anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Hey guys so sorry I haven't been active much, I been looking for some inspiration in writing, and I finally found it! And with that inspiration comes a question to you all.
Would you guys be interested in an actual writing series? (Like not headcannons.) About an oc of mine being in the FNF universe?
Just let me know though asks or something, lol, also if you could send ideas it'd be great!!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Could I request a Pico, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend with a streamer/ content creator s/o?
Thank you!^^
Pico, Boyfriend (cam) and Girlfriend (cherry) x content creator s/o
Thank you so much for the request! I think its a great concept!
He dosnt think much of it before you ask him to come omto one of your lives.
He's surprised with how many viewers you get and agrees to come on
He wasnt expecting all the memes but tries his hest to act normal.
After that he pays attention a lot more, bringing you snacks during your lives and making sure you stay hydrated
He'll drop into chat to make fun of you sometimes but mostly stays and watches to make sure there arnt any creeps in chat
He begs you to be a mod and you let him
If anything gets out of hand he panicks a bit
He'll occationaly join you weather your baking or playing games bit if its a baking stream- oh boy-
Your chat will always make fun of him for breaking your misrowave on stream
You made it into a sticker
He was there since the begenning.
Your first sub and first viewer ever was him.
Once you get big he's so proud
You invite him on stream and he almost screamed from excitement
The meeting went well! There wasnt a sinhle thing he didnt expect since he'd been watching your streams for so long
He's yout number 1 fan and nobody can say otherwise
He's already one of your mods and he always makes sure the chat and donations go okay
If anything gets out of hand he handles it and stays calm
He'll be on a lot of your streams.
Everyone was surprised by the baking stream you 2 did
He cooked a really fancy dish well and now your chat calls him a gourmet chef
She's really supportive.
Dosnt watch all of your streams but tries to watch most,
When you get big she throws you a small party and gets you a cake
She asks to be introdiced to your stream and you agree
They all love her, thinking she's really sweet
She was plesently surprised by their reactions to her
After that she gets more invested, becoming one of your chat mods.
She bans the creeps and makes sure that your donos stay okay for the streams she watches
She'll appear on most of the streams that arnt irl, but you convince her to do a cooking stream
She does okay, only burning 1 or 2 things
The chat will never forget that she failed at making pasta, but you win some you loose some
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
How about Cam with an overworked S/O? Lmaooo I’m sure you know why I’m requesting this :’)
Also for 20 followers, I think the part 2 to your mermaid thingy would be pretty good or maybe you could write something else like idk, the characters thanking everyone for the followers? Lol
Cam x overworked s/o
Thanks for the request and the idea Rosey! I think part 2 of the mermaid thing would be good!
Before he stops you from working he goes to the store and buys you your favorite drink and candy, then it goes somewhat like this
Cam: y/n?
Y/n: hm?
Cam: come on, take a break
Y/n: i have to get this done
Cam: i have (favorite candy)
Either way he gets you to take a break and he gives you the drink and candy before pulling you into his lap to turn on a movie
He lets you pick and does his best to try and make you fall asleep during the movie, including;
-Having multiple blankets
-Running his fingers through your hair
-Rubbing your shoulders
He's so sweet to you when your over worked
He'll order your favorite food or make you anything
Expect gifts bc his love language is gift giving
Stuffed animals from him? Yes
He'll just give you one of his jackets to wear
He hates seing you drained and tierd so he does his best to get you to rest and makes sure you eat and drink enough
He'll do this untill you feel better and then keep on you about not over working yourself
He'll make sure you take breaks and if you cant at the moment he'll bring you a snack.
If he thinks your working too much he'll pick you up and put you on the couch, throwing a blanket over you
Hope these are okay!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Requests are open if you guys want to ask anything, im quite bored lol
Speaking of witch what should i do for 20 folowers when i hit it? Ik that its not a lot, but i wanna celebrate anyways (:
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Thanks for doing this! Lol
Wasps just freeking love me i'll have 5 or 6 around me at once
Hm, dont feel rushed to do this one b ? Ita just an idea, but hoe about senpai with an s/o that's real good with wasps? Like they choose to fly circles aroind them and land on them
(Wasps do this to me and i swear they just love me r somthin)
Notes: Bruhhh I'm legit so scared of bees and especially wasps like even if that wasp is like 20ft away from me I'll be screaming like a lil' wimp and watching it all paranoid lmaooo. I know wasps and bees are essential to the environment and stuff so I'll always root for them, they just gotta stay far away from me lol Warnings: Wasps Senpai with an S/O who's good with wasps! - It happened one day while you and Senpai were taking a stroll around your local park. - It was warm and birght summer afternoon, and a lot of little creatures were running out and about this day. - Bunnies, butterflies, ants, bees, and of course... wasps. - While walking down the pathway hand-in-hand with your boyfriend, two wasps flew up to you and started circling around you, one of them landing on your shoulder. - As expected, Senpai was fearful at first, calmly trying to tell you that there was a wasp on you. - But you weren’t scared at all!  - You explained to him that wasps just sorta hung around you sometimes and that you didn’t really mind them. - He was a little confused at first, but nodded. As long as you weren’t bothered by it, he was fine too! Sorta... - He does get a little anxious whenever a wasp flies around you or lands on your body. - He stays with you no matter what! But he’s always ready to pick you up and make a run for it just in case that wasp decided to be unfriendly to you or him lol. - Aside from his little worries about you guys getting stung, he’s totally fine with it! - It’s just another thing about you that makes you so unique!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Plugging in headphones and listining to music might help!
