adhdpie · 4 months
‘My meds are working! I can pick what I want to do! …. & if I don’t pick something in the next 10 minutes I’m taking a medicated nap instead 🫠’
That feeling when the dopamine hits
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adhdpie · 4 months
That feeling when the dopamine hits
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adhdpie · 5 months
Something I desperately want ppl to know:
If you are an adult who has never experienced ADHD symptoms until recently: you may have a form of Long COVID
many ppl who have it call ‘brain fog’. Its primary feature is being unable to concentrate & short term memory/working memory issues, which severely impairs executive function.
COVID-induced brain fog’s effect on executive function is essentially indistinguishable from ADHD’s effect on the same.
as the number of adults with executive dysfunction has shot up, i want people to remember this. Especially if they get an ADHD evaluation and are told they’re not ADHD
Because we are all disabled, and we deserve care and understanding no matter what disabled us
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adhdpie · 7 months
Dr Dodson needs to stop coming for all our throats like this
Individuals with ADHD don't know where and how to start, since they can't find the beginning. They jump into the middle of a task and work in all directions at once. Organization becomes an unsustainable task because organizational systems work on linearity, importance, and time.
Just shank me next time, ADDitude Magazine.
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adhdpie · 9 months
surprise! I'm (probably) AuDHD!
guess who spent like 3 years away from this blog because I couldn't keep talking about my ADHD symptoms with authority unless I was sure that they weren't secretly 3 ASD symptoms stacked on top of one another in a trenchcoat pretending to be ADHD?
that's me! yay!
anyway I am NOT formally diagnosed with ASD, and I will be careful to keep that clear! However, as I've unmasked my ADHD, I increasingly found underlying tendencies better explained by Autism. Furthermore: I showed strong symptoms of ASD as a toddler, and self-testing has given borderline-ASD results repeatedly over several years. So I've done a looooot of reading on ASD and at any rate, I've found that viewing my self-care through an AuDHD (combined ASD-ADHD) lens helps me treat myself with kindness.
And now that I've got a better grasp on what parts of my life are (probably) ASD-related, I won't accidentally attribute them to straight ADHD!
ANYWAY back to blogging here. Maybe? We'll see. Gosh look at all those drafts I never posted. peak adhd tbh
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adhdpie · 9 months
adhd failure mode #527
leave a message 'unread' so you remember to reply to it
procrastinate so long on the reply that you stop noticing the notification of unread messages
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adhdpie · 4 years
the book You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy? is written by ADHD adults for ADHD adults and contains social & relationship advice in addition to all the organizational stuff.
but issues with reading the mood/understanding others’ facial expressions/etc are also common among ppl with ASD, so looking up resources for autistic people might be helpful as well.
anyone else have any thoughts?
I’ve been searching for quite some time now for a book on how to Do Social Skills for adults with ADHD. For example, how to teach yourself to read facial expressions/microexpressions, how not to wander off topic in conversation, how to listen effectively, etc. 
The only problem is that all of the ones I’ve found so far are written for kids and teens in mind.
It’s not that I have a problem with reading and using books geared toward kids and teens. It’s that the ones I’ve looked at pretty much cover basic things that even I know how to do (like how to not respond entirely off topic to something someone says).
All the books I’ve found for adults with ADHD are all about organization, work-life balance, time management, etc. And that’s good, and necessary! But I feel like learning those things without learning social skills, for me, would be like taking calcium without taking vitamin D. I’d love any suggestions. Even for books for teens that cover things like succeeding in the workplace, not sounding like you’re making excuses when you’re not trying to, communicating that you’re taking responsibility for your behavior, etc. Again, it’s not the reading level that’s the problem–it’s the fact that I know the content already.
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adhdpie · 4 years
ADHD’s non-developmental-disorder lookalike: BURNOUT
so you relate to like every ADHD/ADD mood/feel post on your dash!
but when you look up ADHD/ADD diagnosis guidelines, you see things like:
 ‘symptoms must have started in early childhood/by the age of 3/7/12’
‘symptoms must be disruptive in at least 2 out of 3 life arenas throughout life’
which ... isn’t the case for you.
if you suffer from ADHD/ADD-esque concentration & follow-through issues as a late teen/adult, but you’re pretty sure that you weren’t having those symptoms early on/growing up: you might be dealing with burnout.
