akshatdilipjain · 1 year
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Pure alacrity. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9yX53ttkS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
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Some glimpses of my amazing time in #leh #lehladakh 🥰🥳😊 (at Leh Ladakh) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfi7ks5Nqzh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
Understand. Divert and Occupy!
17th of January, 2022.
Today was fine. Just as usual. A great day. Wonderful experiences. Happy day.
The day had begun with me getting up at 9:30 am. After brushing and doing the basic daily chores I had my breakfast. Papaya, a slice of orange (not the others because it was sour...hehe) and a glass of milk. A quite light breakfast, but it was for me to get the day started. I soon took a bath and was off to the temple. It was bliss. Happiness in the serene silence. It genuinely feels great. So, after returning and listening to some songs, it was soon time for the online lectures. First- Logic, then- Psychology and then- Sanskrit, with finally ending with- English (Tutorial). The lectures were quite heavy today. I am still adapting. With the online format. Anyways, the official announcement for our Terminal exams are here. 1st of February, Online. 50 marks. It is actually relief that it is online. Not because it is easy to copy. No. That is not my type. It is because, it is actually comparatively easier to attempt questions that are in multiple choice format. So, basically, online lectures- Not that fun. Online exams- Hmmmmmm. You get it, right? hahaha.
Finally after the lectures, it was time when me and my brother, were down cycling and enjoying ourselves. Returning home, we had dinner and after sometime, here I am, listening to songs while writing this blog. That's it. Yet another wonderful day.
Learning- If you're not happy are not feeling OK then accept that you're responsible for it and promise yourself that you will, get over the past and make yourself so committed and busy towards your goals and dreams that you have no time left to sit, think, whine and complain regarding the past. Divert and occupy yourself, simply, to grow!
Gratitude for the wonderful talk that I had today, irrespective of all the network issues, with a great soul and an extremely good friend of mine!
Lots of Love to you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
The Journey Begins...
29th of December, 2021.
Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you’re having a great time. Enjoy every single moment of your life because you never know what wonders life holds for you the next moment.
Anyways, today’s blog post is going to be a short and sweet one. We (that is me and my family) have currently began our journey for a wonderful trip in the coming three days. It is going to be to a place which I have never visited before. Well, for now, let’s keep that a surprise. You’ll be soon knowing about it in the coming blogs. Today’s day rather seemed more refreshed and relaxing as compared to any other day of the trips that we have had before. What I mean to say is that each time we leaving for a vacation we are usually in a hustle bustle and tend to panic ourselves. Unlike, today, we were rather more at peace. To modify this a bit further, I can add that I am rather at more peace now because I finally made a confession to someone whom I’ve been waiting to tell something about. The best part is that she flawlessly understood it and everything is just beautifully fine now. It feels great to know that the person whom you wish to communicate your thoughts has actually understood what you meant and you feel a sense of relief and satisfaction.
I visited the Mandir today. The Jain Mandir located near our society premises and it felt great. To me, visiting temple is like finding peace and clearing out all the negativity that I’m facing or going through (if any).
Moreover, one of my very good friend has started her own blog today after getting inspired by me about writing blogs. It feels amazing to see someone begin something new and you being someone who has contributed something in their happy new beginnings.
Lastly, immense gratitude to the Universe and my school who gave me the opportunity to judge the virtual school Annual Day/ Exhibition this year. That’s a story, altogether for some other blog and for some other day. I will surely narrate it to you’ll in the near future
But for now, I have to end this blog to begin something new that is my journey to this wonderfully amazing place!
-Akshat Jain.
Pssst...We are beginning our journey from Dadar station.
Lots of Love to you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA  
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
The Story of 'Har Baar' and 'Kayi Baar'.
28th of December, 2021.
Good day everyone! Hope you and your family are doing great and everything is going on fine. If not, then no worries, no matter how bad the times are right now, things will turn out just fine.
Anyways, today's blog is going to be about the wonderful story of Har Baar and Kayi Baar. Before beginning, I wish to thank a wonderful girl who sparked this thought in my mind to narrate this story to YOU. Thank you.
