aeuiaeui · 5 years
Spanish LL7
Present Subjunctive
From spanishdict.com:  The subjunctive is used to express desires, doubts, the unknown, the abstract, and emotions.
First, conjugate the verb in the present yo form.
Then, add the proper present subjunctive ending:
For -ar verbs:
yo - e 
tú - es 
él/ella/usted - e 
nosotros - emos 
vosotros - éis 
ellos/ellas/ustedes - en
For -er / -ir verbs:
yo - a 
tú - as 
él/ella/usted - a 
nosotros - amos 
vosotros - áis 
ellos/ellas/ustedes - an
(tú) venir - vengas
(nosotros) respirar - respiremos
Remember that if the verb has an irregular yo form (such as venir in the example above), you keep that form when conjugating in the subjunctive! Stem changes also remain the same except in the nosotros and vosotros forms for -ir verbs. In nosotros/vosotros, ue --> u and ie --> i. ex. dormir - durmamos / durmáis , sentir - sintamos, sintáis.
Also remember the spelling changes for verbs ending in -car, -gar, -zar.
-car --> -que
-gar --> gue
-zar --> ce
Ex: (él) almorzar --> almorce
Irregular verbs:
hay --> haya
                                  dar          estar           ir                saber             ser
yo                              dé           esté            vaya           sepa              sea
tú                               des         estés          vayas         sepas             seas
el/ella/usted               dé           esté            vaya          sepa               sea
nosotros                    demos    estemos     vayamos   sepamos        seamos
vosotros                    deis         estéis         vayáis       sepáis            seáis
ellos/ellas/ustedes    den          estén          vayan       sepan             sean
Some expressions always followed by the subjunctive:
Es bueno que... - It’s good that...
Es importante que... - It’s important that...
Es mejor que... - It’s better that...
Es necesario que... - It’s necessary that...
Es malo que... - It’s bad that...
Es urgente que... - It’s urgent that...
Es probable que... - It’s probable that...
Es recomendable que... - It’s recommended that 
Example: Es importante que estudie por la prueba. - It’s important that I/he/she/you study for the quiz.
For more: https://www.spanishdict.com/guide/impersonal-expressions-with-the-subjunctive
Now I will be going into verbs that are commonly followed by the subjunctive but before that it is important to understand in what circumstances you would use the subjunctive.
The subjunctive is used when there is more than one subject in a sentence. For example, “I hope that I can go to the party,” would not use the subjunctive since “I” is the subject of both clauses. If you were to say, “I hope that you can go to the party,” it would use the subjunctive since the subject of the second clause is different from the first.
This first set of verbs are called verbs of “will and influence” meaning you use them when you are hoping to influence the actions of others.
aconsejar - to advise
desear - to wish ; to desire
importar - to be important
insistir (en) - to insist (on)
mandar - to order
necesitar - to need
pedir - to ask (for)
preferir - to prefer
prohibir - to prohibit
querer - to want
recomendar - to recommend
rogar - to beg
sugerir - to suggest
Example: Me importa que ustedes vengan a mi fiesta. - It’s important to me that you guys come to my party.
I’ll do another post on the other uses of the subjunctive I’m currently learning another time.
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
My next Spanish log is gonna be on the subjunctive present tense and then Imma do a Korean log where i share vocabulary and grammar i either learned or heard commonly used during my trip to Korea
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
i was wondering why i had so many notifications wow people started actually seeing my posts all at once
guess i should get back to it !
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
SLL6: Mandatos Formales
Formal Commands
Formal commands are used to give a command to someone you speak formally to (usted) or a group of people (ustedes).
Conjugation: For both usted and ustedes, start by conjugating the verb in the yo form in present tense. Ex: lavar --> lavo
Add the appropriate ending.
Ar: Usted - e , Ustedes - en
Ir / Er : Usted - a , Ustedes - an
Example phrases:
lavar - Lave los platos, por favor. -- Wash the dishes please
escriber - Escriban notas durante la lectura. -- Write notes during the lecture.
Irregular Verbs:
                 Usted                            Ustedes
dar            dé                                  den
estar         esté                               estén
ir               vaya                              vayan
saber        sepa                              sepan
ser            sea                                sean
Remember spelling changes:
-car --> -que, quen
-gar --> -gue, guen
-zar --> -ce, cen
For commands in the negative, the conjugation of the verb is the same, just add no in front. 
