zzzzzbored · 2 years
City Boy
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“Please don’t break down now. Not here. Anywhere but here!”
Nick had been travelling through the countryside when his rusty car broke down. Nick was a rich city boy. Being stranded in the countryside was completely out of his comfort zone. Nick stepped out of the rickety old car. He was surrounded by nothing but corn fields. Not a single person or house in sight.
Nick began walked along the side of the road, hoping a car would pass by. Nick had been walking for around an hour before he saw something in the distance. It was a house. A big bright farmhouse with a barn out the back. It was the first house Nick had seen in miles. Nick precariously approached the farmhouse. He could see a big hulking farmer feeding cows out the back. The shirtless farmer glanced back at the 19 year old.
“What do you want, city boy?” The reeking man’s voice growled.
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The cowboy brought Nick into his home and sat him down in the kitchen. Nick explained what had happened. The cowboy barely seemed to be paying attention. He kept staring lustfully at the 19 year old. His disgusting farm stench filled Nick’s nostrils.
“So city boy, I’ve been looking for some help on the farm” The cowboy said in his southern drawl. “Are yer interested?”
Nick laughed nervously. “No, man. I just need to use your phon-”
“Man?” The cowboy questioned angrily.
“I’m sorry, sir” Nick blurted out. It was almost as if the words just slipped out of his mouth. As if the cowboy’s words had infected his brain, forcing him to say it. Nick was confused.
“I want to work here, sir” Nick blurted out again. Nick had no control over his mouth anymore. He felt like the cowboy’s puppet. Completely suggestable to everything he was saying. The cowboy’s words embedded themselves in Nick’s brain. His words were not only changing Nick’s reality, but they were also changing Nick as a person...
Nick jumped up from his seat in fear. Nick looked at the hulking cowboy. His 6’8 stature. Nick could smell the cowboy’s hairy body which reeked of pigs and hay. Nick then made a B line for the back door. He needed to escape. What was this man doing to him?
The cowboy’s words buried deep into Nick’s mind. He couldn’t just run away... could he? He can’t just leave the cowboy. It wouldn’t be right. Deep inside, Nick knew it was immoral to leave the farmer, but Nick forced himself to keep running. Nick ran until he reached the front of the farm. He was ready to run back to his car but... his feet refused to bring him any further. His body refused to take a step outside of the farm. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t leave. He was trapped here...
The cowboy’s words began to tamper with Nick’s memories. Nick’s recollection of growing up in the city vanished. They were replaced with fake memories. Memories of growing up in the South. He remembered life on the farm. How he loved milking the cows, feeding the chickens and stacking the hay. It was his favourite thing to do ever since he was a kid. The 19 year old grabbed his head. He knew the memories were fake. But they felt so... real. Wait... maybe they weren’t fake? Maybe Nick did grow up on the farm?
“What are yer doin to me?! This ain’t my home! I’m from over yonder. I ain’t some hillbilly farmboy!”
Nick’s hands clasped at his mouth. Nick’s accent was now completely Southern. There was not a trace of city boy left in him. It sounded like he had never even been to the city. It sounded like the only place he had ever been was.... the countryside.
The cowboy began to rewrite Nick’s genetics. His lineage being rewritten. Nick began to forget about his real father. All memories of living with his loving father faded until there was nothing left. But new memories filled their place. Nick’s mind began to be filled with memories of working on the farm with the cowbo- no... not ‘the cowboy’... his father.
Nick’s genes began rewriting themselves. Changing to adopt the genetics of the muscular cowboy standing in front of him. Nick grew in height as his genetics were replaced with the cowboy’s. He went from a generous 5’8 to a monstrous 6’5. Nick’s muscles began growing. His biceps grew bigger and bigger. His chest bulked up. His abs became more defined. His shoulders broadened. His small dainty hands began thickening, turning into big meaty paws. His fingers fat like sausages. Callouses formed on his hands due to the copious amounts of farm work he had done throughout his entire life in the countryside.
His body grew hairier and hairer. His smooth boyish skin became more coarse and manly. His 19 year old face began aging. It aged until the 19 year old looked like he was in his 30s... and that’s because he was. The 33 year old’s face was now covered by a thick manly beard. His testosterone levels sky rocketed. Sweat covered his body, embedding itself in his new body hair. His hairy armpits reeked. He smelled as bad as the pig sty out back. No amount of showers or soap could get rid of the smell. It was the smell of a true country boy. Nick’s city boy clothing began disappearing, being replaced by his milking uniform.
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“Pops, what’s happening to m-?”
Nick was cut off by his father. His eyes grew dim and vacant. His jaw dropped open. Drool began forming in his mouth. Nick’s IQ had plummeted. His IQ went from 140 to 80 in a matter of seconds. It began slipping down further and further.
His IQ slipped from 80 to 70.
His IQ slipped from 70 to 50.
It slipped down further and further until it eventually fell to a mind numbingly stupid 30.
“Imma dumb farmboy, pops” Nick flexed his massive biceps releasing his pit stink into his father’s nostrils. His father smirked.
A dumb blissful expression crossed Nick’s face. Nick felt so at home in his father’s hands. So safe. So vacant. So dumb.
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“Sarry for trynna run away, pops. I dunno whut I were thinkin, sir” Nick rubbed his empty head.
Nick’s new father clicked his fingers. And with that, Nick felt a swelling in his chest. It felt as if his pecs were filling up. Filling up with liquid. They felt so heavy. The new weight on his chest almost caused Nick to fall over. He shifted his new weight causing the fat pecs on his chest to jiggle. Nick dumbly looked at his tits. There seemed to be a white liquid leaking out of his nipple. It looked like... milk. Nick’s once lean pecs began getting bigger and fatter as they filled up with milk. They looked so heavy. So fuckable. His nipples grew so sensitive. The slightest touch evoking the most intense pleasure. Nick’s father just wanted titty fuck his son right then and there.
“Ma boobs done grown so big, pops”
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“As punishment for trying to run away, your fat tits will now supply our farm’s milk” Nick’s father deviously grinned as he stared at his son’s leaking breasts.
Nick’s father forcefully grabbed his son’s nipples and began milking his tits. It felt so orgasmic. So pleasurable. Nick felt his intelligence being milked out of his tits. He moaned in pleasure. The more Nick was milked, the more he tried to fight back against his natural urges. But the pleasure soon became too much for the farm boy. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. The dumb country boy tried to resist, but he couldn’t help but let out a big
And so, Nick lived out the rest of his life on his father’s farm. The dumb country boy happily fulfilled his duties on the farm. He fed the chickens, stacked the hay, let his father cum deep inside his ass. But most importantly, he supplied the farm’s dairy by letting his father milk his fat tits. Nick’s father glanced at the buckets full of his son’s milk. He grinned.
“Go get me some firewood, son. If you disobey, I’ll make it so the only thing comin out that dumb mouth of yours is MOOOOOO.”
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Sam and Mikey
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“Sam, stop.” Michael laughed as his best friend Sam fondled the hunk’s breasts.
“I can’t believe it! I can’t believe the spell worked!” Sam yelled in disbelief. “Who would have thought it! Grandad’s old spell book…”
“Yeah Sam. With a body like this, no one is gonna mess with us now!” Michael celebrated.
Sammy continued to knead his friend’s perky breasts. Michael’s chest looked so big and soft, the exact opposite as it had looked 20 minutes ago. Just half an hour ago, Michael was just your average skinny twink. But now… now he was this muscular jock. Well, a jock with the mind of a nerd.
“When does the spell wear off…. bro?” Michael asks absentmindedly, admiring his new flexed bicep.
Sam looked at Michael in confusion. Was he joking? ‘Bro’. Michael would never say such a thing. At least, not in a serious manner like he just did. It just wasn’t in his vernacular. Nor was it in Sam’s. Sam hoped Michael was mocking the jock stereotype. I mean, he wouldn’t put it past Michael to play a joke like this. But it was just the way he said it… it just slipped out of his lips with ease. As if it was a common occurrence.
“Bro?” Sam laughed nervously. “Is everything alright, Michael?”
Michael, who was still admiring his new sexy body, scoffs and laughs. “Dude, who are you, my mother? It’s Mikey. When have you ever called me by my full name, man?”
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Sam’s heart dropped into his stomach. Something was wrong. Sam had never called Michael ‘Mikey’ in his life. It had always felt so… so weird. While the two were the closest of friends, they never called each other by anything other than their proper names. Michael and Sam. Sam and Michael. That’s how it had always been. Not Sam and ‘Mikey’.
“I’m getting worried, Michael. I think we should just refer the spell. We can try again later-” Sam panicked, grasping at his grandfather’s spell book. He frantically flicked through the pages before Mikey’s thick hands snatched it away from him.
“I said, DON’T call me that!” Mikey grunts, carelessly swinging the spell book around. “I’m not some fuckin nerd like you, bro!”
Sam flinches, almost cowering before his best friend. This wasn’t part of the plan. The spell book said nothing about mental changes. Only physical. Sam’s hands shake and sweat begins to glisten his skin.
“Calm down, Micha- I mean, Mikey… you’re scaring me-” Sam stutters.
“SCARING YOU? YOU FUCKIN PUSSY, BRO?” Mikey pushes Sam against the wall, his pecs pressing against the twink’s face. “YOU WANNA ACT LIKE A PUSSY? THEN I’M GONNA TREAT YOU LIKE ONE… ISN’T THAT RIGHT, FUCKTOY?”
“No… no please. Don’t-” Before Sam can finish his sentence, Mikey grabs Sam’s head and forces his lips onto his massive pecs. Mikey’s nipples slip their way into Sam’s mouth, forcing him to nurse on his friend’s tits. “SUCK LIKE THE GOOD BITCH YOU ARE!”
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Sam, still pressed against the wall, could feel Mikey’s cock pressing against his stomach. Michael, whose cock was around 5 inches on a good day, now had a fat 11 inch cock. A cock big enough to force any slut into submission. Sam didn’t think the spell would affect Michael this much. It was only supposed to turn him into “the man he desired to be”. But Michael didn’t mention that he wanted to be anything like this.
Mikey took a step back, letting Sam fall to his knees. Sam felt dazed from sucking his friend-turned-bully’s tit. He sat back against the wall and noticed something lying on the ground. On the floor, behind the jock, lay Sam’s one chance at escape: the spell book. Maybe there was a way at reversing all this. Changing the hot-headed horny jock Mikey back to sweet caring Michael. Sam had no other choice.
As soon as Sam saw the big hunk admiring his biceps, he made a break for it. He threw himself across the room and onto the book. He clawed at it, scrambling to find the reverse spell. Just as Sam opens the correct page, he feels a force tug him from behind.
Mikey flips Sam on his back and sits on him. The jock’s weight making it impossible for Sam to move. The jock rips the book from Sam’s small hands and stared at it. Mikey squinted at the front cover, struggling to pronounce the words taped onto the book.
“Gran…. grand-fath-er’s spell-book…. Grandfather’s Spellbook!” he yelled triumphantly as drool trickled down the side of his mouth.
“This is what you wanted, lil bro? Wanted to change me? As if…” the jock smiled deviously. “How about I change you, bro. Anything is better than being a nerd, man.”
“How about turning you into my submissive pet or an inflatable sexdoll… or maybe a jock like me…?” Mikey grinned as Sam began pleading to the huge jock.
“Huhuhuhu bro. Oh no bro. You’re fucked huhuhu. This one is perfect.” He dumbly chuckles.
“Don’t worry, brah. You’re gonna love being my happy, air-headed submissive boiwife” the jock smiled and recited the wish.
Sam began growing beneath him. More fuckable. More bouncy. More slutty. His brain emptying of all thoughts and worries. Leaving him as nothing more than a big assed fuckable himbo.
Mikey looked down at his creation beneath him, smirking at the wedding ring trapped on former Sam’s finger.
“Oh fuck man… you’re perfect.”
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Pride Month
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Johnathan had never considered himself a homophobe. He didn’t mind gay men as long as they weren’t over the top or too flamboyant. But he couldn’t help despise Pride month. He thought it was unnecessary and was disgusted by it. The idea of gay men overtaking the streets, wearing little clothing, forcing their sexuality on him was revolting to Johnathan. He couldn’t help but feel anger build up inside him every June.
“Stupid pride month. They get an entire month to shove their gayness down my throat” he mumbled as he looked out his apartment window seeing the Pride parade below him.
“I wish I got a whole month dedicated to my sexuality” he said smugly.
As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a knock at his apartment door. Johnathan was shocked. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Johnathan waltzed his way to the door and opened it. A big beefy masculine man stood in the doorway grinning at him. He was only wearing a pair of tight pink underwear. “He’s a queer” Johnathan thought to himself. Johnathan could see the outline of the hairy man’s meaty cock straining against his underwear. Even Johnathan was stunned by it’s size. It was as thick as a beer can. Johnathan could see glitter on the man. Johnathan could tell the beefy man had been down there partying with all the other annoying gays.
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“You coming to the parade, boy?” the man growled in a condescending tone.
Johnathan was taken back. He had never been called ‘boy’ before. It was almost as if the strange man was trying to humiliate Johnathan.
