something so deeply cathartic about when quinni went mask off
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a lot of discourse about jordan li going boy mode before kissing marie but i think theyre probably under the impression that marie is more attracted to them when they’re masc and im expecting the show to explore that insecurity more
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hi hello thinking about how neither lottie or taissa is advocating for their sight or championing themselves.
lottie quietly doing the best she can to lean into what she hopes is real to give the others protection and faith, yes! but it isn’t I CAN LEAD YOU (especially this season) it’s I can quietly do the things that can’t hurt, in case they help. it can’t hurt to prick my finger and they’ve come back safe so far and I’m aware of my mental health I’m OH so aware and I know the dangers of delusions being proven correct by happenstance by setting up an infallible cause and effect by building my own reality BUT but. it’s just a prick and it’s just a sip and if I don’t do it now and they don’t come back safe then I AM the reason. it can’t hurt IT CAN’T HURT.
but see, now she’s stuck. she’s wedged into this place of having followers and she can’t tell them how she feels, partly because she isn’t even sure how she feels to begin with because nothing is real and everything is far too real!! (because BECAUSE lottielee jackieshauna parallels and so much post laura lee was not in our view, we didn’t fall as deep deep deep into the rabbit hole with lottie as we did with shauna, but this season has confirmed it for us. lottie and shauna both lost reality when they lost Them and they were both already girls with a loose grip of reality to begin with) so it’s That, but it’s also because she isn’t Lottie The Girl From New Jersey Who Shoplifts, she’s not herself, she’s what they make of her. she’s Lottie The Reason We Will Survive This.
she was on the other side of this dynamic, she felt that anger at jackie, she felt that sense of betrayal, she felt that letdown, that rebellion in her heart. because jackie wasn’t serving them the way they wanted needed craved being served. jackie couldn’t be that person. jackie who had been divisive in her leadership before they even crashed, because what is leadership if not a spotlight that people can adjust to make you glow like something ethereal or to point out all your flaws with great illumination? jackie had larger than life expectations put on her (and they were warm and sunny and positive some of the time yes, but that all curdles when it’s left in the spotlight too long.)
so suddenly lottie is divisive. there are teams around her and against her and myth built up, but the myth isn’t that she’s the bratty unhelping girl who gets whatever she wants like it became for jackie, the myth is she is our only hope. she is our savior and salvation and seer. and she doesn’t need to even say anything to make that so. jackie didn’t need to say anything to make them color her selfish (other, but bad). lottie doesn’t need to say anything to make them color her anointed (other, but good). she is girl vessel, girl hopes, girl dreams, a witch hunt where she Better Be A Witch.
doomcoming lottie snapped. she was On drugs and she was Off drugs and she was tired and she gave them something to cling to that they could shape into more with the seeds of the past (bear and blood and you get the picture) that they’d already been trying to plant in her image. (jackie did the same that night. she snapped, she yelled, she gave them something to cling to that they could shape into more with the seeds of the past that they’d already been trying to plant in her image, do you SEE??)
and of COURSE natalie understands both lottie and jackie. of course she knows what it’s like to be doing nothing but your best, to not want the responsibility, to be seen more as liability than asset, even though the only reason you can fail so hard is because you provide so much. before the crash and after, because girl carrying the weight of family secrets and girl who bears their insecurities and girl who SEES that they are insecure so she cannot even bring herself to be ANGRY with them and girl who hunts. girl who hunts and feeds, but now who hikes and disappoints, because there is no game to bring home, but that can only be Her Failure because it is Her Contribution, do you hear me are you with me??
so natalie walks for miles and she eulogizes jackie and she steps out of her reward her one small comfort and she makes sure that lottie sinks into the hot water and she apologizes, she apologizes, she apologizes. because maybe she’s mad, maybe she says it isn’t fair in the heat of the moment, but at the end of the day she knows who she is and what she is and all that they’ve made her and she carries that responsibility. (like jackie the girl she wasn’t home to save and lottie the girl she doesn’t know how to reach. it’s too late for them, there are no words to undo it. jackie was sealed when she made captain and natalie was sealed when she pulled the trigger and lottie was sealed when she warned van.)