So, we begin our narrative, with a pair of two friends named, Har Baar and Kayi Baar. Both of them were equally qualified and had their offices situated at the same business corporate park. To make their way to the office everyday, they used to resort to trains. Both of them used to catch the same 9:15 am fast train to their desired destination. Now, this train, was one the most crowdy trains running on the tracks daily because it used to be filled with people similar to Har Baar and Kayi Baar. Now, one fine day, just like any other usual day, they boarded the train. Unfortunately, Har Baar's pocket got picked and now all that he was left with were some crumpled notes left in his bag. He was sad and angry as well. He decided not to board the 9:15 train ever again as he now believed that, that very train was filled with pickpockets. The next day, the same incident took place, but this time it was Kayi Baar who was unfortunate.When both of them met each other at the business corporate park, Har Baar enquired Kayi Baar about whether he was going to take the 9:15 train tomorrow as well? In answer to this question, Kayi Baar replied with a 'yes'. Har Baar was shocked to see that his friend was dumb enough to board the same train again. Replying him Kayi Baar said, " I know that my pocket got picked in that train today. I can also understand that is it natural to believe that everyone in that train is a pickpocket. Nevertheless, I refuse to believe that because my pocket getting picked once does not prove that it will be picked every single time. It also does not support that  everyone in that  train is a thief. What it rather shows me is that it is my responsibility to be more vigilant from next time. An event happening once, twice or  many times does not mean that it will happen every time. There is a difference. We need to understand that we must think appropriately and optimistically. World will always seem to be a miserable place due to a certain number of events that have occurred with us. Well, it is not the case. There will be times when you find yourself in a mess due to certain circumstances but a thing happening Ek baar or Kayi Baar does not mean that it will happen Har Baar.'
(The End)
We must understand to choose our words wisely. Words have spellings and they are called that way for a reason. It is because each time you say something it automatically gets manifested and that is the reason they have spellings or rather spells. Beware and be aware about what you are speaking because you never know when the Universe is actually listening.
Pssst...by the way...a general uncalled hint... the Universe is always listening.
Remember that and keep smiling and shining!
-Akshat Jain
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Lots of Love to you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA  
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
The Importance of Expression.
27th of December, 2021.
Happy Monday everyone! I know I'm quite late for today's blog, but still small steps lead to big victories, so please pardon me for uploading this blog a bit late.
Today's blog is going to be about the importance of expression.I'll be honest, I feel, I'm quite bad at it. Ok. Being bad at it is an understatement. I suck at it. Yes, I do. Irrespective of being theatre artist, I'm shameless enough to admit it. Simply because I desire to get better at it. This is a thing we need to understand. If you are genuinely ready to change something bad in you; you must first have the guts to admit and accept it yourself. Only then can you, in my opinion, start developing, growing and evolving to became a better human. So, look inside and check yourself from within and figure out yourself of what you find bad or worse about yourself. Coming back to my narrative, I'm not that good at expressing myself or rather expressing my feeling in front of people. Closed ones specifically. I don't know, I just feel a complete chock and I'm not able to put all those emotions and feelings out and they just start eating, disturbing and bothering me, from inside. Slowly and steadily I do. That too, after several efforts. I can understand because at times it is not always that easy to put out all that is going on inside you; in your mind and overall. It takes time. Moreover, you cannot express all to all. Depending on the situations and the circumstances, you tend to choose the people you wish to share you feelings with. They are the ones whom I call 'family', simply because they just stand beside you, always. Each time, you need them, no matter what, no matter when and no matter how bad the times be. They are always there, to help you bounce back every time time you fall. We must understand to respect them. Joy, success and happiness is the time when each will be ready to be with you, but the ones who are by you during the tough times are, in accordance to me, FAMILY. So, it is never too late to find a person, who you believe will understand. If you haven't found them, keeping looking. It could be anyone- mom, dad, brother, sister, close friend, best friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, grandma, grandpa or even some cousin. It is just the matter of your belief and expression that you wish to bestow upon the person with.
Express your thoughts, views, opinions, perspectives, feelings, emotions, and everything that you feel because instead of keeping it inside and let it bother you or rather eat you, it is better spoken or expressed.Speak out your thoughts and let your emotions be heard because you need to understand one, basic, simple thing and that is...
-Akshat Jain.
Pssst...By the way...I visited Being Human Store today, and did a lot of shopping with my Dad!Moreover, watched 'Bhagam Bhag', today- great movie!So, gratitude to the Universe for that!
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Lots of Love to you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA  
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
A Boy Called Christmas- Movie Review
26th of December, 2021
Happy Sunday! Today is the last Sunday of the year 2021.(Bet, you had a thought of checking the calendar, once :) ). Today's blog is going to be about a wonderfully amazing movie that I completed watching yesterday. It is ironic that I completed watching the movie 'A Boy Called Christmas', on the day of Christmas. Anyways, speaking about Matt Haig written, A Boy Called Christmas, is a book further adapted and turned into a major film that is released on Netflix this year. It is a beautifully presented and woven film that begins with an old, elderly lady(Aunt Ruth) visiting her sister's grandchildren on the Christmas eve. She narrates them a story of a boy called Nikolas, his mouse Miika and the wonderfully unimaginable magical town of Elfhelm. The struggles and hardships that Nikolas faces and surpasses depicts the underlying message of never giving up, endless courage, strength and hope.
