#dewdrop x swiss
terzosmainhoe · 26 days
swissdew stans come get your dinner 🤲🍽️
@thethirdpapa a kith for you
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nocturnus-ghuleh · 2 months
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Swiss and Dew/Sodo watching a movie.
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divine-misfortune · 22 days
Mushy May, day 6. "You're blushing"
Rating: M
Pairing: Swiss/Dewdrop
Words: 1,155
Summary: A morning like any other, and Swiss just really loves Dew.
Contains: Nothing explicit - just Dew getting sorta turned on. Swiss being gross and lovely dovey.
As always 1000 smooches to @forlorn-crows for all of this <333
Pay no attention to what date anything is posted on anymore
Behind him the bathroom door creaked. Nudged open by a bleary eyed, disheveled multi ghoul. None of his locs remained contained within the elastic Swiss had drawn them into the night before, all in varying states of untamed with minds of their own. He shuffled his way towards the shower, mouth falling open to reveal oversized fangs as he yawned, idly scratching at his bare stomach. 
Dew watched the way he moved, practically on autopilot in the still foggy edges of the mirror. Still yet to even acknowledge his existence in the room at all, likely because his eyes were barely open enough to see what was in front of him, and Dew didn't have the heart - or the balls to break him from his sleepy stupor. Swiss was, for all intents and purposes, a bear in the morning. Waking him was treacherous. But also he looked kinda cute when he was tired like this. A dangerous teddy bear. 
His eyebrows raised minutely as he caught a glimpse of the deep red welts raked down Swiss’ back when Swiss bent at the waist to fuss with the old stubborn faucet. He winced sympathetically and glanced down at his hand, mentally noting to file down his claws at some point lest he maul another poor unsuspecting victim. Swiss hardly seemed bothered by the battle scars as he braced his hands on his lower back to stretch. Dew tipped his head, morning routine momentarily forgotten when Swiss let out a low half purr-half groan of satisfaction. The sound itself was innocent in nature but still managed to kickstart something hot in his gut but the sway of his tail and the second full bodied yawn of the morning did something far worse to Dew. Warmth deep in the confines of his ribs and an unwilling curl to his lips, Dew exhaled fondly. Endeared and amused by the sheer act of being him. 
The small space grew warmer as the shower began to heat up, trickling water white noise as Swiss puttered back and forth aimlessly gathering his things with a practiced ease. 
Dew remembered a time where Swiss shifted uncomfortably at the prospect of moving some of his things into Dew's bathroom - afraid of intruding, of taking up space in places he claimed weren't his but Dew had laughed at his initial nervousness. Places that weren't his, as if he didn't wake up in Dew's bed most mornings, as if his sheets didn't carry the rich smokey scent of the multi ghoul even in his absence. That bed was Swiss’ as much as it was his. Arguing his point with Dew was a waste of breath, he'd already emptied out the drawer for his things long before the conversation happened. Now Swiss rummaged through the bathroom like it had always been his. 
“Hey cinder…” 
Swiss sagged against him abruptly and Dew braced himself against the counter to keep himself upright, only hissing a little when Swiss laughed. His voice was low and rusted, husked by sleep but tinged sweet. Perching his chin on his shoulder he fixed him a smile in their reflection, lazy but entirely genuine, before slotting himself properly against his back. He'd finally blinked the sleep from his eyes despite his lids sitting heavy, rings of gold peeking out from under dark lashes.
“Hey yourself,” he hummed and continued working his fingers through the ends of his damp hair. “Didn't think you'd be up for a bit - don't tell me I somehow managed to wake you.” 
“Oh nothin’ wakes me darling.” Strong arms snuck around his narrow waist and Swiss turned to tuck his face into his hair. Dew bit his lip, admiring the way his embrace just seemed to envelop him. Sure, he was small but Swiss always managed to make him feel it and it made his stomach do flips. “You smell good.” 
“You're gonna tangle my hair again,” Dew hissed half heartedly and he opted to hold him tighter. A subtle reminder that the multi ghoul could keep him however he liked. Part of Dew hoped he did just that.  
“Oh don't be such a priss, that's Rain's job” he snorted and pressed a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder. Careful to avoid the sore imprints of teeth leading down his neck like a true gentleman. “Just wanna hold my baby a little, can't really deny me that now can you?”
Dumbfounded, Dew once again paused in the motion. Fingers still tangled in his hair, he knit his brow. The action of embracing him, the pet name - not to mention the casual ‘my’ prefixed to it, he felt hit brain skitter to a halt. Swiss laughed again, not necessarily at him though. An amused exhale too close to his skin that makes him shudder. 
“Your baby?” He repeats with reluctance, heart rate picking up speed with each suspicious syllable. The smile he's met with is too much teeth, like Swiss might just eat him alive but not to revel in his agony. Like he might devour him to savor him in entirety, an act of reverence as opposed to violence. 
“My baby.” 
An involuntarily whine rose in his throat, eyes flitting away as to not watch the pink color his cheeks. Swiss was certainly watching.
“What's wrong?” He squeezed his middle and nosed lightly against his pulsepoint, likely feeling the way it stuttered. 
“You're being weird” Dew's voice went soft as little kisses were pressed to the hinge of his jaw. The heat in his belly was undeniable now but he still tried to distract himself, washing his hands in icy water. 
“And you're cute when you're all bashful like this, sweetheart.” Another kiss followed by a playful nip, the faintest catch of teeth against already bruised skin. Dew's eyes nearly fluttered. “You like it, know you do, love when I'm sweet on you like this.” 
Mouth opening to protest, Dew’s brain struggled to provide the words and he was left standing there stammering while Swiss continued to lightly bite and kiss along the column of his throat. He was turning to putty, dick beginning to twitch with interest. Every sappy, tooth-rotting whisper close to his ear aided it in fattening up much to his humiliation. The fire ghoul screwed his eyes shut when Swiss hummed curiously, mortified when his palm pressed to the front of his boxers. Dew whined again, distress and need mixed into one desperate sound. 
“You're blushing, beautiful…Prettiest shade of pink, wonder if it will be just as red when I get my hands on it.” 
“Fucking hells, you're gonna kill me,” he warbled and grabbed his wrist, unsure if he wanted to add to the pressure against him or pull him away. 
“Just love you baby, let me love you.”
Dew swallowed and cracked an eye open to take in the sight of them. He almost wanted to commit it to memory. 
“Y-Yeah, okay…Love you too.” 
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st-danger · 10 months
May I humbly request some SwissDewTher, or SwissRainxDewTher? Sorry im terminally ill with “everyone gangs up on Dew and he loves it” disease.
He's easy to hold. To restrain. And maybe that's part of the satisfaction, that he's easy to manipulate and maneuver the way they see fit in the moment, and even if he struggles- it's just because he likes when the hands tighten further. He has no illusions about actually being able to get free. He doesn't always want to find himself in this position, enjoys getting a hand around Rain's throat or a hand inside Aether, but when it happens this way, all clothes and choice stripped from him, allowed only to take what they want to give... how could he complain?
He finds a way.
Arms held behind his back, wrists enveloped in Swiss's strong hands, legs spread and held by Rain and Aether, he wriggles ineffectively and shoves his hips rudely upwards. He has been touched, kissed, and caressed everywhere but where he is the reddest and most sensitive.
"C'mon," he groans. The pointless thrusts make his cock bounce, desperate for attention. "Touch it, please."
"You're a slave to this thing," Aether says, and reaches for it. Dew tenses in anticipation, and yelps when all he gets is a cruel flick on the head. Tries to jerk away protectively, but with his legs held, it affords his hips little movement. It looks funny, at least to Swiss and Rain who chuckle audibly. Dew pulls on his arms and moans again when Swiss’s grip tightens. If he's lucky, if he really tries to fight, he might get gentle bruising.
"It's really hard," Rain says, letting a hand smooth up his skinny thigh, feeling the way his quad is pulled tight from his tension.
