absolutecarwreck · 2 years
In this world, you're either a Lost Boys fan or a Bram Stoker Dracula fan. If you're both, congratulations, you're gayer than we thought.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Is that Rob Lowe in the poster?-
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Hmmm i know what you are
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
All I can think about is the idea that Dallas entered whatever afterlife screaming and crying his eyes out, and Johnny was there and sat with him and made sure he was ok and not alone like he had been when he was alive.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Don't get me wrong I love the fandoms stuff of Dwayne being the big quiet menacing mom of the group. But did you see him walking on the merry go round? Did you see him cackling while riding his bike? He's having the absolute time of his life, and you can't convince me the guy that got death by stereo is not feral.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Does incorrect quotes for the only slasher films I've watched. Come get your food, slasher fans
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Sparknotes Outsiders revision quizzes crack me up.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
It's something about a big group of around 14-17 year olds
i love these guys they’re so cool!
me, cowering in fear if i ever saw him within 20 ft of me:
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
The more misgendering from my family, the closer I get to being a Dallas kin.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Outsiders fandom- I'm just saying- please for the love of God make sure you're aging people up if you're going to write sexual stuff.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Never watched Stranger Things, watched like 40 mins of the first episode of s4 because I've seen Eddie pop up in almost all my fandoms. And dude? It's literally D&D John Bender (The Breakfast Club) in a murder sci-fi sort of plotline. Drug dealer, check. Hates social norms, check. Hates people who go along with social norms, especially in school, check. Creators of the media make it look like he's going to end up with the popular girl, but he's definitely gay, check. Denim, check. Anyways so that's what I've got from 40 mins so?
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
They're the safest option if I'm going to try to beat anyone. You could literally slam a door on them and boom, match won.
My special quality is believing I could win in a fight against the most ruthless character in whatever media I'm watching. Can't tell me I wouldn't absolutely destroy Billy and Stu.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
My special quality is believing I could win in a fight against the most ruthless character in whatever media I'm watching. Can't tell me I wouldn't absolutely destroy Billy and Stu.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Breakfast Club pride hcs but it's just somewhat obvious. Plus just general hcs about them
John- genderqueer, omnisexual (preference for women), poly
Claire- cis woman, lesbian, demisexual
Andrew- demiboy, bisexual (no preference)
Brian- boyflux, casssexual
Allison- agender, pansexual, aroflux
Little acts of affection they do:
John- bringing someone snacks and random objects throughout the day. Could be an energy drink, could be a pen stolen from a teacher's office, who knows?
Claire- offering to help with someone's makeup, face/ hair routine. Also likes to be able to have deeper conversations that she doesn't really get to have with her friends.
Andrew- fake punching someone. Will just pretend to beat up someone's arm, sometimes making sound effects. Also likes to "test catching skills" by throwing random things at someone he knows can catch.
Brian- infodumping, both listening and infodumping himself. If he's listening to someone else's, xe will usually provide xyr own opinions if the topic warrants it (and if the person's ok with that).
Allison- giving someone drawings and sketches, either big and detailed or a tiny stickman, they'll do it all. Would definitely draw a psychedelic pattern then write "balls" over it and hand it to someone. Also stealing a person's stuff. Won't keep it for long so they don't accidentally stress the person out, but finds it funny to see how long it takes for them to realise it's gone.
Ideal place to hang out/ have a date:
John- literally anywhere. Could be sat in the middle of a field, he doesn't care. Finds it fun to go to kids parks in the late evening and chill there. Kind of thing where you'd go to a shop, grab loads of snacks and drinks, and just walk around. Stopping at random places every so often.
Claire- nights in. Not really one for big nights out. Don't get me wrong, she'd love to go on a really fun jam-packed evening, restaurants, theatre, etc. But spending quality time with someone is enough for her. Baking, telling stories, whatever seems fun.
Andrew- movies and arcades. Loves being playfully competitive, so he's gonna have a great time in an arcade. Doesn't care how many tickets he wins, as long as he wins the most games against the other person. Also loves action movies, will buy tons of popcorn, but still manages to run out halfway through. Happens to the best of us.
Brian- coffee shops. Absolutely loves if it's a bookshop with a café, xe just likes the comfy atmosphere. Also likes hanging out in random fields, it just feels very free. He would absolutely watch the sunset with someone, so both morning and evening hanging out vibes.
Allison- museums. Those interactive museums are the best, it's much more interesting for them if it's hands on and not just reading information. But also likes to do some trouble making shit like trying to stay in the museum after it's closed. They technically don't have a curfew so might as well stay and check out what it's like all creepy dark in there.
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
"Go out on a walk this morning? Sounds absolutely lovely, I'll just check my calendar- OH GOSH DARN I'M ALL BOOKED UP. Let's actually meet at like 11pm?"
did lucy just like. not notice that she never saw her new boyfriend during the day
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
Listened to Green Day's "21 guns" for the first time in 5 years. It's Dallas Winston. He's everywhere, won't stop haunting me. But that song especially. Dallas.
Also happy pride everyone, shout out to the gays, trans + gender non conforming and aroace umbrella folks who might see this 💖😘
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
The idea of Dallas in COD lobby is so funny to me. He hated kids before, imagine what it's like after he's logging on for some violent gaming after a long day and some 11 year olds sit there roasting the hell out of him and slurring at any chance they get. God I miss COD Xbox 😔😩.
Alright the gang and their fav video games:
Ponyboy- Pokemon Yellow and Nintendogs
Johnny- Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and Pokemon Blue (so he and PB can trade and get those trade evolution pokemon)
Dallas- One of the Grand Theft Auto games or Call Of Duty games
Sodapop- Super Mario 64 and Skate Or Die
Steve- Contra and Mario Kart 8 (plus old flash driving games)
Two-Bit- Wii Sports and Mario Kart 8
Darry- Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out
And, of course, they would all play Super Smash Bros together on the Nintendo Switch since it supports the whole gang being able to play!
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absolutecarwreck · 2 years
I kind of just see it as on the same lines as joking about trauma as a coping mechanism. Except it's 80s rock.
who the fuck decided that upbeat pop music was the appropriate soundtrack to bender reenacting how his dad beats him
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