An increasingly-common affliction in the American working class, burnout is related to the brain being overworked &/or frequently or constantly flooded with stress hormones. 
things that can trigger/lead to burnout:
having a stressful/high-stakes life/job
working long, tedious hours doing something that does not stimulate or relax the brain (such as rote homework)
being bombarded by new information (i.e. social media)
constant anxiety about money/health/basic life necessities
lacking the means for/neglecting necessary self-care (getting enough sleep & eating properly)
having to constantly choose between too many options without meaningful ways of narrowing the choices down (i.e. shopping online)
all of the above w/a minimal or nonexistent support network
in other words: burnout is induced by living the average life of like 90%* of American adults under the age of 40!!!!
(*not a real statistic. I’m just saying a lot of us millennials/gen z ppl are burning out.)
burnout can look a LOT like adult ADHD/ADD because it seriously fucks with executive function. some symptoms ADHD/ADD & burnout have in common:
struggling to concentrate
feeling paralyzed when asked to make decisions
procrastinating on ‘simple’ or ‘nonessential’ tasks
difficulty prioritizing work/errands/tasks
burnout also takes on depression-like symptoms such as:
feeling tired, exhausted, &/or irritated all the time
feeling like nothing matters/everything is ‘the same’
isolating oneself from others
changing appetite
the thing about burnout is: even if it looks like ADHD/ADD (or depression) to you, the treatment for burnout is nothing like the treatment for ADHD/ADD (or depression). it mostly involves getting rest & reducing stress (as if most of us have this option, but that’s a post for a different blog!) this is why it’s important to get the correct diagnosis - so the treatment can be the right one.
of course, that being said:
people with ADHD/ADD can also get burnout. in fact, ADHD/ADD can exacerbate burnout symptoms: it’s already hard enough to make decisions when the brain is healthy, much less when it’s so stressed you can barely think!
because capitalism is a cruel mistress, a lot of people are just struggling to executive function b/c we’re burnt out by stressful, non-stop lives with no work-life separation and too many too-same buying options every time we try to buy something as simple as dish soap.
if you’re pretty sure you don’t have ADHD/ADD (or cousin developmental disorders such as ASD) but severely struggle with concentration/executive function, or you feel like you have ADHD but lack the developmental history to back it up: you might have burnout.
and your problems are still valid & still deserve treatment & management!
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adhdpie · 4 years
oh hey! I love this addition, what a good point
I've seen a lot about how coffee doesnt really affect people w adhd, or if it does it calms them down. Is this something present in every adhd person or only some?
I don’t think it’s present in every ADHD person, no. and I know non-ADHD ppl who experience tiredness after drinking caffeine in coffee or tea, so coffee having a non-arousing effect is not ADHD specific either.
I think it also depends on what we’re calling ‘coffee’, haha. like: some coffee has more caffeine than other coffees, and if you put sugar/sugar-based sweeteners in your coffee then the sugar will change the overall effect, too. (I think that’s why I personally find my perceived ‘coffee effect’ tends to fluctuate a lot.)
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adhdpie · 4 years
I've seen a lot about how coffee doesnt really affect people w adhd, or if it does it calms them down. Is this something present in every adhd person or only some?
I don’t think it’s present in every ADHD person, no. and I know non-ADHD ppl who experience tiredness after drinking caffeine in coffee or tea, so coffee having a non-arousing effect is not ADHD specific either.
I think it also depends on what we’re calling ‘coffee’, haha. like: some coffee has more caffeine than other coffees, and if you put sugar/sugar-based sweeteners in your coffee then the sugar will change the overall effect, too. (I think that’s why I personally find my perceived ‘coffee effect’ tends to fluctuate a lot.)