"I'm really hard," Dew corrects. Behind him, Swiss hips hitch forward to press his erection against Dew's lower back, hot and insistent.
"It's hard," Rain says, and scrapes blunt nails across the soft skin when he pulls his hand back. "You're a toy."
Oh, Dew's going to combust one of these days.
"If I'm a toy," he grits out, and can't help from shamelessly humping the air, "then fuckin' play with me."
Aether reaches out with a single finger and Dew freezes, already for another painful flick, but what he gets is worse; a tender pad rubbing the frenulum, and his cock wagging to and fro with every shock of pleasure the motion pulls. His eyebrows are knit together, mouth hanging open while his breath comes harsher and harsher.
"Please, please, make me cum-"
"It," Swiss corrects, and Dew shudders, screwing his eyes shut again, little toes curling in. The objectification is a sick little thrill, and the way his balls go tight, nobody misses it.
"Make it cum," Dew relents, nodding, unable to look anymore. "Make my dick cum."
Rain's fingers are tweaking a nipple, an act he has no warning for with his eyes shut. He hisses, and wriggles, and feels slightly insane.
"I need it hard," Rain says, pinching and tugging so sweetly, in a way that reminds Dew horribly of the motion you'd use to milk a cow. It's nothing he can examine to closely for fear of losing it for real. "I can't sit on something limp."
"Don't worry," Aether says, and grasps him for the first time tonight, and Dew's hips stutter. Something bleeds from Aether's warm hand, something tingly, something unmistakably magick-
"Oh no," Dew says softly.
"I'll be hard as long as you need it," Aether assures him, withdrawing his hand and letting Dew shiver underneath the quintessence forced into him.
Rain is shucking his pants immediately.
Swiss nuzzles into the crook of his neck, places a soft kiss to the lobe of his ear.
"Me next," he says, and punctuates the statement with a lick up the shell of his ear. "And I'll hold him down for you after," he says to Aether.
Dew opens his eyes when he hears the cap of the bottle of slick, watches Rain reach between his legs, and listens to the sigh when he presses a long finger into his hole in one slow go.
"Get yourself ready for me, baby," Dew says, fighting the sudden urge he has to pass out.
With a wet sound, Rain fucks himself and stares right into his eyes.
"It," he murmurs. "I'm getting ready for your cock."
"We'll remind you as often as you need," Swiss says.
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euclidghoul · 2 months
just let me go (or take me with you)
Pairing: Dewdrop/Swiss
Rating: Explicit
Words: 5073
Tags: Grief/Mourning | Isolation | Aether’s dead I’m sorry |Church Sex| Improper Use of Catholic Rituals | Dominate Dew | Altar Sex | vague mentions of suicidal ideation | Post-Break Up | Make up sex
He’d broken up with the pack, so his anger was entirely misguided towards them. They were doing what he’d asked, leaving him the fuck alone. There were other things he’d said, but they are best left unrepeated.
all my thanks to my beta @papal-babygirl and to @askingforthesun, who dealt with me the entire time i wrote this and helped me with the infernal 🖤
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ghostedghouls · 11 months
make it hurt
✢ in an attempt to save himself from more hurt, dew decides to hurt swiss the only way he knows he can.
✢ pairing: Swiss x gn!reader / Dew x Swiss (not romantically)
✢ genre: angst
✢ warnings: manipulation, dew is an asshole, trauma, swiss has a dark past, mentioned murder, hurt/no comfort, dew has issues i dont blame him
✢ a/n: the romantic pairing is reader x swiss, but the story focuses more on dewdrop/ dewdrop x swiss because I wanted to explore this dynamic (and also hurt swiss whoops). Also this got way longer than i wanted it to be so maybe i’ll have to do a part 2 bc i cant stand bad endings :( | not beta read sorry
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Dew was known for being the most difficult of the ghouls. He was known for his temper and anger, the heated arguments and the venom in his words.
Dew was known for his low blows.
The other ghouls knew that Dew hardly meant the things he said in a fit of anger and rage. At first the words had stung. The fire ghoul had a talent for finding the most hurtful words and digging deep, reaching for things he knew would provoke a reaction from the others; preferably anger or hurt. And oh boy, was it hurtful at times.
But the better the ghouls got to know him, the more they learned not to take the words to heart, no matter how hard it was at times. They knew it was his way of protecting himself, his way of making sure the other person stopped digging into him, stopped prying open old wounds. It was his way of making sure nobody would ever break down the walls that he so carefully had built around himself.
But even though the ghouls tried to not let the words get to them, they always eventually did. Dew knew how to get under their skin, tear open their wounds so his own could stay closed. A low blow from Dew would usually end the argument, the other ghoul too angry, shocked or hurt to continue the conversation.
But not with Swiss. Not today.
Swiss stood his ground as the fire ghoul spat insult after insult at him. His arms were crossed in front of his broad chest as he listened to the never-ending stream of words, carefully picked out by the smaller ghoul to dig into Swiss’ insecurities and worries. But Swiss saw through Dew easily. He knew that he was trying to deflect from his own worries and traumas. So he stood there and took the verbal abuse because he knew Dew didn’t mean it. Never did.
Swiss was by far one of the hardest ghouls to truly anger. He was very forgiving, especially with the smallest ghoul. He tended to laugh things off or talk things out right away as to not leave an argument unresolved. If the other ghoul thought about it, he had never seen Swiss even remotely angry. There were times where he seemed pissed off but never really angry.
“Are you done yet, firefly?” The nickname sounded sour on Swiss’s tongue and Dew almost visibly recoiled. But he knew better than to show a reaction. He had to be indifferent, hide that he was vunerable. But the comment had thrown him off and his brain short-circuited long enough for Swiss to finally get a word in.
“You stand here and go about your little spiel like you always do, Dew. But we both know you don’t mean it. You can curse and scream at me all you want; it won’t change a thing. There wasn’t even a real argument to begin with. You got your fragile ego hurt and now you’re foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal.”
Dewdrop growled at that. Low in his throat as his tail swished angrily behind himself. It was true, and that was what angered the fire ghoul the most. Satanas, Dew had already forgotten what the whole argument was even about. He was only arguing for the sake of getting Swiss off his tail. To hurt the multi ghoul so that he wouldn’t end up being hurt himself. The other ghoul was entirely too calm for his liking and it scared Dewdrop. It scared him that he didn’t have control of the conversation. It scared him that Swiss knew exactly what he was trying to archive. Scared him that he was so fucking vunerable in front of someone after he had sworn himself to never be open like that again. He opened his mouth to say something he knew would hurt Swiss, but the other ghoul was faster to speak.
“Do you know what I think? I think you’re getting so defensive because you know I am right. You know you don’t even mean a single thing you say to us all the time. Because you’re scared to let someone - for once in your goddamn life - into that head of yours. Because you’re so fucking scared that if you let someone in, they will tear you down from the inside. Because you know you couldn’t take that again.” Swiss’s words seemed harsh but he was calm, somewhat encouraging even.
But Dewdrop was seething where he was standing. He felt like he was vibrating with anger. His fists were balled up so tightly, he could feel the sharp claws dig into his own flesh. His fangs were clenched so tightly, he was afraid they would break off under the pressure. If he’d had just a little less self control, he would have launched himself at the multi ghoul and ripped into him with claws and teeth. Copia and the clergy be damned. They would send him back to the pit for killing another ghoul, but he couldn’t care less in that moment.
Where did the multi ghoul get the audacity to dig into Dew’s head like that? Rip him open piece be piece and present him with his own thoughts. It sent him into a frenzy.
In that moment Dewdrop felt truly lost. There was no thing he could say to Swiss to make him stop, to make him leave. Dew nearly choked on his own spit. His throat felt tight as he tried to swallow. It became apparent that the fire ghoul wasn’t the only one who knew how to hurt others deeply.
Dew bared his fangs at Swiss and hissed. It wasn’t intentional, a leftover instinct from the pit that was generally considered bad manners by the higher clergy members. Swiss stood calmly but his tail jerked once, showing that he wasn’t immune to the feral display of agression from his bandmate.
