yyhimagines · 8 months
i had an operation yesterday so I'm a lil out of it, but please send me some asks, guys! it'll give me something to focus on, and i love answering them!
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yyhimagines · 9 months
sorry for the delay in getting these replies out, everyone! it was a rough day today, but I'm all caught up for now. please keep sending them in! i enjoy writing these and making you guys happy~
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yyhimagines · 9 months
hi the imagi es here are so cute! I really like riding horses and I think it would be silly if yusuke and the boys were riding horses with me, I imagine kurama might be good at it but everyone else would struggle, LOL! would you be able to write something about that when you have time?
"You gotta relax," you insist. "Horses can sense your nerves, and it makes them nervous, too." "Easy for you to say," Yusuke says, grip on the reigns far too tight and his posture far too stiff in the saddle. "How do you know it's not gonna suddenly freak out and buck me off?" "Just don't spook it," Kurama says. "Breathe, relax your posture, and lighten up on the reigns." "He's right," you say. "Loosen your hips and just sway with the saddle. If you tighten up like that your horse is going to stop." "What, you're telling us these things can sense the tension in our bodies?" Kuwabara seems horrified, and his horse stands nervously, ears back attentively and listening to its rider with excruciating detail. "Yeah, they can," you say. "You have a cat, right? Just think of it like interacting with your cat." Kuwabara groans uncomfortably, but he looks down at the beast beneath him, takes a deep breath, releases the tension in his body with a heavy exhale, and reaches out to stroke his ride's neck. The horse responds favorably, shifting its weight and letting out a gentle sound. It can still sense Kuwabara's nerves, but suddenly Kuwabara feels a bit more in-tune with the creature. "That's more like it," Kurama says, riding up beside Kuwabara and his mount while keeping a respectable distance and making sure Kuwabara's horse knew he was coming. "Yeah!" You smile widely. "Just remember: no sudden movements, no shouting, no hitting, and try to relax. There's a rhythm between you and your horse. You just gotta find it."
Yusuke looks pale, but he tries to keep this advice in mind. He's got a long way to go. "Come on, Yusuke—you can handle demons and monsters, but not a vegetarian?" You both tease and try to boost his confidence at the same time. "Yeah, it's the vegetarians you have to watch out for."
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yyhimagines · 9 months
Hey there!
I was wonder what your HC's would be pertaining to Shiori and Kurama's relationship.
Hi there!
Personally, and this is probably related to my wish to be loved and accepted by my own mom no matter what, I think Shiori would be ride or die for her son, even if she knew he was a demon.
I think Shiori suspects something is off about her son, but she chooses not to delve into his private business. She trusts him, and she loves him. If Kurama decides to come to her with whatever weirdness he's got going on, she'll accept him and love him no matter what.
And yes, this extends to the fact that he's killed people. I think Shiori would be in absolute shock for a bit, and definitely a bit horrified, but she would still decide to love Kurama despite this, and keep his killings a secret. She does get the feeling that her son is dangerous, and it scares her a bit, but she trusts that he would never harm her or the rest of their family. She kind of gets that Kurama only does what he has to, though I imagine Kurama would try to keep her as far away from his supernatural business as possible and definitely keep her in the dark, I think if she knew then she would be proud knowing that he's also saved many lives and helped prevent the end of the human world.
My feelings on whether or not Shiori would ever actually find out what's going on with Kurama are...conflicted.
On the one hand, I love the idea of her choosing to stay out of her son's business even if things seem off and suspicious, choosing to trust and accept her son no matter what he might be getting into.
On the other hand, however, I CRAVE the concept of Shiori finding out who Kurama really is, about his previous life, his notoriety as a thief and someone even other demons told scary stories to each other about, about what he's done behind the scenes to keep her safe, to help yusuke, to save the world, even down to the brutal details and the knowledge that he can and has killed without mercy or remorse...and her choosing to accept Kurama anyway, because he's still her son. Shiori saved him by giving birth to his second life, and I want her to know how grateful he is, how he would do anything for her, kill anyone for her. And though she might be scared, she'll put her fear behind her and choose to love him anyway.
