absintheadoration · 7 years
There is a character in Japanese folklore, Kappa. Kappa is a water creature who is born with bowl on his head. J-Hope kinda reminds me of this creature...
(or at least his favorite haircut. )
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Can you do MBTI typing on The King In Love Korean drama? Thank you.
When I watch the drama, yes...but I haven’t seen it yet.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
So you don't think taehyung is an enfp? im an enfp and personally I really really really strongly think he is like man I relate 100%
Actually I recently did some guessing on their types...and I do think he could be an ENFP. ENTP theories never proved his Ti and quite honestly neither can I. He agrees with ENFP typing himself, I believe he probably is an ENFP.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
BTS MBTI Test results
I’m actually a big fan of BTS, I can might as well classify myself as BTS Trash. However I realized I never actually made an effort to type them myself. Recently, they published their MBTI test results:
JUNGKOOK: INFP Well, even if I didn’t type them here it doesn’t mean I didn’t think about their types. For that reason and other typings I have seen around, this came out as a bit...surprising...to say it lightly. Somehow, before an actual analysis for each member, I wish to express my personal opinion on their type before I start chopping their personality into pieces. I think I wanna see if my opinion will change and what can be seen on surface and what is actually there when you scratch the surface. My personal opinion for now is: SEOKJIN: INxP (off-beat sense of humor suggests Ne to me)
YOONGI: INTJ (he is actually a textbook example of INTJ, he can be a bit whiny and melodramatic which is not something you connect with Te but looking at the whole scale of functions Ni-Te-Fi-Se it makes perfect sense)
HOSEOK: ENFJ - I don’t agree with ESFJ because I honestly cannot see Si in him, nowhere to be found
NAMJOON: IxTP (he si the hardest for me...but I would never say he is an Fi dominant...not ever)
JIMIN: I could accept ENFJ for him actually but I actually have no actual evidence of this accept for his test results
TAEHYUNG: Contrary to popular belief, I actually think he is an Fi user and I could accept ENFP lightly
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Do you watch kdrama father is strange? if yes, could you type ahn jong hee and byun mi young? and any other character if possible. Thank you so much :)
I didn’t watch the drama unfortunately. However, I did a bit of googling now out of curiosity. It seems interesting to me...I have enough time on my hands now and you gave me a good idea of which drama to watch. I will be able to type them if I watch the drama. Wait up a bit please...I might just type them...hopefully accurately.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
In a way this is so hillarious...first GOT7 released their typing and the results were - what? And now that BTS released them - I’m even more what?
BTS just released their MBTI results, and people are really taking them to heart (even though they rated how accurate it was in which only V gave 5/5). I find most of the results to be bullshit and a few others agree. Could you post your guess on their type (I find you as one of the few people on here that actually considers/understands cognitive functions)
I’ve actually already posted their types with explanations on why I typed them the way I did! :) You can find them under “Typed Celebs”.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
BTS did the MBTI test themselves!
It seems BTS did the MBTI test and these are the results:
Jin - INTP (4.5/5)
Suga - INFP (0.5/5)
Hobi - ESFJ (4/5)
RapMon - INFP (4/5)
Jimin - ENFJ (4/5)
V - ENFP (5/5)
Kookie - INFP (3/5)
This points in the brackets show how much out of 5 the members agree on the type they got. 
They did the test in a video BTS FESTA 2017! Reddit informed me and I’m anxious to share this with all BTS and MBTI lovers. What are your thoughts on this?
