#rain ghoul
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"... excuse me??" (screenie taken from here)
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damagedghoulette · 2 days
Rain, throwing himself on the couch: -sighs really loudly-
Cumulus, knitting a blanket: What’s wrong honey?
Rain: Having emotional needs is so embarrassing I just want to be a frog and swim all day
Cumulus, pausing: …oh
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Dew, in the confessional: "So, like, just to get some, I dunno, peace of mind? Uhh, where do I even begin...?" -clicks his tongue- "Papa, can I be real with you?" Copia, on the other side of the screen: "Eh? Yes?" Dew: "Papa, I let Rain rail me for the first time last night, and I don't think I can go back to being the one who... rails." Copia, chokes: "Beg pardon?" Dew: "He..." -breathes- "I don't think you understand, Papa, I had a fucking spiritual experience in my bed. Rain fucked the want to top or even dominate anyone ever again out of my body with his dick." Copia: "That's..." -makes an uncertain noise- "Okay??" Dew, wistful: "...He held me afterwards and told me I did 'such a good job' and that I 'was so beautiful' and... Papa, he made me weep, and I don't even feel ashamed of it!" Copia, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees: "...Just how-" -clears his throat- "Why did you decide to come to confession about this?" Dew: "Oh, uh, I kind of just wanted to gush over it a bit with someone who won't spill it to everyone else. Bound by the oath of the confessional and all that. Plus, if you tell anyone, I'll bite your balls off." Copia: "...You are evil." Dew: "Hehe~"
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samanthahaenel · 17 hours
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acrylic rain painting
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aweisz · 1 day
rain ghoul with extreme light sensitivity because as a deep sea fish ghoul his subspecies evolved so that they had larger pupils that couldn't contract enough to not be blinded dy sunlight
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allnewbananasong · 3 days
you arw THE mounty artist in my mind i love you- can you draw rain and mountain if its not too much ??
Anon, you make my heart swell…. 🥲
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thesunhatesme · 3 days
I just love the idea of Rain making his own little comics. He draws all the little pictures, comes up with all the heros and makes up the storys. That's just his way of calming down and relaxing after a long day.
He doesn't really like to show the others his work, except for Phantom. Phantom is obsessed with them and he always asks if he can read one when they're hanging out in Rains room. Rain is planning to make a whole bunch of special comics to gift him for his summoning day
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pepperediris · 2 days
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coloured some doodles
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rains stances, i adore them all.
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damagedghoulette · 2 days
Swiss, staring at Rain: Hmm..
Rain: What?
Swiss: You’re so quiet, like all the time
Rain: Thanks- you make me uncomfortable
-Dew, covering his face wheezing on the couch trying not to laugh at Swiss’s shocked face-
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hypnoneghoul · 3 days
river delta and rain (rain dislocates like 275362 things)
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cacychell · 13 hours
The ghouls and Papa know better than to give Phantom anything caffeinated
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talkowo · 2 days
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miasmaghoul · 3 hours
Rain and Mountain working in the greenhouse when it starts to sprinkle. It's a sunshower, all fat springtime raindrops that splash against the glass and catch Rain's attention immediately, his ears and tail twitching as the pitter patter of those droplets picks up.
Mountain doesn't have time to blink before he finds himself being dragged by the apron towards the door. Rain's gills flutter as he shoves his way outside, shucking his own apron and sucking down a deep lungful of rich, damp air with a pleased trill. Mountain stumbles out behind him, tripping over his own feet and Rain's eagerness, huddling under the vestibule while the water ghoul strolls out into the deluge. It's gotten heavier, the sort of quick storm that will undoubtedly be done in 20 minutes and leave the ground dry in an hour, but for now?
For now, Mountain smiles as he watches Rain bask in his namesake. Staring up at the sky with his arms stretched over his head and his spine curved in an arch that makes Mountain's back hurt and yet is clearly pleasant for the other ghoul. Mountain watches those heavy drops soak his shirt, watches the thin cotton of the pale blue tee start to go dark and cling to his skin.
It takes nothing for Mountain to imagine those droplets sliding down his bare chest instead, tracing winding paths over the light muscling of his belly and catching in his happy trail. It's a memory from this morning, of a wonderfully decadent shared shower that had made them late to breakfast. He watches Rain's curls soak through, twisting tighter and sticking to his forehead and pointed ears. Mountain recalls working conditioner through those strands while Rain purred and purred, the pair of them pressed back to chest in a cloak of herbal steam. It all brings a warmth to his chest, one that only grows when the water ghoul turns to him.
Rain's smiling in the way he only does at times like this, soft and genuine in a way that makes his ocean eyes sparkle. He holds out an elegant arm in seeming invitation and Mountain tilts his head.
"Dance with me."
It isn't a question, and Mountain huffs out a laugh. Shakes his head even as he steps out into the downpour, quick to take Rain's offered hand and get an arm around his waist. To settle a large palm on his lower back and pull the smaller ghoul in close, relishing the feel of warm skin through cool fabric. Rain looks up at him with crinkled eyes and a fanged smile, and Mountain truly doesn't understand how anything can be so beautiful.
And so they dance, until they're soaked to the bone and muddy to their ankles, and when they kiss Mountain thinks it tastes like springtime.
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crooked-hourglass · 11 hours
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[Commission - Please DO NOT edit or reupload]
Ophelia Rain
I loved doing this companion piece to the Ophelia inspired Dewdrop I did a few months back!
Ophelia Dewdrop Here!
Thank you again @alwaysjustmina 🖤
{More Artwork | Socials and Prints}
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Bea, standing by her window holding a clipboard: "The ghouls are having their seasonal 'hunt' in the woods tonight, and I decided to keep track of how many I see run past the cabin." -sees Mountain sprint by, completely nude, sighs deeply, begins note taking- "...That doesn't count, he does that every other night..." Rain, screaming, running by: -being chased by Cumulus- Bea, opening the window and leaning out: "BITCH, WAS THAT A FUCKING SNAKE BITING YOUR DICK OR DO YOU JUST HANG LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME?!" Rain, crying: "Help me!" Bea: "No." -closing the window, picking her clipboard back up- "...8/10."
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