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adhdpie · 4 years
is it an adhd thing to wish that the music you listened to was faster?? like when i will listen to songs on youtube so i can set the video to like 1.25 speed. not super super fast just a bit faster than what they put it. or maybe thats just me???? idk lol
man YES??? I’ll be listening to a song & enjoying it but also kinda wishing that it was time for the next song at the same time??? 
like my brain is going ‘okay I am stimming on this music but WHAT IF STIM ON NEXT MUSIC NOW TOO’ and like. if that isn’t the most ‘can’t wait your turn’ hyperactive ADHD feel I don’t know what is
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adhdpie · 4 years
;sdfjas;dfj ‘MEDIOCRE’ NOPE!!! this is beautiful, I’m super honored! THANK YOU
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originally a text post by @adhdpie
link HERE
I made an actual flowchart version because I am a visual person and have mediocre abode illustrator skills
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adhdpie · 4 years
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[IMAGE ID: tweet from ‘freetofic’ reading:
“ADHD culture is not knowing:
-when to ask for help b/c ‘overwhelmed w/things to do’ is your normal, default state
-how to ask for help b/c you don’t even know how to describe what needs doing, so organizing the help would be more work than just doing it yourself”
Posted 9:49 AM on 1st December 2019]
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adhdpie · 4 years
adhd problem #76
friend in my DMs: hi
my adhd-induced anxiety: shit. why are they texting me? did I forget to call them? did we have plans? did they ask me for something & I never replied? did I borrow something and never return it? what did I do wrong?????
me: im sorry
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adhdpie · 4 years
I (OP) was diagnosed at the age of 32!
and to be honest: it’s not even that uncommon for ADHD adults (particularly women (afab or no) & afab ppl who aren’t women but are perceived as women) to not find out they’re ADHD until they’re in their 20′s or 30′s*. 
it is never too late to look into diagnosis. :)
(*apparently it’s common for ADHD parents to get diagnosed for the first time b/c someone recommended their kid be evaluated for ADHD & they read the info & went ‘omg this is me’!)
7 most adhd moods
–the Only Mood everyone else knows about: i  wanna do THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and–SQUIRREL
–galaxy brain: i was listening to the lecture but the prof said something that reminded me of something else and now i’m not sure how much time i was lost in thought
–the tutorial only comes in video format: i’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove *hurls product & its tutorial video into the sun*
–damn you hyperfocus: i went to bed intending to wake up and write but this morning i was possessed by a cleanliness spirit and spent the next 14 hours organizing the apartment
–i dont think u tried at all.jpg: did i seriously spend an entire free day refreshing twitter b/c i didn’t want to spend 10 minutes finishing my hw but wouldn’t let myself do anything else until i finished it???? (yes)
–patrick star: *unlocks phone* time to check the weather. *opens twitter* the weather. *opens messenger* the weather. *opens mobage game* the weather. *opens facebook* the weather. *opens twitter again* THE WEA–
–smells like depression: literally everything is too boring. i’m going back to sleep
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adhdpie · 5 years
flighT rising is a websiTe noT an app buT iT fiTs mosT of The criTeria! :) sorry my T buTTon is broken and I canT make iT lowercase lol
you’re not wrong - I was totally thinking of flight rising while making the app post! but I need the eggs & dragons & breeding & whatever to grow by doing tasks instead of time passing/spending time on a site ;A; 
(I don’t know if you’re familiar with homestuck but I cant’ unsee a troll typing quirk due to your broken button, haha. I hope you’re able to get it fixed tho)
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adhdpie · 5 years
Yeah, and Habitica rewards tasks less & less the longer your streak goes. Like dude it’s not a habit yet don’t deincentivize my streak!!
dream ‘habit-forming’ game app for me, an ADHD
level-ups stop getting further and further apart after like, level 10
and you always get the same amount of gold for doing a repeating task, forever
with like. periodic extra rewards for hitting a streak of a certain length
the entire game is just eggs & animal food
maybe cross-breeding for cooler eggs? MAYBE?? TRADING??? idk
unlocking cooler/more complicated eggs/animals by reaching levels
option to limit how much time you spend in the app so you don’t get stuck doing egg-collectible things
i’d pay literal money for this app but don’t let me cheat by paying money
basically I just need an app that rewards tasks for long enough it actually becomes a subconscious habit. which takes like. a year. literally a whole year
& goals that don’t grow so far apart I stop caring about reaching them
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