#for my swiss gang
nyancrimew · 1 year
there is a bunch of maia kittens all over lucerne (switzerland) now, have fun finding me in the wild :3
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Was watching the Gang Solves Global Warming and it felt like it had been a while since Mac's religiousness had been brought up, but they mention it quite a few times in this episode, which is interesting to me because earlier I had been thinking about Mac and his relationship to God post MFHP in connection to his really clingy behaviour towards Dennis in season 14, how he used to always seek guidance and approval from religion but him finally making peace with who he is and how that fits into his relationship with God kind of put everything up in the air for him, leaving him a little lost now that he's more open and isn't looking for that guidance/approval as much from that source anymore, perhaps it pushed him to seek for it elsewhere, from the next best thing, a golden god, Dennis. He wants Dennis to tell him what to do and say, Dennis to tell him he's doing well, but Dennis rejects it, Dennis doesn't want Mac to see him as a god because Mac is the one who's supposed to see him for who he really is, not the front, but this rebuff maybe causes Mac to run back to God *tenfold*, as this sudden spike in religious zeal happens almost right after the events of Texts (whatever's going on in TJAMT notwithstanding).
Of course, in this particular case, due to how short the seasons are, it's likely/possible they just didn't have time/need to bring up all these different personality aspects each episode, but I think it's something interesting to think about nonetheless.
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new-eyes-extra-colors · 11 months
OC Interview Questions - Nature: rosette, rice sheaf, evergreen, cactus, and seedling
[nature oc interview questions]
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
I talked a little about flower symbolism for Nora in this post under the bouquet heading. If I had to pick just one of those for her, I think it would be zinnias, for remembering absent loved ones. She spends a lot of time looking back and missing people.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won’t they eat?
Pre-War, she wasn't very picky at all. She's lactose intolerant and therefore avoided dairy, and doesn't like overly sweet foods, but she doesn't have any food allergies and there are no textures that really put her off.
Post-War, she's still not picky about vegan/vegetarian meals, but is extremely picky about anything with meat in it. She won't eat bugs, despite them being a common source of protein in the Commonwealth, and is only comfortable eating things like radstag and brahmin after a long while. She never eats any meat she doesn't know the source of, and really prefers to make her own meals. She also won't eat any pre-War canned/boxed stuff, unless she absolutely has to.
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC’s dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
Her dream treehouse would be like something out of the 1960 Swiss Family Robinson, but in something like a redwood and very high up--lots of space for her, her family, and all their hobbies. And window boxes for flowers--lots of flowers.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
Pretty resilient. She has a high pain tolerance that only gets higher the longer she's in the wasteland and more/worse injuries she sustains. After the vertibird crash that shatters her leg, she has to deal with chronic pain. It's less that she's resilient and more that she just has to deal with it.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Farming is probably the biggest one for her. She was an enthusiastic gardener pre-War, and helping with the Sanctuary Hills greenhouse is one of her favorite pastimes. It's a bonus that it helps more people than just her.
She's also a pretty enthusiastic synth mechanic. no points for guessing where that started
Her seething, gut-churning hatred for Kellogg and the Institute isn't something that can really be overlooked. She gets kind of brutal with it. She doesn't care for the Gunners either.
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mysunshinetemptress · 7 months
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Heart Eyes
Leah Williamson x Reader
Warnings: none
You had been dying to meet Leah’s family from the minute she first started talking about them “there is loads of us and when we get together we are just big and loud and the atmosphere is always amazing and I just love spending that time with them.” You loved it anytime she talked about them it’s what you had always wanted yourself coming from a big loud family yourself, but the want of staying just the pair of you in your nice little bubble had stopped you from meeting her family on numerous occasions until today.
You had been watching the Euros since they kicked off in Manchester at the start of the month but now you where finally here about to enter Wembley and hopefully watch your girlfriend lead her country to a victory they so desperately deserved. You had talked every night about how they had played what they could improve on who you where taking to the next match, mostly going with your friends before she asked you one night in Brighton “if we make, no change that when we make it and we get to play the final in Wembley, my entire family is going to be there aunts uncles cousins grandparents Mum,Dad and Jacob.” You nodded along listening to her intently “I want you with them for it not sat separate like you have been, I want you with my family if we win this thing Y/n because one it’s about time you guys met finally bringing my world together and two because I want all the people I love in the one place.” You smiled at the phone letting it slip that she had just hinted at loving you before speaking up “when you win it darling.” Leah nodded smiling like the Cheshire Cat down the phone at you.
That led you to this moment of walking around the food stalls as the back of the seats looking for your stand before feeling your breath catch in your throat at the sight before you, Wembley Stadium was almost full with still an hour before kick off, it was a sight every person who worked in women’s sport would kill to see, it showed that they had made it through the countless hard times of trying to get people to take them seriously to believe they where just as good as the boys and it was Leah who had helped get them there leading England to it’s dream win “teared up the first time I saw it as well.” You turned looking at the captain of the Swiss team “even if it wasn’t for my team this shows that we are a lot closer to what we wanted then we thought no.” You nodded pulling Lia into a hug “I’m so proud of you Wally you where amazing really.” Lia smiled giving you a squeeze “would haven been better if I had you talking numbers in my ear but I get it girlfriends before everyone else.” You laughed pulling away “it’s easier to read when it doesn’t come to you in three different forms to be translated.” You both laughed Lia understanding that her sending you stats to read in Swiss German, Italian and French was not easy to break down however many times you tried for her. “Who are you waiting on.” You shook your head you had introduced all of the Arsenal girls who had attend the matches to all of your friends you had dragged along to watch and couldn’t help watch their reactions with a smile at the introductions “no one I’m eh.” Lia looked at you confused “well then where are you sotting I can’t believe you came by yourself to the final of all matches.” You shook your head laughing “I’m not going to be alone Wally don’t worry I’m meeting Leah’s family.” Lia looked at you shocked before a smile took over “oh my god today of all days she wants you to meet them I swear she doesn’t think sometimes how do you feel about it.” You smiled “nervous but I can’t wait I’ve wanted to meet them since she first told me about them.” You both stoped talking as a voice interrupted “we have wanted to meet you too since the minute she mentioned your name.” You turned taking in the three people in front of you and the gang that stood behind them realising it was in fact Leah’s family. “Oh your just as gorgeous in person.” You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks begin to redden as you looked at Lia who smiled at the family in front of you both “hi.” You held your hand out to shake “it’s lovely to meet you Mrs Williamson.” Leah’s mum shook her head pulling you into a hug “please call me Amanda darling.” You gave her a squeeze before letting her go and nodding before she turned “this is Jacob Leah’s younger brother.” You went to shake his hand before he pulled you into a hug as well “we finally get to meet instead of over the phone.” You laughed letting him go remembering all of the times he annoyed Leah robbing her phone and talking to you for a few minutes before handing it back. “Yeah finally get to meet my favourite Williamson it’s taken to long.” He laughed before stepping to the side as you looked at Leah’s dad “Y/n.” You let out a shaky breath before reaching out to shake his hand “Mr Williamson, it’s really great to meet you.” You looked at Lia nervously as the older man looked at your hand before breaking out into a smile and pulling you into another hug “it’s nice to finally meet you.” You smiled before stepping back and turning back to the family in front “how are you feeling about today.” You nodded “nervous but excited I’m so proud of her.” Amanda shook her head “no not about the match love about meeting the crazy lot behind us.” You smiled at the group behind Jacobs head “no better time like the present.” You smiled as Amanda grabbed your hand leading you over to crowd of people you spent the 20 minutes getting to know.
Leah sighed entering the pitch getting ready to warm up for the most imp match of her international career, looking around in aww she could have sworn her heart stopped as she watched you laugh with her family her mums arms wrapped around you pulling you into her as everyone looked so relaxed. Her smile seemed to widen as she took in her England jersey Williamson plastered on the back you were right where you belong where she wanted you to be most “oh skipper get your heart eyes out of the stands and on to the pitch.” Leah shoved Mary laughing as they ran a few drills her heart happy at what she saw.
Leah’s cousin Jordan had recently had a baby and wanting to experience this family moment altogether brought her daughter clad in an English jersey and shorts with bright pink ear mufflers to block out the noise. Ellie had been quite content sitting beside you on her Mims lap laughing as you talked to her babble nonsense as well as allowing her to play with your ring and bracelets as you talked to the adults around her. What she didn’t like was the noise or how her sleep was being snatched away by the fierce battle happening on the pitch. You had been on your feet screaming with everyone else when Ella had chipped in a gorgeous goal as well as cheering on Jill as she went after a German player for knocking her down. You had taken Ellie into your arms at the the time the penalty was being checked for a potential handball by none other then your girlfriend, Ellie had been trying to grab your attention placing her hands on your cheeks and babbling “hold on darling I’m watching Le I’ll give you all my attention in a second.” Amanda beamed beside you feeling herself get slightly emotional at the way you had fitted in so well with them all and how you spoke so kindly to Ellie. The match had been tied and was plunged into extra time as you hoped they wouldn’t have to do penalties as the anxiety they cause you just from watching on the couch most definitely would crash into you ten fold but you had been sat quietly praying that the girls scored once more to bring it home cursing yourself quietly as you looked down at the sleeping baby in your arms realising you wouldn’t be able to jump up when it happened, Jordan had offered to take her multiple times but the young girl had cried every time she was taken out of your arms. You regretted the decision when Chloe Kelly had put the ball in the back of the net in over time and had taken off down the pitch jersey seining behind her that didn’t matter when you looked down at Ellie and how content she was just lying there asleep. You slowly raised from the seat hugging Amanda’s side as you all slowly realised this could be it England could win euros with only five minutes left on the clock.
You didn’t jump when the final whistle blew you just bowed your head closing your eyes in relief they had done it the lionesses who had been banned from playing football 50 years ago had done what the boys had been trying to do since Bobby Charlton in 66 only they had never been told they weren’t allowed they had brought it home a major trophy with Englands name on it forever immortalised in history. You sniffed trying not to cry but when you turned looking at Amanda, Jacob and David hugging celebrating Leah the way she deserved you couldn’t help it trying to do it quietly as possible to not wake Ellie “oh Y/n they’ve done it.” You nodded resting your head on Amanda’s shoulder as she pulled you into her side “thank you for coming.” You shook your head “I would have missed this for the world but I’m so happy we got to meet today because I couldn’t imagine celebrating her with anyone else.” Jordan squeezed your shoulder grabbing your attention before you turned looking to the pitch to see Leah approaching you shifted Ellie slightly in order to wave at your girlfriend as she turned to look at you blowing a kiss before you noticed her eyes softening. “I’m going to marry her.” Georgia turned looking at Leah smiling immediately “yeah Le your heart eyes sort of give that away.” Leah shook her head ignoring Georgia “I told her I loved her by mistake I wanted to do it romantically but it sort of just spilled out when we where talking about stats on the phone the other night.” Georgia looked at Leah surprised “but now ready i mean look at her G.” Georgia smiled looking at you before waving beaming happily when you waved back “can I officiate the wedding.” Leah laughed nodding her head before blowing one last kiss to you and walking off to collect her medal.
You had all waited patiently in one of the boxes with the rest of the lionesses families for the girls to come in before you would all head off to celebrate. Jordan had taken Ellie back who was still napping quietly. You had mingled with Leah’s family before spotting Viv and going over and chatting about the season ahead and the short holidays planned before getting back to training. Standing with your back to the door you explained your job and ultimately how you and Leah met to her family “I’m a Statistics analyst for Arsenal.” They all looked at you so confused with what maths had to do with a sport like football “anyone know the movie moneyball.” David piped up clapping his hands together “yeah the one with Brad pit and Chris Pratt.” You nodded your head “basically that movie is a true story on how the Athletics created a baseball team using statistics so they looked at statistics like how fast they through the ball how hard they hit it to see who they wanted to sign from current teams as well as future prospects, my role is kind of the same I look at our current players our academy players and players who are benched that can do more for our team then they are doing sitting on a bench for 90 mins.” They all smiled impressed in your role “so how did that lead to you meeting Leah.” You smiled at the memory “she went wandering around London colony one of the days with Lia Walti who’s stats I was reviewing and discussing with her after her injury they ended up outside my office. Every morning after that she was stood outside every morning with a hot chocolate and that slowly changed to her waiting for me after training and then on the last day of Summer break last season she finally asked me out.” You jumped before relaxing feeling arms wrapping around your waist “and the rest is history darling.” You smiled at her nodding her head before moving forward as you knew her family would want to congratulate her on such a win.
Leah had been making her way around her family talking mostly about the win or you before she stopped watching you sat with her Nan playing with Ellie “oh Le.” Leah turned looking at her mum “hmm.” “She’s absolutely perfect in every way she adores you.” Leah smiled “not as much as I do her.” Amanda smiled squeezing Leah’s shoulder “I think you might have to fight her on being Ellie’s favourite.” Leah laughed “as long as it’s not the other way round and I have to fight Ellie.” Leah turned to her mum gully now “it’s her.” Amanda looked at her eyes softening “I’m going to marry her.” Amanda nodded “I know Bubba.” Leah looked at her mum confused “how.” Amanda laughed turning to look at you interact with the family “your heart eyes love.”
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mikkomacko · 2 months
i’m loving the him and i series so much!! and i keep thinking about her first finding out about the devils and what the reaction would be (obviously happy in the end ik) would love maybe a blurb of that or just your thoughts on it :)
“When are you going to tell me what you actually do?”
He’s caught off guard by the question, you can tell by the way he looks up from the sink, his eyes like a deer in headlights when they meet yours through the bathroom mirror.
“What do you mean?” He mumbles around his toothbrush, foam dripping down his fingers.
You shrug, leaning against the doorway. “I know you own The Rock, but there’s no way a bar owner lives like this.” You motion to the elegant bathroom, the mirror with different lighting settings, the claw foot bathtub, the double shower. No one in Jersey just lives like this.
He spits into the sink, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. “It’s uh, it’s a popular bar.”
The excuse is lame. You know it, he knows it. Maybe you should be concerned, cautious about him. But you spent a couple months with him now and he’s given you no reason to ever be worried or anxious. Not when you’re with him and not toward him.
“Just…” you hesitate, watching him rinse off his toothbrush and place it in the holder. He won’t meet your eyes, instead busying himself with cleaning up the marble counter. “You don’t do anything illegal right? Like you’re not a drug dealer?”
That makes him stop, immediately turning to look at you with those doe eyes of his. Your heart jumps into your throat, mouth going dry.
“You sell drugs?!”
“No, no, no!” Nico rushes out, waving his hands. “I don’t sell drugs. I don’t take drugs. Do you take drugs?”
Scoffing, you shake your head. “No I don’t do drugs! Do you think I’d be put-off by a potential drug dealer if I did drugs?”
Nico shrugs, raking his hands through his hair. You watch the movement of his arm, the way his chest shifts against the tight wife-beater he’s wearing. A hint of the chain he always has on pokes through, the outline reminding you of the ones you see on all his friends.
“My friends said you’re in a gang,” you tell him.
“What do you think?”
You stand up straight, tilting your head to the side as you examine him. “They’re wrong,” you say matter-of-fact. “A gang leader doesn’t just own a business. They like push drugs on Coney Island and hang out with teenagers.