“What? I ain’t no queer. I don’t want anything to do with that disgusting parade” Johnathan retaliated.
“What are you talking about, boy?” the mysterious man chuckled. He then used his big meaty hands to push Johnathan back into his apartment. The strange man then walked in and locked the door behind him.
“You must be confused” the hairy man said in his deep husky voice. “You’ve always loved the Pride parade, Johnny boi. It gives you a chance to show off that sexy body of yours, especially that big juicy ass.” The stranger grinned.
Johnathan felt a hot pleasure build up in his skinny body, especially his arms. Johnathan looked down to see his biceps grow. They began to inflate like footballs. Becoming bigger and stronger. His flat chest began to grow too. His once flat pectoral muscles inflating. Becoming round and fuller. Almost like a pair of heavy perky tits. He could feel the weight of them on his chest. It all felt so disorientating. Johnathan grabbed his new perky tits only to let out a high pitched feminine moan. His nipples were so sensitive. The slightest touch elicited a feminine pleasure filled moan.
“I love your new bleach blonde hair, Johnny boi. You look like a total himbo” the mysterious man laughed as Johnathan’s dark hair began to lighten becoming a light blonde. Johnathan began moaning as his pecs began involuntarily bouncing. Johnathan was shocked by the high pitched feminine whimpers coming out of his mouth. But he couldn’t stop them. It felt so... natural. It felt so right.
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Johnathan’s legs began growing. Becoming thick and beefy. The hot pleasure then began to focus on Johnathan’s ass. His flat ass growing. Becoming big and round. Fat and juicy. His hips becoming wider to accommodate his new melon sized cheeks. Johnathan couldn’t help but fondle them. His new cheeks jiggled with every movement. His new ass looked so inviting. As if his ass cheeks were begging to have a nice big cock jammed up in between them.
“I’m loving your new style” the beefy man said “All you wear now is slutty pink clothes. In fact, you find it impossible to wear any other colour now.”
Johnathan’s suit began to change. The trousers shortened to become a nice pair of pink shorts not even long enough to cover his new big himbo cheeks. His shirt and jacket moulded together to become a nice crop top, exposing his new six pack. The crop top barely concealed Johnathan’s new pair of sensitive titties.
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“What are you doing to me?” Johnathan shouts in fear. “I look so...”
“Gay?” the hairy man interrupted. “That’s because you are gay, Johnny. You’re a big homosexual himbo”
HOMOSEXUAL. HIMBO. The words rang out in Johnathan’s mind. He could feel himself fading. Being replaced. His mind was being rewritten by the dominant intruder. His attraction to women dissipated while his attraction to men increased. His fantasies of breeding women were replaced with thoughts of having his hole being stretched by big fat cocks. His apartment began to change. Pride flags appearing on the wall, his walls and furniture turning into a light playful pink and the clothes in his closet being turned into slutty pink crop tops and thongs. The dominant stranger began to fill Johnathan’s thoughts. Johnathan blushed as he imagined his hole being filled by the beast. Johnathan found himself daydreaming about sucking on the man’s big hairy cock. Johnathan began to get hard as all the new gay fantasies filled his little head. Johnathan couldn’t make eye contact with the beast anymore. He felt lesser than him. He was just a hole for him to fuck his potent cum into. Nothing more. His hole began to loosen. No more did he have a tight straight hole. His hole was now loose and sloppy. It had seen many years of penetration. And it was ready for many years more. To encourage anal penetration, Johnathan could now no longer cum from just stroking his penis. He needed a big dom daddy to jam their cock into his prostate in order to feel pleasure. As a result of this, Johnathan’s cock shrank. Shrank until it was nothing more than a one inch nub. He didn’t need his cock anymore. All he needed was his new big juicy melon sized ass cheeks. Johnathan’s nub began to leak precum as he fantasised about the dominant man stuffing his sloppy hole.
“You don’t have to hide your precummy nub from me” the big man cooed. “You’re a big dumb horny himbo. You can’t help it”
DUMB. HORNY. HIMBO. Johnathan felt his brain begin to melt away. The warm pleasure draining away his IQ. Johnathan got dumber and dumber. The dumber he got, the more vacant his face looked. His mouth dropped open. His drool dribbled out onto the floor as he let his intelligence drip away. His IQ dropped to a mind numbingly stupid 40. He was so stupid. His face was forever stuck in a dumb himbo expression. Everyone could tell he was just a big dumb himbo now. Johnathan didn’t even finish high school. He didn’t understand anything. He just sat at the back of the class dribbling on his big fat tits, thinking about getting his hole stuffed full of cum.
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“I like totally forgot how stupid I was hehehe” Johnathan giggled in an extremely feminine voice.
“Don’t worry, Johnny. I’ll always be here to do the thinking for you” the daddy smirked. “That’s why I married you”
A wedding ring appeared on Johnny’s finger. Johnny let out an effeminate sigh as he looked at his new dominant husband.
“I like totally love you daddy” he swooned as he let out a high pitched giggle.
“Now show daddy how much you love him. Shake that ass for me, boi” the man deviously grinned.
Johnny immediately started shaking his massive jiggling ass. He began twerking for his daddy. He wanted to make him proud. That was Johnny’s main goal in life now. Looking sexy for his new dom daddy.
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Johnny’s fat ass began to ache. It felt like it was missing something. Johnny felt so... empty.
“I need your cock, sir” Johnny whimpered as he nudged his husbands fat pecs with his face. Johnny rubbed his face all over his husband’s chest. He covered himself in his stink. He wanted to be able to smell his daddy at all times.
“Listen boy, go into your room. Strip. Get on all fours and get ready for the pounding of a lifetime” the hairy man smiled. Johnny did as he was told.
Johnny loves his new life as a gay himbo. He has a big fuckable body and a sexy daddy that would buy him anything he wanted. But most importantly, Johnny got exactly what he wished for. Johnny now has an entire month dedicated to his sexuality. Pride Month.
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Happily Ever After
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Samuel was the happiest he had been in years. He had moved into his dream home, got a promotion and he had recently proposed to his soon-to-be wife, Jessica. All of Samuel’s hard work was finally being rewarded. The future seemed bright. He was ready to settle down with his new wife and become a loving father. It was a true happily ever after... that was until the doorbell rang
Samuel was making dinner for his beloved fiancé when the doorbell rang. Samuel couldn’t help but smile. It’s probably Jessica, he thought to himself. He bounced his way over to the door and opened the front door expecting to see his fiancé. But Samuel opened the door to be greeted by a big hulking stranger.
“Hey” the man smiled. “Is this Jessica’s house?”
“Um... yeah, she’s out at the moment. Is there anything I can do for you?” Samuel was suspicious.
The man pushed by Samuel and charged into his house.
“Um, excuse me!” Samuel yelled at the man. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
Samuel ran after the man who was now exploring his house. Who did this man think he was? Barging into someone’s house like this. Samuel grabbed the man’s shoulder only for the man to turn around swiftly. The man softly held the back of Samuel’s neck. He then took his finger and pressed it against Samuel’s forehead and let out the heavy powerful word:
The word knocked Samuel out. Samuel stumbled into the strangers arms, falling into a deep sleep.
The next thing Samuel knew, he woke up lying on his bed. Had it all been a dream? Did that actually happen? Suddenly, Samuel heard heavy footsteps coming from the bathroom. A big hulking man strode out. The same hulking man that had barged into his house. This wasn’t a dream. This was actually happening.
Samuel jumped up from his bed only to realise that he was naked. He grabbed the sheets covering his 7 inch penis. Why had the man stripped him out of his clothes? What had happened?
“You see Samuel... me and Jessica were highschool sweethearts. We were a happy couple... until you came along” he said resentfully.
“But I’m not going to let you take her away from me” The man growled. Samuel coward in fear. “I need you out of the way... and I think I’ve got the perfect solution for that”
The man’s words digged deep into Samuel’s subconscious. Embedding itself deep inside his mind. His words were powerful. They were everything. It felt so good to just give into the man’s words. It felt so... right.
The man motioned to the bed. Samuel’s body disobeyed Samuel’s mind. His body complied to the man’s commands. Samuel walked to the intruder. He stared him directly in the eyes as he crawled onto the bed in the doggy style position.
Samuel had no time to react. The big man took his three fat fingers and forced them down Samuel’s throat. His fingers violating his mouth. His fingers diving deep down his throat. Normally, he would have started gagging. Started coughing. But Samuel’s throat took the fingers with ease. It accepted them. It was almost as if Samuel’s throat was used to it. As if it loved having fingers stuffed down it.
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The man grinned. His fingers stuffed down Jessica’s fiancé’s throat. The man slowly slipped his fingers out of Samuel’s throat. Samuel gasped for air. He threw himself back on the bed. Disgusted by what he had just done. Ashamed. His fiancé would be disgusted. Would she ever forgive him?
“Now, Samuel. Let’s start the transformation, shall we” He grinned. “Do you want me to transform you into a fucktoy?”
Samuel tried to resist. But he couldn’t help it. His head started nodding. Samuel tried to stop it but he couldn’t. It just felt so good to give into Master.
“Jess dumped me because I wasn’t ‘masculine’ enough. Well let’s change that”
The hulking man jumped onto the bed and jammed his under average sized cock into Samuel’s straight mouth. He started forcefully face fucking Samuel. Samuel had no choice but to just let his throat get savagely fucked.
With each thrust, Master’s cock went deeper down Samuel’s throat. It was almost as if... it was growing. It went from a 4 inches, to 6 inches, to 8 inches, to a full 12 inch cock. It inflated becoming thicker and thicker. It forced Samuel’s mouth open wider and wider until he couldn’t take it anymore. It was filling the entirety of Samuel’s mouth. With one big grunt, Master forced his cock as deep as he could go, holding it there. Letting his cock rest in Samuel’s fuckable throat.
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Master took his 12 inch cock out of Samuel’s throat. Samuel began gasping for air only to notice something... missing. He noticed that he couldn’t feel his penis resting by his leg anymore. He looked down in horror. His penis was nothing but a nub now. Just a tiny 1 inch nub. The stranger had stolen Samuel’s cock. Samuel then saw his ballsack begin to shrink. It deinflated. Growing smaller and smaller. Samuel then glanced up to see Master grunting. Master’s balls were growing. Inflating. Getting heavier. Fuller. Alpha sperm filling his balls. It drooped with the weight of it.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about” Master laughed looking at his new massive ballsack.
“These alpha balls are gonna get emptied into your fiancé tonight, Sammy boi. I’m gonna fill your fiancés pussy with my alpha sperm. I’m gonna impregnate her. And Jess and I are gonna raise those kids together”
Sammy began tearing up. Master saw the tears welling up in Sammy’s eyes.
“How about I reward you, huh? You’ve been a very good boy so far. Good boys get rewarded”
Sammy began to inflate by hearing those very words. He began to inflate like some kind of sex doll. It was like his body was a balloon and Master was blowing air into it. His biceps grew big and muscular. His hands became thick and meaty. His fingers like fat sausages. His face became more boyish looking. Almost as if he was getting younger. The 32 year old slowly regressed into a 19 year old teenager. A teenager that spent all his time in the gym. His mind began emptying. His memories of working hard and running a business faded away. They were replaced by memories of downing protein shakes, working out and dropping out of highschool. Sammy couldn’t even read anymore. He couldn’t write. He could barely think. All education was erased from his mind.
“Eh, you still look too... masculine. I know how to fix that” he deviously grinned.
Suddenly, Sammy’s chest began to inflate. His two pecs began to grow big and heavy. Master sat down beside Sammy and began to playfully finger the space in between his pecs. His pecs grew and grew. Until eventually Sammy’s new tits enveloped Master’s finger. But there was something off about Sammy’s new pecs. They didn’t feel real. They were implants. Implants that made him look like some fake sex doll. A fake sex doll with big fat tits for men to tittyfuck.
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Sammy’s face began to change. His face becoming more... fake looking. Sammy’s small lips plumped up. They grew into beautiful plump pillows. Pillows that looked so inviting. They looked like they were begging to be wrapped around a big fat cock.
Sam giggled. He looked like the biggest, most dumbest slut alive. He looked like a human sex doll. A sex doll that was ripe for the fucking. It’s only purpose was to be fucked and came into.
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But the implants didn’t stop there. Sammy felt his ass begin to inflate into the size of two big beach balls. His ass becoming comically large. Big and fat. The implants made his ass look so big and extremely fuckable. It was built for fucking. It’s purpose was to be fucked. To be bred by alphas. Master clicked his fingers and suddenly the most feminine gay clothes materialised on Sammy.
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“That’s a good fucktoy”
“I so horny, Master. I need to fuck Jessica so badly” Sammy moaned through his new filled lips. His ass bouncing with every movement. His tits on full display.
“Tut tut tut. You’re still straight? After all that? We have to fix that, don’t we... fucktoy” Master said condescendingly.
Sammy’s mind began to get filled with images of cock and cum. Images of getting his big fake ass stuffed full of cum filled his head. Thoughts of getting tittyfucked by daddies were buried inside his mind. The more he thought about it, the harder his one inch cock became. He began absentmindedly rubbing his nub.