And with a last growl, Dewdrop turned on his heel and left Swiss standing in the hallway. He felt humiliated and hurt. He was never the one to leave an argument, had never lost to the others. In his mind he was thinking of a thousand things he could do to hurt Swiss. The argument might have been over, but he wouldn’t - no, couldn’t - let the multi ghoul get away with this. He had to do something that would truly and utterly destroy the taller ghoul.
He was still seething as he stumbled through the clergy hallways. A few siblings he came across had fled once they saw him. Good, he thought, at least he was still respected by the siblings. They would never dare to talk to him the way Swiss did. Would never dare to pry into his head like that. They knew they couldn’t because he would rip them to shreds if they tried. Just like how he should have done with dear Swiss, he thought angrily, his fists clenched again.
He marched through the hallways for a little longer before something caught his eyes. And suddenly it felt like he was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity sent by the hellish father lucifer himself.
How had Dewdrop not thought of that before? Swiss’s little romance he had going on with you. It was still fresh, long months of ‘will-they-won’t-they’ finally turned into little kisses and shared nights. And that turned into actual feelings. Swiss had never officially told you how he felt, Dew knew that, but he could smell it on the multi ghoul. And he could smell it on you too. With renewed vigor (and anger) he walked up to you. 
Should he grab you and hurt you? Should he leave your body bloodied with bitemarks and drag you back into the ghoul den? The smell of your blood would be so overwhelming it would surely sent the multi ghoul into overdrive. A perverted satisfaction spread through Dew’s body at the thought. The satisfaction of truly hurting Swiss in the most horrible way he could. To finally make the multi ghoul snap. Because with anger Dew could work. Anger he knew how to handle. But no, he thought. That was too risky. It would get him a ticket straight back to hell from the clergy. And it wouldn’t hurt enough. Wouldn’t dig deeply enough into Swiss’ heart.
It was like a light went off above the fire ghoul’s head as you turned around, smiling at him as he approaced you. He tried to keep his face stoic, to not let a toothy smile shine through as he finally decided how to wreck Swiss.
“Dewdrop.”, you said warmly, “Is there something I can do for you?”
“No. I just wanted to check in how you were.”, he said, feigning worry.
“Oh um.. thank you, I am fine- why? Is there something I should be worried about?”, you asked confused.
“I just thought after the whole thing with Swiss... y’know. That you might be hurt...” Oh satanas, it felt so incredibly good. Dewdrops eyes nearly rolled back into his skull as you very clearly took the bait.
“What thing with Swiss? Did something happen?” you were starting to grow worried and Dewdrop nearly laughed at how pathetic it was.
“Oh no... he didn’t tell you yet, then. I’m sorry, I just thought he would have told you by now. Seeing how you two are pretty serious now I assumed he did tell you.” He let out a dramatic sigh. “But I guess he will tell you when he’s ready.... I just hope that’s soon - wouldn’t want you to get into a relationship with him under false pretences, right?”
You eyes grew wide with confusion and worry and as Dewdrop decided to slowly turn around and act as if he was going to leave, you quickly grabbed his arm to make him stay.
“Please.” you breathed out “What is going on? What do you mean with ‘false pretences’?”
“It’s not my place to tell you. He should tell you himself. It is a pretty big thing after all.” Dewdrop knew he already had you. He was only trying to make this even worse once shit hit the fan. He had to make sure you would talk to Swiss about it, maybe even end things with him. Oh satanas, how priceless the look on his face would be. He’d deserve it.
“I’m begging you to please tell me what you mean.”, you anxiously begged the fire ghoul who sighed in return as if he was doing this against his will.
“I thought he trusted you enough to tell you himself but maybe he doesn’t quite yet. It’s only understandable given his past, of course.” You were eating everything up Dewdrop was saying. And the best thing was, he didn’t even need to lie. Didn’t need to make things up about the multi ghoul because it was all true. Dewdrop leaned against the wall next to him before starting;
“Swiss wasn’t actually summoned with the rest of the ghouls. Not many people know this because he worked in the shadows most of the time. I just saw him occasionally while I was still working with Terzo.” The words tasted bitter in his mouth. The hurt still there, still fresh. “He didn’t eat with the other ghouls, didn’t spend time with the other ghouls. It was like he was kept away from the rest of the clergy at all times. I always wondered what his job was. There are no ghouls in the clergy that serve no purpose, so I was curious. I, myself, only got to know the truth recently.”
It was true. Dew thought back to the evening that Swiss had confessed. He had never seen him cry like that before. Had always assumed Swiss had no baggage, no hurt inside of him. But that evening, Swiss had sobbed as he told his mates about his jobs before the band. Explained how he had done the dirty work, had killed siblings and ghouls alike. Without ever questioning anything. How he had been the perfect killer all along. The other ghouls had been taken aback and the following days - even if they didn’t mean to - they had avoided Swiss. Those days had wrecked the multi ghoul horribly, to the point where he didn’t leave his room, not even to eat.
In the end they managed to talk things out. Nobody was truly mad at Swiss or scared of him. For fucks sake, they all were ghouls. They had all killed before. They just hadn’t expected something like this from chill, laidback Swiss. Swiss hadn’t asked them to keep it a secret but given his reaction the first time he confessed, it was pretty clear he didn’t want anyone else to know. This is why Dew knew his plan would work. He knew it would absolutely obliterate Swiss to be confronted with this part of his past again, especially if it came from you.
“Well it seems-... oh, I really don’t know if I should tell you this. You’re gonna be hurt.”, Dew tried to sow worries and it worked. “I need to know.”, came from you in almost a whisper.
“Well, there were certain ghouls that... did the clergy’s dirty work. I mean, it only makes sense to summon ghouls to do it, don’t get me wrong. And it just so happened to be our dear Swiss.”
“Dirty work?”, you asked, more in disbelieve than in not-understanding.
“Getting rid of unwanted people. Outside and inside the clergy. The perfect killer. Ghouls leave no traces behind as you know. Swiss does have some chompers on him, I will not lie...”
You gasped and Dew watched carefully as you stared in disbelieve. “But don’t worry. He would never hurt you!” Dew hesitated for a bit. “Probably, anyways. What do they say again; you can take the ghoul out of hell but you can’t take hell out of the ghoul?” He faked a laugh at the lame joke. A real smile crept on his lips as he watched you stare into space with furrowed brows, clearly worried about what you had just learned about your lover.
Dew knew he had to make the finale count, so he faked a worried face as he gently grabbed your shoulder. “I do need you to be careful though. Swiss was dangerous in the past, following orders blindly just because he was told to. He killed ghouls and siblings, some of which he worked with. He had no morales. I’m just confused that he hasn’t told you about this yet... I’m worried about what that means. He is a ghoul. You can’t forget that. A demon from the pit, summoned to fulfill a task.” Dewdrop stood taller as his hand fell off your shoulder. “He’s in the band now but we can’t be sure he isn’t still following some of his former orders.” That was the only lie. Swiss had promised that he had been released from that position ages ago, had sworn to his mates that he was telling the truth. And Dew knew it had been the truth... but you didn’t need to know that.
The guitarist left you standing in the hallways, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears of disbelief and sadness.
That evening Dewdrop sat in the common room. He listened to the muffled voices behind Swiss’ bedroom door. You two had been talking - arguing - for close to two hours. Dew was the only one left sitting there, all the other ghouls had left at one point, the atmosphere in the den too suffocating to bear.
When you had stumbled into their den a few hours ago, your energy had immidiately alerted all the ghouls. They had raised their heads as they watched you walk into the common area. Swiss was the first to approach you - of course he was. The energy you gave off must’ve been excruciating for the multi ghoul. The fire ghoul still felt the anger deep in his chest, barely any less than before. He wasn’t like Swiss, he didn’t forgive that easily. And Swiss deserved this. Deserved to be hurt just how Dewdrop had been hurt.