Example Phrases:
lavar - No lave los platos. -- Do not wash the dishes.
escribir - No escriban notas durante la lectura. -- Do not write notes during the lecture.
Lastly, with pronouns, attach them to the end of the verb when the command is affirmative but put the pronouns before the verb when the command is negative. When attaching the pronoun to the end of the verb, do not forget to add if the command has two or more syllables.
Decir - Dígamelo. - Say it to me.
         - No me lo diga. - Don’t say it to me.
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
I have a spanish quiz tomorrow so im gonna do a post on some of the grammar its on (formal commands and subjuctive).
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
I’ll try to make a quizlet for all of the duolingo vocab at some point ~
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Spanish LL5
Next vocab list from Duolingo:
plano - flat
seguir - to follow
mostrar - to show
pesar - to weigh
acabar - to finish, to end
caber - to fit
actualmente - currently
las tijeras - scissors
la fuente - source
la campana - bell
el hogar - home
el barrio - neighborhood
el salón de clases - classroom
la esquina - corner
la cárcel - jail
la hacienda - ranch, estate
la frontera - border
la patria - home country
una pareja - couple
el cuidadano - citizen
la costumbre - habit, custom
un testigo - witness
sino - but, but rather
los campesinos - peasants
la feria - fair
el caballero - knight, gentleman
alrededor de - about, around
la mitad de - half of
una tonelada - a ton
estadounidense - American
extranjero - abroad
mínimo - minimum
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Spanish LL4
Next vocab list from duolingo:
anoche - last night
el piso - floor
elegir - to choose
tercer(a) - third
ninguno - none of
el probador - fitting room
el anuncio - ad
gracioso - funny
la muñeca - doll
ahí - there
la oración - sentence
caluroso - hot
llover - to rain
nevar - to snow
esperar - to wait
entonces - then, so
acordarse - to remember
encima - on top
despertarse - to wake up
el tamaño - size
la cuna - crib / cradle
el espejo - mirror
la sartén - pan
el horno - oven 
el techo - roof, ceiling
la sábana - bed sheet
el empresario - businessman, entrepreneur
la mudrugada - daybreak
el chuchillo - knife
útil - useful
bilingüe - bilingual
distinto - different
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Spanish LL3
Last time I updated on how far I am in Duolingo I was only up to Travel 2. Since then I managed to Schedule - Objects (despite being pretty lazy and not doing it everyday).
I think I should be able to finish reaching level 1 in each topic by the end of the month, especially since I'm able to test out of a lot of them.
Anyway while I've been doing to duolingo I've been trying to note down words that either new to me or hard for me to remember. These aren't all of them because I don't always remember to write them but it's still a pretty good sized list.
Vocab list:
ambos - both
mecánico - mechanic
a menudo - often
la compañia - company
dibujar - to draw
abrir - to open
el curso - course
quedarse - to stay
cambiar - to change
manejar - to drive
probarse - to try on
volar - to fly
ponerse - to put on
coger - to take
caja - box
traer - to bring
la estantería - bookshelf
la pared - wall
la granja - farm
el césped - grass
mandar - to send
girar - to turn
dentro - inside
atrás - the back
ir derecho - to go straight
ir arriba - to go upstairs
detrás - behind
la librería - bookstore
hace (un año) - (a year) ago
