#and yor is like— what’s going on? why are his eyes closed why do I like looking at him with his eyes closed
pjs-everyday · 4 months
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if only they could read each other’s MINDS!!!! 🤯
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lost-and-ephemeral · 3 months
helloooo, can i req cuddling with love and deepspace boys? :))
Imagine: Loving Embrace (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: pure fluff
A/N: i'm still feeling pretty bad mentally because too many things happened and i'm no longer taking antidepressants, but this little cute request was hard to resist ♡ I decided to focus on different situations instead of writing simple hcs for cuddles
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Rafayel: Cuddles for Inspiration
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"Come here, I can't find my inspiration without you."
At least that's what Rafayel always says when he can't find the right balance between painting and wanting to spend time with you. So why not combine both!
Yes, he's covered in paint and, yes, its smell completely soaked his clothes, but you never say no to him. How could anyone resist his cute pouty face when he's asking for something like this?
The moment Rafayel pulls you by the waist and sits you on his lap, be prepared to spend a very, very long time like this. Especially if he's really inspired by your closeness.
And he just can't let go of his muse in the middle of the creative process, right?
Rafayel holds you firmly but gently by your waist while his chin rests on your shoulder. His eyes are either closed as he thinks about something or focused on the canvas.
Sometimes his fingers draw invisible abstract shapes on your waist. He does it instinctively, without thinking. Or he plays with your own fingers while he draws details with his other hand.
"See? Without you, this painting wouldn't be complete."
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Zayne: Cuddles for Productivity
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"I need some cuddles to promote the production of oxytocin."
Zayne… Always remains Zayne, covering up his own desire to be closer to you with various medical terms and researches. It is cute in it's own way, actually.
He loves it when you hold him in your arms and he can completely relax for a while, resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. He'll definetely call it a way to check your heath too.
Zayne loves to cuddle before or after work most of the time, but he won't refuse to be there for you during his break at work.
He needs to find the energy to keep working, after all.
He probably prefers to keep quiet during yor cuddling session, but if you want to tell him something, go ahead, Zayne won't say a word against it.
In fact, he even enjoys hearing your stories. Just make sure they don't contain things about your work that might alarm him. Otherwise, he might go back into strict doctor mode. But it's still only because of his love and care for you.
"Have you heard that hugs or any other show of affection can have health benefits, including reducing fear, stress, and pain? So it is good for both of us."
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Xavier: Cuddles for Sleep
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"My internal battery is completely drained."
And with these words Xavier will make himself comfortable in your arms while you're lying on the couch or bed and scrolling on social media.
And that's not even a joke, he's actually completely exhausted after spending the last couple days on missions without proper rest. You know Xavier, he either works non-stop or goes into hibernation after that. It'll take some time to change his habits.
In this state, he's more like a big plush toy, and you can do whatever you want with him. But the best idea is to play with his hair. This action always relaxes him.
After all, only in your hands he can find such a desired comfort.
Xavier will tell you about how his last mission went while you cuddle. Well, he will try to do it before sleep finally consumes him. And you'll be able to hear perfectly how his voice grows quieter and quieter with each word.
He's so cute when he's sleepy, isn't he? You can even tell him that to get a quiet chuckle in return. Xavier doesn't mind your little teasing.
"It's so warm in your arms, I swear I… I can't stay awake anymore…"
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bones4thecats · 6 months
May i ask for Yor briar! Reader x record of ragnarok, who do you think would fit her the most? (Also she still has anya and she fights for humanity for her daughter and brother)
A/N: I’ve actually tried starting to watch Spy x Family, and from what I’ve seen, it’s really good! So, I’m using what I’ve seen of Yor in this! Anyways, enjoy~~
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🪩 On god, he was upset about this
🪩 He isn’t fond of Humanity and we all know this, they gave him headaches, but hearing Heimdall’s constant rants on the contestants was a close second in causes
🪩 He watched as their representatives, Cheranbog and Belobog, step out and form out of black and white smoke
🪩 Then he heard Heimdall yell out your introduction;
“ And welcoming one of the most well-known assassins throughout history, the Thorn Princess, better known as, Y/N! ”
🪩 You stepped outside in your classic outfit, a black dress with your hair mostly tied up and your weapons drawn
🪩 There were only two things left on his mind, why are two gods going against one human and why are you so pretty?!
🪩 Belobog and Chernabog chuckled at your facial expression, it was fair and non-threatening compared to those of Lü Bu
🪩 Once you landed the first hit against them, he was on the edge of his seat
🪩 Now, he was hoping you would win, just so he could actually speak to you
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💐 Much like Shiva, she is not fond of Humanity, as they were destroying everything beautiful on Earth that she worked to keep nice
💐 She was just wondering around Valhalla one day when she heard a young girl laughing
💐 She turned around and saw a young, pink-haired girl with green eyes stroll up to her and reach out to shake her hand
“ I’m Anya! What’s your name? “
💐 Aphrodite smiled and shook the young girl’s hand before giving Anya her name and a flower crown she had made
💐 Anya smiled and yelled out to her mama, you, and she saw as you, the human who had just fought against Belobog and Chernabog, run up to scold her on leaving you without anyone watching
💐 Looking at you, she noticed you were one of the few humans who seemed to care for the planet during life, putting in effort to make sure the flowers stayed healthy
💐 Smiling at you and chuckling as the young girl tried escaping your grip, she made sure to remind herself later to speak to you, she had some questions for you
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📯 He met nearly every contestant in Ragnarok, or at least had spoken briefly to them so he could get some bare info for their introduction during battle
📯 When he first spoke to you, your brother was helping you put your hair up while your daughter laughed in your lap, telling you a joke she had heard from Sasaki earlier
📯 Seeing your smile made him laugh, normally when preparing for battle, the Humans were training and keeping their composure
📯 You were the opposite, and he liked it
📯 At first, he thought that your brother, Yuri, was your husband, and for some reason he was quite saddened
📯 Maybe it was because Buddha had taken his horn earlier, maybe something else
📯 When doing your introduction, anyone with feelings could see how his voice seemed to be laced in more happiness when mentioning you attacking the two Slavic deities, Belobog and Chernabog
📯 After the battle was over, he had helped escort you and your fairly injured body to Brunhilde, Göll, and Kojiro Sasaki to carry you to heal
📯 He needed to check on you once the day’s battles were over, he can’t let his new favorite human go without his presence for long, now can he?
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blues824 · 11 months
characters of your choice with a yor forger like reader/mc? this is for any fandom
We are going to make this a Diasomnia fic. Female-coded reader who is called ‘mama’, and Anya is here because why not.
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Malleus Draconia
When someone says the word assassin, he typically thinks of someone who is killing someone just for money. There is no emotion, no words, just a killer. That was, until the first time he met you. He trespassed onto Ramshackle, as he had a love of exploring old, abandoned buildings, when he was immediately tackled to the floor. He looked to see who was now straddling him only to see the most beautiful person in the world.
“If I may ask, who are you and what are you doing here, sir?” The last thing he expected to hear was you politely asking him something. You held no fear in your eyes, but rather curiosity, even as you held a weapon of some sort against the dragon fae’s neck. To be fair, he could easily use his magic to save himself, but he kind of wanted to know what would happen if he let this play out.
“I would rather you not know my identity, but I am here just to explore Ramshackle. I was not aware that it was being inhabited, otherwise I would not have appeared without an invitation.” He watched you as you glared into his eyes, trying to see if he was lying. Well, you deemed him trustworthy and got off of him. You then put your hairpin back in your pocket and awkwardly apologized. He was just glad that his new friend was able to defend themself.
Then, a little girl peaked out from the stairs and called out for you, mama. This surprised Malleus, as he did not know you had a child. Again, he had only had a rather… interesting… introduction with you just a few moments ago. You both could tell that this would be a very intriguing friendship… or relationship in the future.
Both of you grew close over the next few overblots. It was hard not to, especially when he was so helpful in both taking them down and cleaning them up. He grew close to Anya, who also wasn’t afraid of him and knew that he was just a lonely (thus eligible) bachelor. Her and Lilia were totally working together in playing matchmaker. Actually, whenever the dragon prince visited you and your daughter, it would be like a small glimpse into a possible future with you.
