allthingsclarina · 10 years
Galpão, a huge delicious looking chocolate cake is being cut. A set of hands scoop it up and put it on a plate where another piece is already waiting. I have just started seconds ago and I already feel like taking a break and going to my fridge to see what’s in there. Good start. Luckily, the camera zooms out and we see Clara, which is enough to keep me in my seat. Clara starts babbling to Verônica about that musician guy that was hitting on her, how she thought they would get involved. Verônica is all ‘Yeah, no.’ Clara replies that he was so gentle, so into her, what more do you want and more of that. But Verônica was in that place where we have all found ourselves in at times, which is that they seem like the perfect partner, but you’re just not feeling it. By the way, I find that frustrating as hell when that happens, because if they seem like the perfect partner, wouldn't it be so much easier if you were feeling it? Anyway. So, Verônica says she wants to be excited, she wants butterflies, but since she had none of those, she totally friend zoned him.
Clara brings up Marina without bringing up Marina and asks her ‘What about the opposite? When the least expected person shows up like a hurricane, turns everything upside down and puts everything on the line?’ Verônica knows she’s talking about Marina because Verônica has eyes and asks if that’s what happened to Clara. First Clara is all ‘Who, me?’ and sort of surprised that she’s is totally aware of this, but when Verônica excuses herself and claims it’s none of her business, Clara decides that confirming it to one more person isn’t going to matter anyway because so many know already and that it makes sense she knows since lately the Galpão has been their location of choice to engage in their hand holding, hand kissing and eye-sexing activities. She answers that it’s alright and that since they both work there all day, it’s logical she noticed their totally couply behavior.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
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All Things Clarina Fanfic Challenge - First Kiss.
Three different versions of how wonderful it would have been, all written in English.
Full Moon, by Becominglight (100percentshipper)
The Storm, by TZ
Eyes Full of Finally, by Colette
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
Eyes Full of Finally by Colette She hadn't seen this coming. She was standing just there where the road started to make a slight curve, she could see a large part of the house from here, but some trees made sure she was out of view from whoever was inside and happened to be looking out the window. The first steps towards the house had been determined, confident, but she found herself slowing down and now standing still, needing some extra unexpected time to process why she was actually here. What she was about to do. It wasn't like she had no clue before, of course. She knew exactly why she was here. She'd known while making sure Ivan had his bag packed with all the right clothes and his toothbrush, she'd known when she heard him call her with a raised voice because he had been calling her three times already. But she was staring out the window, her thoughts elsewhere, before her son's voice brought her back. When she drove Ivan to the house where the sleepover was, she'd known even better because after dropping Ivan off she knew very well where she was going next. Her heart had skipped a few beats when Ivan mentioned two days ago that he wouldn't be home that night. She had been unable to keep her thoughts from drifting off ever since. She hadn't seen Marina since that day in the Galpão, the only contact they had been having was that email, phone calls, whispered declarations of how much they missed each other, how much they wished they could be in each others arms right now, bathing in each other's scent, how much they missed feeling their fingers entwined, but they hadn't been able to make those desires a reality yet.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
The Storm By TZ “So, it’s done then?” Clara looked aside to her aunt. “Yes,” she quietly replied, displaying the paperwork she had been staring at. All of the details were in black and white. Juliana reached across to clasp Clara’s hand. “Are you okay?” Neatly folding the sheets of paper as if they were the linen on her bed, Clara replied, “I’m not sure, Ju.” She took a sip of coconut water and contemplated the gentle waves that brushed the shore. “He was so calm.” After looking at the bright blue sky, Juliana retrieved car keys from her bag. “We should probably head back. We are expecting a storm and that little car of mine will never make it once the rain starts falling.  Clara glanced at the sky then at the waves once more. “Ivan’s with Chica, so you can just take me there.” On the way to the apartment, the women were silent until Juliana asked, “Did you ever experiment with Marina?” Her head whipping to her left, Clara frowned. “No, I couldn’t. I was married.” “You’re not now,” Ju said as she turned left instead of the expected right. “We are going to the studio,” she said, explaining her actions.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
Full Moon by BecomingLight (100percentshipper) This time has been very good to understand who I am for real. And when I fell in love with you, Marina, a part of the Clara that I knew died in me. And now with the separation from Cadu the other part of Clara is taking its leave. I'm full of certainty without being certain and you know what? That is good! Do I sound crazy? But I've never been so clear. Finally I have begun to understand that I am the owner of my own story. Damn, what a responsibility! I can't run away and I don't have the right to do that to myself so the time has come to transform all the fear because without love, nothing is worthwhile, right? Nothing. I'm sitting on the beach and it's dark. I'm cold and I've been here for far too long, I know I should return home but I don't instead I'm staring up at the moon that rose above the horizon at dusk, pulling away from the horizon as the sun set. It's full, shining it's silver light across the dark skies. I close my eyes and breath in the salty tang of the ocean, listen to the waves crashing, I listen to the beat of my heart in my chest. I do all these things to try and calm my mind. 
