#floyd leech
questionartbox · 2 days
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Shortcut! 🦈💨✨ art tumblr | art twt | everything-twt
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dailytwsttweets · 2 days
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I’m cramping 🤒 I hate periods sm
First post is inspired by that hc I got sent about idia seeing unhinged users, second post has some nsfw implications between Cater and Malleus so be careful with that, the Jade one with slenderman is because my friend Mal has a hc that Jade was into creepypasta, and the Epel and Ace one is from another ask I got recently
(Will be cross posted on @tsubomisno1fan !)
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cloudcountry · 2 days
i really like the idea of floyd falling softly for someone. like his love itself is tumultuous but the process? slow. i like the idea of him slowly realizing that he likes you a little more than anyone else, that he wants to spend time with you. seeking you out as "just friends" before realizing oh, this feels weird. this feels different. i like how this feels. hugging you just a bit tighter because, just like before, he doesn't want to let go. but its different. it'll never be the same.
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this isn’t exactly a question, but has twisted wonderland ever expanded on gender norms before? I know in sunset savanna women seem to be highly respected, but it seems like that is a behavior unique to sunset savanna. It seems like gender discrimination might be uncommon in briar valley because Mallenoa was so respected by her subjects, but Sebek, silver, and grim were surprised to find out she was so self sufficient and powerful when they met her in Lilia’s dream (this is more my interpretation tho) . in the endless night event, silver tells a story about a warrior who taught for her country, which is a reference to mulan i think, and the person he is telling the story to is very surprised that the strong warrior is a girl. I think silver told that story to Leona but I don’t remember. I’ve heard that royal sword academy is a school boys and girls can both attend, but night raven college is one of the most prestigious magic schools out there, so it being boys only makes me wonder if gender is a part of magic politics, although we have been shown female characters who have high educations and magical abilities such as Mrs . Rosehearts
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No, not really? It’s explicitly mentioned and touched upon in extended conversations maybe a total of… 3ish times. Of those instances, most are referring to the Sunset Savanna.
Gender norms and politics are some of those elements of world-building that can come off as really ham-fisted and preachy if the characters stop everything altogether and just start expositing about it. Thankfully, TWST largely doesn’t take that “telling” route and instead “shows” us what they mean through subtle implications.
Now, for the most part I think the gender norms of Twisted Wonderland are similar to the real world, but may be more progressive overall.
For one, Twisted Wonderland has many male characters (both in NRC and beyond it) who openly wear cosmetics. No one ever comments on men wearing makeup or dressing up in a negative light. Sometimes they complain about putting makeup on (ie the effort) or certain fashions they don’t vibe with but never do they say it’s “not manly” for them to put on makeup/perfume/jewelry, care about their clothing, etc. Even the characters we traditionally think of as masculine (Jack, Leona, etc.) wear eyeliner and eyeshadow, jewelry, or try new styles of clothing. Floyd and Ace express interest in fashion. Jamil cares about the quality of textiles and Kalim is willing to buy tons of jewelry for himself (and his classmates!!) if the mood strikes him. Rook regularly compliments people’s looks and Cater has an eye for aesthetics too. Lilia brags that he is “cute” and likes to show off his cuteness to others. And, of course, we cannot forget our queen Vil, who champions the idea of challenging and redefining gender norms. He also shares these ideals with Epel, who has been called out by Vil for having “outdated” gender norms. Given that Vil is such a popular celebrity (5 million followers on Magicam), I get the impression that the sentiments he extols is a popular way of thinking and is the direction that TWST society wants to move toward. (This is assuming that his fans are mainly younger people.) The boys often “dress up” and wear different makeup when visiting new places such as Silk City and and Clock Town, so it appears that a lot of Twisted Wonderland society that we’ve explored leans more liberal when to comes to gender expression.
Another detail I think is important is that many of the Great Seven—in fact, over half of them—are women. This is notable because oftentimes history glosses over the achievements and accomplishments of women in favor of their male peers. The fact that NRC and all of Twisted Wonderland seems to honor them in addition to their male counterparts says something. The G7 women aren’t even the only instance of female figures who shaped history. Azul and Floyd, for example, have brought up the Mermaid Princess on multiple occasions, talking about how her union with a human prince and personal efforts have strengthened the bond between land and sea.