el cerdo - pig
el búho - owl
Since there's so many words I'm gonna break this up into multiple posts ~
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Korean LL4
Learning Korean with song lyrics: days gone by - Day6
저녁 노을을 바라보며
That day when we were looking at the sunset
널 만나 다행이라고 하던 날이
And when I said I was lucky to find you
벌써 꽤나 오래 전 이야기야
It was quite a long time ago
이제는 노을은 밤의 시작일 뿐이야
Now the sunset is just the beginning of a night
모든 게 아름다웠어
Everything was beautiful
우울한 날들은 없었어
There were no sad days
지금 돌이켜보면
Now as I look back
우습기도 하지만
It’s kind of funny but
후회는 남기지 않았어
There’s no regret 
사랑했으니까 뭐 됐어
Because I loved you it’s cool
첫째 날부터
From the first day
마지막 날까지
To the last day
아 행복했던 날들이었다
Ah what’s happy days
꿈만 같았었지
They were like a dream
이제 더는 없겠지만
Now there won’t be more
지난 날로 남겨야지
I’m going to leave them in the past
말하다 생기는 정적은
The silence between conversations
전엔 아무렇지 않았는데 이젠 달라
Used to not be a problem, now it’s different
너무도 길게 느껴지고
It feels too long now
가슴이 쓰리고 답답해서 힘들어
And it hurts my heart, bothers and pains me
매 순간이 아까웠어
Each moment felt wasted
가는 시간이 참 미웠어
I hated the time passing
지금 돌이켜 보면
Now as I look back
바보 같긴 하지만
It seems silly but
후회는 남기지 않았어
There were no regrets
사랑했으니까 뭐 됐어
I loved you so it’s cool
첫째 날부터
From the first day
마지막 날까지
To the last day
아 행복했던 날들이었다
꿈만 같았었지
이제 더는 없겠지만
지난 날로 남겨야지
아주 가끔은 (그리워할 거야 널)
A lot of times (I’ll miss you)
사실 가끔은 (아니고 자주겠지)
Actually sometimes (No, often)
아주 가끔은 (눈물이 흐를 거야)
A lot of times (Tears will be shed)
그 때도 괜찮다고
Even then I’ll say that I’m ok
되뇌일 거야
Over and over
아 행복했던 날들이었다
꿈만 같았었지
이제 더는 없겠지만
지난 날로 남겨야지
노을 - morning / evening glow; red sky
바라보다 - to look, stare, gaze
꽤 - quite, fairly
돌이키다 - to reminisce, think of
우습다 - to be funny
남기다 - to cause to stay, to cause to not be forgotten, to leave
생기다 - to be formed, come into being
정적 - silence, calm, quiet
쓰리다 - to hurt, suffer
아깝다 - to be regrettable
되뇌다 - to repeat, say something over and over
Credit: Eng translation from lyricskpop
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Korean LL3
Once again since I’m waiting for Day6′s new album to drop we doin Day6 songs
Learning Korean with lyrics: 혼잣말 Talking To - Day6
혼잣말이 늘어가 네가 떠난 뒤로
Talking to myself more after you left
이젠 어색하지도 않아
Now it’s not even that awkward
What do I do?
아까는 식탁 위에 있던 죄 없는 과자봉지만 구기고 던지면서
I was just crumpling and throwing around the poor bag of chips on the table
화내고 있더라
And getting mad
What do I do?
(뭐하냐) 아 몰라
(What’re you doing?) I don’t know
(괜찮냐) 괜찮겠냐
(Are you ok?) You think I’m ok?
널 대신할 머릿속의 목소리 
Voices in my head take your place
(나가자) 아 싫어
(Let’s go) No
(일어나) 싫다고
(Get up) I said no
무기력해 뭣도 하기 싫어 
I’m feeling lazy I don’t want to do anything
나도 알아 안다고
I know I said I know
뭐라도 해야지
I know I should do something
근데 참 엉덩이가 (엉덩이가)
But my butt
안 떨어지는걸 
Won’t get off this seat
나더러 어떡하라고
So what do you want me to do?
Just talking to 나
Just talking to myself
말할 사람이 없어서
Since there’s no one else to talk to
누가 봐도 널 보낸 건 나니까
Because anyone can see I’m the one who let you go
I’m just talking to 나
I’m just talking to myself
탓하지도 못하겠어
I can’t even blame you
나를 혼자가 되게 만든 건
Because the one that made me become alone
was me
야 그때 왜 그랬냐 이 자식아
Hey, why did you do that back then, dude?
너도 문제다 상태는 심각
You have issues, its serious
이 정도면 거의 뭐 던짐각
This is just throwing it out there
나도 알어 아아아 나도 알어
I know I know
야 자존심이 그리 중요했냐
Was pride really that important?
뭣이 중요한지도 몰랐던 거냐
Did you not know what was truly important?
나도 안다니까
I said I know
아는데 왜 그랬냐
If you knew, why did you do that?
인간은 같은 실수를 반복하니까?
