youtoocanrun · 9 years
World Heart Day Special
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Surendra Dasadia is now training to run his 4th Half Marathon after his cardiac bypass surgery.
Today I had the opportunity to test him after his earlier test of 4 months back. He came out tops showing that dedication and intent can lead you back to good health.
Some progress indicators:
His weight has moved 63.2 kgs to 58.9 kgs. A drop of 3.3 kgs.
His BF %age was 27% earlier and now has moved down to 24.6%. Moving from Obese to normal category.
His lipids are normal and I have asked him to stop statins after talking to his cardiologist.
His MBD score revealed that his left forearm was low and I have asked him to see his Ortho and decide medication.
He is now running almost 14 kms with minimal walk breaks in good form.
His age.. A young 70.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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‘From the Mountain to the Ocean – Run with Roshni’ is Roshni Rai’s inspiring story, about how she started running marathons and about her project ‘Run with Roshni’. A project she started in 2012 through which she is supporting underprivileged but very talented young Gorkha Runners from Darjeeling to run marathons in different cities of India by raising funds.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
From the Mountain to the Ocean
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‘From the Mountain to the Ocean’ is a biography of Ms. Roshni Rai and the incredible story of her running achievements and support towards the cause of Gorkhas.
The book was launched by Mr. Adille Sumariwalla, President of Athletics Federation of India, at a charity event ‘Ramilo with Gorkhas’ organized by Run with Roshni Foundation on 12th Sept, 2015 at CIDCO Auditorium, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
The book is published by YouTooCanRun Sports Management Pvt. Ltd, edited by Mrs. Padmaja Shashtri, former Business Journalist at with Times of India. For YouTooCanRun this release marks a significant achievement as the first book published for an independent author. YouTooCanRun regularly brings forth content on running space which normal publishers would not be generally interested in such niche areas.
About YouTooCanRun Sports Management Pvt. Ltd. YouTooCanRun is a Social Entrepreneurship. Its mission is to “Promote Running for Good Health”. As part of its continuous endeavor to promote running, it organizes a wide range of workshops, seminars, motivational speaking sessions all focused on running and good health. YouTooCanRan has launched a number of products and services to support its initiatives and its mission.
About Roshni Rai Roshini Rai is a Gorkha Girl from a village known as Pedong in the sub-division of Kalimpong, Dist, Darjeeling. Roshni is an Advocate by profession and based in Mumbai. She has started a project ‘Run with Roshni’ registered under the name ‘Run with Roshni Foundation’. Marathon running is Roshni’s hobby and she has run several marathons.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
Ramilo with Gorkhas – PUMA Ambassador
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Roshni Rai is an Advocate by profession and based in Mumbai. She has left her corporate career in order to work for the betterment of runners from Darjeeling from where she hails.
The project, titled as ‘Run with Roshni’ has supported more than 30 runners from Darjeeling.
Most of the runners from ‘Run with Roshni’ team come from a humble background and are not specially trained athletes, but they still have the grit and determination to perform exceptionally and run half marathons between 1hr 10 mins to 1hr 30 mins. The biggest problems these runners face is proper running kits and to solve this problem Roshni Rai approached Puma to help support the runners with proper running kits. Puma in turn, did not hesitate to support the current batch of 12 runners with shoes and running shorts and shirts etc.
At the charity event ‘Ramilo with Gorkhas’ organized by ‘Run with Roshni Foundation’, as an ambassador of Puma, Mr. P. Venkatraman presented the running kits to Roshni. Also present was Mr Adille Sumariwalla, President of Athletics Federation of India , the Chief Guest for the evening.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
Are You in the R.A.T. Race?
Most of us are recreational runners and we take up running not to win any medals or prizes but mostly for restoring our good health.  Many of us also take up running for a sense of achievement while others like the strong social bonding that occurs amongst fellow participants in feats of endurance.  Many runners being achievers in other aspects of life, the group energy amongst the running community is naturally very high.
Runners in their day to day lives are running the proverbial rat race of the commercial world. They have high pressure jobs with tight deadlines, hectic travel schedules and all the stress of a corporate life.  Running for them is a mental release and a daily meditation in their otherwise stressful lives.  But soon the running bug catches many and they start taking up various ambitious goals. They soon start running longer distances and other such running challenges. Many travel to various running events in other parts of the globe.
Slowly the inevitable comparisons are drawn of performance level and often a single parameter for comparison is the time taken to complete a certain distance. Recreational runners who otherwise should be happy with a decent time for a decent distance suddenly want to either run longer distances or run the same distance faster.  The entire focus then changes to training for speed.
Relationships and social pecking order within the running community are then based on the timings of each runner.  A new caste system soon emerges where the 3 hrs marathoners smirk at the 4hrs marathoners who in turn smirk at the 5 hrs marathoners and so on.
