anonymousbardd · 15 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: 30 days and 30 nights
↳ Jay Hong x reader
- In a shop filled with blooming flowers, one stood out near the windowsill. The soft fragrance of the plant brings sweet comfort to a young man, the warmth it gives brings back familiarity. The bright pink tulip captivated the sight of a man, a man who longs for something sweet, something nice, and something to love.
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♯001 - When I first saw you
I was scared, afraid even... I didn't know why I felt like that, it felt like as if I was being drowned.
But the way your eyes looked at mine, it made me feel some sort of comfort, warmth... You gave me warmth.
The first time I saw you, you were minding your own business, caring for some seeds which were planted in a pot.
I still remember it vividly, you looked stunning in your light pink sundress as you watered the soil.
You looked up and catched me staring, instead of feeling creeped out, you smiled, and that's when I first felt it.
At first, I didn't know what it meant, nor did I know why I felt that way.
At that moment I felt something tug on my stomach, I was aware that I'm fully well rested but I couldn't seem to catch my breath.
My heart raced, it raced so fast that I thought I might die, but I didn't.
Then you waved, it wasn't meaningful, but it felt like it was.
I waved back, looking back on it now, I probably looked like an idiot awkwardly waving back to someone so stunning as you.
♯008 - Your Fragrance
I found myself lurking around inside the flower shop you owned, though winter was approaching, it still felt warm.
It felt like summer took over and tucked the place with a blanket of beautiful fragrance of the blooming flowes under the sun.
The shop played a music that just suited the atmosphere, it felt like I was walking in a feild of flowers where everything shone in their own unique way.
As I wondered around the small space, a faint scent tickled my nose, it smelled fresh, dainty and soft.
The smell of tulips caught my attention, I whipped my head, expecting to see a display of tulips, but instead I saw you.
You were standing near the counter with a smile on your face, you held a pot that had a sprouting plant.
My heart raced as I kept my eye on you, you looked just as stunning as the last time I saw you.
Something about you made me feel in awe, and I could wrap my finger to why.
Your eyes were as bright as the flowes that surrounded you, you then placed the pot on the counter and turned to me.
You gave a small nod and your eyes lingered away, I followed to where you were looking at, and there I saw a small field of tulips, carefully aligned next to each other.
I took a closee look and gently sniffed the flowers, but it smelled different, it wasn't the same scent earlier.
Then you stood next to me, admiring the flowers as I did, and that's when I realised.
The faint scent of tulips that I had smelled earlier was you, I felt my cheeks heat up as you stood beside me.
Though it was faint, I could smell it clearly, it may sound concerning but it the smell of you stuck with me, that night, I found myself craving your fragrance.
♯010 - Your Name
I was just walking around with my friend, Daniel, he wanted to get a gift for his mom, as an excuse to see you, I told him that he could get her flowers.
When we got to your flower shop, you were standing there watering the daffodils.
My heart rate sped up as I looked at your beautiful eyes, Daniel was in awe admiring the beautiful flowers.
But only flower I admired was you, you were more beautiful than the plants that surrounded you.
As I kept looking at you, a young girl ran in with a smile on her face, and that's when I first heard your name.
A name so lovely that it should be written on a gold plate.
That night, I kept thinking about you, I kept repeating your name in my mind, it sounded so you, it suited you.
As I laid down and thought about you, a small sentence that formed in my head made me fantasize about the possibility of us ever being a thing.
"My (F/n)"
"Your Jay"
Doesn't it just sound so nice to hear?
♯015 - The Night We Walked Together
I was on my way home after having a walk, the silence was loud, the passing breeze was cold, it seemed dark, empty.
I was walking, I kept on moving, the path to my home seemed endless.
It felt like I was walking in a trance, like I was walking in the abyss.
But then I heard a faint noise, the faint scent of fresh tulips.
That's when I already knew.
I rushed towards where my instincts told me to run to, I ran and ran untill I finally had you in my sight.
You were using yourself as a sheild, protecting a young boy with flowers in his hands.
You were protecting him against bad men, the moment they lifted their hands, I couldn't just stand there.
My legs felt so light when I made my way to save you.
The way you looked at me as I held one of the men's hand, it made me feel something inside, the way you looked like you were thankful that I was there, I understand.
I didn't want you to witness me fighting, so I made you cover your eyes, you turned to the boy and held him in your arms.
I then turned to the bad men and taught them a lesson one by one.
I helped you find the mother of the boy, and when they were finally reunited, I offered to walk you home.
It was a quiet walk, but it felt nice.
I noticed the wind felt different, it was warm, comforting.
Every once in a while I'd look at you, you had a smile on your face.
I don't know why but it also made me smile, just to know you're safe.
When we got to your home, you turned to me with a smile on your face, my heart skipped a beat just by seeing your lips curve up.