Gendered terms to refer to mages exist, but according to Lilia, “witches” and “wizards” are outdated (they were used during the human/fae war era of ~400 years ago). Currently, most prefer to use the gender neutral terms “mage” or sometimes “sorcerer”.
There does not appear to be gender restrictions in terms of the modern day workforce either. We know of the boys’ family members who are great mages or hold significant power or status. Mrs. Rosehearts is an accomplished medical mage, Mrs. Ashengrotto runs the most popular restaurant in the Coral Sea and his grandmother is a benefactor to those in the neighborhood, Mrs. Shroud is STYX’s Chief Engineer, Meleanor is an integral leader of Briarland’s military forces, Maleficia is queen, etc. Even the women in more mundane roles play vital parts in their communities: Mrs. Clover is a baker alongside her husband, Mrs. Zigvolt assists her husband in his dental clinic, Granny Bucchi supports him as his only relative, Marja travels and helps sell her family’s produce, etc. There are many economic opportunities for women in this world.
Some may point out that NRC is a prestigious all-boys school, so there aren’t opportunities for women in education. The same goes for RSA, which is another prestigious all/ boys school. To that, I say… that’s because NRC is a very limited scope of magic education as a whole. We don’t know how many other schools are out there or if all magic schools are boys only. It’s not impossible to think that there may be girls only or mixed schools out there—but the NRC cast are the ones this game focuses on, so we view things from that perspective. I’d also like to add that we only see male students from other schools because of meta reasons: 1) there are limited game assets, so some details are accurately conveyed by the live 2D models, and 2) this is a joseimuke, a game with a predominantly male cast aimed at a target audience of women. It makes sense that there wouldn’t be many live 2D assets for random female mobs.
There isn’t any lore in-game or in other official materials which would imply that women are discriminated against in education or in the workforce. However, Twisted Wonderland at large seems to still perpetuate gender expectations and gendered traits as we understand them irl. There are some instances when the idea of women having traditionally feminine interests are mentioned: (Suitor Suit) Ace complains that his ex only liked romance and animal movies, disliked thrill rides, and preferred cute things and taking Magicam pics; (Birthday Boy) Cater also mentions his mother and older sisters having interests in making sweets and cute things. Additionally, as Anon mentions, in Endless Halloween Night, Silver shares the story of Mulan, who pretended to be a man to save her father from enlisting in the army. He told this tale to Jamil (not Leona!), who reacts with surprise when he learns that this capable warrior is a woman. At the same time, there are “masculine” expectations vaguely alluded to: Deuce states he is the “man” of his household, Epel of course worries about his manliness and sees Savanaclaw, the athletic dorm, as “cool”, etc.
Of course, these gender norms are not pervasive nor are they the same everywhere in Twisted Wonderland. One extreme is demonstrated through Epel, who holds the most regressive beliefs prior to Vil’s influence. This leads me to believe that Harveston is one of these areas that perpetuates these beliefs—and when you think about its population, it makes sense. Epel tells us that his hometown is largely elderly people, who are more likely to hold conservative worldviews compared to young people. The community, being small and located pretty far from nearby urban centers, is also exposed to fewer ideas that differ from what they perceive as their “norm”. These factors will naturally shape its residents and inform how they interact with and perceive others.
I actually think that Briar Valley would also be one of those areas with regressive gender norms for similar in-universe reasons as Harveston. Briar Valley is described to us as a region mainly populated by long-lived fae… meaning they are pretty old and more likely to be conservative. Not only that, but the area is very isolated and fae in general prefer to keep to their own kind. Briar Valley is also said to be opposed to change and new ideas and technology being introduced to their land. All of these factors suggest they would have more old-fashioned ideas about gender, not progressive ones. Meleanor and Maleficia may be widely respected and viewed as capable women, but I do not think it is fair to extrapolate how magically gifted monarchs of the Draconia bloodline are viewed to the governed population. It is more likely that they are the exception, not the rule. This better explains why Sebek and Silver, who are technically subjects of Briar Valley, are surprised to learn of a powerful princess. Their shock, as well as how Lilia describes human princesses as being meek and needing protection, also implies the usual gender norms. Given that humans seem to be the majority race in Twisted Wonderland, it means those gender expectations were predominant at the time.