Because humans tend to repeat their mistakes
Just talking to 나
말할 사람이 없어서
누가 봐도 널 보낸 건 나니까
I’m just talking to 나
탓하지도 못하겠어
나를 혼자가 되게 만든 건
사실 요즘 다 귀찮아
Actually, I’m just lazy (Everything is too bothersome)
밥 먹기도 특히 치우는 게 귀찮아
Too lazy to eat and especially clean up
나도 모르게 습관이 됐나 봐
It’s just become a habit now
2인분을 차리는 거 마마말이야
Making enough food for two every time
사실 요즘 잠도 안 와
Actually, I can’t even sleep these days
더워서 더욱 그런가 봐
Probably because it’s too hot
항상 이불 뺏던 네가 옆에 없으니깐
Because you’re not here to steal the blanket
더워 죽겠다
It’s so hot
잠이 안 와 미치겠다
I can’t sleep I’m going crazy
Just talking to 나
말할 사람이 없어서
누가 봐도 널 보낸 건 나니까
I’m just talking to 나
탓하지도 못하겠어
나를 혼자가 되게 만든 건
늘다 - to increase
떠나다 - to leave
어색하다 - to be awkward, embarrassing
구기다 - to crumple, crush
던지다 - to throw
무기력하다 - to be spiritless, lethargic, lazy
떨어지다 - to fall off, come off, be removed
탓하다 - to lay blame on, find fault
자식아 - child, kid (but used as a casual way to refer to a friend like “dude”)
문제 - problem, question, issue, trouble
상태 - condition, state
심각하다 - to be serious, grave
던지다 - to throw
자존심 - pride
중요하다 - to be important
인간 - human
실수 - mistake
반복하다 - to repeat
귀찮다 - to feel annoyed
특히 - especially, particularly
치우다 - to clean, tidy up
습관 - habit
차리다 - to set the table
빼다 - to take out, pull out, remove
Credit: I get the English translation from color coded lyrics
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Korean LL2
Since Day6 is dropping Youth Part 2 soon ~
Studying Korean with song lyrics: Freely - Day6
All right 눈치만 보다 하루를 보낸 너
All right you spent your day being so cautious
할 일은 제껴 두고 나를 따라와
But just push aside your work and follow me
All right 별빛 아래 drive with me tonight
All right, under the starlight drive with me tonight
손끝을 스치는 바람을 느껴봐
Feel the wind passing through your fingers
어디라도 괜찮아 멀지 않아도 좋아
I don’t care where we go, it doesn’t matter if it’s not far
그저 떠나고 있는 이 순간이 좋아
I just like this moment of leaving
잠시라도 괜찮아
I don’t care if it’s not for long
조급할 필요는 없잖아
There’s no need to rush
오늘 밤 다 같이 저 하늘 아래
Tonight, we’ll be together under the sky
So free 하게 내일은 걱정 말고
So be free, don’t worry about tomorrow
아무 신경 쓰지 말고
Don’t have a single care
So free 하게 우리들뿐이라고 생각해봐
So be free, just think that it’s just us
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게
Everyone together freely
Dance dance tonight
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게 yeah
Everyone together freely
자 you got a feeling
Now you got a feeling
자유를 느끼러 일단 박차고 일어나서 get together
Let’s get up and feel the freedom, get together
해 뜨기 전 오늘 밤 음악은 turn up
Before the sun comes up, the music turns up tonight
털어 내 All day stress
Brush off your all day stress
들어 손은 하늘 높게
Raise your hands high to the sky
흔들어 누가 보든 말든 상관 말어
Shake it no matter who sees
어차피 놀 거 조금이라도 더 푸는 게 이득이야
If you’re gonna play, going a little harder will be your benefit
비가 와도 괜찮아 흠뻑 젖어도 좋아
It doesn’t matter if it rains, it doesn’t matter if we get wet
그저 춤추고 있는 이 순간이 좋아
I just like this moment of dancing
밤을 새도 괜찮아
It doesn’t matter if we stay up all night
신경 쓸 사람 없잖아
There’s no one to care about
오늘 밤 다 같이 저 하늘 아래
Tonight we’ll be together under that sky
So free 하게 내일은 걱정 말고
아무 신경 쓰지 말고
So free 하게 우리들뿐이라고 생각해봐
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게
Dance dance tonight
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게 yeah
Free하게 오늘 밤 모두 잊고
Free하게 오늘 밤은 Let it go
Free하게 오늘 밤 모두 잊고
Free하게 oh
So free 하게 내일은 걱정 말고
아무 신경 쓰지 말고
So free 하게 우리들뿐이라고 생각해봐
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게
Dance dance tonight
Now now everybody dance
Dance dance tonight
다 같이 free하게 yeah
눈치만 보다 - to mind others
제껴 두다 - to push aside
스치다 - to graze, brush
그저 - just
잠시 - for a moment
조급하다 - to be impatient
신경 쓰다 - to worry
자유 - freedom
뜨다 - to come up, to come out
털다 - to shake off, brush off
들다 - to raise, lift
어차피 - in any case
이득 - profit, gain
흠뻑 - completely
젖다 - to get wet
밤을 새도 - to stay up
Credit: I got the English translation from color coded lyrics
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
One thing I forgot to mention: I organize all my notes into a Korean binder (I do the same for Spanish and French) and in that binder I have a section for when I analyze song lyrics, two vocabulary sections (one for simple vocab in lists and one for harder vocab with sample sentences), a section for dictations (which I also forgot to mention I use the ttmik beginner iyagi series for these but they also now have a dictation thing but it’s pretty hard), and lastly a journal section where I can practice writing using what I’ve learned.