“You guys are like…like a family.”
Nico bites at his lip, smiling a bit at that. “Do you trust me?”
He nods towards his bedroom, and you move to sit on the edge of his bed. Nico follows, sighing heavily as he sinks to kneel in front of you.
“We are a family,” he tells you, taking your hands in his. “Me and Timo and the boys. We’re a family, just in a different way.”
Confused, you shake your head. “I don’t get it.”
Nervous, he licks his lips and lets out a breathy laugh. “We’re a family like in a God Father way, a”
“A mafia?!” You cut-off. “Like Italian mafia?”
“No, no, it’s like the mob. Different than the mafia and not Italian at all. Most of us are Swiss, Jesper you know is Swedish. And locals. American, Canadian, yeah.”
You’re quiet for a moment, head spinning with thoughts. It makes sense, the bar and the money and his apartment. The coded talk between him and his friends, the way they call him boss-
“Wait, you’re the boss?” You ask, “You’re in charge of them all.”
Sheepishly he nods, like he’s worried you’re gonna tell him they impolite or act up. But he’s proud, you can tell by the glimmer in his dark eyes. It’s like that cocky twinkle he usually has but softer, more personal.
“Should I be scared of you?” You whisper, afraid he’ll say yes, that he’ll give you a reason to run.
“Never,” Nico assures instantly. “You never have to be scared of me or the boys. You’re, you mean too much to me. If anything, Jersey should be scared of you.”
“What, why?”
He clears his throat, looking down at your hands as he squeezes them. “Because if anyone so much as said your name in the wrong way, they’ll be dealing with us.”
It sends shivers down your spine, warms your chest. He sounds so certain, so confident in the abilities of himself and the boys. Flattered, you lightly giggle and pry a hand out of his to stroke through his hair.
You find the gold chain on his neck, rest your palm over his chest. “Devils?” You ask, “is that why you all wear the horns?”
Proud and impressed, he nods. “Smart girl,” he murmurs sweetly. “Technically the Devils, but the others call us the Devs.”
“There’s more of you?”
He nods, placing his hand over yours. “Yeah a few. Biggest concerns are our closest guys in New York.”
You’re confused again, not really understanding how this works with different gangs - mob’s around. It makes your head hurt, a sharp pain right behind your left eye.
“I - I think I need to think about this Nico,” you murmur “not tonight. It’s too much tonight. I just needed to know that you’re not a drug dealer.”
He kisses your knuckles, rising to his feet as he nods. “Yeah yeah, whatever you want to know I’ll tell you.”
“You still staying the night or should I drive you home?”
Scoffing, you shove at him and then flop back into the plush mattress. “Obviously I’m staying. Nothing beats this bed.”
Standing over you, he chuckles. You press your foot into his hip and he wraps those thick fingers around your ankle.
“You’re welcome to leave though.” You tease.
Releasing you, he jumps onto the bed next to you. Snuggling into his pillow, he smiles contently. “I don’t think so little miss, this bed is all mine.”
You crawl up to the pillows, laying on your side to face him. “Well that half is,” You quip back, smiling innocently “boss.”
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st-danger · 10 months
May I humbly request some SwissDewTher, or SwissRainxDewTher? Sorry im terminally ill with “everyone gangs up on Dew and he loves it” disease.
He's easy to hold. To restrain. And maybe that's part of the satisfaction, that he's easy to manipulate and maneuver the way they see fit in the moment, and even if he struggles- it's just because he likes when the hands tighten further. He has no illusions about actually being able to get free. He doesn't always want to find himself in this position, enjoys getting a hand around Rain's throat or a hand inside Aether, but when it happens this way, all clothes and choice stripped from him, allowed only to take what they want to give... how could he complain?
He finds a way.
Arms held behind his back, wrists enveloped in Swiss's strong hands, legs spread and held by Rain and Aether, he wriggles ineffectively and shoves his hips rudely upwards. He has been touched, kissed, and caressed everywhere but where he is the reddest and most sensitive.
"C'mon," he groans. The pointless thrusts make his cock bounce, desperate for attention. "Touch it, please."
"You're a slave to this thing," Aether says, and reaches for it. Dew tenses in anticipation, and yelps when all he gets is a cruel flick on the head. Tries to jerk away protectively, but with his legs held, it affords his hips little movement. It looks funny, at least to Swiss and Rain who chuckle audibly. Dew pulls on his arms and moans again when Swiss’s grip tightens. If he's lucky, if he really tries to fight, he might get gentle bruising.
"It's really hard," Rain says, letting a hand smooth up his skinny thigh, feeling the way his quad is pulled tight from his tension.
"I'm really hard," Dew corrects. Behind him, Swiss hips hitch forward to press his erection against Dew's lower back, hot and insistent.
"It's hard," Rain says, and scrapes blunt nails across the soft skin when he pulls his hand back. "You're a toy."
Oh, Dew's going to combust one of these days.
"If I'm a toy," he grits out, and can't help from shamelessly humping the air, "then fuckin' play with me."
Aether reaches out with a single finger and Dew freezes, already for another painful flick, but what he gets is worse; a tender pad rubbing the frenulum, and his cock wagging to and fro with every shock of pleasure the motion pulls. His eyebrows are knit together, mouth hanging open while his breath comes harsher and harsher.
"Please, please, make me cum-"
"It," Swiss corrects, and Dew shudders, screwing his eyes shut again, little toes curling in. The objectification is a sick little thrill, and the way his balls go tight, nobody misses it.
"Make it cum," Dew relents, nodding, unable to look anymore. "Make my dick cum."
Rain's fingers are tweaking a nipple, an act he has no warning for with his eyes shut. He hisses, and wriggles, and feels slightly insane.
"I need it hard," Rain says, pinching and tugging so sweetly, in a way that reminds Dew horribly of the motion you'd use to milk a cow. It's nothing he can examine to closely for fear of losing it for real. "I can't sit on something limp."
"Don't worry," Aether says, and grasps him for the first time tonight, and Dew's hips stutter. Something bleeds from Aether's warm hand, something tingly, something unmistakably magick-
"Oh no," Dew says softly.
"I'll be hard as long as you need it," Aether assures him, withdrawing his hand and letting Dew shiver underneath the quintessence forced into him.
Rain is shucking his pants immediately.
Swiss nuzzles into the crook of his neck, places a soft kiss to the lobe of his ear.
"Me next," he says, and punctuates the statement with a lick up the shell of his ear. "And I'll hold him down for you after," he says to Aether.
Dew opens his eyes when he hears the cap of the bottle of slick, watches Rain reach between his legs, and listens to the sigh when he presses a long finger into his hole in one slow go.
"Get yourself ready for me, baby," Dew says, fighting the sudden urge he has to pass out.
With a wet sound, Rain fucks himself and stares right into his eyes.
"It," he murmurs. "I'm getting ready for your cock."
"We'll remind you as often as you need," Swiss says.
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puck-bunny-for-all · 14 days
Thanks Devil Babies - N.H
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@mrs.cap : thanks u to the devils , my media girlies , and the fans for a sick season
tagged : @nicohischier @njdevils @devilsmediateam @jackhughes
location : nicos heart
ninahischier : mein lieblingspaar, ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich zu sehen, meine schwester😭 ( my favorite couple, cant wait to see you my sister )
↪ mrs.cap : hör sofort damit auf, denn ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich wiederzusehen!🤧 ( stop this right now because i cant wait to See you more! )
nicohischier : 💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️
dawson1417 : mrs cap in all her bad bitch glory 🤩🤩
↪ mrs.cap : youalreadyknowwhoitisbitches @dawson11417
jesperbratt : mr and mrs cap the team miss u 🫡
tmeier96 : bekomme ich also in dieser nebensaison besuch oder muss ich warten, bis Nico nach hause kommt?😤 ( so do I get a visit this off season or do i have to wait for Nico to come home? )
↪ mrs.cap : auf dich, meine mitschweizer, musst du warten. 🤡 ( for you my fellow Swiss, you must wait. )
jackhughes : ok @mrs.cap just use the WORST FUCKING PICTURE OF ME YOU CAN FIND😤
lhughes_06 : oh oh oh oh imma come see u sooooon
↪ mrs.cap : PLEASE DO MY LUKEYYYYY @lhughes_06
tofff73 : 🤡🤡
john.marino97 : why do I never get a shout out or tag?🤨
↪ mrs.cap : bc u didn't ask ? to be fair jack threatens my first born every time he doesnt get a tag 🫨
↪ jackhughes : smh why would I ever do such a cruel thing ( ur offspring is safe for now ) 🫷🏻
↪ mrs.cap : is that all u see me as pally? a means to instagram worthy content?🤬
↪ pally_18 : uhhhhhhh and a beautiful girl who's dating my wonderful captain 😬
↪ mrs.cap : that's what I fucking thought bud
bssmith : gangs all here🤫
ehaula : why do you look like a fan about to shit herself in the 4th slide?
curtislazar95 : a bunch of dweeeeeebs
↪ mrs.cap : ur son would disagree 🤷🏻‍♀️
A.N :
Here's a Nico thing, in this the reader is also Swiss German bc I just felt like it ok.
I love Nico and I love the devils and I love hockey and I love hockey men.
im off to work soon so I will try to have another up tonight :D
ps. if you want I posted a what to expect post so you can comment and tell me if there's one in particular you want uploaded sooner than the rest and I will make it my priority! (still working on the written one those take a bit longer for me.)
that's all.
xoxoxoxoxox, M
Tags : @lukey-pookie-hughes43 and @skylershines
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revengeghoulette · 1 month
Matcha Latte w/Rose
Part 2: The Date
Part 1 2 3
They go on their date!! A/N: Bit of a time skip. It's not like the best thing I've written, but it'll do :) It gets a little steamy but not enough to be considered Spicy. Mostly edited. Divider by @ghuleh-recs Sorry in advanced, you'll see. -Rev.
Playlist: The Rosy Crown
tagging: @obsidianghoul (ily, sorry I banned you), @sovaghoul @gottagho-st @clouds-bitch @crystalameoba @cheerycherrycandy-resurrected @foxybouquet @ghostlylivres @hypnoneghoul
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It’s been almost 3 weeks since Swiss asked Mountain out on a date, and preparations for the midterm rush at The Rosy Crown are in full swing. Mist, Sunny and Swiss have been organizing the schedule to ensure that last year's snafu doesn’t occur again. They accidentally left The Rosy Crown with no staff for about 3 hours in the middle of the night, and they also ran out of flour and butter. They promised that moving forward reparations would begin several weeks before exam weeks to avoid any issues the week of.  
Mountain has been busy with office hours, lectures, and a garden club he offered to be an advising faculty member for. He tries his hardest to make sure to be at the cafe before Swiss’ shift ends so they can walk home together, but there’s been a handful of nights where he doesn’t make it. He regrets assigning so much homework. He makes a mental note to adjust the workload for next semester, especially since he’ll be teaching two additional courses. 
On the nights Mountain can’t make it to the cafe, he shoots Swiss a message to let him know so he doesn’t worry. If it's truly a rough day, he forgets all together. 
Swiss will do anything to spend time with his favorite person. He happily walks to campus with some snacks and a warm drink, to find him buried in stacks of papers gripping a red pen. He takes a seat on one of the comfy chairs Mountain has in his office, and reads the random magazines he has lying around.  
“Is gardening like your favorite thing to do, or what? You’ve got so many magazines here about greenhouses and what not, and you’ve got a little gardening gang now,” Swiss questions, laughing at the end, referring to the gardening club.
“It's… yeah. You know how we, ghouls, have an element attached to us? I’m an earth ghoul, hence the name Mountain. I have a special connection with the earth, so, yeah, gardening, and all things nature,” Mountain informs him.
“Oh, I guess I never really thought about it. I know we have ties to elements, but my parents weren’t very into that, I guess? They tried to assimilate more to the human culture, so we didn’t lean into it.”
After a moment, Swiss began getting a little antsy, distracting Mountain, “Honey, what is it? You're getting fidgety.”
Swiss blushes at hearing the earth ghoul call him honey. “Would you… help me connect with my elements? According to my parents, I have a mix of them. It's where my name came from, actually.”
Mountain sets down his pen and removes his glasses. “Wait. Swiss… Like, Swissarmy knife? Because you’re a multi ghoul.”
Swiss nods slowly. 
Mountain lets out a hearty chuckle, “That’s very cute, but absolutely, it would be my pleasure. I’m done here though. Why don’t we pick up some food and go home?”
Standing up from his chair, Swiss grabs Mountain’s coat and helps him put it on before walking out the door hand in hand. 
Swiss and Mountain have only been going out for a few short weeks, but their connection is so much more than typical crush. They have routines, they call each other during downtime just to say hello, Mountain continues to stop by The Rosy Crown every morning, and Swiss helps Mountain with grading or understanding typical young adult behavior. It seems like neither of them can spend the night alone anymore. There’s something tugging them together. 
They haven’t had their first official date, but all the hang outs are everything and more. 
With midterms week upon them, Swiss, Mist and Sunny have been living at The Rosy Crown filling in for their student staff. Mountain has been at the shop every single day volunteering to help bus tables, or go around and restock supplies and books. 
Mist has gotten on his case multiple times about it before, claiming that it's not his job, that he’s probably breaking some sort of labor law by helping them. Mountain assures her it falls under volunteer work and she doesn't need to worry. Swiss admires that Mountain puts up with Mist’s fighting spirit and constantly thanks him for helping, but reassures him he doesn’t have to.
“I do it because I want to. No one’s forcing me to be here.” Mountain reassures him back. With a quick kiss on the forehead, they go back to their duties. 
Ever the creep, Sunny watches them interact. She’s never seen Swiss be so enthralled by another being before. He’s putty in Mountain’s hands. The forehead kiss sent her over the edge. 
He walks past her, and she takes this opportunity to corner him, “Dude. What the fuck. Where did you find him? He’s amazing! And he’s been so much help! Please tell me you’re gonna dick him down soon! Omg, does he have a sister?”
Swiss grabs Sunny by the arms and shakes her playfully. “Sunny, breathe. Calm down! He’s pretty amazing, huh?” 
“Who knew the playboy would settle down,” she teased, earning a glare from Swiss. “I'd snatch him from you, but I like the ladies. They're not as stinky.” Sunny makes a disgusted face before cackling and running away from Swiss’ reach He grins, rolling his eyes at her antics. Who knew the calm quiet child would grow up to be anything but calm and quiet. 
After a rough week of long nights, The Rosy Crown closes the weekend after midterms. Students are mostly gone on spring break, and the staff is exhausted. Swiss gives everyone a long weekend to recover and start fresh on the following Wednesday. 
Mountain wakes up with Swiss’ arms around him. He takes a moment to admire the features on Swiss’ face, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, and the horns protruding from his head. He was perfection incarnate. The gold flakes in his horns match the gold flakes in his eyes, his muscles defined by all the manual work he puts into baking, his tail wrapped around his own leg as if cuddling with him, there is no other ghoul that could match his beauty.  