The Sunset Savanna is the only country we know of at the moment where women are noted to be viewed differently. According to Leona, he “respects women” since the women back in his home country are physically stronger and stronger-willed than men. (This may be a reference to how irl lionesses do most of the hunting.) It’s not uncommon to see women in high-ranking warrior or guard positions because of this. This implies that the gender roles are somewhat reversed here; women are the ones expected to be strong, not men.
Slight tangent here: I don’t particularly subscribe to the idea that “strong” women are somehow better or more deserving of praise than “weak” women. It’s a fallacy that I see perpetuated way too often in media. True feminism does not mean demonizing what is seen as traditionally “feminine”, nor does it mean women can only be independent or strong by acting in traditionally “masculine” ways. Feminism means not judging or holding back women from pursuing whatever it is they want to do, be it a career of their own, homemaking, or anything in between. Women can be strong and admirable no matter what they choose to do with their lives.
Okay, so Twisted Wonderland does operate on gender norms—but that does NOT inherently mean that Twisted Wonderland is a sexist hellscape. Gender discrimination is on a spectrum, and we’ve yet to see any blatantly regressive demands be taken as anything of real merit in TWST. If anything, they get clowned on and told off as much as Sebek is for his anti-human sentiments. And, as I’ve pointed out earlier, Twisted Wonderland on the whole appears to accept and normalizes things that may not be widely accepted irl— namely, men in makeup or in traditionally feminine fashion. There’s also many examples we can look to of regular women in power or jobs across the world of Twisted Wonderland.
We also need to remember that TWST was penned by people who also live in a society of gender norms, so it’s expected for their lived experiences to also bleed into the worlds they create. It doesn’t make them bad people, it just makes them human. They write what they know and also play around with the ideas of different societies—those that skew in both directions (as we see with Harveston vs Sunset Savanna).
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thegoldencontracts · 2 days
Twst Guys Confessing
Azul tries to be grandiose. He sets up a date at the Lounge, makes everything perfect for you, and has a date before pulling out- The relationship contract? What is this? It is rather adorable watching him flounder when he attempts to say the simple "I love you".
Malleus is rather calm about it, in fact, albeit formal. He asks you if you'll do the honor of courting him and then- pulls out an extremely expensive jewel from the Shaftlands as a gift. He'll understand if you reject it, you know that, it's just a bit- overly grand. You love that about him though.
Floyd would be completely casual about it. He loves you, wants to be yours, and wants you to be his. What's the big deal? If you expect, he'll cheer a bit and squeeze you in glee. What he doesn't know is that he'd absolutely be crushed by a rejection, he's a bit more emotionally waterlogged than he thinks, you see. Do with that what you will.
Riddle's confession involves quite a few of the rules of the Queen of hearts. He gives you exactly three scoops of ice cream and pets exactly three hedgehogs three minutes before the confession. When it comes to the actual confession, though, he's rather shy. Saying the words "I love you" is rather difficult for him, you know.
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Floyd Leech fluffy headcanon
Request's are open btw
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When Floyd likes you it would be really clear that he likes you.
In Floyd's opinion, there would be no reason to hide the matter.
He would show his affection clearly.
Like cooking for you, giving you fancy gifts (merfolk scale), and showing physical affection.
The gifts would range from random things he found in the sea to a real pearl
You never know what you'll get next.
In this (and other matters) Floyd would be as variable as the ocean.
This eel lives for PDA.
He needs to get at least an hour of hugs a day.
If he didn't Floyd would become extremely cranky.
He would never take out his anger on you~
But others would surely suffer.
Floyd would love to lift you up too and spin you around.
He would usually do it without warning.
Your surprised expression would be funny to him.
Floyd would normally be a small spoon.
He would love to feel your arms around him.