“Don’t bother with that, boi. The only way you can cum now, is through this up here” Master smacked Sammy’s ass and forcefully stuck his finger up Sammy’s loose hole. Master began ramming his fingers against Sammy’s prostate. Sammy femininely squealed and moaned.
“UGH, FUCK MY PUSSY DADDY” Sammy screamed pushing himself against Master’s fingers.
Sammy pushed harder and harder until OHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK. Cum shot everywhere out of Sammy’s small nub. Thin weak sperm squirting everywhere. It was nothing compared to Master’s alpha sperm. Sammy was never going to be getting anyone pregnant. His sperm was weak. It only exists to be fucked out of him. It exists to be wiped up with a tissue and thrown into a bin.
Sammy stood up still shaking from his intense orgasm. His lips plump. His ass shaking. His tits bouncing. He looked like the most perfect sex toy.
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“Honey, I’m home” a voice called from downstairs. Jessica made her way to the bedroom.
“Babe!” Jessica screamed excitedly. She ran over to the stranger and gave him the most passionate kiss. “I missed you. I’ve been thinking about you all day”
The old Samuel was screaming inside his own mind after seeing his fiancé kiss the man who had transformed him into this himbo monster.
Jessica looked at Sammy. “How’s my gay best friend doing?” She smiled excitedly.
“I’m, like, totally doing amazing sweetie. I’m like totally gonna get my pussy fucked by some big dom on Grindr tonight” Sammy smacked his big fat ass. It jiggled hypnotically.
Sammy made his way out of the house. The house now belonged to the stranger. The stranger took his cock. His masculinity. His house. His fiancé. He took... Sammy’s entire life.
Sammy is now nothing but a mindless sex doll. Filled with implants and cum. No reading. No thinking. All Sammy does is get fucked and serve his Masters.
“Wait Sammy, before you leave...” The man called to Sammy right before he left.
“You’re coming to me and Jess’ wedding, right?”
“Totally, like, I wouldn’t miss it for the world hehehe” Sammy dumbly giggled as his fake ass jiggled behind him.
The old Samuel was trapped inside his own mind. Completely disconnected from his body. Crying. Screaming. Helplessly watching the man and Sammy’s fiancé live happily ever after... while all Sammy can do is get his new fake ass stuffed full on cum by dom daddies on Grindr.
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Life-Changing Massage
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“Take off your clothes and lie down on the massage table. I’ll be with you in one moment”
“Take off my clothes? You’re not gay, are you?” Danny nervously laughed unbuttoning his shirt.
The masseur rolled his eyes at Danny’s comment.
“No... but you will be” the masseur muttered to himself.
“What?” Danny questioned. “I didn’t hear you”
“Oh nothing, sir. Just lie down and let me get to work.” the masseur smirked deviously.
“You’d be shocked at what these fingers can do. They’re... life changing”
Danny lay down on the massage table with only a small towel covering his private parts. The masseur began slowly working his hands over Danny’s slender frame.
Danny tried to relax. He wanted to just let go. But he couldn’t help but worry. If any of his bros heard that he was getting a massage from a dude, he would be the butt of jokes for years to come. Danny would rather be known as anything other than gay.
As the masseur lay his hands on Danny’s skin, Danny felt a warm rush flow through his body. It was as if the masseur’s fingertips were sending waves of warm pleasure through Danny’s slender body. The pleasure shot through Danny’s body until...
“Ughhhhhhhhhhh” A long orgasmic moan escaped through Danny’s lips.
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“Now, let’s start the real massage” the masseur smirked.
“Wait... this is too gay. I have to leav- OHHHH” Danny was cut off by the sensation of soft lips sucking his nipple.
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Danny looked down to see the masseur tenderly sucking on his sensitive nipple. A hot intense pleasure began to formulate around his chest. An orgasmic throbbing pleasure. So intense. So intoxicating. Danny couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. It was too much to handle. The intense tingling orgasmic pleasure began to target his pecs, making them feel heavier. It was almost as if his pecs were... growing.
Danny’s pleasure-filled pecs began to grow bigger. With each suck on his nipple, his pecs grew rounder. His once lean pecs were now soft and perky muscle tits. His nipples fattened, they looked like they were begging to be sucked. The pleasure only grew in Danny’s pecs as his moans grew louder and more intense. But the masseur wouldn’t stop. He kept sucking.
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Danny’s once nonexistent pecs were now massive. So big and fat. Danny’s chest looked like it was just begging to be titty fucked. His meaty pecs yearned to have a man blow his thick potent alpha load on them. It’s what they were designed for.
Deep down Danny was scared. How was this man causing him so much pleasure? This man was making him feel more pleasure than any woman ever had. Was Danny... gay? No, he couldn’t have been. Danny had never even thought of men sexually before now. He had never even thought of their... big hard cocks between his juicy tits. He had never fantasised about sucking big fat cocks or... shoving dildos up his ass. But now, just the thought of it makes his cock twitch.
“You may lie face down now” the masseur commanded
Danny’s body obediently flipped itself over. Danny now lay on his new juicy pecs. Danny let out a moan as his big sensitive nipples brushed off the massage table.
“Now. Let’s show everyone how fertile you really are”
The masseur then lay his magical hands on Danny’s flat bottom. The fear set in. Danny knew what was coming. But what scared Danny even more was... he was excited for it.
Pleasure filled Danny’s flat bottom as it inflated in size. Growing big and round. His ass grew rounder and softer. His hips widened to accommodate for his new gargantuan sized booty. It grew bigger and bigger until it was bigger than any ass he’d ever seen. His once flat bottom was now a fat fuckable booty.
As the pleasure subsided, Danny’s rational mind resurfaced. Danny knew he had to escape. He threw himself off the massage table and onto the floor. His big ass and juicy pecs jiggled hypnotically as he hit the floor.
“That’s it, dumbslut. Shake that fertile ass”
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The masseur picked up the himbo and lay him back down on the massage table. Before Danny could resist, the masseur ran his fingers over Danny’s face.
“Let’s massage that face of yours, shall we?”
The heated pleasure filled Danny’s face. His lips began plumping up, becoming the most fuckable dick sucking lips anyone had ever seen. Danny’s face became more angular. His jaw sharpened. Facial hair began sprouting on his young 19 year old face. A big thick mustache formed above his big lips. The hair spread further down his body covering his perky tits and defined six pack in a pelt of hair. His body began beefing up. His biceps grew bigger and his shoulders broadened.
He looked like the most fuckable muscle stud.
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“I think we’re done here.” the masseur smugly grinned.
Danny stepped off the massage table and put his two massive feet on the ground. Danny stared at his insanely fuckable body in the mirror.
“What did you do to me?!” Danny exclaimed through his pouty lips. “Change me back! I’m begging you!”
“Change you back?” the masseur questioned. “What’re you talking about? You’ve always been like this.”
Danny’s head began aching. The words of the masseur buried themselves deep inside Danny’s mind.
“What? No... no, I haven’t”
“Yes, you have. You’ve always been a big, gay, dumb, balloon titted himbo.” The masseur pulled on Danny’s sensitive nipple, eliciting a soft moan from Danny’s big lips.
There was a long silence. Danny’s identity slowly faded away, becoming nothing more than drool inside his big dumb mouth. Danny’s face became so vacant. So dumb. His jaw hanged open as he began breathing only through his mouth. He looked so empty and relaxed. The more IQ he lost, the more drool formed in his mouth. He got dumber and dumber until his personality, his heterosexuality and all his memories leaked out of his mouth and fell onto the wooden floor, creating a big puddle of drool.
“So Danny, I think we’re done here. How was that?” The masseur looked at Danny smugly.
Danny’s face lit up as he giggled dumbly. His big tits and fat ass jiggled.
“That was, like, so totally fucking awesome hehe”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Danny.”
“Next time you should, like, totally fuck my big bubble butt, hehehe”
And so, the homophobe lived out the rest of his life as a dumb gay balloon titted himbo. The slut can’t go an hour without fingering himself, shoving a dildo up his ass or getting ravenously fucked by sexy daddies on Grindr.
Danny has become a regular at the spa, getting at least two massages every week. However, the masseur only likes to focus on massaging one specific part of Danny’s body.
His prostate.
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Himbo on Campus
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Sam was dissatisfied with his life. He was cute, extremely smart and had a very loving family. A family that even supported him when he came out as gay. But Sam’s life was permeated with a sense of longing. He wanted more.
Sam had always loathed his skinny stature. Sam always prioritised his education and his intelligence over exercise. He liked being smart. But he couldn’t help but be jealous of all the sexy muscular models on his Instagram feed. Their bodies. Their popularity. He envied them. Sam let out a sorrowful sigh and mumbled:
“Life must be so easy for those big popular jocks. I wish my life was that simple.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Sam began to get dizzy. It felt as if the entire room was spinning. Sam stumbled towards his bed. He sat down as the spinning slowly came to a halt. He knew that something was different but he didn’t know what.
Suddenly, Sam felt his chest began to tingle. Sam hopped up from his bed as the tingling sensation became more intense. Too intense for Sam to handle. Sam began moaning and writhing. He looked down at his chest and let out a big shriek. His chest was inflating. Becoming bigger. Growing meaty and thick. Rounder and fuller. Sam was in shock. His huge pecs were unnaturally large for his skinny frame. It was as if the skinny nerd had developed a hefty set of perky breasts.
Sam didn’t have time to panic. The tingling feeling began to change his entire body. His legs became defined and beefy. His skinny stomach filled with muscle and a six pack began to form. His biceps inflated becoming the size of footballs. His ass got juicier and fatter becoming more round and voluptuous. His body looked like that of a sexy quarterback.
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Sam looked at his body in awe. He was beautiful. He had the body every gay man dreamed of. He had an ass that every top would want to dominate. Sam jumped with glee causing his new fat ass to jiggle and his new perky tits to bounce. He finally had it all. He had always been smart but now he was sexy and handsome too. He was every gay man’s wet dream.
Sam heard his phone buzz. He was shocked to see that his phone was blowing up with messages from the most popular girls in his college. The messages were filled with heart emojis and flirty comments. Some woman even sent Sam explicit photos of her breasts. Sam was confused. He was openly gay. They knew he wasn’t interested in girls. Why were they they texting him?
Sam’s face began to tingle. Sam examined his face in the mirror. His face began to change. His jaw became more pronounced and squared. His brows became more pronounced. His lips grew fat and fuller.
“Perfect dick sucking lips” Sam joked.
His face was now the epitome of masculinity. He looked like every stereotypical college football jock. Just when Sam thought the transformation was over, he began to feel the tingling sensation invade a part of him that he hadn’t expected it to. His brain.
Sam’s brain began to tingling intensely. Sam slowly felt his intelligence drain from his brain. Years of studying and hard work lost. With each IQ digit lost, Sam became more relaxed. More happy. More dumb. His smarts slowly becoming drool that would gather in his mouth and eventually dribble out onto his bedroom floor. Sam couldn’t help but let the drool slowly drip out of his mouth. He couldn’t close his mouth. It felt so natural for Sam to leave his mouth open. It made him look like he was always confused. His dumb vacant expression made it so people could tell that he was just a big booty himbo. A dumb himbo who will never achieve anything in his life. Sam’s expression became more and more vacant until eventually all he could let out was let out a dumb chuckle. He looked at his new self in the mirror and mindlessly bounced his new big tits. He let out a big dumb laugh as his squeezed his pecs together, pretending they were breasts.
“Me dumb” he chuckled at the mirror as he brainlessly poked his new reflection and made a stupid face.
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Sam stood staring vacantly at his new naked reflection. His hair turned into a light blonde, the perfect colour for a dumb himbo like him. The tingling traveled down through Sam’s body and made it’s way to the dumb jock’s cock and balls. Sam, or Sammy as his bros like to call him, was completely oblivious. The tingling targeted the weaker sperm in his balls. The tingling eradicated any evidence of weaker sperm and replaced it with thick potent alpha sperm. His average sized ballsack inflated, becoming fat and droopy as it slowly filled with new potent cum. His penis shot forwards in length giving Sammy a nice thick 10 inch cock.
Suddenly, the gay pride flag on Sammy’s bedroom wall began to disappear, being replaced by posters of sexy women who’s breasts were almost bursting out of their bikinis. The jock slowly began to lose all memories of having slept with men or being attracted to men. Sam’s memories of getting fucked by guys were replaced with memories of his new jock body breeding women. As Sammy became straighter and straighter, his body oder became more pungent. He didn’t care for showers or hygiene anymore. In fact, Sammy found body oder funny. He loved messing with his bros by shoving their faces into his smelly pits and forcing them to take a big whiff of his stench. Sammy also loved to burp and fart around his bros. He would chug his protein shakes, whip out his ass and then release a big groaning protein fart onto his bros’ faces and sometimes even their food. But his bros were disgusting too. They found it funny to eat the food that had been subjected to Sammy’s fowl gas. They also found it hilarious when Sammy farted directly into their faces. It was just bros being bros. Sammy loved his bros and they loved Sammy. But more importantly, Sammy loved the hot babes on his campus.
“I so horny. Need fuck” he grunted like some kind of animal.