You still didn't speak, but I understood, you gave me a nod and then you headed inside your home.
When I got home I spent the rest of the night thinking about the way you looked at me with your beautiful eyes.
You got me damned... That's when I acknowledged that I fell for you.
♯023 - Being Your Secret Admirer
As I passed by your flower shop, I heard you talking to your friend, you were talking about a gift that's been left on your shop's counter.
I felt a smile curve on my face, your sweet voice made my heart flutter, of course it was from me, I heard how much you liked brownies the other day.
I wanted to give you a batch of brownies, but the ones that bakeries sold didn't seem good enough, so I baked them myself.
I heard you laughing as your friends asked if they could have some, I wouldn't have mind if you had given them some but you said no, you said it was given to you, and it was only right for you to be the one to enjoy them.
I felt my cheeks flush as I heard those words from your mouth, once again, it was another sleepless night.
♯027 - Your Favourite Flower
Tulips, I realised how much you liked them, I always wondered why you smelled like fresh tulips, and now I know.
You're always taking care of those tulips near the windowsill, everytime I pass by I'd see you quietly singing.
Your voice sounded so sweet, I couldn't get enough...
I came up to you one day, and my hands were trembling, but I managed to give you a box of chocolates.
It was valentine's day, I remember it.
Your cheeks were flushed with red as you looked at me, you didn't say a word, but I didn't mind, I was about to leave but then you stopped me.
You reached for my hand, and I felt my heart stop, your soft touch gave shivers down my spine.
You gave me a piece of paper, and I could sense a hint of your scent on it.
You then smiled and gave me a small bouquet of tulips.
That day when I went home, I made sure the tulips had a proper vase, the paper you gave was a sketch of me, and I can't help but feel butterflies everytime I look at it.
I had it framed and hung in my room, and the vase of tulips decorated my desk.
Now everytime I woke up, I had something to remind me of you.
♯030 - Admitting my feelings
This is it, this is the day, I stood under a cherry tree that blossomed that day.
My heart was pounding, and I could feel my cheeks heat up as I waited for you, I had your favourite flowers on hand, and a letter I wrote just for you.
When I saw you approaching from the distance, my heart skipped a beat.
Your eyes looked at mine, and you had a bright smile.
You walked up to me, with something behind your back, I couldn't open my mouth, you looked so stunning, I was dumbfounded.
You giggled and whipped out some brownies that you made, along with a letter and a flower you grew.
That day was the day when I first heard your voice clearly, you spoke so sweetly, I could barely keep steady.
You handed me the dandelions, and you told me it reminded you of me.
I gave you the tulips and the lwtter I wrote, you chuckled and shook your head, "It seems like we had the same idea," you spoke.
You opened my letter, and you asked if you could read it out loud, I said yes, and watched as you opened your mouth.
"Hey there, (F/n), I know that we really aren't too close, but I've been admiring you from afar now... You're the sweetest, loveliest and most beautiful person that I know.
I know it's kinda weird for someone like me to say it, but I really can't help it.
You're always so gentle and I can't help but feel so warm with you around.
I'm asking if you can give me a chance, be my man and I'll be yours too."
You then smiled and jumped into my arms, I felt you laugh and I held you close.
I couldn't say a word, but I looked at your eyes and you knew what I had to say.
"I'm willing to do anything for you."
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anonymousbardd · 17 days
oh hello!! do you usually write request in the order of date sent or picking it randomly? and may i ask if you have other awaiting requests bc i want to request too :3
Tbh I usually do them according to date, but I end up posting it randomly according to whichever I finish first 😅
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anonymousbardd · 17 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Rode His Way To Your Heart
↳ Kim Mi Young x Diego Kang/James Lee
- My first oc x looksim request <3
Kim Mi Young is a young woman who's close friends with Park Jong Geon, and Kim Joon Goo, they've been friends ever since middle school and are pretty fond of eachother. Though Kim Mi Young has a rich background, she still works under HnH.
Gun and Goo never really understood why, but they didn't question it as well. The young woman has a beautiful fair skin and blonde hair, her sharp eyes and blonde hair complimented her features, she's half Japanese and Korean, her parents are business partners with Charles Choi, in which she got protection from for no straight reason.
And then there's DG, a tall man with pink hair, for some reason, the both of them loathed each other. Well, it's more on Mi Young's side. No one really knew what happened between those two, but something thay isn't a secret, DG has a bit of interest in the young woman.
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"Good morning Park Jong Geon~..!" You cooed as you wrapped your hands around his muscular ones, the tall dark haired man sighed and put out his cigarette, "Good morning Mi young," Gun greeted.
"Hey~..! Where's my good morning?!" Goo whined, the you giggled and rested your head on Gun's shoulder, "Sorry~.. I didn't see you there!" You said, Goo huffed and crossed his arms, his lips pouted, looking like a childish man.