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
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This petition I just signed asked me why this is important to me.
Because apparently we need a petition to ask for protection FROM THE POLICE.
That's why.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
CHAPTER NINETEEN La Girl was situated in Copacabana right next to Le Boy, and was one of the few women only bars in Rio. It was still quiet, the lines had not yet arrived although that would likely change in the next hour or so. An impressively solid woman with short spiky hair and a serious...
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
So... The show is really over! No more new scenes, ever. We've got to work with what we've got, so that's exactly what we'll do, cause there is much to discuss. Also much fanfiction to fill the gaps with of course. So yeah, Em Família has broadcasted its final episode. The show is over, the ladies ended up together, it's been one hell of a ride, for sure. If not for you, well then, for me it has been anyway. I've never really been part of a fandom before. Sure, I've followed some ships on Youtube, or watched the eps as they came out on television, but I've never been so actively involved. Part of that was of course because I fell in love with the ship of unbelievable chemistry and unworldly gorgeousness, but another huge part of that has been cause of the other girls I have come to know throughout this journey. This has been an amazing experience and you guys made that possible. Thank you my lublings, you know who you are.
Also, I am planning to continue this blog, I have much to write about still, I don't intend to stop, so I guess as long as people keep reading, I'll keep updating. Before we get all sentimental on each other though, we've had some happenings in the last weeks of the show that I just have to get into, so let's get to it, right after I apologize for taking so long with this update and for the record amount of gifs I included in it, in particular near the end. Anyway...
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
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i just love Giovanna’s wrinkles… wink… whatever… all of her… and ohhh her smile
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
Do you have any links to the Portuguese fan fics? Excited to see your writing challenge submissions :] love Clarina
I think you might find what you need here. :)
I hope we get many submissions as well, none yet tho, so keep reblogging the tumblr post about it and the tweets ;)
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
And then some.
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Giovanna Antonelli is perfection ♥
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
Reblog cause why not.
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#Flanessa gets it done.
If every novella maker in Brazil would be so kind to pay attention for a tiny little second: 
Look. There. Just like that. It’s that simple.
So if you could all not make such a huge bleeding fuss about it next time, that would be great, thanks.
Thank you, gorgeous ladies, you are wonderful <3
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
A call to all authors of the Clarina fandom.
Reblog this to every writer, aspiring writer and 'I didn't get to it yet' writer you can think of, also to everyone else!
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
The wedding night as we were supposed to see it.
Read it.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
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Dance scene 2.0? What actually happened on the wedding night.
Find out HERE.
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allthingsclarina · 10 years
So, wedding night. I've put it off long enough. Lots has been said about it, twitter has flared up about it, I have not been looking forward to diving into this scene but I felt like I had to. I was reluctant to get into it at first, cause to me the wedding night was disappointing. I am very happy I did it nonetheless, because I saw something. Something that opened my eyes and changed the scene for me kind of radically and while it's perhaps not the wedding night I had in mind, it does give it me a whole other view on it, one I like a lot more than the one I had. In fact, the first half of this post is written before I saw it, so maybe you can even tell by my writing when my opinion started to change. In any case, let's start at the beginning, I hope you join me all the way to the end, because by then the aftertaste of the wedding night just might be a little bit sweeter, just like mine turned out to be.
After the wedding ceremony they do the thing where they throw the flowers carelessly across their shoulders towards a battle ready group of single ladies, where Cadu's harem catches 100% of them. In the next episode, Ivan gives them a cute present, everybody is happy and it's all bliss. Then it's finally time for the long awaited night of love. I'm sorry, the 'night of love'. They arrive at the studio which is all pretty and decorated by Gisele, Flavinha and Vanessa. There is champagne, which prompts the girls to make lovely insinuating winks and suggestive looks at each other which I totally approve of. So far so good. 
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