Sammy’s asshole began to be changed by the tingling sensation. Sam’s loose hole that had seen many years of penetration began to close up. It tightened. It became so tight that no penis would ever be able to enter his ass again. His ass would only be used for farting in his bros’ faces and shitting. Not any gay shit.
Sam’s old personality and his homosexuality were banished into the himbo’s balls. Sammy’s boner does the thinking for him from now on. Sammy dumbly chuckled and browsed through the girls’ messages. When he saw the image of the girls’ big bouncing tits, he immediately shot his potent load all over himself. It was like a waterfall. Along with the potent sperm, Sammy also shot out his smarts, his homosexuality and his old personality.
Sam was now nothing but an empty headed horny himbo. A big dumb jock who’s only purpose in life is to look sexy and dumb. Just like he always wanted. His life was so much simpler now. All Sammy does is drink protein shakes, work out, fart on his bros and impregnate. How much simpler could someone’s life get?
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Culture Shock
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William put on his dapper suit and stared out at the beautiful Sydney skyline. He had a beautiful apartment and a well paying job but still he wasn’t happy. In fact, his job was the only reason he was in Australia. William was offered a promotion. A big promotion. One that only an idiot would reject. Of course, it meant he had to move away from his loving boyfriend and his supportive friends but he would make new friends in Sydney, right? Sadly, William soon found out that this would not be the case. William had been in Sydney for over a month and he still hadn’t made a single friend. Only acquaintances. Acquaintances like his coworker Blake who he could give a smile and a nod to, but nothing else.
William blamed his loneliness on the culture shock. He felt so different to the Australian people. Australian culture was so different to what William was accustomed to. Coming from the UK, William just didn’t understand them. Their slang, their focus on being outside in the sun and partaking in water sports was all so off-putting to William. He felt as if he would never adapt. Never fit in. As if he was destined to be isolated in his two story apartment forever.
William took one last look at his skinny, pale body in the mirror and made his way to his brand new job. He sat slumped in his office chair browsing the internet on his computer.
“I wish I could just fit in” he whispered to himself.
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt a warmth flow through his body. William was taken back. It felt as if there was a fire inside him, pulsing through his veins. It didn’t hurt. It felt... good. William threw himself back in his chair, basking in the waves of warm pleasure washing over his thin body.
Suddenly, William felt all the heat focus on his arms. It felt so good. William bit his finger trying not to let out any moans. The heat gathered in his bicep making the pleasure become unbearable for William. He let out a high pitched moan that filled the office. William realised that something was very wrong. William knew this wasn’t normal. He needed help. He grabbed the phone on his desk only to drop it when he glanced at his arm. His arm was pulsating. Throbbing. It was... growing.
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William gasped as the heat grew more intense. His entire arm becoming huge, bursting out of his shirt, tearing it to pieces. He was becoming broader and broader. His hand becoming huge and his fingers thickening, becoming fat and heavy. Tattoos began to appear on his forearms. His two arms were now both as big as each other.
William grabbed the phone again and tried to call an ambulance. But his thick, fat fingers wouldn’t allow him to press the correct buttons. He was then hit by another wave of pleasure. But this time, it was focused in his chest. His chest began to thicken. His abs became became more defined, pushing out of his stomach. His pecs jutted out of his chest. William gasped at the size of them. His new big, juicy pair of tits fattened and grew until William couldn’t even see his feet. He ran his hand over them not expecting his nipples to be so sensitive. The light touch of his sensitive nips caused him to moan in pleasure.
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The whole office clearly heard. William went red in humiliation. New gym clothes began to materialise on William. He made a dash for the bathroom as his legs began to beef up filling out his new gym shorts.
William stumbled into the bathroom. That is when he saw himself in the mirror for the first time. “I’m huge. I look like some stupid jock!” he cried. William was revolted by his reflection. William was smart. He looked down on stupid frat boys. But now William looked like what he despised. A stupid, dumb, low-life jock boy. “Why are you doing this to me? Give me my body back!” William cried. William pulled out his phone, ready to call an ambulance.
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But then he heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. William used his big chunky fingers to wipe away his tears. He hid in first cubicle he saw and locked the door.
“William?” a voice rang out. “Ya doin okay, mate”
“Oh no, it’s Blake, my coworker. What am I gonna do?” William whispered to himself
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.” William lied. His posh British accent eliciting a chuckle from his coworker.
“Ya don’t have to be embarrassed, mate. Just tell me what’s happening and I can help ya” he called out in his deep Aussie accent.
William had no choice but to come clean. “Blake, I don’t know what’s happening. You have to help me. My body is growing. I look huge” William cried to Blake.
“Well obviously. You’ve always looked huge, ya big dag.” Blake laughed.
William was confused. “I have always been skinny... wait, no. That’s not right.” William questioned himself.
His memories being rewritten before his eyes. The more he thought about his life, the more he forgot. Blake was right. He had always been huge. He was always a gym bunny.
“How’d you forget about that” he laughed. “You’re such a dumb himbo, mate. But that’s why we love ya” Blake laughed banging on the cubicle door.
William’s IQ began to disappear. His 130 IQ dropped to around 60. Williams face gradually got blanker and blanker until finally a big dumb grin spread across his face. He was now an idiot. So dumb. His friends in the UK always laughed at how he could barely form a coherent sentence without his face going blank and his jaw dropping to release a vacant “Uhhhh”. William was the constant butt of jokes. The jokes were always aimed at the dumb expression on his face and the way he would breathe through his mouth which would often cause drool to come dribbling out.
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“Uhhh, sorry Blake. I don’t know what’s happening today. I can’t believe I thought I was smart. I barely made it through school back in the UK” William dumbly chuckled as drool began to drip out of his mouth.
“What’re you talking about, Willie? You’re an Aussie, remember? You practically grew up on the beaches in Sydney. You didn’t even make it through school. You were too busy drooling all over your fat tits, ya big dumbo” Blake grinned.
“Yeah, I remember. I’m as Aussie as they come, mate. I am a real dumb himbo, arent I mate” Willie’s British accent was replaced by a thick Aussie one.
“Now get outta the dunny, grab your thongs and lets head to the beach and find some hot babes to bang tonight, alright Willie?”
William’s wish was now fulfilled. He had totally integrated into the Aussie lifestyle. He traded his smarts for a life where he fit in. Now Willie feels as though he belongs. He was fired from that new job because he wasn’t able to read anymore. But it’s not like he cares. He’s okay with living a life of mediocrity now. I mean, I doubt he can even spell ‘mediocrity’ anymore. All he can think about is working out, banging hot babes and bouncing his big titties for his bros. That’s it.
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The once smart, young, gay businessman is now a dumb, straight, horny slut who shows off his sexy body every chance he gets. But William got what he wanted. Now he feels like he belongs. He’s got hot babes in one arm, his bros in the other and he absolutely loves it
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Coach’s Favourite
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Lucas was an out and proud nerd. He excelled academically because he loved to study. He was every teacher’s dream student. He was a straight A student in all his classes except for one. Gym class.
So when he was asked by Coach to stay after school to discuss his grades, he was terrified. Lucas didn’t put any effort into gym class. He often insulted the class describing it as ‘mind numbingly boring’ and ‘A class created for people who don’t have a brain’. But now Lucas was terrified that he was being forced to face the hulking man that he loved to criticise.
Lucas anxiously waited outside Coach’s office after school. He waited and waited until there was not a single person left in the halls. No one chatting by their lockers. No busy bustling atmosphere filled with laughing and gossiping. Just silence. The empty atmosphere put Lucas on edge. He began shaking his leg until eventually a big hulking hairy figure came around the corner. It was Coach. He walked up to his office door, unlocked it, turned on the light and told Lucas to come in. Coach confidently strode in and sat at his desk. He invited Lucas to sit across from him. His face stern and angry.
“Lucas, your grades are...”
Lucas was ready for the shouting to begin. He was ready to face the consequences of his constant back talking and defiance. Lucas braced himself for coach’s harsh words. But then Coach said something Lucas didn’t expect.
“Amazing, Lucas. Your grades in gym class are amazing. You’re at the top of the class.”
Lucas was shocked. That couldn’t have been right. Lucas barely partook in class. How could he be getting an A+ when he always defied coach’s orders? Especially when all the stupid empty headed jocks that excelled at gym were in his class. Coach smiled deviously at Lucas’ confusion. Coach whipped off his t-shirt and smiled at Lucas, condescendingly asking:
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“How many protein shakes do you drink a day? You look huge. At this stage, you’re the biggest jock in my class”
Lucas was shocked by the fact that Coach was standing shirtless in front of him. But Lucas had no time to question it. Lucas’s uniform began to feel so uncomfortable. It began to feel so tight. As if his clothes were shrinking. He felt so restricted. His clothes just got tighter and tighter. Lucas groaned hoping coach wouldn’t notice. Lucas then looked down to see that it wasn’t his clothes that were shrinking... he was growing.
Lucas’ biceps began to grow bigger and stronger. His hands becoming big and thick. His fingers fat like sausages. Lucas grasped for his phone and tried to call for help. But his big fat sausage fingers wouldn’t allow him to press the correct buttons anymore. Lucas’ pecs then began to inflate. They grew big and soft. Like two fat juicy tits. His round tits became so big that they began to press against his shirt. The shirt got tighter and tighter until *POP*. The buttons flew off his shirt revealing his big fat bouncing tits. The once scrawny Lucas was now a hulking big titted monster.
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Lucas was in shock. He began screaming and running his hands over his new big body. He cupped his pecs letting out an erotic moan. His nipples were so sensitive now.
“What have you done to me?!” Lucas screamed in terror. “I look like a big stupid jock!”
“Well you are a big stupid jock, Lucas. So why would you look like anything else?” Coach began chucking.
Lucas had always despised jocks. They were dumb and gross. Smelly and annoying. They bullied him for being gay. They would fart in his face and spit on him just because of his sexuality. Lucas knew he was nothing like them. He was not some dumb jock. He was a smart, ambitious nerd. Not some dumb oaf.
“I’m not some dumb gross....” Lucas’ train of thought was cut off by a tingling sensation in his head. The tingling got more and more intense until it was all encompassing.
“I’m not some... fuckin nerd” Lucas said feeling extremely confused. “Yeah that seems right. I’m a dumb jock”
Lucas’ reality began to alter. His uniform turning into a tank top and gym shorts. His mind becoming hazy and confused. Lucas’ IQ plummeted. His IQ dropped from 140 to just under 60. His thoughts became more clouded. His brain becoming thoughtless. Dumber. Stupider. The more he tried to think, the more he forgot. All the years of studying and learning being replaced with guzzling protein shakes and working out. Lucas was now a straight D- student. He was scraping by in every class except for his favourite. Gym class. Lucas was getting so dumb. His face becoming more and more relaxed. His eyes becoming more vacant. His jaw relaxed and loose making him look so incredibly stupid. Lucas now found it impossible to breathe through his nose. It felt so natural breathing through his mouth. His breathe stank but he didn’t care. All he cared about was working out and showing off his body. The old part of Lucas was scrambling to get the tank top off. He needed to escape. But as his IQ dropped more and more, he couldn’t figure out how to take off his tank top anymore.
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“From what I hear, you are quite the ladies man, Lucas. You could get millions of girls pregnant with big alpha balls like yours”
Lucas’ brain began to change. His thoughts becoming filled with sexual thoughts about women. His gayness being replaced with thoughts of bouncing tits and impregnating women. Testosterone filled Lucas’ body. Body hair began growing all over Lucas’ new body. His chest, legs and ass were now covered in dirty smelly body hair. Lucas’ body odor became more pungent. Straight Lucas didn’t care for hygiene. He rarely showered after his football games. Showers were for runts. Real alphas, like Lucas, didn’t need to shower. It was a privilege for some nerd to smell his stink. When he forced a nerd to lick his sweaty ass crack, it was an honour. They get to smell what a real man smells like. Lucas lifted his arm letting coach smell his new pungent straight alpha armpit.
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Lucas’ balls began to tingle as they inflated. His ball sack becoming fuller and bigger in size. It was full to the brim with straight alpha sperm ready to be shot inside some big titted babe. Lucas cockily smiled at the thought of depositing his sperm in as many different women as possible. His loose asshole began to tighten. It tightened to the point where no penis could ever penetrate it again. Lucas was permanently stuck as a smelly straight jock. He had no memory of ever being a gay nerd. It felt so natural to be smelly. It felt so good to have muscles. It felt so natural to just be... a jock.
“So why’d you call me in here again, bruh” Lucas let out a dumb chuckle
“No reason, Lucas. You can leave now” Coach smiled deviously at his new creation.
“Alright Coach. See you tomorrow for training, bro” Lucas smirked and turned towards the door. “Protein fart!” PFFFTT. Lucas confidently strode out leaving his fowl stench behind in Coach’s office.
Lucas left the building to go torture some nerds with his stink. Coach smiled as he saw his new creation leave the building. At that moment, Coach knew Lucas was going to be the most dedicated student he’s ever had.
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Lucas’ life consists of nothing but working out, farting and fucking. Coach turned him into what he hated the most. A dumb smelly jock. Coach can’t help but feel a certain sense of satisfaction as he sees Lucas bullying his former nerd friends with his stink. The jock spits in his former friends’ mouths, belches in their faces and farts on their clothes in the locker room.