The multi ghoul knew something was off, so he lead you into his room without a word. You hesitated for a bit, worried. And Dew almost smirked as he watched you stand in the doorway of Swiss’ room. You looked back over your shoulder to the small ghoul.
You entered your lover’s room, closing the door behind yourself gently. The multi ghoul approached you slowly, gently reaching for your hands, encouraging you to tell him what was wrong. But as his hands brushed yours, a jolt rushed through you. Not a jolt of excitement, lust or happiness. No, this felt different. This was fear.
Hurt flashed across Swiss’s face as you moved your hands away from his reaching ones. And as you took a step back to increase the distance between your bodies, he felt like he would die right then and there.
“What’s going on, sweet cheeks?”, the taller ghoul asked, concern lacing his soft voice.
You didn’t speak for a second. Your head hung low, facing the floor, but Swiss could see the lines between your brows nontheless. His stomach twisted itself in knots as he just observed you for a second. Your hands were fidgeting with the hem of your shirt and your posture was defensive, closed-off. And the way you smelled - it felt like a punch to the gut to Swiss. Fear, concern, worry, hurt.
“You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong right now, but is there anything I can do to help y-” - “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Swiss was the one to take a step back this time. “What do you mean?”
“I deserved to know!” You raised your head and there were tears in your eyes. Not yet spilled but they were there and Swiss felt helpless.
“What are you talking about? Did I do something? Did you change your mind about... us?”
“No! I mean yes- no... I just-”, you stumbled through the words clumsily, not even knowing what exactly you were trying to say.
“When were you going to tell me you killed for the clergy?”
Swiss felt the breath being knocked out of him, his heart stopped for a second, a searing pain rushing through his chest before the organ stumbled into a rushed rhythm. His mouth hung open, his ears ringing. It was like his worst nightmare came true, and it was happening right now in front of him. He watched as the first tears fell and you whispered “So it’s true.”. The multi ghoul felt like he needed to throw up, his chest heaving and his tail erratic behind him.
Your eyes truly took him in then; The claws at his sides, the tail behind him, the grey skin, the tiniest peek of his fangs, the sharp ears and the golden eyes that shone through the slits of the silver mask. Those hands - those claws - that had caressed you many nights, had softly ran through your hair or across your skin, were the same ones that had the blood of so many people on them. His teeth, usually nipping you gently, had ripped out throats and limbs before. Had hurt and killed. murdered.
You swallowed thickly as a new wave of fear rushed through you. What were you doing? In the room alone with a killer and confronting him about it? If the things Dewdrop had said were true, then there was no way of knowing that he wouldn’t do it again. Your investigation in the library about those ‘special ghouls’ just before you got here, didn’t help either.
Swiss felt the instant shift from hurt to fear in you. He felt it deeply in his body and it itched at his insides. Satanas, he wanted to claw at himself, get rid of that feeling, rip it out from his insides.
He only recently had told the other ghouls about his past and the days following had been excruciating for him. It had created a rift in their relationship for a while. And even though everything seemed alright now, he knew they still thought about it from time to time. But they had been understanding, because they were also ghouls, because they had done similar things. He couldn’t expect the same understanding from you. A human.
Swiss watched your form shake as you cried silently and in that moment he wanted to die. He wanted to rush to Copias office and have himself be sent back to hell. Either by ritual or by a dagger to the heart.
As he started speaking, his own tears fell, his body rocking with sobs as he watched his relationship crumble in front of him.
Dew had felt a sick satisfaction as he listened carefully to what was being said. The two of you weren’t screaming at each other but the door did little to stop the fire ghoul from listening in on the conversation. The other ghouls sat strewn around the common room. Their own conversations had died down shortly after the smell of fear, hurt and sadness had crept through the cracks of the door.
The longer the argument went on the more suffocating the energy in the ghoul den got. Mountain had been the first to leave, excusing himself to his greenhouse to escape the all-consuming smell of a multi ghoul in distress. The girls had left together without a word. They didn’t need to say anything. Everyone knew.
One after another the rest of the ghouls left the den as the sounds of sobs grew louder from the bedroom. Phantom had scurried after the girls. Being a quintessence ghoul meant he felt everything even harsher than the other ghouls. And he couldn’t take it. Rain took his leave a little later after he couldn’t bear hearing Swiss cry anymore. It hurt too badly to stay.
The anger Dew had felt until just minutes ago was almost non-existent now. Instead, the ugly grasps of guilt had a tright grip on him, threatening to pull him under and drown him in it. He tried to tell himself that Swiss deserved it. That he didn’t do anything wrong. You did deserve to know what Swiss was, after all. But Dew knew it had not been his place to tell you. And not in the way he did. Using you to get a reaction out of Swiss. To manipulate you into thinking a certain way about the multi ghoul. His chest felt heavy with guilt, suffocating him from the inside.
He didn’t blame the other ghouls for leaving the den. The atmosphere was devastating. The smell of distress thick in the air. This was even worse than when Swiss had come clean with them a few weeks prior. And suddenly Dew wasn’t so sure what this would do to Swiss. He had been a wreck last time, there was no way of knowing what would happen this time.
Aether was the last to leave. He sighed as he got up from the sofa, turning to leave the den like the others had before turning back to Dewdrop with a snarl. It was so entirely unlike Aether, that Dew felt himself recoil at the gesture.
“You told them, didn’t you?”, he asked, disappointment in his eyes. Dew didn’t say anything but that was answer enough for the quintessence ghoul.
“You’ve said fucked up things before, Dewdrop. But this was a real low blow, even for you.”
And with that, Aether left the den without looking back at the fire ghoul still sitting on the couch. Dew’s own eyes stung with tears as he felt everything he had done crashing down on him. The tears didn’t fall though, because before they could, the door to Swiss’s room opened.
Your still crying form walked through the door and into the direction of the den’s exit. Swiss followed slowly, not daring to be too close to you. He stopped in the middle of the common room and watched with heavy sobs as you closed the door behind yourself. His eyes were transfixed on the door as if he was waiting for you to open it again. Open it and run back to him, leap into his arms and hug him, kiss him. Telling him everything was going to be alright.
But the door never opened.
Swiss turned to Dewdrop and when their eyes met, the fire ghoul felt like he was being pulled down into the pit. He had never, not even then, seen Swiss like this. Completely and utterly gone. Dew waited for Swiss to snap at him. To launch himself at the smaller ghoul and rip him to pieces. He wouldn’t have fighted back, he would’ve let it happen. He knew what he did was not excusable.
But the attack never came. Instead there was a shaky breath from the multi ghoul as he mustered up a bitter smile. “I hope you got what you wanted, firefly.”
He left the den as well. Where to, Dew didn’t know.
But the feeling in his stomach was so incredibly painful, he didn’t dare to move off the couch. And Dew had never hated himself more than in that moment.
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sodoshame · 10 months
If I’m Alone, I Cannot Hate.
Warnings: Anger, Forms of Self Harm, Self Hatred.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst.
Pairing: Mostly Sodo/Swiss.
A/N: Includes Poly!ghouls, Ghouls are not human (Have horns/tails, purr and growl.) This is Sodo’s POV of the same story from my last post, which can be found below: https://www.tumblr.com/sodoshame/724281882958807040/deliver-me-into-my-fate
"Back off Phantom, just stop, okay?"
As Sodo spoke, the aggression was clear; venom was practically dripping from every word. His tail was flicking wildly behind him as he spoke. Phantom looked at him, his shoulders drooping slightly, as well as his tail.
"What do yo-'
"You know what I mean. You are nothing like Aether, and you never will be. You are fucking useless."
Sodo's insults cut right through Phantom, leaving him trembling. Sodo spat in his direction and stormed off, radiating heat. He headed outside, hoping the cool evening breeze would calm him down.
Taking deep, angry breaths, Sodo’s eyes dart around. He can only feel himself getting more and more worked up; with a deep growl, he slams his fist into the brick wall. He pulls his hand back, inspecting his now slightly bloody knuckles. Not satisfied, he slams his fist back into the wall, breathing heavily.
