#please notice me
billiesbabygirl · 2 months
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Nami really can steal anything, including hearts.
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murpledurple · 10 days
Come on haiku bot I have made a haiku post please please notice me
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Hey haiku bot please notice me because I love you so very much
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grylum · 9 months
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Super Amy 💫✨
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Oh, now she wants the gun
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newtscamanderimagines · 10 months
Waking up with Newt Scamander 💕
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When he wakes up first:
- would be careful not to wake you up as he got out of bed
- Just before he did, he would look at your features admirably just looking at how peaceful and pretty you look
- He would talk to himself about how gorgeous you look and how lucky he is to have found a person like you
- Sometimes you would wake up and hear everything.
- Would kiss you in your cheek, forehead or hand before he left the room
- He would do some chores around the house and the creatures to take things off if your back knowing how hard it was when you were on your period
- Makes you your favorite breakfast that he then bring to you in bed with Pickett on the side of the tray knowing that you loved his cooking
- Newt would try and get Pickett off but you insist for him to stay on and eat the remaining crumbs of your breakfast as a reward for helping newt.
- Would sit with you while you eat and gossip about thing that are going on
When you wake up first:
- you would either wake up on his chest or him spooning you.
- He can get clingy at night as he feels alone without all of his creatures around him
- You look up only to hear soft snores coming from newt.
- Bless him he was probably awake most of the night studying a book when you fell asleep on him
- You stared at his face that was scattered with freckles of different shades
- You love him
- You would be too scared to move because if you do he would wake up
- If you would accidentally move and wake him up, you would usually pretend that your still asleep but he knows that your awake as would start to speak to you
- You hear him chuckle my love, I know that you’re awake." Oops.
- Still pretending you decide to not give in no matter what.
- „come on. or do you want me to use my secret weapon, hm? he asks while caressing m hair.
- You do not stop and suddenly he starts to tickle you, You try not go laugh as hard as you can.
- He tickles you just a bitmore and then you let all the laughter and giggles out.
- „stop it, please!" you say in between your laughter. As he stops you gasp for air and he laughs while kissing your cheek.
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endlessmidnights · 2 months
I want someone to notice so badly but I know what would probably happen if they did so I just stay in constant conflict with myself
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randomcookies126 · 6 days
Heres a small ani. !!!
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
alone (chamber x reader) (hurt/comfort)
a/n: im writing this in a super bad episode, if it sucks im sorry. i just need some sort of comfort right now and with this i can pretend i have someone who cares about me. i can pretend that someone actually notices that i am hurting.
tw: sh (hitting self, nothing gorey), severe depression, depressive episodes
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when chamber returned to your shared living space, he was not expecting to be greeted to the suffocating silence surrounding the house.
"mon ange? are you here?" he called out but recieved nothing back. had you gone out on a mission?
he set down his items on a counter nearby and approached the bedroom. as he got closer he heard the small sounds of shuffling. when he sat right outsid ghe door, he heard the shaky heavy breathing on the other side just barely audible.
he frowns and worry crosses his face, he knocks on the door immediately.
"darling...? what's wrong? can you please let me in..?"
when you open the door, he lets out a soft gasp as he takes in your appearence. tear stains are present and running down your face from your exhausted dark eyes, just behind you he can see a bunch of little items thrown around as if an animal had ran through the room. he looked around before noticing the soft purple bruises forming on your arms. he nearly started crying then and there.
"mon dieu..what happened mon couer?" he says quietly as if he were trying not to spook you. as he takes in the state of you and the room, you begin crying harder. you messed up HIS space...he is going to be so mad...heisgoingtoleavemeand-
you feel two hands on your shoulders attemptijg to ground you. "hey hey...listen can you follow my breathing for me love?" he says as he pulls you into his chest so you can hear his breathing.
as you mimic his breathing, he softly praises you. "good job...thats it. i'm so proud.."
the only sound in the room is the two of you's soft breathing with the occasional sniffle. he loving rubs your back as he whispers softly into your hair.
"do you feel any better now dear?" when he feels your slow nod into his shoulder he smiles and hugs you tighter.
when you pull away from him, his rests hos hand on your cheek and slowly caresses his thumb over it.
"..do you want to talk about it..? it's alright if not. just tell me what you need."
"i just...why can't i be good at anything...? you have your gun designs...i just have nothing i am good at. i can't draw, or fight, or even be good at video games.."
"oh dear...i'm sorry you feel like that...i promise you that your "thing" will come soon alright? you don't have to be perfect for me or anyone else. now, can i ask where the bruises came from...? ....did you do that?"
seeing you shakily nod is all he needs before he grabs your arm and kisses it softly
"oh honey...why? you need to be careful. i love you so much ok? if you ever feel like this again please call me..i don't want you to suffer through this alone.." he says in a shaky tone you have never heard before. he sound...scared. observing the room around him, he can tell in your throwing match with the random trinkets that you had hit yourself on various items..his heart nearly shattered. when he hears you small muffled apology, he sighs.
"you have no need to be sorry, i am simply happy you are safe...now, what can we do to get this off your mind hm? would you like to watch that new show you told me about?" he said as he gave you a caring gaze.
the rest of the night was spent cuddling on the bed, you quickly fell asleep feeling drained from the stress. when you woke up, the room was tidy and you were pressed gently into his bare chest as he rubbed your back and let out soft breaths into your hair.
"you are not alone anymore mon amour. please, if you need lean on me. i will support you."
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sorry for the self indulgent post. i literally described my morning but added someone there 💀. uh anyways i hope you all are doing ok and if you need support to reach out!
(please do not vent on this post)
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mr-shimurka · 2 years
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// tw: scars
Oh, no!
Nobara, it seems you're trapped!
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zombholic · 8 months
im so delulu that i convinced myself that i can make a 32 year old blonde woman to fall in love with me like so what if we are 13 years apart?? 😁🙏🏼(i can convince her)
creds to tiktok creator for feeding me 🫶🏼
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meiiie · 5 months
sparks - obx cast
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whenever i hear this song, all i can think about is obx s1. like during pandemic... the feeling was so amazing, and the feeling is so nostalgic. now we're getting obx s4 and 2020 is almost 4 years ago? oh how time flies by so fast
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killedbyfrank · 3 months
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tmfpuk · 8 months
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I swear I'm alive, just uhh it's hard to draw something that is good enough for posting 😭
Hello dear fandom!! I'm new here and I cooked some food<3
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lokabrenna-writes · 2 years
No one:
Me posting Dadbastian every day to try to get my old 18 followers to notice I switched blogs:
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Kiara and Sarah in OBX S3 Ep7
Do you hate me?
Hate's the wrong word.
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