From the first time Coach met Lucas, he just knew the nerd would grow to love gym class. He just needed a bit of prodding, that’s all.
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zzzzzbored · 2 years
Who’s a Good Boy?
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Danny confidently strode down the sidewalk, his ginger dog pulling him along. The confident gym buff was lost in thought, planning out his day and how he was going to meet his buds that evening. He didn’t even notice the hulking man stomping behind him. Danny bent down and rubbed his dog’s slender face. The large man approaches Danny and his dog, his shadow enveloping the pair.
“Such a pretty little dog, aren’t you?” the older man cooed. His large hairy muscles pressing firmly against his dress shirt. Tufts of thick hair covered the man’s meaty forearms and chest. Danny looked up at the 40 something year old man. The man stared right back at him.
Danny stood back up, his eyes now fixated on the stranger. Even standing straight, Danny only reached the man’s collar bones. The man must have been at least 6’3. His broad shoulders and muscles were layered with a thick fatness. This only further intimidated the young 24-year-old.
“You can pet him if you want?” Danny shrugged. “He’s a young one. Loves attention. Especially behind his ear.”
“Mind if I-” The silver fox asked as he leaned in.
“Sure.” Danny agreed, his eyes travelled towards his dog, waiting for the man to bend down. But the man didn’t…
Danny felt an odd sensation emit from his head. He furrowed his brow as he realised what was happening. Still staring at the dog, Danny felt the old man’s hand run through his own hair in a soft repetitive motion. Danny looked at the man in confusion as the man continued to pet Danny’s head.
Danny, still taken aback by the whole situation, sighed in disgust. “What the hell are you doing? I meant the dog. Obviously, not me. The dog.”
“I am petting the dog, boy.” The man smiles softly, still rubbing Danny’s thick luscious hair. “And what a good boy he is…”
“Get off me-” Danny grabbed the man’s arm before the man’s hand slipped down behind his ear. He began scratching intensely. The scratching caught Danny by surprise. Danny’s entire train of thought was destroyed by the man’s fingers running behind his ear. His eyes rolling into the back of his head. Pleasure shot throughout his body, all emanating from the man’s thick fat finger scratches.
“That’s a good boy.” The bald man grinned deviously through his thick beard.
GOOD. BOY. The words repeated softly in Danny’s head, disrupting every part of his mind, not allowing him to form a single original thought. His mind completely focused on the head scratching and the older man’s captivating praise. ‘Good boy…’
“Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkkk” Danny moaned leaning into the man’s head scratching.
“You’re such a good boy for your owner, aren’t you? Such a good boy.”
GOOD. BOY. OWNER. The words rang more intensely in Danny’s pleasure filled head. He felt his knees begin to buckle as pleasure shot through his groin, causing his cock to stand at full attention. Danny felt at peace as his owner continued scratching behind his ear, just like Danny always liked it.
Danny jumped backwards with a sudden jolt of energy. His rational brain kicking back into action. Why did he say owner? This man… this man wasn’t his owner. No one owned Danny… or at least he thought. But he was beginning to question whether that was true. What was the man doing to his brain? Danny still felt the remnants of hot warm pleasure flowing through his body.
As Danny spiralled into confusion, he felt a cold thick fabric make contact with his neck. The fabric wrapped around his entire neck and was solidified with a loud CLICK. Danny looked down to see a collar on his neck. A thick leather collar with a round metal plate hanging off the front. The plate read “REX”, followed by the contact information of a phone number that Danny had never seen before. Even more shocking, while Danny was looking at his new label, he realised he was completely naked. Butt naked. On complete display for the man to ogle at and sexualise.
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“C’mere boy.” The fat muscle man motioned Danny over before noticing the 24-year-old gym buff was gaining too much self-awareness. He could see Danny looked panicked.
“Who’s a good boy?” The man condescendingly cooed at Danny. “You are. You’re a good boy!”
Another wave of pleasure washed over Danny, his eyes rolling back into his head. The hot sensation flooded his body, leaving him a sweaty moaning mess. His mind refused to think. Completely blank with the pleasure of his master’s words. He felt so relaxed. So at peace. So at home hearing his master’s affirmations.
Noticing that his magic words were succeeding in mindfucking his subject, the man continued to tease the boy.
“You’re such a fucking good boy. The best boy. I wanna breed your fuckable bouncy ass when we get home. Put a litter of pups in you!” The man enthusiastically laughed.
His owner’s affirmation shot the most intense pleasure through Danny. More intense than any orgasm. Than any drug. It was so addicting. So orgasmic. Danny wanted more. He wanted his owner to compliment him, flirt with him, fuck him… The heat shot through his legs, causing them to buckle even more intensely this time. Danny fell onto all fours, his tongue flopping out of his mouth. The good boy panted as drool dripped off his tongue, his eyes still in the back of his head. His cock grew harder and harder, gathering all his smarts and his sophistication in his balls, ready to be shot out onto the sidewalk. He began absentmindedly swaying his hips side-to-side, completely mindfucked.
“That’s right.” Danny’s owner hunkered down on this thighs and whispered. “Such a good dog.”
Danny, still drooling his brains out, felt a sensation building in his throat… a sound. A sound that was trying to escape his throat and expose his new self to the world. The sound built in his throat more and more. Another one shot up his throat, causing his cheeks to puff up.
“That’s it boy. Let it happen. Let it out. It’s natural. You’re just a dumb dog. Let the world know.” The man whispered sensually, causing Danny’s erect dick to pulse, ready to shoot out his brains onto the ground. Danny found his ass begin to shake violently, side-to-side, wagging his non-existent tail. Fur sprouted on Danny’s hairless chest and face. He moaned more and more intensely for everyone on the street to see. A complete spectacle for passerbys to witness.
He resisted. He couldn’t. Another sound shot up his throat and died in his puffed cheeks.
“C’mon Rex. Be a good dog, let it out!” Danny’s master demanded. He harshly slapped the boy’s fat ass, forcing out the humiliating sounds…
The feeling of letting out his true nature, his canine nature, sent Danny over the edge. With one forceful hump, Danny shot out all his human abilities and smarts onto the ground. His humanity and dignity was now just a puddle of cum on the tarmac. Cum that would be left behind and disintegrated by the sun and washed up by the rain, never to be seen again.
Danny was now “Rex”. The dumb obedient dog, that is ever so eager to please his master. Whether it be getting his ass fucked all day, waiting around in his cage for Master to come home or eating dog food from his dog bowel, Rex does it all. He does it for him… the person he loves the most. The only person that exists in Rex’s world… his owner.
Rex’s owner smiled. “C’mon boy. It’s time to go home…”
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zzzzzbored · 3 years
My husband and I have been together for almost 35 years. Even though we go to the gym, we’re not as muscular as we use to be. We keep seeing these two very attractive dude bros working out together and flexing in the mirror. We do our best not to stare, but they sneer and mock us under their breath anyway. My hubby and I would love if they’d become bodysuits we could take over and restart our lives again. Can you help us?
"Happy 1st anniversary my dear, what a glorious year we have," you said as you lustfully kiss your husband
"I will never be able to get use to your prickly face HAHAHAHAH, and hey, its 36th, don't discount that,"
And that put your mind into the memory of what you two did just last year
Joshua and Colt are probably the two loudest pair in the gym. At one side, it's quite fun to see how they really have each other's back and how positive they are with each other. But in the other hand, their antics can become a little bit unbearable.
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Not to mention when they have their girlfriends around, it's not rare to hear some loud and quite disturbing moan from the shower as those girls either get their pussy eaten or sucked their boyfriend pipe as if their life hanging onto it. And the boys are quite the grunter too.
But the whole shenanigan wasn't disturbing until the series of slurs they directed at you and your husband after you spent some time in the machine that they wanted to use. From commenting about your form, the duration, and how there was some kind of unpleasant aroma wafting around the machine, they complained a lot and constantly jabbed you and your husband. You thought it was a one-time thing, maybe both of them were in some kind of mood, not getting their blowjob maybe, or some other reasons. But no, it went on and on until you decided that enough is enough and a good samaritan that you never seen before in the gym offered you an exit
When that good samaritan offered an exit from your current problem and life, that was quite literal. You and your husband instantly flopped like some kind of fish out of the water the moment you two swallowed that pill given by that stranger. The locker room quietness and stillness turned into some kind of frenzy as everyone tried to help you two gained some sense of consciousness. But alas, that was the end of your life as they knew it. Not for you two though, as amidst the chaos, your husband dove into Colt's much taller body and you ended up struggling for control with Joshua as you invaded his meaty and solid body. Nothing could prepare anyone from that kind of invasion and not long after the time of your death, you and your husband "resurrected" as two, very horny, young bodybuilders
From then on, the changes were swift. Acting secretive at first, you two disregarded the brotherhood built between the two of them and made it into something else more intimate, a loving relationship. You two started to appear in the gym in color-coordinated clothing to show your ever-closer relationship.
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You didn't hold yourself back as you cuddled or pecked your husband mid-workout, who stood at least 5 inches taller than you when you were the taller one previously. The girls were dumped quickly too, much to the dismay of those ladies as they felt tricked to fell in love with two gay guys. They didn't see it coming, just like a lot of people who thought that the two jocks are that asshole, they have to mock the recently passed gay couple by acting like some kind of lovey-dovey couple, but those claims quickly dumped out from the window as people realized that the two seemingly-very-straight-jocks turned out to be gay, for each other
The blooming relationships continued even outside the gym as you two spent more and more time together. Dating, attending parties, buying shared car, all done under 4 months.
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People were surprised on the level of commitment (and wealth) the two young hunks possessed, but the circulating rumor about sponsors money or the existence of a highly-subbed Onlyfans account put those doubts away (it would be hella weird if people checked on their finance and found that 5 minutes before their passing, the old gay couple transferred some hefty amount of money to their two younger tormentor)
"They are just very hard-worker, you know"
"They put their heart in their work, I bet that's why they cash in those big bucks quick,"
And the other symphonies of admiration and wonder on how quick the two jocks just flipped their life entirely into the better with some smart investment that generated even more profit
By early December, you two moved into a brand new house after married in a private ceremony during Thanksgiving week, the family of the two jocks surprised but already warmed up about it as they accepted the quick yet smooth transition that happened to their two kids
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"They have been so close since they were 10, we should've seen this coming,"
"Clearly they fall in love and can only fully trust each other after such long friendship," commented some nosy family member, not knowing the 35 years of history existed between the two men that reside within their just-married relatives
And now, here you are, your husband laid his head on your firm pecs as you two watch Netflix together in your bedroom, cakes from the anniversary already half-eaten and stashed in the bedside table. The night is still young, the movie is almost done, so maybe some kind of celebratory fucking is on the list after this.
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zzzzzbored · 4 years
English Version
The crazy story of Martín Castillo
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- Professor Herrera, your body is just as I imagined it. Now let's have a little fun
I said this while looking at myself in the mirror, with the sexiest tone that this body can produce. I flexed each and every muscle in my muscles, once owned by Iván Herrera, my high school chemistry teacher.
You see, I have always had this strange fondness for my teachers, I don't know why, but they attract me a lot. When I entered high school, that feeling intensified, and much more when I met him. He always wore formal underneath his lab coat, but still his amazing figure could be seen. I never stopped imagining what kind of body he hid under his clothes.
As far as I know, he's a pharmaceutical chemist who couldn't get a job other than as a teacher (not that there's something wrong with him, but in my opinion he deserved better). He was the best teacher I had in my entire academic life, since he cared about his students learning. At some point, I fell madly in love with him, he was the perfect man. I always dreamed of being like him someday, having a life like his.
Every time he had a chemistry class, he was the first to arrive so he could take the seat across from him. I kept staring at him, many times he noticed, but he never said anything, what's more, he almost always returned a smile. It is not to brag, but he was the best in the class because he wanted to look good before him, my grades were the highest, he sent me to several state chemistry competitions (he was always in the top 3 places) and all thanks to him for being my motivation.
I ended up obsessing over him, I couldn't stop thinking about being with him right at all times. It was then that I became more awkward with my seductive attitudes, I do not doubt that Professor Herrera realized that the looks he gave him was not necessarily out of interest in the class.
Today afternoon, the teacher made me stay after classes, he said he wanted to talk to me. At that moment I panicked, but I had no idea what a big surprise this was going to bring me. When all my classmates had left the class, the teacher approached my seat to speak.
- Fernando, do you know why I asked you to stay? - He said from his desk.
- No sir…
- Come on, don't deny it
He got up from his place and walked towards me. I simply directed my eyes to the ground avoiding eye contact. Already in front of me, he leaned over and slowly brought his mouth to my ear, I was paralyzed, the scent of his cologne invaded my nose and his breath shook my hair at the nape of the neck. My heart and my breathing accelerated, I felt that it was going to explode. Suddenly, the atmosphere of tension was broken, he whispered to me.
- I know you like me
- Than!? What are you talking about? - I said as I sunk my gaze further on the floor and tried to get away, which was useless since the exit of the desk was blocked by my body. He approached me again in the same position.
