x-got-to-get-away-x · 5 years
i realize now that i should be a LOT more active on this blog than i am right now (which is practically non-existent, and for that i apologize.)
so now you guys can talk to me about anything! send in little blurbs of ideas you had about 5sos (cause i primarily write about 5sos now, but i am to open to blurbs about 1d) or if you wanna talk about something going down in the 1d or 5sos fandom or anything else, like if you need to vent or something, or about any shows or movies! my inbox is open🤗
Ask me anything
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 5 years
i have a bunch of story ideas that sound really good in my head, and i really wanna sit down and just write them but i have freaking exams and i don’t know if i should??? and i’m worried if i postpone this to later i will lose interest in this story ughhh help me what should i do
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 5 years
posted the first part! you can find it here
i haven’t posted many stories on here (i’ve posted exactly 2 lol) but i’m worried those are gonna get taken down (even though there’s no nsfw content in them,, tumblr’s making me freaking paranoid) so i’m gonna repost them on ao3 as well. i’ll let you guys know when it’s done
alsooo tumblr get your shit together!!! thanks
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
i haven’t posted many stories on here (i’ve posted exactly 2 lol) but i’m worried those are gonna get taken down (even though there’s no nsfw content in them,, tumblr’s making me freaking paranoid) so i’m gonna repost them on ao3 as well. i’ll let you guys know when it’s done
alsooo tumblr get your shit together!!! thanks
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
hey guys. i know i said a fic’s coming soon, and i was working on it, but i think i have to put it to the side for a bit cause i have to focus on my studies, at least for a while. i’ve got a whole set of exams coming up and i unfortunately have to study for them so... i don’t think i’ll be posting anything for the next two months. i’m so sorry.
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
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Happy birthday to this massive dork and absolute angel. Happy 23rd Mikey. Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to so many people around the world. Love you<3
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
Doctor Who S11 E06- Demons of the Punjab - review (SPOILERS)
This week’s Doctor Who was truly an incredible episode, about the Partition of India. We’re taken back in time to 1947, on the day of the partition, mere moments before the Partition is announced
We meet Yaz’s nani (her grandmother), whose life is an inspiration to Yaz, and we see the incidents that led to her immigration to Sheffield, England. She, a Muslim woman, is set on getting married to her lifelong love Prem, who is a Hindu man. Her mother constantly calls the wedding cursed, and his younger brother Manish is openly against the marriage occurring.
That’s what makes it such a heart-wrenching story- it’s a story of love, between two young people who find that the only thing they are certain about in those unstable times are each other. It was a beautiful story of love across borders, even though they didn’t make it in the end.
It doesn’t show us all the riots and inevitable tragedies that followed the announcement of the Partition, but it gives us a sense of it; a foreshadowing of the pain that was to come, shown in the last scene with Prem. 
This episode was similar to the Rosa episode in that it’s set in the crux of an immensely important moment in history, but it doesn’t end with the Doctor magically saving the day- instead, it was necessary for the Doctor and her companions to walk away.
The aliens are, once again, not the bad ones- a theme that seems central to most of this season’s episodes. It was an interesting new species that was introduced, but at the end, it was humans, and their prejudices and faults and vices. that caused so many years of pain and suffering.
The role of the British, the influence they had, along with the misery they caused in the region was acknowledged in a couple of throwaway lines, but the true depth of it was never shown. They could have involved more of it in the episode.
Ryan and Graham take a backseat, as we get another insight into Yaz’s background. She doesn’t do much; instead she learns about her own life history. Hopefully, we get to see how this experience shapes her actions in the future.
Lastly, the background music was amazing, and apt for the episode.
Overall, 9/10. This episode gave us a nice peek into the past, and as a brown person, it satisfies me to no end to see such a crucial part of my country’s history be portrayed well on TV.
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
Hellooooo I’m working on a little something, I wanna finish at least a bit before I put something up, but it’s coming soon so... hold on tight.
(PS it’s a Calum fic, cause apparently that’s all I seem to write lmao)
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
the doctor and yaz are so gay for each other and tbh, same
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
I’m still riding the high from watching the new Doctor Who episode, feeling inspired, might just write something...
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
I absolutely loved the new Doctor Who! Jodie freaking killed it as Thirteen. I got a little bit of a Ten vibe, but otherwise she was her own new personality, and she had the essence of the Doctor down. 
The new companions seem amazing as well! They’re each their own character, and seem to complement each other quite well. They form a hell of a team, let’s see where the show takes them.
And as a brown girl, it’s amazing to have representation in the form of Yasmin Khan, who seems smart and super cool, I think I’m gonna have a bit of a favourite😏
And though the writers said that none of the old alien species and villains are gonna come back (I’m gonna miss the Daleks) the villain of this episode was great! Looks like the writers have gotten pretty creative with the new species, and I love it.
Overall, 9/10. I absolutely loved it, and I can’t wait to see where Chris Chibnall is gonna take the show.
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
guyyys my exams end tomorrow so i can finaalllyyyy get to writing those stories i’ve got in my head! if y’all have got some ideas, send ‘em in, i would love some requests <3
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
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Harry Styles for Gucci Cruise 2019 Tailoring Campaign (Photographed by Glen Luchford)
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
Angel. (c.h.) (Part III)
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Read part 1 here | part 2 here
A few days after his encounter, Calum sits at a tiny café in the other end of town at 10 in the morning, stirring his cup of coffee as he thinks about her. His friends are settled comfortably in front of him, listening to each other narrate stories as they sip their respective drinks. But Calum barely hears anything- his mind is running a mile a minute, analyzing every detail of that night.
