turkeyborgar · 3 days
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Seb 🐊
I got lazy with the hair (like always) i deleted the wip ver aha
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ukaroz · 3 days
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My hunter, my poison apple, and my potato Prefect
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adenlicpng · 2 days
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art challenge with the lizard boy🦎
base by @/k_mb001
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fearmeeeee · 1 day
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oya-oya-okay · 2 days
This is not what you need to do at 2 a.m.... BUT! Here!!!🐙🐙🐙
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I also want to try to turn a human sprite into a mermaid! Please wait for this🙌💗
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skyenish · 2 days
(Soulmates can be interperted as both platonic or romantic, so its up to you)
Am I late to this trend? Yes. Did I reuse an old frame? Yes. Also, this post is not an excuse for Kalim hate. It’s just so interesting to me how Kalim never realized how much he hurt Jamil. Its also interesting how the roles can be just as easily switched, with Jamil being the one hurting Kalim. It was difficult to choose who would take which role in this animatic, but I eventually decided on this, since Kalim burns away at Jamil, he keeps him away from what Jamil himself wants. In the end Jamil is just a commodity for Kalim, an accessory. Now of course Kalim doesn’t see Jamil that way, but Jamil does feel that way, and he hates it. Jamil has to be perfect for Kalim, but he can’t be better than him. Kalim burns away at him and uses him as a fuel. Jamil has to fix Kalim’s many mistakes. He can’t fly away, because he’s stuck with Kalim.
I love the Scarabia duo so much, and they have so much to think about and so much depth and complexity. Every day I worry that I misunderstood something or mischaracterize them, which makes me very anxious, but I always at least try to make my observations and animatics as accurate as possible, and when I do get something wrong I like to see it as a learning moment!
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fruity-arts · 2 days
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happy pride month 😊😊😊😊
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hxney-lemcn · 2 days
Cliche Trope — Overblots x gn! reader
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summery: your cliche romantic trope
tw: mentions of death (Malleus, Idia), slight angst (Jamil, Azul)
a/n: kinda back, idk this gave me mini inspriation
wc: 1.5k (~200 each character)
Master List
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Riddle Rosehearts — Childhood Sweethearts
You knew Riddle since you both were young. Even if his mother kept him locked away for most of his childhood, you managed to worm your way into some of his fondest memories. Unlike Trey or Che’nya, for some reason Riddle found himself floundering around you. At first he waved it away as finding you annoying. You would continue to pester him, distracting him from his studies, making him imagine what it would be like to play with you and Trey when he was stuck in his room. He hated when you brought him treats and trinkets. A weed of a flower one day, or a malformed cupcake another (you had made it with Trey). Whenever Riddle saw you he couldn’t help but scowl at how carefree you seemed, how much fun you seemed to be having, but he would never admit his jealousy. But it was hard for him to aim his anger towards you, not when you tried to include him to the best of your ability, not when you smiled so sweetly at him, and not when his heart stuttered when you were finally able to drag him away from the shackles of his mother.
Leona Kingscholar — Enemies to Lovers
You hated Leona and he hated you. It was mutual. You wouldn’t have given two shits about him if it weren’t for the fact that he did absolutely nothing to help with your project. You both had been partnered for it, and he hadn’t even said a word to you the entire two weeks you had been tasked to complete it. At first you didn’t care, used to being forced to cover your ass in a project that no one else wanted to work on, but every time you saw that lion laze about you couldn’t help but feel peeved. You had tried to ask him to contribute, but he only waved you off with a glare. You could’ve just ended it at that, avoiding him for the rest of your school career and then never seeing him again, but life has a cruel way of making jokes. He had been your seatmate the next year, and although he skipped a lot, you loathed having to sit so close. Yet, over time, you found yourself growing fond of the prince. You weren’t sure why your banter with him had become something you looked at fondly, but you didn’t want to dive too deep into your feelings for Leona.