Floyd would also definitely give love bites all over your body
He's not trying to hurt you... too much ;)
Floyd's kisses would be playful and soft.
Oh btw don't yawn around him.
Floyd would always take it the "wrong" way.
(Some moray eels open their mouths when they want to mate. )
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ryuichirou · 3 days
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such naughty scholars 😔
good luck finding the full version~ other characters are just speech bubbles, though
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rakiah · 1 day
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🦈 portrait reward on my Patre0n 🌺✨
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busycloudy · 1 day
The Love Potion
 *Sigh* Here we are, once again. This is the 3rd and FINAL part, hurray! 
 ft: The rest of NRC students
Tw: None, but if I need to add any please inform me!
 A fluff and crack fanfic
The reader is MC and goes by they/them pronouns. The reader is already in a relationship with these characters.
 Characters may or may not be ooc 
Hope you enjoy!
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Ace Trappola
Bro really asked Crewel "So, do I have to attend my classes still, or...?" He used you as and excuse to skip classes, and somehow it worked. He brought you back to Heartslabyul with a big grin on his face. When Riddle stopped him and asked why he wasn't at class he just said "I gotta take care of my dear MC here" And Riddle just stormed off to ask a teacher about it. Ace brought you back to his room to hangout and chill since he had the joy of not having to go to classes. He was just casually going through his phone when you plopped your head on his lap. He gave you a quick peck on the lips, well was going to, until you cupped his face and smothered him in kisses. He was a bit taken aback but quickly recovers and a small grin grew on his face. He kisses you a few times all over your face, then returning back to his phone. Lovesick you was a teensy bit upset his phone was getting more attention than you, but you let it slide, for now. Jokes on him, he had 10x more homework than he did before. That's what he gets for using you as an excuse to skip class.
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Deuce Spade
Why is he even surprised? It's just more trouble caused by Ace and Grim. He brought you back to his room and went to his classes, before doing so he gave you a peck on the forehead. After all his classes were done he went back to his room and started on his homework. You were wanting his attention so you walked over to behind him and put your arms over his shoulders. "Hm? Do you need something MC?" He raised a brow. "No, just wanted to cuddle" You innocently smiled. "Has anyone ever told you how cute you are? Your smile is brighter than the sun!" You said. Deuce blushed "T-thanks..." He mumbled. Once he was finished with his homework he cuddled you for the rest of the day.
(Deuce deserves more writing and love but I do NOT know what to write)
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Cater Diamond
Cater was walking around the halls, scrolling on magicam, his finger gliding across the screen as he scrolled down. He saw some cute pictures of a cafe that had recently opened. Maybe he would take you there sometime-"Cater!!!" A familiar voice interrupted Cater's thoughts. It was Ace, and Grim, and Deuce holding you over his shoulder-Wait...Deuce holding you over his shoulder?!"What'd you freshies do this time?" Cater asked as Deuce put you in Cater's arms, trying to not seem so worried. Then Cater saw the hearts in your eyes, and he immediately knew. "How did you get prefect to drink a love potion??" Cater questioned. "It wasn't our fault! They was the one that drank the water!" Ace defended. Cater looked confused. "It's a long ish story" Grim shrugged. Cater felt a sudden warmth to his cheeks as something cupped his face. "Well, we're gonna go" Grim announced, the three then leaving."Aww, your cheeks are so squishy.." You said with a droopy smile. Cater blushed. "W-well..." "I could take so much pictures of you and show em off. You deserve to be seen my everyone" You cut Cater off. Cater felt the heat on his face grow. Ok, you're a bit good at making him flustered...If you continued he was gonna turn out like Riddle when he's mad."Instead of staying in the hallways we should go back to my room.." Cater mentioned. The time you were under the influence of that love potion Cater took many pictures of you, and some videos too. You was just too cammable! How could he not? Don't worry, he won't post anything without your permission! (The pictures were mainly for him to look back at and smile...)
