xoxonxo · 1 month
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Im just feeling a certain way rn
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xoxonxo · 1 month
i’m in the process of writing this fic and i have about 5k words down. i’m posting it on ao3 but im planning for it to be SUPPER long. do you guys want it as a one shot and i post snippets here? or as chapters on ao3 😁
can anyone let me know if they’d actually read this?? i just started to write and i didn’t want to actually get into this entire fic if no one liked it. i only put a snippet 😭 pls be honest and constructive criticism is appreciated!
i also have a version that only uses you instead of Y/N.
Sebastian Sallow x Female Reader
AU- MC is from the Americas, but Hogwarts was the only wizarding school to admit her.
He Says I’m So American! (oh god i’m gonna marry him..)
From the moment Y/N met Sebastian at Hogwarts, he’d make fun of her ‘silly’ accent. He’d playfully critique the way she pronounce her ‘R’s, as well as her ‘T’s and ‘D’s. Or the different ways she’d stress her vowels and sentences, completely different from how the British did. Y/N found it odd, yet it was something that never failed to make her giggle after a long day of fighting spiders in caves and brewing potions with Weasley.
Y/N’s delicate fingers flipped through the pages of her Charms book, the residue of dust still left on her fingers. Catching up with material after material never seemed to end, and most of the time her life seemed to be composed of things outside of the Hogwarts grounds. Tasks seemed to pour at Hogwarts, even if they were as simple as growing some Fluxweed. She breathed out heavily, the strands of hair framing her face blowing upwards in her frustration. Footsteps trudged their way towards her, the wooden floorboard creaking less the closer they approached.
“Imelda, have you done the charms work? I-“, you turned around to face someone who was definitively not Imelda. It was Sebastian.
“How many times have I told you to not come in the girl dormitories without telling me first!” Y/N’s lips pursed, and her foot tapped, matching with the steady rhythm of the clock in the dorm. Sebastian grinned from ear to ear.
“Fine! I’ll just come in with an Invisibility Potion next time.” She chucked her book at him, flustered from his comment. She turned her back towards him, mumbling swears under her own breath, awfully annoyed with his current unwanted presence.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll leave. But hurry down to the Quidditch Field, we want to play a quick game and Imelda is too busy training for her next race.” Y/N tilted her head to the right, glancing over at Sebastian, and tugged at her bottom lip. Her eyes caught the leather book that had just been tossed on the floor, her head simply imagining how frustrated Professor Weasley would be when she found out that she failed to complete another assignment in the required amount of time given by her other professors. Her eyes darted back to Sebastian, defeated, she decided to take in a deep breath and complied.
“Fine. But you owe me two Butterbeers and the answers to these ridiculous questions.”
She pointed at the charms book, “And you must shake your hand on it!” Sebastian complied, raising out his hand, grasping Y/N’s and hastily moving it up and down.
“You Americans and your ridiculous agreements. I’ll never get used to it.”
if you guys do like it, i’ll post it on ao3
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xoxonxo · 2 months
“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you
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xoxonxo · 2 months
can anyone let me know if they’d actually read this?? i just started to write and i didn’t want to actually get into this entire fic if no one liked it. i only put a snippet 😭 pls be honest and constructive criticism is appreciated!
i also have a version that only uses you instead of Y/N.
Sebastian Sallow x Female Reader
AU- MC is from the Americas, but Hogwarts was the only wizarding school to admit her.
He Says I’m So American! (oh god i’m gonna marry him..)
From the moment Y/N met Sebastian at Hogwarts, he’d make fun of her ‘silly’ accent. He’d playfully critique the way she pronounce her ‘R’s, as well as her ‘T’s and ‘D’s. Or the different ways she’d stress her vowels and sentences, completely different from how the British did. Y/N found it odd, yet it was something that never failed to make her giggle after a long day of fighting spiders in caves and brewing potions with Weasley.
Y/N’s delicate fingers flipped through the pages of her Charms book, the residue of dust still left on her fingers. Catching up with material after material never seemed to end, and most of the time her life seemed to be composed of things outside of the Hogwarts grounds. Tasks seemed to pour at Hogwarts, even if they were as simple as growing some Fluxweed. She breathed out heavily, the strands of hair framing her face blowing upwards in her frustration. Footsteps trudged their way towards her, the wooden floorboard creaking less the closer they approached.
“Imelda, have you done the charms work? I-“, you turned around to face someone who was definitively not Imelda. It was Sebastian.
“How many times have I told you to not come in the girl dormitories without telling me first!” Y/N’s lips pursed, and her foot tapped, matching with the steady rhythm of the clock in the dorm. Sebastian grinned from ear to ear.
“Fine! I’ll just come in with an Invisibility Potion next time.” She chucked her book at him, flustered from his comment. She turned her back towards him, mumbling swears under her own breath, awfully annoyed with his current unwanted presence.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll leave. But hurry down to the Quidditch Field, we want to play a quick game and Imelda is too busy training for her next race.” Y/N tilted her head to the right, glancing over at Sebastian, and tugged at her bottom lip. Her eyes caught the leather book that had just been tossed on the floor, her head simply imagining how frustrated Professor Weasley would be when she found out that she failed to complete another assignment in the required amount of time given by her other professors. Her eyes darted back to Sebastian, defeated, she decided to take in a deep breath and complied.
“Fine. But you owe me two Butterbeers and the answers to these ridiculous questions.”
She pointed at the charms book, “And you must shake your hand on it!” Sebastian complied, raising out his hand, grasping Y/N’s and hastily moving it up and down.
“You Americans and your ridiculous agreements. I’ll never get used to it.”
if you guys do like it, i’ll post it on ao3
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