- Come on, don't make yourself a saint, we both know the reason for those looks you give me ... - He said this with a soft, sexy voice and without looking me in the eye.
You can feel his big hand go over my abdomen and as it slowly descended to my crotch. My biggest fantasy was coming true, I could notice how my penis began to harden. Not knowing what to do, I tried to speak, my voice trembling and a few moans escaped me.
- Pro ... Professor Herrera ... I ... I ... - His mamo are already touching my erect member, he looked me straight in the eye and said.
- Do not worry son, we will not do anything you do not want
Without thinking twice, I threw myself at his lips to kiss him leaking, our lips barely touched. I immediately returned to my place without knowing exactly what he expected from the teacher. I fixed my gaze on the wall, although the context of the situation had changed, I was dying of shame.
He took my hand, guided me to get up from the desk and, with great delicacy, put one of his arms on my back. He was still holding my hand with the other. He pulled me towards him with his great strength, we were silent for a few seconds while looking directly at each other. He released my hand and stroked my trail. With that same hand he took the back of my neck and now it was he who kissed me. It seemed as if time had stopped at that moment. Our tongues seemed to dance in our mouths.
After what seemed like an eternity, we stopped to breathe a little - Let's get out of here, I'll take you to a quieter place - He caressed my face again, released me from his strong arms and led me out of the classroom and out of school. He was guiding me to his car in the school parking lot.
It is here when things got a little weird, at that moment I did not care about it, thank God I did not.
We got to his parking spot and there was a late model sports car, I had never noticed that Professor Herrera had a car
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- Okay, let's change bodies
- Great !, Fernando, you will see that you will not regret it. - Felipe launched himself at me and gave me a big hug, I just stood still.
- And how we do it?
- With a machine
- And where is the happy machine?
- Let's go to the living room, you'll see her there.
We went back down the long hallway and up the huge stairs to the piano room, Ivan taking me by the man at all times. There, he pointed to the piano.
- Than? Are you going to touch me? - I said in a very sarcastic tone - If you want, I'm pretty good - He directed me to the piano and motioned to sit on the small bench attached to him.
- Okay, here it is, this is the body swapping machine.
- A piano? - My voice sounded quite contemptuous, he answered me - Yes, but it is also a body swapping machine. You should only play the lowest note on the piano while I played the highest note
- This just gets weirder and weirder
- You are quite funny, this body will fall like a ring on your finger. Okay, on the count of three, we hit the keys. 1… 2… 3!
My finger slid next to hers and the piano produced the notes in unison. Immediately after, all the other keys went down by themselves and the sound of the piano became shrill. My head started to hurt and I felt dizzy, my vision was blurred, but I could see how Ivan collapsed on the ground, immediately after, I lost consciousness.
I felt in a kind of distorted dimension, I couldn't see, smell, taste or feel anything, the only thing I still perceived was the horrible sound of all the piano keys playing in my head over and over again. Little by little the sound of my heartbeat and the air entering my lungs surpassed that of the piano and at that moment, my other senses returned. I felt very cold in my back, my mouth tasted like a mixture of alcohol, cigarettes and something sweet, I could smell Ivan's cologne again, but this time it seemed something more mundane and familiar. Finally, I opened my eyes.
An intense white light dazzled me, I immediately put my hand on his way so that you don't hurt me anymore. Already adapted to the intensity, I noticed that my hand was bigger and its veins stood out a lot, the same thing happened in my arm, which was also covered by some hair, something that I had never had.
I lifted my head off the ground, looked down a bit, and noticed well-defined pecs and abdomen covered in hair. With much effort I sat down, I was in a bathroom. I got down on my knees to try to get up, for good luck, in front of me was a sink, I leaned on it and finally stood up, I noticed a great change in height, I was so dizzy that I had to close my eyes. I put my hand to my face, my palms were rougher and I felt a very thick beard. I opened my eyes and a large mirror greeted me.
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- Ivan? - My male voice echoed throughout the bathroom, at that moment I realized that in everything Ivan told me was true, he had actually changed bodies, and now I had his last body.
Again I touched my face, I explored every wrinkle, every blemish, I put my fingers through my beard, I had never had one, it was something very exciting. I touched the muscles of my neck, reaching my trunk, my pecs and abdomen were covered in hair, I stroked them, enjoying the sensation of the hairs between my fingers. I raised my left arm to flex his muscles while stroking them with the other arm. Then I did one of those bodybuilder poses where the arms are raised, but my hairy armpits stole all the attention, its scent was so powerful that it reached me without being near them. I put my nose close to one of the hairy pits, the smell of sweat and cologne was intoxicating, I couldn't stop smelling it, I only stopped when the desire to continue exploring this body returned to me.
I spent time doing poses and faces in front of the mirror, until my gaze dropped to the legs and what hung between them. Until then, I hadn't realized the large erect member that was in my pelvis.
I brought my hands up to him and started jerking him off, the rough feel of my palms only managing to increase the pleasure. While touching my penis with one hand, I rubbed my entire body once more with the other, all this while looking at myself in the mirror. After rubbing my testicles, I slowly carefully stimulated my anal area, little by little I inserted my fingers into my butt, it was a surprise to discover how my fingers slipped like butter. When touching my prostate the pleasure only became bigger, which made me moan, that sound was taking me to a level of excitement that I never imagined reaching. The sensations of pleasure traveled all over my body and then, I released a big explosion of semen over the entire sink and mirror.
I never imagined that so much semen could come out of a man, everything was stained, I took some of the semen from the mirror and brought it to my mouth, its taste was extraordinary, and best of all, it was my taste. My breathing was shaky and sweaty, but that didn't stop me from hearing the footsteps outside the bathroom. I took some underpants that were on the floor, when I put them on I noticed that they were an jockstrap, I didn't mind and I went out to explore. When I opened the door, I found myself in the dressing room of Ivan's room.
The door to the room was open, I went through it and there was my body, wearing a suit that seemed made to measure. When I entered, he was finishing the bag, he listened to my footsteps and turned around.
- Wow! At last Ivan woke up, I was already worrying - I did not answer him, instead, I approached him and watched him from head to toe. All I could do was talk - Ivan?
- No, you are Iván, I am Fernando - I continued in silence, this was still quite strange and new. Fernando was the one who broke the silence - what is so strange to you? Did you never wear a suit? This body is amazing, and it looks great with one of these. You also look amazing wearing that.
- In case you didn't leave them there to put them on?
- No, actually, I used those all day yesterday
"It was the only thing at hand, and I didn't want to go out naked," I said as I spread my arms on purpose, to show off my body even more.
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- Ivan, that was my body, and there's nothing I haven't seen of him. - He put a hand on my chest and started walking around me - Well, that ass looks better from this perspective - He said and gave my ass a really good squeeze - Hey! Easy man, it was yours, but now it's mine
- Yes, and for that reason I will not let you walk with your ass exposed so easily. Come on, he's going to take that off and look for other clothes, today we're going to party
- Seriously?
- Sure, we have to release these new bodies, go and find something sexy but not very revealing, you must learn to give yourself to desire
At that moment I ran to the dressing room, I looked in the drawers until I found one full of underwear, I wanted to try it all on, I would have time later for that, at that moment I had to concentrate on finding something sexy with the naked eye. I took some black underpants, took off my jockstrap and threw it away, of course, but not before giving him a good bite. I put on my black underpants and went out to the room.
- How are you? - I put my hands on the nape of my neck, tightened my muscles and did the sexiest pose I could think of.
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- Very simple, look for others - He said seriously. I returned a little angry to the dressing room, this time I put on a trusa of colors that marked very well my bulk. Again I went out to the room and said with a bit of annoyance in my voice everything - these?
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- They are fine, but they are still missing something. Go back to find others
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I was about to give up when I saw a piece folded differently from the rest. I took it and unfolded it, it turned out to be a very sexy black and red harness and harness set. I put it on slowly and went back to the room. Hoping that he would finally approve of my choice, I did another pose - how about this?
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- Spectacular. - I could not hide my joy, at last I was going to go out on the street in my new body - Now you just need everything above. Get back in there. - How could I forget to look for more clothes to go out in public? Again, when I entered the dressing room, I was so tired of looking in the drawers that I took the first thing I found on the floor, probably dirty as well as the jockstrap, but I just wanted to go out as soon as possible to enjoy all this.
- Please tell me this is fine
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It is obvious that you do not have seduction skills or the eye to choose clothes that make a body look good like this. You will need a lot of help - This time he entered the dressing room, it was directly for a new shirt, other pants, a belt and boots.
- Here, put it on now, we must get to the nigth club quickly or they will close it.
- what?
- The club then, hurry up! - You could see the despair in his voice, but it wasn't my fault. How did you expect me to know how to dress well? When I finished putting on my clothes, he told me to go to the bathroom mirror to learn how I should look. He was right, I could never have dressed like this by myself. I pulled up my shirt to admire myself once more.
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The desire returned and my penis became erect again, I was ready to masturbate, when Fernando yelled at me from the room - Ivan, how much are you doing? It's getting late - Before leaving I said - Good evening, I am Iván Herrera, and tonight I will enjoy your body.
That was the best night of my life, I drank so much that I don't even remember how Fernando took a photo of me while dancing shirtless. Since that day, I have only enjoyed this body, alone and with other people. I will definitely return to that mansion for more fun.
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La loca historia de Martín Castillo
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- Profesor Herrera, su cuerpo es justo como lo imaginé. Ahora, veamos a divertirnos un poco
Dije esto mientras me miraba en el espejo, con el tono más sexy que está cuerpo puedo producir. Flexioné todos y cada unos de los músculos de mis músculos, que alguna vez le pertenecieron Iván Herrera, mi profesor de química en de la preparatoria.
Verán, siempre he tenido esta extraña afición por mis profesores, no sé el porqué, pero me atraen mucho. Cuando entré a la preparatoria esa sensación se intensificó, y muchísimo más cuando lo conocí a él. Siempre vestía formal debajo de su bata de laboratorio, pero, aun así, se podía apreciar su increíble figura. Nunca dejé de imaginar que clase de cuerpo escondía debajo de su ropa.
Por lo que se, es un químico farmacéutico que no pudo conseguir otro trabajo más que cómo profesor (no es que tenga algo de malo, pero en mi opinión se merecía algo mejor). Él fue el mejor profesor que tuve en toda mi vida academia, ya que se preocupaba por que sus alumnos aprendiesen. En algún punto, me enamoré perdidamente de él, era el hombre perfecto. Siempre soñé en ser como el algún día, tener una vida como la suya.
Cada que tenía clase de química, era el primero en llegar para poder tomar el asiento frente a el. Me quedaba viéndole fijamente, muchas veces se dio cuenta, pero nunca decía nada, es más, casi siempre me devolvía una sonrisa. No es por presumir, pero era el mejor de la clase debido a que quería quedar bien ante él, mis calificaciones eran las más altas, me envió a varios concursos estatales de química (siempre estaba entre los 3 primeros lugares) y todo gracias a él por ser mi motivación.
Terminé obsesionándome con él, no podía dejar de pensar en estar con justo a él a todo momento. Fue entonces que me volví más torpe con mis actitudes seductoras, no dudo que el profesor Herrera se diese cuenta de que las miradas que le daba no era necesariamente por interés en la clase.
Hoy por la tarde, el profesor me hizo quedarme después de las clases, dijo que quería hablar conmigo. En ese momento entré en pánico, pero no tenía idea de la gran sorpresa que iba a llevarme. Cuando todos mis compañeros se habían ido de la clase, el profesor se acercó a mí asiento para hablar.
- Fernando, ¿Sabes por qué te pedí que te quedarás? – Me dijo desde su escritorio.
- No señor…
- Vamos, no lo niegues
Se levantó de su lugar y caminó hacia mi. Yo simplemente dirigí mis vista hacia el suelo evitando el contacto visual. Ya frente a mi, se lo inclinó y acercó lentamente su boca a mi oído, yo estaba paralizado, el olor de su colonia invadía mi nariz y su aliento me sacudió el cabello de la nuca. Mi corazón y mi respiración se aceleraron, sentí que iba a explotar. De pronto, el ambiente de tensión se rompió, el me susurró.
- Sé que te gusto
- ¿¡Qué!? ¿De qué está hablando? - dije mientras hundía más mi mirada en el piso y me intentaba alejar, cosa que fue inútil pues la salida del pupitre estaba bloqueada por mi su cuerpo. Él se volvió a acercar a mí en la misma posición.
- Vamos, no te hagas el santo, los dos sabemos el motivo de esas miradas que me lanzas… - Dijo esto con una voz suave, sexy y sin verme a los ojos.
Puede sentir su gran mano pasarse sobre mi abdomen y como poco a poco descendía a mi entrepierna. Mi mayor fantasía se estaba haciendo realidad, pude notar como mi pene se comenzó a endurecer. Sin saber qué hacer, intenté hablar, mi voz temblaba y se me escapaban algunos gemidos.
- Pro…Profesor Herrera…yo…yo… - Su mamo ya están tocando mi miembro erecto, me miró a los ojos directamente y dijo.