He gets up quietly, placing the blanket over Swiss body, and goes to the living room. He knows Swiss isn’t waking up anytime soon, especially after the week they just had. Mountain brews a fresh pot of coffee and takes a seat on the couch, wrapping a blanket over himself. The air is getting crisper with the approaching winter, he can feel it in his bones, and see it in his hair. He's luckily able to glamour that. He picks up a random book Swiss has lying about, and begins to read it while he waits for sleeping beauty to wake up.
In the other room, Swiss wakes up alone. He feels around for Mountain, but he doesn’t find him. Groggy, he gets up and sees he's reading the book Mist said was good, but truth is… It’s trash. The writing is terrible, but the smut is hot. 
He wanted to stare at Mountain forever, but he was getting chilly and he looked so warm. Swiss quietly makes his way over before crawling on top of Mount, startling him. 
“Good morning sweetheart,” Mountain sets the book down, rubbing his hands up and down Swiss’ back while his face was smushed against him lower belly. He mumbled something in response, but Mountain couldn’t make it out. 
They adjusted themselves so that Swiss was underneath the blanket, cuddling Mountain on the couch. Sleeping beauty dozed off, and Mountain picked up the book again. After a little while, Swiss started to wake up again. Mount felt movement under him, so he set the book down and started rubbing the back of his finger up and down Swiss cheek gently. 
“You’re warm,” Swiss gets out in a groggy voice, snuggling further into Mountain. 
“Mm I know honey. I’m also hungry, and need more coffee. This book is lulling me back to sleep,” Swiss hums in agreement, “I’m gonna make us some breakfast, sweetheart.”
After they get up, Swiss warms up the coffee and starts to make breakfast for the both of them. Mountain complains because he was supposed to make breakfast, not the other way around, especially since he had a long week at the shop, but Swiss wasn’t having it. They argue back and forth for a little bit.
“I’m taking you on that date today. I’m picking you at 6,” Swiss announces as he places pancakes on a plate for Mountain.  
“Oh, thank you,” Mountain takes the plate. “Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing?”
“Nope, it’s a surprise. A little something I’ve been cooking up for a while,” Swiss says before taking a seat and cutting up his pancakes. “Wear something comfortable, and something you wouldn’t mind getting a little… dirty.”
“Are you going to explain?” the earth ghoul questions. 
“Nope,” Swiss says with a wink.
Swiss knocks on Mountain's door right at 6pm, not a minute early, not a minute late, exactly at 6. 
Mountain opens the door wearing a dark green Henley and black jeans. “Is this okay?” Mountain asks. 
Swiss is stunned, He just stared at Mountain for a little bit before stuttering out, “Oh, definitely. You look fantastic.” 
Swiss hands Mountain some flowers he picked up earlier that day. Placing them inside, Mountain locks up and walks down the steps, taking Swiss hand.  
“Where are we going?” The tall ghoul inquires. 
“Somewhere. Don’t worry about it sweetheart.”
After walking a few minutes down the road, they reach their destination: The Rosy Crown Cafe & Bookshop. Swiss lets go of Mountain’s hand and opens the door.
 “Swiss, what are we doing here?”
“We are on a date, my good sir. Come on.”
Swiss opens the doors and walks Mountain inside. It takes a moment for Mountain to take everything in. The blinds are all down, and there’s total privacy. Looking around, he sees strings of light are hung up, there’s a table with candles lit in the center and on either side there's a table placement and two dishes served. Soft music is playing in the background, creating a romantic, intimate space for them. 
“Swiss… how?”
“The ladies might have helped.” He smiles almost sheepishly up at the taller ghoul. “I hope you’re hungry.”
Swiss guides Mountain to the table, pulls out the chair for him before taking a seat himself. On the plate there is a serving of roasted potatoes, a kale asian salad, and a plate of creamy mushroom risotto with a fresh baked dinner roll on the side.
They dive into the meal prepared by Mist and Sunny. The earth ghoul talked about his uni work, biodegradable research projects amongst other things. Swiss cracked some jokes and delved more about his parents and his childhood. He grew up surrounded by humans and had very few interactions with ghouls. He met Sunny and Mist in elementary school and have been inseparable since then. They’re family, a pack, if you will. Mountain sips on his wine while watching Swiss enthusiastically tell stories from his childhood. 
As they finish their food, Swiss gathers their plates and sets them to the side, mentally noting to take care of them later. 
“I have something special planned for dessert, follow me,” Swiss stands up, and offers a hand to Mountain. He takes him to the kitchen, and ties an apron around him. 
“I want to ask what we're doing, but you’re not gonna tell me.” 
“You know me so well, but fine, I’ll tell you. We’re making cinnamon rolls.”
Swiss had pre-measured out the flour, cinnamon, butter, and the rest of the ingredients and placed them on the counter. 
“Oh, by 'we're making them' you mean I'm making them?!”
“Yes, but don’t worry, I’ll help.”
Swiss dumps the flour on the counter, forming a well in the center. “First, you’re going to incorporate a few things into the flour. Here,” Swiss hands Mountain a few things and he dumps them into the well. “Now mix them up using the fork, then make the well again.” 
Mountain does as he’s told. Swiss works on mixing the wet ingredients for him. “I’m going to slowly mix this in. First use the fork,” Swiss pours a small amount of the wet ingredients, making sure everything is incorporated before adding more. “Great, now use your fingers. Make your hand into a claw and mix it in. As it gets stickier, start to knead.  It’s going to get pretty sticky, but keep kneading. I still need to add in some more flour.”
Swiss stands back, watching Mountain mix the ingredients so gently, “You’re going to have to be a little rougher baby,” he states after dumping in a few more cups of flour.
Mountain starts to get tired from kneading since he’s been going at it for a few minutes. 
“Swiss, this is hard. I’m getting tired,” he complains. 
 That's not the only thing that's hard, Swiss mumbles under his breath. 
Swiss stands behind him, slightly pushing his hips against Mountain’s back, and helps him knead. Mountain turns his head back, they stare into each other's eyes for a second, and lean in, lips meeting at a feverish pace. 
“Let me take over Mount.” Swiss mumbles into the kiss. He quickly finished kneading the dough while Mountain stands behind him, kissing his neck, hands roaming his body, leaving a trail of flour and dried dough on his clothes, especially his ass.
Swiss sets the bowl with the dough aside, Mountain takes this as an opportunity to grab him and press him against the counter. He leans into Swiss, his ass pressing against the counter, he towers over Swiss for a moment before kissing him with all his might.
Swiss’ arms immediately go to the back of the Mountain’s head, pressing him closer to his mouth, fingers playing with his hair. Swiss pulls on his hair to see what kind of reaction he would get, and he got the best reaction possible. A moan escaped Mountain’s lips as his head was pulled back, foreheads joining after Mountain lets out a whine from Swiss still pulling his hair back. Mountain wanted nothing more to get Swiss naked right then and there.
“Mount…” Swiss whispers, fearing that if he spoke any louder, the moment would be ruined. 
“I'm gonna kiss you again.” Mountain announces in the same quiet tone. 
Mountain goes for Swiss neck, inhaling his scent before lightly kissing him in that little patch near his ear. He wants to bite, he knows and recognizes what this attraction is but Swiss doesn’t. He can't jump the gun and do something that could probably destroy their souls. 
Without realizing, he shakes his head, shaking the thoughts away, Swiss is too high on the love right now to catch Mountain's head shake. Instead, he moans when Mountain begins to kiss down the front of his neck to his collarbones. Tracing the outline of those delicate, sensitive bones. Swiss throws his head back, opening himself more for Mountain. His hands still tangled in his hair, tugging lightly every now and then. He leaves a few hickeys on Swiss collarbones before returning to his lips. Swiss feels Mountain's fangs when he slides his tongue into his mouth, both of them fighting for dominance. Mountain’s hands are gripping Swiss hips so tightly there's bound to be bruising tomorrow.
They hear a distant beeping that’s becoming louder and louder, then they realize it was the timer letting them know the dough was done proofing. Swiss pushes Mountain away softly. 
“Give me a second, and then we can continue, we should get these into the oven,” Swiss pants. 
Mountain, panting equally as hard, nods, but he doesn’t let go of him. He holds Swiss by the waist, continuing to kiss his neck while he rolls out the dough and spreads the cinnamon sugar butter on the dough before rolling and cutting them.
Placing the rolls into the oven, Swiss turns and continues to make out with Mountain. Without clearing out the counter, Mountain hoists Swiss up to the counter. The slightly shorter ghoul now towering over him. His hands start to roam underneath Swiss’ shirt, claws scratching lightly into his skin, enough to leave a faint raised line.
“Mount… more,” is all Swiss is able to get out. Mountain unbuttons part of Swiss shirt to give him access to his torso where he licks his V-line, tempted to go below his belt, but he stops himself. Maybe the coffee shop is not the place to suck his soul out through his dick. 
The timer goes off again letting them know the cinnamon rolls were done baking.
Mountain looks up at Swiss’ face, pleading with his eyes to not get off the counter. Swiss laughs and hops off, heading straight to the oven. 
“Would you mind grabbing the frosting from the fridge?”
Mountain nods and hands it to Swiss, who smears it on the warm cinnamon rolls, melting the frosting. 
Mountain discreetly adjusts himself and fixes his clothes before sitting on the bar. He can’t help but stare at the reminder of what occurred just moments ago. Hair messy, lips swollen, cheeks stained red, his shirt unbuttoned and untucked, a few scattered small hickies, little red lines peeking through his opened shirt.  
Mountain swallows hard. He tries to contain himself and let Swiss finish setting up dessert. 
“A cinnamon roll for you, but before you eat it, I have a special drink I’d to make you”
Swiss brings out a jar with green powder, and a bamboo whisk. Pouring a little bit of hot water over the green powder he put in a mug and whisked it until slightly frothy. He goes to the steamer with some oat milk in a cup, steams it then pours it into the mug and pumps some flavoring into it. 
Mountain’s eyes follow him from one station to the next, until the drink is presented in front of him. 
“I present a matcha latte with oat milk and a hint of rose. Try it,” Swiss encourages. 
Mountain takes a sip and it's like tasting a garden. The rose flavor bring out the flavor of the matcha.
“Swiss, this is delicious. It's amazing. It’s comforting. It makes me feel all warm and safe. It tastes like… home, in a way.” 
“I call it the Mountain Special. I was hoping you'd like it.”
“I love it so much,” Mountain smiles so big. He lets out a moan as he bites into the warm roll, “so good.”
Swiss chuckles. Before him there’s a big ghoul with frosting dripping from the corners of his mouth. Using his thumb, Swiss cleans off the frosting before sucking it clean. 
“And I love you, Mountain.” 
After cleaning up the kitchen, Swiss walks Mountain back to his apartment, hoping to stay the night and finish what they started in the cafe.
“Thank you for the wonderful date, Swiss. I loved every moment of it. I adore you so much. Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure, Mounty.”
“Um, I know you probably want to stay, but I… uh kinda need time to process tonight, if that’s okay,” he explains, twisting his fingers, obviously nervous of some sort of negative reaction.
Swiss is unsure of what to say. “Yeah, no, yeah, that’s okay! I’ll call you tomorrow. Get some rest.” He leans in to give him a kiss, but Mountain turns, his lips landing on his cheek.
“Thanks. Have a goodnight, Swiss, get home safely.” Mountain enters his apartment leaving Swiss confused outside. 
Staring into the darkness of his apartment, he closes his eyes, leans his back against the door. 
He exhales as tears roll down his face. 
Part 3, soon, sorry
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ramblingoak · 8 months
The Cardinal's Bride, Chapter 9: Denver State of Mind
~~ Please visit The Outlaw Brides Masterpost to catch up and read more stories from this world ~~
Thank you to @tasty-ribz for the wanted poster and to @ghuleh-recs for the collage!  For some more amazing fanart check out: @meowsaidmissy (1 / 2), @snail-shell2335  here, @vahvco here, @ghulehgwen here, @rabidghoul here, @nocterish here, @enjoy-my-swearing​ here, @blacktie-whitenoise (1 /2), @z-xmyers (1/2/3/4), @foxybouquet here, @delulluart here, @mustluvecho here, _simpera_ on instagram and valkyrieinpink on twitter.  Also a huge thank you to @kissingghouls for all her help and emotional support.
Cardinal Copia x Female Reader ~ You finally learn what happened to the gang in Denver, but as your time at the farmhouse comes to an end you can't help but worry what the future holds.
Warnings: swearing, violence, angst, fluff, nsfw 18+ only, mdni, 6,300 words
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~~~ Two Years Ago ~~~
“Hey shitheads, I have a plan.”
“Swiss, did you hear something?”  Copia was focused on the cards in his hand, idly shuffling them around.  “Also it’s your turn, stronzo.”
“All I hear is the sound of you desperately moving your cards around.”  Swiss grabbed a few chips and tossed them towards the small pile in the middle of the table.  When Sunshine shot her hand out and grabbed them before they landed he slammed his cards down.  “Goddammit, Sunshine.”
“Didn’t you hear me?”
“Yes, Sunshine, we heard you.”  Copia leaned his chair back on its back legs and smirked at the Ghoulette.  “We’re just not interest–cazzo!”
Copia grunted when he fell backwards, Sunshine having kicked at the leg of his chair and pushing it over.  He continued to curse in Italian as he jumped up onto his feet and glared down at the smirking Ghoulette.
“Do you want to listen now?”
“The last plan of yours we listened to nearly got half of us hanged.”  Swiss had set his cards down and crossed his arms as he glared at her.  “Also I got shot.”
The Ghoulette shrugged and reached over to swipe Swiss’s cards, clicking her tongue when she looked them over.
“Well lucky us, you survived. This hand is terrible, why are you betting on this?”
Swiss growled and grabbed his cards back, but after looking them over again he shook his head and threw them down onto the table.
“I nearly lost my arm!”  When Copia snorted, Swiss looked over and glared at him.  The glare deepened as he watched his boss drag the pile of chips over and start neatly stacking them with his others.  “That hand shouldn’t count.”
“You’re only saying that because you lost.”
“I lost because of interference.”
“Eh, you would’ve lost anyway with that hand.”  Swiss jumped up and attempted to grab Copia’s discarded cards but Copia slapped his hand away.  “Fuck off.”
“You fuck off, show me your cards.”  When Swiss reached out for them again Sunshine was the one to move his hand out of the way.  She grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm at a painful angle until he grunted and slapped the table with his other hand.  “Ok!  Ok, fucking fuck.”
The three settled back into their chairs, Copia shuffling the deck and starting to deal the next hand.  Sunshine cleared her throat a few times, glancing at Copia and Swiss after each one.  When neither man gave her attention she growled and hit her fist on the table.
“Doesn’t anyone want to hear my plan?!”  When Copia and Swiss continued to ignore her she took a deep breath before continuing.  “It involves Saltarian.”
She grinned when Copia’s eyebrows popped up and he set his cards down as he turned her way.  
“You have my attention.”
“Finally!  Alright so I got some information this morning an–”
“Wait, wait.”  Copia waved his hand back and forth while shaking his head.  “Who gave you this information?”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter.”  He leaned back in his chair, staring her down for a moment.  “It wasn’t Cowbell was it?”
“I don’t trust Cowbell to tell me the weather when we’re outside.”
“Okie dokie.  Continue.”