oh my god there’s heckin’ kids right outside my window rn screaming and making all this noise and it’s sO ANNOYING I CAN’T FOCUS ON MY WRITING BUT I CAN’T GO DOWNSTAIRS OR ANYWHERE BECAUSE MY MOM HAS GUESTS OVER AND I DON’T WANT TO SHOW MY FACE TO THEM AND GODDDDDDDD PLEASE JUST LET ME DO TH  I N  G  S
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
C,,,Cherry with a shy introvert gf
With social anxiety 👉👈
Cherry x Shy anxtious reader
This one's really relatable lol, thank you so much for requesting!
She tries to help you to the best of her ability.
She'll hold your hand or put an arm around your waist
If you need water she'll hand you her bottle to take a drink
If she sees you getting really nervous she'll take you out of that situation.
She'll try and avoid places with a lot of people for you
If you do end up finding a lot of people she'll hold your hand and reasure you that it's going to be okay
If you have a bad day with your social anxiety she'll turn on a movie with you, get you your favorite drink, and she'll cuddle with you.
Even though she is social she wont force you to come with you, she'll understand if you dont feel up for it.
When she gets back expect cuddles from her and a treat from wherever she went,
She'll get you a worrystone to try and help you
She really cares about if you're feeling comphtrouble or not, so if you want to go home she'll gladly stop what she's doing to take you home and make you feel better
Hope you have a lovley day, Anon! Hope these arnt too short!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Sorry....um maybe 🧂anon/salt-anon?
Its no problem! You can 100% be Salt-anon! Also, thanks for being my first anon, Salt!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Hi! Do you think you can write what it would be like to babysit Skid and Pump? Have a good day!
Babysitting Skid and Pump
Thanks so much for the request! Its a great idea!
They're full of energy, so be prepered to be tierd by the end of this-
They'll try and make you wear a holoween costume with them and they'll give you a spooky nickname instead of calling you by Y/n,
They'd love to go to the park with you, bit if you take them be prepared to go everywhere else aswell
Skid: Can we go to the candy shop too?
Pump: oh! And the toy store?
They're so chaotic unless you can manage to sit them down and get them to watch a movie and give them some popcorn
I wouldnt let them have soda though, they'll have a massive sugar rush.
Your best option other then a movie is to play some games,
Pump will beat you in uno and there is no way to change my mind.
Things like chess arnt their thing and long games arnt either, so how about hide and seek?
Wrong choice.
You ended up not being able to find Pump for a hour. And it took 30 minutes longer to find Skid
Playing tag with them is fun though. If you can climb a tree without them seeing you get to watch them chace eachother for half an hour and get some rest.
Ita difficult to get food for them. You have to get them to agree on a  decent food. You end up ordering takeout.
By the end they think your the best babysitter and you get paid for wayching them. As you walk out you hear
Skid: Mom! Y/n was the best!
Pump: Yeah! Can they come over again?
Hope these are okay!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
This. Amazing. Everyone follow Rosey she's great!
Hey! Hope requests are going well! I'm here to add on!
Mabey Pico with an s/o thats a faun? (I rlly like fauns lmao)
- 2
Notes: Hey anon 2! Sure thing! I don't know too much about fauns but I tried my best! Hope you enjoy~ Pico with an S/O who's a faun! - He is mesmerized by you. - You look like something he's seen out of those incredibly detailed fantasy paintings, except you're way more beautiful than any one he's ever seen! - He doesn't pry too much, but he is a little curious about you and your species. What do you guys eat? Where does your kind originate from? Do you guys have any special traditions that differ from humans? - You know his questions are just out of pure curiosity, and he asks them sporadically so you always try your best to give him a good answer! It's nice that someone is so enthusiastic to learn about your kind. - He loooves your horns, he thinks they make you look badass! He's asked to touched them just once, to see what it was like. He respects you if you don't like your horns to be touched that often, but oh man that one time you let him gently pet your horns, the stars in his eyes were almost childlike. - He may have asked you if you've ever headbutted anyone with your horns before and if you haven't, whether you'd ever do it lmao. - He strangely finds your hooves to be kind of cute lol. He always knows when you're coming into the room whenever he hears the clip clop of your hooves! - He also likes petting the furry parts of your body, if you allow him to that is! Whenever you guys are snuggling together, his hand may absentmindedly wander down and just gently stroke your fur. It's so soft and nice... - If you mention it though he will quickly retract his hand and mutter a small 'sorry' under his breath as his face reddens from the embarrassment, it always makes you giggle. - He adores you, and thinks your kind is such a beautiful species! He's so lucky to have you as his partner <3
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
May I be 🧶anon?