He knows he shouldn’t have said what he did, but Phantom had so many similarities to Aether- Sodo just couldn’t take it, so he took it out on Phantom. Just as he goes to slam his fist back against the wall, he feels a strong hand grip his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
“Hey, hey, Dew! What are you doing?!”
It’s Swiss. Sodo shakes his hand off, stepping back from him.
“Piss off, Swiss.” He hissed, looking at him with half-lidded, angry eyes. His jaw was clenched, his bloody hands in fists. Swiss tilted his head to the side, looking at Sodo with concern.
“Dew, darlin’… come here.” Swiss says, as he reaches his hand out to Sodo again. The ghouls only ever called Sodo, Dew or Dewdrop, when they were worried or angry at him.
“I said, piss off.” Sodo spat, pushing Swiss’ hands away and beginning to walk the other way. Swiss grabbed Sodo by the sleeve and pulled him close, trying to embrace him in a hug.
At first, Sodo fought against it, pushing against Swiss, trying to wiggle out of his arms as he mumbled a string of curse words.
“Dewdrop, I’m here to help. Talk to me.” Swiss managed to keep a decent grip on the smaller ghoul as he looked down at him, nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
Just like that, as Sodo looked up at Swiss, he felt tears well up in his eyes. He stopped struggling against him, finally giving in and leaning into him. He tried to speak, but was interrupted by a heartbreaking sob. Burying his face in Swiss’ neck, he let everything go, unable to stop himself from losing it in front of him. He felt strong arms wrap around his shoulders, holding him close.
“Breathe, Dew. It’s alright. Whatever happened, we’ll sort it, okay? Just breathe. In… Out… That’s it, good job, firefly.” Swiss soothed him as he cried, rubbing circles on his back. After a short while, Sodo seemed to calm down a little, although tears were still running down his cheeks.
“Let’s go inside, let me take a look at that hand, yeah?”
Sodo nodded in response, trying to wipe his face with his bloodied hands. Swiss kept a protective arm around his shoulders as they walked inside, into the kitchen. He picked Sodo up, putting the smaller ghoul on the counter whilst he searched for the first aid box.
Once he found it, Swiss walked back towards him, setting the box to the side. Sodo silently held out his bloody hand to him, as another tear slipped down his face. Smiling sadly at him, the taller ghoul gently wiped the tear from his cheek. Picking up his hand, he began inspecting it closely, wincing as he did.
“Okay, sweetheart, this is going to sting, okay?” Swiss mumbled quietly as he gently wiped a wet washcloth over Sodo’s knuckles. Flinching slightly, Sodo hissed in pain.
“I know, Dew. It’ll feel better in a minute, okay?”
Swiss’ calming voice seemed to be helping him feel a little better, the tears becoming less frequent. After wrapping up his knuckles, he took a clean washcloth and gently wiped Sodo’s face; cleaning the mix of smeared blood and tears on his cheeks. Once he was done, he gently placed his hands on the fire ghouls knees, staring at him with a concerned look on his face.
“You want to tell me what happened, sweet pea?” Swiss asked, his face soft.
“I- I… I was such an asshole. I was just so pissed off, I didn’t know what to do and I-” Sodo’s voice cracked slightly as his breathing quickened again.
“Hey, take it slow, Dew. Breathe for a second.” The taller ghoul reached his hand up to caress Sodo’s face, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb. Taking a deep breath, the shorter ghoul leans his face into Swiss’ hand.
“I… I yelled at Phantom. I was such an idiot. Fuck, I really didn’t mean it.” He said, his gazing going down to his knees.
The multi-ghoul keeps stroking Sodo’s face gently, nodding patiently.
“Okay… What did you say to him, Sodo?”
Just as he was about to respond, the door to the kitchen slams open, revealing an apparently rather pissed off water ghoul.
“What the fuck did you do to Phantom?” Rain hissed, glaring at Sodo, his eyes flicking down to the fire ghoul’s knuckles.
A/N: Hey! Thank you for reading! Phantom’s point of view is also on my page if you’re interested. May be a part two coming :)
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owlghuleh · 1 year
Siamo con clavi, siamo con Dio
Siamo con il nostro Dio scuro
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Guiding Hands
Pairings: Swiss X Dewdrop - implied Swiss X Phantom
Type: Hurt/comfort
Summary: Swiss doesn’t feel like he belongs, and takes his pain out on everything. Dewdrop is there to guide him through his new life topside.
Warnings: Self-doubt, drinking (singular beer - briefly mentioned), scratches, accidental self-harm, Swiss saying things he shouldn’t have out of anger
Word Count: 1,827
Notes: Read here on ao3.
Swiss was on the brink of tears. He was alone in his room, holding a tie, and glaring at the video playing on his phone. He had tried so many times, but no matter what, his fingers couldn’t figure out how to properly loop the tie.
He was the band’s multi-ghoul. He was supposed to be good at everything, so why couldn’t he do this? 
He wrapped the tie around his neck, trying to follow along with the video once more. He let out an angry growl as the fabric rubbed and tightened far too much, the knot unable to be undone by his frustrated movements. He sat on the edge of his bed with the tie dangling in front of him, practically mocking him.
Swiss sighed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe this was a sign that he wasn’t the right ghoul to be in this position. If he couldn’t do simple human tasks, then why was even here?
Using his claws, he tore the fabric off of his throat. He snarled as it fell, feeling the tears begin to pour down his cheeks. Why did the Cardinal even need their costumes to have a tie? It didn’t serve any purpose other than to send the multi-ghoul into a frenzy. All it did was constrict and suffocate him. It didn’t do any good.
Swiss stood, grabbing the offending fabric and threw it in the trash. He wiped his tears and walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge. He popped it open and took a sip as Dewdrop walked in.
Dewdrop could smell Swiss’s frustration rolling off of him in waves. His naturally rich scent now smelling sour and spicy. Dewdrop walks up behind him, carefully so as to not scare him, then moves to grab a bag of chips from a cabinet.
Swiss stood over the counter, staring out the window over the sink.  “Why am I here?” He says after a moment, not making eye contact with Dewdrop.
Dew pauses his movements, confused by the question. “Because you walked into the kitchen?”
“Not what I mean. Why was I summoned? Out of every other ghoul in the Pits, why me?”
“Well summoning is like a lottery. We just got lucky with you,” Dew chuckled, popping a chip into his mouth.
“Can’t get lucky if your end result is a massive fuck-up,” Swiss mutters, his voice cracking as he tries to hold back tears once again. He takes a sip of beer to distract himself from the mist in his eyes.
Dewdrop stops his movements, then stares at Swiss, trying to gauge how he should form his response. “Did something happen?”
“I can’t do anything right except for the music shit, and even then, that manages to go wrong majority of the time.”
Dew steps closer, gently grabbing Swiss’s shoulder to spin him so that they’re making eye contact. He gently wipes away some of the tears that spilled down his cheeks, then holds his cheek. He observes Swiss for a minute, noticing a few scratches on his neck as well as a faint red line around his neck. “Tell me what happened, Spark,” he says gently. He doesn’t want to push him, but he wants to help.
“That damned tie. I can’t get it right no matter what. I try and try and try, and even if I make it to the last step, something gets fucked up along the way. I don’t even see a purpose for the tie. It’s just a pointless decoration, and all it does is piss me off,” he rants, running a hand through his hair.
Dewdrop listens. He knows how it felt to feel…wrong. Like he was brought here only to be conformed to fit what everyone else needed. He knows how easy it is to get frustrated over the smallest things when all that ran through his mind was hatred and doubt. So he listens.
“I just don’t get it. I don’t get why they need me so badly, and this isn’t what I was made for. I’m a demon. I shouldn’t even be topside!”
“I know this is what everyone says, but it gets better,” Dew shrugs as he fails to find the right words to help.
“How would you know that?” Swiss snaps.
“I know what’s going through your head. Obviously, I don’t know every single thought you have, but I know the feeling. Just trust me,” he says, taking one of Swiss’s hands.