I got the binder idea from this video by Whitneybae.
Korean LL1
Since this is my first learning log post I’ll just post about how I’ve been studying Korean for the past few years to start off and give my resources and then starting from my next one will be actual content I’m currently studying.
I’ve been studying Korean on and off for about the past 3-4 years and since I haven’t been very consistent in my studies (usually due to being busy with school or sudden lack of motivation) I’m still at a pretty low level for someone who started learning as long ago as I did. Hopefully I can use this blog to fix that tho.
So to start: learning to read the korean alphabet, hangeul ( 한글)
I started this off by using youtube videos so I could hear the pronunciation and do the worksheets linked down in the description for writing practice. 
I also used a book my parents got me after I had started with the youtube videos from a series called Korean Made Easy. The book for learning to read and write in Korean was definitely really helpful. 
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Next: Beginning to stockpile vocabulary
For this I used a lot of the resources already mentioned above. The channel that did the videos for reading and writing in hangeul has a series called kwow where she introduces a new vocabulary word each video and examples on how to use it. Also the starter book in the Korean Made Easy series does introduce some vocabulary as well.
If you’re looking just to start learning some vocabulary, you can easily look up vocabulary lists on google which I did occasionally.
There is also an app I downloaded called Learn Korean that has lists of vocab with sample sentences and it has numerous quiz options so you can test yourself on them.
There is also a website and app called memrise where lots of people put up flashcards of vocabulary (kinda like quizlet but more suited to learning a language) and I personally think it’s a great study tool so I used that as well and still do.
There are more resources I used to learn vocabulary but I’m gonna introduce them in the next section because they also taught grammar.
Next: Grammar (and more vocabulary)
When I started learning grammar I started off with the second book in the Korean Made Easy series.
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This book does teach basic grammar, has vocabulary lists, and teaches a lot of phrases. However when it came to learning grammar, I personally didn’t really like this book. Once I started using other resources I felt like a lot of what I had learned from this book started making sense. It isn’t bad but the order in which they teach the grammar didn’t bode well with me. However, it was really useful for learning vocabulary and phrases and I still reference it to this day because it had some useful lessons. It also has dialogues which you can listen to with the CD and quizzes at the end of each lesson that test your writing, reading, and listening abilities. So overall, it’s still a good book to have and use I just believe that branching out and using multiple resources is always best.
The main resource that I have been using to study Korean is the website Talk to me in Korean (TTMIK). They have thorough lessons explaining the grammar with lots of sample sentences and each lesson comes with a podcast on soundcloud (that is linked on the lesson) and a pdf so you can listen to them teach it while following along on the pdf. This website has been the most helpful in helping me learn grammar and how to piece together sentences myself.
Another website I have occasionally referenced is How to Study Korean. I personally haven’t used it much however it is my friends main resource and he says its really good so I will also link that.
Lastly: extra resources for practice
If you wanna practice speaking with other people, there are numerous websites and apps you can use to get in contact with native speakers such as hinative, hellotalk, penpalworld, etc.
As for listening, it’s important that you often watch things with Korean because a lot of the grammar is stuff that you’ll only catch on to or get used to using once you’ve heard it used in the right context a bunch of times. So watch kdramas, korean variety shows, korean youtubers, listen to korean music and look at the lyrics (i do this a lot lately), do whatever you can to expose yourself to the language.