(I also am the same anon who asked for the chubby reader x senpai headcanons and loved it :) )
Glad you liked it!
I'm sorry, but i dont have that emoji on my device. Mabey try another, or typing it out in words?
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Could you write cuddling headcanons for senpai and a chubby female reader please?
Senpai x Chubby Female reader
My first anon ask! Thank you so much for requesting! I'll try my best!
This man loves cuddles. He's so touch starved.
He'll run his fingers tough your hair as he tells you he thinks you're perfect.
Your size dosnt matter to him, he thinks your perfect just the way you are.
He'll often put his arm around your waist or shoulder.
If you ever feel insecure he'll try his best to help you with it, showering you in affection.
"I love you for you, you dont have to change a thing about yourself"
He likes playing with your hair as you cuddle with him.
His favorite moments are when you two are watching a movie and decide to cuddle.
He'll defedently end up falling asleep on you once or twice.
He likes cuddling with blankets so you'll both be warm
During the summer he'll take you outside to the park and you'll end up cuddling on a blanket watching the sunset, Afterwards you two walk home and you watch a movie.
Most times cuddling leads into deep conversations with you two
He'd cuddle you for all hours of the day if he could, he loves whe you cuddle him so much.
He likes it when your legs tangle together
If you need to get up it aften goes like this
Y/n: *tries to get up*
Senpai: waitt, please dont go
Y/n: Sen, i need to use the bathroom
Senpai: now?
Y/n: yes, now, i'll be right back
Senpai: okayy
Hope these are okay!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Hellooo it's me again~! Lolol how about BF(AKA Cam) with like, a tiny fairy S/O or smth pfff idk I just think it's kinda cute! <3
Aaaaaa thanks so mich for another request Rosey! Feel free to send anything else!
Cam with a Fairy s/o
He adores you.
Protective boyfriend 100%
He adores yoir wings and magic.
He helps you pull pranks a lot! Especially on pico. Mostly on pico.
Cam: Pico! Come here!
Pico: whatt
Y/n: Boo!
Pico: *screaming intensifies*
He helps you get right sized proportions for food and helps you move big things.
He often cooks for you to help out.
He's not quite sure what to get you for gifts, but he goes out of his way to buy you small crystals sometimes. He wishes he could give you more though.
He'll try his best to be respectfull, but mans got some questions.
He loves that your like a little doll, he'll build you small things with wood n stuff like a small table and playes so you have things your size in the house.
He does wanna cuddle you, but he's scared of hurting you.
He likes it when he wakes up to you just staring at him.
He'd buy you barbie clothing once as a joke and i know it.
I'm sorry if these are too short! This was a dificult promt for me lol.
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
S/o: oh, well are you okay?
Cam: yeah
S/o: you sure?
Cam: by yeah i mean no, please come get me
S/O, texting BF(Cam): Hey, are you ok? I just heard something fall upstairs
BF(Cam): Oh don’t worry, my shirt fell.
S/O: Really? It sounded a lot heavier than that...
BF(Cam): ...I was in the shirt when it fell.
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Senpai x Gen z reader (Platonic)
This wasnt requested, i just need stuff to post, Feel free to send stuff in!
He dosnt get the humour.
"Y/n, why is the letter E so funny to you?"
He does like the way you catagorise style though, but gets annoyed when you call him a soft boy.
He'd want you you to help him dye his hair, not the full thing, but just a few streaks,
He loves animals just as much as you do, but he's more social than you are.
He'll order your pizza for you on the phone though dont worry :)
He often speaks up for you when you mumble or speak quietly,
You'd defedently get him a joke gift of a band tee that he dosnt listen to, but he'd listen to them and love it.
He knows how to use a phone, but since being trapped in the dating sim for so long technology has updated, you'll have to help him a bit.
He'll let you paint his nails if you beg him enough, but after the first time he loves it and will ask you to help do it again.
You'll show him tik tok and at first he'll hate it, but he'll find good people on there and then say that its okay. He dosnt use it a bunch though.
Movies. You'll show him all the best ones you know.
He's defedently worried for your saftey. The self depricating jokes make him wonder if your okay or not.
He likes most of the games you play, but he'd rather stay away from ones that are like the dating sim.
Hope these are okay!
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Bruh, it took me like 20 minutes to figure out that i had to take my friends laptop to change it, 😂😅
Anon asks should be fixed! I had to take my friend's comouter to fix it, but they should be usable now!
Feel free to send in anything! :)
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anon-2s-blog · 3 years
Anon asks should be fixed! I had to take my friend's comouter to fix it, but they should be usable now!
Feel free to send in anything! :)
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