He obviously would take over the cooking while you took over the cleaning. You stated your desire to live as normal a life as you could while you were here. The prospect of you, the person who he now sees as his honorary spouse, and Anya, the girl who he sees as his honorary daughter, going back to your original world upset him greatly. You gave him a sense of domesticity, but he knows that you never planned on staying.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Maybe he shouldn’t have been going around and scaring the underclassman. To be fair, a lot of them merely just jumped from the sudden surprise of a person hanging from the ceiling upside down. However, that was not the case with you. You not only nearly punched him in the face, but also pulled him down and flipped him to the ground, then proceeded to straddle him and hold a knife to his neck.
“I don’t think this is going to work, my dear,” he said with a smile as he quickly flipped you over and straddled you instead while holding a small switchblade to your neck. “I prefer being on top, but I believe that I should take you to dinner before anything happens.” He stood up and offered you his hand before saying, “I am Lilia Vanrouge, knight of His Royal Highness, Malleus Draconia.”
You introduced yourself as the Prefect of Ramshackle, and told him that you were heading back there now. So, being the gentleman that he was and being kind of sad about scaring you, he offered to walk you back. You agreed, and you both made your way to your rickety, old dormitory. He noticed that you were a bit socially awkward, so he kind of carried the conversation.
Almost immediately upon crossing the threshold of your dorm, a little girl rushed up to you and yelled out ‘mama!’. The sight was adorable for the old bat fae to witness, and he asked who the ‘young damsel’ was. You told him that she was your adopted daughter, and he would have been surprised had you not been already shrouded in mystery.
Over the next few months, Lilia has grown closer to you. You both suck at cooking and while you are trying to get better, he still wants creative freedom. Thus, you often either order in or stick to the recipe. You often ask the ex-general if you are doing alright as a mother, and he often reassures you that there is no correct way to be a parent. You were doing your best with what you had, and you were doing exceptionally well.
You eventually became the mother figure to not only Anya, but also the rest of the Diasomnia crew. They considered your daughter to be their younger sister. Lilia stood next to you as the father figure, which honestly surprised everyone because you both were the exact opposite of each other. Silver has stated that this felt like the set-up to a weird sitcom, but treats you as though you were his mother… especially after you flipped Sebek over your shoulder during a training session.
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When you met, you didn’t actually try to kill him. Instead, you were trying to make sure he was alive. He was asleep under a tree, and you saw him and decided to wake him up. You saw that he was alive as his chest was rising, and when his eyes opened up he was surprised to see somebody. However, his training as a knight had him convinced that you were trying to kill him.
Thus, he grabbed you by the shoulders and tackled you to the ground. He had a knife to your neck as he demanded to know your name and your business in trying to kill him, to which you responded by turning the two of you over and introducing yourself. You held one of your hairpins to his neck instead, and he had to admit that he finally got a good look at you. You then asked, rather politely, to introduce himself.
“I am Silver, a knight of His Royal Highness, Malleus Draconia.” You then got off of him and helped him up, as you explained that you were trying to make sure that he was alive as you had seen him asleep under the tree you were currently standing under. Now he was kind of embarrassed for overreacting, and he thanked you for your concern but assured you that it was a condition that he had that made him sleep a lot.
To apologize, he asked to accompany you back to Ramshackle, as his father has taught him to be a gentleman after making a mistake. You accepted his offer, and so you both made your way to the old dorm in which you resided. However, there was a small girl waiting on the steps to the door once you arrived, and she ran up to you to hug your legs. He asked who she was and you explained that it was your daughter, and she hugged him too out of nowhere. He was surprised, but it made his chest feel warm.
After he returned to Diasomnia, his father noticed that he had hearts in his eyes. The young knight told him that he met the prefect of Ramshackle and his heart was beating against his chest so passionately, and Lilia told him that he was in love. He thought it only existed in fairytales, as he never gave it a lot of thought. But, to be fair, not a lot of people have politely introduced themselves while holding a sharp hairpin to his neck.
So, he desired your company. He would often visit you in your dorm to take over the cooking, mainly because he knew you couldn’t cook and he didn’t want Anya (who he views as his daughter once you two become romantically involved) to suffer through what he had to go through as a child. When he graduates, his dream is to continue being a knight, but to also have a fairytale ending where you live a peaceful life with Anya in a cottage in a forest.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Alright, so this is a funny story that you tell Anya later, but you met Sebek when you attacked him because he scared you with his loud voice. You specifically kicked him in the face to make him fall before grabbing one of your hairpins and holding it to his neck as you straddled his torso. However, in a surprising turn of events, you politely asked him to identify himself. Needless to say, he was unprepared for this. 
In a slight moment of fear, he told you his name and that he was a knight of the great Waka-sama, and you told him your name before you got off of him and helped him up. He commended you for your amazing display of your skills, and he shouted something about how he was ashamed to call himself an esteemed knight when he couldn’t defend himself in an ambush.
You kind of just awkwardly pat his back as you told him that it would be alright, and you would be willing to help him as an apology for attacking him. He accepted the offer, and he helped you pick up your books that you dropped and you both made your way to Ramshackle. However, there was one more surprise in the books.
Upon opening the door, a little girl ran into you and clung to your legs. Sebek demanded with a loud voice to reveal her identity. She picked up on his very professional attitude (most likely from reading his mind) and she stood straight with her chest puffed out as she stated that her name was Anya, and she was your daughter. The look of shock and confusion in the crocodile’s eyes almost made you laugh, and you explained that she was your adopted daughter from your world.
Hours later, when he returned to Diasomnia, Malleus, Lilia, and Silver each asked where he had been to obtain such bruises. He tells them that he visited the prefect of Ramshackle, who used to be an assassin and thus trained with him. He seemed to be very absentminded, which was very uncharacteristic for the First Year. He reported that his chest felt very warm as did his face, and the bat fae pieced it together: the boy was in love.
To say that he was not accepting of the truth would be an understatement. However, you were not a weak and magicless human. You sought to better yourself as a mother, and he respected that. He would often come over to cook something or give you a recipe, and you’ve even mastered his favorite dish and made it taste decent. However, you still mostly stuck to cleaning and making sure Anya trained well. Sebek never pictured himself with a family, but here he was.
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Be Mine, Please! | Yandere Yor Forger
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“Uh hi, Miss. Forger uhm I didn’t realize you were staying with us today.”
The candid question had no effect on Yor, who was still smiling at you with her hands folded underneath her chin. When you arrived at the Forger residence you were under the impression that Anya would be home alone as per the usual schedule. But Yor didn’t follow after Loid in any capacity. Not in a delayed exit or an appointment midday…she never changed out of her casual clothes. 
“Nope! I get to spend the day with you and miss Anya!” 
This was fine. You collected the remaining plates on the table, making your way to the sink. Perhaps she just wanted some help…who were you kidding Mrs. Forger wasn’t one to hide her desires about spending more time with you. You just wished she hadn’t paid you to do so. She seemed like a lovely woman and you wouldn’t have minded going out for a drink or two. But as the morning went on she sipped on her drink while watching you and Anya play. 
It was harder to play spies that morning; you didn’t mind Bond as an audience but not another adult. You couldn’t help your eyes wandering to the reflection of her crimson eyes in the window, watching you with a smile on her face.
“(Y/n)! Why aren’t you doing the sync-up dance? How will we release our powers to complete the mission?”
“Uh, Anya…can we not do the whole dance today?”
“What, why?! You said it’s important we do it every time, with all our hearts!”
“Y-yes but…Yor…is here…”
Anya doesn’t understand your plight, or rather she ignores it demanding you do the dance with her. Reluctantly you did the dance looking away when Yor smiled and giggles at your dancing form. With Anya down for a nap, you were left to deal with Yor without the distraction of Anya. 
“Ah (Y/n) you’re so lively with Anya! Do you have children of your own?”
You continued washing the dishes, watching her rise from the table to lean on the kitchen counter. 
“No b-but I had plenty of experience with young kids…uh y’know family friends and all.”
You were quick to respond, hoping your answer was sufficient enough to satisfy her. 
“Mmmm? Wow, then do you have a partner?”
You didn’t know what this had to do with your prowess with child care but you guessed this might have just been her way of making small talk.
“Uh no not right now…”
She did a little jump-twirling with her cup as she made her way to your side making moves to wash the cup alongside you. Hip to hip she moves to lean her face as close as possible to yours, you back away trying to avoid the waves of heat coming off her body. She only seems to move closer to you, oddly snuggling into you as you finished the dishes. 
“That’s a shame,” she didn’t sound sorry.” But you're such a catch! It's crazy to think no one’s snatched you up yet!”  
“W-well th-thanks Miss Forger.” 
You backed away from the sink to put the dishes away all with Yor in tow. 