and taissa finally TAISSA. she has hidden her secret. little girl looking in the mirror and seeing something that shouldn’t be there and older girl who is hearing things that she shouldn’t hear and leading people places she shouldn’t be able to lead them to. she doesn’t want it and she’s made it the Most Known of them all. don’t tell lottie, don’t tell the others, don’t bring it up. and van who champions her so naturally, so routinely, so lovingly for all the normal things. van who believes in the supernatural. van who has simply refused to die. van can’t hold it in anymore, because taissa’s sight Brought Back Javi. but tai doesn’t want her to mention it to the others. tai is perceptive and tai understands power struggles and she’s tired and hates this part of herself and she’s scared and she’s logical and she doesn’t want to Be Lottie (not lottie the girl from New Jersey who shoplifts, but lottie who better be a witch).
so maybe I’m seeing things myself, maybe I’m reading too deep, but here’s what I saw in old wounds.
lottie, who sits quietly while the others discuss her prophecy. lottie, who seems to have developed an openness to a different view of jackie in her death, because she was girl there and now she’s girl gone and she served them again in death and maybe lottie didn’t quite have the right idea of her and maybe lottie is in her seat now, in a way. lottie, who wanders into the snow without ever really agreeing because it was never really a choice, and cuts her hand because it can’t hurt IT CANT HURT.
natalie, who signed up to hunt when it was spring and warm and possible, who knows that it will be hers always and forever now. natalie, who will always be the reason they are starving, more than the reason they are fed. natalie, who is jealous of the girl who is bone, because she was allowed death. natalie, who has sympathy for all of them and knows that lottie has been made her rival through the mechanisms of group projection than her own volition. so she bathes her and tends to her and apologizes to her.
taissa, who has always been a leader and always been under scrutiny but did so in a way She Could Control. taissa, whose deepest secrets are being unfolded before her eyes because she can’t stop herself from divulging them when she is unconscious. taissa, who might start to think that maybe lottie didn’t ask for this.
so jackie is bone, and natalie is hunter, and lottie is seer, and taissa might be even more so. natalie alone in the realm of the mundane (for this), but aware of them all, so I’ll set her aside for a moment.
jackie accidentally opened the door to this spiritualism. she was the seance and doomcoming (and the first communion), but she didn’t mean for it to be that. she meant to cheer them up.
lottie thought that jackie had it wrong, thought that she didn’t use her position to protect the girls, because she refused to work with the woods and lottie tries to save them and protect them and negotiate with the wilderness for them.
taissa thinks that lottie has it wrong, because she feeds into their delusions and her power is a runaway train in this setting and taissa wants to keep them alive in the best way. the practical way. except that logical leadership never led to anything out here and her other self, her spiritual self, found javi after months.
pedestals and wrecking balls and clearer views once you’re hoisted up with the girls on them. girls who are not Them but who are What Others Say. shauna dictating jackie and mari dictating lottie and van dictating taissa and everyone dictating natalie. everyone meaning the best and riding the high of delivering it, until it’s cut out from beneath them. you don’t go from great to fine. the mighty don’t fall to land on a straw bed with the rest of them, thanks for trying and welcome back. they are Icarus and their love for the others is flight and their belief that They Can Do It Better is the sun and the sun burns. in death or in life or in dreams.
and maybe in old wounds lottie understood jackie a little more and taissa understood lottie a little more and nat, who has always been able to understand them all, can watch and wait and hope that it changes things. but it won’t. because they aren’t driving their own stories anymore.
so they’ll hunt and they’ll bleed and they’ll walk in their sleep and, no matter what they say or don’t say, the others will fill in the gaps.
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She’s like this because of us.
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I can empathize with all of the girls in the show, but I must say that if I was Lot at this point, I'd simply be so fucking over these people. They've been using her as a convenient scapegoat to not have to deal with their own choices and their own darkness for 2.5 decades. Anytime anything gets hard they can blame Lottie and let her absorb all of that on behalf of all of them and people believe them that Lottie is the one to blame. Lottie is the one who gets institutionalized and electroshocked and sent away after experiencing the same awful trauma as the rest of them and let's bffr, they probably all could have been institutionalized. The only thing that differentiates Lottie's mental illness from Taissa's, Shauna's, Van's, and Misty's is that hers is visible and they mask theirs like their lives depend on it. I'd be so done with them after all these years lol I might agree to hunting them for sport for old times' sake too
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lottie used to be alive. we didn't learn much about her except that she was a girl who smoked cigarettes with her pink coat on, that she lived for herself & was happy in her way. now we look at present day lottie, who feels just... empty inside. she sees fulfilling the role that was thrusted upon her years ago as her only purpose. she helps, but never expects anyone to return the favor when she needed it. she let herself become this vessel onto which everyone can project whatever they needed to make themselves feel better. they needed hope, so she became the savior. they needed someone to blame, so she became the villain. they needed someone who coped worse to feel more normal in comparison, so she became the delusional lunatic. but who the fuck is lottie matthews, really? is the girl she used to be before she had to become anything else still in there somewhere, tucked in underneath all the layers and forgotten? perhaps lottie herself doesn't know the answer to that.