"Hello, Mi young," Crystal smiled, you nodded your head and let go of Gun, "Hello~..! How is Mr. Choi doing?" You asked, "He's doing just fine, how about Mrs. Kim?" You smiled and placed both of your hands on both sides of your hips, "She's doing really well!"
Gun hummed and took whipped out his phone, "It's been a while ever since I last visited Mrs. Kim, I should get her some tea," he muttered. You raised a brow and looked at Gun, "You're seeing my mother?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Of course, she is a business partner of Mister Choi after all."
You then hummed and giggled, with a big smile, you wrapped your arms around Gun's neck and snuggled your face onto him, "Aww, you're making sure my mother's okay! How sweet of you!" Gun grumbled and tried to get away from your strong hug, "Don't get it twisted..." He muttered.
As all of you spoke to one another, Diego Kang walked in the room, his eyes were fixated on a magazine.
Just by his appearance, you felt your blood boil, "What's he doing here?" You asked pointing at the pink haired man, Crystal glanced at him and shrugged, "I think dad wanted him here too," she replied, You let out a loud groan which caught Diego's attention, "Oh shut it sweetheart, being in the same room with you doesn't give me happiness as well," he said.
You then huffed and crossed your arms, "Nobody asked you strawberry syrup looking twig!"
Crystal chuckled and shook her head, "Come on now, don't argue, it's so early in the morning," she said, you then went behind Gun and wrapped your arms around his torso, a subtle annoyance painted Diego's face, but he quickly changed it when he saw that your eyes were fixated on him.
"I'm hungry, let's go have something to eat," Goo chimed in, his arms rested on Gun's shoulder, Crystal smiled and glanced outside, "There's a nice restaurant nearby, let's go out for breakfast."
As all of you walked down the street, you kept on teasing Gun, which clearly tested his patience, this also tested Diego's patience, "Can you please hush up a bit?" He eventually spoke up.
You huffed and crosses your arms, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" You said rolling your eyes. Diego crossed his arms as well and mocked what you had said, making you feel annoyed.
Eventually, the five of them made it to the restaurant and sat on a table, they were talking about a mission Charles Choi assigned to them.
"How about we do this by pair? Goo and Gun, you'll be a pair, obviously... While Diego and Mi Young can go together."
"What?! Hold the phone, why do I have to be partnered up with this strawberry pimp?!" You exclaimed, your hands slammed down on the table.
Diego nodded and leaned back, "For once I agree, why is it that I need to be with this cupcake looking ass?"
You frowned and crossed your arms, "Well at least I'm a sweet dessert!" You shout, "Oh yeah? I'm the reason why desserts have extra flavour," Diego replied.
Crystal sighed and shook her head, "Exactly, you're a cupcake, he's a syrup, you both go perfectly together!"
You then huffed and sat down, "How come you don't have a partner?" You asked turning to Crystal, she shrugged and leaned back, "I just perform better on solo things," she said.
You then looked at Gun and made puppy dog eyes, "Gun~... Can I please be paired up with you instead?" You begged.
The dark haired man sighed and took off his sunglasses, "Mi Young-...", "I promise I'll be good! I won't pull a prank on you for three weeks, I swear!"
"Mi Young, we really need to do things rationally," Gun said, you pouted and looked away, not wanting to look at the faces of those who refused to help.
As you did, you noticed how JoonGoo was very quiet, which was a bit unusual.
You thought for a moment and had an idea.
"Joon Goo Seonbaenim..." You looked at his eyes, and he looked back at yours, "Ew! What's with the sudden respect?!" He asked, "Can you please help me out~..? I wanna be in the same team as you and Gun~..."
Goo chuckled and shook his head, "Nice try Mi Young, but your cuteness doesn't work on me," he said.
Defeated, you sighed and crossed your arms, quietly sulking because of the fact that you were partnered up with DG.
The pink-haired man rolled his eyes and looked at you, "Quit acting childish, we're gonna have to do this for the better," he said, You frowned and looked at him, "Nobody asked you!"
The next few hours, the group went on their own separate ways while you stayed behind with DG, you were looking at him, well, more glaring.
He felt your eyes piercing through his soul as you did, and he eventually broke the silence by saying something stupid, "So are you going to say something or are you going to keep checking me out?" He said.
You felt your face heat up and quickly looked away, "Who said I was checking you out? I was simply waiting for you to say something!" You argued.
DG rolled his eyes and leaned forward, "Tell me, cupcake, what do you want me to say to you?" He said in an unfamiliar tone.
His voice sounded sweet and gentle, and the way his eyes were locked with yours.
You stayed quiet, you didn't answer, you just looked at him with those pretty eyes of yours. DG sighed and stood up, "Come on, let's go somewhere," he said, "Where exactly is this somewhere?" You asked raising a brow.