Finally closing the cupboard you turned to leave facing Yor as she moves her hand upside down holding your chin with the pad of her pointer finger.
“It’s Yor.”
You nodded your head, backing away to walk to Anya’s room. Hardly making any space between you two as she follows you down the little hallway. It was like that for the rest of the day even when Anya woke once more you were forced to include Yor who seemed more than eager to be pressed into your side for as long as possible. 
Finally, your timer went off, and right on time, Loid walked into the home. Yor and Anya ran over to greet him, letting you relax for the first time today as you packed up the ‘gear’ you used for your spy games.
“Well, I best be on my w–”
“Won’t you stay (Y/n)? Please I’ve been dying to let you try my stew! It actually tastes delicious!”
Her excitement rivaled Anya’s as she turned back to you shuffling her feet up and down as she awaited your answer. You tried to restrain your grimace, having fallen for the trap of Yor’s cooking before. For assurance, you looked to Loid who chuckled hanging his hat and suit on the coat rack.
“It actually is really good.”
“Yeah! Even Anya didn’t die this time!” 
You chuckled feeling your heart sway as you tried to think about your choice. You stop when you remember the chores you had to do; so you made your case. Fully prepared for the wobbling bottom lips and tearful eyes of Anya, Bond, and Yor. It’s Loid who puts the nail in the coffin when you feel his ungloved hands wrap around your shoulders, giving a comforting squeeze. When you turn your head you’re met with the sky-blue eyes of Loid who smiles at you. 
“We’d love it if you did stay… I’d be sure to make it up to you.”
You didn’t know if it was the implication of money or the manly cologne that was fragrant around Loid: a beautiful man who made just about anyone weak in the knees–you included. You sighed exasperated as you held your hands out in defeat.
“Fine but I-”
“Yay!” “Ahhh~!”
Grabbing your hands and holding them close Yor nuzzled her nose against yours before pulling you along with her into the kitchen with Anya pushing you from behind. Loid let his eyes become half-lidded as he watched you be engulfed in his family’s chaos. He watched you fluster and give in as you let your silliness be released; he makes a note to himself.
“Well a family that sticks together, stays forever.”
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Episode 36 reactions!
I don't think one single minute passed this episode without me bursting out in laughter XD
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I will get what interesting details I can, though! And here we have soap opera male character who has a Betrothed in the West. Interesting! Why did they separate, and how did she end up in Westalis, or he in Ostania? Did she defect and is waiting for him to join her? I need the full context, Berlint in Love!
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Looks like one of the things that make Becky rush to be a grown-up is how she can't wait to have romantic feelings and relationships. Gurl, you're six. Pick up a doll or a ball.
The way the next scene was shown (hilarious) it looks like it was Anya who first picked up the phone, and didn't even make a sound before Becky started off her rant. Picking up the phone as a kid is quite a responsibility!
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The music suddenly went full humor shoujo there XD
I love how Martha is already onto Becky.
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She's like "Yo maybe reel it in a little"
The way all three of them are in completely different wavelengths is hilarious. I guess Twilight, the honey-trap master, sees Becky as the girl she is and cannot imagine she'd ever have such passionate imaginings with him.
The hell, though. I've met my favourite actor from up close in a convention and that was pretty much my reaction while being close to him. I feel Becky but someone needs to tell her of this thing called parasocial relationship--
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I had my eyes glued to the screen for this. It's definitely not surprising that the Blackbells would hire such an experienced bodyguard for Becky, but it's very interesting how it was pointed out to us! I wonder what we'll get to see next with her! (reminder: anime only!)
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Becky really thinks she lives in a shoujo story doesn't she XD
I mean, Anya thinks she lives in a Spy Wars story so it's not that surprising XD
I love how in the "new" family photo Wiesel is added in front of Bond!
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This episode is full chaos and I love it.
Seriously, the way Anya's powers work for her character is amazing. Usually, we'd get to see those imaginings even if she didn't have telepathy. But since she can see them with us, she gets a fair place as - almost - an audience proxy. And I mean, yeah, why wouldn't Anya be excited at the idea of super tasty food all of the time (even when papa is super busy), not having to do chores, and having fun family outings all of the time?
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Completely different wavelengths, I tell you. How does this show make me love misunderstandings XD
And then a fourth wavelength is added and it's just! You don't know where to begin!
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Poor Bond was heartbroken that Becky didn't notice him! Poor boy!
I find it really funny that this episode happened now, just a little after we got heavy hints that Loid is falling hard for Yor, and Becky is still like "I will win his heart with my six-year-old charm!"
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If you count Bond dealing with getting rejected, that's five different wavelengths in one single screencap. No-one knows what's going on, not even Anya the telepath or Twilight the master spy.
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Those are not the family teacups! Interesting choice. Also Becky's face, yeah that's exactly how I was when approaching my favourite actor for my photo shoot with him. I was smiling from one ear to the other, though XD
Also, I remember getting sent manga screencaps with Loid in such a cardigan! And I guessed right that it would be a beige one! I mean, it's a pretty common colour for a grandpapa cardigan, but has he maybe worn this before?
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I wonder how he'd react and adapt if he knew Becky is having a crush on him. Like, what would he do? He'd definitely avoid anything inappropriate for all the obvious reasons, but here he's trying to pull back because he thinks Becky is getting suspicious of him XD
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Send this to a friend without context and ask them to guess what the actual fuck is going on here. This is Misunderstandings: the Right-Before-Holidays Special.
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Pure Chaos and it just
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This is exactly what I signed up for when I watched the very first episodes and was like "please tell me the entire show is like this"
Poor Yor, though. Her very first instinct was to blame herself and think of herself as incompetent. I guess old habits die hard.
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Simp alert.
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Seriously, though! She remembers what he told her there (though, weren't they supposed to repeat the conversation the next day?) and I hope she remembers how vulnerable he made himself with her.
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I mean! This isn't supposed to be a twiyor-centric episode and yet!
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If you thought I wouldn't grab even this opportunity to make this angsty, well, you were wrong
The highest prize in the hammer competition thingy is... a q-tip?
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We stan. Everything for the ultimate q-tip.
Becky sees Loid's ._. face and she's like
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The way he said that "Yoru-san" there, though! This was the cherry on top of this entire hilarious part!
It was weird to see there was an entire small part on Nightfall, considering we haven't seen her in the entire season. However.
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(again, anime only here)
And I'm like, whoa. That's a very suspicious guy thrown in the middle of a filler part (I was told this is anime original) and not shown again. Since the next episode is the last of the season, I assume we'll see him again in that one?
I remember that in episode 20, when Loid is in the hospital, we see a moment from afar with a moving shadow, like someone was watching them. I noticed it on a rewatch and up until now I thought that was Nightfall. But now?
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Seriously, though, are they not noticing him??
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What he doin
I love how Handler said she doesn't want to overwork her agents... I wonder if she says anything relevant in the manga but I dare not look into the chapter after the one with Becky XD I'm guessing she actually took to heart the reprimand from HQ to be more lax with her agents.
Nightfall shows an almost audacious level of self-confidence in front of her boss... and Handler doesn't deny it. She trusts her and actually thinks the same - that Nightfall is probably the only one capable of handling Twilight's missions.
Anyway, Nightfall is going all "Senpai will notice me" and I'm like
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Another hopeless suitor, Nightfall goes like "Did you spot any flaws in that Briar woman yet or" having no idea he was looking at Yor like the yearning simp he is <3
Nightfall being all "Pick me. Choose me. Love me." and then Twilight is like "Wow she did all of that hard job while I was gone. Guess she deserves the leftover souvenirs."
Like. I'm crying laughing over this. He didn't even think about getting a souvenir for her, not even as a cover. Nightfall couldn't be more hopeless.
And then she gives him that look
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And the little hope she didn't even have is thrown out the window.
I love how Twilight turns around in shock and goes like "Why is glaring at me like that?!" because you idiot you gave her "leftovers"
Like I know he thinks they're not supposed to actually connect as friends but still. For a master spy he's so dense XD
They do kinda make you feel bad for her, though. She is trying really hard, and it would be hypocritical to blame her social awkwardness when we're here shipping Mr. Emotional Constipation and Ms. Naivete Personified. She would have actually been sympathetic if she wasn't so aggressive towards Yor (and in her mind, Anya too).
