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Sargent James Barnes
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Outfits of Sin
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I’m a sucker for beefy!Bucky
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I mean
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look at 
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all that
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I may
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be a
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vegan, but I want that body!
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Best guess is because he’s a cold war myth that’s turnin’ out to be true. They called him the Winter Soldier. Supposed to be the KGB’s secret weapon. A guy who could pass for American and slip behind enemy lines or cross borders without raisin’ an eyebrow. Deadly with a knife or a riffle…even deadlier hand-to-hand. And since he was a ghost, half the time they weren’t even sure if it was an accident or a murder.
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First Cuddle
It was cold, the place was completly empty and Bucky was sitting on the floor, in the other side of the room. I haven’t seen sleeping since we met, however he didn’t look tired. I couldn’t feel my nose and my lips were hurting already. He looked at me, worried.
“You’re cold” I noticed it wasn’t a question “Come here”
Bucky offers me his right arm. I stand up and sit next to him, still afraid to wake up some part of the Winter Soldier. He tries to smile but fail and I thought it was really beautiful. He found reason to smiles, it was me. It courage, I get close enough and he holds my shoulds with his arm. I get closer and closer until my cold nose touches his warm neck. He doesn’t react and I imagine how much suffer he felt so far. I breath and holds me tighter. I wish I had the courage to tell Bucky I loved him back at this moment.
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