Azul Ashengrotto — Love Potion
It was a complete accident. Multiple things going wrong at once. You and Deuce had made the wrong potion, and you accidently ingested a small dose. It wasn’t exactly the typical love potion, it was a potion that enhanced your feelings for whomever you felt an attraction towards. And since the amount you ingested wasn’t a typical serving amount, the effects were dim. You couldn’t tell you were under the effects of the potion, just that you had the strong urge to visit Azul. You felt a bit desperate to see him again, and you weren’t sure why the tug to see him had grown so rapidly. You gave into your urges, visiting the Mostro Lounge after classes ended. You couldn’t find it in yourself to be ashamed at the way you perked up when Azul made his rounds around the lounge, checking in on guests, or the way your eyes sparkled as he slowly approached your own seat. The tweels watched on in amusement, somehow knowing of your condition before you. And as you two conversed, Azul slowly started noting the symptoms of the very potion you had ingested, and a sense of disappointment washed over him. He couldn’t help but wish you truly felt that way towards him. 
Jamil Viper — Love/Hate
You were absolutely annoying. Like a persistent fly that refused to leave no matter how many times Jamil shooed you away. You’d make a mess of the kitchen trying to ‘help’ him, you’d do the laundry which ruined Kalim’s expensive clothes, you’d clean using the wrong products. Your help hindered him, and he wished you’d just stop. He had no idea why you bothered him so much, and you were just another headache that added on to his current migraine. So why did he feel terrible when you finally stopped bothering him? Why did he start to regret how he snapped at you, hissing terrible things that almost made you cry. Why did he feel his heart shatter at the downtrodden look you gave him as you apologized and turned tail? He’ll admit that he shouldn’t have snapped, it was a lapse in judgment that he thought he had better control over. If he snapped that way at Kalim it would be over for him, but you weren’t Kalim or even a noble, so he shouldn’t care. Yet Jamil found himself missing your presence, your embarrassed look as he corrected your mistakes, missed the way you followed his instructions to learn how to properly clean clothes or cook, the way you smiled so brightly when you did something correctly…perhaps he liked you more than he initially realized. 
Vil Schoenheit — Fake Relationship
Vil Schoenheit was one of the top bachelors, and he was finding the title to be a chore to deal with. The media would constantly spectate on his love life (not that he really had one), and his fans kept going crazy about shipping him with other stars. It was taxing, and although he understood why his team wanted to keep him single, he wanted people to focus on his work more than his personal life. Although dating would bring a mirage of cameras, stories, and rumors, they would dissipate just as quickly and hopefully people would focus more on his movies than silly rumors. Which is where you come in. As his friend, he sought you out for the star role right by his side. He felt the most comfortable around you so why not? As he trained you on how to handle the media, as the fake dates started, and the fake love you both played so well continued, the lines started to blur. Soon, Vil found himself doting on you behind closed doors as well, taking care of you and longing to keep that beautiful smile on your face. How his heart fluttered when you’d congratulate him after a shoot, handing him a water bottle and doting on him as well. He had come to a realization not long after that he had fallen for you, and planned on turning your fake relationship into something real. 
Idia Shroud — Arranged Marriage
Arranged marriages weren’t common in the modern age. Yet you found yourself admitting to your peers that you were already engaged. What surprised them even more was just who you were engaged to. From a young age, your and Idia’s parents had set up the arrangement. Your family got more out of it than the Shroud’s, but they still found benefit in the set up. You had grown up with Idia, your parents finding it beneficial if you both got along. As you both grew up together, you had been through a lot. You were there for Idia when his younger brother died, and from then on you both had become inseparable. Although you despise your parents for selling you off from a young age, you could never hate Idia. The two of you would stay locked in his room, playing games, watching anime, waiting for merch release, you name it. Idia on the other hand had no idea what he’d do without you. He also loathes the idea of getting married for money or family ties, but he’s grateful it meant he met you…and he doesn’t despise the thought of becoming your husband, but he thinks you deserve better. The both of you were put in a shitty situation, but you both had ended up loving the other regardless. If only Idia could give you the happily ever after you truly deserved. 