Anyway. Very funny and unhinged episode but there's only ONE EPISODE LEFT. I'M NOT READY FOR THE HIATUS 😭😭
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ED 2 In-depth analysis (Or me overanalyzing anime’s decision in everything and long post again yes, I just got so much thoughts, sorry for making you read a lot, but anyway I hope you enjoy)
I just want to point out 3 things that I’ve noticed in this ED
1.The turning into the light
In the first part we see montages of Loid, Anya, Yor, Bond, Yuri and Fiona with the light shining on all of them. However, it was only Loid, Anya, Yor, Bond and Yuri who were facing the light. See the difference in these?
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Fiona seems like she doesn’t care to turn into the light source, she had her back turned into it and her eyes closed. And even though Yuri was facing the light it was only half his face that was lit, he wasn’t completely turning his head to it. Meanwhile it was Bond, Yor, Loid and Anya who turned their heads and faced the light directly, illuminating their whole face (even though we didn’t see Yor it’s evident she glanced straight into the light source)
We all know that light, generally speaking, represents warmth and happiness which the people shown in the montage never get to experience because of the tragedies they face, Loid and Fiona (because of the war and traumatic experiences that led them to being spies) Yor and Yuri (The loss of parents at their young age) Anya and Bond (Because they were experimented on)
However, the Forgers, despite being formed in the foundations of lies, secrets and deception, found that warmth with each other. The light shines full on them because they are the ones who experience that light the most since they became a family. Fiona has her back turned into the light because she wasn’t accepting that what the Forgers have is real while Yuri is still hesitant to accept her sister’s newfound family as her new source of familial warmth.
In addition, I found the symbolism of the light in the allegory of the cave quite similar. The prisoners in that cave are chained, they are unable to move, and so do the characters in this montage. Something’s holding them in seizing the light but the Forgers were the only ones who stepped out of the shadows to follow the light. The light represents self-discovery and enlightenment and each of the Forger family experiences that the more they spend time with each other. Yuri hasn’t had that kind of self-reflection (But in the manga he’s slowly starting to, thankfully) while Fiona seems like she isn’t interested in that.
2.The Sitting and Standing
I therefore conclude that WIT and Cloverworks hates Fiona more than the manga does. They just kept on emphasizing how much of an outsider she is in this family in this ED😂.
I noticed that in this turning around the house scenario, in this one Yor is sitting in the chair while chatting with Yuri. Both are sitting on the chair.
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Then let’s skip first to Franky and Anya, they were also both on the chair while talking to each other.
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Both of these duos are within each other’s eye level while they are talking to each other and both seem to have mutual understanding and are genuinely having fun.
Then let’s go back to Loid talking with Fiona, and notice how, even with that open chair in front of him, he was not sitting with her at the table. He is also standing just like his wife in the background. They weren’t on eye level indicating the standing one as the superior between the two of them.
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Clearly, this emphasizes that Fiona is a mere junior colleague in Loid’s eyes and will never be someone he could have a mutual understanding with. (Anime is really putting Fiona in her place😂)
3.The Colors of the Clothes
This is the one that inspired me to revisit this ED because the decision about the color of the clothes bugs me the first time I saw the ED. Why does Yor wear blue in here?
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I know that we’ve seen Yor wear blue in the anime but we’ve never seen this particular outfit in this color in the series. So why choose to dress her in blue here?
It’s because it’s connected to that chair analysis I recently posted. The one sitting in the designer chair featured in the volume and the one sitting in the same chair in the comedic inside cover have mutual understanding of each other the most. Like in Volume 1, Anya is sitting in Loid’s chair, Volume 2, Yor is in Anya’s chair, and in Volume 3, Loid sits in Yor’s chair. I've explained it in detail here. And they are exactly in the same arrangement in this ED but it’s their clothes that match the color of the eyes of the one who pays attention to them the most.
Anya’s eyes matches Loid’s green sweater
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Anya is fond of spies like Loid and she thinks he’s the coolest, Anya often read his thoughts more compared to any other characters in the series.
Yor’s eyes matches Anya’s red dress
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Yor is the one who often looks after Anya and the one who keeps her safe most of the time
And the last, Loid’s eyes matches Yor’s blue top
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Yor caught Loid's attention when they first met and he only has his eyes set on her, not on any other woman because for him she’s the only fitting to be Anya’s mom and of course, his wife and no one could ever replace her in that role.
They were also in the same color scheme when Yor wore something blue in Episode 10.
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Even if the secrets they have kept them hidden in the dark from time to time, they know they  would always have a light to go home to that is just on the other side of the door and I think that’s a wonderful subtle representation of their relationship in this ED.
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Addition: I wonder what these two dorks are talking about before heading to bed. They sure do love talking with each other don’t they? Maybe sharing a room could help them lengthen their late night conversations as long as they want right? I don’t know, just a suggestion.
This post longer turned longer than I've intended, I planned to talk about the color of the clothes only. Sorry I have no self control. But do let me know if you think analysis makes sense.
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domxmarvel · 11 months
Pairing: Loid x Female!Reader x Yor
Prompt: 6 I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
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This week felt like it refused to end,you kept getting mission after mission. You were exhausted and felt you haven't spent any time with Yor and Loid or Anya,it made you feel sad to lose time with them. You had gotten so attached to them and wanted to spend as much time as you could with them,in fact your new life with them made you realize how much time you wasted working,but you couldn’t exactly stop now. All you could do was try to finish up as quickly as you could and get back to your family.
The mission was simple: take out the CEO of some company,you didn’t care to ask questions as long as you were getting paid. You had gotten your hand on info that told you he’d be meeting someone at a warehouse on the harbor late at night. Turns out that info was right,since you saw his car pull up next to one of the warehouses. You snuck in and hid behind one of the massive shipping crates,but it turns out you weren’t the only one. Across from you you saw a man who was knocked out and tied up. You soon hear a man talking to your target,you assume this man must’ve been the one to knock out the man in front of you. Staying hidden you listened in on their conversation,but something about that man's voice sounded familiar. You peaked out to get a better look,he didn’t look familiar but you swore you knew that voice. And when he spoke again you realized
“Loid” You whispered his name without realizing the shock paralyzing you,causing you to take a step back but you ended up knocking into something,making a lot of noise. Suddenly your target pulled out a gun,aiming it at Loid. 
“I told you to show up alone!” He yelled,your instinct kicked in and you sprinted to protect him,not thinking about yourself. You ended up getting shot twice in your arm and shoulder,but you managed to shoot him in the leg. You were aiming higher but you couldn’t lift your arm further. Thankfully Loid caught you before you fell to the ground,taking your gun but he was stopped by Yor.
“Keep an eye on her,I’ll take care of him” She ran off,leaving you there with Loid holding you. He took off his mask and for once you saw fear on his face.
“What are you doing here? Why did you do that?” He tried to stop your bleeding,but he was clearly panicking.
“Because I couldn’t let you get hurt” He just sighed before putting his hand on your cheek,it was a moment when he let his walls down but only for a moment. They came back up just as quickly, as he focused on your wounds. 
“You shouldn’t have done that”
“I’d do it a hundred times over for you,Yor and Anya” His walls crumbled back down in seconds and he kissed you. You could hear the sound of Yor’s heels clacking against the ground,the sound getting louder as she got closer. 
“Y/N,are you okay?” She didn’t let you answer before turning to Loid “Loid is she going to be okay?”
“She’ll be fine,we need to get home. I have the stuff I need in my room,but we need to hurry” Loid picked you up,holding you close to him. 
You didn’t really spend much time in Loid’s room,it was organized but void of personality. You were sitting on his bed,your back facing him as he patched you up. Yor was waiting outside,making sure Anya didn’t find out. Once he was done,you turned to face him. He took off his glasses and set them aside,he still looked worried but he suddenly said.
“So you’re an assassin?”
“So you’re a spy?” You asked back,you sighed “Listen I did what I had to survive,but this is what I’m good at”
“It was the only thing I was good at too” Yor had walked in without you hearing her.
“So were all lying to each other” Loid added
“Not exactly” They both looked at you confused “I wasn’t lying about how much I love both of you,and I want to be with both of you despite you being a spy” You turned to Loid and then to Yor “And you being an assassin” Suddenly Loid hugged you,he wasn’t very physically affectionate so you were caught off guard but Yor quickly joined you. “Loid,Yor I love you both so much” Yor kissed you on the cheek. 