Swiss pulls his hand away. “Look, I get that you’ve been here longer than me, and you’re all wise and shit, but I don’t belong here.”
“You do. We all do, Swiss.”
“You didn’t,” Swiss bluntly states.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Dew’s tone becomes defensive, his ears drooping as he waits for the bomb to drop.
“They changed you like you didn’t even matter. They changed you until you belonged. Until you fit into whatever their cruel little minds wanted you to be,” Swiss spit.
Dewdrop’s heart sank, and his expression turned sour. “Trust me, I know. That doesn’t mean I’m leaving any time soon. You’re new to everything and that is terrifying. I understand that better than anyone else here. This pack cares about you. You can’t escape that fact. So you are staying whether or not you like it because we care.”
Swiss goes silent. There isn’t malice in Dewdrop’s tone, but it is harsh. A sense of guilt washes over Swiss and his expression shows it. “I-I’m sorry, Dew…I shouldn’t have said that.”
Dewdrop pauses for a moment, trying not to get angry while Swiss was in such a vulnerable state. “It was a shitty thing for you to say, but…I get it. You’re angry, and you’re scared, and I get it…come here,” he says, putting his hand out for Swiss, giving him the option to take rather than forcing him.
Swiss takes his hand and Dewdrop pulls him close. Even with their heights being so different, Swiss feels incredibly small as he sobs into Dew’s shoulder. He lets the smaller ghoul hold him.
Dew runs a hand through his hair while the other pulls him closer. He presses kisses to the spot between his horns and tells him how everything is going to be okay. There’s a wet spot on his shirt from the tears, but Dewdrop can’t bring himself to care. He’s just here to provide the comfort that Swiss needs.
Once Swiss calms down, Dewdrop tilts his head up, wiping his tears. He presses a gentle kiss to the multi-ghoul’s lips, then smiles at him. “Follow me,” he says, holding Swiss’s hand so that he can lead him to his room.
Dewdrop lets Swiss sit on his bed, then goes to his closet to find a simple, red tie.
“I really don’t want to-” Swiss starts, but is cut off when Dewdrop shushes him.
“Let me show you how to do it, then I’ll work with you so that you can get it right…is that okay?”
Swiss nods and tilts his head up slightly, watching as Dewdrop wraps the fabric around his own neck.
“Okay, so just watch and listen, then I’ll let you try,” he says gently. “So start with it upside down like this, then you have to take this thinner piece and put it on top of the thicker piece like this,” he explains, slowly moving the pieces into place.
Swiss watches him as close as possible, listening to each step and trying to absorb whatever knowledge Dewdrop is generous enough to give him.
“Now take that thick end, wrap it around the smaller one, then loop it under the thin piece. Now you’ll have this wrap-around situation, and you take the thick piece, and pull it through the loop,” he says, keeping his eyes on his hands as they work the tie in the way he described it. “And finally, tighten it to your comfort level and voila, you have a tied tie,” he smiles. He undoes the tie, then hands it to Swiss.
“Can…can you guide me?” He asks, looking at Dew with wet eyes.
Dewdrop straddles him and wraps the tie around his neck. He grabs both of Swiss’s hands, guiding them to the ends of the tie. “Okay, so flip it so that it’s upside down. Just like…yep, there you go,” he smiles. “Small piece on top of the big piece. Good. Now loop it under, pull it through…yes! There we go!” He grins, looking at Swiss as he tightens it to his neck.
“I…I did it?” Swiss asks, looking at Dewdrop as if he just told him he won one million dollars.
“You did,” Dewdrop beams, holding Swiss’s face in his hands. “You genius, you did it,” he praises, pressing a kiss to Swiss’s lips.
Swiss lets a few tears fall down his face…not sad, but…relieved. “I did it,” he confirms quietly, his lips twitching up. A small smile on his face. “I did it,” he says louder.
“Yes, you did. I am so proud of you.” Dewdrop pulls him into a hug.
Swiss laughs, wiping his face with a groan. “I’m sorry that I dragged you into this mess. I just got too in my head and freaked out…” he admits
“We’ve all been there. It’s okay.”
“I shouldn’t have said what I said…that was pushing it.”
“Hey,” Dewdrop says in a hushed tone. “I won’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt, but you were hurting too. I wasn’t just going to push you away because you acted out of anger.”
Swiss looks up at him with a small smile. “Thank you, Dew.”
“Anytime, Swiss. I love you,” he says, wrapping his arms around Swiss, noticing that his scent isn’t soured anymore, but back to that rich smell he loves so much.
“I love you too.”
Years later, two new ghouls were summoned, replacing Aether and Sunshine on this upcoming tour. Aurora, a multi-ghoulette, immediately became acclimated with the girls who pampered her and showered her with their affection.
The new quintessence ghoul, Phantom, was different. He hid from everyone, feeling like an outcast and a burden for replacing a beloved packmate.
Swiss, however, pulled him out of his bubble, and showed him the joys of being topside.
Dew was currently watching from the table as Swiss knelt in front of Phantom, explaining how to work his guitar.
Dewdrop’s heart swelled with pride as he watched the multi-ghoul become the teacher, just as Dewdrop had been all those years ago for him. He watched as Swiss explained how to tune the guitar, then wiped away Phantom’s tears when he kept messing up the finger placement while trying to learn the correct cords.
He was gentle and patient. Swiss showed Phantom the ropes, and Phantom felt security. No matter who you were, or how you acted, the pack was family, and no one needed to feel like they wouldn’t belong again.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Rotten Fruit
or, the godforsaken GHOST HOCKEY AU HATEFUCK FIC
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Minor Violence, Mildy-Dubious Consent
Words: 2268
Summary: The fight escalated quickly, Swiss, nose already bloodied, backing him into the nearest plexi-glass panel and wailing on Dew’s side with his fists. Dew had scrabbled to punch and kick at whatever weak point he could find—the gap between his hip pad and where the shoulder pads meet, the side of the knee, the sliver of neck exposed. The refs had to pry them apart, aided by their fellow teammates. “Don’t you fucking touch me again.” “I’ll knock your teeth out, you stupid bitch.”
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Comet, you need to be more careful with the power you hold /lh. What if your hand slipped and wrote about Swiss egochecking Dew backstage? You could cause ghumblr wide panic?!
Dew's been a little shit all day. Swiss has been trapped in the bus with him. It's hot. Everyone's miserable. They're three weeks into a tour that doesn't feel like it's ever going to end. Swiss is tired of everyone. Sick of the way Mountain is always drumming on something. Sick of the way Aether butts his way into every issue based on facial expression alone. If Swiss grimaces at something Cirrus says, Aether's there, trying to smooth over a problem that doesn't actually exist.
He's sick of the way they all smell. Something that usually feels like home, but lately has been tinged by the acrid bite of tension. They're all too close, too much. And then, there's fucking Dewdrop. Swiss likes Dew, loves him, he guesses. But Dew has a unique way of digging himself under Swiss' skin and staying there. The others he can brush off. He can roll his eyes at Cumulus' incessant humming and just move forward. She isn't doing it to annoy anyone, it's just a thing she does.
But Dew? Swiss is convinced Dew does all of this shit on purpose. Aether has tried to tell him otherwise. Stepping between Swiss and Dew and dragging Swiss away before he digs his claws into Dew's grinning mouth. He's told Swiss, over and over, that Dew doesn't mean to be obnoxious, whiny, egotistical. He reminds Swiss that those same traits when on display at the Abbey don't always drive Swiss toward murder. Instead, it's usually a clue that Dew's had too much. Overstimulated and bitchy. And Swiss knows deep down that they are all overstimulated and bitchy and that Dew probably can't help being a little shithead. But his fraying nerves stopped giving a shit three hours ago when Dew dropped Swiss' guitar case (with guitar inside) and laughed about it, sneering at Swiss when he said something like somehow the clumsiness was Swiss' fault.
Dew's been acting too good to help all day. Like he is above carrying gear, and talking to his guitar techs, or even participating in Copia's pre-show ritual. Dew had held his mask under his arm and rolled his eyes through the whole thing.