The more time that passes, the more he's convinced that the whole thing was some sort of anger-induced hallucination. The whole incident seems surreal. At any rate, he's unable to get her out of his head.
"Earth to Calum. Earth to Calum!" Ashton snaps his fingers in front of him, and he's called back to reality. "Seriously, man, get over her and chill out." He's got a huge grin on his face; Luke and Andy are hunched over with laughter. "I was just telling them the toaster story."
The thought brings a smile to Calum's face- they'd almost burned the house down, trying to use the toaster. It was a hilarious story, it wasn't surprising that they were completely losing their shit listening to it. He opens his mouth to pitch in, but his eyes drift to the front of the store, and he falls silent.
She's right there.
She looks more put-together than she did that night- she's in a perfectly fitting lilac sweater, black leather jacket and black jeans, hair down, her spectacles sitting low on her nose as she stares at the store's menu. A thought crosses his mind, that maybe she's not actually there, and that it's mind playing tricks on him.
"Holy shit, is that her?" Ashton pipes up, and Calum realizes that the three other men have seen her too- so, she's real. He firmly closes his mouth, and nods.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, mate," Andy says.
"That would make sense, after all, he thought he hallucinated her," Ashton replies, sending all of them except Calum into another fit of laughter.
Calum, however, isn't paying attention- he can't believe that she's actually there. She hasn't noticed him yet.
He stands up, to try to catch her attention, then realizes that he doesn't know her name. His friends watch on, amused, as he quickly walks over to her. She still doesn't notice him, not even when he's standing right behind her. "Hey, angel."
He's scared her- she almost drops the phone she had in her hand, and her eyes widen when she notices who's there.
"Oh my god, I- uh-"
"Hey," he says again, a small smile appearing on his face. At that, a huge smile erupts on her face, the kind that you hear about in books or movies, but never really see in real life.
"Hi," she responds breathlessly. "Fancy seeing you here."
He chuckles. He feels as light as he did on the beach the other night. "I-"
"A hazelnut latte for ____," the barista calls out from behind the counter, and her head whips around. She carefully accepts the drink from him, murmuring a thank you. "Do you want anything?" she questions Calum, and he shakes his head. "My coffee's over there, thanks," he responds, casually pointing at his table. Noticing his gesture, his friends wave wildly at them, and he can hear their laughter all the way across the room. She waves back awkwardly.
"Your name's ____?" he asks. It's a beautiful name; not really what he expected, but now that she's in front of him, he realizes that it suits her perfectly.
She nods simply, taking a sip from her latte. "Sorry I just ran off the other night, I was a bit... fazed, I guess."
Calum thinks back to that night- when she disappeared around the corner, the realization that he would probably never see her again had paralyzed him. He realizes that he can't let that happen again.
"I didn't even tell you my name, did I?" she continues, chuckling softly. The familiar sound stirs his heart. He looks out the window, in the hope that his face doesn't betray his strong emotions. "I freaked out and just left, and I thought we would meet again, I don't know, I- " She pauses, lets out a breath, takes another sip. "It occurred to me later that I might never see you again."
He looks back at her, and she's looking right back at him with the same hope, the hesitation that he had seen in her eyes nights ago.
"Do you want to go out for lunch?" he says abruptly. Surprise takes over her face. "Or dinner, or maybe coffee, or maybe nothing at all, I wasn't-"
"Yes," she says firmly, and her face breaks into a smile. It reaches her eyes; just like that, the whole room is brighter. "Well, maybe not lunch, I have a meeting, but we can figure it out, you know? As long as I get to see you again."
He can feel the sides of his mouth being pulled into a grin. He probably looks like a madman, but he doesn't care- she said she wants to see him again.
"Yeah, yeah, we can- we can figure that out," he says.  Her cheeks turn a soft red, and she looks down at her feet, and Calum feels like his heart is gonna leap out of his chest.
"Calum!" he hears Luke scream, and both of them turn to see the others waving at him. "We gotta go," Luke mouths, tapping his watch.
"Oh, damn, I should be going as well," she mutters, looking at the time on her phone, before looking back up at him. "Phone number...?" she drifts off, and he swears quietly, pulling out his phone and handing it to her. It elicits a laugh from her, and honestly, he would give anything to make her laugh like that for the rest of her life.
She taps in a few numbers, saving it in her name, before placing it back in his outstretched palm shyly. "Well, I guess I'll see you around, then?" she says, unsure, as if there was any chance in the world that he would just let her go after this.
"Yeah, we will," he replies, and the pure, warm smile that she flashes him before she walks away is enough to send the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy.
And Calum thinks, that maybe, things will finally look up for him after all.
I know it took me a while, but here’s the final part, hope you guys like it! Don’t forget to give your feedback, it would mean so much to me! And if you have any fic requests, please ask away.
Also, thank you for all the love that the first two parts have gotten, I’m absolutely overwhelmed<3
Tagged: @rexorangecouny
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x-got-to-get-away-x · 6 years
WAIT! DON'T END IT! I need the part 3 of Angel, pleeeeeeease....
Don’t worry, it’s coming lol
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