“We love you too”
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randoimago · 2 years
Hey Kat, 🤠 anon here hoping to make your first spy x family request? Can I request some good old (seperate) s/o comfort hcs for Loid, Yuri, Yor and Franky and their s/o who doesnt feel that theyre not important compared to Yor (Loid and Yuri) and Loid (Yor and Franky)
S/O Doesn’t Feel Like They’re Important Enough
Fandom: Spy x Family
Characters: Franky Franklin, Yor Briar, Loid Forger (Twilight), Yuri Briar
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Yep the first one! I will say it was a bit interesting writing for Yor just because idk if she would get close to Loid should she already have an S/O. Loid I could see still doing it for the sake of the mission, but Yor was more tricky.
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Can't help but laugh. He apologizes, but he's laughing while he's apologizing.
As if the dumb blonde would ever be more important to him than you. Do you know how many life threatening missions that bastard has taken him on? Like hell Franky would care more about Loid than you.
Also what kind of name is Twilight? Sounds like he hadn't gotten out of his angsty teen phase. Seriously Franky just goes on a rant about how "awful" Loid is while you're great.
Just please don't tell Loid that he said any of this. Franky would like to keep living, thank you very much.
Yor has become important to him for his mission (not that he’d ever admit to actually liking and being friends with her). You’re so much more than just his mission.
Loid doesn’t let anyone get too close, right? You’re the one exception to that. The one thing that would make him pause when choosing something drastic (if your safety is involved with the choice, anyway).
Yes he has this fake family with Yor, but again, that’s all fake. You’re real. What you two have is real, as cheesy as that is.
He knows he can’t spend too much time with you right now because it’d look very suspicious, but he promises that after this mission that it’s back to you. Whatever you want to do, he’ll do it (granted he doesn’t have HQ calling in every 5 seconds).
She’s a bit of an airhead and doesn’t understand why you’d feel insignificant to some guy she met at a tailoring place. Sure the two of them have somethings in common, but she loves you.
Yor isn’t afraid to tell you how much she loves you either. Maybe in the beginning of the relationship she would fluster easily, but now she is always happy to give you a hug and hold you close.
Ends up feeling guilty because it’s her job as your girlfriend to show you how much she loves you. Will just give you puppy dog eyes and constant apologies while thinking she’s a failure as a girlfriend for how you feel.
While she reassures you that you mean a lot to her, she’ll probably need some reassuring that she hasn’t done anything wrong. There will probably be quite a few tears during this talk.
So on one hand, she is his family. She’ll always be near and dear to his heart. But on the other hand, you’re the one he’s sharing his whole life with. Eventually.
You’re the one that will get to know everything about him (eventually, he needs to work up the courage to tell you some things still). He’s kept secrets from his sister, but does his best not to keep them from you.
What do you want him to do to prove to you that you’re amazing and wonderful? He’s not going to do anything to hurt his sister, but he’ll get you a thousand roses. He’ll walk on glass. He’ll swim the ocean and maybe fight some dolphins for you.
He has a lot of money too. Money can’t buy happiness but he’ll sure as hell try if it’ll make you smile and know that you’re so important and special to him.
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dxmoness · 11 months
─────── ❝𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎?!❞
━━━━ izek van omerta. manhwa. how to get my husband on my side.
‣ attempted sa, violence. ୨:୧
‣ m.list . recent works . how to get my husband on my side. ୨:୧
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Name is the well known ‘lonely’ firstborn daughter of well-to-do family of nobles who all were charming enough to have lovers, this includes her youngest sibling who was still 19 yet she already boys lining up left and right.
"When are you going to actually do your part and actually marry someone?" This question always came up on her family's lips.
This particular occasion, rumours had spread that she had quote ‘at long last found a husband’ and of course her family came running with questions and letters.
None believed the foolishness of the rumours. There was no way she was getting a husband after all these years, but her sister came to her and invited her to a simple garden party.
“Make sure to bring a date~” Her sister laughs mockingly before she leaves. It is irritating but it is also a good way to bring the news.
She arrives at the party but before she could enter, her sister's husband comes to her. “My lady, could you follow me for a moment?” It is an odd request that she is foolish to agree to, the two walk through the garden and make it to the manmade lake that took up almost the entire upper part of the castle.
“Do you need anything?” Her question was met with a forceful movement to kiss her. Her sister's fiancee grabbed her wrist and pulls her close, lips smashing into hers. His tongue forcefully roams in her mouth when she gasps at the sudden movement. His fingers reach for to unlace her dress.
She shoved him back. “What the hell?!” “Forgive my foolish desires my dear sister-in-law but you are just tempting.” A grin appears onto his face as he steps forward. She, on the other hand, steps back. Only problem was she forgets that behind her was only water.
She flailed her hands as she loses her balance. Plummeting into the depths of the lake. ‘How deep did they make this lake?!’ She thinks as she loses all the breath she had managed to save up before she fell in. Of course that bastard wouldn't help her. Why would he?
When she accepts her fate here and now. She wakes up, seeing the crimson eyes of her husband. “Izek...?” She sits up from his arms, only to feel the cold of the breeze so she dives back in his arms.
“Are you alright?” His voice is deep and undoubtedly furious. He saw everything.
“Yes...” She sighed, fingers running through her wet hair. “I’ve ruined my clothes though.” She mumbled.
“That’s alright, I brought an extra dress.” Izek whispered, kissing her hand. His lips are soft and warm against her own cold and clammy fingers.
She smiles softly but then stops. “I need to do something first.”
She then enters the garden party. Every head swivelling towards the door. “Goodness... Sister did you not have the decency to dress better and arrive earlier?” Her brother laughed at the sight of her dripping wet. “Or were you too busy swimming in the lake?”
“You...” She pointed at her sister's husband with anger. “How dare you.” She walks to him, ready to slap him only to be stopped by her brother.
“Now, now sister. We were only trying to get you with a child finally.” The reasoning was disgusting. “Plus it's not like you have a husband who would care.”
“Really?” A deep voice cuts through the air like a sharp blade. Every ear hears it and heads turn. Izek van Omerta stands by the door, hand on the frame of the door. His red eyes burn with fury towards every person in this room. They dare mock his wife like this?
He walks to his wife's supposed brother-in-law and punches him hard. No one could stop him, they all simply watching with a mix of horror and shock. He moves
She looks triumphantly at her husband before she looks at the goers with a smile. “Everyone, allow me to introduce you to my husband.”
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─────── NOTE?!
this was supposed to be inspired by Yor and Loid from SPYXFAMILY but you know as usual I moved away from the goal.
‣ request — the request in question . . .
─────── TAGLIST?!
@nyrwve , @lvmxlee , @primordixl , @yevene
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ateezwriter100799 · 3 months
Pirates and Utopia pt.2
hey Guys this is the Part two of my Story.
I Hope you like it and have fun Reading!
Summary: a few hours later you wake Up from a deep needed sleep and decide to Look at the Crew more closely...
Fluff, San being a whole Sweethear, all members, Yunho being cute, and Hongjoong being the best Captain
If i missed anything please Tell me.
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Hours have passed since I Fell asleep. My Body feels way lighter now and my wounds don't hurt as much anymore.
I slowly Sit Up and listen to the Sound of the waves Outside the ship. I Close my eyes and breath deeply. The smell of the See making me calm. I Open my eyes again looking at the door thinking If I should Go Outside or not.
I decide to stand Up and go Outside for some fresh air. I Open the door and the sunlight shines in my face as soon as i Walk Out of the door. The waves Crash around the ship and a few birds fly above us. Suddenly I hear two voices coming from the left Side of the ship. I decide to See who the voices belong to and Walk into the direction the voices are coming from.
I Spot two of the Crew members Just chatting while looking into the distace. I Look closely and notice that the two Crew members seem to be San and Yunho. I slowly step closer to them Feeling Kind of nervous as I come closer. Suddenly San Turns around and spots me.
"oh hey...seems Like you are awake now. I was worried...are you Feeling better?" He asks now stepping closer to me.
I Just nod and Smile slightly. "Is your throat still hurting?" Yunho suddenly asks. I nod again. I'm still now able to talk...or Well I could but I would only get Out a few words. San Guides me to the end of the ship. I Look into the width of the sea...I remember the Times when me and my Friends used to swim around and have fun. But these dumm Pirates Always have to Ruin everything.
San seems to notice how sad I am and places His Hand on my shoulder. I Look at him with wide, confused eyes.
"You seem sad. Everything okay? Do you miss your Family?" He asks while giving me a concerned Look. I Just Look at him and then lower my head thinking about my mother...why did the Pirates have to Ruin another day?
"It's okay. I'm Here for you. I promise we'll try to find your Family. And until then you can stay with us! We'll keep you safe..." He sais. Then Yunho comes Up to us with a Smile on His face.