Copia, to his credit, ignored the whole display. He's a better man than Swiss, that's for sure. Because when Dew pushes away from the group and goes back to his dressing room, Copia doesn't follow to reprimand him.
But Swiss does.
It's a mistake, he knows it even as he stalks after the fire ghoul. But Swiss, deep in his gut, knows exactly what they both need to stop this shit before they end up punching each other on stage.
Dew swings the door closed as soon as he steps into the dressing room with enough force that the slam will echo. But Swiss catches it with a flat palm before it can hit the frame.
Dew spins, eyes bright and wild, already enraged before he even realizes who's interrupting him.
"What the fuck do you want?" Dew spits. He tosses his mask towards the tattered couch in the corner of the room.
It isn't a particularly nice dressing room. It smells like stale cigarettes and beer. The carpet is a non-descript shade of brown and Swiss can't tell if it came that way or if it's just stained. The couch is brown too, worn out, and threadbare. But there's a vanity on one of the side walls, near Dew's costume trunks. And it has a mirror. And really, what more could Swiss ask for?
"Do you get off on being a brat?" Swiss asks. He closes the door behind him as he steps into the room. He uses a gentler hand, but then he reaches down and flips the lock on the knob.
Dew's eyes dart from Swiss' hand on the door to his face. His features shift, rage slowly draining into apprehension.
The last opener just finished. Swiss can hear the muffled final notes ringing through the arena, the dull roar of the crowd. They have plenty of time. Dew crosses his arms, he tips his head up to look at Swiss under his creased brows. Swiss keeps an eye on the clenching muscle in Dew's jaw. "You think you're hot shit, huh? Too good to carry your own gear? Too good to listen to Papa?"
Dew scoffs. "C'mon, Swiss. Let it go."
But Swiss can't, not when Dew's still wound so tight. Not when Dew's still looking at him like he's about to light them both on fire. Swiss is on him in one quick stride. He grabs Dew by the back of the neck. He presses his fingers in enough to so Dew knows he's not fucking around.
Dew's eyes go wide, he growls, but he leans toward Swiss anyway, his body betraying him.
"You want it."
"I want you to fuck off."
"No," Swiss leans down. His other hand finds Dew's waist. He pins him in place while he runs his nose up the side of Dew's neck, over his pulse, dragging up over his ear. Swiss worries the shell of it between his fangs, and Dew whines, pitiful already. "You want me to put you back in your place."
Dew goes stiff, he pulls weakly against Swiss' grip. It's token protest. Swiss snarls, then moves, dragging Dew with him over to the vanity. He shoves Dew down onto it, chest first so he can look himself in the eye. He holds him down with the hand on the back of his neck. With the other he reaches around to undo Dew's pants, he yanks them down to mid-thigh, then kicks Dew's legs further apart with his foot.
Dew's already drooling onto the particle board. Spitting and snarling, but not really fighting. His pupils are blown wide. When Swiss reaches beneath them he finds Dew hot and hard against his palm. Dew bucks into his hand, eyes threatening to roll back at the contact.
Swiss shifts Dew a little further up on the vanity, so he can trap his cock between the wood and Dew's body. Dew mewls, shaking at the sensation and Swiss hasn't even really gotten started yet.
"Don't understand why everyone else lets you get away with this shit," Swiss growls. He shoves two fingers into Dew's mouth the instruction clear. Dew could bite him. Could tear his fingers to shreds if he really wanted to. Instead, he drools all over Swiss fingers, licks between them, slicks them as messily as he can manage. They both know it's all Dew's getting.
Dew's face is dusted with pink. Swiss thinks about pulling on that thread. Calling him pretty. Seeing how fast he can get Dew to cry. But they have a show to do, he doesn't have time to gentle Dew through the aftermath of that particular scene. Swiss cum dripping down his legs all set will have to be good enough. He preps him quickly. Shoving those spit-slicked fingers inside of him without too much warning. Dew keens with it, twitching at the stretch, but he doesn't complain. He doesn't do anything except whine and rock his hips back against Swiss' fingers. When Swiss pets his prostate, Dew goes slack under him.
Swiss makes quick work of his own pants. Watching Dew's hole clench around nothing as he strokes himself to full hardness. He presses the blunt head of his cock against Dew's twitching hole. He spits on it, smearing it over the winking muscle.
"Gonna fuck the brat out of you," Swiss promises as he pushes in. Dew digs claw marks into the vanity and keens.
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anarchysartistry · 4 months
Tumblr media
Swissdrop my beloved <3 they are just so...
Messy doodle while I survive the horrors🤭
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st-danger · 11 months
A request if you so kindly choose to entertain:
What if when everyone gets back to the abbey, Dew, Rain and Swiss have a nice night with Aether. They show him how much they missed him while he had to stay back and do paper work- they take care of him and let him be a pillow princess.
But they are also really mean. They wring out orgasm after orgasm, saying they have to make up for all the days they were gone. Tears maybe… 😏 A good mix of nice and mean.
Three mouths, three sets of hands.
It feels like so much more.
There are kisses, on the corner of his mouth, on his shoulder. His thigh. Talented hands grabbing parts of him like they own him, like he's an object. Nails scratching down his back, stroking down his side, tickling to make the muscles jump. Pushing him, manipulating his body into whatever position they want him in, not unlike a doll. Aether has been shivering for a long while now, trembling since he had a second wrung out of him sooner than he thought possible, and they already seem perfectly content trying for a third. They are content; Aether is struggling. Flat on the bed with the others perched around him, helping themselves to him. To his body. He can't believe how much he's missed this.
"Please," Aether whispers, breath hitching, "I need a break-"
"We were gone for months," Dew reminds him, leaning in to place a wet kiss to his ear. "Break's been long enough."
Dew grabs his belly. Though his eyes are shut tight, he knows it's Dew, because he knows intimately the greedy way with which he enjoys touching him. Kneading and squeezing; he'll do that to his thighs and ass, too. Swiss and Rain and gentler, more sensual. Slow, measured. He's grateful his limp, sticky cock is in Rain's loose fist, holding and giving the occasional gentle squeeze, almost affectionate. Better that than in Dew's, who would undoubtedly be working him like he'd not yet cum at all, demanding and torturous. He opens his mouth to repeat himself, to beg off for a bit because he's so sensitive and he doesn't have anything else to give them right now-
Swiss kisses him the moment his lips are parted, licking deep inside before Aether knows what's going on. Takes him a moment to catch up, moaning at the feel. Must be Swiss's hand in his hair, too, tugging just enough to suggest.
He makes a pained noise when Rain's hand squeezes again, muffled in Swiss’s mouth, and feels increasingly more out of control. Dew's hands continue to grab and fondle, slightly too rough now that his nerves are all lit up.
He needs a break.
What he would like is to be held; Dew lying on top of him, weight flush against him and grounding, with Rain and Swiss pressed tight alongside.
Rain's hand starts to massage him more intentionally, and... well. He won't be getting a breather, that much is obvious.
"S'too much," he slurs when Swiss pulls back, drinking down unsteady gulps of air and looking wide-eyed at the ghouls above him. He pushes uselessly at Swiss who just smiles serenely, pulling a hand back to stroke at himself.
"Missed you," Rain says, ignoring the wince the next slide of his hand causes.
He feels floaty, unsettled. Overwhelmed and abused and loved all in one. The hand speeds up and Aether howls, frantically trying to push it away.
"Please," he panics, "oh, I cant- anymore, can't cum again, can't do it-"
Dew's shoving fingers into his mouth rough and without warning, forcing a gag before backing off and petting his tongue. It's so sudden and forceful, at odds with the way Swiss and Rain have been treating him. The surprise of it is enough to stun Aether into silence. He stares at Dew while the fingers fuck his mouth, and drinks in the expression.
It isn't one he sees often from Dew, when there are others around. It's open and vulnerable and reserved just for him. Orange eyes are overbright, brow furrowed.