- No te preocupes hijo, no haremos nada que no quieras
Sin pensarlo dos veces, me lancé a sus labios para darle un beso fugas, nuestros labios apenas se tocaron. Inmediatamente regresé a mi lugar sin saber exactamente qué espera por parte del profesor. Fijé mi mirada en la pared, aunque el contexto de la situación había cambiado, me moría de vergüenza.
Tomó mi mano, me guío para levantarme del pupitre y, con mucha delicadeza, puso uno de sus brazo en mi espalda muestras aún sostenía mi mano con el otro. Me jalo hacia el con su gran fuerza, nos quedamos en silencio unos segundos mientras nos mirábamos directamente. Soltó mi mano y acarició mi rastro. Con esa misma mano me tomo la nuca y ahora fue él quien me besó. Pareció como si el tiempo hubiese detenido en ese instante. Nuestras lenguas parecían bailar en nuestras bocas.
Después de lo que pareció una eternidad, nos detuvimos para respirar un poco - Vámonos de aquí, te llevaré a un lugar más tranquilo – Volvió a acariciar mi rostro, me soltó de sus fuertes brazos y me condujo fuera del aula y de la escuela. Me estaba guiando a su coche en el estacionamiento de la escuela.
Es aquí cuando las cosas se pusieron algo raras, es ese momento yo no le mayos importancia, gracias a Dios que no lo hice.
Llegamos a su lugar de estacionamiento y ahí estaba un coche deportivo último modelo, jamás había notado que el profesor Herrera tenía un coche así. Sin decir una palabra, abrió la puerta del copiloto y me subí sin dudarlo. Condujo por un buen rato, en el trayecto guardamos silencio absoluto, pero cuando paraba en algún semáforo, ponía su mano en mi muslo y yo lo sujetaba. Estuvimos viajando hasta que llegamos a una de las zonas residenciales de la ciudad, la que tenía las casas más caras. Me sorprendió ver qué pudiera tener una casa y un coche así con su sueldo de profesor.
- Llegamos
- ¿Está es su casa profesor? - Era una casa algo pequeña comparada con el resto del vecindario, pero enorme en comparación a donde yo vivía.
- Así es hijo, y por favor, llámame por mí nombre
- Está bien, siempre y cuando tú también me llames por el mío, Iván
- Entendido, Fernando
Escucharle decir esas palabras hizo que todo mi cuerpo se relajará, bueno, todo menos una parte, e Iván se dio cuenta de esto.
- Vamos adentro
Salimos del auto y caminamos a la entrada. El lugar era impresionante, estaba lleno de pinturas, planteas y un sinfín de más decoración. En el centro de la sala, se encontraba un piano solitario.
- ¿Y? ¿Qué opinas? – Dijo Iván, sacándome de mi ensimísmento.
- Esto es impresionante, ¿Cómo es que puedes pagar todo esto?
- Digamos que, tengo mis métodos – Después solo me guiñó el ojo. No supe a qué se refería, pero daba igual, estaba teniendo la mejor experiencia de mi vida.
- Ven Fernando, acompáñame a mi habitación, hay algo que quiero contarte
Subimos hasta el tercer piso y, después de caminar por un largo pasillo que daba a un balcón, estábamos parados frente a una gran puerta de madera muy oscura. Iván abrí la puerta y reveló una gran habitación. Tenía una cama enorme, 4 personas podían estar ahí al mismo tiempo sin problemas. Había otras dos puestas, una de cristal que daba a otro balcón, y otra de la misma madera que la primera puerta.
Oí como la puerta se cerraba, gire e Iván caminaba hacia mi, me senté en la cama a esperar que mi mayor deseo se hiciera realidad, poco podía saber yo de los que iba a suceder después.
- Vamos al grano Fernando – Dijo sentándose a mi lado, me lancé a darle otro beso, pero me puso una mano en el pecho justo cuando estábamos a punto de tocarnos – Espera, sé que quieres tener una vida como la mía, y yo ya estoy cansado de este cuerpo.
Esas palabras retumbaron en mis oídos - ¿Ese cuerpo? A qué te refieres Iván.
- Mi nombre no es Iván Herrera, en realidad soy Martín Castillo
- ¿Martín Castillo? No entiendo nada, ¿Porqué dices el nombre de un extraño?
Iván se puso de pie y se paró frente a mi- Está historia puede ser difícil de creer, pero cada parte de ella es verdad. Hace ya varios años, yo fui uno de los hombres más importantes y ricos de España y el resto de Europa, pese a que mi riqueza me fue heredada, supe administrarla, mantenerla y hacerla crecer. Un día me detectaron cáncer en los huesos, y aún con todo mi dinero nunca encontré la cura, pero encontré otra solución - La historia era demasiado alocada, pero me intrigaba su final.
- Con una buena parte de mis recursos, financié una serie de investigaciones con el objetivo de encontrar la manera de poder vivir en el cuerpo de alguien más. Tras meses de experimentos y casi al borde de la muerte, mi equipo encontró una manera de intercambiar cuerpos. Me fue fácil encontrar alguien con quién cambiar, solo tuve que enviar una solicitud de trabajo con características específicas para conseguir el cuerpo que quería. Lo engañe prometiéndole una mejor vida. Antes de hacer el cambio transferí todo mi dinero a sus cuentas. El procedimiento fue rápido, de un momento a otro estaba en el cuerpo de un adonis, que ahora era rico. Lo único que mis investigadores nunca lograron fue mantener un cuerpo joven para siempre, así que realicé un segundo cambio, y obtuve este cuerpo
- Iván, me gustas mucho, pero no estaré contigo si consumes drogas
- ¿Acaso no escuchaste nada?
- Si, si lo escuché, pero no tiene sentido. Si de verdad eres millonario, ¿Por qué tendrías que trabajar como profesor?
- Esa Fernando, es una buena pregunta que tiene una respuesta igual de fácil, se le llama mantener las apariencias. Si una persona de un momento a otro gana mucho dinero sin un buen motivo, la gente empezaría a imaginar cosas
- Si solo me trajiste aquí para contarme un montón de disparates, será mejor que me vaya. Hasta luego Señor Herrera – Tenía toda la intención de irme, pero Iván sujeto mi mano – Por favor, créeme
- Supongamos, y solo supongamos, que todo lo que dijiste es verdad, ¿Para que me quieres a mi?
- Quiero tu cuerpo
- ¡¿Qué?! ¡¿Por qué?!
- Eres joven, guapo y tienes un gran futuro por delante. Quiero que ese futuro sea mío, y supuse que no habría mayor problema porque pensé que deseabas este cuerpo
- Si te dijera que sí, ¿Qué pasará conmigo, con mi familia?, voy a perder muchos años de mi vida, ese cuerpo tiene al menos unos 45 años y yo tengo 17, ¡¡Perdería prácticamente 30 años de vida!!
- Tranquilo, todo estará bien, imaginé que dirías algo así, ya tengo todo planeado. Y por cierto, tengo 42, ¿Podrías esperar un momento? Necesito ponerme algo más cómodo
Iván caminó hacia la segunda puerta de madera, detrás había un vestidor enorme, alcancé a ver trajes colgados, batas, corbatas, muchos espejos en las paredes y una estantería llena zapatos y accesorios.
-Puedes mirar si quieres, para que pienses mejor las cosas
Aún estaba en shock por todo esto pero, ¡¿Ver al cuerpo de mis sueños cambiarse de ropa?! Era muy tentador. Me acosté en la cama un momento esperando a que saliera del vestidor. Cuando por fin salió, se había cambiado el traje por un conjunto deportivo que me permitió ver todavía más lo definidos que estaban sus músculos.
- ¡Vaya! No me viste. Es una lastima, te perdiste un gran espectáculo
- ¡¡¡Contesta mis preguntas!!!
- Bien, bien, cálmate. Como dije, todo ya está planeado, una vez que yo esté en tu cuerpo no te dejaré desamparado, ni a tu familia. Para no levantar sospechas, vivirás aquí por unos meses, luego te mudaras a un departamento en el que podrás vivir tu solo. Me encargaré de conseguirte un buen trabajo, recibirás toda la educación y capacitación necesaria para tu nueva vida. Yo por otra parte fingiré ser tú, entraré a un concurso internacional de química y me iré de intercambio a Europa, ahí estudiaré la universidad, para finalmente vivir allá
- ¿Y qué pasa con mis años perdidos?
- Cuando ya no quieras estar en ese cuerpo, contáctame, te conseguiré un nuevo cuerpo cada vez que tú quieras. Es lo menos que puedo hacer por recibir ese cuerpo
Después de escuchar eso, pensé que intentar el intercambio no sería mala opción, si funcionaba, tendría una vida mucho mejor, y si no funcionaba no perdí nada.
- Entonces, ¿Qué decides? - Preguntó mientras recargaba su cabeza en una mano y me miró directamente.
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- Esta bien, vamos a cambiar de cuerpos
- ¡Genial!, Fernando, veras que no te arrepentirás. – Felipe se lanzó a mi y me dio un fuerte abrazo, yo solo que quedé quieto.
- ¿Y cómo lo hacemos?
- Con una máquina
- Y, ¿Dónde está la dichosa máquina?
- Vamos a la sala, ahí la veras.
Regresamos por el largo pasillo y las enormes escaleras hasta la habitación del piano, Iván me tomaba del hombre en todo momento. Ya ahí, me señaló el piano.
- ¿Qué? ¿Me vas a tocar algo? – le dije en un tono muy sarcástico - Si quieres, soy bastante bueno – Me dirigió hasta el piano y me indico sentarme en la pequeña banca unido a el.
- Bien, aquí está, te presento a la máquina de intercambio de cuerpos.
- ¿Un piano? – Mi voz sonó bastante despectiva, el me contestó– Si, pero también es una máquina de intercambio de cuerpos. Solo debes tocar la nota más grave del piano mientras yo tocó la más aguda
- Esto solo se pone más y más raro
- Eres bastante divertido, este cuerpo te caerá como anillo al dedo. Bien, a la cuenta de tres, tocamos las teclas. 1…2…¡3!
Mi dedo bajo junto al suyo y el piano produjo las notas al unísono. Inmediatamente después, Todas las demás teclas bajaron solas y el sonido del piano se hizo estridente. Mi cabeza comenzó a doler y me sentía mareado, mi vista se hacía borrosa, pero pude ver cómo Iván se desplomaba en el suelo, inmediatamente después, perdí el conocimiento.
Me sentí en una especie de dimensión distorsionada, no podía ver, oler, probar o sentir algo, lo único que aún percibía era el horrible sonido de todas las teclas del piano sonando en mi cabeza una y otra vez. Poco a poco el sonido del latir de mi corazón y el aire entrando a mis pulmones superó al del piano y en ese momento, mis demás sentidos regresaron. Sentí mucho frío en la espalda, mi boca sabía a una mezcla de alcohol, cigarros y algo dulce, podía oler la colonia de Iván otra vez, pero esta vez me pareció algo más mundano y familiar. Por último, abrí mis ojos.
Una intensa luz blanca me deslumbró, inmediatamente puse mi mano en su camino para que no me lastimas más. Ya adaptado a la intensidad, noté que mi mano era más grande y las venas de esta resaltaban mucho, lo mismo pasaba en mi brazo, que además estaba cubierto por algo de vello, cosa que yo nunca había tenido.
Levanté mi cabeza del suelo, bajé un poco la mirada y noté unos pectorales y abdomen bien definidos cubiertos por vello. Con mucho esfuerzo me senté, estaba en un baño. Me puse de rodillas para intentar levantarme, para mi buena suerte, frente a mi estaba un lavabo, me apoyé en él y al fin me puse de pie, noté un gran cambio de altura, estaba tan mareado que tuve que cerrar los ojos. Me llevé la mano a la cara, mis palmas eran más ásperas y sentí una barba bien tupida. Abrí mis ojos y un gran espejo me recibió.
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- ¿Iván? – Mi voz masculina hizo eco en todo el baño, en ese momento me di cuenta que en todo lo que me dijo Iván era cierto, en realidad había cambiado de cuerpos, y ahora yo poseía su ultimo cuerpo.
De nuevo toqué mi rostro, exploré cada arruga, cada imperfección, metí los dedos por mi barba, nunca había tenido una, era algo muy excitante. Toqué los músculos de mi cuello, llegando hasta mi tronco, mis pectorales y abdomen estaban cubiertos de vello, los acaricié, disfrutando la sensación de los vellos entre mis dedos. Levanté mi brazo izquierdo para flexionar sus músculos mientras los acariciaba con el otro brazo. Después hice una de esas poses de fisicoculturista en donde se levantan los brazos, pero mis axilas peludas se robaron toda la atención, su olor era tan potente que llegaba a mi sin estar cerca de ellas. Acerqué mi nariz a una de las fosas peludas, el aroma a sudor y colonia era embriagante, no podía parar de olerlo, solo me detuve cuando las ansias de seguir explorando este cuerpo regresaron a mí.
Estuve un tiempo haciendo poses y caras frente al espejo, hasta que mi mirada bajó a las piernas y lo que colgaba entre ellas. Hasta ese momento, no me había dado cuenta del gran miembro erecto que estaba en mi pelvis.