Malleus Draconia — Reincarnated Lovers
Fae are known to live many lifetimes longer than humans. This is one of the many reasons why they tend to stay away from humans. To fall for a human is known as a tragedy for fae, as they will long outlive their partner. For Malleus, he didn’t hesitate to fall for such a strange, but lovely human. He knew the fae’s history well, but you were not like the humans from old tales he’d heard. You were simply lovely, and Malleus knew that you were the one. The only one he’d ever love. A shame, since your lifespan was so much shorter compared to his. When you passed, he fell into a depressive state, everything reminded him of you and he didn’t know what to do. He loved you so greatly, but you were no longer with him. That was until he spotted you again, you weren’t the same. Your favorites had changed, you looked slightly different, but your aura was still there. He had found you again, and again, and again. He would continue to find you until he turned to ash, and even then, in his next life, he knows he’d find you again. You were his one true love, and he was yours. Although it could still be seen as a tragedy, to watch the one you love die over and over again, Malleus wouldn’t change it for the world, because no matter what, he knows you’ll find each other again, because you were his and he was yours.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 2 days
Meaningful Kiss 2
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SUMMARY: Would they make Public Displays of Affection? If not, are they protective instead? And how do they show you how much they truly love you through their kisses? 💋
CHARACTERS: Freshmen (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Romantic Relationship; Kissing; Flirting
WARNING: Spoilers from Ace Suitor Suit Card Vignettes
WORD COUNT: An average of 330 words per character.
COMMENTS: The first Meaningful Kiss with the Overblot Students went so well and so many people liked it that I thought about doing another one with the next most popular group, the Freshmen. And according to a poll more than 80% of the votes were for "OMG! YES PLEASE!" So here it is.
I hope you all enjoy 😘
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CONTEXT: For some of them I needed to think first about what the beginning of the relationship would be like. But this would already be how they would act in an established relationship.
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Ace is kinda into PDA, but more to tease you and mess with you. He is very comfortable with you. He has no problem putting his arm around your shoulders or waist with a playful smile. Often to try to convince you not to be the voice of reason and join him in trouble.
In public he may hug you a lot, but the only kisses he gives you are on the forehead or cheek. Because on the lips, those are the special ones! And those are reserved for your private moments.
You two are usually alone in Ramshackle Dorm, mainly in the Lounge. You would have many movie sessions where you would make popcorn and snacks together. And it is in these moments, where there is a high chance of you messing with each other, like throwing flour at each other or smearing each other's noses with chocolate, that his most meaningful kisses can happen. In a fun atmosphere.
His most meaningful kisses are playful and grateful. He hugs you like he never wants to lose you. His kisses are passionate, not in a sense of desire, but in a sense of gratitude. You know those moments when something happens that makes a person remember why they love someone else? These are those moments and those kisses. These kisses mean "thank you for being in my life".
However, there are also certain other times when kisses like this can happen. Imagine him getting into trouble and you ending up in trouble too. But of course, instead of handing Ace over, you protect him, help him hide or even hide with him. It is in these moments that you can also receive a passionate kiss from him. “Thank you for being my partner in crime” kisses.
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Deuce is very new to these things, so he's not a fan of PDA. But even when he's gotten used to your relationship, he doesn't see PDA as something necessary. You love each other and you only need to prove that to each other.
BUT if you really like it when he hugs you or gives you a kiss on the cheek, he might do it for you. On the lips, those are the special ones and he is very embarrassed to give them to you in public because he needs to be comfortable to kiss you properly.
At first, he will still get flustered easily and probably blush a lot. It's all very new to him. So, even holding your hand will take a little while for him to get used to it. But once enough time has passed, he won't have any problems even linking his arm with you. And also given enough time, he will start to be that boyfriend who gives you a kiss on the cheek every time he greets you and every time he says goodbye.
For his most meaningful kisses there will be special places. Places where he will take you on his Blastcycle (Magical Wheel). If he takes you on a date. These kisses can also happen in sporadic moments where he feels so happy to have you that he forgets everything else.
His kisses are passionate, urgent, like it's something he needs to give you. You know when he gets so angry that his ex-delinquent self shows up? Now think about that intensity and lack of control, but with love and affection. He is more sentimental than rational, so I believe he is the type of person who is not ashamed to tell the people closest to him how important they are. And he won't think twice to decide whether to show you how much he loves you or not in a romantic moment.
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Jack tries not to do PDA, or at least he tried more in the beginning. It's all still very new to him and he knows that you are his partner for life, so there is plenty of time to get used to the relationship.