"You're done when I say," Dew hisses, though it's not aggressive; it sounds desperate, not upset. Afraid, perhaps, of being alone again. Of being lonely. He looks up at Dew, shuddering against the way Swiss and Rain continue to touch him.
"I'm not done," Dew whispers, frightening in the intensity, fingers sliding in and out of his mouth. "Understand?" Dew always has had a knack for making his neediness sound demanding. Aggressive, if you didn't know it was just need.
Aether pauses, and nods once.
It will be a long night, but then, he thinks, as Dew replaces his fingers with his tongue, kissing him wet and messy, pouring all his frustration and emotion from the last few months into each slide of his tongue....
It will have to be. As Dew has reminded him both times they've forced him to empty his balls, there's time to make up for.
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euclidghoul · 8 months
demons become angels to some
Pairing: Dewdrop/Swiss Rating: Explicit Words: 3147
When he first took to coming to Dew’s stage to distract him, it wasn’t really a new thing. Whispers in his ear, trying to fuck with his guitar, and the other night was a bite of the shoulder. All expected, in a way. Dew thought – quite naïvely – that it might stop there. But he should have known better than to underestimate the multi ghoul.
read on AO3
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corvusunnx · 1 year
do you think they've explored each other's bodies
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this is a joke!! im joking! 😋
im tired so unfortunately im feeling a bit unhinged. a bit mischivious idk how to spell that. i tried ❤
what do you think swiss's favorite cheese is
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fireflyghoul · 8 months
Sending Nudes
SwissxDewdrop fic
So I had this picture in my head of Dew sending a hot nude to Swiss (I've even made a sketch, but I haven't been drawing in years and it looks terrible so I probably won't post it) and I had to write it!
Dewdrop was bored.
And horny.
He was laying on his bed, only in Boxers, and stared at the ceiling. He really wished Swiss was here right now. But he didn't want to get up to look for him.
Also, he thought he said something about a meeting earlier he had to go to.
So probably he was there now anyway.
But maybe he could text anyway?
Dew could use that and tease him a bit.
And he loved to tease Swiss.
So he took out his phone and texted the other ghoul.
Hey Swiss, what r u doing?
It took a few minutes until he got an answer from the Multi ghoul.
In a meeting with Copia and some others right now.
So you're busy?
Dewdrop sighed. Okay, so he was right with that.
But it's boring tbh
Was the next text he got from Swiss a few seconds later which made him smile.
Need some encouragement?
Dew smiled at the thought of what he had in mind to do next. And when Swiss sent a simple 'yes' back, he got up with a smile and took off his Boxers.
Then he placed himself on the floor in front of his whole body mirror and took a picture.
He kneeled, his legs spread, but leaned on his hand, which was placed perfectly between his legs, to cover his dick. He had to move a bit around, so it was completely hidden behind his forearm and you couldn't see anything, but in the end, he worked a way out somehow.
His long hair fell over his shoulder, beautifully smooth and untangled,
covering one of his nipples. You could see a bit of the nipple piercing through it, but only if you really concentrated on it, but really just if you focused on it a lot. Thanks to the amazing camera quality on those new phones.
The other nipple was completely exposed and you could even see his nipple ring in all his beauty. A bit of light reflected on it and made the picture as a whole look even more beautiful.
On his lips was a grin, exposing his sharp teeth and he stuck his tongue out between them too, looking straight into the camera while doing so. You could see the teasing look in them even through the camera.
He really liked this picture. And send it to Swiss immediately.
Oh, how much he would love to sit in this meeting room right now, seeing Swiss' reaction. Probably looking at his phone below the table, so nobody notices him doing it. His cheeks get hot and blush. He looks up again, staring at whoever speaks right now, which doesn't make it really inconspicuous that he was doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
Dewdrop imagines him swallowing, trying to hide how hot he finds this picture and that he even looked at it. He lets his eyes travel through the room to make sure nobody noticed his doings.
Dewdrop looks at himself in the mirror another time and smiles complacently. Then he gets up again, but doesn't put his boxers back on and just falls on his back back on the bed. He stares up at the ceiling again, then starts to scroll through his phone until he gets an answer from Swiss.
Could you please warn me next time?
What the heck was your plan with that?
Dammit, I hate you
Dew grins. That's what he wanted to get from him. And he loves it. 
Hmm. dunno, but I don't think I'll warn you next time. And I know you don't hate me, love
He texts back, still with a grin on his face. 
But since you're not here, I think I have to take care of myself on my own
Again, he has to wait for an answer from the Multi ghoul.  This shitty meeting. Why can't he just stare down at his phone the whole time, texting him back and looking at this picture the whole time..? He sighs.
It takes a while again until he gets another message.
Don't you dare to touch yourself without me.
Dew bites his lips and his thoughts revolve around touching himself and sending Swiss another picture of it. But he stops himself from it. He will wait for Swiss. Even though this will be very hard. But he can tease him anyway. He can text him that he doing it and he won't know. 
Not sure if I'll be able to do so. Maybe I'll have a solo round before you join
Even though Swiss wasn't there, Dewdrop thought he could hear his grumble through his phone. But he <em>knew</em> Swiss would do it if he could, but he couldn't, because he was in a meeting. And Dewdrop liked the thought. He could tease Swiss as much as he wanted and the poor Multi Ghoul couldn't do a thing. He had to sit there, be silent, behave, and watch Dewdrop sending him those naughty messages. 
Don't you dare, you little naughty shit.
I'll be out here soon, and then I'll be in your room within seconds.
Mhh.. I like it more when you take longer and don't come too fast. It's more fun then
Dew, shut up.
Why? Scared you will get caught staring at your phone? Or that you have a boner?
Sad that you can't touch yourself right now, not like me.
But you're not going to touch yourself now, I know that
That confused Dewdrop kinda. What was that supposed to mean now?
Of course, he would wait even if Swiss wouldn't have said that, but what was his thought behind this now?
But before Dewdrop could ask, he got his answer already.
You can make yourself come, but we both know that I can make you come better. And I know how much you prefer having my hands touching you, feeling them all over your body. And especially on your beautiful dick, instead of your own beautiful hands.
Dewdrop swallows and feels his cheeks heating up. He's lucky nobody can see him right now. Probably the color of his face is the same as a tomato. Because Swiss was so damn right, and he hated it. But at the same time, only the thought of Swiss' hands made him get a little hard. Fuck, he can not let him get control now.
But right when he starts tipping he gets another message.
And with my dick inside you, you not only make such beautiful noises, but also come even better and harder.
Dewdrop bites his lip. Only the thought, oh damn.
Thanks for the pictures in my head, now I can do it myself even better
Swiss doesn't have to know his impact on Dewdrop right now. And that he will wait, even if it will take hours for Swiss until he will be here and even if it will be the worst time ever for him.
Oh, since you're talking about pictures...
Dewdrop grins.
Liked the view? You want another one? Can take plenty more if you need.
No, it's fine. This is more than enough already. I'm pretty sure at least one person in this room caught me staring at my phone already anyway. This Picture is forbidden hot and attractive. But that's not my point right now.
What's it then?
I think you like this Picture too. I know you and I'm sure you think it looks hot.
Maybe... So?
You can be sure that you'll look at yourself in that mirror. Exactly in that position, with my dick shoved deep inside you and one of my hands will be around your neck, having you choking for air and letting out choked-off moans because my other hand will be around your dick
Dewdrop lets out a pathetic sound. Swiss won and he can't deny it. He could try to turn this around again, but he knew he was inferior to him, he couldn't win anymore. He had started this with a complete other intention and now Swiss was the one making him get hard and whimper. He hates this damn multi ghoul. Why was he able to do this so easily?
Oh, and Dew?
He bites his lip. Not more, please. It was so hard not to touch himself already. If Swiss is sending him and other text now he can't wait for him anymore. He has to touch himself. No matter how hard he would like to try and not do it. He was so hard already. One more text and he couldn't resist anymore.
I'm standing at your door right now
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