“Thank you.  Ok, so word is that some business associate of Salty’s from overseas has moved to Denver to open a new branch of his bank.  Frank Holden. Salty has invested in his for a very large sum of money.”
“How large?”  Sunshine glanced over at Swiss.  “Like, worth ‘getting shot at’ large?”
“Have you ever stopped to think about why you’re getting shot at all the time?”
“Yes and I’ve decided it’s because of you and your stupid fucking plans.”
“Children, children, can we focus?  Per favore?”  Copia looked pointedly at Sunshine until she sat back down, sheathing the knife she had pulled out.  “Alright, bene.  Keep going.”
“Well, there’s going to be a big party at this guy’s mansion to celebrate the grand opening, but it’s happening before the safe is delivered to the bank.  So Salty’s investment will be sitting somewhere in this guy’s house.”
“Sitting somewhere being guarded.”  Copia scratched at the stubble on his chin for a moment.  “Do we know how much money?”
“Enough to start a bank branch in a rich town.”
Copia grunted and stared down at the table in silence, only glancing back up when Swiss spoke.
“So far I haven’t heard a plan.”
“That’s because you both keep keep fucking interrupting me!”
Sunshine froze when a shadow loomed over her.  Both Swiss and Copia suddenly seemed extremely interested in their cards and wouldn’t look her way.  She sighed knowing that only one person in the casino, or anywhere, would have that effect on them.  She plastered a smile on her face and spun around to greet the newcomer.
“Bone Daddy!”
Secondo just loomed for a few beats, glaring at his brother and the two Ghouls.
“Why aren’t you working?”
“We’re on break, fratello.”
“I don’t give you breaks.  Sunshine, shouldn’t you be singing?”
“Nope I switched with Aurora.”  She smiled sweetly up at Secondo while batting her eyelashes.  “Kid’s got a set of pipes on her.”
“Si, that’s why I pay her.  Coincidentally it’s also why I pay you, but yet here you are playing cards.”  He turned his attention to Swiss.  “You’re supposed to be tending bar.”
“I switched with Aurora too.”
“So she’s singing and serving drinks?”
“Yeah she’s super talent–ow!  Ok, ok Papa!”  Swiss jerked his shoulder out of Secondo’s grasp, nearly toppling his chair over in the process.  “Sorry.”
“You have thirty minutes to get back to work.”  When Copia started to open his mouth Secondo shot him a glare that kept the younger man silent.  “Thirty.  Minutes.” 
The trio was quiet for a while after Secondo left, the only noises were the shuffling of cards although none of them were actually thinking of what was in their hands.  Copia eventually cleared his throat and laid his cards face down on the table.
“So.  Denver.”  Sunshine grinned at him and waggled her eyebrows.  “When is that money being delivered?”
“According to my source it'll be at this guy's house in a few days.”
“So no chance of intercepting it then.”  The two Ghouls knew Copia was mostly talking to himself as he mulled the information over in his mind.  “We’ll have to find a way into his house.”
“There’s gonna be a lot of guards.”  Swiss had laid his own cards down before leaning back in his chair.  “Big city like that?  It’s gonna be a lot of money.”
“Si, it won’t be easy.”  Copia clicked his tongue and then pointed at Swiss.  “We could pretend to be guards.”
“Oh please, those bastards’ll recognize you immediately.”  The Ghoul tapped his fingers on the table’s edge a few times before grinning.  “How about doing it the old fashioned way with dynamite?”
“When will you and Dewdrop learn that blowing things up doesn’t actually fucking help?”
“It’s better than your id–hey!”
Swiss and Copia both flinched when a handful of poker chips hit them in their faces courtesy of Sunshine.  The Ghoulette was glaring at them both, that familiar fire in her eyes that let them both know she was seconds from moving onto throwing sharper things at them.
“How about both of you shut up about your shitty plans and listen to mine, the actual plan.”
“Like you have a better idea?”
Sunshine rolled her eyes at Swiss, “Oh you mean better than dynamite?  Yeah, I do.”  She turned and smirked at Copia,  “We’ll be getting into the house, but not as guards.”
“As what then?  They’ll still recognize Copia.”
“Not if we clean and dress him up a bit.”  When Copia raised his eyebrow at her she grinned, slamming her hands down on the table in excitement.  “This is gonna work!  I can feel it!”
“Lucifer’s balls Sunshine, just fucking tell us.”
They all flinched when Secondo’s voice came booming out from behind them.  The trio looked over to see him glaring at them from across the common area the Ghouls used.
“Ten minutes!”
When Secondo was out of earshot Copia stood up, grabbing his whiskey glass and downing the rest before slamming it back down onto the table.
“Fuck it.  Will it just be us?”  Sunshine shoved her chair back, nodding to Copia as she stood up.  “I’m in.  Swiss?”
“Let’s see…stick around here and serve drinks or ride to Denver and have a good time?  That’s a tough one.”
“Okie dokie.”  Copia glanced towards the hallway to check for his brother before turning back to his Ghouls.  “Get your shit and meet me outside in five minutes.”
Sunshine pumped a fist into the air and immediately took off towards her room.  Swiss got up a little more slowly, raising an eyebrow at Copia as he stood up.
“Still don’t know what this plan involves.”
“Knowing Sunshine?  Probably a lot of knives.”  Copia slapped a hand on Swiss’s shoulder while flashing the Ghoul a grin.  “Maybe a little dynamite.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“But who’s the girl?”  
Sunshine stopped arguing with Swiss and turned back towards you,  “The girl?”
“You said it started with a girl, but I haven’t heard anything about a girl yet.”
“She was just trying to be dramatic Principessa, there’s not really a girl involved.”
“Oh yes there is.”  Copia glared over at the Ghoulette, baring his teeth at her when Sunshine smirked at him.  “I’m getting there!”
You smiled at Sunshine as you settled back against Copia.  It felt silly to be hung up on some girl in Copia’s past, but you couldn’t help but remember what he had told you that night after Mary and Saltarian’s men had attacked you.  Although he did laugh about it afterwards, it was obvious that his broken heart wasn’t the worst wound he had gotten.  And you sincerely doubted whoever this girl was had actually broken his heart.
“Hey,”  You looked up at Copia when he nudged your shoulder,  “She was just some girl.”
“Like me?”
“You are far more than ‘some girl’ to me, Principessa.”  Your eyes fell shut when he leaned in and pressed a kiss into your hair.  His next words were said so quietly you almost missed them.  “Far more.”
“You lovebirds done?”  Copia groaned as he turned back towards Sunshine.  “Lots of story left.”
“There’s not that much night left though so let’s speed things up here.”
“Hey!  I’m trying to set the stage!”  When Copia stared at her silently she sighed and hung her head.  “Fine, fine.  Well, we made it to Denver and got things in motion.  The whole plan was contingent on being at this party so we had to work on getting ourselves in.”
“I still say we should have just blown up part of the house.”  When everyone but Dewdrop turned to glare at Swiss he shrugged.  “A very small part.”
“Anyway, I came up with the idea of Copia posing as some rich and interesting Italian lord, someone this banking guy would want to impress.  Now obviously, rich and interesting is a stretch for our Cardinal, but I had confidence he could make it work.”
You were desperately trying to hold in your laughter, but when Copia looked down to glare at you the giggles bubbled out.  He just looked so offended at Sunshine’s dig you couldn’t help it.  After a moment he growled, his arm tightening around you right before he yanked you into his lap.  You shrieked when his fingers dug into your sides and you desperately tried to wriggle away.  Copia just held tighter, laughing as you twisted around.
“Stop, stop!  I’m sorry!”  
He immediately relented at your apology, but when you tried to move out of his lap his grip stayed firm.  With a huff you settled back against him and attempted to smooth your hair out.  When you glanced over at Sunshine you froze as you caught her eyes already on you and a big grin on her face.
“You guys done?”  You hoped that she couldn’t see your blush, but you doubted it so you just nodded.  “Ok so, we got your man cleaned up, into some decent clothes and then threw him to the wolves basically.”
“The wolves?”
“So my plan was to get invited to the thing and that involved parading Copia around town.  Getting him seen.  Swiss had the idea of putting a notice in the paper about a visiting Italian dignitary and that was the push we needed.”  Sunshine swiped the whiskey bottle from Swiss’s hands and took a drink.  “Next thing we knew Holden came calling to where Copia was staying wondering if he wanted to invest in his bank!”
“You’re leaving out the best part.”  Sunshine turned to look at Swiss and you watched as they seemed to have a conversation with just their eyebrows.  “Stop it, the best part was he brought his daughter.”
It wasn’t hard to miss Copia freezing behind you and you couldn’t help but do the same.  
“Yeah it was obvious this guy had his own ulterior motive for meeting Copia.  He wanted to set up a marriage agreement right there.”  Sunshine noticed the look on your face and immediately corrected herself.  “But he didn’t!  I think Copia nearly choked to death on his breakfast when the guy brought it up.”
“No, I just had to go on playdates with her.”
You poked your finger into Copia’s side at that.
“Uh, si.  Just parading her around town.  Nothing fancy.”
Swiss snorted, slapping a hand over his mouth to stop from spitting out the swig of whiskey he just took.
“‘Nothing fancy?’  You bought her a damn horse!”  He yelped when Sunshine turned and punched him in the chest.  “Fuck, what?  I was just telling the story.”
“Well shut the fuck up, I’m the one telling it.”
“Then fucking tell it!  We’re gonna be here all night.  Just skip to the fucking party.”
The two of them continued to argue with each other, Rain finally sighing from his spot next to Copia and getting up.  He threw you a wink as he wandered over to the other side of the fire, settling in next to Mountain where he was talking with Aether and Dewdrop.  You glanced down at your lap, picking at one of your nails for a moment before turning to the side a bit so you could look up at Copia.
“What was her name?”
“Hmm?”  Copia leaned over and swiped up the bottle Rain had left behind, taking a quick drink before answering.  “Whose name?”
Stupid dense cowboy.
“Her name.  Holden's daughter.”
“Oh, eh.”  You narrowed your eyes when he shot a glance towards Sunshine.  She and Swiss were no longer arguing but the Ghoul was also on his back in the dirt clutching his stomach so that was probably why.  “Cara.”
“That’s lovely.”  It wasn’t, but the jealousy you were feeling was ridiculous.  “A very pretty name.”
“Yeah but that isn’t her actual name, right boss?”  Copia stiffened behind you at Swiss’s words.  The Ghoul groaned as he slowly got back up and settled next to Sunshine again.  “That’s just what you called her.”
“Wait, that’s her nickname?”  You dug your elbow into Copia’s gut when he didn’t answer.  “What’s her actual name?”
“I don’t remember.”
While Sunshine and Swiss burst out in laughter you just felt annoyed.  
“You spent a few days romancing this girl and you can’t even remember her name?”
“A few days?”  Sunshine snorted and pointed at Copia,  “Try weeks!”
“It wasn’t fucking weeks!  And I wasn’t romancing anyone.”  He squeezed your waist and dropped his mouth close to your ear.  “It was just for show, Principessa.”
“Do you know my name?”
You yelped when he nipped your ear lobe, squirming as his breath tickled your skin.
“You know I do, I remember saying it when you had my cock in your hands earlier.”  He chuckled when you gasped, his hands tightening on your waist to keep you still.  “Now stop squirming before I drag you back to the barn so we can do that again.”
With a little grin you settled back against him, eagerly taking a drink when he offered you the whiskey bottle.
“If you guys are done I’ll keep going.”  Sunshine was smirking when you glanced over at her.  “And for the sake of time I’ll skip to the party where everything went to absolute shit through no fault of my own.”
“This again?  Belial, give it a rest Sunshine.”
“Fuck off Swiss, it was all mostly your fault anyway.”
“My fault?!  I did exactly what you told me to do!”
“All I told you to do was create a distraction!”
“And I did, didn’t I?” 
“I didn’t mean to distract them with your dick!”
“Then be more specific next time!”
It looked like the two of them were about to start fighting again but they froze when Copia called out to them.
“It took more than Swiss’s dick to ruin the plan Sunshine and you know it.”  He grabbed the bottle back out of your hands and took another drink.  “The unexpected guests didn’t help either.”
“If you would have let me kill Mary back in Montana they wouldn’t have gotten in the way at the party.”
“We still would have had to deal with Secondo.”  You looked up at Copia with a raised eyebrow at his brother’s name.  “He apparently had been invited as a possible investor.”
“Trust me boss, I can handle your brother.”  Copia shuddered and mumbled something in Italian under his breath as Sunshine waggled her eyebrows.  “You’re right though, the unexpected guests didn’t help.  But neither did your tantrum...”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“You fucking did what?”
Sunshine flinched at the sound of Copia’s voice and quickly started scanning the crowd to try to find him.  She knew that tone of voice and nothing good ever came after he used it.  Her eyes finally fell on him as he stared down Holden’s daughter.  Ok yeah, he was pissed.  Sunshine downed the rest of her champagne and started pushing her way through the crowd towards them but she only made it a few steps before an arm sliding around her waist stopped her.
“Going somewhere, beautiful?”
“I’ll be dragging your body to the undertaker if you don’t get your hand off of me, Mary.”
“Aww c’mon, I was hoping you’d dance with me at least on–shit!”  Mary hissed, grabbing at Sunshine’s wrist to keep her from digging her knife into his stomach.  “Why do you always have to put up a fight?”
“Trust me, Mary.  It wouldn’t be a fight.”  She looked around her for Copia again but was distracted by the curious looks being thrown her and Mary’s way.  With a fake smile plastered on her face she deftly pulled the knife away and placed her hands on Mary’s shoulders.  “Stop smiling like that.”
“This is nice!  I missed this, having you all pressed up against me.”
“Don’t get used to it.  What the fuck are you doing here anyway?”
“Probably here for the same reasons you are.”  Mary smirked and leaned in close, being mindful of the socialites dancing around them.  “Money.”
She jerked back, glaring into Mary’s face when he continued to smirk.
“That money is gonna be ours, so don’t even bother.”
“Yours, huh?  I don’t know, it doesn't seem like you guys are much interested in the money to me.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Looks like Copia is about to be arrested.”  Sunshine quickly looked over to where he was, groaning when she saw Copia arguing with a few of the hired guards.  “And last I saw Swiss he was wandering off with Holden’s wife.”
She winced when Copia shoved a guard away only for two to come up behind him and grab his arms.  Oh fuck.  At Mary’s laugh she jerked her head back around.
“Swiss was supposed to wander off with the wife.”
“I don’t doubt it, but was Holden supposed to know about that?  Because he followed them not long after.”
“Fuck.”  She ignored the surprised glances being thrown her way and tried to think of what to do.  If Holden caught Swiss with his wife they were screwed.  An angry snarl drew her eyes back to Copia in time to see him punch Secondo in the nose.  Ok they were extra screwed.  “Fuck!”  
“I’m always willing Sunshine you just gotta ask me nice–fuck!”
Mary groaned, clutching at their crotch as they fell to the ground.  Sunshine turned back towards Copia but he was being dragged away by the guards.  Her eyes moved to Secondo’s, widening briefly when she noticed he was looking at her.  He was quite the sight at the moment, his usually perfectly styled hair disheveled on his head and blood dripping from his nose.  His eyes were narrowing as he took her in as well and Sunshine grinned, giving him a jaunty wave before spinning and moving quickly into the crowd.