I think Shiori can always tell when Kurama is going through some sort of trial. Whether he's helping Yusuke with a case that has a lot riding on it or whether he's facing some sort of moral dilemma, Shiori can tell something is up, and she always brings him a warm cup of tea to let him know that she's there, even if he never confides in him. That warm cup of tea is a constant source of comfort in his life. She'll always bring it.
I have others but this post is long enough, dgfhjgkf.
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yyhimagines · 9 months
I just want to hear about Yusuke and Kuwabara hanging out with Eikichi lol
"C'mon, Yusuke! Admit she's cute!" The small cat dangled in Kuwabara's hands like a ragdoll, big brown eyes fixated on Yusuke in anticipation. The detective refuses to approach or reach out to the cat, staring at the tiny beast with suspicion. "I'm not a cat person." "But look at those eyes!" Kuwabara says, inching Eikichi closer to Yusuke." "I am. That's the problem." "What's wrong with them?" "They're unreadable. Cats have no expressions. How am I supposed to know what they're thinking and whether or not they want attention or to be left alone?" "Y'gotta read the body language! See, look—" Kuwabara sets Eikichi on the ground, and the earthy cat stands there for a moment, glancing at Kuwabara, then back to Yusuke. "See how her tail is straight up and her ears are pointed forward? That means she's comfortable and happy to see you!" "Oh yeah? Having a cat made you a master of weird ass body language, huh?" "It's not weird, it's just different! Cats aren't like dogs. They've got their own way of communicating. You just gotta learn how, like taking English in school. C'mon, just reach out and pet her! You'll see!"
"Hmm..." The brown eyes of both Yusuke and Eikichi meet once more, searching for some sign in each other of understanding and acceptance. Closing his eyes, Yusuke takes a deep breath and lets out a lighthearted sigh. "Alright." In a moment of trust and faith, Yusuke lets down his guard and reaches towards Eikichi. "Wait." "Do you want me to pet the cat or not?" "Just reach your hand out and let her come to you." Yusuke gives something of a light growl, but does as instructed. Eikichi slowly approaches his hand, inspecting it, tail held high in a question mark pose. She sniffs his fingers, taking a moment to examine and understand, before finally she moves forward and rubs her head against his hand. A low rumble begins to fill the room as Yusuke takes this as a sign to rub the cat's back gently, and Yusuke found the purring to be...surprisingly comforting. Shoulders relax, and something akin to elation blooms in Yusuke's chest as he watches Eikichi brush against his hand repeatedly, seemingly content and happy. "...y'know, maybe this isn't so bad after all."
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yyhimagines · 9 months
I have at least one more ask to answer this evening, but I wanted to thank you guys for the warm welcome and all the asks you've sent in~ I'm really hoping to brush up on my writing skills by doing these, and I hope they're all to your liking~
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yyhimagines · 9 months
hi again, this is the sh anon, I just wanted to say thank you sm for your writing, I screenshotted the ask you answered so I can have it on my phone and read it all the time ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm really thankful
hey there! you're very welcome~ i'm glad you like it!
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yyhimagines · 9 months
hi would it be okay to ask for something where im helping kurama get in the bath because he's hurt?
"I appreciate you helping me," Kurama hums, a squeeze of pain lurking under the surface of his words, "but truly, if you'd rather be somewhere else, I can manage on my own."
When you assure him that you'd rather be here helping him, looking after him, Kurama smiles weakly and shakes his head lightly, though perhaps a bit too much with his blood loss, as for a moment he finds himself swimming in the air with the only his feet on the ground and your touch keeping him steady to keep him grounded in reality.
"If you're certain—" Even his voice sounds dizzy. "—then thank you. I owe you." Kurama grimaces as he begins trying to take off his clothes, but thankfully you're there to help him, and it makes the pain of his wounds a little easier. He wears that smile, soft and kind as always, uncharacteristically eager to show his gratitude to you through his expressions and tone. Once all cloth has been discarded, he stands there a little awkwardly, trying to be modest but not come off as shy. Admittedly, it hurt his pride that he wasn't able to stand there boldly before you, but this wasn't the time for such embarrassments. Instead he allows you to help him step into the bath and sink down into it.
