amusingsofamuse · 3 years
The Boy with the Top Knot
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Just finished reading Satnam Sanghera's very personal memoir about his life and challenges as a first generation British Indian. He is brutally honest at times to almost make you feel judgemental about his judgements. Even within India, most of the Punjabi kids do end up living double lives - one for their parents and one for themselves. This struggle is everywhere. But what does surprise me is that the Punjabis in Britain are somewhere still living in the 50s, 60s etc when they came from India. The India in their heart and mind has not progressed or evolved whereas Indians back home many times appear more progressive especially when it comes to inter-religious marriages.
More than Satnam, the book engages me for her mother. He rightly summarises that had it not been for his mother, the family wouldn't have survived or thrived the way it did. She is one string woman and I am very intrigued to know more about her. Jito and women of her generation were the backbone of the Immigrant families and the reason Indian Diaspora is thriving today.
We definitely need more acknowledgement of the generation of our parents and grandparents who make Britain what it is today.
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amusingsofamuse · 3 years
Thank you
I feel blessed and lucky every night when I go to sleep. I thank God for giving me another day with my parents, for keeping them healthy and happy.
Some find it a depressing way of living life, but for me , this is a spiritual awakening for thanking God for each and every moment that I am alive and with my loved ones.
While I strive to reach a stage of detachment, my parents and especially my Father is my guide in this journey.
I am thankful to both my parents for staying strong, positive and upbeat in these times of extreme gloominess around us.
I do not know how I will feel or handle when tragedy strikes home, but I try hard to cherish every passing moment with them and remind myself that at any moment it will be taken away by the Almighty who gave it to me in the first place.
Thank you God!
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