Also, if you can travel to Korea after getting a little familiar with the language, I highly recommend it. I went there for a month recently and spoke Korean a lot during my last two weeks and it’s crazy how much I improved. I didn’t necessarily learn a lot of new stuff (although I did learn some) but it really helped me become more comfortable with what I had already learned so that it was easier to recall and use certain grammar and vocabulary more naturally. It also improved my listening skills a lot.
Alright that’s it ! Have fun studying ~
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
Korean LL1
Since this is my first learning log post I’ll just post about how I’ve been studying Korean for the past few years to start off and give my resources and then starting from my next one will be actual content I’m currently studying.
I’ve been studying Korean on and off for about the past 3-4 years and since I haven’t been very consistent in my studies (usually due to being busy with school or sudden lack of motivation) I’m still at a pretty low level for someone who started learning as long ago as I did. Hopefully I can use this blog to fix that tho.
So to start: learning to read the korean alphabet, hangeul ( 한글)
I started this off by using youtube videos so I could hear the pronunciation and do the worksheets linked down in the description for writing practice. 
I also used a book my parents got me after I had started with the youtube videos from a series called Korean Made Easy. The book for learning to read and write in Korean was definitely really helpful. 
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Next: Beginning to stockpile vocabulary
For this I used a lot of the resources already mentioned above. The channel that did the videos for reading and writing in hangeul has a series called kwow where she introduces a new vocabulary word each video and examples on how to use it. Also the starter book in the Korean Made Easy series does introduce some vocabulary as well.
If you’re looking just to start learning some vocabulary, you can easily look up vocabulary lists on google which I did occasionally.
There is also an app I downloaded called Learn Korean that has lists of vocab with sample sentences and it has numerous quiz options so you can test yourself on them.
There is also a website and app called memrise where lots of people put up flashcards of vocabulary (kinda like quizlet but more suited to learning a language) and I personally think it’s a great study tool so I used that as well and still do.
There are more resources I used to learn vocabulary but I’m gonna introduce them in the next section because they also taught grammar.
Next: Grammar (and more vocabulary)
When I started learning grammar I started off with the second book in the Korean Made Easy series.
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This book does teach basic grammar, has vocabulary lists, and teaches a lot of phrases. However when it came to learning grammar, I personally didn’t really like this book. Once I started using other resources I felt like a lot of what I had learned from this book started making sense. It isn’t bad but the order in which they teach the grammar didn’t bode well with me. However, it was really useful for learning vocabulary and phrases and I still reference it to this day because it had some useful lessons. It also has dialogues which you can listen to with the CD and quizzes at the end of each lesson that test your writing, reading, and listening abilities. So overall, it’s still a good book to have and use I just believe that branching out and using multiple resources is always best.
The main resource that I have been using to study Korean is the website Talk to me in Korean (TTMIK). They have thorough lessons explaining the grammar with lots of sample sentences and each lesson comes with a podcast on soundcloud (that is linked on the lesson) and a pdf so you can listen to them teach it while following along on the pdf. This website has been the most helpful in helping me learn grammar and how to piece together sentences myself.
Another website I have occasionally referenced is How to Study Korean. I personally haven’t used it much however it is my friends main resource and he says its really good so I will also link that.
Lastly: extra resources for practice
If you wanna practice speaking with other people, there are numerous websites and apps you can use to get in contact with native speakers such as hinative, hellotalk, penpalworld, etc.
As for listening, it’s important that you often watch things with Korean because a lot of the grammar is stuff that you’ll only catch on to or get used to using once you’ve heard it used in the right context a bunch of times. So watch kdramas, korean variety shows, korean youtubers, listen to korean music and look at the lyrics (i do this a lot lately), do whatever you can to expose yourself to the language.
Also, if you can travel to Korea after getting a little familiar with the language, I highly recommend it. I went there for a month recently and spoke Korean a lot during my last two weeks and it’s crazy how much I improved. I didn’t necessarily learn a lot of new stuff (although I did learn some) but it really helped me become more comfortable with what I had already learned so that it was easier to recall and use certain grammar and vocabulary more naturally. It also improved my listening skills a lot.
Alright that’s it ! Have fun studying ~
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
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aeuiaeui · 5 years
i wish i could be in jk’s chatroom lol
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