DG grinned and put his hands in his pockets, "You'll see, now quit sulking, and let's go, otherwise I'll leave you."
You stood up and followed DG to the parking lot, the both of you got to his motorcycle, you looked at it for a moment and thought to yourself, "Oh no, absolutely not! He isn't thinking about making me sit there with him, is he?!"
Your suspicions were confirmed when DG handed you a blue helmet with crystal stickers, you looked at him and the helmet, you didn't do anything, you just stood there. "Well?" DG spoke, you looked at him and crossed your arms, "Well what?"
He looked at the helmet that he was handing to you and looked back at you, "Wear it," he said, you shook your head and began to rant about how dangerous it is to ride the motorcycle, and how you're not going to be riding there with him.
It was clear that DG wasn't listening to your blabbering. The pink-haired man let out a sigh and took a step forward, he put the helmet on you, making you shut up.
"H-hey! I didn't agree to this!" You exclaimed, he put your visor up and looked at you, "Don't worry cupcake, you're in safe hands," he winked.
You scoffed and crossed your hands, "I swear if I die I'm going to hunt you forever!"
DG rolled his eyes and put on his own helmet and hopped on the bike, "You doubt me too much, put a little more faith in me will you."
You then hopped on and crossed your arms, "You might want to hold on to me," he said, you rolled your eyes and huffed, "No! I'm not going to be touching your crust body." DG sighed and started the engine, "I warned you."
DG then accelerated which caused you to slightly get pushed back, out of pure instincts you immediately wrap your hands around him to prevent yourself from tumbling backwards.
Even though his back was facing you, you knew that this strawberry looking Syrup was smirking under that helmet of his.
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Hello everyone! Sorry for not being as active, I've been busy with my exams and personal life. Good news, we've finally gotten an internet cable so yeah! I'll try to post as often as I could.
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anonymousbardd · 20 days
how about Gun Park bouncing his sleepy baby on his cock 🤤🤤
Excuse me? Are you talking about the reader or the child..?
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anonymousbardd · 22 days
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𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙚
𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙢 𝙈𝙚𝙣 𝙃𝘾 How You Met My Man Bro's The Type To Baby The Life Created ♯01 - Telling Them You're Pregnant ♯02 - First Trimester ♯03 - Second Trimester
𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙎𝙚𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 ♯01 - Him & His Secretary ♯02 - Sakura Blossoms ♯03 - Missing You ♯04 - One Call
𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙥 𝙅𝙞 ♯01 - Just For You ♯02 - Dirty Talk(1)
𝙊𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙢 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 ♯01 - His Offer (Gun x MaleReader) ♯02 - Set Up (Jake x FemReader) ♯03 - Dessert (Jake x FemReader) ♯04 - Appreciation (Gun x FemReader) ♯05 - Acceptance (Jace x TransReader) ♯06 - Her Babysitter (Eli x FemReader) ♯07 - Celebrity Crush (DG x FemReader)
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Nyahalo everyone! Finally figured out how to make me a masterlist hehe, of course, this will be updated as much as I can, but for now, this will do. ༝༚༝༚𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚍
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anonymousbardd · 23 days
Serious question... How do I make a master list? 😭
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anonymousbardd · 23 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created (4)
- The Second Trimester
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Gun Park
Gun definitely was always with you during the second trimester, he wouldn't let you leave for check-ups without him.
He'd drive you around anywhere you need, and when you felt a bit embarrassed with your swollen breasts, he kept on reassuring you by placing gentle kisses on them when you're both alone.
Gun doesn't hesitate to cancel his plans just to be with you.
He'd always cook for you and make sure you're feeling alright.
Gun helps you throughout everything and you really couldn't do anything about it.
When you got your first ultrasound, he held your hand as he looked at the small little bean growing in your belly.
He called the baby "sweet pea".
He got a bit, and when I say a bit, I mean a BIT emotional when he found out bby was a girl.
Definitely didn't want to do the gender stereotypes and got her a blue crib with a sky themed nursery because according to him, baby is a gift from the heavens.
Would definitely name her Heaven or Angel if you let him.
When you got the photos of the ultrasound, he framed them and has a copy in his office.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Goo Kim
Goo would speak to your belly, telling the baby stories about how cool daddy is
He'd always kiss your tummy and would gently lay his head on it.
When you went to the doctor's for a checkup and ultrasound, he cried when he first saw the baby.
He cried with you.
He also cried when he found out you'd be having twins, one boy one girl.
He said it's double the blessing that he deserves.
It's like your emotions are connected to his, like, he cried whenever you cried.
Goo is very gentle with you, and whenever you'd fall asleep on the couch, he'd be afraid to carry you because he worries that he might drop you.
When you wake up you'd smell freshly made food and it would always make you feel hungry.