Hope is the true jewel that is sought after in the whole movie not only by the people of the kingdom and the king but also by Nikolas and the audience as a whole who naturally pity the condition of the people during the harsh and cold days of the Winter. It is Nikolas's Father, the modest woodcutter, and the other brave men of the kingdom who decide to undertake the extremely difficult task of bringing back hope to the land, by finding their way to Elfhelm and bring back some magic with them. Poor Nikolas, feels sad while he sees his father leaving for the quest but it is not too late when he realizes that the story his mother used to tell him every night is the actually the way of finding Elfhelm, the happiest place on Earth.
It is then, his quest to find his father and inform him about this. The movie depicts the unquenchable thirst and desire of a simple boy to meet his father and help him. It showcases the importance of believing and makes us understand that nothing is actually impossible if we truly and genuinely believe in it. In one of the scenes from the movie, Nikolas is advised to believe completely to actually see Elfhelm by Father Topo which is a character that helped Nikolas to find what he was looking for.
The movie at a first glance seems to be a great fairytale or a bedtime story, but it is simply the matter of time when, we as a viewer, start unfolding the underlying messages from the amazingly symbolic and motivating scenes from the movie. The intervention form the narrative and back to real life is subtly and smoothly transited to and fro, even before the eyes and the brain can do their job and comprehend it. The addition of a Miika, which is a mouse with some extraordinarily subtle yet interesting sense of humor keeps the audience gripped to the movie.
All in all, this movie is not just another film, to be honest, it is a journey full of magic and wonder that will definitely make you start BELIEVING in MAGIC and symbolically make you realize and understand the true hidden meanings and lessons related to life; provided that, you're smart enough to unravel them and enlighten your mind and body with blossoming thoughts and beliefs.
Thank you.
-Akshat Jain.
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Lots of Love to you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA  
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akshatdilipjain · 2 years
Expressing Gratitude. A New Beginning...
25th December, 2021.
It's Christmas and almost the end of this wonderful year(at least for me). This year has unraveled various expected and unexpected gifts, surprises and presents I could've ever asked for. Since, the year is almost coming to end and the new year is soon to begin, with new beginnings, I want make a resolution, 5 days before the new year, so that I'm already in the flow of doing what I wish to do the coming year and hence after, maybe for the rest of my whole life. 'I promise and resonate that I will be making a blog post EVERYDAY about something or the other.' I know, that this is a huge claim for a lazy head like me, but that is what I wish to to change about me and prove it to myself that- I CAN DO IT & I WILL DO IT.
Well, to be honest, I'm determined enough to make this plan or rather resolution of mine a success because this is what I guess is going to bring about a change in me. It certainly evokes as well as invokes a sense of urgency and importance in me and makes me realizes that this commitment of mine, to my audience, the world, is compulsorily important and has to be given time. It is as good as having a To-Do List everyday with a mandatorily important task to complete, to achieve a goal that you desire and dream about everyday. Along with my efforts, you can help me, to make this dream of mine of getting published everyday come true by reading my blogs and expressing your views and opinions over them. I'll be glad and waiting for them.
Drifting from 'expressing', let's talk about today's blog post specifically. I wish to extend or rather express, to put in a better way, my GRATITUDE for all that the Universe has gifted, bestowed and blessed me with. It has made me believe that it is just the matter of time when everything form being at its worst can completely turn around and be at its best. Everything needs time. And when the time has come, everything will blossom and bloom at its finest without even you noticing. It will happen and it will happen- swiftly but tenderly yet being flawless. All you need to do is sit back and live, dream, believe and achieve while trusting the process.
This Universe has been generous enough towards me to have given me al that I could've asked for and also gifting me unimaginably wonderful presents that I honestly never thought of. It's just beautiful that everything around me and everything related to me is simply going exceptionally beautiful and I thoroughly and solely pay my gratitude towards the Universe or the Ultimate Super Power that has made this life of mine, a blockbuster hit!
Thank you to everyone and everything that has been, is or will be a part of this journey with me.
I express my happiness and gratitude towards YOU and Thank YOU for everything.