She needed to find Swiss and get the fuck out of there.  They’d just have to worry about Copia later.  It wouldn’t be the first time he needed to be busted out of jail; she just hoped she wouldn’t have to do the same for Swiss later.  The crowd parted easily, most wandering over to where the commotion had happened with Copia.  Sunshine grabbed the skirt of her dress, picking up her speed as she got close to the stairs to the second level.  With any luck she would run into Swiss, hopefully with the key to where the money was being kept in his hand, and they could get the job done.  She jogged down a hallway, turning down a corner at the end where she immediately found herself running right into the Ghoul.
“Swiss!”  Her hands flung out to catch herself but she quickly recoiled when they were met with bare skin.  “Where the fuck are your clothes?”
He was hurriedly doing up his pants, his dress shirt they bought for the night balled up in his fist.
“No time for that, we gotta go.”  When he grabbed her arm she jerked away to glare at him.  “Sunshine, I'm serious we gotta go now.”
“What the fuck did you do?”
Swiss didn’t get a chance to answer her question, a shout from behind him making both Ghouls freeze.  Sunshine’s eyes widened when Holden, in a similar state of undress as Swiss, stumbled out of a room and started pointing his finger at him.
“Get back here now!”
Sunshine groaned, hanging her head as Holden started shouting for some guards.
“Satan’s dick.”      
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“So you all got arrested?”
“Yep!  As I have been saying from the beginning, these assholes ruined everything.”  She pointed a finger behind her at Swiss, who was practically laying on the ground now sulking.  “Swiss decided to romance not just Holden’s wife, but Holden himself.”
“I couldn’t say no to him when he had already caught us together!”
“Shut up.  Anyway, Swiss apparently didn’t tire the guy out enough because he got up after Swiss snuck outta the room and then realized his keys were missing.”
“I tired him out just fine thank you very much.”
“Shut up.  But then there was this guy,”  Sunshine pointed over at you and Copia as she continued on.  “This guy threw a fit because Cara sold the gift he got her.”
“What gift?”  You glanced up at Copia again with a confused look on your face, pausing briefly as the action made you a bit dizzy.  All the whiskey had finally started to get to you.  “Wait, the horse?  She sold the horse?”
“She claimed that he was too rambunctious for her.  Hard to handle.  Idiota.”  Copia shook his head in disgust.  “There is nothing wrong with Brizio!”
You snorted, immediately covering your mouth when Copia glared at you.
“You bought Brizio for her?”
“Si, but she gave him some stupid name like Snowfoot or something, I don’t remember.”
“Copia lost his shit when he found out, hence all the shouting I mentioned.  Unfortunately his Cara didn’t take too kindly to being called an idiot so she brought the guards over.”  Sunshine took a drink and then grinned as she continued.  “Secondo, who was desperately trying to ignore that we were all there, came over to try to calm Copia down, but…well that didn’t go over well.”
“Wasn’t the first time I punched him in the nose and it won’t be the last.”
“Sure, so yeah they shoved us all in jail and thanks to the ever helpful Mary Goore quickly figured out who we all actually were.”  She tipped the bottle back, finishing its contents before chucking it into the fire.  “We were set to be hanged in the morning.”
“Those wanted posters say ‘Dead or Alive’ for a reason, Principessa.”  Copia gave your waist a squeeze before he continued.  “Luckily for us Secondo brought Dewdrop and Phantom with him when he came to town.”
“What do you mean?  Why is that lucky?”
It was Swiss’s turn to answer, although it sounded like he was half asleep.
“Dewdrop knew I stole some of his dynamite, not that he ever goes anywhere without a few sticks as well.”  Swiss lifted his head up to throw you a wink.  “Just in case.”
“So what, you guys blew up the jail?”  When you were met with silence from the three of them your mouth fell open.  “Really?”
“How else were we supposed to get out?  Dew only blew out one wall anyway, it wasn’t that bad.”  Sunshine shook her head as she laughed about it.  “Secondo sure as hell wasn’t gonna bail us out.”
“Why not?”
“Eh, he was a little upset over his nose.”  Copia had reached up to tap yours, laughing softly when you batted his hand away.  “He did come by to wish us luck getting out though.”
Now you felt even more nervous meeting his brother.  You were about to say as much before you yawned, your mouth stretching wide from the force of it.  Copia said something to Sunshine that you didn’t hear, the tiredness suddenly taking over.  All that whiskey probably didn’t help either.  You jumped a bit when Copia began to stand up behind you, gripping your elbows to tug you up with him.
“Wait, Copia, what about Brizio?”
He grinned, tugging you close to his chest and tucking some hair behind your ear.
“While the Ghouls got all of our stuff together I went and got Brizio back.”
“That easy huh?”
“It helped that while we were in jail someone stole the money, so that was a nice distraction.”  He turned towards the farmhouse, wrapping an arm around your waist to help you along.  “Mary beat us to it.”
“What an asshole.  Oh!”  You covered your mouth with your hands, laughing in disbelief at what you just said.  “You’re a bad influence.”
“Bene, I don’t want to be a good one.”
You looked down to hide your reddening cheeks, that grin of his making you blush like usual.  He tsked when you stumbled up the porch steps, the whiskey definitely starting to take its toll on you.  Copia let go of you briefly to open the front door but instead of going inside you stopped and looked up at him, remembering something Swiss had mentioned earlier.
“Copia, what happened in Montana?”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 
“I don’t want to go to sleep.”
Copia chuckled as he helped you get into bed, the now familiar nightgown soft against your skin. 
“Your eyes have been closed since we got inside, Principessa.  I think sleep is happening whether you want it or not.”  
“No, no I have to stay awake.”  When Copia pulled away you managed to get your eyes open, watching his figure move around in the shadows.  He had quickly divested himself of his clothes and was pulling the big shirt from Harold over his head.  “If I fall asleep it’ll be tomorrow when I wake up.”
You frowned when he snorted, his head popping out of the neck of the shirt.  He moved back towards the bed and slid in next to you, under the covers much to your delight.  His arms were around you instantly, pulling you against his warm body.
“Tomorrow will happen no matter what.”  Copia placed a knuckle under your chin and tilted your head up so your eyes could meet.  “What’s so bad about tomorrow?”
“I don’t want to leave this place.  This house, the farm…Ethel.  I feel safe here.” 
“But you’ll still be with me.  I’m always going to keep you safe, Principessa.  Just like I promised.”
The tears were building up in your eyes before you could stop them and you angrily swiped them away.  You didn’t want to spend tonight like this, a weeping mess.
“I know, I know you did.  I feel safe with you, Copia, I do.”  Even the dark room couldn’t hide his grin and you did your best to match it despite how you were still feeling.  With a trembling hand you reached up and cupped his cheek, his beard was already growing in and the stubble felt rough against your palm.  “Kiss me.”
“Hmm, I don’t know.  I’ve come to find out your kisses lead to other things.”  He took your hand in his and brought your palm to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss in the middle as his mustache tickled your fingers.  “Besides, your breath smells like whiskey.”
He laughed when you yanked your hand out from his and roughly turned away.  Damn him and his teasing.  You stiffened when his arms slid back around you and you found yourself tucked back against him.  Despite your irritation you couldn’t help but relax, the warm feeling of being in his arms making you even sleepier.  
“You’re horrible.”  
His breath hit your ear when he huffed out a laugh, making you shiver.  Before you could stop them your eyes were falling closed again and your body relaxed as you began to drift off to sleep.  Copia’s breath tickled your ear again and you fell asleep clinging to what he murmured into your ear.
“I promise to be here when you wake up.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Copia couldn’t sleep.
He hadn’t been able to bring himself to admit it to you, but he wasn’t looking forward to leaving either.  It had been so long since he had felt settled and at peace.  There had been moments he hadn’t even thought about why he was there or even why you were there.  You had already wormed your way inside his chest, like you had always been there.  Those moments made him feel guilty though, like he was forgetting his purpose.  Forgetting what had led him to this farmhouse to begin with.  
What had led him to you.
He couldn’t let his feelings, whatever they were, get in the way of why you were there in the first place.  Nothing could get in the way of him killing Saltarian.  Things were just more complicated now.  Even when he was initially planning everything, your kidnapping and the ransom demand, he hadn’t wanted you to get hurt but now…now he couldn’t let you get hurt.  Copia wasn’t sure if he deserved peace but he knew you did and he was going to do whatever he could to make sure you got it.
You mumbled something in your sleep and Copia tilted his head to look down at you.  After a few hours you had turned around, pushing him onto his back with a surprising amount of strength considering you were asleep.  Copia had let you do it with a smile on his face, amused at your grumbling as you eventually settled with an arm and a leg flung over him.  You were now snoring softly, your breath puffing against his chest with each exhale.  This was definitely something he’d be teasing you about later.  He reached down to tuck some of your hair back behind your ear but he froze when you started mumbling.
“It’s not fair.”
He stroked a thumb across your cheek as he grunted softly.
“Hm?  What isn’t?”
“Your smile.  Not,”  Your thought was interrupted by a big yawn before you relaxed back against him.  “Not fair.  I hate it.”
Copia snorted and squeezed you briefly, smiling when you snuggled further against him.  
“I’m sorry, Principessa.  I’ll smile less.”
All he got for an answer was another snore, but it was what finally helped him relax himself.  You hadn’t been what he expected, far from it, but now that you were here he wasn’t going to let you go.  At least not without a fight.  He let his eyes close and focused on the feel of your body against his.  He could get used to this, used to you.  
He whispered a prayer to Lucifer that he would be allowed to.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Take the shot, Cardinal!”
Copia gritted his teeth as the flames drew closer.  The chapel was starting to fall apart around them, the sound of the flames crackling drowning out distant gunshots.  He couldn’t move, his entire body frozen in place as he looked on in horror.  Your eyes were full of fear as Saltarian kept you in front of him, blocking his body with yours.
“This is your chance!  This is what you wanted!”
You were so scared, Copia could see it.  He could feel it.  Were you scared of him?  Once more he tried to speak, to call out that he would keep you safe but he couldn’t get his mouth to work.
“You’re a coward, Copia!  All these years and you can’t do it.  Because of her.”
No, no no he had to do this.  He ignored the tears streaming down your face and the heat of the flames on his skin.  He had to do this.  This was his one chance.  When you screamed he shook his head, his heart clenching painfully as he watched you sob.  
“Take the shot, Cardinal!”
This was his one chance.
He raised his gun, his eyes meeting yours as he aimed.
He took the shot.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Copia woke up with a gasp, the sound of the gun firing seeming to echo around the room.  He quickly looked down and started to grab at you, needing to feel that you were there and safe.  Not sobbing and broken in front of him like you were in his nightmare.  You mumbled something as he ran his hands over your back and arms.  Your nose scrunching up like it did whenever you were annoyed with him.
“Is it morning?”
“No," He took a deep breath and let his head drop. "Go back to sleep Principessa.”  
He reached up to smooth your hair out, shaking his head slightly at his trembling hand.  The sounds of your crying were still echoing around in his mind.  You had been so scared, so frightened.  He gently pulled away and eased out of the bed, needing to get some distance between you.  You had been scared of him, of what he might do.  There hadn’t been any trust in your eyes, just fear and pain.  He couldn’t help but turn to look at you but even seeing you safe in bed the nightmare wouldn’t leave him.
Cirrus’s words from the other night ran through his head, words she had been repeating from his brother.  ‘You’re going to get this girl killed.’  ‘Your actions have put everyone at risk.’  He had ignored them at the time but now with the nightmare skittering under his skin it was all he could think about.  Would he actually be able to keep you safe like he promised?  Safe from Saltarian and his men?  
Safe from himself?
Copia immediately got up and stalked towards his clothes.  The nightmare had to be a sign, a message warning him about what could happen.  He couldn’t do it, he had worked too long to let anything get in his way now.  As he got dressed he kept pushing away thoughts of you, thoughts he had been thinking of only hours before.  Thoughts that he needed to stop thinking of.  
He fastened his gun belt before grabbing his hat, turning back towards the bed as he secured it on his head.  The moonlight was illuminating your face and he couldn’t help but stop to watch you for a moment.  His steps were quiet as he moved closer, kneeling down at the edge of the bed so his face was level with yours.  The leather of his gloves creaked when he clenched his hands, trying to stop himself from touching you.  
Copia watched you for as long as he dared, trying to memorize your face.  He wanted to remember you this way.  Soft and peaceful.  Beautiful like you had always been to him, even when you were nothing more than a city girl.  A pawn in his desire for revenge.  He had let you become more than that and he now realized how foolish that had been.  
Your mouth opened in a quiet snore and this time he couldn’t help but brush a hand over your hair.  He would still do everything he could to keep you safe, but this, whatever this was between you needed to stop.  Copia had spent the last ten years swearing vengeance and he couldn’t let anything get in his way now.  He stood up, clenching his fists again to stop himself from reaching out and holding you.
He had to let you go.
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Read Chapter 10: Revelations
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iamthecomet · 9 months
comet... I'm thinking...
this and this, right?
what if he was in heat? what if he did have a plug in? and that was just the perfect opportunity to get something close to relief, a little hump against his bass and an additional grind of the plug???
most importantly, who put it into him?
this requires a ficlet, me thinks
Breakfast time, Hypnone! My eyes have been bugging out of my head about this one since you sent it. 1.4k of uh...whatever this is.
Full moons are torture. Rain has gotten used to this by now.  Standing on stage under the burn of the stage lights feeling like he’s coming apart at the seams. He’s dripping with sweat. Feels beads of it running down his spine. He doesn’t know how many times he’s wiped his hands off on his thighs. Fingers slipping on strings, nearly fumbling notes. But he’s well practiced at this by now. Used to it. Planning a tour is hard enough without having to account for an afflicted water ghoul. So, this, while uncomfortable, has become the norm.
His gut aches as he plucks at his strings. Mind somewhere else. Already in a cold shower. Spread out on the hotel bed, exposed to whoever feels like taking a turn. This one is worse than usual. It’s harder.
Swiss and Mountain ganged up on him before their set. Crowding up to him in the dingy dressing room. Fingers wiggling beneath the waistband of his uniform pants. Mountain kissing him breathless while Swiss fingered him, stretching him out, getting him ready. Rain had keened into Mountain’s mouth, begged for a knot that never came. Instead of relief, he got a plug. The minute it was fully seated Mountain and Swiss were gone. Backing away. Mountain pressed a kiss between his horns and told him to be good as Swiss grinned madly at him. Wiggling his slick finger as he disappeared out of the door, a promise.
Rain doesn’t remember most of the show. Going through the motions. Veins molten. Body shuddering with each step. Any intense movement grinds the plug against his prostate. Makes his vision flicker. He’s never wanted to cum so badly in his life.  When Dew slides up behind him during Year Zero he leans back against him, arching, pressing their masks together. Dew nuzzles him, tweaks a nipple. Rain can feel the shake of his laughter—and then he’s gone. And Rain feels his absence like a wound.
Rain likes this game. The way he has to fight himself. The way his packmates look at him across the stage. Ravenous. All of them.