Goo also helps you wash up your body whenever you're very tired, he doesn't like it when you try to do things while you're exhausted.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Samuel Seo
Samuel definitely scheduled an appointment for a photoshoot for you.
He's husband material, he cooks, cleans, does everything in the house because he doesn't like it when you do them.
He goes with you to check-ups whenever he can, but the times he forgets he'd get you flowers and snacks then apologises for forgetting.
He spent a lot on baby clothes and even set up a nursery by himself.
You cried when you first saw it.
Much like Gun, he also got your ultrasound framed.
When he found out you'd be having a girl, he was really happy.
He's the type to treat baby girl like royalty.
Samuel cuddles up next to you, gently stroking your hair as you fall asleep in his arms.
The first time he placed his head on your belly, he felt a small kick from the baby.
He'd keep his head there and you'd gently play with his hair.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Jake Kim
Jake brags about you and the baby to everyone, he makes sure that all of your doctor's appointments are met and would come with you.
One time, in the middle of a fight, he got a message from you asking him to help you out with something.
No hesitation, he left the fight leaving everyone confused.
You're his top priority, if someone tries to keep him from seeing you, well good luck.
Whenever he's not doing anything, he'd randomly give you kisses and make you laugh with his stupid puns.
He'll have Lua help out whenever he does need help.
Although he'd act tough and say he knows what he's doing at first.
He was really happy to hear that you'd be having a bot.
He's 100% going to teach him how to play basketball and not to treat women badly.
Jake's sad because you guys can't really make love with eachother, but he doesn't let it bother him because he knows it's dangerous for little bean.
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Vin Jin
He was definitely trying this time.
He'd ask if he could help you in anyway, he'd put effort in trying to be there.
He'll do things he doesn't usually do like cooking, cleaning, basically all the house chores.
He'd ask for Mary's advice and he listens more.
Although he complains, he doesn't let you do much around.
He'd forget to come to doctor's appointments, but he'd have a movie night prepared.
When he first saw the photos of your ultrasound he thought you guys would be having 4 babies.
The reality hit him shortly.
When he found out you'd be having a boy he was really excited.
He wanted to teach him how to fight.
It was discussed early on not to teach the child fight.
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anonymousbardd · 23 days
I saw your request open sooooo...
may I ask for a Samuel x reader fic where reader wore his shirt without undergarments, then he soaked her clothes so the shirt became see through and he became horny in front of such pornographic scene 👀👀👀
As a Samuel simp, yes. You I shall put it in line for my other 5 requests 😅. So I apologise if it takes too long :')
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anonymousbardd · 23 days
are u planning on making a masterlist soon?
I'm tryna figure out how to make one :')
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anonymousbardd · 24 days
can i have one for my oc? her name is kim mi young, blonde straight hair with curls at the end, usually styled in a ponytail (like my pfp if u can see it), shes half japanese and half korean, like i want to make her to work under hnh group too besides her family being rich and sometimes goo and gun wondered why she chose to do that. she’s more of like a teasy, playful, mischievous person, likes causing problems here and there since shes good at fighting, always wearing a white and a white ribbon on her hair, her eyes dark brown and her skin is pale white (?) yeah thats mostly it
I am currently in the process of writing it, do you have any specific names to which Gun or any of the characters call her?
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anonymousbardd · 24 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Chance
↳ Francis Mosses x FemReader
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FLUFF(?): Idk I decided to make a milkman one-shot because I was getting a bit brain rot from making Lookism fanfics, this is just a small break from lookism lol.
Don't worry though, I'll be back to finishing fanfics after a bit, I've been focusing on work stuff a bit lately, hehe.
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I have no idea how this happened... I was just minding my own business, doing my job. How the hell did I end up being pinned against the wall, being held against my will by a doppelganger?!
"Please let me go..." I mumbled, the doppleganger is Francis Mosses', his breath brushed against my skin, "What do you want from me...?" The skinny man tightened his grip on my wrists, I couldn't help but whimper from it.
"I'm starving..." He muttered, his nose was close to my neck, his voice sent me shivers, "I just want a taste."
"But why me...? I cried out, "I don't even taste good!" The tall man chuckled, his left hand travelled down my body and pulled me closer, "Oh honey, I wasn't talking about your flesh..."
My eyes widen in shock, what did he mean by that? His lips formed a smirked, "I've been watching you... Day by day, I'd watch you get ready before your shift starts..." He paused and scanned my body, "I can't help myself but admire you from afar." I shivered from his breath, he got closed to my face and smiled, "When I found out that you liked the milkman, well... You know what I had to do.*
I looked at him with horror, concern ran through my brain, "What did you do to Francis?" I asked, he hummed and leaned closed to my neck, "Don't worry... I didn't do anything to him," he said, even though the doppleganger in front of me is dangerous, it felt like he was telling the truth.