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tagged for spoilers
oh great so you're telling me that a young girl neglected by her parents and drugged to the gills since childhood goes into the fucking wilderness and runs out of those meds and is in a stressful situation and starts hallucinating/having delusions/being a vessel for some entity??? and all she does is do some silly little rituals and do group therapy techniques and everyone starts feeding into her delusions and then they kill & eat someone in her name when she's like decomfuckingposing in the attic and then she's gaslit into thinking she was involved, that she was at fault, because her off the lifelong meds psychosis "started" all of this and now she's their jesus even though she told them that if she died they should eat her all she ever wanted to do was fucking help them to give them hope and now she's elevated into something not-lottie, she's twisted into a prophet, she's not their teammate or another teenage girl she's the messiah and all of this is her fault
then they get rescued and she's shipped off to a psych ward and shock therapied and no one checks in on her and who gives a fuck really, they're out of the wilderness, lottie can't do anything for them anymore, and she becomes the scapegoat for all of their fucked up deeds and desires and she's already gaslit to hell and back over this
then she starts a silly little commune full of other 'broken' people just vibing and having a home and safety and she's helping people like she always wanted to do before the yellowjackets took her good intentions and warped them and told her that she warped them and then one of her friends is going to kill themselves so she takes her and brings her to the commune to try and heal her, to help her, to undo the damage she never meant to wrought, and then boom all of her alive old teammates are here dragging their own shit and trauma with them acting like she's the devil incarnate to shoulder their guilt and now she's hearing about their various crimes and triggered into a psychotic break when she was doing good before this and now that friend she tried to save is dead and she's in another fucking mental institution because no one wants to deal with lottie even though she's the 'monster' they created (lowkey in their minds) and now the silly little commune's fucked and her followers are probably wondering if any of it was ever real and all lottie wanted to do was help to provide hope all she did was care
oh but sure, she's the problem
like what the actual fuck?
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I think it’s insane people are going with the "they've ruined JJ’s character on season 3" because his attitude this season is mostly a natural reaction to the abuse he has suffered. JJ being self destructive and impulsive isn’t an uncommon trait, the only new thing about him is being a lot more softer and vulnerable.
The shift in JJ when they got back to OBX was pretty natural for him. He was the most attached to the idea of living in the island. The island allowed him to forget who he really is, or any of them are. The island was paradise, a way to disguise reality. They were together, he didn’t need anything else. No one was trying to kill them or divide them. In the island, he felt like he was at equal footing with everyone.
Then, he is back at OBX with an eviction notice on the door. No job. No prospects. No parents while John B had gotten his dad back. The only one just as bad as him was Sarah but while she is allowed to go back to her kook life because they welcomed her — he has nothing else. He is reminded once again he is just a thief and will always be one. JJ has been abused by his dad and called worthless for all of his life.
He knows there was a shift in his relationship with Kie after the events on the boat. We get some clues from Cleo that everyone noticed the different vibe between them. For JJ, it was easier to fantasize with the idea of it out in a deserted island where he can’t think about the future or when the idea of her liking him back was not tangible. Now, they’re back at reality. They’re back at danger. And he has to face the fact that Kiara has a comfortable life. If he accepts that she loves him then her future will be tie to him and he’ll be asking if she regrets it.
That’s why Kie’s answer to if she preferred to stay in the island rather than go back to her parents house was so important for JJ to hear.
It’s easier for JJ to believe things aren’t possible for him but then there’s Kiara basically telling him she feels all of those things for him. It's not a fantasy now. JJ resisting what he feels for her and trying to be self destructive is pretty much JJ when he feels desperate. Mike didn’t make it any easier for him by telling him what he already feels so stealing from Mike was just to give Kie a reason to not love him, prove that they were right, he will never be good or at her level. Kie refusing to go with them to South America and JJ being like "that’s all I needed to hear" is him still trying to convince himself that Kiara would eventually regret being with him.