Loves how it feels to stand in front of thousands of people and know that none of them have any idea what’s really going on. There is something about all those eyes turned to him—it makes it all so much better.
Aeon lingers around him for longer than usual. Swiss grins at him, fingers the air like a promise. Aurora and Cumulus reach out for him when he walks between their platforms. Cirrus drags her fingers over his chest at the end of her keytar solo.
They want him.
He’s given up on being subtle by the time Square Hammer starts. When Dew leans, so does he, pressing his cock against the back of his bass. Dropping one hand behind him to press against the plug, grind it a little further in. Just enough to hit a spot that makes him feel like his bones have turned to liquid. He locks eyes with Dew, catching the barest hint of Dew’s smirk through his balaclava.
A little more and he could cum from this. In front of all these people. He almost does.
But then the moment is over. Dew straightens, so does he. The pressure eases, but the burn doesn’t.
That last song feels like it goes on forever. He throws his picks in handfuls. Not aiming. Not even looking at the crowd. He hopes they gang up on him in the dressing room. Shove him up against the flimsy door. Fuck him hard enough to break it down. Any of them, all of them. At this point he isn’t picky. He expects something as they walk backstage. Attention. Someone to sidle up to him, to press open mouth kisses to his neck. To talk to him. Instead, all he gets is a rough slap on the ass from Dew as he walks by. Hard enough to jam the plug into his prostate. Enough to make his knees buckle. He stumbles, doesn’t fall. Dew looks back at him and chuckles. 
And then, nothing.
An empty dressing room. A quiet ride to the hotel. Sitting makes it worse, so he slides down as far as he can in his seat. Eyes closed. Tries to think about anything other than how agonizing the last twenty minutes have been. Tries not to think about begging Swiss to fuck him right here, right now. He can’t fucking wait any longer. And then they’re at the hotel. Nice like they’ve all been this tour. And Swiss and Mountain are flanking him urging him into the elevator, down a long hallway, into a room with one queen sized bed.
“Touch me."
They’re the first words Rain has said in hours. Eyes darting between Mountain and Swiss.
“Bet you’ll cum right away,” Swiss says, dropping onto the bed, toeing his shoes off. He lays back with an exhausted sigh.
“Y-yeah,” Rain agrees. Looking toward Mountain. “Please.”
“No fun in that,” Swiss says, face turned toward the ceiling. Rain wants to argue. Wants to remind Swiss, pointlessly, that he’ll cum as many times as Swiss wants, but Mountain crosses the room and pulls Rain into a kiss before he can get the words out. It’s sweet at first, but quickly turns filthy. Mountain licking deep into Rain’s mouth, claiming, hands on each of his cheeks holding him in place while he plunders. Rain can only whine, lean into it, open wider.
Swiss sits up on his elbows to watch. Hitches himself up on the bed enough to lean against the headboard and get a hand on himself. Palming over the zipper of his jeans as Mountain pulls Rain’s clothes off piece by piece. Fingers gentle over his overheated skin, mouth latched to his throat.
Rain doesn’t realize he’s naked until he is, rutting his cock against Mountain’s thigh. Chasing an orgasm that rushes up too quickly. He doesn’t see it coming.
But Swiss does. Pushing off the bed and coming to stand behind Rain. He locks an arm around his waist and pulls him back. Wrenching him away from Mountain and the only meaningful stimulation he’s had in hours.
“Get on the bed,” Swiss whispers in his ear, teeth grazing over the shell of it. Fingers digging into his belly.
Rain stumbles when Swiss releases him, but manages to get there. Tossing himself onto the bed, bouncing in a nest of soft pillows. He watches Swiss pull Mountain in by the collar. Can see the slide of their tongues as they kiss. Hips slotting together. Mountain whines.
Rain feels like he’s going to implode.
It's cruel, he thinks. All of this. They could have ended this by now. Knotted him. Relieved him of his static brain and heavy limbs. Of the way his blood feels like lava. He’s been hard for so long he doesn’t think he remembers how it feels not to be.
“Please,” he tries, but the word cracks and fails. He tries again. Louder. Swiss and Mountain pause. Swiss pulls back. Rain wants to taste the string of spit that still connects them.
“He’s been good,” Mountain whispers. Dragging his fingers through Swiss’ hair, holding him close. Rain leans against the headboard, cock kicking against his belly. Pre drying in his happy trail.
Swiss hums. Nips at Mountain’s lip.
“He’s so pretty when he’s desperate, though. We promised we’d wait for—”
There’s the sudden sound of a keycard in their door. Rain swears he can feel the click of the lock in his bones. His stomach flips.
Swiss looks at him—really looks at him, finally. Dark eyes narrowing, zeroing in. Rain doesn’t see who slips through the door before Mountain and Swiss are blocking his view of it. One on either side of his thigh. Swiss reaching between his legs to wiggle the plug. Mountain sweeps some of Rain’s hair behind his ear. He cups Rain’s cheek, gentle. A stark contrast to how Swiss drags the plug almost all the way out and slams it back in.
The door opens again. Rain barely hears it over the blood pounding in his ears and his own whimpering. But he knows who’s here now. His addled brain finally catching up. He can smell his pack—all of them. Eyes on him, dragging over flushed shaking skin. Hungry.
“Gonna take such good care of you tonight, Raincloud.” Mountain whispers, bending to kiss him. He tastes like Swiss.
“Gonna ruin you,” Swiss promises.  
Rain hopes they do.
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marie-viola · 2 months
Also while I'm at it, I'll put on here my headcannon last names for the Omori gang.
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I have lil descriptions as for why it suits them or whatever.
Sunny "Hisayume" & Mari "Hisayume"
Sunny and Mari are probably of asian descent. Likely Japanese due to them owning a Japanese piano. That and of Omori's (aka Sunny) favorite food is Onigiri. Hisayume isn't a known surname I think, but I combined the two words together since it just sounds cute. "Hisa", 久, meaning "a long time ago", and "Yume", ゆめ, meaning "dream". I think it suits the siblings. Sunny dreaming about a time long ago, and Mari being a distant memory. The "Hisayumes" has a nice ring to it.
Hero "Maradona" & Kel "Maradona"
Hero and Kel are likely of hispanic descent. Specifically Mexican, as they own an Ofrenda in their house. It's originally a spaniard name. "Mara" meaning "lots of", and "don" meaning "happy" or "leadership." I think this perfectly describes the both of them. Kel being overly positive, and Hero being mature and compassionate. I also think it sounds nice with their first names.
Aubrey "Blythe"
Aubrey is of English descent, I'm pretty sure. Her mother's hair is blonde after all, which means her father has black hair. Blythe means "cheerful and pleasant" which Aubrey definitely was when she was younger. But she still is, albeit underneath her cold exterior. The name is also sometimes associated with the color pink. I think it sounds nice with her name having a B in it, and having her initials A.B.
Basil Blumenthal
I like to think Basil is of German descent. Or anywhere around the Swiss Alps. It's very cozy and the region has floral aesthetics in its culture. Blumenthal means "flower valley", very suitable for a flowery boy as him. Blum also sounds similar to "bloom". His name just sounds green now somehow lol. Also the initials B.B sounds kinda cute.
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smartycvnt · 10 months
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Title: Overkill Pairing: Red Hood x Reader Prompt: 12. "Whoa, who said you could bring a gun to the fist fight?" NR WC: 708
Jason was fuming as he sat back hidden and out of sight. Y/n had no idea what kind of men she was dealing with. The young woman was new to Gotham City, and while there was a good deal of crime in St. Louis, it wasn't Gotham City. Y/n had only been in Gotham for a few months, but she was already dipping her toes into the gang wars. Jason loved her, even if they only saw each other at night. He would chase her across every rooftop in the city if he had to in order to make sure that she was safe. She had told him what she was doing tonight, who she was meeting with, and what they were supposed to get done. Jason didn't know much about them in all honesty because it was a low level gang, but he had cleaned up the aftermath of a few of their "meetings" before.
"I hear you've gotten yourself a shadow. How do I know that Red Hood isn't waiting to ambush us with the rest of the costumed freaks?" Y/n laughed at the man's question. Jason being around would always be a possibility, but Y/n had made him promise to stay at least half a block away. Whether or not he actually did that was out of her control.
"You can't. Just like I can't count on you coming unarmed like you promised," Y/n pointed out. The man in the suit turned towards the two guys behind him and nodded. They took a couple steps back, which Y/n knew meant that if she didn't do what their boss wanted, she'd become their new target. "At least I tried to keep my end of the deal up."
"No hard feeling darling, but I find these talks go a lot better whenever you bring a little firepower with you. It's all a pissing contest," he said. Y/n crossed her arms over her chest to hide the press of her panic button that Jason had given her. "My terms for this are that you keep your nose out of my business, and tell your little boyfriend to do the same. I'd hate to have to see your pretty little face in the obituaries."
"I wouldn't count on that," Y/n said as she leaned back against a brick wall. Behind the man in the suit, Jason had both of his men in a chokehold. Y/n watched as the man lifted his fingers for his guys to raise their guns.
"You should have stayed in whatever shithole you crawled out of."
"I was thinking the same thing," Jason said. Y/n smirked as the man jumped up and turned around to face him. The man in the suit pulled a pistol out of his pocket, but Jason easily knocked it away. "Whoa, who said you could bring a gun to the fist fight?"
Y/n made her getaway as Jason started throwing punches. She stayed nearby, close enough to watch what was an incredibly one-sided fight. Jason called for the police to come and arrest the man Y/n had been meeting with before he chased after her. Y/n was in the process of taking off some of her gear whenever Jason showed up. He fell back into one of the lounge chairs. They had been meeting up on this rooftop for weeks now. It had been the place where they had seen each other's faces for the first time. Jason took his helmet and jacket off with a heavy sigh.
"Thank you for saving my ass," Y/n said. Jason brushed it off, as if he didn't think that what he had done was that big of a deal. Y/n thought differently though, if not for Jason, she would have ended up looking like a piece of Swiss cheese. "I owe you one."
"Eh, those guns were way too much for one person. That much firepower could have killed Batman." Jason tried to downplay his heroics of the night, but Y/n was having none of it. She moved into his lap and gave him a kiss, soft and slow. "I mean, maybe what I did was impressive."
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madangel19 · 6 months
imagining him trying to do their hair and failing miserably, having to shamefully nudge them into the ghoulettes hands to fix it, hastily preparing six lunches while they run around, pull on his pant leg, and get in fights over who gets to use the big spoon… I love girl dad swiss (+ his lil boy) so much
Yesssss, we love Daddy Swiss in this house!
He tries so hard to do their hair, but it's a good thing he has the ghoulettes and Delia to help him. Before the birth of his newest kits, he asks the ghoulettes for help with certain styles and they're more than happy to help. His kits still love whatever he does and even if it's a mess, they still thank him :')
Preparing lunches for six kits that are probably all over him trying to get to the food is hell. The first few months are chaotic. The kits never leave him alone during meal times
Swiss Pov
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Even when he gets them off his legs, they still come back and if they know how to use their abilities, then it's much harder lol. He has to make sure the doors are double locked and sealed so that they don't get in with magic XD
When they get older and start craving blood is when things get real interesting. Swiss teaches them how to hunt and when they're strong enough with their powers, he'll catch some poor stranger that stumbled across the church and let his kits have their fun hunting after injuring the victim enough that they can't get away or fight back. It's like that one scene in Jurassic Park 2 where the guy gets hunted by those lil dinos
Swiss is just watching from the sidelines with a few other pack members and they're cheering his babies on :'). When they manage to kill the stranger, he provides them with so much praise and takes good care in grooming them when they're done eating.
The kits can be very vicious and also very sweet. Just like their daddy ^-^
Swiss lets them play fight, but he only steps in when they start ganging up on Cheese (the runt of his latest litter) or Vortex (his only son). There will be no bullying. Swiss will shut that shit down
Ahhh, so many thoughts, but so little time. Girl Dad Swiss is gonna live rent free in my head forever ^-^
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cleocvnt · 6 months
12, 29, 47
the weirdest thing thats turned me on (in my opinion) is forced pregnancy and only existing to breed and serve my husband.
its just weird for me cause i dont want kids? yet i find it so hot (also some hucow stuff like oml)
i love the idea of being assaulted on a train. like the person next to me just slowly starts rubbing their hand up my thigh. as i start to protest they bring a swiss army knife to the small of my back and tell me shut up. rubbing my cilt, groping me maybe even forcing me to blow them depending on how crowded the train is. when we reach his stop he walks me off the train, knife pressed into my low back under my big coat and takes me home where there a cute cage is waiting for his new pet.
orrrr a group of big game hunters decide their tired of hunting deer and grab me off the street shoving me into the trunk. i wake up in the middle of the dark woods and i start running but they catch me soon enough tying me to a tree and gathering around to gang rape me
i love being called a stupid whore. being treated like i cant do anything for myself, like my opinions and thoughts dont matter, like im inferior (because i am💞💗)
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star-my · 8 months
Vixen ~ Chapter One
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➼ Pairing: Park Jimin x OFC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 5.7k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Medical Issues (resolved), Mentions/Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS or SKZ members) | JK is Ara's BFF and bodyguard and Best Boy; Bangtan and Stray Kids are mafia; think Kitty Gang Jimin; flirting and fluff; multiple ARMY and STAY easter eggs sprinkled throughout (I welcome comments detailing which ones you caught); author does her best to beat the Wattpad allegations and fails miserably, which is funny because she went straight to ao3 and skipped the orange app phase
➼ Many thanks to @kookthief @moonleeai & @yoongiobsessed for betaing this chapter<3
➼ Taglist (Open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @kookthief @otome-wandering
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter Two (14/10/23) ➼ Chapter Three (15/10/23) ➼ Masterlist ➼Ao3
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The door to the opulent room swung open soundlessly, allowing the tall, muscular man to enter unnoticed. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the young woman seated at the vanity.
“Your father has requested your presence ASAP. When will you be ready?”
The woman glanced up from her careful application of sparkly gold eyeliner.
“Give me five minutes, Kookie! Is he home?” She moved towards the walk-in closet across the spacious bedroom.
“He’s at the office. I’ll bring the car around, then.” The woman’s bodyguard –but first and foremost her friend– left, and she began the process of accessorizing.
Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up to the tall office building in downtown Seoul, the headquarters of ShinCorp.
As the heiress of ShinCorp, Shin Ara was immediately escorted to the CEO’s office and served tea by the secretary.
Secretary Kim set the tray on the coffee table, leaving father and daughter to their meeting.
Ara glided gracefully over  to warmly hug her father. “Jungkook told me you wanted to speak with me about an urgent matter. Is something wrong?”
Shin Jungok sighed, lowering himself onto the sofa across from his only child. “No, nothing is wrong. What has my beautiful daughter been accomplishing lately?”
Ara crossed her legs, smoothing her ruffled swiss-dot skirt over her knees. “I’ve been looking at property for my gallery. Other than that, I’ve been rather quiet. You’ve been busy with work, so I haven’t wanted to disturb you, Appa.”
Jungok smiled. “You are such a respectful child, Ara. Yes, I’ve been occupied with work. I just finished a meeting with the new CEO of Park Group.”