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Do you know Do Min Joo 's type from You Who Came From The Stars? I really want to know it so badly but no one seems to have a clue
I watched the series....it’s kinda hard to type him since he is an alien in that show so there are some elements that point out to a certain type but they might just be there because he is “foreign”. I would say he has Si, his record making and track recording days on earth somehow tells me this. I would guess ISTJ but I’m not sure. Let me see a bit more about him. Honestly he reminds of Grim reaper from Goblin who is also ISTJ. In a way they were so alike to me. Except for the fact that I think that Grim reaper was more naively interested in humanity. This guy is more cynical and judgmental. I could except INTJ as typing to but I can’t see his Ni all too well but I do see Si. I would say ISTJ for now then.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Hii! I hope you'll see this message but I want to ask for a short request! :) could you type the members of Seventeen please? I have seen some typings online but they never go into the cognitive functions and don't type in the right way :/ could you help out? Thank you!! have a nice day!:))
Hello! Thank you for your request. I could type them but since it’s a lot of them and not all of them get a lot of screen time some of the analyses might not go into such depth. However I can definitely give it go one of these days. The interviews will surely help.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
What you are describing is more likely to be an immature Se dominant rather than Fi vs. Ti. Both Fi and Ti are introverted judging functions which are more related to thought process and reaching conclusions rather than outer reactions. Nothing in this posts proves Ti as an aux function. I’m Ti aux and this is not exactly how it works. If Baek shows any kind of analytical approach, I could agree with this. However he does not show: chopping things into pieces in order to reach a conclusion, analyzing every part in order to prove it’s accuracy or making subcategories in order to reach better understanding of things perceived. These are things strongly connected to Ti. I maybe haven’t seen them in Baek, but if you have - can you point out some examples? In my experience, Fi users tend to have a short fuse too from time to time but it’s more noticeable XSFPs. And actually, it’s more of an Se thing. For example, an ESFP can get very mad once you step on her foot. I also had somewhat short fuse like that. However, as people grew up they handle these things in a different manner. Fi users are more prone to keep reacting to their emotions more often while I rather try to think of a more sneeky way to approach a situation. My Ti prevents my Se of going crazy. With time you realize there are smarter way to deal with things and when I need to defend myself I will use my Ti because it’s more accurate and it really does a good job in finding weak points. I lost my short fuse with this kind of approach. 
In conclusion, short fuse is not something that discerns feelers from thinkers. It’s more like something connected with Se. Later on, people differ in their approach to resolving this matter.  Also, one more thing to point out is: feelers are feelers because they make their decision based on their feeling function. Therefore, it’s rather logical they will be more led by those feelings. Do they have better control over their feelings? Some do and some don’t. What they really get from their feeling function is better understanding of their feelings which doesn’t always correlates with control of their feelings. 
Exo Mbti Part 4: Baekhyun ESTP
Almost everyone assumes that Baekhyun is an ESFP, but, again, this is wrong. Like I mentioned in all my previous posts, the main reason for this mistake is the fact that ESFPs and ESTPs share their dominant function, which is Se. Baekhyun is definitely extroverted, loves attention, and he’s charming, but unlike ESFPs, his emotions can be explosive and he can be angry and even inconsiderate very suddenly and unexpectedly.
ESFPs have Fi as their auxiliary function. This means they tend to have a greater desire for harmony and want to avoid conflict if at all possible. I used to be friends with someone who’s an ESFP. She had a tendency to laugh off things that she actually felt deeply about or would try to conceal the true depth of her own feelings. ESTPs have Fe as their tertiary function. This means they have less control over their emotions, so when they are expressed–especially since it’s extroverted feeling–they aren’t well controlled. I know an ESTP, and he can be very funny, charming, and fun to be around. However, there are times when I say something and he’ll suddenly get extremely angry and say something extremely hurtful and insensitive, then move on as if he did nothing wrong. Of course, this doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy, and it doesn’t mean Baekhyun’s a bad guy. It’s just a defense mechanism.
It’s clear that Baekhyun does this same thing. For example, there’s a video of Suho getting hit in the face by a fan when him and Baekhyun are walking into the SM building. Baekhyun realizes what happens, turns around, and walks in a somewhat threatening manner toward the fan. He let his anger get the best of him for second, but he understood that he needed to let it go and he walked away.He said himself when he guest starred on the show “Roommate” that he used to have a very short fuse. He said that he used to get angry more often, but he has matured and has a better control of his temper.
All of this confirms that he is not an ESFP, who would never burst out angrily like because they have better control over their feelings and have a stronger desire to avoid conflict. Therefore, Baekhyun is and ESTP.
P.S. I want to make sure no one thinks ESTPs are super unpleasant and angry people. Again, I know an ESTP and he’s really a nice guy, and we all know Baekhyun is awesome. I just wanted to point out how ESFPs and ESTPs differ significantly, and that happens to mainly be through their tempers and conflict.
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absintheadoration · 7 years
awwww :) I just remembered when we typed him together on PersonalityCafe :D #funtimes @personalityparty
ESFJ: Makoto Tachibana
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From Free! Iwatobi Swim Club 
Keep reading
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Can I just quickly thank you for your personality analysis on EXO? They introduced me to Kpop, but not having anybody with whom to talk about them, not finding the right content and my general suspicion against SM have made it hard to enjoy them as much as in the beginning. Thank you for helping me understand them a bit better and enjoying them more again. Honestly, thank you. Also, you wouldn't happen to know more blogs with this kind of content about EXO/Kpop in general? Thanks. Happy Easter.