Kie wasn’t mad at him because he stole from her parents but because he is giving up and being self destructive. He did that on propose.
The thing is that she does not back off and I don’t think he was expecting that. He is used to people giving up or not caring enough but she does and that throws him off balance. It makes him desperate and reckless. JJ has been self destructive multiple times because he does not think his life has value. Kie was fighting for him but at the same time respecting the fact he is not used to this type of intimacy. It was well written in character perspective for both.
The writers just dropped the ball at not diving deeper into this. They should’ve had JJ discuss this with someone else (John B or Pope). Had Kie talk to Sarah about it. It was good thing but needed more execution in my opinion and they also needed more of the pogues just bonding.
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defending kiara carrera online isn’t enough. i need a gun
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i know that shipping is great and all but can we talk about how john routledge is like genuinely the second worst pogue parent on obx
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ranking the wednesday adults
by usefulness and competency
Fester Addams (Came in, evaded the law, made Wednesday smile, and is the reason Wednesday knew there were two villains and that the monster was a Hyde. +2.5)
Morticia & Gomez Addams (Love their kids, could have been much more useful if Wednesday actually talked to them, did what they could to be helpful. +1.5)
Mayor Walker (Figured out who Laurel Gates was on a hunch. Tfw the former sheriff who hasn't been a cop in years is better than the entire Jericho police force. Loses points because he died before he could tell anyone. The most competent after Fester. +1)
Goody Addams (The most useful after Fester. Would be ranked higher than Gomez & Morticia if she wasn't so vague all the time. Gets points for actually conveying information, though. Didn't teach Wednesday shit about her powers and moreso used her to fulfill a revenge quest, but still better than anyone after this. +.5)
Laurel Gates (Her success hinged on how useless and incompetent the Jericho/Nevermore adults were. She still succeeded with the first part of her plan, though. +0)
Murray Sinclair (The only criteria I have to judge him on is being a dad, and I am not impressed with his performance. Spineless bastard. -.5)
Esther Sinclair (The only criteria I have to judge her on is being a mom, and we all know how that works out. Is Mayor Walker seriously the best non-Addams parent? We didn't even see him interact with Lucas. The bar is in hell. -1)
Valerie Kinbott (The only criteria I have to judge her on is being a therapist, and she sucks. I haven't seen a single actual therapist approve of her. Her patients are also: Wednesday (how has no one diagnosed her with autism yet) Addams, Tyler (got kidnapped and groomed into being a serial killer) Galpin, and Xavier (walking red flag) Thorpe. I decree thee a failure. -1)
Donovan Galpin (Fuck this dude. Stubbornly set in his ways and assumptions, easily played like a fiddle, terrible father for a multitude of reasons, immature, his first success as a sheriff was shooting his son, there's a laundry list of problems I have with him. -3)
Larissa Weems (I get it, okay? Gwendoline Christie is cool. The criteria isn't being attractive, though, it's being competent, useful, and a good principal. She is none of these. A student is murdered? That's fine. Another student mauled? That's fine. She was only pushed into action when an established normie in Jericho was murdered in broad-daylight in the town. Ridiculous. She comes off as holding a blood grudge against a student because of her parents, which is immature, she gaslighted a student after she watched a classmate get brutally murdered, which is fucked up, and she also knew what the monster was and just sat on that information. Then she fucking dies before she could do anything about Laurel! Which loses her more points, because it lost Walker points. -3.5)
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Is Jason actually the secret favorite child? Not gonna lie Jay and Bruce have a lot of issues, all the BatFam do in their relationships. It just seems like outta all the boys Jay had the most fatherly growing up with Bruce. Granted the recent comics have shown Bruce near beating Jay to death over Penguin, but earlier comics and even Jay’s favorite memory seem to show that Bruce and Jay were very close with each other.
I absolutely agree that Jay and Bruce had the closest father-child relationship of all the batkids, probably even Damian. Especially if you add in the pre-Starlin stuff, which a lot of people do to flesh out his character. Bruce was really young when he took Dick as his ward, he treated him more like a little brother than a parent in a lot of ways until they both got older. But with Jason, Bruce was a parent from the beginning, he’d embraced it, he took on Jason already in the mindset of being a parent, not just emotional/financial support, he still made mistakes but they were different mistakes. Jason and Bruce seemed to be really close–and then Jason died and Bruce closed himself off. He never really let himself be that openly loving with any of his other kids again.