A heavy sigh leaves him as the water sloshes up against his skin, the warmth and the steam soothing his battered body and bruised ego. Though his smile may have faltered briefly, it takes its place back on his lips as he stares at you through gracious eyes. "I guess even someone as old as me can use lessons on humility and asking for help. Thank you~"
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yyhimagines · 9 months
mochiii <3 please please please write about yusuke and hiei kissing the context literally does not matter I'm just starved for content
Yusuke and Hiei butt heads regularly, but it's become something of a reliable rhythm between them, something familiar to the point where these arguments have become comforting in representing the norm. It's always playful, of course, and there's a silent understanding between them that after these play arguments that the two of them will fall together like magnets—sharply with a loud "CLACK!!!"
The expression on Yusuke's face was none too pleased, a feigned attitude that looked like it would crack from the edges at any moment. Hands shoved deep in his pockets, Yusuke gives a loud, sarcastic laugh.
"Yeah right, like you could ever make a good ramen." Hiei's expression was surprisingly neutral, though there was also an undeniable air of sass and hot air underneath. "Hn." Piercing red eyes glare through Yusuke as he sits awkwardly on his high stool at the counter, a steaming fresh bowl of noodles in front of him that looked pristine and untouched. "I could do better than this. You call this ramen?" "Tch, fat talk for someone I've caught stealing food before. Can you even cook?" "Of course I can cook. I'm not an infant." "Oh yeah? Then tell me, smart guy, what would you do to make my ramen better?" "More meat." "The fuck you mean, 'more meat?' I already gave you extra meat." "If that's the case, then you must be mocking my appetite. For a detective you're not very intuitive." Yusuke glares at Hiei. Hiei glares back. A few moments pass where the two just stare at each other in silence, causing people passing by the ramen stand to uncomfortably shuffle along a little faster. Finally, Yusuke breaks, sighing as a smile takes the place of his scowl. "You really hate to say 'please' don't you? Typical Hiei." He turns around and grabs more meat, throwing it on the heat as an almost mocking chuckle fills his lungs. "Demons don't say 'please.' " "Kurama does." "You don't." Yusuke starts laughing a little louder, pulling the meat off the heat and turning to slip it gently into Hiei's bowl. Then, without another word, he walks around the stand until he's next to Hiei, grabbing the shorter demon's chin and tilting it upwards before their mouths crash together like pair of bucks fighting for dominance. Y'know, if the deer were gay. "You're such a little shit."
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yyhimagines · 9 months
[TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM] hi mochi!! I'm desperate for yusuke hugging and holding me after I've self-harmed, maybe sternly telling me to cut that shit out but also just clearly being worried about me and wanting to comfort me
"Don't...do this shit, okay?" Despite the harsh sharpness in Yusuke's voice, his hands are surprisingly gentle as he cleans your wounds, doing his best to cause as little pain as possible even if being soft wasn't exactly his forte. A heavy huff makes a harsh sound through his nose. Dark brows are furrowed and pressed together. Breathing techniques that Genkai taught him help him stay cool and collected—compared to his usual attitude at least. "I know I can't exactly feel what you're going through," he starts, picking up the bandages and carefully applying them, "but I know you're strong enough to endure this, and if you ever feel like you aren't, then I'll be strong for you, okay? You don't have to do this shit. You don't have to deal with it alone." Not a moment passes after he finishes covering your wounds before he's grabbing you and gently pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your shoulder. "I know life can be tough and shitty sometimes...well, a lot of the time. But I know you can make it. I know you're strong. I know you can conquer living in this fucked up world, and I know that no matter what I'll be willing to carry you if you ever need a break, okay?"
He pulls you close to his chest, and you can feel each other's heartbeats thumping in unison like harmonizing drums. Yusuke firmly yet carefully grips where you'd hurt yourself, trying not to hurt you but making it clear that he would do anything if it meant you wouldn't feel the need to ever do this again.
"It may not be okay now, but...it will be, okay? Tomorrow's a new day."
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yyhimagines · 9 months
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Hey there!
This is a brand new YuYu Hakusho blog dedicated to answering asks and writing scenarios sent by you guys!
We accept any sort of request, and it doesn't have to be a shipping request! If you want me to share Kuwabara studying headcanons or write out Kurama going to the corner store, I'll answer those too!
This blog is still partially under construction until I get javascript approval, but for now I'm ready to answer your questions and write your ships!
Come at me! (Just please make sure to read the rules first!)
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yyhimagines · 9 months
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