xueyings · 4 years
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(200724) Arin & Soobin - Run Away
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xueyings · 4 years
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xueyings · 4 years
shit memory who dis
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xueyings · 4 years
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Justin Trudeau’s entire government is centred around performative wokeness and virtue signalling; making it seem like they’re doing something progressive, while actually doing nothing at all.
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xueyings · 4 years
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Hanse || Nightmare || 200321
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xueyings · 4 years
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VICTON 빅톤 Howling (하울링) MV Teaser
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xueyings · 4 years
*grown ass 18+ yo*: “XD”
me: how have you preserved your innocence like this, how have you managed to shield yourself from the overwhelming cruelty and sin of this world 
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xueyings · 4 years
The entire Canadian state and a majority of the public fetishise oil and gas development well in excess of its actual value to the economy. Fuelled by propaganda that has been running round the clock in Canada for years, it has become a self-destructive national mania every bit on par with Brexit or America in the lead-up to the Iraq War.
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xueyings · 4 years
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xueyings · 4 years
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you will bloom if you take the time to water yourself
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xueyings · 4 years
Australia’s Burning
Saw a few tweets on twitter from international people saying that us aussie people should stop begging for donations. To put this into perspective for you:
- our fires started in september 2019 in spring WAY before our fire season even begun.
- the government has cut the budget for volunteer fire fighters which means that they are mostly unable to purchase good quality uniforms and good quality breathing equipment to even protect themselves when on the front line of these ferocious fires.
- the government + national parks had ALL winter to back burn australia to limit the amount of bushfires but chose not to.
- each day is getting worse and worse. Every thunder storm with lightning that we get that doesn’t have rain causes more fires and is happening more frequently.
- businesses are closing and burning down. People are unable to purchase medication, fuel for their cars when fleeing their own town, food, running out of water + unable to buy baby food.
- around 23 people have died + over 20 people are missing. This is just in NSW + VIC and include 3 fire fighters who had loving families.
- over a thousand homes have been lost (around 1.4 i think?)
- canberra, the capital city of australia, has the WORST air quality in the world right now, in which it has killed one person and they weren’t even near any fires, the smoke got to them. The smoke from these fires have been reaching NZ since NOVEMBER.
- people have spent 3+ hours in traffic when fleeing their towns only to travel 2-7km’s and that’s not very far + some have spent days on the shorelines of australia either on boats or waiting for the navy or other australian defence teams to come pick them up, that’s how bad these fires are.
- towns are being wiped off the maps of australia.
- over HALF A BILLION animals (koalas, kangaroos + cattle mostly) have PERISHED in these fires. Koalas are already endangered and where already on the brink of extinction before these fires even started. Farmers have had to shoot their cattle because their injuries have been so severe and there’s nothing more they could do for them.
- one of australia’s most popular islands is nearly all on fire.
- over 4 MILLION hectares has been burnt and that’s more than the cali + amazon fires COMBINED.
- each day is getting more catastrophic than the last. Some people are given days to flee and if they don’t leave by a certain day they will probably not be allowed to leave at all.
- people are opening their own homes to 20+ completely strangers just so they have somewhere to stay.
We understand why you can’t donate and if you can we are very grateful for your donation. We are also very grateful if you even spread awareness by talking about it, rt’ing things, reblogging things etc, sharing links so others are able to donate. I’m sorry if we sound like we’re BEGGING for donations, we just want to be heard, helped and we want this to be over.
I will reblog with links that are helping our fire fighters + communities.
Thank you 💗
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xueyings · 4 years
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The police caught and arrested him. But despite the heinous and violent crimes he was credibly accused of, he was released without bail. He was free for three months AFTER police discovered  that he was abusing 12 underage black girls.
Chrystul Kizer was raped and trafficked by this man for years.
She’s now facing life in prison for defending herself against her attacker.
Free Chrystul Kizer!!!
Pls spread help spread the news!
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xueyings · 4 years
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»As time goes on, memories of things that have disappeared or the pain of loss can grow pale and faint. Those things happen if we just lend ourselves to time, but if we don’t compromise with time and commit ourselves to remembering those people, I think the things that disappeared may never have disappeared after all. Soon, the weather will get hotter, leaves will change colors, and snow will fall. Within these times, even just once, I hope we won’t forget the fact that those people were by our side. And I hope that from now on, those who were left behind will hurt less and remember more. That’s the way I hope they’ll live.« - Kim Jonghyun
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xueyings · 4 years
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08.04.1990 - ∞ you did well i’ll miss you
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xueyings · 5 years
me: i really need to talk this out with someone 
my anxiety: ur coming off needy. isolate urself and handle it. all u need is U!
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xueyings · 5 years
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daehwi and eunsang 💕
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xueyings · 5 years
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190827 X1 프리미어 쇼콘 프리뷰 show-con
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