Llevé mis manos hasta él y comencé a masturbarlo, la sensación áspera de mis palmas solo logró aumentar el placer. Mientras tocaba mi pene con una mano, frotaba todo mi cuerpo una vez más con la otra, todo esto mientas me miraba en el espejo. Después de frotar mis testículos, lentamente estimulé cuidadosamente mi zona anal, poco a poco introduje los dedos en mi trasero, fue una sorpresa descubrir cómo mis dedos se resbalaron como mantequilla. Al tocar mi próstata el placer solo se hiso más grande, lo que me hizo gemir, ese sonido me estaba llevando a un nivel de excitación que jamás imaginé alcanzar. Las sensaciones de placer viajaban por todo mi cuerpo y entonces, liberé una gran explosión de semen sobre todo el lavabo y el espejo.
Nunca imaginé que tanto semen pudiera salir de un hombre, todo estaba manchado, tomé un poco del semen del espejo y me lo llevé a la boca, su sabor era extraordinario, y lo mejor de todo es que era mi sabor. Mi respiración estaba agitada y estaba cubierto de sudor, pero eso no me impidió escuchar los pasos fuera del baño. Tomé unos calzoncillos que estaban en el piso, al ponérmelos noté que eran un suspensorio, no me importó y salí a explorar. Cuando abrí la puerta, me encontré en el vestidor del cuarto de Iván.
La puerta que daba al cuarto estaba abierta, la atravesé y ahí estaba mi cuerpo, vistiendo un traje que parecía hecho a su medida.  Cuando entré se estaba se estaba terminando de acomodar el saco, el escucho mis pasos y se dio la vuelta.
- ¡Vaya! Al fin despertaste Iván, ya me estaba preocupando – No le contesté, en lugar de eso, me acerqué a él y lo observé de pies a cabeza. Lo único que pude hacer fue hablar - ¿Iván?
- No, tu eres Iván, yo soy Fernando – Seguí en silencio, esto aún era bastante extraño y nuevo. Fernando fue quíen rompió el silencio – ¿Qué es lo que te resulta tan extraño? ¿A caso nunca usaste un traje? Este cuerpo es increíble, y se ve muy bien con uno de estos. Tú también te vez increíble usando eso.
- ¿A caso no los dejaste ahí para que me los pusiera?
- No, de hecho, esos los usé todo el día de ayer
- Era lo único a la mano, y no quería salir desnudo – Le dije mientras extendía mis brazos apropósito, para presumir aún más mi cuerpo.
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- Iván, ese era mi cuerpo, y no hay nada que no haya visto de él. – Puso una mano en mi pecho y comenzó a caminar a mi alrededor - Bueno, ese culo se ve mejor desde esta perspectiva – Dijo y le dio un muy buen apretón a mu trasero - ¡Ey! Tranquilo hombre, era tuyo, pero ahora es mío
- Si, y por eso mismo no dejaré que andes con el culo expuesto tan fácilmente. Anda, va a quitarte eso y busca otra ropa, hoy saldremos de fiesta
- ¿En serio?
- Claro, tenemos que estrenar estos nuevos cuerpos, ve y encuentra algo sexy pero no muy revelador, debes aprender a darte a desear
En ese momento corrí al vestidor, busque en los cajones hasta que encontré uno lleno de ropa interior, quería probármela toda, ya tendría tiempo después para eso, en ese momento debía concentrarme en encontrar algo sexy a simple vista. Tomé unos calzoncillos negros, me quité el suspensorio y lo arrojé lejos, claro, no sin antes darle una buena olida. Me puse los calzoncillos negros y salí al cuartó.
- ¿Qué tal? – Puse las manos en mi nuca, apreté los musculoso e hice la pose más sexy que se me pudo ocurrió.
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- Muy simple, busca otros – Me dijo seriamente. Regresé algo enojado al vestidor, esta vez me puse una trusa de colores que marcaba muy bien mu bulto. De nuevo salí al cuarto y le dije con algo de fastidio en mi todo de voz – ¿Estos?
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- Están bien, pero aún les falta algo. Regresa a buscar otros
Puse mis ojos en blanco en señal de fastidio, estuve a punto de rendirme cuando vi una pieza doblada de manera distinta al resto. La tome y al desdoblarla, resulto ser un conjunto de trusa y arnés negro y rojo muy sexy. Me lo puse lentamente y salí de nuevo al cuarto. Con la esperanza de que por fin aprobara mi elección, hice otra pose - ¿Y qué tal esto?
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- Espectacular. – No pude ocultar mi alegría, al fin iba a salir a la calle en mi nuevo cuerpo - Ahora solo te falta todo lo de encima. Regresa ahí adentro. – ¿Cómo pude olvidar buscar más ropa para salir en público? De nuevo, entre al vestidor, ya estaba tan arto de buscar en los cajones que tomé lo primero que encontré en el piso, probablemente sucio al igual que el suspensorio, pero solo quería salir lo más pronto a disfrutar de todo esto.
- Por favor, dime que esto está bien
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- Es evidente que no tienes habilidades de seducción ni ojo para escoger ropa que haga lucir bien a un cuerpo así. Te hará falta mucha ayuda – Esta vez el entró al vestidor, fue directamente por una camisa nueva, otros pantalones, un cinturón y unas botas.
– Ten, póntelo ya, debemos llegar rápido al nigth club o lo cerrarán.
- ¿El qué?
- El antro pues, ¡Apúrate! – Se notaba la desesperación es su voz, pero no era mi culpa, ¿Cómo esperaba que me supiera vestir bien? Cuando terminé de ponerme la ropa me dijo que fuera al espejo del baño para que aprendiera como debía verme. Tenía razón, nunca hubiera podido vestirme así yo solo. Me levanté la camisa para admirarme una vez más.
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El deseo regresó y me pene volvió a erectarse, ya estaba listo para masturbarme, cuando Fernando me gritó desde el cuarto - Iván, ¿Qué tanto estás haciendo? Se está haciendo tarde – Antes de salir dije – Buenas noches, soy Iván Herrera, y esta noche disfrutaré de tu cuerpo.
Esa fue la mejor noche de mi vida, bebí tanto que ni siquiera recuerdo cómo es que Fernando me tomó una foto mientras bailaba sin camisa. Desde ese día, no he hecho más que disfrutar de este cuerpo, a solas y con otras personas. Sin duda, algún regresaré a esa mansión en busca de más diversión.
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
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username: chemistryisright So hey. My name used to be something else but these days it is Mr. Mitchell. He was my chemistry teacher and I know it's wrong but I was 16 and horny and was practically drooling over him even though he could be like my Grandpa. 
Anyway when I got my Chronivac I switched our bodies. It was the most erotic thing possible to me to have gray hair and wrinkled but I changed his..er..my body to be more fit. And I gave myself some tats. I'm one of the coolest teachers in school now. I used to be, well, uh, not that confident. Now thanks to Chronivac I OOZE confidence and sex appeal, and have the benefit of years of experience. I'm currently having sex with the gym coach and the principal, both of whom I've made modifications to and who are both bodybuilders now. 
I guess I'm just looking to fuck and I want to be your daddy. You got a problem with that, son? Oh and if you're worried about Mr. Mitchell, don't be. He's more than doing alright these days. 
I'm versatile, into fisting and oral but not rimming. Like dad/son play and definitely into leather kink and BDSM. Contact me!
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
Like Father, Like Son
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“Why. Why are you doing this?” I asked in desperation as my dad overpowered me with his brute strength.
“Simple. Your dad is starting to resist me. How am I supposed to enjoy myself if he is starting to take back control of his body? I think you’ll be a fine next host.” He said lustfully as he looked directly into my eyes.
What the hell happened to my dad? We used to be so close, but the past few weeks, he has been acting incredibly out of character, and now this! I mean leather jackets and late nights are one thing; I thought he was just going through a midlife crisis. But no. He is a fucking lunatic. I wish I  knew what was wrong.
“Alrighty son, are you ready? I reckon this won’t be that fun for you, but I am sure we will have a blast when I am in control of that jock body.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Goddamn, you really are stupid aren’t you?” He said condescendingly. “I’m not your dad. The name’s Rob. I found your old man a couple weeks ago getting drunk at the bar and I slipped inside. Don’t hold anything against him; It’s not his fault.”
I just stared at my dad in confusion. He was obviously sick or something.
“Dad, I think you need psychiatric help.” I said in denial. “You aren’t acting like yourself. We can talk to mom, I am sure she would-”
“Oh will you shut up!” He snapped. “I’m not your dad! I died 6 years ago! Don’t you get it? I’m a fucking ghost inhabiting your dad’s body. If you aren’t going to listen, then just sit there. Make my life easier.”
He grabbed my chin and pulled me close. For a second, I thought we were going to make out, but instead he just held me there. All of a sudden, a bluish-white ‘fog’ began to pour out of his open mouth. Before I could do anything, it quickly traveled into mine.
Immediately, I could feel the chilly substance travel down my throat and fill into all of the corners in my body. It was disturbing, yet also erotic at the same time. The substance continued to fill me up until I felt myself beginning to lose consciousness. As the last bits of the fog made its way out of my dad’s mouth, his body went limp and we both fell to the floor.
Drifting in and out, I could see my body hoisting itself up off the ground. I stood and began to explore my own body, but I wasn’t in control. I tried to move my arms and legs, but to no avail. Something was wrong.
“Oooh. Thanks again bro.” Rob said aloud in my own voice while putting on the leather jacket my dad was wearing. “Don’t you worry, your pops will wake up eventually and won’t remember a thing. And I’m sure you will take back your own body here in a couple weeks. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.”
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
Not Yet
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“Oh, I could get used to this…” I moaned in a cute boyish voice as my boyfriend and I continued to make out and explore each other’s bodies.
“Yeah, you said it.” He mumbled as I groped his perky ass. “You think we need to get out of these bodies yet? They might start fighting back soon.”
I opened my eyes and adjusted to seeing my ghostly boyfriend in such an attractive, young guy. His short dark hair and adolescent features completely hid the fact that he was in fact a middle-aged dead man possessing a college boy. He both gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled. For the first time in a long time, we were both so incredibly happy. And I didn’t want it to ever end.
“Gavin, I love you so much.” I whispered as I tenderly stroked his cheek.
“I love you too Mike. With all my heart.” He replied back as he pulled me in for another kiss. “But, we have to prepare for… you know…”
I internally sighed. He was right though. Being forced out of our hosts was never fun. Besides, we weren’t without hearts. We stole these bodies and having two straight boys wake up next to each other in bed would probably scar them for the rest of their lives.
“I know, I know. You’re right. We have to give these guys their bodies back…” I said shyly.
“Hey, babe. It’s alright. We have the rest of eternity to love each other, remember?” He said optimistically as he lifted up my chin. “We’ve been in these two for almost a week now. Let’s not push our luck.”
I reluctantly agreed and we prepared to exit our hosts. Damn, I am going to miss these two.
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
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I’m sorry, Dad. Sorry that I’ve been doing such a damn good job of being you.
I’ve gotten your fat-ass body in shape, grown out your beard, gotten this sexy new nipple piercing. I’ve made you look fucking hot, but that’s no surprise. I always knew you would be sexy as fuck if you would just learn to fucking take care of yourself.
The best thing, though? People have really noticed that you’ve stopped being such an asshole ever since I took over your body. They know that something about you has changed, but they have no idea that it’s me inside controlling your body like a puppet. All they know is that they like this new version of you. And I like it, too.
So, I’m sorry, Dad. Sorry that your own son had to be the one to help you become a better man.
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zzzzzbored · 5 years
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“Please,” Jordan groaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure, “Please make it stop.”
“It’s almost done,” I assured him. The last bits of stubble prickled out across his jawline, and across his broadening chest. His body settled into its final shape, leaving him with a thoroughly masculine physique that was almost too sexy to be true.
“Why did you do this to me? Who am I?”
“You’re my Uncle Mike,” I explained, “I always thought he was hot, but I could never do anything about it. But now that you’re him, you’re going to let me do whatever I want with that sexy body.”
“No, I won’t,” Jordan said. He was surprisingly defiant. I hoped that the spell had really worked the way that it was supposed to. “Please. Turn me back.”
“Let’s try this again,” I said, “You’re going to let me do whatever I want with that sexy body, Uncle Mike.”
Ah, that was the trigger. He had to be called “Uncle Mike.” Just like that, I saw the switch flip in his mind. The desperate, pleading look he had on his face totally disappeared, replaced with the same friendly grin that my Uncle Mike usually wore.
“Hey, buddy!” he said in exactly the right way, “What am I doing here? Why don’t I have any clothes on?”
“You were just about to let me suck your dick, Uncle Mike,” I said.
“I was?”
“Yeah,” I said, licking my lips, “You were going to let me suck that huge, juicy dick, and then let me taste your cum.”
“Oh!” He said not only as if he was just suddenly remembering it, but also as if it was completely normal for his nephew to be coming onto him so shamelessly. “Well then, come on over here, buddy. Don’t wanna keep my favorite nephew waiting.”
He placed his hands on his hips and presented his cock to me with a smile. I was instantly on my knees with my lips eagerly wrapped around it. It was just as delicious as I always imagined it to be. The only thing that made it better was knowing he’d be the one sucking me off next.
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