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Jack Howl
His ears twitch at the sound of 3 freshmans voices. "JACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!" they yelled, to which he simply sighed in return. "What is it this time!? Wait, why does prefect have hearts in their eyes???" Jack was puzzled as Ace quickly gave you to him. "Perfect drank a love potion, which was totally NOT my fault, it was all Grim's," Grim groaned in the backround "So yeah anyways goodluck taking care of them the potion doesn't wear off until tomorrow!!!!" Then he ran of with the other freshman. Jack was confused, to say the least, but alas took you to Savanaclaw.When he walked in he got some strange looks while you was being carried over his shoulder, but simply ignored them as it wasn't a big deal."Jack, Why ya carryin' MC over ya shoulder?" Ruggie questioned as he walked oast Jack."Ace, Grim, and Deuce somehow got them to drink a love potion, so now I gotta be with them" Jack shrugged."Oh, well good luck with that" Ruggie chuckled, then going his own way.Jack had finally let you down after you got to his dorm, then he got started on his homework while he let you hug him from behind. Offly enough, he was much more comfortable this way and it kinda helped him focus.
Soon enough it was 9pm, and he was drowsy, so he went to sleep, ans joined him so he wrapped his arm around you, placing a kiss on your neck.
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Floyd Leech
He was walking around the hallways, upset because he hasn't seen his shrimpy all day! Where in the world could they be??? People moved out of his way, noticing he wasn't the happiest at this moment. He then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around with a frown, which faded away when he saw you. "Aw~ Shrimpy where have you been?" He smiled as he took you from the troublemakers. Meanwhile Ace and Grim were fighting over which one should tell him, but Grim got shoved forward "Nya! No fair! You owe me tuna after this!" Grim angrily said to Ace. Ace rolled his eyes in response "What is it Baby Seal?" Floyd raised a brow. "MC drank a love potion..." Grim said. "Myah! Run!" Grim, Ace, and Duece then ran. Floyd huffed "How do you get in this much trouble so often shrimpy? Whatever, this may be a bit fun" Floyd smiled, then taking you to his room. He was supposed to be at monstro lounge, but Azul wouldn't mind. "Floyd, has anyone mentioned how adorable you are?" You brought up. "Eh?~ Thank you shrimpy, but I'd say you more adorable yourself, ehe~" He said in return with a toothy grin. You two had comments like this for practically all day, and cuddled when the day ended.
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Epel Felmeir
Epel was in the Botanical Garden. Why? Probably for something in potions. He had a basket of things for his potions assignment and began to walk back on his merry way but heard a familiar voice.Grim entered the garden as you were being carried by Deuce and Ace. "Epel, MC drank a love potion!!!!" Grim squealed out of breath. "H...huh?! How??? Y'all troublemakers always causin' a problem for MC huh..." Epel saw you, hearts in your eyes, and was worried but also noticed how adorable you was. "Take your partner instead of admiring them all day long, would ya?" Epel put down the basket and took you in his arms, well, more like let you lean against his shoulder as he helped you walk back to pomefiore, but you get the point!Epel let you take a seat, then beginning to work on his homework. You and the other freshman were supposed to all study together today, but because of the love potion you obviously won't be able to.You walked up behind Epel, as you was beginning to get bored, and quite lonely at that, wrapping your arms around him and looking at his homework.You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Epel when you did this, which made you have a small grin.You had seen Epel get stuck on some questions, so you had graciously helped him, to which he thanked you for.Epel said it was starting to get dark and that you should get sleep, and you had gone to the bed, hut said "Hurry up and cuddle with me soon though..." in a drowsy tone, so Epel wrote his letter to his meemaw about this whole thing and you quickly, then cuddling up next to you with a small blush.