Wolf beastmen only have one special someone, ever. They choose a single partner to care for. He chose you, the same way you chose him and now he is committed to you for life. And both he and you expect this to be a long time, so there's no need to rush anything.
He's not much into PDA, but eventually he'll feel more comfortable holding hands with you or letting you link your arm through his. At first, any kiss was still awkward in public, but after a while he ended up having no problem giving you a quick kiss on the cheek if you asked, or if he was very happy. And only some time after this phase, he will feel more comfortable giving you a quick kiss on the lips, usually to say goodbye.
Why are all his kisses in public quick? Because the slow ones are the private ones. Despite his tough wolf exterior, with you, especially in private, he can be a puppy. Rare are the times when he isn’t wagging his tail when he's with you. Or smiling, even if it's just a little. He likes to cuddle! The best moments alone with you are when you can rest in each other's arms. You can pet him. Please do.
He gives you sweet, light and lingering kisses on your cheeks and lips, but the most meaningful ones are a mix of gentleness and excitement. Do you know when dogs are so happy that they get excited? Think of that excitement, but gentler, more caring, more careful. He wants to show you how much he loves you, but he is also aware of his strength and that you are a human, less strong than a beastman/woman.
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Being faithful to the character and his complexes, I don't believe Epel would have a relationship with someone more masculine than himself. So I believe his significant other would be more feminine than him or a girl.
If you're not a girl, it might take longer for him to get to this stage. But if you are, at first he may see you as a bit of a trophy, just a little. You will find him more cocky than usual and he won't have any problems with PDA, quite the opposite, he wants to show everyone your relationship. He'll put his arm around you a lot, whether it's around your shoulders or your waist. He'll try to get over the fact that you're taller than him if you are, but if you're shorter, he might feel like the protective boyfriend he so wants to be.
It will be a rocky start. And you will have to have a talk with him about the sudden change in attitude towards you. He will apologize a lot and reveal that yes, he is proud of himself for being in a relationship with you, because he is proud to be someone you can trust and fall in love with. The last thing he wants is to be disrespectful to you. This is still new for him, so can you help him be better?
After this beginning of learning, you will discover that yes, he genuinely likes PDA. He is a prideful person. Proud of himself for the person he is becoming with you and proud of you for... everything. And he wants to show everyone how much you deserve his affection.
He can hold your hand, hug you, and give you kisses on the cheek, but kisses on the lips are special, and less confident, at least at first. He has no experience and he doesn't want to ruin the moment. But once he gets used to it, you'll find that his kisses are just as sweet, cute and delicate as the appearance he's learning to embrace.
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Good Luck! Sebek is... intense, but slow. Especially because he follows Lilia's “advices” too much. According to Lilia, once he falls in love with someone, he must pen them a letter. With a fountain pen since that and stationery are the true weapons in matters of love. He shall pen his feelings, slip a photo of his smiling visage into every third missive, and repeat this until the twenty-fifth full moon.
Of course you won't be able to bear this for long and you'll have to have a talk with him and Lilia. He’ll ask Lilia what to do from now on, and seeing that things are real now, he'll probably just reply: "Whatever you feel you should do. Trust your heart, but never overlapping yours with (Y/N)’s. That's it! Good luck."
Just like he does with Malleus, Sebek's way of showing that he likes someone is by admiring and protecting them. So, at first it will be just that, he will be close to you and you will receive many words of affirmation.
However, even after he becomes more comfortable with you, you will find that he is indifferent to PDA. At least PDA initiated by him. But if you say you want to hold hands, a hug, a kiss, whatever it is, your wishes are orders! Literally!
In that case, he will never have any problem doing any of the things you ask. Do you want to walk hand in hand? He will extend his hand like a gentleman asking his date to dance. Do you want a hug? He'll open his arms and let you in, maybe even give you a kiss on the forehead if you're feeling down.
Do you want a kiss? What kind of kiss? On the forehead? Granted! On the cheek? For sure! On the lips? Then you have to be careful. Remember that he never hides how much he likes and admires someone. He doesn't exactly have one kiss more special than the other. he will give you any kind of kiss you wish. Like I said, your wishes are orders and you will feel it in his kisses. His most meaningful kisses are all, because they are all to make you happy.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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darkacua · 2 days
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Two princes fighting the same war from different sides.