I would like to think Bruce doesn’t have favorites (even if all evidence is that Bruce does play favorites and he moves his affections constantly to new kids as they appear in his life and leaves the others by the wayside without support,) but as far as who he was the closest with, it seems to have been Jason. Which was why he really just couldn’t handle when Jay came back to life and wasn’t the person Bruce wanted/expected. Bruce just took to treating him like a different person, he couldn’t reconcile the two, and when Jason did things that the other Jason would do, like the thing with the first edition books in UtRH, it seriously freaked Bruce out. He doesn’t want the image he has of Jason in his mind tainted, even though he himself seemed to have tainted it in many ways.
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there are two types of wyler shippers:
the ones who were heartbroken by the reveal
and the ones who became invested after the reveal
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It’s just so crazy how much like Rayla Callum has become.
The dude gets possessed, thinks about the implications for a day or two, then calmly decides “hmm well maybe self-sacrifice is the way to go here.”
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Why S4 is Good, Actually: Part 1, The Rayla Edition
Re: basically just writing out my own thoughts but also responses to criticisms of Rayla’s characterization and (later) the Rayllum subplot this season. Not meant to change anyone’s mind, but to get my own thoughts out of my head so they can stop rattling around my brain. Also because this is the main part of the season I’ve seen people critique that I also care about discussing, mostly because all of it was some of my favourites and stuff I’ve come to enjoy and appreciate more and more about the season itself. As this is a meta post this is largely a one sided stance, I’m not particularly interested in debating, and I just wanted to write about how I appreciated the season’s overall consistency, what they did overtly, and what they left to implication to be expanded upon later. Okay? Okay.
To start with, we’re gonna talk about
Rayla in S4
Basically: they did a lot of interesting things with Rayla in S4 both overtly and heavily through implication that, when gathered together, paint a very clear and interesting picture of the ways she’s both stayed the same and has radically changed as a person, as well as why I think we’ll get to see a lot more of her psyche and what she (and possibly Claudia) went through during the timeskip. 
So first, let’s start with the similarities:
1) Independent
Rayla is still fiercely independent in S4 just as she was in the previous seasons, if not in some ways more so, and to her detriment and her strength. 
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She also typically believes people can handle themselves with very little fuss, mostly because she generally can. 
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2) Cynical with a sense of humour
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Somewhat found the meta spoons which is to say S4′s Rayllum arc is pretty brilliant, imo, because
S4 is about Callum realizing that loving Rayla is going to Hurt, and keep Hurting him, and he Chooses to Accept that and Love her Anyway
In 4x01, we see that Callum is keeping a closed lid on some of his feelings, not wanting to admit that he loves her out loud to Ezran because he’s worried that she’ll never come back, and that he doesn’t even know if she’s alive. We see this in his initial reaction to her; he doesn’t want to talk, he doesn’t want to blow up at her (similarly to how he behaved in 2x03 following the Harrow fallout) but he also doesn’t want her to go. So they sit in the hurt all night, softened by the fact that she asks/offers to Stay arguably for the first time. 
Then over the course of the season, they fall into their old patterns, both good and bad. They’re good at working together, keeping the other person grounded. Rayla keeps him upright; Callum refuses to let her spiral when she starts to blame herself. 
When she offers to go off on her own or goes to hunt down Viren, repeating the exact same patterns that took her away from him in the first place. 
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And I think the final moment isn’t him approving of Rayla’s self sacrificial tendencies - he’ll always prefer to have her home safe with him, or at least by her side - but him accepting that this is a part of her he cannot change or comfort away. He couldn’t two years ago and he can’t do it now, either. It’s very reminiscent of Ethari’s quote about Runaan in Bloodmoon Huntress:
Ethari: Each time Runaan leaves, it is with the weight of knowing that he may not come back. That to fulfil his duty, he may need to sacrifice everything. Himself, and all that we have here.
Rayla: But how can you forgive him for putting himself in such danger? How can you be okay with that?