The moot question that arises is, “In trying to escape from the rat race why are you now in the R.A.T ( Race Against Time ) race?”
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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The Trainer's Log Book is an essential tool that should be in the kit bag of every trainer. Developed by YouTooCanRun and endorsed by Dr Aashish Contractor, it captures the essence of best recommended international practices in term of exercise science.
Designed to meet the needs for documenting training progress of the trainee for a full year, it encompasses the entire gamut of monitoring the progress to good health.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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Most of us tend to live a stressful and a hectic business life routine. Which affects not just our physical but also our mental health. In studies, regular runners generally say they live a happier, more stress-free life than their non-running friends. Want to find out how? Watch our webinar ‘From Sofa to 5K - Reduced Stress’ Webinar.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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From Sofa to 5K is the first ever Indian book that celebrates and decodes the science and art of long distance running for the layman. Replete with simple but detailed information, the spectrum of this invaluable book is fascinating… from getting motivated to providing a structured training plan and advice on weight loss, nutrition and daily health log, it spans all facets of running the right way. This specialty book is designed to propel you into discovering the exhilaration of running as a recreational sport and an enduring health regimen!
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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How should you evaluate and judge a running event? To Find out more click on the image.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
Find out what are the social benefits of running in a group in this From Sofa to 5K webinar.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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Click on the image to see various factors at play.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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"India's only fully featured and completely serviced running event technology platform".
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
Deaths and Running Events
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Every time there is a death in a running event, it saddens us as a death that could have been easily avoided. At YouTooCanRun we have taken considerable measures to deal with such situations.
YouTooCanRun has launched RACES (Runners’ Automated Complete Engagement System) which is India’s only fully featured and serviced running event specific platform and provides a number of features some of them are listed below.
The RACES registration platform is India’s only fully featured back office solution for race event organizers. We feel that if we relieve the race organizers from the burden of attending to the minutae of event registrations and communications with the registrants, then they can devote more time and attention to growing the event and doing things that are desirable for runners safety. All our events have grown multi-fold due to this single aspect of unlocking valuable event organizers time.
We became our own publishing house in order to publish niche books. Our ‘Medical Directors Handbook’ captures the learning of over a decade of SCMM arrangements. We regularly mail these handbooks to event organizers, FREE OF COST, every time we see a new event / event organizer being announced on social media.
Our TRuMP ( The Runners Medical Profiler ) is a social benefit offering to all event organizers, irrespective of whether they are using our RACES solution or not. It is priced very reasonably to just reimburse the back-end costs involved. TRuMP offers an opportunity to runners to share their medical data with the event organizers so that should an eventuality arise, the history is readily available to the medical team. An optional Cardiac Risk Profiler indicates the cardiac risk to the runner based on his lifestyle parameters and serves to act as a trigger for further investigations.
Our Advisory Board member, an eminent cardiologist and sports physiologist, is willing to travel and deliver talks about the risk of deaths and running events. He is also willing to consult with the running event medical partners so that they are brought up to speed in the implementation of best practices of the Medical Directors’ Handbook. This is being done, free of cost by him as a gesture towards safer running events.
We have a ready presentation of ‘Running and Heart Disease’. This presentation is intended to bring out in simple terms the Cardiac issues involved and how to make running risk free. Or at least as much as possible based on the current advances in medical science. It is jargon busting and for this talk, we do not charge any speaking fees, since it is for a social cause. If you work in a large corporate which promotes running, consider inviting us. Deaths could be avoided by early testing.
With our partners we offer wireless walkie-talkie services to our event organizers. Bringing together our hobby of Ham Radio and our passion of running, we ensure that wireless communications are available for running events so that medical emergencies can be attended to without the hassle of poor mobile network connections.
Thus we have been silently working on the back-end and putting together several initiatives to minimize the risk of deaths in running events. Being a socially driven cause, most of them are either free or on ‘át cost’ basis.
How many more deaths will it take before event organizers wake up and start seeing the need to use them.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
Pace vs Speed
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This is something that used to confuse me a lot when I was a new initiate into the world of running.
It helps to clarify these two terms and also why we talk in terms of Pace rather than Speed when we run.
Most newcomers to running come from a background where their previous motion on roads was in a car / bike. The unit of measurement there is Speed as in ” kms per hour “.  When you are sitting in a car and the speedometer is the only dashboard instrument that measures your forward motion, and it gives it to you in “kms per hour”, then your entire mindset is tuned towards thinking of road journeys in terms of speed.
But when we start moving on the roads..with our own feet..and not in a motorised vehicle..then we need to change our thinking a  bit. We need to start thinking in terms of Pace as in “minutes per km”
Thus Speed  = The distance covered in a fixed unit of time
while Pace = The time required to cover a fixed distance
So simple
But then why think in terms of Pace and not Speed when speed has worked all along so finely…why this sudden need to confuse our simple running minds, one might well ponder.