I'm not going to lie to you, I'm a sucker for angst when it comes to these two and their sibling relationship.
I also decided to stop lying to myself and say that I was going to make a cleaner version of this drawing.
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So...I was wondering if you had a post on information concerning Ace's older brother? Purely for research purposes of course...😅
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Ask, and you shall receive!
This is a compilation of all the canon information I could find on Ace’s older brother. He has yet to be named, so 😅 errrr… I'll be referring to him as “Anippola" (as in “Trappola aniki”) in this post.
Anippola is older than Ace by 7 years.
According to Ace, his brother was even more excited about Ace getting into NRC than their parents were.
Before Ace was accepted into NRC, his older brother would take him along with him to various places.
He is an alumnus of NRC and was previously in Heartslabyul dorm; this is why Ace is not surprised when he, too, is sorted into Heartslabyul.
Ace talks with his older brother over the phone. Sometimes they talk late into the night, which occasionally makes Ace late in the mornings.
He “built up a whole repertoire of magic tricks” from his days as a NRC student. Ace learned them by playing watching, memorizing, and then finally replicating those magic tricks, since Anippola refused to tell him how to do them. It is through these kinds of experiences that Ace has become quite adaptable.
He learned some sleight of hand tricks from their magicless father too.
Whenever the Trappola men are together, they will challenge each other to pull off various tricks.
Ace reports that his older brother told him "the most convincing lies are sprinkled with a dash of the truth". This implies that Ace may have learned how to lie so cleverly from Anippola, or at the very least was inspired by his advice.
Ace's brother bought a luxury watch with his first paycheck. He framed it as though it was Ace's birthday gift, but then revealed the item was actually for himself and gave Ace an empty box instead.
Anippola later apologized and gave Ace a box of candy, which annoyed his little brother (because Ace says he's not a little kid, of course he wouldn't be happy about receiving candy!)
Another time, Anippola purposefully snuffed out the candles on Ace's birthday cake. This resulted in a fight between the brothers.
From these stories, we can deduce that Anippola s a prankster.
He did his 4th year NRC internship at a theme park management company designing shows and attractions. (The dialogue could also be interpreted as generally working in the entertainment industry, not specifically for the theme park company.) Anippola currently works for that same place.
There is supposedly a picture of Ace's brother hung up in the hallway by the teacher's lounge. The photo is from when Anippola led the card solider parade for a Magical Shift/Spelldrive opening ceremony.
Ace says his brother is not the type to make sweets for him.
Anippola wasn't all too interested in dorm life.
He told Ace about various ways to kill time at his dorm.
Ace describes Anippola as someone who is light-hearted, casual, and easy to get along with.
Ace also admits that it can be advantageous to have an older brother, as they are an example to follow and could support him in that way. He specifically mentions school life and job hunting as examples.
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janahanooo · 3 days
Rapunzel Yuu: I wanted to thank you guys for sending me your left over paint! The cutout hearts we cute too! Oh and the roses were so beautiful!
Riddle: what? When did we-
Ace: -OH IT'S NOTHING! I just noticed you were running low on paint so no need to thank me but thank you my little flower I'm glad you liked it say did you paint anything with them already?
Trey, Cater, Deuce, Riddle: ...
Riddle: Is he-?
Trey: a fool in love?
Deuce: a dumbass?
Cater: all of the above? Yes.
Malleus: so he gave you... a what now?
Rapunzel Yuu: It's suppose to be an abstact portre of Ace, but this looks like a crab... so cute
Malleus: he doesn't deserve you, truly
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mellosdrawings · 2 days
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Clothes swap.
Every once in a while I'm tempted to redraw this one. I'd love to give Azul Jamil's precise hairstyle and give Jamil more wavy hair. Someday maybe I'll really do it.
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kamapon · 20 hours
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And finally, the dragon prince!
I've already finished my Overbottled (badm*tss*) set!!
I'll be opening preorders soon so stay tuned!
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gummibunnie · 2 days
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