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Silver was startled awake from his sleep with a yell. "SILVER!!!!!!!!!" Ace yelled.Silver jumped awake with a questionable look on his face. "Hm? What exactly is it you need, Ace?" Then he saw the look on your face. And your eyes.Silver had heard about a love potion from his father, and from potionoligy, and how anyone who drank one would have hearts in there eyes, and you certainly did."Take your significant other!! I ain't taking care of them all day!" Ace quickly gave you to Silver, then going off with Deuce and Grim.Silver was still a bit drowsy, but he needed to ask Lilia if there was any way to cure this.Silver walked into Diasomnia, you clinging onto his arm."Boo! Oh? Is that your little partner clinging into you?~" Lilia chuckled.Silver didn't have much of a reaction to Lilia's scare, as he was used to it at this point, but nodded his head yes, then saying "They had drank a love potion, considering the look in their eyes. I'm not sure how, but do you know if there's a cure?" "No, there's no cure that I'm aware of, so good luck with your clingy partner" Lilia said, then smiling cheekily.Silver walked off to his room, and you just continued clinging onto him. "Silver, your eyes are so beautiful... I could get lost in them" You smiled. "Being with you doesn't feel real, it feels like a dream" You continued to ramble on.
Silver chuckled, running his fingers through your hair. Your warmth made him get more and more drowsy, causing the two of you to soon fall asleep.
Oh, Lilia will DEFINITELY take a picture of this.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek was on his way to Diasomnia since he had finished all his classes and wanted to check if Malleus was fine, and there he happened to see 3 freshmans and his significant other being carried at the end of the hall. "MC!" Sebek ran to the part of the hall you were at and immediately took you in his arms. It was silent for a moment, then Deuce spoke "MC, somehow," Deuce looked at Grim amd Ace, "drank some of a love potion. Crewel said the effects will only be around for about 24 hours" Ace bit his lip, expected loud enough yelling to make him go deaf, but instead it was silent. So silent you could almost hear crickets as Sebek had a look of confusion, anger, and, most of all, worry.The freshman slowly backed up, then ran away.You played with Sebek's hair, booped his nose, and kissed him so much on the way to Diasomnia Sebek couldn't help but blush. He entered the dorm and continued walking to his room until a Lilia appeared. "Ah? Why's MC here?"Sebek looked frozen. "Those idiot humans somehow got them to drink love potion" Sebek answered, a tinge of sadness in his voice.
Malleus's voice came about "They'll be just fine Sebek, there's no need to worry." Lilia interrupted "That's only if they had a tadge bit. Did they have a tadge bit?" Sebek responded, saying Deuce said it would only last 24 hours according to Crewel. "Excellent! Well get on your merry way then" Lilia chuckled as he went to get tomato juice. "Thank you Waka-sama and Lilia-Sama" Sebek did a half bow and left.Sebek couldn't really focus on his work. No matter how much he wanted to. All the complements, kisses, hugs from behind, everything you did just out him in a different thought process."MC, I need silence and complete focus to work on this homework" Sebek stated. "My soldier, you've been working on that foreverrrr, can't I just get a bit of attention? Please?" You had a look on your face Sebek found hard to say no to. "...Fine, but only for a few minutes!" Sebek slightly frowned, but wasnt the slightest bit upset.Unfortunately, Sebek had fallen asleep in your arms as you brushed his hair with your fingers.
Anyways, I hope you lovelies enjoyed! I will be writing more every so often, but I got this for now!
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dibbledoodle · 2 days
Fashion outfit design practice 🕶️✨
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Bonus sip twins based off dibs let’s goo funk :3
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fairest-lily · 3 days
TWST - fragrances!
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Disclaimer: I have not personally smelled most of these perfumes; I chose them based on their notes. Just because a brand has been added it does not mean I support it or align with their values; I am focusing on the products on their own. The majority of these perfumes are quite expensive anyways - if you like any, I suggest directly looking for a dupe. I picked these with the characters' preferences in mind rather than trying to encapsulate their scent/vibe. My explanations are added to each one! Due to the photo limit, only the main cast are present. I will make a future post with others :) As usual, I ask you to not repost any of the photos/the post itself outside of Tumblr or within it. My main sources have been Fragrantica and Wikiparfum (some images used are from their website), along with the brands' sites. The notes are mainly sorted from top (the ones you smell first) to bottom (the ones that linger last), though I have been unable to verify some's placements, thus they are presented in what I assume would be their order. HEARTSLABYUL
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Notes: pink pepper, blackcurrant sorbet, pink rose, peony, salty vanilla, patchouli, cashmere wood I wanted Riddle's liking for sweets to be present, though not overwhelmingly, so opting for a floral scent was a better way to show it. I would have searched for an aldehyde-having perfume, but I feel like he already has that clean laundry smell from his clothes.