He then looked at me in the eyes with his grin, "Just give me a little taste and I'll leave you alone~..." He murmured, I closed my eyes and tried to squirm my way out, "Please... I don't want to... I'm a virgin..." I mumbles.
He looked at me in surprise and chuckled, "Seriously?" He asked, he slightly pulled away and held my chin, "How old are you? Aren't you like, 23?" He chucked, I huffed and pouted my lips, "Shut up! Don't laugh at me!" I shouted, is a doppelganger seriously making fun of me for being a virgin?
"I haven't found the right person yet..."
He smiled and leaned closer to my face, he kissed my lips and pulled away, "How about you give me a chance? I'll take good care of you."
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A/n: Y'all, currently working on three requests, 2 Headcanons and 2 one-shots, all the lookism stories were kinda making me feel a bit tired so I decided to make a small one-shot today for a bit of a change hehe.
Dw, I'll be making more lookism stuff, I'm just focusing a bit on my personal needs :3
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anonymousbardd · 28 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created (2)
- The First Trimester
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ Every night I would wake up and run to the bathroom throwing up everything I ate that day, and Gun would always be next to me holding my hair.
Gun had quit smoking when he found out I was pregnant, he began to cook me meals and help out in any way he could.
When my breasts started to get tender and swollen, I felt a bit flustered, Gun reassured me that it didn't look bad.
He would often massage me, every part of my sore body.
There are times he would gently massage my sore and swollen breasts, he would place soft kisses on my neck and chest.
Gun would always make sure that I don't feel uncomfortable and would do anything to lessen the pain I would be feeling.
He was always by my side and would get me some snacks whenever I craved something to eat.
ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Goo had put me on bed rest, he wouldn't let me leave unless I needed to throw up or pee, he took care of the chores, of the food and he took care of me.
I would hear him complain because a task is difficult, but when I'd offer to help he'd respond to me with, "Shut up, you're pregnant! You shouldn't do things that may cause you stress!"
And then once he realised that he raised his voice he would huff and apologise for yelling at me.
Every night, he would crease my legs and kiss my face.
Goo tried his best to tend to me whenever I needed it the most, there are times his hands would travell on my most sensitive spots and start teasing me.
He usually whines because he misses me, and my body, but he's patient enough to go through the whole pregnancy with me.
ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ Samuel started waking up alongside me whenever I felt like throwing up, he'd rub my back and hold my hair as my head was inside the toilet bowl.
He's been getting me things I need and has been doing his own research om how to take care of some who's pregnant.
He takes his time with me and is ways prepared no matter what.
Whenever he goes to work, he'd call frequently, even while he's fighting, and if he isn't able to call he'd apologize later on.
My Samuel has been so nice to me, and I really don't know how to make up for it, all he tells me is that it's okay and the child I'm carrying is a blessing enough.
ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ "Jake! Can you please get me some water?" I shouted, my fiancé came out of the bathroom half naked and dripping wet just to get me some water.
Jake has always been there for me, he, Lua, the big deal, they've been doing everything they can to help me.
He's been spoiling me with kisses and affection, sometimes he'd whine saying that he misses me.
When my boobs started to get swollen and tender, Jake's been snatching every chance he gets to grope them.
At some point, he'd ask if it was okay if he fucked my chest, I told him no countless times but then he'd start begging.
Eventually, I gave in and he began to touch my breasts and please himself using my body.
He'd clean up using his tongue, licking every inch of my tits.
I was sensitive, and it felt good too, but it was a bit unfair.
ʚɞ ┊: Vin Jin
↳ On my first trimester, I'd constantly get morning sickness and nausea, Vin would be there and he'd try to consult me, but it ends up being annoying because it's clear he isn't enjoying it.
"Vin... Can you please fetch me some water...?" I quietly asked, my dearest boyfriend, who's sat on his beanbag let out a groan and stood up to get me a half full glass of water.
I couldn't do anything about it, it was clear that he really wasn't ready for this type of life style.
"Marry... I don't know how long I'll be able to stay sane for!" I complained to the blonde woman in front of me, she was sat on the couch drinking soda while listening to my complaints.
"Vin is sweet and all... But it's clear that he's not really interested in helping out much... He doesn't have an idea what to do..."
Marry sighed and placed her hand on mine, "You know how that dick is, don't worry, I'll be here to help you out."
The next few days, I haven't been seeing my boyfriend much, it made me feel depressed and it felt like I was all alone during this.
But then one night, I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Vin, as I quietly slept, I felt two pairs of arms snake around my waist.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw Vin carrying me to our bedroom, he placed me down on the bed and placed a kiss on my forehead, "You're an idiot..." He muttered.
He then sat down near me, his hands were holding mine, "I'm sorry... I really should start being more responsible now that I'm going to be a father."
Vin sighed and laid down next to me, he pulled me closer to him, I felt his breath tickle my skin.