Let's make the coming year a bigger hit and blossom and cherish all that we have got.
Lots of Love to you. Thank you.  
Hope you liked the blog post today. If you did, then share it with your friends and family.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for giving me and my blog your precious time.
Love You.
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Pssst....By the way, this is the exact same bracelet that I've started wearing from today. :)
Mail me your views on my email id- [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram- @akshat_dilip_jain
Listen to my podcast on Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5XW1nk6OKvt4i6D2bXp6XW?si=MEZVwe2FQjG6uWqBTCDmIA&dl_branch=1
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing entertainment content- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngxJ6-Bg9s2NaOdd2-b8GA  
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akshatdilipjain · 4 years
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akshatdilipjain · 4 years
May I come in,ma'am?|A Short Film|
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akshatdilipjain · 4 years
Mono Act- 3 minutes mono act of a doctor
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akshatdilipjain · 4 years
Mono Act(in Hindi)- 2 minutes mono act of a Sweeper
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akshatdilipjain · 5 years
I have thoughts to speak and several things to say,
There are many happy things that have happened throughout the day.
Hope, that I don’t need to call out for ‘MAYDAY!’
Because my childhood dream was to swim, dance and play
In the Bengal’s Bay.                                                                
Don’t know what wonders, I would see on my way,
But, however, who cares anyway.
I know that I am going away,
From my family, friends and a chubby chicken that lays.
I am looking forward to having a 7days and 6night's stay.
Unluckily, I am at the airport but the flight is delayed.
So, I am finally going back home and I’m on my way!  
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akshatdilipjain · 5 years
A Conscience of Positivity
Positivity can be easily found
Within the one who is unknown,
Or within someone who is renowned.
 Positivity can be said a lovely song or sound.
Also, it can be termed as a borderless feeling which knows no bounds
 Positivity if referred, then, can be even said a bond,
Between humans, animals and creatures and towards, whom they’re fond.
 Positivity if looked up to then, it can be your best friend;
And just don’t take it as a joke,
but trust me it will be your free and open feeling which has no end.
 Positivity is definitely within your piece of mind,
And if you search for it, then, you would have a successful find!
 Trust me,
Positivity is within you and your peers.
To search for it within everyone it might take you years,
But if you’re successful, then, don’t forget to whisper it in my ear,
And if you have completed the task we both will definitely go,
party and just yell-‘CHEERS!’
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akshatdilipjain · 5 years
The Eternal Wonder
Believe it or not,
but this is mostly everybody’s thought
that there is some who is capable
of doing the suitable; for everyone.
For his work, he is answerable and accountable,
and thus remarkable and rewardable.
Yet he is still unknown,
But if you think carefully
He is our very own and well-known-GOD!
 ‘O-God-Please tell me where is your shrine
Since you’re the only one who is divine.
I want to be a true student of yours.  
To make each and every soul around me smile and shine…!’
 ‘O-God-The presence of you
Makes me feel free and knocks down all my scares.
Just like the cute and little bird which sits on the tree’s branch
And sings like is just do not cares…!’
 ‘O-God-I know that you’re the eternal energy
That combines with the weak, to form a synergy.
You always help those who are in need
and take it away from those who were or are in the sea of Greed.
For those whom you help, you’re not just a power but a creed…!’
 ‘O-God-You give experiences to everyone,
through each aspect of their lives.
Through ups and downs, through thick and thin,
through sweet and soar, through loss and win…!’
 ‘O-God-the feeling of love
that you pass through every soul is undefined.
It is and can be felt thoroughly and fully by everyone
But yet it is undetermined.
We, your children, know every very well that this love of yours
is conditional, and thus it remains forever since it’s not seasonal…!’
 ‘O-God-Science says that there is no exists of you,
but, I strongly believe and know, that you’re there with me always
protecting me, making me feel the love and
assailing every single negativity that comes along my way…!’
 ‘O-God-I believe that you’re somewhere around me,
helping and motivating me in want I want to be.
The loves that you give and pass towards me
flows like a river with endless continuity
and, thus I surely know that you are the real ambassador of HUMANITY…!’
 ‘O-God-it is my polite and humble request which small.
Not for me; but for those who around me.
For those who can’t reach you, still, they’re your children
It’s me, you, us, they and altogether we ALL…!’
 ‘O-God-You’re the ultimate and adorable wonder
and you punish them who do wrong like
the rolling and shocking thunder!
I asunder myself and surrender it you;
and when my soul leaves my body  and it knows it’s destination
that is directly to you…!’
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