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Notes: orange, elemi, star anise, lavandin, clary sage, petitgrain, fir balsam, cypress, pine needles I imagine Trey spends enough time surrounded by sweet gourmands to want something softer, though even if he hadn't been a baker, he still gives the vibe of enjoying herbals. I had also chosen Velvet Cypress, which matched beautifully with its greenness, but the scent profile wasn't my first bet... :(
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Notes: jasmine (and sambac), ylang-ylang, watermelon, carambola, magnolia, blackcurrant, green mango My mind immediately went to fruity sweetness when it comes to Cater, though a toned down version with the involvement of florals. He'd want to match his bubbly image while not overwhelming his senses, right?
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Notes: citrus, amber, cedarwood, tonka bean, vanilla, sandalwood Now, the fact that one of the most popular perfumes matches what I had in mind for Ace is genuinely coincidental. I do see him buying this as a treat for himself though, regardless of it being trendy. While he is pretty masculine, there is a freshness still present that would reflect in his perfume - he still lacks the maturity and taste of a man.
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Notes: Sicilian bergamot, mandarin, green apple, cashmere wood, cedarwood, petitgrain, violet, pomarose (not pictured), oakmoss, musk, amberwood (not pictured) In contrast to Ace, I picture Deuce to enjoy fresher and sweeter scents, which is how this perfume made the cut. He seems more open to wear less traditionally masculine fragrances. SAVANACLAW
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Notes: rosemary, sage, black pepper, star anise, plum, birch tar, cumin, Bulgarian rose, myrrh, tobacco, suede accord, leather accord, honey, oud, praline, frankincense Leona is what Ace still lacks, though more wild and carefree in comparison to an older man. I definitely see him using perfumes with leathery smells rather than herbals or fruits, unless they're toned down; a big part of it is his sensitive nose of course. Under the roughness, there is a sweetness to be found.
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Notes: salt, timur pepper, ginger, bergamot, black iris, saffron flower, violet leaf, blue cypress, suede, oud, mastic absolute, tobacco leaf Considering Leona's hand-me-downs to Ruggie, I feel like he would have included a perfume from his younger years too. The profile is similar to the current one, yet lighter thanks to the inclusion of more florals. I think it also matches Ruggie, having some parallelisms to Leona yet toned down.
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Notes: amaretto, leather, wood, patchouli, musk Despite maintaining the leathery vibe, Jack strikes me as if he would enjoy sweetness, though in the form of flowers. This perfume only really has patchouli as a plant, but the amaretto, musk and wood make up for it with a deeper & warm sweetness. OCTAVINELLE
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Notes: quince, grapefruit, hyacinth, jasmine, iris, musk, cedarwood, amber Azul is a synonym for powdery and light florals to me. I do see him using more classically masculine fragrances as well, though still a softer version. I had originally assigned him Jersey (Chanel) because of the lavender, but this one fit better.
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Notes: pear, lily of the valley, aldehydes, iris, rose absolute, orange blossom, patchouli oil, ambrette seeds, white musk I think we can all agree Jade is the president of aldehydes; the cleanest linens you will ever experience. He'd incorporate florals too, especially those he finds during hikes - a deceiving softness.
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Notes: mandarin, sea water, Egyptian geranium, clary sage, lavender, rosemary, oak moss, patchouli, vetiver, vanilla orchid People have said this smells like the holidays, which couldn't be more fitting. Floyd has the freshness of a fruity perfume without really having it in its profile (there is a citric note of course). He would also use less conventional scents, such as sea water. SCARABIA
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Notes (most I have confirmed, but beware that some I'm doubtful on): bergamot, red berries, blackcurrant, florals, mandarin, honey, caramel, almond, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla, chocolate I feel like Kalim is a gourmand person; he'd go for the caramels, vanillas, coconuts...I actually wanted to find a perfume with coconut and flowers for him, but I settled on this one since it also fits.
