked like Sydney.
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anxiousblanket · 10 months
I feel it in my soul that if Soren was a merman his fish half would be a hagfish.
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anxiousblanket · 11 months
What are everyone's theories about who Adam's love interests are in season 2? I'll go first. I suspect that one of them is Soren, purely based on the fact he had a book on demonology and would probably want to metaphorically put Adam in a jar to shake and study. And I think Adam might just enjoy that.
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