"I'm sorry, I'll do better, starting now."
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Note: "Nyahalo everyone! Sorry for being a bit inactive... I've been pretty busy w/ my exams and we had to go something for a few days.
Worry not, I'll try to finish up a few fics so that I'll be able to upload a bit more.
Also, Ik some people request some smut w/ pregnant reader but tbh I don't really know how I'll begin one w/ somebody pregnant, because the thing running in my mind is it'll be harmful to fuck when there's baby :').
Either way, hope y'all like this."
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anonymousbardd · 30 days
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created(1)
- Telling Them You're Pregnant
↳ Various x reader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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ʚɞ┊: Gun Park
↳ Gun and I had been trying for a baby for a while now, I hadn't really gotten any great news, this of course upset me but I didn't let bother me too much.
The day Gun went on a job for a few weeks, I started to feel really nauseous and sick, the day I found my head in a toilet bowl puking my guts out, my heart pounded.
I went to the doctor's that day for a checkup, and I was thrilled to find out that I was pregnant.
The rest of the week, I thought about a plan to surprise Gun.
The day he got home, he took me out on a date to make up for the time he wasn't with me because of work.
I decided that it was the perfect time to drop the surprise, I placed a pregnancy test that I took on a box with a ribbon and wore a nice dress.
When we got to the restaurant, he and I talked about the things that happened the past few weeks.
Eventually, I told him that I had a surprise for him, I took out the box and gave it to him.
Gun seemed skeptical and took the box, he slowly opened it and his eyes widened from the contents inside, I saw Gun's face soften as he looked at me with a smile.
Gun got up from his seat and went over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips, "I fucking love you."
ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Goo was away to go on business, and I was left home feeling sick all day and night, eventually, a friend suggested that I might be pregnant.
I bought a pregnancy test and it tested positive, I was thrilled.
I wanted to surprise my dearest Goo so I bought a pacifier and put in a box and made a letter.
The day Goo got home, I made him his favourite dinner and placed the box in front of him, naturally, he was curious, but I told him to wait until dessert.
Once we finished eating, he asked if he could open the box, with a smile, I nodded and impatiently watched as Goo opened what I had prepared for him.
Goo's whole body stiffened when he saw what was inside, with teary eyes he looked up at me.
"I'm going to be a dad?!"
ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ Samuel was first to notice the changes, in a nice quiet morning, Samuel confronted me about something that concerned him.
He asked me if I've gotten my period yet, and I told him no, it took a moment for me to realise where he was going with it.
Samuel asked if I've felt nauseous lately, and I mentioned that I have been.
He then held my hand and looked me dead in the eyes, Samuel asked the question, "Could it be that you're pregnant?"
The silence in the room was loud, later on, Samuel and I bought a pregnancy test while doing some groceries, when we got home, Samuel prepared dinner while I took the test.
I was sat down in the toilet, my shaky hands held the test in front of me, my heart was racing so fast that I thought I might die.
When the result came out my eyes swelled up with tears as I screamed with joy.
Samuel hurriedly came and bardged in with a worried look on his face, "Baby! Are you okay?! What happened?! I heard you scream!!"
I giggled and showed him the pregnancy test that showed a possible result, "I'm not the only one you'd be calling baby now."
ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ Lua and I were having a nice chat when all of the sudden I had the sudden urge to throw up, Lua came with me to the bathroom and held my hair as I vomited my breakfast and dinner.
When I had finished, Lua sat me down and got me some water, with a concerned look she asked what happened, "I'm pregnant," I said.
Lua was thrilled to hear the news, "You're pregnant?! Does Jake know?" I shook my head and placed my hands on my lap, "I plan on telling him on our anniversary."
Lua jumped up and down, her hands clappe together, "Ohh! I'm so happy for you, (F/n)!! I can't believe you're going to be a mom!"
"You're going to be a mom? Wait you're pregnant?"
We turned to look at who it was and it was Jake holding some takeout.
Lua let out an awkward chuckle and glanced at me, "Aha... Sorry~... I'll leave you two alone."
Lua left the room and Jake kneeled down in front of me, "Am I... Am I going to be a dad...?"
I sighed and crossed my arms, "I was going to tell you on our anniversary..."
Jake chuckled and kissed my lips, "I can't believe it, we're going to be parents."
I pouted and let out a huff, "Hmph! Now I'm not the only one who gets to call you daddy," Jake's face slightly reddened and he let out a chuckle.
He then creased my cheeks and leaned closer to my chest, "No, but you can still call me daddy when we make our second child."
ʚɞ┊: Vin Jin
↳ Mary was hanging out with us in Vin and I's shared home, she and I were talking about random things.
Vin then came in with a bag filled with stuff, he threw them at me and sat down on the couch next to me.
"Babe, what's all these stuff?" I asked holding a box of tampons and pads, my lover let out a groan and looked at me, "Ain't it obvious? Those are your stock for when you get them again."