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Notes (not 100% verified): mate, pink pepper, violet leaf, clary sage, patchouli, bergamot Albeit simple, Jamil's perfume is definitely a nice one. His choices would be influenced by aromatherapy; he'd definitely wear calming scents. A lot of herbals, but there are some richer fragrances in his collection for special occasions, like ambers. POMEFIORE
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Notes: jasmine (sambac), orange, bergamot, mandarin, gardenia, orange blossom, sandalwood, white amber, cedarwood, white musk As soon as I got to Vil while brainstorming, I knew one of the Poison perfumes had to be in his hands. He definitely combines the softness of florals with the sharpness of citrics and the richness of ambers. His fragrances are a luxurious dessert that leaves you wishing for more.
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Notes: thyme, tea, lily of the valley, saffron, rose, suede, musk, sandalwood, olibanum, amber Based on the description we got, I wanted Rook to have a perfume with amber and musk, though with other notes too. Originally I thought of Jo Malone's Midnight Musk & Amber, but since it is discontinued, this one took its place. I find the scent profile to match Rook better; he'd want something herbal to soften the warm richness.
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Notes: aldehydes, rose centifolia, peony, violet, musk, sandalwood If I may be honest, I first assigned this to Vil (I know, the name), but since I wanted him to have a Poison perfume and eventually found a better scent profile, this one seemed more fitting for Epel. It's especially fitting post-VDC once he starts embracing his femininity, yet with the deepness of musk and sandalwood highlighting his strength. IGNIHYDE
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Notes: aldehydes, citric, clary sage, ozonic notes, musk, ironwood (hornbeam)
Originally I imagined Idia would reach for a more metallic scent, though I couldn't find any I particularly liked (I don't even know what metal perfume smells like...), so I opted for my first thought: aldehydes and citrics. While Idia does enjoy his candies, I feel he'd want a very simple scent profile, and this perfume was perfect.
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Notes: lemon, mandarin, orange, rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cedarwood, musk Like Idia, Ortho to me would reach for aldehydes (which this perfume has) and citrics, though his fragrances would be sweeter. I imagine he'd mask the metallic smell with it. DIASOMNIA
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Notes: Italian lemon and mandarin, mint oil, candied apple, geranium flower, clary sage, ambermax, cedarwood, vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla While still very masculine, I feel Malleus' choices would have a sweetness to them, wanting to lure you in with a sense of safety. I smelled this perfume years ago and still remember how much I loved it; it truly is fitting to him.
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Notes: wild berries, blackcurrant buds, musk, blackberries Immediately, my mind went to berries. Lilia would heighten his cute image through sweet scents, especially fruits, though he could reach for gourmands.
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Notes: fig milk, mandarin, sandalwood, violet, tonka bean, musk Silver is on the natural side; he'd reach out for florals and herbals instead of overwhelming scents. Though he reminds me of clean linens too, in a warmer way - like the creaminess of a lactonic without them. It comes through thanks to the notes in this perfume.
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Notes: lavender, rosemary, petitgrain, clary sage, geranium, ambery wood Out of everyone in the Diasomnia quartet, Sebek feels like the one that embraces masculinity most, especially its sharpness. Though because of his age, it still has a softness present through floral hints. A relative of mine has owned this perfume, and it's a rather nice scent. I definitely see Sebek wearing it to strengthen his appearance.
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z-e-n-m-o · 3 days
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recolouring of my first post I think this one looks better then the first, I didn't do the half colour eyes, should I? (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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quartztwst · 5 hours
i said i was gonna do something with the fem octatrio but i have no idea
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go ask them questions or smth
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shwoomgloom · 10 hours
TWST Doodles
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-Saw this and immediately thought of Malleus. He’d definitely pout about now being able to sit in the cool chair.
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-Here’s my contribution to that one meme going around. I wanted to draw Azul and the tweels but I think it’s funnier with just Floyd.
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dracxxnia · 1 day
"it's just fiction! separate fiction from reality!" hey, if you're a grown ass adult and really like drawing nsfw of boys that are minors, that makes you a total weirdo and you should probably focus on getting a job hope this helps!
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