"San is right. I'm Sure your Family is Safe. And we'll keep you Safe until you can Go Back to your Family." Yunho gives me a big Smile and Stands Next to me.
I Smile Back, being Happy that they Care so much even though they don't even know me. As I Look into the Horizon where the sun is slowly setting i sigh. I let the Wind breeze through my (h/c) Hair and relax. My Body feels Like it's free and so light.
"There you are." A voice behind us suddenly sais.
"We are waiting for you Guys. Dinner is ready. Wooyoung already Set the table." The voice sais. All three of us Turn around to See Seonghwa Standing behind us with His Arms crossed.
We all follow Seonghwa into the kitchen where all the Other Crew members and Hongjoong are already sitting ready to eat. "Took you Guys Long enough." Wooyoung barcks. "Sorry...but we were Just comforting Our guest. If you thinks thats so bad then Not my Problem." San bites Back. "No fighting. Just Sit down and eat." Hongjoong sais.
After Dinner we all Just Talk and Chat about different things. Suddenly Hongjoong asks; "What's your Name? You never told us. I mean you couldn't until now..."
All of their eyes were on me and i feel a light Wave of nervousness Run through my Body. I Open my mouth to speak but only a caugh comes Out. "You don't need to speak If you can't..." Yunho sais while rubbing my Back slowly. I Smile and Shake my head.
"(y/n)..." I finally breath Out very quietly.
Hongjoong nods. "Thank you. From now on we can call you by yor name. That Sounds good right?" He sais. I nod and Smile at him.
"So Our Journey to Utopia is almost over. When we arrive we'll buy some clothes for (y/n) and get some provisions for our Journey to Treasure. It will Take about a week until we arrive at Treasure so we need new water, food and supplies. We'll arrive in Utopia in about two days so be ready. And (y/n), we'll find some better clothes for you I promise." Hongjoong sais before smiling at me.
I nod and bow to Show how greatfull I am for what they are doing for me.
The sun is now setting as I stand at the end of the ship again, just watching how the sun is slowly disapearing into the horizon.
"hey..." San suddenly sais Next to me. I Turn around facing him while smiling at him. "If you need anything Just Tell me. I'm Here for you and so are the Others." He sais. I bow and Smile at him. I'm starting to get tired and San seems to notice. "I should get you to your room. You should Rest. You need the Energy." He sais while taking my Hand guiding me Back to my room.
I Smile and as we Walk I can feel a weird Feeling in my stomach...I've never felt something Like this before. But it feels...nice.
We arrive at the door to my room. I Turn to San and smile. "T-thank y-you..." I say quietly as I Look Up at him. He gives me a sweet Smile and opens the door for me.
"Remember, If you need anything Just Talk to me." He sais before Putting some of my hair behind my ear smiling at me. I can feel my cheeks become hot. I Smile at him and slowly Walk into my room and slowly closing the door behind me. I sink down the door smiling to myself.
Maybe These Guys are Not so bad...
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tare-anime · 8 months
Royal Guard AU (wip)
There's a Royal AU for TwiYor week @twiyorbase, and I've had this wip for quite some time now, and I don't know when I'll finish it.
So, please accept this humble 'will be chapter 1 of someday will be finished fic'
Inspired by the amazing @mochidoodle Royal Guard AU art. (not at all part of their AU).
Prince Loid Forger of Westalis loves to go undercover and blend with his people to gain information. To ensure his safety during his late-night shenanigans, Westalis' General of Royal Knights assigns him a personal bodyguard. Unbeknownst to them, this personal bodyguard also has her own personal mission.
"Your Highness. This is Ms. Yor Roseate. She is to be assigned as your personal bodyguard starting today." 
Prince Loid Forger raises his brows as he looks up from the thick tomes in front of him. "And why do you think I need a personal bodyguard, Ms. Sherwood?" 
The red-haired General of the Royal Knights' brow furrows. "I think you know full well of the reason." 
Loid looks directly at her eyes. "I'm afraid I do not. Please enlighten me?" 
Instead of backing down, the older woman hardens her looks. "Do you really want me to spell it to you?" 
He sighs in defeat. 
He should've known better than to challenge their Royal Knights General, who is also his personal trainer and has been with him since they were young. 
Of course, the woman would know his nighttime shenanigans. And even though he had tried his best to cover his most recent injury (he was so sure he had done it secretly), those things do not escape Sylvia's observation. 
"You won't tell Father, will you?" 
The red-haired woman smirks. "Are you questioning my diplomatic ability?"
He chuckles, "No. Of course not." And then he mutters, "I still value my life after all." 
"What was that?"
"Nothing!!" He stands up and comes closer. "So, any special reason for assigning Ms. Roseate as my personal bodyguard? Why don't you yourself be one?" 
He saw the general gesture at the stiff woman beside her. "She might be the newest recruit, but she happens to be the strongest and most talented."
"Newest recruit?" 
"Mhmm. But I highly suggest you not underestimate her, lest you want to taste her wrath." 
Loid doesn't like the smug face of his martial arts mentor. 
There must be a hidden agenda that Sylvia is scheming. 
He plans to uncover that along the way. 
The man then focuses on the dark-haired woman that stand in perfect stance ever since she is introduced. 
Dark long hair, red eyes, and a lean figure. 
What interests him most is her unique lean rapier-like swords that rest at her hip. 
Double swords? Interesting….
"Well then. It's a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Roseate."
"The honor is mine, Your Highness." He sees her bow. 
Mmm… very polite. Let's see how long until she asks to be replaced.
"And I trust you'll be on your best behavior, Your Highness? Please do not underestimate the 'recent' rumors."
Darn it! Loid is sure that he has suppressed the smirk.
"Of course, Ms. Sherwood. You can count on me for that."
The look that Sylvia gives him tells that she doesn't believe every single word that he says. 
Loid just smiles politely. 
She knows me too well. 
It is the first day that Yor is officially on duty as crowned Prince Loid Forger Henderson's personal bodyguard. 
And she feels nervous. 
No, she doesn't think that her skills are under-standard. 
She has passed General Sherwood's tests with flying colors. 
It's the responsibility that unnerves her. 
If something bad happens to His Highness, then aside from that her head will be on the line, it will soil her reputation. 
And her mission.
She simply cannot allow that to happen.
So, she makes sure to stay close to His Highness and observe her surroundings thoroughly.
The day's tasks are part of Prince Loid's daily routines as crowned prince. He goes around villages, listening to the farmers' problems and giving advice to solve them and also taking notes for things the palace has to intervene to make sure they have a good harvest in upcoming months. 
In other places, he monitors the progress of their new harbor, designed to make sure their fish products can be packed and distributed to wider areas, one of the most promising export commodities of Westalis. 
On the way, he always returns the greetings of his subjects. 
Yor often hear about the humbleness of the Prince of Westalis. But to witness said act by her very own eyes is certainly a different experience. 
Seeing how the people of Westalia clearly love the Prince, and how he reciprocates each one of greetings is a bit overwhelming for her. 
There's a certain pang of alien emotion bubbling in her chest. 
When was the last time I felt envious of other people?
She squashes the feeling by refocusing on her task. 
The amount of people gathering so close to him can mean danger.
What if someone with bad intentions was among these people and was waiting for a chance to harm the Prince? 
So she better do her job properly and observe every small movement of the people, the environment, and every possible place for any surprise attack. 
Thankfully, no incident occurred that day until they returned to the palace.
Arriving back at the palace, Loid then sits in his room and starts to read, and sign paperwork. 
All the time, his newly assigned personal bodyguard sticks to his side, like what a usual bodyguard does. 
However, Loid's keen observation noticed how Ms. Roseate many times look tense and glaring at his surroundings. 
And she is still doing it now. He muses. 
"Are you always this stiff, Ms. Roseate?" 
He raises his brow when he sees her start. 
She immediately bows "Apologies, Your Highness." 
Loid chuckles and waves his hand. "Relax, will you? This is the last of my tasks for the day by the way. You are dismissed."
Yor blinks and answers, "I am sorry Your Highness. Ms. Sherwood assigned me to be at your side 24/7."
Loid's eyebrows arch, "24/7? Must you stay by my side even when I'm doing my business at the loo?"
Face immediately flushes, he hears Yor stammers, "O-Of course I'll be waiting outside, Sir…. I mean, Your Highness."
Loid guffaws. "That would be unnecessary. Sylvia can be too paranoid sometimes. But rest assured. Nothing bad will happen inside the palace. You may rest." 