Ethari: It hurts. Sometimes for much longer than I’d like. But there’s nothing to forgive him for. I’ve known since we met that this is Runaan’s calling, that nothing will deter him from fulfilling his duty. It is a necessary part of loving him — understanding his deep devotion to his people.
We know that Callum still loves her. We know that he wants to forgive her, and more than that, he wishes he could, easily. He wishes it could be easy. 
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But as Ezran says earlier in the season, we have to hold the love and the pain in our hearts at the same time. Callum has been struggling to do so. He doesn’t want to be hurt again, and loving Rayla hurts. In S4, he hopes that maybe it won’t, if he can forgive her, if they’ve both changed. But it’s clear by 4x09 that he hasn’t, as he stares worriedly at the gates while the others just look happy, because he’s thinking of her:
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Because she brings him down to his knees all over again.
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Loving Rayla, until she chooses to break her own cycles, until she chooses to be more measured than Runaan, is always going to hurt him. He can’t change that for her. He can either accept her wholly, unconditionally, as she is right now (not who she may or may not become), or he can walk away.
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Callum chooses to run to her
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and to love her, pain and all, anyway. 
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Things Bruce Wayne Never Did Again After Jason’s Murder
I was just thinking about how drastically different Bruce became after Jason died. Like, this man just stopped doing so much, especially when it came to his familial bonds and relationships.
Correct me if I’m wrong, (because I’m just spitballing here and maybe I just haven’t read a comic where it did happen) but there’s a couple things I’ve never seen Bruce do with the other kids in the comics after Jason died.
Being (emotionally) close with his children:
I’ve noticed Bruce point this out from time to time in his thought boxes; that letting people get close to him, by admitting that he cares about them, is what gets them killed. Or at least the fear of that doesn’t allow him to form attachments anymore.
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Which I find interesting, because Bruce was so terrified of losing Jason during his run as Robin. Like, it was actually concerning to me how often this man would hallucinate or dream about Jason getting hurt or dying in the eighties…? Heck, Bruce’s mind on fear gas still went to Jason even after his death. But that didn’t prevent him from creating a bond with Jason during his child years (as you’ll notice his name wasn’t mentioned with the others above). 
So I’m wondering if his murder was the point where this became a realised fear for Bruce and made him push people away because it came true. 
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Being easy with physical affection:
Bruce is always so stiff these days when it comes to patting his kids on their shoulders or head, or heaven forbid, giving them hugs if they look traumatised enough. He is just a very awkward man. Like, what happened to that other guy? The one who was always ruffling his son’s hair and tucking him under his arm like it was the only natural thing to do. 
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Being playful with his kids:
This one hurts. Like Bruce could be so fun with his first two kids. He teased and wrestled with them, played video games, took them out to movies and games and racetracks, and it was 90% completely non-mission related. Heck, he even made puns himself sometimes. He enjoyed spending time with them and put effort into doing just that.
After Jason was murdered, I never saw that again. Tim was always doing his solo thing, and didn’t really spend time with Bruce outside of cowl; (of course, he wasn’t exactly his son then like his predecessors were, so that might have come off as weird); Bruce and Cass have a very mission-focused (obsessive) relationship and Damian…oh, Damian. Yeah, Bruce wasn’t taking him out to the zoo or anything on weekends. 
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Driving kids to school:
Well, Cassandra never really received any formal education as a child in a public school setting type-a-way, but I don’t believe Bruce has ever driven Tim or Damian to school. It was always Alfred who chauffeured them. I wondered if the thought bothered Bruce. Hence, I’m putting it down on the list of things Bruce stopped doing after Jason.
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Calls the kids by nicknames just as often as their actual names:
I’ve never seen Bruce refer to Tim, Cass or Damian by any sort of nickname, despite the fact that he always seemed to be affectionately calling Dick and Jason some form of “chum,” “lad,” or “sport,” while they were Robin. Heck, I think Bruce might have even used “Jay,” more than Jason’s actual name when he was a kid.
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Allowing the Robins to wear their uniforms upstairs.
This one was a three A.M thought to me. I know for a fact that Dick and Jason used to chill in the Manor in full or partial uniform during their runs and even kept their uniforms in their bedroom closets, but then when Tim became Robin, Bruce all of a sudden strictly implemented the rule of ‘no uniforms upstairs.’
Part of me wonders if he was trying to separate “Robin” from the family home aspect as a grieving thing. Like he needed to keep the two separate after Jason. 
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