“Oh, their former CEO died recently, didn’t he? His son took over, I suppose? Awfully young to be CEO,” she mused.
“Yes, he’s only twenty seven, but he has a good head for business. We’ve never partnered with the Park Group before, though a contract was once drawn up between us. I guess he’s trying to show the board he’s capable despite his youth.” 
“Maybe he’s capable because of his youth,” Ara arched her brow at her father.
Jungok took a long sip of his tea. “Ara, are you seeing anyone?”
She blinked at the non sequitur. “Uh…no? I’ve been busy planning my gallery. I haven’t had time to date.”
“Park Jimin asked for your hand in marriage,” Jungok stated simply.
Ara stared. “What?”
“Will you at least think about it? I’m sure he’ll take good care of you and be a good husband to you, and if we make this partnership, he’ll be more solidly accepted as a businessman. You know I’m getting older, and ShinCorp will stay in our family when I retire. I am proud of you for following your own path, and a little pleased that you do not want to take over ShinCorp, but I want to make sure you are taken care of.”
“May I see the contract?”
Jungok handed her the portfolio, and she read through it carefully. “Will ShinCorp go to Mr. Park or to our children?”
“Mr. Park will have a share and your children will receive the rest. Until they come of age, you and he will have joint control over the company,” Jungok explained. “I know you don’t want to be CEO, but we must take caution in this day and age. I know you will make sure ShinCorp is run according to our mission statement.”
Ara hummed an acknowledgment and flipped over a page.
“Do you have Mr. Park’s number?”
Her father looked up in surprise. “Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you, Ara!”
“I know, Appa. I accept his proposal.”
“Well, I believe he left his card…” Jungok moved to his desk and shuffled through some papers. “...here!” He handed it to Ara.
“Er…the marriage is best announced and signed on sooner rather than later.”
Ara barely glanced up from creating a new contact in her phone.
“I’m aware, Appa,” she said briskly. “Will next Saturday work? I saw the perfect dress when I was out shopping with Unnie last week. I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a little girl, Appa.”
It was Jungok’s turn to stare at her. “In just over a week?”
She smirked. “Money is king, is it not? I’ll get everything done in time.” She patted his shoulder on her way to the door. “Leave it to me.”
Twenty minutes later, Ara slipped into her car. She clipped the seatbelt in, and Jungkook took off. 
“You’re looking at the future Mrs. Park Jimin!” she announced cheerfully.
“What?!” Jungkook swerved, then corrected the car.
“I’m marrying Park Jimin next Saturday if that works for him.” Her phone pinged. “Speak of the devil. ‘Yes, Saturday is perfect. Thank you for accepting my proposal. I am sorry it is so short notice and businesslike,’” Ara read aloud. “He sounds decent. Good.”
“He’d better be more than decent,” muttered Jungkook darkly, turning a corner smoothly.
Ara cooed. “Aww, are you worried about me? You’re the one who trained me for my black belt in taekwondo.”
“It’s literally my job, Ara!”
“I know, but still…Anyways, can you drop me off at the Whalien Cafe so I can meet all the girls at once?”
“Sure. Should I come in?”
“If you want. Have you ever tried their special 52 Hertz menu item? It’s sooo good.”
“No, I haven’t. I’ll come to crowd control your friends and try it while I’m there.”
“Wise choice.”
Ara and Jungkook walked into Whalien Cafe and ordered, then joined the five girls at two squished-together tables. Ara’s friends and unnie updated her on their lives since she had seen them last, then Ara dropped her bomb.
“Will you be my bridesmaids next Saturday?”
There was a beat of silence, then complete chaos erupted.Once they calmed down, she explained the situation. They immediately agreed to be her bridesmaids and began planning.
Ara explained her vision, then sat back as the ideas ran wild. By the end of the afternoon, she had a list of her favourite suggestions and a promise from each of her friends to join her the next day for dress shopping.
The friend group had met in college, except for Ara’s unnie, Kim Sihyeon. Sihyeon was the cousin of Jungok’s PA, Seokjin, who Ara viewed as an older brother.
Ara’s mother died in a car accident when Ara was eleven and Jungok immediately hired Ara a bodyguard-chauffeur. Jungok had Jungkook befriend Ara and trained him to become her new bodyguard-chauffeur when he was old enough. The other four members of the friend group were Jennie, Rose, Jisoo, and Lisa. They’d all been dorm mates in college and were quite close.
After a light supper, Ara spent the evening reserving things and purchasing necessary items for her upcoming nuptials.
Her phone dinged with an alert. Curious, she turned from her laptop and tapped on the message.
PJ: You’re certainly very organized! I was honestly expecting a month at best. I have people working on a story of how we met earlier. Here’s a link to the rough draft. Make whatever changes you want.
Inquisitive, Ara tapped on the link to the document, a professional publicist’s work, of course. It was well-written, if a little sensational, but she frowned at the extra drama sprinkled in, such as their coincidental meeting in Italy in the spring and their secret romance (none of which she recalled).
SA: Why do we need an article? Do you need this for appearances? *I* don’t mind being ‘just a business marriage’. It is a good story, though:)
PJ: I thought you would want it to seem as normal as possible. You are quite intriguing, Miss Shin.
SA: Good;) Let’s just release a formal announcement stating we’ve decided to get married. The media really doesn’t need anything else.
SA: I have the place and time booked for the reception and ceremony. Is there anything you’d like me to add, like family traditions?
PJ: Whatever you like. I will be giving you my halmeoni’s ring, if that’s alright with you.
SA: Of course! One final question…pink?
PJ: It’s a decent colour?
SA: 👍
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A light knock echoed from the heavy wooden door, then a man popped his head into Jimin’s private office.
“Hey, Boss, there’s a box from your fiancée.”
“Bring it in,” the man behind the desk ordered. 
He carefully opened the box and lifted out a pastel-pink silk tie. The paper inside read, “I hope this hue of pink is a decent enough colour to wear to our wedding. If this is satisfactory, text me and I’ll send over the rest for your groomsmen. Black suits, please. ~SA”
Jimin smiled a little at the slightly wonky smiley face Ara had drawn beside her name and carefully replaced the tie.
PJ: It’s perfect. Thank you.
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A woman all in black walked purposefully into the old warehouse. Several men and a few women were working busily in the large space, barely looking up at the click of her heels.
The door to the private rooms built into the warehouse swung open with the slight squeak of a hinge needing oil.
Gold eyes scanned over its occupants.
“Where’s Hyunjin?”
“He’s restocking the medical room since he got his new supplies,” answered a man with vermilion hair, stretching from his slump over a computer.
“Thanks, Chan.”
A tall man with long black hair popped out of a side room. “You called, Boss?”
The woman nodded shortly, clapping her hands for attention. “You all know that since Park Wonshik died, Bangtan’s been targeted. Well, the head of Bangtan had a brilliant idea to partner with the Grays, business-level and gang-level, through marriage.
“The head of Gray’s daughter is marrying Park Jimin on Saturday. The other mafia will find out tomorrow. With Bangtan and Gray united, the mafia  looking to take over Bangtan may set their sights on smaller game, so we need to be prepared for any backlash against us.
“Minho, you figure out if the others are planning to attack anyone. Hyunjin, find out how much Bangtan has on Stray Kids. Everyone else, get ready for an attack, worst-case scenario.”
“Yes, ma’am!” saluted the eight men in unison. They turned to their tasks, leaving Chan to approach the woman.
“Vix, you sure about this?”
Vixen’s blood-red lips curved in a smile. “Don’t worry, Channie. I have everything under control and I have plans for every variable, just like oppa taught me.”
Chan sighed. “Alright, then. I trust you, Vix.”
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“Boss, here’s the file on Shin Ara you wanted.”
“Thanks, Hoseok.”Jimin took the file and flipped through it.
Good grades, though they slipped the year her mother Aeri died; friendly but only had a handful of close friends- four girls she met in college, four of her father’s employees, and one ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho, whom she was still friendly with. Graduated high school and college with honours, has an arts degree in photography, and had recently purchased a building on the edge of downtown Seoul for a gallery.
Who are you, Shin Ara? Why did you so readily agree to marry a stranger?
Jimin mulled over the possibilities, staring at her picture on the screen before him.
Another knock on the door roused him. “Sir, it’s time for your suit fitting.”
Jimin looked eagerly at the doors, waiting for the first glance of his wife face-to-face.
The audience stood as Ara strutted down the catwalk with a grace only a girl who had been bred in high society could achieve.
She took his hand, her fingers gripping his tightly. Her hand fit perfectly in his. A whiff of her floral perfume wafted through the air. Her very presence seemed familiar, though Jimin figured that could be from the hundreds of texts they had exchanged in the past eleven days.
Kim Seokjin was officiating at Ara’s request; it seemed to Jimin that he spoke slowly on purpose, taunting him with the veiled face of his bride.
Finally they reached the vows, and Ara’s grip on his hand tightened momentarily.
Jimin slipped his grandmother’s ring onto her finger, admiring the sparkle that seemed right. The three red garnets bookmarked by tiny diamonds suited her.
Ara slid the gold band on his finger, a little shock running up his arm from where she touched him.
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“...You may kiss the bride,” announced Seokjin.
Jimin carefully lifted the veil over Ara’s reddish-brown hair, careful not to mess up her hairdo, and met her eyes with a smile he hoped wasn’t too eager.
Her eyes locked on his, a hint of a smile in their mahogany depths. He smiled back, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb cupping her jaw. The steady beat of her heart pounded under his thumb as he dipped her slightly, the crowd cheering in celebration.
With a wink at her surprised glance, he swept his thumb over her lips, pressing his own to his thumb.
Seokjin gave him a minuscule nod that he caught out of the corner of his eye. No one else appeared to have caught the faux-kiss, thankfully.
Jimin really didn’t want to have to explain to his teasing brothers that the big, bad mafia boss didn’t want to scare his new bride away.
Sihyeon straightened the train of Ara’s Alexander Wang dress and handed her the bouquet of pink ranunculus. Jimin extended his arm, Ara looped hers through his, and they swept down the aisle.
Jungok caught his eye on the way by, “Don’t forget your promise,” he mouthed.
The promise, in Jimin’s copy of the contract– Jungok’s only stipulation.
Do not let Ara find out that you or I are in the mafia.
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Ara was a total Daddy’s girl, only idolizing him. He didn’t want to break her heart, tell her that her appa wasn’t all she’d thought he was.
Jungok had been secretly overjoyed when she had come to him, saying she wanted to study art, not business to prepare for inheriting ShinCorp. It was much easier to hide the fact that he was the don of the Gray mafia, one of the biggest in Seoul.
Jungok could leave ShinCorp to his Head of Strategy, Kim Namjoon, who would run the Grays as well, and Ara would be none the wiser.
Jungok’s one wish was to never crush his little girl’s world of gold and pink and glitter and peace.
Yes, he had insisted she learn a martial art and have a bodyguard, but many CEOs’ families had more protection. Aeri’s accident may have truly been an accident, but after he failed to protect his wife, he vowed to make sure Ara would always be protected.
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After the luxurious reception, the Parks drove to Jimin’s home and base of operations, codenamed Cypher. Jimin drove them himself- Ara had brought Jungkook with her but given him the night off, and he was hitting it off with his new colleagues and Jimin’s friends/groomsmen, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Choi Soobin, and Choi Beomgyu.
Jimin pulled the bulletproof SUV up to the steps and sighed in relief. None of the other mafia or gangs had attempted anything, and Bangtan was now officially allied with Gray; the gangs pressuring and testing him since his father’s death should relax now.
He leaned his head against the headrest and looked over at Ara. Oh, right.
“So…it didn’t seem quite right discussing it over text, but where should I put your things? I have a suite prepared for you, or you can have the master bedroom, whichever you’d like…”
Ara smiled a little at his awkwardness, masking her own. They hadn’t exactly had the time to discuss the finer points of married life, beyond the ‘getting married’ point.
“I think the suite would be best for now, although I am looking forward to getting to know you better, and I hope we can make this relationship work.”
“I do, too.” Jimin pulled out his phone to text the housekeeper to move the rest of Ara’s things to the prepared suite . “You looked beautiful, I meant to say that earlier.”
“Thank you. Er- did you dye your hair to match the colour scheme? I wasn’t expecting that level of cooperation.”
Jimin chuckled, getting out of the SUV and stretching to relieve the lingering awkwardness. “No, that was a coincidence. I’m glad it didn’t clash with the colour scheme, though. When you asked about suits and colours all I could think of at first was, ‘Oh no, what if she wants one of those ultra-modern black-and-white weddings’ or something.”
Ara’s light laughter floated through the crisp night. “Don’t worry, I like colour. Photographer, y’know?”
“I was really impressed by how quickly you got everything prepared.” He paused, debating on broaching the subject now or later. Curiosity won, and he plowed ahead. “Can I ask why you agreed to marry me so quickly?”
Ara shrugged, bending over to pull off her sparkly pink Louboutins. “You needed a partnership with my father’s group. Appa would have a beneficial business agreement with your company. I would like to be a wife, and in the future, a mother. I’ve never had a long-term boyfriend or anything…all the chaebol heirs are too old, too young, pricks, immature, or just not my type. I confess I did a little stalking of you, and Appa approved of you. Even if this was a business marriage, he would never suggest a man who wouldn’t treat me well. And you saved me the time and stress of introducing my boyfriend to my family and waiting to see if the verdict would fall in your favour or not,” she shrugged again. 
Jimin nodded, fascinated by the peek into Ara’s brain. “I hope that, at the very least, we’ll get along as friends. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?”
“Sure, I’m free. What time?”
Ara settled into her very comfy bed and pulled out her phone.
SA: 2:00 p.m. tomorrow
KS: Done so soon?
SA: Shut up. 2:00, be there or don’t.
KS: Got it. I’ll be there.🙄
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At 1:55 p.m., Ara descended the stairs of her new house, ready for her date. Her peach tunic dress hugged her curves and fell to her knees, complemented by her chunky brown leather heels, gold jewelry, and an oversized burgundy purse.
Jimin had just pulled the car up, and his jaw loosened a little. “You look stunning!”
Ara blushed, pushing a loose curl behind her ear. “Thanks, you look pretty nice yourself.”
Jimin wore his loose white suit well, his plum shirt complementing his peachy-pink hair.
The car ride to downtown Seoul was filled with quiet chatter as the newlyweds got to know each other better.
Jimin pulled up to an art museum and got out, heading quickly to Ara’s side to open the door for her. She took his arm, and he let her tell him all about the art and curation as they toured the museum.
“Abeoji first took me to a museum when I was six, I think? I really liked it and begged Eomma to take me back. I just kept making my parents take me to museums until I’d seen them all, and then repeated it. I tried drawing and painting, but I wasn’t very good at them and didn’t want to put in the hours of practice to attempt to be good.”
They strolled along to the photography section, having gone through the traditional paintings and sketches.“Photography caught my attention when I was ten or eleven…Jungkook had taken up photography as his hobby, and he let me try sometimes. I really loved those times taking pictures and decided that’s what I wanted to do as a job, not run ShinCorp. Appa was surprisingly accepting of my decision, but he’s always spoiled me a bit,” Ara laughed.