He gives her his best reassuring smile which always manages to convince everyone. 
It looks like she is included.
He sees her fidgeting for a moment before finally Yor bows and retreats from his room. 
Loid smirks triumphantly. 
It is time to leave this confined palace and continue his nighttime routine. 
After applying the fake mustache and goatee, clad in his cloak, Loid, or now known as Twilight, sneaks out of the palace through a secret passage. 
The first place he always visits is The Frizz Tavern. 
The place may be reeking of tobacco smells and alcohol, but people always gather there and so are information and rumors. 
Today is no different. 
He comes in and takes his seat at the corner of the bar. Right beside a curly-haired man, who once again is seen trying to woo the waiter and failing. 
Slapping his shoulder, Twilight greets him. "Yo, Frankie. Still trying?" 
The shorter man grumbles, "Shut it! If only you would share one or two of your persona with me, you stingy bastard!" 
"It's not right to pursue women through deception, Frankie."
"You're one to talk!" Frankie grumbles, "Who is she?" 
Twilight raises one eyebrow, "Who's what?"
Frankie places his chin in his palm and points past Twilight, "Her of course, who else?" 
Puzzled, Twilight twirls on his chair and almost jumps from it in surprise. 
"Good evening." The calm and soft voice of Yor Roseate greets him.
Thankfully she is wearing a massive cloak that covers her from head to toe, hiding her royal guard uniform, and a mask that hides half of her face. 
But that doesn't answer his question, so he whispers, "What are you doing, here?!" 
"I'm following my order from Ms. She-...." 
Twilight immediately clamps her mouth and whispers, "No no no! Not here!"
Frankie peeks from his shoulder and says, " So you do know her. Is she another of your-..."
Twilight doesn't let him finish as he abruptly grabs Yor's wrist and briskly walks out from the tavern's back door. 
After making sure that they are alone, Twilight starts his questions, "How do you know where to find me?" 
"I'm following Your Highness."
Following him? From the palace? But he didn't feel anyone's presence.
He presses on, "Nobody should know I left the palace."
"I've been following you since you left the room."
Twilight blinks, "But I went through…." He abruptly stops himself lest he blurts his secret. 
"That passage is indeed very cleverly built, as expected from Your Highness. But as Ms. Sherwood said it is-...."
He lifts his hand to stop her, "Wait wait….. Sylvia knows about that??!!" 
The woman in front of him shrugs, "It's not that hard to find." 
Twilight faces faults. 
And suddenly Sylvia's warning rings in his mind: do not underestimate her.
Several weeks prior
  “You are to go on a solo mission in a faraway place. I wish you to keep up your impeccable performance and not put shame on our country.” 
Yor bows her head deeply. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Go. And make our country proud.” 
Once again Yor bows her head and turns to leave the majestic throne room.
“Oh, and Yor…”
She stops and turns to face the King of Ostania. 
She notices how His Majesty’s face softens a fraction as he whispers, “Please be careful.”
Yor smiles. “I will… Father.”
She then continues to pack her belongings and immediately departs to the kingdom of the West. 
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Hello, I just read your rules for fanfic requests, and I was wondering if you could do a Spy X Family request just some nice fluff
So this cute little fanfic is about Yor Forger teaching. Anya how to swim has a sort of bonding activity between the two. However, Yor begins to question herself if she's the mother anya really needs before anya helps her out from her sadness by having a bit of a water fight
Basically just a cute little fanic about mother and daughter bonding
Is this ok?
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the fanfic!
Fandom: Spy x Family
Characters: Yor Briar x Anya Forger (platonic)
Word Count: 0.8k (804 words)
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“Alright Miss Anya, straighten your legs out and stretch your arms in front of you.”
Anya did as she was told, trying her best to keep her balance in the water. Despite Yor’s firm grip on her waist, Anya could feel herself tilting sideways.
*Ooh, I’d better keep her straight.*
Yor’s hands pulled Anya back into a flat position and the young girl was able to get her arms and legs stretched out.
“Good job Miss Anya! Now, try kicking your feet, one at a time.”
Anya gave an experimental kick and felt herself move forwards in the water. She tried again, speeding up her legs until they were splashing up and down across the water’s surface.
She turned to smile at Yor, only to find the woman’s face and hair drenched and a surprised expression on her face. Anya couldn’t help but giggle and upon hearing the girl’s laugh, Yor’s face broke into a wide smile.
“Wonderful Miss Anya! You’re doing so well! Now, let’s try with the arms.”
Anya nodded, her expression determined. If she could master the art of swimming, she would surely be able to get a stella at the upcoming swimming competition and the mission would be a success. There would be world peace and she would be praised as Starlight Anya, the girl who swam faster than anyone!
She stretched her arms and legs out again.
“Alright, put your face in the water and try swinging your arms in circles, like windmills.” Yor instructed.
Anya lowered her face into the water, closing her eyes despite the goggles pressed close to her face. She swung her arms, feeling the water slide around her, disappear, and they slap back into her as she brought her arms back down.
*Ah, she’s not quite doing it. Her arms need to slide into the water, not smack down. But I suppose that’s okay…*
Anya heard Yor’s thoughts and gasped, air bubbles flying from her mouth. If she was going to swim, she was going to be the best at swimming. But as she was about to try again, she felt water flood into her nose and mouth and she had a pulled her head up quickly.
As soon as she was above water, Anya began coughing and gasping. Yor made a noise of surprise and began gently snacking the young girl’s back to try and help her clear her throat.
“Oh, are you alright Miss Anya?”
Anya nodded, tears pooling into her goggles from the coughing.
“How about you go over to Loid for a while and have a break?”
Anya nodded again and Yor helped her float over to the side closest to where Loid was sitting, dangling his feet in the pool. She lifted Anya out and set her down next to her father.
Loud rested a hand on the young girl’s back. “You okay?”
Anya coughed a few more times, wiping away the last few tears. “Uh huh.”
Loud turned to Yor. “I’ll sit with her for a while. Why don’t you have a swim yourself?”
Yor nodded and kicked off from the wall. As she floated away on her back, she let her mind wander.
*Am I doing enough? Miss Anya’s a lovely child and I want to be the best mother I can for her, even if I’m not really related to her. Loid’s very kind and is always patient with me but I’m worried about what he might be thinking. What if I’m not good enough. Am I the mother Miss Anya needs? Maybe Loid should find someone else to take over…*
Yor gasped as water crashed over her face. She swung her legs down to bring herself back to vertical in the water and looked around. Anya was floating in the water next to her, Loid holding her under the armpits. The young girl had her hands poised above the water, ready to send another wave at Yor.
She smiled at the woman. “Water fight!”
Anya hoped this plan would work. She had heard Yor’s thoughts from over by the side and was gripped with a sudden panic. Was Yor going to leave the family? What would happen to the Folgers if she left? There was only one thing for it. “Plan: Show Yor That She’s a Great Mum by Having a Water Fight” was a go!
Yor flicked her eyes up at Loid who also shot a small smile her way. “Anya’s pretty keen on having a water fight with you. If you don’t mind, of course.”
Yor looked back at the eager girl and felt herself smiling as well. She might not be the best mother, but she was doing her best and Anya certainly seemed happy enough.
“Well Miss Anya, I’m happy to oblige. But don’t think I’ll go easy on you!”
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Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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sofya-fanfics · 9 months
Falling Asleep Next To You
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Fandom : Spy x Family
Relationship : Loid x Yor
My Tropetember 2023 contribution for the prompt : Sharing A Bed.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Loid stared at the wall, unable to sleep. Yor was on the other side of the bed with their backs to one another. He could not tell if she was sleeping or not. Why could not he sleep ? Why did he feel this weird feeling deep down ?
Disclaimer : Spy x Family belongs to Tatsuya Endo.
Loid stared at the wall, unable to sleep. Yor was on the other side of the bed with their backs to one another. He could not tell if she was sleeping or not. He knew from the beginning that by pretending to be a married couple, this kind of situation had to happen. It was the mission and it was not the first time that he had shared a bed with a woman or a man for a mission. So why could not he sleep ? Why did he feel this weird feeling deep down ?
Yuri had come to visit them unannounced for dinner. He had drunk too much and Yor had refused to let him go home and left him her bed for the night. Of course, for everyone, Yor's bedroom was just a simple guest room, since they were married and like any couple they slept in the same bed. Loid closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. He felt Yor move.
“Loid-san,” she whispered.
He could have ignored her and pretend he was sleeping, but he did not want to. He turned over and looked at her. He thought it was the first time he had been so close to her. They were almost nose to nose. His gaze bore into hers.