The reason is really a very very practical reason and once you understand it, quite logical too.
When we take part in a running event, the distance is often fixed…we take part in events that are either 5K, or 10K or 21K or 42K etc. The distance being fixed, the timing that everyone takes to cover the distance is thus variable.
So, if you were lucky enough to be born in East Africa you might cover the Half Marathon distance of 21 kms  in about 1:15 or so..and if you are a new runner then you might consider it cause for celebration if you covered it in 3 hours . Thus the Kenyan ran each km of those 21 kms in a Pace of about 3:34 ( 3 minutes and 34 seconds arrived at by dividing 75 minutes by 21 kms ) while the new runner covered it in a  Pace of about 8:34 ( 180/21 ).
And if you just reached for your smartphone calculator and got 3:57 and 8:57 respectively, let me remind you that each minute has got 60 seconds and your calculator is showing you numbers in decimals.
Once you understand the concept  then it can be used very effectively for planning your race event.
So let us take a case when the aforementioned slow runner decides to pick up his pace ( see how naturally the term weaves itself in ) and hopes to finish it in 2:45. To do this he needs to cover each km in 7:51 minutes. Now armed with only a Rs 100/- Chinese make stop watch  ( and an optional pacing chart ) he can accomplish his mission well.
The race organisers would have placed km markers at each km all along the course. From the start time he just has to keep running and at each km marker he has to use the lap function to see how much time he took to cover the last km. If he does it too quick ( in less time ) then he should slow down and if he is slow ( takes more time ) then he should speed up.
Based on the above, the runner can easily do other calculations and adjust his race pace accordingly all along with way.
Calculating your race performance in PACE really helps you to manage your run better.
Hope this helps.
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
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From Sofa to 5K - Finding Time
Finding time to run is a biggest challenge in this busy world for any runner. One of my favorite reasons to run is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. The only problem is that sometimes there simply is no time  to run.
We all are busy. With work, school, kids, meetings, cooking dinner, feeding the dog, and then training to top it all off can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. And when life gets crazy, running becomes an understandably low priority. However, it is almost always better to make the effort to squeeze in that extra short run that you were going to skip than to forget about it.
In this webinar we discuss:
How to decide what are your priorities
How do the big entrepreneurs find time to run
Making a plan to get time to run
Tips and tricks to find more time to run:
Set goals and schedule your plan
Run to work
Sleep with your running clothes on
“Run” errands if or when you can
Run in the morning
Run with your friends
Run faster, shorter runs.
These tips and tricks to choose from will keep on track, to stay fit and to hit those running goals. When the going gets tough, keep on running.
For more such tips, tricks, planning and strategies on running buy and read “From Sofa to 5K”. The book seeks to make running easy and fun. Decoding the science of running and putting it in simple to understand terms, the book seeks to spread the fun of running to those who are sedentary. Written in a simple language, this is the only book you will need to start running.
Buy the book: http://youtoocanrun.com/product/from-sofa-to-5k/
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youtoocanrun · 9 years
The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop
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One of the initiatives of YouTooCanRun for promoting running is organizing running and training workshops, and to support this initiative we had organized a training workshop in Satara. The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Mrathon 2015 Training Workshop.
P. Venkatraman’s take on the workshop
Very happy to have organised the first Runners Workshop at Satara aimed at getting non runners in Satara to start running. Did conceptualizing of the event content and faculty with full support of the Satara Hill Marathon team.
Started from Mumbai on Saturday afternoon after a lunch at home with Praful Uchil and Gayatri Vyas Thakoor. Picked up Deepak Londhe on the way and reached Satara in time for dinner. Was received with a floral bouquet at the hotel. Then next morning ran a pleasant 10K with Praful and Deepak, while Gayatri caught up on her beauty sleep!
The 3 sessions were:
Sofa to 5K by me talking over my own story and motivating others to take up running.
Deepak and Praful touched upon basics of training for beginners in a very ‘show and tell’ practical manner.
Dr Gayatri went over the basics of nutrition and stressed that the simple back-to-basics approach works best.
The inauguration was done by Principal Gaikwad, third from right with light blue shirt, who besides being the head of the institution is also a sub 2 hour Half Marathoner.
A surprise addition to the program was Kamlesh ( first from right ) who narrated the story of his recovery from Cardiac bypass surgery and the small role that I played in mentoring him back to recovery and active lifestyle again.
All in all a very memorable weekend, well spent to the cause of promoting running for good health.
What Mr. Kate had to say about The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop
The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop organised today at Y.C Science College Auditorium, was a rocking success. The large hall was packed to capacity with running enthusiasts. The expert panel of P.Venkat from Youtoocanrun, Deepak Londe and Praful Uchil from Striders and Dr Gayatri Thakoor from Mumbai gave very useful and relevant information , and answered a lot of queries from the audience. Many participants registered on the spot and resolved to run in the first long distance running event of their life !!!
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