Hi! Thank you for your “thank you” hehe I will keep up the good work. I didn’t type all the members yet but I do have the plan to do so in the future. EXO also introduced me to Kpop and I am their fan ever since. They do have it hard from time to time. There are many blogs. As for KPOP MBTI blogs - there are 4 popular blogs I believe. You will find them if you google “KPOP mbti” simply. General kpop blogs are very common. There are many Exo blogs. You can simply search tumblr with a hashtag exo or kpop and you will find many contents. http://misskpop.weebly.com/ - this blog for example has a lot of groups listed with their members and information about the members. I think it’s very popular and handy. 
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Have you watched Hwarang? If yes, do you know the mbti types of all the Hwarangs + maybe also the female lead?
I haven’t watched Hwarang yet but when I do - I will make sure to do the typing. I’m planning on watching it definitely. 
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Hi! could you do a mbti types most to least able to read other peoples emotions and expressions?
Sure! Here it goes from most able to least able:1. ENFJ/INFJ (the order of functions of these two types should give them a good predispositions for reading emotions)2. ESFP (Se dominant feeling type - shoudl be observant in this area and in my experience it truly is)3. INTJ (Even if they are very impersonal I think they are good at reading people and give a very fair and correct opinion)4. ESTP (Se dominants can be good with this. Developed tertiary Fe could result in good reading of people. However T-types with underdeveloped F function may have trouble here.)5. ESFJ/ISFJ (I think they would be good with satisfying people’s needs with requires reading people) 6. ISFP (I think they may be interested in body language and unverbal communication) 7. ENTJ (sometimes their conclusions can be childish in this area because of inferior Fi but they are not so bad in predicting how will someone behave)8. ENFP/INFP/ENTP/INTP (personally, Ne users are not as skilled in reading people as people with Ni in their stock. But that may be because their insight might be completely different)9. ESTJ/ISTJ (Somehow those types stock of functions makes me think they have bad predisposition for reading emotions. Te and Si don’t really help here much in my eyes)Disclaimer: I personally believe that reading people has little to do with a type and people tend to have their own different “taste” in people and views differ. Certain MBTI types might have good predisposition for reading emotions and people in general but that would not necessarily make them good at it.  I hope I answered you question :)
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absintheadoration · 7 years
uhm.. if you liked swdbs could you maybe type park hyung sik's and park bo young's real personalities as well? that would be nice :)
Sure! But I will have to research them. I seldom read interviews so when I do that - I will type them :)
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Hi! I just found your blog and I so excited to see someone who knows MBTI. I was wondering if you could do BTS? I personally think that Yoongi is an INFJ. But I am most curious about Namjoon. I believe I saw one of your responses to an ask that personality types tend to recognize the other people with the same types and I think that is true too! I am an INFJ so I tend to see that in other people. I really enjoy your blog thank for all of your hard work.
Hi! Thank you for your question. I didn’t do BTS until now because there are many blogs with BTS’s types so I felt there was no need. I tried to do typings of groups that maybe needed an update or were not typed yet.I can analyze BTS in detail for later but for now I can give you my current opinion on their types:Rapmon - ISTPSuga - INTJJimin - ESFPJin - ISFPJungkook - ISFJJ-Hope - ENFJ
I actually believe Suga to be an INTJ. No doubt there to be honest. There is a possibility that the same types recognize each other but to be honest I don’t recognize other ESTPs. This is pretty subjective and it can also be somehow influenced by subjective insight which can make us see things that are not always there. I do believe that to a certain extents the same types recognize each other but those similarities are not always type indicators. The reason I would type Suga as INTJ and not INFJ is because I see no Fe in him. The similarities you may see can be Ni dominant related. In the end, without a full analysis of BTS my opinion really doesn’t differ much from opinions of other bloggers. I believe this typing to be rather correct. I tried thinking about it a bit more in detail but to be honest, I think this is pretty much it. I will later give my detail analysis on why do I believe this is a correct typing. 
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absintheadoration · 7 years
Hi!! could you type the 3 main characters of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon please?
Hello! I’m actually watching this drama as we speak. I will finish the drama these days and type them :)
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