“I'm sorry about Yuri,” she said. “But I couldn't let him go like this.”
Loid smiled to reassure her.
“You don't have to apologize, you did well. If you want, I can go to sleep on the couch and come back before Yuri wakes up.”
Yor shook her head and blushed.
“You don’t have to. After all, we are married.”
Loid nodded. She was right, they were not doing anything wrong.
“Let's try to sleep,” he said.
“Yes. Good night Loid-san.”
“Good night.”
Yor closed her eyes and fell asleep after a few minutes. Loid looked at her. He lived with her and therefore they spent a lot of time together. He had gotten to know her and he would never have thought it possible, but he loved all those times spent with her and Anya. Without he realized it, they had become a real family. A few months ago, he would have laughed, saying that Twilight was a spy ready to do anything to accomplish the mission he was given, and not a husband and a father.
He smiled slightly as he looked at Yor. She was so peaceful in her sleep, it made the moment magical. He slowly raised his hand and brushed a strand away from her eyes. Loid froze and opened his eyes wide. What was wrong with him ? Why was he making tender gestures towards her ? It was not the first time he was tender towards a woman, but each time it was for a specific purpose. With Yor, he acted unconsciously, normally. It was the first time he had done this. And strangely, it made him happy.
He slowly took his hand away. Yor moved slightly, but she did not wake up. It was better that way. He did not know what to say to explain his gesture. He looked at her for a few more minutes, enjoying this quiet moment with her. For a moment, he was no longer Twilight the spy, but Loid Forger the family man. And for a second, he thought he would like to stay like this for the rest of his life. He slowly closed his eyes and finally fell asleep.
The end
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piracytheorist · 1 year
A few things about young [redacted]
The manga has only "teased" his appearance, up to the point that the anime has gotten, with no clear pictures of his face.
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It's either not fully shown, or shown from too far of a distance to make for a "clear" picture. Maybe this last one could fit, but it's definitely no HD stuff, and that's deliberate.
Instead, the anime went like "we took these to forensics and told them ENHANCE"
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the contrast between those two pictures, my god
Like, look. I'm sure there was a deliberate choice behind not showing him clearly at this point in the manga. But... I don't know if it would have hit harder in the anime if the first show we got of him was with half his face hidden.
Manga uses different techniques. You're meant to look at each panel for a few seconds, especially one as heavy as this. There's other details that catch your attention and make you realize the gravity of the situation - mainly, the dirt and the blood on this small child, with the sleeve of his shirt torn and an injury peeking underneath - that you don't need to fully see his devastated face to get the message. In fact, hiding his eyes is like it's leaving it to us to imagine how hard he's crying - and with the way it's presented, no-one is going to imagine anything mild.
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Instead, anime uses other techniques, and seems to have toned down the violence (censorship issues, I guess?). There is no clear show of blood on him, though his shirt is torn in the exact same place. The smudges on his face match the ones on his shirt, and with the destroyed buildings around him you're more likely to think it's dirt and dust rather than bruises and blood. To make up for that, it uses animation to show this poor kid bawling and shaking with sobs in the middle of ruins, all on his own, while his hands keep hopelessly grasping and letting go of his shirt. Hiding his face would only confuse the audience, making us question why, what's the narrative importance behind us not seeing his eyes?
Now as to the second (and timeline-wise, earlier) flashback, I think it's very important that the anime tried to hit for the contrast; little [redacted] sleeping soundly in his mother's lap, then Twilight waking up in Yor's lap and freaking the fuck out.
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Warm colours in the flashback to cold colours in the present. Flushed cheeks to a face half-dipped in shadow. Leaning on someone to jerking away from someone. Safety and trust to alert and distrust.
Idk man I just think that anime has the disadvantage over manga when it comes to how long you see something. In manga you can look at a panel for however long you like; in anime you may not have the option to pause, and even if you do anime is not supposed to be watched by you pausing every few seconds. And this contrast up there is important; it cannot be blink and you miss it, you need to see it clearly, you need to understand how the little boy that felt safety in his mother's arms became a man that doesn't feel safe closing his eyes next to someone even for a few minutes.
Even when it's clearly depicted that this someone reminds him of the safety he felt back then.
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Sometimes, anime has to be in-your-face. There are times it cannot afford subtleties and vagueness.
So instead of doing what the manga did - showing his young self from afar and with very few details in order to communicate how detached Twilight is from that boy - the anime went HD on his face to point out the contrast between who he was and who the circumstances of his life forced him to become.
(And honestly, I don't think anyone complained)
(Anime-only fan here (idk if that's what you'd call me when I've clearly read the manga up the point the anime has gotten but that's what I call myself), don't spoil me for the (rest of the) manga)
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vampzzi · 11 months
Hii you can do a Hobie x reader with daddy issues problems, maybe like reader's father dont like Hobie i love the idea if you can i will be so happy xoxo😺
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cw : arguing, fighting, daddy issues , Hobie almost gets arrested
authors note : as someone with daddy issues, I’d love to complete this request.
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It was a tense Wednesday night as you and your dad sat on the couch. Hobie sound asleep in your bed as your dad spoke first “I don’t like him, he seems like bad news” you scuff and cross your arms “and when have you ever liked anyone I date.” His eyes boring into yours with that same look of disappointment and irritation, that same face you hated seeing. “He seems like a junkie, I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“You never let me have anything good in life, it’s always your way”
“It’s for the best, I want what’s best for you”
“Then why can’t I be happy with him”
“Cause I just can’t approve of it.”
“You’ll understand when you’re ol-“ you cut him off with a sharp response “I’m older now dad, I’m not your little girl anymore. Im a full grown woman who is compatible of getting a car, having a license and going to work just like every other adult in this harsh world.” You’re cutting him off again before he can speak “you HAVE to stop babying me and you want what’s best for me. At least stop doing that.”
“You live under MY roof, not to mention I’m your father. You may be older but whatever i say goes when you live here.” What the fuck was he getting mad because you spoke out your truth, your fist balled in your lap as you chewed at your lip to ease your own anger, trying to keep yourself calm.
“I literally help around here with things, why can’t I just live my life?! you keeping saying it’s for the “better” but it’s not. You’re just controlling and want to push your definition of better onto me” your tone is harsh and your own voice is louder in volume, knowing you shouldn’t raise your voice at him cause of how he’ll spams out about it but he’s already three steps ahead of you.
“Don’t use that tone with me.”
“ I talk however I want cause I’m not a little girl.”
“Have some respect for your father”
“I will when you respect me.”
Up and off the couch as you’re walking away from him, he’s telling you to come back and sit down cause he’s not finished but you’re drowning him out. You don’t have the patience nor time for him anymore. It’s been far too long to deal with him as you’re opening your bedroom to reveal sleeping Hobie as you close the door quietly.
That was the first occurrence about Hobie.
Today is Thursday and you’re getting off your small little job that’s not the greatest but gets the bills paid and food in the house. You’re unlocking the door to see your boyfriend and your father, your father has your hands all over your boyfriend as Hobie is trying to not to put his hands on him for your sake. “You don’t deserve my daughter, you’re not good.” He’s yelling at Hobie as he pulls him and Hobie crashes into a wall and you’re quick to run over and grab your fathers arm as he’s trying to push further with Hobie.
“Stop this”
“Get your hands off me and stay in your place little girl”
He grabs your wrist as he holds onto it tightly as he’s tossing you on the couch as you clench your wrist. It aches and Hobie is quick to react when he hears your cry and he’s all up in your fathers space “Puttin' yor hands on yor daughter? that’s wild” his accent thick as your father tries to put his hands on Hobie again and he’s grabbing his hand. “Get the fuck out before I call the cops on you.”
Your dad is dead serious and you can tell and you just whimper while you hold your wrist. “gladly” Hobie is assisting you by your side as he sees that your wrist is bruising. “We’ll get you some ice when we get to my place” Hobie is assisting you as he’s grabbing your keys and wrapping his arm around you as you two walk out the door.
When you guys get to his little place, he’s opening the door inside and motioning you to sit as he’s fetching you some ice for your wrist. His place is small but cozy and you could get use to waking up here with him, you were disappointed in your dad and thought he’d change but you were proven wrong again. “Sorry you 'ave a dad like that” he’s sitting down next to you handing you an ice pack as you place it on your wrist letting your head fall on his shoulder.
“It’s fine Hobie, I’m just glad I’m with you now”
“glad to be with you too luv”
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