“Jungkook, as in, your bodyguard?” Jimin asked curiously. “He couldn’t have been much use when you were ten…he’s only a bit older than you, right?”
“Oh, Kook wasn’t my bodyguard till he was eighteen. We grew up as childhood friends since my eomma’s accident. He’s from Busan, but he was kidnapped and trafficked around the time of my mom’s accident. The police rescued him and some other children when they broke up the ring of gangsters that had been trafficking kids,” explained Ara, pausing in front of a photo of a field of wildflowers.
“Jungkook was an orphan, so one of the policemen who’d rescued them fostered him. He was Appa’s friend, and they thought it would be good for both of us to have a companion.”
Ara turned to see what Jimin thought of this revelation. He was frowning at the floor, one hand in his pocket. Running his other hand through his hair, he exhaled. “That must have been tough.”
Ara nodded. “He doesn’t speak about it much–sensitive, you know? Oh, and you don’t need to worry about…anything between us,” she added hesitantly. “We did have a crush on each other in high school, but we realized we’re better off as friends. There’s no competition.”
He raised his head to smirk at her, pushing his hair back one final time. “So, there’s a chance of winning your heart?”
She smiled back, lifting her lashes flirtatiously. “I’d say there’s a good chance.”
“Shall we go for dinner, then?”
“Sure, I could eat. Could we try this new French restaurant nearby?”
“Whatever you want, milady. What’s its name?”
“L’Domino. Main floor of the Star Lost hotel,” Ara pointed down the street to a tall building several blocks away, visible from the museum parking lot.
“Ah…I’ve heard of that place. Let’s go, then!”
The maitre’d heard their names and immediately showed them to a table. Dim lighting, but not so dim you couldn’t see what you were eating, opulent fabrics and the quiet instrumental soundtrack gave the dining room an atmosphere oozing exclusivity. Jimin pulled out Ara’s chair for her, then sat opposite her.
A black-suited waiter approached, his chubby cheeks lifted in a smile. “Good evening! My name is Jisung; I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a beverage?”
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At D9, Vixen’s HQ, Chan picked up the phone, halting its first ring. “Chan.”
“Christmas, it’s me. Have Park Jimin’s hacker find Jeon Jungkook’s file of his kidnapping. Shin Ara told him about it; he’ll be suspicious.”
“Got it. Did Seungmin make the drop?”
“The goods are in position. I’ll contact you later for news on our plans, I just wanted to give you a head start on the file. Vixen over and out.”
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“Thank you for the lovely date, Princess. I enjoyed getting to know you. Perhaps we could make this a regular thing?”
Jimin opened the front door, and Ara stepped into the low-lit foyer. “Thank you. I had a lot of fun, and ditto,” she returned. “Making this regular sounds lovely.”
Jimin inhaled and pushed further. “Would you like to have breakfast together in the mornings if I’m not at the office early?”
“I’d love to. What time do you normally eat?”
“Quarter to eight. Does that work for you?”
“Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow, then?”
“See you then. Sleep well,” he called after her, already halfway up the stairs.
“You as well. Goodnight, Jimin.” Ara entered her suite, all done in pastels with gold accents. It was either a strange coincidence or someone had been talking (she bet it was her appa), but it was very similar to her room at home.
She headed to the ensuite to begin her nighttime routine, replaying the whole date with Jimin.
She had expected maybe dinner or an outing, but not the entire afternoon and evening. It was lovely, but she wondered if Jimin would face any backlash over spending so much time off work. It was crucial he maintained a flawless profile in the first months of being appointed CEO, Ara was enough of a businessman’s daughter  to know that. Their marriage was, in part, to help stabilize his takeover, and she didn’t want to be a hindrance.
He was a perfect gentleman and quite attentive. She’d miss his company, but she’d make sure their next date was a little shorter. By their first anniversary, he should be able to spend more time with her again.
It’s not like she was expecting love and him to wait on her hand and foot, even if she did hope they’d grow to genuinely care about each other. Time flew by, anyway– she’d survive a few months without his constant presence. Resolved to broach the subject at breakfast the next morning, she crawled into her comfy bed and replayed his every action again.
He was too perfect. She’d find his flaw sooner or later.
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Jimin tapped his fingers rhythmically on his desk and sighed. Finally, he pushed a button and asked for Jungkook to be fetched.
Minutes later, Ara’s bodyguard stood at attention in front of him.
“You’ve known Ara since you were eleven?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You were adopted by Jeon Jeonghwa, an officer in Seoul’s police department, Organized Crime division?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ara told me you were kidnapped from Busan and brought here by traffickers, till you were rescued by your adoptive father.”
Jungkook nodded.
“You became her bodyguard at eighteen…you’ve trained in martial arts for twelve years?”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Shin insisted Ara and I take self-defense lessons, and I wanted more.”
“You know who Shin Jungok is? Who I am?” Jimin leaned back in his chair, studying Jungkook.
“Yes, sir. Head of the Gray Gang and the Bangtan Family.”
“Does Ara suspect who we are?” Jimin narrowed his eyes. The million-dollar question…or maybe, billion-dollar, considering the revenue estimated to be brought in by this alliance.
“No, sir. Mr. Shin wants her to know nothing about your other business. He’s made sure she knows nothing.”
“Tell me if she ever mentions anything about it to you, please. Thank you for your time.”
“Yes, sir. Also…there was never really anything between us. We’re like siblings, sir.”
Jungkook left, and Jimin resumed his finger tapping, staring at the spot where the man had stood.
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Time went by, and the newlyweds fell into a routine. They would have breakfast together four times a week when Jimin wasn’t ‘at the office early’. When he came home, they would have dinner, either trying out a new restaurant or one of Ara’s home-cooked meals. 
Cooking was her hobby, and she enjoyed experimenting with various cuisines and fusions.
Mrs. Lee, the housekeeper, let her have free reign of the kitchen, a feat not easily achieved.
The long-date problem was solved by the compromise of several shorter dates. Once a week, Jimin would take Ara on a coffee or lunch date, the short distance between Ara’s gallery and Park Group’s buildings coming in handy so they could stretch out their precious minutes together. 
Ara had almost finished setting up her gallery and excitedly shared her plans for the opening and all the organizing she had to do. Jimin was bemused by her enjoyment of organizing things and creating organizational systems, imagining if she knew about his secondary business and how she’d whip everyone into shape. He had no doubt that she would be a force to be reckoned with if someone got into her path. Grinning at the mental image of Ara siccing Jungkook and maybe his own men on someone standing in her way, he realized he was smiling like a loon and quickly smoothed out his expression.
Just in time.
His secretary knocked on the door and poked his head in. “Sir, the dress was delivered. However, Mrs Shin has not opened it yet.”
With a fond smile, he rolled his eyes. She was probably busy focusing on the networking for the ball tonight.
For all her love of order, she could be so scatterbrained and distracted sometimes. Her suite was a disaster when she was getting ready to go out, and she was always leaving something behind somewhere. Maybe it should have annoyed him, but it only endeared her to him more. She wasn’t completely perfect, something that reassured him to no end. Perfect people were too good to be true, something that made him suspicious of Ara and Jungkook in the beginning.
At first, he’d only spent so much time with Ara because he wanted to know what she was hiding behind that girly-girl, society and gilded mask, but as they became closer, he realized she truly was that good-hearted; not shallow at all, but she didn’t shy away from being the cliche chaebol princess.
Her openness drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He had so many secrets. What was it like to just be who you are, unapologetically? Not worry about what people thought of you?
Jungkook was similar to Ara, probably because they’d been practically attached by the hip for over a decade. He’d quickly proven himself to Jimin’s closest circle, and as Mrs Shin’s guy, he was quickly welcomed to the inner ranks. He gave Jimin good advice about how to deal with Ara, which Jimin truly appreciated, and he was always down to join Jimin in a workout or spar.
Even Hoseok, Jimin’s Head of Security, approved of Jungkook, a difficult achievement.
By the second month of the contract marriage, Ara and Jungkook were permanent fixtures in the Bangtan Family’s life, and it seemed unthinkable that anything should happen to them. They were Parks now, and it seemed like they always had been.
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Jimin knocked on Ara’s door, fiddling with his garnet cufflinks while he waited. The thick carpeting muffled her footsteps, and the door swung open unexpectedly.
His jaw dropped.
The form-fitting red dress had a sparkling corset bodice, laced up tightly to emphasize his wife’s curves, and a hint of thigh winked at him from the slit in the gauzy skirt.
Diamonds glinted from her ears, between fluffy curls he wanted to wrap around his fingers.
Shin Ara looked every inch the mafia queen she was, even if she didn’t know it. 
Jimin’s gaze slowly slid down to her strappy gold heels, then back up, making Ara blush.
“You look wonderful,” he said, extending his hand.
“Thank you.”
Jimin proudly escorted his wife into the high society, clandestine mafia ball.
Jungok spotted them arriving and came over to greet them.
Every two weeks, the entire group of Gray and Bangtan’s inner circles came together for dinner. Jungok had been at their mansion two days ago, yet he acted as if it had been two months.
“Hello, my beautiful daughter; Jimin. You look so much like your mother,” Jungok stared wistfully at Ara. “Speaking of, when will I get my own grandchildren?”
Blushing furiously, Ara thwacked her father’s arm. “Appa!”
“What? I’m an old man, I want to see my grandchildren before I die.”
Ara scoffed. “You’re so dramatic, Appa; you’re not that old. Anyways, how’s your new secretary doing? Has he learned anything yet?” she grinned, recalling her father’s exasperated rant on the secretary’s new structuring and organization tactics earlier that week.
“Yes, Seungmin just needed some time to learn the ropes; he’s quite bright. When will you have your opening night?” Jungok switched the topic.
“Next month, the twelfth. I’m so excited!”
Jimin chimed in with a chuckle, “It’s all she’s been focused on for a while now.”
Ara glared playfully at him and swept off for some punch. 
Rejoining the men, she saw her father grip Jimin’s wrist tightly and speak lowly into his ear.
“Appa? Gwaenchana?”
“Just a little thirsty,” Jungok said thickly. Ara quickly passed him her punch and watched in horror as it spilled all over the front of her dress, the cup crashing to the floor moments before Jungok.
“Appa!” Ara stared at the sweat gathering on his forehead, at the light, fast breaths he was taking as he weakly tugged at his tie to loosen it. 
"Call an ambulance!" She demanded of no one in particular, crouching beside him in worry.
Jimin dialed the emergency line quickly and waited for the ambulance to come. Jungkook rushed over, checking Jungok’s pulse and loosening his collar and cuffs, rolling him onto his side.
The EMTs arrived and transported Jungok to the hospital, sirens blaring as they sped through the streets.
Ara nervously twisted her fingers in her lap, her gaze fixed on the flashing lights directly ahead of them as Jimin followed the vehicle carrying her father.
Finger twisting was joined by impatient pacing in front of the row of chairs as she awaited any news.
After what seemed like hours of pacing under the glaring white lights, the doctor who’d taken her father approached.
“Mr. Shin is stable but unconscious right now. He had a heart attack. Do you know if he had any of these symptoms lately?” the doctor rattled off a list of concerning things Ara wished she knew about.
She shook her head helplessly. “I-I don’t know. I just got married recently and moved out- I’ve only seen him briefly…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jimin wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, returning from making calls to his secretary, letting her know that he wouldn’t be in the next day. “You didn’t and couldn’t know– that’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault; it’s just a fact. Your dad is stable now. It’ll be okay, yeah?” His hand rubbed soothing strokes up and down her arm. “Ara, you’re cold.” Shrugging his coat off,  he wrapped it around her like a hug.
“We’d like to run some tests on Mr. Shin, just to make sure he’s okay besides this issue,” said the doctor, eyeing her sympathetically. “Could you come to my office to sign some papers?”
Once everything was finally sorted out and she had seen her father, reassured that he was going to be okay and there was nothing for her to do at present, Jimin took her home and sent her straight to bed.
Tucking her in, he smoothed the comforter over her shoulders, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “He’ll be okay, Princess.”
“Thank you for everything, Jimin.” She blinked up at his shadowed profile.
“Of course. Get some sleep.” His finger brushed her cheek, then she heard his light footsteps head toward the door and the quiet snick of the door closing.
Closing her eyes, she did her best to sleep. Its comforting embrace welcomed her swiftly.
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wheels-of-despair · 10 months
Joseph Quinn Characters' Favorite Disney Movies
(according to wheels, who definitely spent a normal amount of time on this)
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EDDIE MUNSON The Sword in the Stone. He's probably a Peter Pan enthusiast too, but the one where the gangly orphan is found by a bad-ass wizard who takes him on adventures and teaches him magic, and he eventually becomes king? That's the stuff fantasies are made of. Eddie Munson's fantasies, to be exact. Bet he totally had an owl obsession at some point because of Archimedes. Deep Cut: Not that I think Eddie has a thing for knights or anything, but Unidentified Flying Oddball. Obscure movie about a nerd in a spaceship accidentally landing in Camelot? Time travel, fair maidens, and weird humor? Eddie would eat it up.
Billy, Ralph, Tom, Leonard and Enjolras below the cut!
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BILLY KNIGHT Dumbo. He calls it his comfort movie, but the poor boy cries during "Baby Mine" every single time. And when Mrs. Jumbo gets locked up. (She was just trying to protect her baby!) And the ending, but those are different kinds of tears. Will also cry if anyone considers killing a mouse instead of doing a catch-and-release. Think of Timothy! Deep Cut: Follow Me, Boys! It's a feel-good found-family movie about a musician who falls in love with a small town that learns to love him back. Minimal trauma, son of a drunk gets a loving family and an ideal father figure, happy endings for everyone!
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RALPH PENBURY Mary Poppins. It's fun, it's magical, Ralph wishes he had a nanny that cool. He loves the mixture of live-action and animation, and never stops wondering how they did it. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is one of his favorite words, and he WILL try to work it into everyday conversation. And you know what? He can kind of pull it off. Deep Cut: Babes in Toyland. It's dramatic, it's romantic, it has epic musical numbers, and it ends with a fabulous wedding. It's everything Ralph wants in a picture!
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TOM GRANT The Lion King. It's a classic story told with awesome animals and unforgettable songs. Tom's love of this movie has nothing to do with the fact that Simba reunites with his childhood sweetheart and gets to keep her and rule the kingdom and whatnot. No projection here. Just a good guy enjoying a good movie. Shut up. Deep Cut: Swiss Family Robinson. A family on a deserted island fends for themselves against tigers and pirates and the elements, oh my! And that treehouse? He's definitely spent a bit of time fantasizing about building one of those for himself.
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LEONARD BAST The Great Mouse Detective. I know this feels like a Literary Nerd Cop-Out, but this movie is so clever and full of adventure. Offers a new perspective on a great many subjects - not just the giant toys that aren't freaky at all. Len has no comment on the mouse hookers. Deep Cut: Darby O'Gill and the Little People. Those effects? In the 1950s? CINEMA!
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ENJOLRAS Robin Hood. Vigilante steals from The Man to give to The People? C'mon. Deep Cut: The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh. A vicar in a scarecrow mask leads a gang of smugglers on nighttime missions to evade taxes and the king's goons, thwarting tyranny with street smarts and help from the community at every turn.
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