I looked at Vin and slightly frowned, "Does this bitch seriously not realise anyo?" I asked myself.
"Baby, I won't be getting my period any time soon," I said, he looked at me and raised a brow.
Mary chuckled at my boyfriends denseness and shook her head, "What do you mean?"
"Babe, I'm pregnant."
Vin's eyes widen and he suddenly grabbed both of my shoulders, "You're pregnant?!" He shouted, I made a confused look and glanced at Mary.
"You seriously didn't know?!" I asked, Vin became quiet, his mouth slightly opened, I frowned and crossed my arms, "I literally had been getting morning sickness, not to mention, there's a box of pregnancy tests on the sink in the bathroom!"
Vin let out an "Oh" and scratched the back of his neck, "So that's what those are..."
I playfully smacked his arms and huffed, "Jee! You're such a dummy!"
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anonymousbardd · 1 month
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: Celebrity Crush
↳ Diego Kang x FemReader
- In an interview, the famous Korean idol, Diego Kang had been asked who his celebrity crush is.
To much the interviewer's surprise, he mentioned a name that no one has heard of.
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It was another long day for me to begin, my manager has been reminding me none-stop about a sit down interview on a show this afternoon.
Everything's been so time consuming, and I haven't even finished my job to take down the chairman yet.
After finishing a nice shower I looked at a picture that was framed on my shelf, it was a group picture of my friends and I.
I sighed and got dressed for the interview, once I've finished, I called my manager and told them that I'm ready to head out.
"Good afternoon mister Kang! It's a pleasure to have you here," the host greeted, I smiled and leaned back on the small couch, "Thank you for having me, it's an honour."
"How is your afternoon going so far Mister Kang?"
"It's starting of well, I suppose after the interview I'll just go ahead and have something to eat."
I and the host chatted for a while, he asked me some questions about my career, hobbies, etc.
Eventually, he asked me something that I knew a lot of people were wondering as well.
"So, mister Kang, you've worked with quite a lot of celebrities, have you?" I nodded crossed my legs, "I have, they're really fun to work with."
The host then chuckled and rested his head on his hand, "May I ask a question that's running around for quite a while now, how is your celebrity crush?"
I knew it, I sat there in silence as I thought for a moment.
The image of a young girl flashed in my mind, "I suppose it would be a young woman I like to call Tulip," I said.
My response tickled everyone with curiosity, "Who is this Tulip?" The host asked, I grinned and leaned back on the couch I sat on.
"Well... She's someone who I always admired, she was the one who inspired me to become the person that I am today..." I paused and let out a sigh.
"Though I never admitted it, I'd do anything just to see her," I smiled as I felt a tug in my stomach.
I knew that everyone was asking the same thing, who the hell is Tulip, well, I didn't want to disclose any detailed information about her.
One may mistake it for me being too busy and forgetting about her, but it's not the case.
(F/n) is the loveliest woman I've ever met, though she stuck around with violent men, her heart's warmer than the sun.
(F/n) wasn't well known for fighting, in fact, she never raised a finger to hurt anyone, everybody knew her because she's the only one who tried to reason with stupid arguements.
She gave and gave and never expected anything in return, every Saturday she and I would go out for walks at the park, as if life is so simple, and it is.
With (F/n), everything is comforting, the little things mattered, her kindness always sparked something in me.
That's why I regret it... Not being able to protect her, (F/n) was the loveliest person I've ever met.
And I should have told her about it way sooner, I should have confessed to her from the start, I shouldn't have left like a scared dog.
(F/n) was the kindness person I've ever met, I always found myself thinking about her, wanting to be with her and.. Loving her.
Everybody knew her, they all respected her, and I was a damned fool to let her go.
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anonymousbardd · 1 month
why u gae
Are you my classmate?
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anonymousbardd · 1 month
hello! i'm the anon that asks for the fic with Jake Kim with big crush on his s/o's tits recently, you can call me titties anon 😚
just want to ask for another fic for the boys (Jake, Sam, Gun, Goo, Vin) with pregnant!reader if we tell em that our breasts are too heavy and sore? nsfw as regular if possible because i'm so impressed by your smut 😻
sorry for bothering you and have a good day!
I'm writing a 4 part fic on it, part one of four is posted, the upcoming ones are the trimester series, I'll be sure to include Jake's obsession w/ tiddies 🤭😌
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anonymousbardd · 1 month
I'd like to request Lookism boys x reader (you tell him that you want to have his babies while you two cuddling on sofa), and add SMUT if you feel like writing it 🥰 the characters are: Goo, Sam, Gun and Jake. It would be nice if you can turn it into a series too 💓
I have decided to write 4 parts for this! And I have written posted the fic you wish, and I hope y'all look forward for the pregnancy journey lol
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